Energy Efficiency Whitepaper - EN
Energy Efficiency Whitepaper - EN
Energy Efficiency Whitepaper - EN
Abdulla Lootah
In our roles both within the council and externally, we are aware
of the urgent need for concerted efforts to address the challenges
posed by climate change and unsustainable energy consumption.
This report stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards a
more sustainable future. It reflects not only the expertise of many
governments, businesses, organisations, and individuals around
the world but also the collaborative spirit required to navigate the
complex landscape of global energy efficiency.
We urge leaders across all sectors and borders to heed the lessons
and recommendations that have been made. The collaborative spirit
demonstrated by the members of the Global Council on Energy
Efficiency, combined with the transformative potential of technology
and the unwavering dedication of policy makers, businesses,
academia, and society, should serve as a model for global cooperation
in addressing the multifaceted challenges of our time.
Forward 2
Opening Remarks 4
Executive Summary 6
Section 1 – Introduction 11
Decarbonization of the economy must drastically accelerate 11
How can the world break the carbon lock-in? 13
There are reasons for energy efficiency to be considered as a critical
solution to decarbonization 14
Progress on making the economy more efficient is still too slow, however 15
There is a larger story at play, however: boosting the efficiency of the
energy system as a whole 15
A more systemic perspective of energy efficiency could thus be the key to
reconciling sustainable development with economic development 16
Building an efficient energy system while mitigating rebound effects 17
A framework to navigate energy efficiency 17
Section 2 – Moving to action: what are the priorities? 18
Taking action in the building sector 21
Applying eco-friendly actions can reduce household energy
consumption by 10 to 20%. 21
Digital solutions in the home make these gains sustainable over time. 22
Heat pumps: the reference solution in buildings for greater efficiency
and a transition to low-carbon energy sources. 23
Digital solutions encourage sensible and sustainable energy
renovation, considering the “unique” architectural features of buildings
and the life plans of their occupants. 25
Digital solutions are also a key lever in new constructions where
inefficiencies are significant. 26
Taking action in industry 27
The data-generating “smart factory” opens up new potential for energy
efficiency gains. 27
Motors and lighting: an example of mature energy efficiency solutions
that are developing favorably. 30
The electrification of industry, combined with a low-carbon energy
mix, is an essential lever. 31
Heat pumps: promising “firsts” and the “wall” of steam to break down. 31
Industry in its local environment: circular economy and energy
efficiency 32
UK COP26, 2022
IPCC, 2014, 2021, 2022
Based on data from ©OECD/IEA, 2017, 2021.
Climate Watch data, 2023. Emissions reported here account
for 51GtCO2e/y. The IPCC (2022) reports total greenhouse gas
emissions of 59GtCO2e/y for the same year.
IPCC 2022
BloombergNEF, 2022
IRENA, 2023
©OECD/IEA, 2021b
Schneider Electric, 2021
Schneider Electric, 2021 ; IRENA, 2023. Note that there is a slightly
different baseline level for IRENA.
The International Energy Agency also considers energy buildings and a variety of industries14. Passive efficiency
efficiency and electrification to contribute to up to 40% solutions can bring higher savings, in the range of 15-
of total decarbonization of the energy system by 2050 50%, with longer paybacks, however, in the range of
in its Net Zero Emissions scenario (NZE, Figure 3) 10-30 years15.
Motherway B, 2019
©OECD/IEA, 2021b
and efficient electrification
Schneider Electric, 2021b ; © OECD/IEA, 2017b
©OECD/IEA, 2012, Energy Star, n.d., BPIE, 2022
©OECD/IEA, 2007, ©OECD/IEA, 2022
Enerdata, 2021, Tengfei et al., 2019, University of Michigan (n.d.). Commercial buildings have typically much higher energy intensities than
residential buildings. The figure above is thus an order of magnitude, mainly applicable to urban settings.
©OECD/IEA, 2011, ©OECD/IEA, 2022, ©OECD/IEA, 2020
Nadel et al., 2019
©OECD/IEA, 2022b ; IRENA, 2023
©OECD/IEA, 2022b
Jefferson, 2014
to an end, and that sustainable economic growth and A more systemic perspective of energy
development largely rely on a resilient, affordable and
efficient inflow of energy, with many economists now
efficiency could thus be the key to
studying this in greater depth24. reconciling sustainable development
with economic development
In fact, economists have suggested that efficiency in
the conversion and use of energy resources is a key The definition of what energy efficiency is must
factor of economic growth, alongside (and maybe therefore be expanded to account for all these
ahead of ) capital and labor productivity25. contributions that can have an impact on the overall
efficiency of the energy system. Exploring the system
In other words, an efficient energy system not only as depicted in Figure 4, we suggest a framework made
contributes to decarbonizatione, it also plays a of 3 key categories, and largely inspired by existing
fundamental role in economic growth. academic work and the ASI framework26
LLNL, 2021. We must note that primary energy estimates for
nuclear and renewable are based on conventions, and thus such a
reading of efficiency is more valuable for fossil fuels than it
actually is for high-density energy resources such as nuclear, or free
renewable energies.
Foxon, 2011 ; Jefferson, 2014
These economists use exergy instead of energy for their
measurements. Their analyses, across a variety of countries around
the world, show an average of around 80% losses across the energy
system, in exergy terms. Ayres, 2011 ; Ayres & Warr, 2005 ; Serrenho
et al., 2014 ; Serrenho et al., 2016 ; De Stercke, 2014.
LCreutzig, Callaghan, et al., 2021; Creutzig, Niamir, et al., 2021;
Creutzig et al., 2018; Nadel et al., 2019.
Brockway et al., 2021; Creutzig et al., 2019; Wadud et al., 2016
Creutzig et al., 2021
Beyond Zero Emissions, 2018
Energy Efficiency - The Decade for Action (Ministerial Briefing), IEA
(June 2023)
Update 2011 Saving electricity in a hurry update 2022 - Sara Bryan
Pasquier – International Energy Agency
Saving Electricity in a Hurry: A Japanese Experience after the Great
East Japan Earthquake in 2011 - Osamu Kimura and Ken-ichiro
Nishio, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie, the
French public agency for the environment and energy management
Cracking the Energy Efficiency Case in Buildings, Schneider Electric
Sustainability Research Institute (October 2021)
EHPA, feb. 2023 (
EHPA Market Report 2022
This “theoretical”
performance can also be seen
in the field, and continues to
improve. The figure39 below
summarizes the performance
of 250 heat pumps installed
in Germany. In 10 years, the
average COP of air/water heat
pumps installed in existing
buildings for renovation
purposes has risen from 2.6
to 3.0 on average over the
whole year.
Certified values of test results in accordance with NF EN 14511 under the
partial load conditions of NF EN 14825 for calculating seasonal performance.
Heat pumps in existing residential buildings, Fraunhofer ISE, 2021
Upstream of these sectors, the construction industry adaptable. But it is not likely to reassure customers.
offers a range of products. However, when it comes How can they have confidence in quality and deadlines
to renovation, the prescription business is often if the craftsman himself cannot see the site unfolding
reduced to its simplest form. Product specification before his very eyes when he draws up his quotation?
is usually the result of the installer’s habits, the
customer’s practical constraints and the availability In this context, renovation must be accompanied
of distribution networks. The service provided by the by a layer of services upstream of the work. These
product, its impact on energy efficiency or comfort services must bring professionalism to the industry
is usually left out of the equation. In some cases, an and confidence to customers. They must also provide
approximate assessment of requirements can lead technical and practical justification for the solutions
to over-consumption or worse, when products are in proposed. The development of 3D scanning, BIM,
short supply, to improvisation in the field with product image analysis and the ever-increasing amount of data
sourcing being guided by local availability and a available on the Internet, from connected objects or
project’s constraints, in particular its deadlines. smart meters, are all sources that can be exploited to
make renovation work more objective, to industrialize
Fluctuating costs are another notorious problem in the processes involved, and to produce diagnostics,
the renovation industry - a source of perplexity and quantity surveys and estimates almost automatically.
even skepticism among customers. It’s not uncommon
that prices vary by a factor of three with the same Artificial intelligence methods can carry out an energy
request for work and the same expression of need. It diagnosis of an existing building without any input
all depends on the company’s workload, the hope of other than the external data that may be collected
winning the customer’s loyalty, the company’s level for that building. It is therefore possible to build a
of qualification for the work requested, the solution diagnostic tool based on the interpretation of images
chosen... Of course, there will always be outliers, but available on the Internet, using deep learning neural
it is fair to say that most of the renovation work meets network technologies. This exercise requires the
standard needs for which a little professionalization, availability of many images and the involvement of
based on modern practices, would make it possible to experts to ‘label’ these images in order to train the
rationalize the preparation of quotations. neural network. Street-View images can be widely used
for this purpose. The aim is to automatically identify the
The approximate nature of quotations shows that the key elements of a given building in order to produce
renovation industry is satisfied with a certain degree a digital model capable of dynamically calculating its
of imprecision. This proves that companies are highly energy behavior.
smartphones. Applications using LIDAR - light impulse 1. Construction accounts for more than 13% of global
radar - or virtual reality are offered on most recent GDP (including capital equipment; 6-7% without)
smartphones. and employs over 7% of the global workforce,
around 250 million people for a net contribution of
Moving on to the automatic quotation stage can then around US$10 trillion annually.
be done in different ways, either by using standard
2. As a whole, this sector has made virtually no
services available in the technical literature (e.g.
productivity gains in several decades.
BATIPRIX) or by using standard services provided by an
installation company that subscribes to the automated 3. Civil and industrial construction is generally more
quotation system. Reference can also be made to any efficient, handled by large and well-organized
public data on renovation support schemes. enterprises with strong engineering, process, and
procurement activities, yet the bulk of construction
lies in smaller projects and all the specialized
contracting that goes with them (painting, roofing,
plumbing, electrical works, etc.), which drives
down productivity significantly. In fact, many of
these activities may have experienced negative
productivity over the last decades.
See for example : “Reinventing construction through a productivity
revolution”, McKinsey Global Institute (Feb. 2017)
strong link between productivity and value creation. The data-generating “smart factory”
Industries transform raw materials into finished goods,
a process that creates significant value. The industrial opens up new potential for energy
sector, encompassing a vast range of activities, also efficiency gains.
plays a pivotal role in job creation. And these jobs
come with higher-than-average incomes, leading to
increased living standards and thereby contributing to The Industry of the Future refers to all the transformations
social progress in a more inclusive world. taking place within existing or new plants.
Despite these benefits, industrial activities also come The term “industry” is used to encompass all
with a sustainability challenge. Industry is indeed manufacturing and production activities, which are
accountable for around 30% of global greenhouse gas not necessarily located on the same industrial site.
emissions. Heavy industries are responsible for a little Some manufacturers produce their products in a
over half of these (55%), with light industries forming so-called “extended” factory. For example, when BMW
the rest. Both need to be considered separately. The produces a car, several factories around the world work
Here are some of the typical Operational KPIs when At workshop and plant level, this means implementing
driving continuous improvement toward operational all the energy efficiency solutions, using the best
excellence practice in sustainability: available techniques and processes that substitute
decarbonized electricity for fossil fuels, and recovering
1. Waste Reduction. waste heat.
2. Water Consumption Reduction.
3. Wastewater Reduction.
4. GHG Emission Reduction.
5. Energy Efficiency.
Energy Efficiency Policy Opportunities for Electric Motor-Driven
Systems, IEA (2011)
electrification is already well established, in order to higher than the temperature of the thermal use that
take action, priority needs to be given to the most is to be supplied. However, there is still a quantity of
cost-effective solutions that are technically mature and unused energy that could be recovered by heat pumps,
sufficiently robust for industrial players to adopt them. estimated at 12% of the thermal needs of industry.
This estimate takes into account the coexistence, both
With this in mind, low-temperature thermal temporal and geographical, of thermal waste to be
applications, and in particular the electrification recovered and thermal needs to be met.
of heat for drying and steam, are probably the
best candidates in the short term. Industrial heat The main challenges are improving competitiveness
pump technologies are relatively mature and offer and integrating very-high-temperature heat pumps
significant energy efficiency gains. Other mature (between 100 and 150°C) into industrial processes,
electrical solutions (boilers, furnaces, mechanical while guaranteeing reliability and optimization.
steam compressors) will also develop, either by
becoming more competitive, or through the In addition to developing this technological solution,
introduction of more attractive public subsidies. the other challenge is to identify the specific or
Road to a rapid transition to sustainable energy security in Europe,
Schneider Electric Sustainability Research Institute (October 2022)
« L’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique des véhicules individuels
» - Transports Urbains 2022/1 (n°121)
BloombergNEF, 2023
Current efforts to improve the energy efficiency of and 2019, the modal mix has changed little: the car’s
motor vehicles and reduce their weight are still far share represented 65% of journeys in 2008, and 63%
from sufficient to meet the challenges of the future. in 2019.
To achieve significant results, we will need to design
vehicles that are much lighter and slower. Thanks to Public transport has seen the smallest fluctuation,
its excellent aerodynamics and controlled weight of rising from 8% of the modal share in 2008 to 9% in
50 kg, an electric velomobile travelling at 45 km/h has 2019. Walking has increased slightly, rising from 22%
record energy efficiency, 19 times better than that of a to almost 24% - and finally cycling has stagnated at
1.5 t electric car such as the small EV Renault Zoé (see just under 3%.
table above)47.
The modal shift from the private car to low-carbon
modes of transport requires the development of
intermodality. The development of intermodal
infrastructures is a fundamental trend that has been
emerging for several decades. Many towns and cities
limit their actions to their own perimeter. Setting up
mobility organizing authorities on a regional scale
will make it possible to improve the coherence of
“Improving the energy efficiency of individual vehicles” - Transports mobility policies.
Urbains 2022/1 (n°121)
Arbib and Seba, 2017
Economic Signals (Taxes, Subsidies, Investment • Paris Agreement: An international treaty aimed at
Support) limiting global warming by reducing greenhouse
gas emissions. Countries commit to reducing their
• Incentivizing Adoption: economic signals can carbon emissions, which often involves improving
encourage individuals and businesses to adopt energy efficiency.
energy-efficient technologies and practices. For • Montreal Protocol: Focuses on phasing out ozone-
example, tax incentives or subsidies for purchasing depleting substances, which indirectly promotes
energy-efficient appliances (heat pumps, EVs) or energy-efficient alternatives.
tools (digital platforms) can stimulate adoption.
• Market Transformation: economic signals can help Regional or National Level:
transform markets by making energy-efficient
products and services more financially attractive, • Energy Efficiency Targets: governments set energy
which, in turn, drives innovation and competition in savings targets over a given period of time,
the energy efficiency sector. covering the whole economy and that may be
• Addressing Market Failures: economic signals can distributed by sector
address market failures where the upfront cost of • Energy Efficiency Standards: governments set
energy-efficient technologies is higher, but the mandatory efficiency standards for appliances,
long-term savings are significant. Subsidies or low- vehicles, and buildings.
interest loans can bridge this gap. • Tax Incentives: offering tax breaks for businesses
• Behavioral Change: economic signals can motivate and individuals who invest in energy-efficient
changes in behavior, such as reducing energy technologies and practices.
consumption or investing in efficiency upgrades, by • Low carbon Energy Targets: mandating a
making it financially beneficial. percentage of energy generation from low carbon
sources inherently encourages efficiency.
Standards and Regulations • Energy Efficiency Programs: governments may run
programs to retrofit public buildings and support
• Mandatory Compliance: regulations set minimum industrial energy efficiency.
efficiency standards for appliances, vehicles, and • Public Awareness Campaigns: Governments and
buildings, ensuring that products entering the NGOs can run campaigns to educate the public
market meet certain efficiency criteria. about energy-efficient practices.
• Consumer Protection: standards protect consumers
by ensuring that products and services meet a Local Level:
certain level of quality and efficiency, preventing
the sale of subpar or inefficient products. • Building Codes: local governments can enforce
• Long-Term Planning: regulations provide a long- energy-efficient building codes, ensuring new
term framework that ensures energy efficiency construction and renovations meet efficiency
goals are met consistently over time, even if standards.
economic conditions change. Regulations can be • Public Transportation: expanding and improving
essential for achieving environmental and climate public transportation systems reduces individual
goals, as they set targets that industries must meet car use, promoting energy efficiency.
to reduce their environmental impact. • Green Building Certifications: local certification
programs encourage energy-efficient building
In practice, both economic signals and standards/ practices.
regulations are often needed to drive significant • Municipal Energy Reduction Targets: local
energy efficiency improvements. Economic incentives governments set targets for reducing their own
motivate individual choices, while regulations create energy consumption and emissions.
a baseline that ensures energy efficiency gains are
made across entire industries and sectors. They work in Implemented at different levels and by various actors,
tandem to create a supportive environment for energy these policies and actions collectively contribute
efficiency efforts, fostering innovation and reducing to improving energy efficiency and reducing the
energy consumption. environmental impact of energy consumption.
Roadmap to Renovation Wave, European Union
PRI (2018) Impact Investing Market Map, and UNEPFI (2018) Positive
Impact Investment in Real Estate Discussion Paper
Local community of residents in Nice, Samwoh’s ambitious goal of centralizing its operations
in Singapore and unifying facilities scattered across five
Côte d’A zur metropolitan area to locations, led to a ground-breaking partnership with
reduce energy demand during peak Schneider Electric. Their mission was clear: achieve
efficient energy usage and future-proof operations for
consumption periods sustainable growth. The result of this collaboration is
Samwoh’s “Smart Hub,” a pioneering achievement as
Between 2014 and 2016, EDF conducted an Singapore’s first energy-positive industrial building,
experiment in partnership with the Nice Côte d’Azur generating more energy than it consumes.
metropolitan area and the CSTB to set up a community
of residents whose mission was to reduce energy Schneider Electric’s solutions, including EcoStruxure
demand during peak consumption periods (6pm to Building Operation and various connected products
8pm). Using a dedicated application, 140 households like Smart Panels and PowerLogic™ meters, have
equipped with smart meters were encouraged to delivered impressive outcomes. Samwoh has achieved
reduce their electricity consumption between 6pm and up to 50% savings in utility costs through efficient
8pm for 25 days between November 2015 and June energy usage, with at least 25% of the electricity
2016. The participants (i) received a warning the day generated by the facility’s solar panels being returned
before each consumption peak, (ii) were free to choose to the national grid. The project’s sustainability
the electrical equipment they wanted to reduce their efforts were rewarded with Singapore’s Building and
consumption, (iii) accumulated points to reward the Construction Authority’s Green Mark Platinum (Positive
savings they made and (iv) contributed to the funding Energy) certification, showcasing the success of
of a community project through these actions. Samwoh’s commitment to efficient energy usage and
future-proofing its operations.
This experiment showed that it is possible to mobilize
behavioral energy efficiency levers in a community
of households brought together using digital tools.
The participation rate in the 25 alerts launched via Integrated platform for building
the application reached 80%. For these households, management and analytics at Resorts
consumption between 6pm and 8pm fell by an average World Las Vegas
of 30% thanks to behavioral changes, particularly in
terms of cooking habits (cooking earlier or eating cold Resorts World Las Vegas, in its quest to become
meals). Support for the solidarity project was well Las Vegas’ latest mega-resort and a sustainability
received and motivated them (80%). The principle of a pioneer on the Strip, made sustainability its core
community of participants gave a collective impetus to mission from the outset. Recognizing the need for
the action and more weight to the individual gesture. a partner capable of helping them establish a new
The project was seen as concrete, giving people a benchmark for sustainable and opulent hospitality,
sense of ownership. Lastly, the local roots at regional Resorts World Las Vegas turned to Schneider
and neighborhood level were important in getting Electric’s EcoStruxure Building Operation, an
households to sign up to the project. integrated platform for building management and
analytics. This solution has not only enabled Resorts
World Las Vegas to realize impressive results, such as
a 30% reduction in energy consumption compared
to baseline figures, but has also streamlined the
monitoring of numerous data sources across their
vast facility. Additionally, it has ensured reliable
power supply in a mixed-use complex spanning over
7 million square feet while seamlessly integrating
various third-party systems, enhancing the overall
efficiency of the resort’s operations with a more
holistic approach to sustainability, bringing together
various aspects of energy management, water
conservation, and more. This collaboration has
positioned Resorts World Las Vegas as a leader in
sustainable and luxurious hospitality.
World Economic Forum, 2022, 2023
Job Description 2 –
Job Description 1 – the Connected Energy Efficiency
the Digital Energy Manager Contractor
The Digital Energy Manager plays a crucial The Connected Energy Efficiency Contractor
role in ensuring both site productivity and executes integrated renovation projects in
occupants’ well-being. households. She/He is responsible for the
quality of the delivery as well as meeting time
The mission of the Digital Energy Manager is commitments and overall customer satisfaction.
to manage all energy-related activities on a
given building or industrial site. This includes The Connected Energy Efficiency Contractor is
optimizing energy demand depending on in charge of deploying, within one retrofit, all
weather-related and occupancy conditions, but the upgrades of a specific project, including the
also optimizing the use of alternative energy installation of new heating systems, distributed
resources, such as distributed generation, generation and storage, new electric appliances
energy storage systems and electric vehicles, and digital controls within a home.
in coordination with the utility, and in case of
emergency situations. She/He relies on the company’s integrated
digital project management tool, as well
The Digital Energy Manager relies on an as portable 3D-manufacturing machines
integrated digital suite of tools to interact in to perform necessary manufacturing
real-time with the energy system on site, as well operations on site. The Connected Energy
as AI-aided APIs to develop routines to further Efficiency Contractor also works in real-time
optimize building performance. synchronization with offsite support through
our augmented reality platform.
She/He reports to the site manager.
Education: no college degree needed.
Education: Bachelor of Science, specialization in Professional training in energy and electrical
energy systems or computer sciences. installation services.
The Digital House Builder explores new building The Sustainability Architect is responsible for
designs and smart retrofits to minimize the overseeing new commercial building designs for
environmental (and carbon) footprint of the company.
buildings. She/he uses AI and advanced
simulation capabilities to better design, The role involves driving the design process of a
leverage advanced material toolboxes, etc. new building construction in a collaborative way
with the customer. She/He uses our collaborative
The Digital House Builder is the next AI design platform.
generation of house builder. The target is to
deliver new housing services (be they entirely The mission of the Sustainability Architect is to
new housing or upgrades) within an average meet customer expectations while ensuring
of less than four weekse. the construction is zero-carbon with a minimal
environmental footprint. Our AI design platform
She/He leverages our AI-aided housing design helps to run hundreds of simulations by day to
tool to provide design services to the customer proactively combine customer expectations
upfront and adjust the scope of the project. She/ with environmental constraints, leveraging
He then oversees the full construction process better physical layouts, more efficient structural
with our machine learning additive construction approaches and new materials and energy
machine. She/He is responsible for the timely and resources.
safe execution of works on site, and the final site
acceptance by the customer. Education: Bachelor of Arts, Architectural design
Job Description 5 –
the Digital Supply Chain leader
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Global_Lighthouse_Network_2023.pdf « L’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique des
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(n°121) -
Editorial supervision
• Carine de Boissezon, Chief Impact Officer, EDF
• Vincent Petit, SVP Climate and Energy Transition Research, Schneider Electric
Editorial contribution
• Alexandre Marty, Head of Climate and Natural Ressources, EDF
• Boraq Habayeb, Marketing Operations Specialist, Schneider Electric
• Carmen Munoz, Downstream R&D Director, EDF
• Didier Roustan, R&D Program Director, EDF
• Lana Nabulsi, Student, American University in Sharjah
• Prof. Madhavi Srinivasan, Executive Director, Energy Research Institute at Nanyang Technology
• Malu Paiva, Sustainability Executive Vice President, Vale Foundation
• Manish Pant, Executive Vice-President of International Operations, Schneider Electric
• Maria Fernanda Suarez, President, Banco Popular
• Marie-Aimée Boury, Head of Impact Based Finance, Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking
• Philippe Weill, Director, Impact-Based Finance, Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking
• Samer Costantini, Corporate Communications Director, MEA, Schneider Electric
Project management
• Carine de Boissezon, Chief Impact Officer, EDF
• Samer Costantini, Corporate Communications Director, MEA, Schneider Electric
• Vincent Petit, SVP Climate and Energy Transition Research, Schneider Electric
Executive supervision
• Luc Rémont, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of EDF
• HE Dr Nawal Al-Hosany, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)