For Loops
For Loops
For Loops
In this article
1. Syntax
2. Parts
3. Simple Examples
4. Nesting Loops
Show 6 more
For counter [ As datatype ] = start To end [ Step step ]
[ statements ]
[ Continue For ]
[ statements ]
[ Exit For ]
[ statements ]
Next [ counter ]
Expand table
Part Description
counter Required in the For statement. Numeric variable. The control variable for the loop. For
more information, see Counter Argument later in this topic.
datatype Optional. Data type of counter. For more information, see Counter Argument later in this
start Required. Numeric expression. The initial value of counter.
end Required. Numeric expression. The final value of counter.
step Optional. Numeric expression. The amount by which counter is incremented each time
through the loop.
statements Optional. One or more statements between For and Next that run the specified number of
Part Description
Continue Optional. Transfers control to the next loop iteration.
Exit For Optional. Transfers control out of the For loop.
Next Required. Terminates the definition of the For loop.
The To keyword is used in this statement to specify the range for the counter.
You can also use this keyword in the Select...Case Statement and in array
declarations. For more information about array declarations, see Dim
Simple Examples
You use a For...Next structure when you want to repeat a set of statements a
set number of times.
In the following example, the index variable starts with a value of 1 and is
incremented with each iteration of the loop, ending after the value
of index reaches 5.
For index As Integer = 1 To 5
Debug.Write(index.ToString & " ")
' Output: 1 2 3 4 5
For number As Double = 2 To 0 Step -0.25
Debug.Write(number.ToString & " ")
' Output: 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0
Nesting Loops
You can nest For loops by putting one loop within another. The following
example demonstrates nested For...Next structures that have different step
values. The outer loop creates a string for every iteration of the loop. The
inner loop decrements a loop counter variable for every iteration of the loop.
For indexA = 1 To 3
' Create a new StringBuilder, which is used
' to efficiently build strings.
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
When nesting loops, each loop must have a unique counter variable.
You can also nest different kinds control structures within each other. For
more information, see Nested Control Structures.
The following example illustrates the use of the Continue For and Exit
For statements.
For index As Integer = 1 To 100000
' If index is between 5 and 7, continue
' with the next iteration.
If index >= 5 AndAlso index <= 8 Then
Continue For
End If
You can put any number of Exit For statements in a For…Next loop. When
used within nested For…Next loops, Exit For exits the innermost loop and
transfers control to the next higher level of nesting.
Exit For is often used after you evaluate some condition (for example, in
an If...Then...Else structure). You might want to use Exit For for the following
Technical Implementation
When a For...Next loop starts, Visual Basic evaluates start, end, and step.
Visual Basic evaluates these values only at this time and then
assigns start to counter. Before the statement block runs, Visual Basic
compares counter to end. If counter is already larger than the end value (or
smaller if step is negative), the For loop ends and control passes to the
statement that follows the Next statement. Otherwise, the statement block
Each time Visual Basic encounters the Next statement, it
increments counter by step and returns to the For statement. Again it
compares counter to end, and again it either runs the block or exits the loop,
depending on the result. This process continues until counter passes end or
an Exit For statement is encountered.
Object-oriented programming
(Visual Basic)
8 contributors
In this article
1. Classes and objects
2. Inheritance
3. Interfaces
4. Generics
Show 2 more
Polymorphism means that you can have multiple classes that can be used
interchangeably, even though each class implements the same properties or
methods in different ways.
To define a class:
Class SampleClass
End Class
Visual Basic also provides a light version of classes called structures that are
useful when you need to create large array of objects and do not want to
consume too much memory for that.
To define a structure:
Structure SampleStructure
End Structure
Class Statement
Structure Statement
Class members
Each class can have different class members that include properties that
describe class data, methods that define class behavior, and events that
provide communication between different classes and objects.
To define a field:
Class SampleClass
Public SampleField As String
End Class
Properties have get and set procedures, which provide more control on how
values are set or returned.
Visual Basic allows you either to create a private field for storing the property
value or use so-called auto-implemented properties that create this field
automatically behind the scenes and provide the basic logic for the property
Class SampleClass
Public Property SampleProperty as String
End Class
If you need to perform some additional operations for reading and writing the
property value, define a field for storing the property value and provide the
basic logic for storing and retrieving it:
Class SampleClass
Private m_Sample As String
Public Property Sample() As String
' Return the value stored in the field.
Return m_Sample
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
' Store the value in the field.
m_Sample = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Most properties have methods or procedures to both set and get the
property value. However, you can create read-only or write-only properties to
restrict them from being modified or read. In Visual Basic you can
use ReadOnly and WriteOnly keywords. However, auto-implemented properties
cannot be read-only or write-only.
Property Statement
Get Statement
Set Statement
In Visual Basic, there are two ways to create a method: the Sub statement is
used if the method does not return a value; the Function statement is used if
a method returns a value.
Class SampleClass
Public Function SampleFunc(ByVal SampleParam As String)
' Add code here
End Function
End Class
To overload a method:
Overloads Sub Display(ByVal theChar As Char)
' Add code that displays Char data.
End Sub
Overloads Sub Display(ByVal theInteger As Integer)
' Add code that displays Integer data.
End Sub
In most cases you declare a method within a class definition. However, Visual
Basic also supports extension methods that allow you to add methods to an
existing class outside the actual definition of the class.
Function Statement
Sub Statement
Extension Methods
Class SampleClass
Sub New(ByVal s As String)
// Add code here.
End Sub
End Class
For more information, see: Object Lifetime: How Objects Are Created and
For more information about destructors and garbage collection in the .NET
Framework, see Garbage Collection.
Nested classes
A class defined within another class is called nested. By default, the nested
class is private.
Class Container
Class Nested
' Add code here.
End Class
End Class
To create an instance of the nested class, use the name of the container
class followed by the dot and then followed by the name of the nested class:
Dim nestedInstance As Container.Nested = New Container.Nested()
All classes and class members can specify what access level they provide to
other classes by using access modifiers.
Expand table
Public The type or member can be accessed by any other code in the same assembly or another
assembly that references it.
Private The type or member can only be accessed by code in the same class.
Protected The type or member can only be accessed by code in the same class or in a derived class.
Friend The type or member can be accessed by any code in the same assembly, but not from
another assembly.
Protected The type or member can be accessed by any code in the same assembly, or by any derived
class in another assembly.
Instantiating classes
Dim sampleObject as New SampleClass()
After instantiating a class, you can assign values to the instance's properties
and fields and invoke class methods.
' Set a property value.
sampleObject.SampleProperty = "Sample String"
' Call a method.
Dim sampleObject = New SampleClass With
{.FirstProperty = "A", .SecondProperty = "B"}
New Operator
Object Initializers: Named and Anonymous Types
Class SampleClass
Public Shared SampleString As String = "Sample String"
End Class
To access the shared member, use the name of the class without creating an
object of this class:
Shared modules in Visual Basic have shared members only and cannot be
instantiated. Shared members also cannot access non-shared properties,
fields or methods
Anonymous types
' sampleObject is an instance of a simple anonymous type.
Dim sampleObject =
New With {Key .FirstProperty = "A", .SecondProperty = "B"}
Inheritance enables you to create a new class that reuses, extends, and
modifies the behavior that is defined in another class. The class whose
members are inherited is called the base class, and the class that inherits
those members is called the derived class. However, all classes in Visual
Basic implicitly inherit from the Object class that supports .NET class
hierarchy and provides low-level services to all classes.
Visual Basic doesn't support multiple inheritance. That is, you can specify
only one base class for a derived class.
Class DerivedClass
Inherits BaseClass
End Class
By default all classes can be inherited. However, you can specify whether a
class must not be used as a base class, or create a class that can be used as
a base class only.
To specify that a class cannot be used as a base class:
NotInheritable Class SampleClass
End Class
To specify that a class can be used as a base class only and cannot be
MustInherit Class BaseClass
End Class
Inherits Statement
Overriding members
By default, a derived class inherits all members from its base class. If you
want to change the behavior of the inherited member, you need to override
it. That is, you can define a new implementation of the method, property or
event in the derived class.
The following modifiers are used to control how properties and methods are
Expand table
Interfaces, like classes, define a set of properties, methods, and events. But
unlike classes, interfaces do not provide implementation. They are
implemented by classes, and defined as separate entities from classes. An
interface represents a contract, in that a class that implements an interface
must implement every aspect of that interface exactly as it is defined.
To define an interface:
Public Interface ISampleInterface
Sub DoSomething()
End Interface
Class SampleClass
Implements ISampleInterface
Sub DoSomething
' Method implementation.
End Sub
End Class
Interface Statement
Implements Statement
Classes, structures, interfaces and methods in .NET can include type
parameters that define types of objects that they can store or use. The most
common example of generics is a collection, where you can specify the type
of objects to be stored in a collection.
Class SampleGeneric(Of T)
Public Field As T
End Class
Generic Types in Visual Basic
A delegate is a type that defines a method signature, and can provide a
reference to any method with a compatible signature. You can invoke (or
call) the method through the delegate. Delegates are used to pass methods
as arguments to other methods.
Event handlers are nothing more than methods that are invoked through
delegates. For more information about using delegates in event handling,
see Events.
To create a delegate:
Delegate Sub SampleDelegate(ByVal str As String)
Class SampleClass
' Method that matches the SampleDelegate signature.
Sub SampleSub(ByVal str As String)
' Add code here.
End Sub
' Method that instantiates the delegate.
Sub SampleDelegateSub()
Dim sd As SampleDelegate = AddressOf SampleSub
sd("Sample string")
End Sub
End Class
If you change the value of counter while inside a loop, your code might be
more difficult to read and debug. Changing the value of start, end,
or step doesn't affect the iteration values that were determined when the
loop was first entered.
Step Argument
Expand table
Step value Loop executes if
Positive or zero counter <= end
Negative counter >= end
Counter Argument
The following table indicates whether counter defines a new local variable
that’s scoped to the entire For…Next loop. This determination depends on
whether datatype is present and whether counter is already defined.
Expand table
Is datatype present Is counter already Result (whether counter defines a new local variable
? defined? that’s scoped to the entire For...Next loop)
No Yes No, because counter is already defined. If the scope
of counter isn't local to the procedure, a compile-time
warning occurs.
No No Yes. The data type is inferred from the start, end,
and step expressions. For information about type inference,
see Option Infer Statement and Local Type Inference.
Yes Yes Yes, but only if the existing counter variable is defined
Is datatype present Is counter already Result (whether counter defines a new local variable
? defined? that’s scoped to the entire For...Next loop)
outside the procedure. That variable remains separate. If the
scope of the existing counter variable is local to the
procedure, a compile-time error occurs.
Yes No Yes.
The data type of counter determines the type of the iteration, which must be
one of the following types:
You can optionally specify the counter variable in the Next statement. This
syntax improves the readability of your program, especially if you have
nested For loops. You must specify the variable that appears in the
corresponding For statement.
The start, end, and step expressions can evaluate to any data type that
widens to the type of counter. If you use a user-defined type for counter, you
might have to define the CType conversion operator to convert the types
of start, end, or step to the type of counter.
Example 1
The following example removes all elements from a generic list. Instead of
a For Each...Next Statement, the example shows a For...Next statement that
iterates in descending order. The example uses this technique because
the removeAt method causes elements after the removed element to have a
lower index value.
Dim lst As New List(Of Integer) From {10, 20, 30, 40}
For index As Integer = lst.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
' Output: 0
Example 2
The following example iterates through an enumeration that's declared by
using an Enum Statement.
Public Enum Mammals
End Enum
Example 3
In the following example, the statement parameters use a class that has
operator overloads for the +, -, >=, and <= operators.
Private Class Distance
Public Property Number() As Double
' Output: 10 14 18 22
End Sub