Andhra Pradesh Land Revenue Code
Andhra Pradesh Land Revenue Code
Andhra Pradesh Land Revenue Code
Website :
1. Short title, extent and commencement
2. Definitions
3 . Division of State into Districts, Revenue Divisions, Mandals and
4. Commission and their powers
(1) This Act may be called the Andhra Pradesh Land Revenue Code,
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the Government may,
by notification, appoint and different dates may he appointed for
different provisions of this Code.
2. Definitions :-
(i) horticulture;
(iii) plantation
(iv) forestry;
(4) "Agricultural Year" means the year which commences on the 1st
day of July of a calendar year and ends on the 30th day of June of
the next following calendar year;
(9) "Ceiling Area" and "Standard Holding shall have the same
meaning as are assigned to them in Part XIII relating to ceiling on
agricultural holdings;
(i) all main canals, branch canals, distributories and minor canals,
constructed for the supply and distributor of water for irrigation;
(iii) all field channels and farm channels and related structures
under a pipe outlet;
(16) "District Collector" or "Collector" means the Collector of the
concerned district and, where the context so requires, includes Joint
Collector and Sub-Collector;
(18) "Double Crop Wet Land" for the purpose of Part XIII relating
to ceiling on agricultural holdings means any wet land registered as
double crop or compounded double crop wet land in the land
Revenue accounts of the Government and includes any-wet land
not so registered,--
(ii) on which two crops per Fasli year have or a dufassal crop has
been raised with the use of water from a Government source of
irrigatio in any four Fasli years within a continuous period of six
Fasli years immediately before the specified date;
(iii) which is capable of raising two crops per Fasli year with the use
of water from a tube well constructed by the Government or any
Provided that,--
(iii) all collecting drains and main drains to drain off surplus water
from field drains;
(iv) all field drains and related structures under pipe out let.
(20) "Drainaged work" includes the following;--
(iv) all works for the protection of lands from inundation or erosion
constructed or maintained by the Government either wholly or in
(23) "Family unit" for the purpose of Part XIII relating to ceiling on
agricultural holdings means,--
(iv) where an individual and his or her spouse are both dead, the
minor sons and unmarried daughters.
(i) as an owner;
(iv) as a tenant;
(31) "Irrigated Dry Crop" includes dry crop which is irrigated with
the water of an irrigation work;
(ii) all lakes and other natural collections of water or parts thereof;
(iii) all tanks, wells, tube wells, reservoirs, ponds, kuntas, streams
and madugus used for the supply or storage of water for purposes
of irrigation;
(v) all drainage channels the water of which is utilised for the
purpose of irrigation;
(vi) all lands used for the purpose of irrigation works referred to in
sub-clauses (i) to (v);
(37) "Land" for the purpose of Part VII of this Code includes rights
in or over land and benefits to arise out of land and buildings,
structures and other things attached to the earth or premanently
fastened to anything attached to the earth;
(39) "Land" except for Parts VII and XIII means agricultural land or
non-agricultural land and includes rights in or over land, benefits to
arise out of land and buildings, structures and other things
attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached
to the earth.
Provided that for the purpose of Parts V, Chapter XXI of Part VIII
and Part X to Part XIII of this Code land shall mean only
agricultural land;
(i) an evacuee
(ii) a military personnel; or
Provided that the value or the extent of such land or the nature of
the evil involved is of substantial nature so as to require, in the
interests of justice, intervention under Part VII of this Code;
(51) "Notified Date" for the purpose of Part XIII relating to ceiling
on agricultural holdings means the date on which the Andhra
Pradesh Land Reforms (Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings) Act, 1973,
came into force that is 1-1-1975 (Act 1 of 1973);
(60) "Rural artisan" for the purpose of Part XIV relating to relief to
agricultural labourers etc. means a person who does not hold any
agricultural land and whose principal means of livelihood is
production or repair of traditional tools implements and other
articles or things used for agriculture, dairy, poultry, or aquaculture
farm, or purposes ancillary thereto and whose spouse or any son or
any unmarried daughter has also no income from any source other
than by assisting him in the production or repair of such tools
implements and other articles or things;
(61) "Small farmer" for the purpose of Part XIV relating to relief to
agricultural labourers etc. means a person whose principal means of
livelihood is income derived from personal cultivation of agricultural
land as owner or mortgagee or tenant the extent of which does not
exceed 5 acres of wet land or 10 acres of dry land and whose
spouse or any son or any "unmarried daughter has no income from
any source; other than by assisting him in such personal
(63) "Specified date" for the purpose of Part XIII relating to ceiling
on agricultural holdings means--
(i) in the case of declaration required to be filed under Section 151
the notified date;
(72) Water tax" means tax levied under Section 138 of this Code;
(73) "Wet land", "single crop wet land" and "double crop wet land"
shall respectively mean land registered as wet, or as single crop
wet or as double crop wet in the Record of Rights and other records
of lands prepared and maintained by the Government;
Provided that any land which has been registered as wet land in
the land Revenue accounts of the Government on which no
irrigated crop has been raised with the use of water from a
Government source of irrigation in any four Fasli years within a
continuous period of six Fasli years immediately before the
specified date for want of supply from such source shall not be
deemed to be wet land;
6. Joint Collectors :-
(1) Not withstanding anything to the contrary in any law for the
time being in force, the Government may, by notification, from
time to time, authorise any Joint Collector or any other officer of
the Government not below the rank of a Deputy Collector to
exercise such of the powers of the Collector, vested in him by or
under this Code and the rules made thereunder or any other law for
the time being in force, as may be specified therein, and may, in a
like manner withdraw such authorisation:
Where the Office of the Collector of a District vacant for any reason
the Joint Collector or if no Joint Collector is appointed for such next
senior most officer incharge of Revenue Administration on duty, in
such district, or such other officer as the Government may, by
order, specify, shall hold additional charge of the office of such
Collector and exercise his powers and perform his functions till tine:
Collector resumes, or his successor assumes charge of the office.
11. Sub-Collectors :-
14. Members of establishment :-
(2) The Government may also appoint a Joint Director and such
number of Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors and other officers
as it deems fit.
(1) When any survey is ordered under Section 17, the Survey
Officer shall publish a notification in the prescribed manner, inviting
all persons having any interest in the land or boundaries, the
survey of which has been ordered, to attend either in person or by
agent at a specified place and time and from time to time
thereafter, when called upon, for the purpose of pointing out the
boundaries and supplying information in connection therewith.
The cost, if any, of the labour employed and of the survey marks
used in any survey ordered under Section 17 shall be determined
and appointed in the prescribed manner among the persons who
have any interest in the land or in the boundaries, the survey of
which has been ordered, notice of which shall be given to such
persons in the prescribed manner and such cost shall be
recoverable from them as an arrear of land Revenue.
21. Power of Survey Officer to determine and record an
undisputed boundary and intimation to the owners thereof
(1) The Survey Officer shall have power to determine and record as
undisputed any boundary in respect of which no dispute is brought
to his notice.
(1) Every owner of a land shall maintain, renew and repair the
survey marks on or within the boundaries of his land and, in default
thereof, the Survey Officer may, after serving on him a notice
calling upon him to maintain renew or repair any such survey marks
within the period specified therein, which shall not be less than 15
days from the date of the service of such notice on him and on his
failure to comply with such notice renew, or repair such survey
marks, apportion the cost thereof, which may include the cost of all
operations incidental to such maintenance, renewal or repair but
not any charges on account of Survey Officers and supervising
establishment, among the persons who have any interest in such
land or in the boundaries having such survey marks and recover
the same as an arrear of land revenue.
(2) If the notice under sub-section (1) can not be served personally
on the owner, a copy of the same shall be served also on the
occupier or other persons interested in the said land.
(2) Where the lessee of such land pays such expenses, he may
deduct the same with interest at the prescribed rate from any rent
due by him in respect thereof.
(3) Where a person who pays such expenses or from whom such
expenses are recovered is a co-owner of such land, he shall acquire
a charge upon such land only to the extent of the said expenses as
relate to the share of other co-owners thereof with interest at the
prescribed rate.
(1) All irrigation and drainage works in the State, except those
transferred to the Andhra Pradesh Water Irrigation Resources
Development Corporation under Section 15 of the Andhra Pradesh
Water Resources Development Corporation Act, 1997 shall vest,
and shall be deemed to have always been vested with the
(2) Provided that the Collectors may permit any person to construct
or maintain any private irrigator work, other than a well, or a
drainage work.
(e) to raise the full tank level of any tank or to take any other
measure for in creasing its capacity or efficiency.
The Irrigation Officer or any Officer subordinate to him may, for the
purpose of protection, regulation, construction, maintenance,
repair, alteration, extension or improvement of any irrigation or
drainage work under the control of the Government, or regulation
of use of water, or measurement of the land irrigated thereby, or
for such other purpose, enter upon any land or building adjacent
to, or in the neighborhood of, such irrigation or drainage work, or
upon land through which an irrigation or drainage work is proposed
to be made and, if, for the said purpose, he considers if necessary
so to do, may construct, execute or do any work on such land or
Provided that except in an emergency, before entering upon such
land or building he shall give to the person likely to be affected
thereby a reasonable notice of his intention to do so and in any
event an adequate opportunity for the women in the premises to
38. Maintenance of means of crossing canals :-
Provided that any person may grow any crop other than the crop
prohibited under this section with the utilisation of water from his
own source subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be
(e) Within the periods fixed from time to time by Irrigation Officer
for the customary stoppage or diminution of water of which due
notice is given;
(a) every owner who wishes to receive supply of water to his land
through the water course or to make use of the water course for
drainage purposes to make an application in that behalf to the
Irrigation Officer within thirty days of publication of notice;
(i) the District, Mandal, Village and the survey number and
description of the land on which the water course is proposed to be
(iii) where the plan of the land is made: the place where such plan
may be inspected.
(4) The order of the appellate officer, passed in such appeal and
where no appeal is filed, the order of the Sub-Collector under sub-
section (1) shall, on publication in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, be
(1) Where the land needed for the purpose of construction of the
water course is not provided by the persons to be benefited by the
water course, the Sub-Collector, may acquire the land under the
Land Acquisition Act, 1894 and the said purpose shall be deemed to
be a public purpose within the meaning of the said Act (Central Act
1 of 1894).
(iii) the cost of the works, if any, to be constructed for the passage
across the water course, of water or drainage which the water
course may intercept and for providing suitable means of
communication across it, wherever necessary;
All claims for compensation for any loss or damage awardable under
Section 52 shall be preferred to the Sub-Collector having
jurisdiction over the local area, in which the land is situate.
54. Determination of compensation :-
(c) interferes with or alters the flow of water in any river or stream
so as to endanger, damage or render less useful any work;
(d) constructs, removes or alters any channel, dam, weir,
embankment, sluice or other work in contravention of the
provisions of this part;
(e) corrupts or fouls the water of any work so as to render it less fit
for the purpose of irrigation;
(i) does not comply with the requisition made under sub-section (1)
of Section 56 without a lawful excuse, the burden of proof of which
shall be on such person;
(2) Where such person fails to comply with the order made under
sub-section (1) within the time specified therefor, the Irrigation
Officer may carry out the work in accordance with such order and
recover the expenses incurred therefor as an arrear of land
(1) Except as may otherwise be provided by any law for the time
being in force, all public roads, streets, lanes and paths, the
bridges, ditches, dikes and fences on or besides the same, the beds
of the sea and of harbours and creeks below high water mark, and
of rivers, streams, nalas, lakes and tanks, and all canals and water
courses, and all standing and flowing water, mines, quarries,
minerals, forests reserved or not, and all sub-soil rights, all trees
and all lands, wherever situated, save in so far as they are the
properties of any persons, be and are hereby declared to be the
property of the Government, subject always to all rights of way and
other public rights, to the natural and easement rights of other land
owners and to all customary rights legally subsisting.
(2) All public roads and streets and other lands vested in any local
authority shall, for the purpose of this Code be deemed to be the
property of the Government.
(8) Where the order passed under sub-section (1) directs removal
of any building or other construction or deposit of any other thing
from such land within the period specified therein and such person
does not remove the same within such period, the Mandal Revenue
Officer may order forfeiture of the same.
(11) Where any person other than the person against whom an
order is passed under sub-section (1) obstructs the taking of
possession, the Mandal Revenue Officer shall consider the grounds
of obstruction and pass necessary orders, before executing the
orders passed under sub-section (1).
This part applies to all land situated within the limits of an urban
agglomeration as defined in clause (n) of Section 2 of the Urban
Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976 (Central Act 33 of 1976) to
the lands situated within the limits of all Municipal Corporations,
municipalities and to any other lands situated in such areas as the
Government may, by notification, specify having due regard to;
(a) the urbanisable nature of the land; or
(2) Any activity connected with or arising out of land grabbing shall
be an offence punishable under this part.
(2) The Special Court shall consist of a Chairman and four other
members to be appointed by the Government.
(3) The Chairman shall be a person who is or has been a Judge of a
High Court and of the other four members, two shall be persons
who are or have been District Judges, hereinafter referred to as
Judicial members and the other two shall be persons who hold or
have held a post not below the rank of a Collector, hereinafter
referred to as Revenue members:
(i) The Chairman shall hold office as such for a term of three years
from the date on which he enters upon his office, or until the
Special Court is reconstituted or abolished under sub-section (4),
whichever is earlier; and
(ii) the other members shall hold office as such for a term of three
years from the date on which they enter upon such office, or until
the Special Court is reconstituted or abolished under sub-section
(4), whichever is earlier.
(6) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this part the jurisdiction,
powers and authority of the Special Court may be exercise by the
benches thereof, one comprising the Chairman, a Judicial member
and a Revenue members and the other comprising a Judicial
member and a Revenue member.
(c) The Chairman may, in the interests of justice withdraw any case
pending before the bench comprising of two members and dispose
of the same, or transfer any case from Bench to another Bench.
(7) The quorum to constitute any bench of the Special Court shall
be two, namely Chairman and a Revenue member or a Judicial
members and a Revenue member.
(9) The Special Court may cause a public notice of the substance of
such regulations to be given for the information of the general
(10) Every regulation made under sub-section (8) shall,
immediately after it is made, be laid before the Legislative
Assembly of the State if it is in session, and if it is not in session in
the session immediately following for a total period of fourteen days
which may be comprised in one session or in two successive
sessions and if before the expiration of the session in which it is so
laid or the session immediately following the Legislative Assembly
agrees in making any modifications in the regulation or in the
annulment of the regulation, the regulation shall from the date on
which the modification or annulment is notified, have effect only in
such modified form or shall stand annulled, as the case may be, so
however that any such modification or annulment shall be without
prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that
Provided further that if, in the opinion of the Special Tribunal any
case brought before it is a fit case for trial by the Special Court, it
may, for reasons to be recorded by it, move the Special Court for
its withdrawal.
(4) The special tribunal may, in any case decided by it, pass an
order awarding compensation in terms of money for wrongful
possession, With shall not be less than an amount equivalent to the
market value of the grabbed land as on the date of the order and
profits accrued from the land, payable by the land grabber to the
owner of the grabbed land, and may direct the redelivery of the
grabbed land to its rightful owner:
(6) Every case brought before the special tribunal shall be disposed
of finally by it, as far as possible within a period of one year from
the date when it is brought before it.
(7) The Special tribunal shall have all the powers of a civil court for
the purpose of review.
(1) The Special Court may, either suo motu or on application made
by any person, officer or authority take cognizance of and try every
case arising out of any alleged act or attempt of land grabbing or
with respect to the ownership and title to, or lawful possession of
the land grabbed or attempted to be grabbed, provided the value
of such land exceeds twenty lakh rupees, and pass such orders
thereon, including orders by way of interim directions, as it deems
Provided that the Special Court shall not take cognizance of any
case, on application, without hearing the petitioner.
(3) Where in the opinion of the Special Court, any application filed
before it is prima facie frivolous or vexatious, it shall reject the
same without any further enquiry.
(6) The Special Court shall determine the order in which the civil
and criminal liability against a land grabber be initiated and may, in
its discretion, decide whether or not to deliver its decision or order
until both civil and criminal proceedings are completed.
(7) The Special Court any, while trying the civil liability, make use
the evidence admitted during the criminal proceedings, but shall
not, while determining the criminal liability, consider the evidence,
if any adduced in the civil proceedings.
(10) Every finding of the Special Court with regard to any alleged
act or attempt of land grabbing shall be conclusive proof of the fact
of land grabbing or attempt of land grabbing and of the persons
who committed such land grabbing or attempt of land grabbing and
every Judgment of the Special Court with regard to the
determination of title and ownership to, or lawful possession of, any
land grabbed attempted to be grabbed shall be binding on all
persons having interest in such land:
Provided also that the Special Court shall, after a summary enquiry
about the persons likely to be interested in the land, cause a notice
of taking cognizance of the case served on them.
(11) The Special Court may, to advance the cause of Justice, pass
such order as it deems fit and may award compensation in terms of
money for wrongful possession of the grabbed land which shall not
be less than an amount equivalent to the market value of the
grabbed land as on the date of the order and profits accrued
therefrom payable by the land grabber to the owner of the grabbed
land and may direct, the redelivery of the grabbed land to its
rightful owner. The amount of compensation and profits, so
awarded and the costs of redelivery, if any, shall be recovered as
arrears of land revenue in case the Government is the owner, or as
a decree of a civil court, in any other case to be executed by the
Special Court.
73. Special Court to have the powers of the civil Court and
the Court of Session :-
(1) The Chairman of the Special Court may appoint officers and
other employees required to assist the Special Court in the
discharge of its functions under this part.
(2) The categories of officers and employees who may be appointed
under sub-section (1), their salaries, allowances and other
conditions of service and the administrative powers of the Chairman
of the Special Court shall be such as may be prescribed after
consultation with the Chairman.
The Special Court shall have and power to exercise, the same
Jurisdiction, powers and authority in respect of contempt of itself as
a High Court has and may exercise and for this purpose, the
provisions of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 (Central Act 70 of
1971) shall have effect subject to the modification that--
(a) the references therein to a High Court shall be construed as a
reference to the Special Court;
(g) lands near the seacoast, within 500 meters of high water mark
of the sea; etc;
(k) padugais, i.e., the land within the flood banks of rivers, lanka
lands not held on ryotwari tenure, river accretions and reformed
lands for which the former owners have ceased to pay assessment;
(m) lands with grooves of trees where people are in the habit of
assembling periodically for purposes of fairs, jatras or worship; and
(n) any other land which is required or is likely to be required for
any special purposes necessary for the provision of amenities to the
community or connected with the development of the village.
(3) The Government lands other than the lands specified in sub-
section (1) may be alienated by assignment or on lease in such
manner may be prescribed.
(2) Where a small piece of wet land not exceeding twenty five
cents or dry land not exceeding fifty cents adjoins any private land
and is necessary to the owner of such private land for convenient
enjoyment thereof, the Mandal Revenue Officer may assign or sell
such piece of wet or dry land to the owner of such private land.
(3) Subject to the other provisions of this part the Mandal Revenue
Officer may, on application, or on his own, or where the
Government has constituted a committee in that behalf, in
consultation with such committee, assign a Government land falling
within the ayacut of an irrigation project, which has been
completed, or is under completion, or has been sanctioned, to a
land less person for cultivation on payment of the market value
thereof, in such installments, in such manner and along with such
betterment contribution, if any, as may be Prescribed:
(1) A person is land less poor, if he does not own any land at all, or
if the land which he owns is less than 21/2 acres of wet land or 5
acres of dry land, or if he owns both wet and dry lands, at the rate
of one acre of wet land equal to two acres of dry land, his holding is
below the said limit and is also poor.
Explanation Where a person owns both wet and dry lands or the
lands to be assigned to him are partly wet and partly dry, his
holding and the extent of land which may be assigned to him shall
be determined by converting both the categories of lands into one
category of the rate of one acre wet land equal to two acres of dry
The Mandal Revenue Officer may assign to a land less poor person,
who does not own any house free of cost, so much area of
Government land, as a house site in such form and in such manner
as may be prescribed.
86. Conditions governing assignments :-
(2) No land less poor person shall transfer any assigned land and
no person shall acquire any assigned land either by purchase, gift,
lease, mortgage or exchange or otherwise.
(1) Where the Mandal Revenue Officer within whose jurisdiction the
assigned land is situate is satisfied that the provisions of Section 87
have been contravened in respect of such assigned land, he may,
by order--
(2) Any order passed under sub-section (1) shall be final and shall
not be questioned in any court of law.
(3) For the purpose of this section, where any assigned land is in
possession of a person, other than the original assignee or his legal
heir, it shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved that there is
a contravention of the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 87.
(4) Where the assignee or his legal heir contravenes the conditions
of assignment, the Mandal Revenue Officer may resume the land
but in case it was assigned on payment of market value on refund
of such market value thereof or so much of it as was paid in
installments, by the assignee or his legal heir.
(2) The Collector may alienate any Government land, the market
value of which does not exceed the prescribed limit, unless it is
reserved for any specific purpose, or is otherwise unassignable or
unalienable, to a local authority or institution or any other person
for any public purpose such extent and on payment of such market
value and in such manner as may be prescribed:
Provided that where the extent and the market value of such land
exceeds the limit prescribed under sub-section (2), the Collector
shall obtain prior sanction of the Chief Commissioner of Land
Administration, where the market value of such land does not
exceed the limit prescribed for him, or, if it exceeds that limit also,
that of the Government, therefor.
Provided further that where the public purpose for which the land is
required is unremunerative, the Collector may, assign such land
free of cost, or on payment of such portion of the market value as
he deems fit, but where the extent and the market value of such
land exceeds such limit, with the prior permission of the Chief
Commissioner of Land Administration, or the Government, as the
case may be, who have accorded the sanction for alienation under
the first proviso,
Provided also that if within two years of such alienation, such land
is not used for the public purpose for which it was obtained or is
used for a different public purpose at any time without the prior
permission of the Collector therefor, or is otherwise misused or such
local authority, or institution or other person voluntarily relinquishes
such land, the Collector may resume it on refund of the market
value or paid portion thereof, if any, but without any compensation
for any improvements or works made on it.
(1) The Collector may sell by public auction, any Government land,
unless it is reserved for any specific purpose or is otherwise
unalienable, with the prior permission of the Government, if it is
situated within the limits of any Municipal Corporation, or
Municipality, or any other area notified by the Government in that
behalf, and with the prior permission of the Chief Commissioner of
Land Administration, if it is situated in other parts of the State.
(2) The sale by public auction shall be made in accordance with
such procedure, on such terms and conditions and in such manner
as may be prescribed.
(a) the names of all persons who are owners, pattadars, occupants,
mortgagees or tenants of lands;
(2) Where the Mandal Revenue Officer has reason to believe that
any person has acquired a right under sub-section (1) of Section
93, in any land in his Mandal, but has not given intimation of the
same, he may amend and update the Record of Rights in respect of
such land.
(4) Every order passed under this section shall be served on the
persons to whom notices were issued under sub-section (3).
No suit shall lie against the Bar of suit Government or any officer of
the Government to have an entry, in respect of any land, made in
or amended or omitted from the Record of Rights.
Provided that any person who disputes the correctness of any
entry, in respect of any land, in the Record of Rights may, subject
to the provisions of the Limitation Act, 1963, initiate a suit for such
reliefs, as are called for, against the person whose name is recorded
in respect thereof and such other persons if any, who are necessary
parties to such suit and the Mandal Revenue Officer shall amend
the entry in the Record of Rights in accordance with the decree, if
any passed therein.
98. Issue of pass books :-
(2) Where the Mandal Revenue Officer amends and updates the
Record of Rights in respect of any land under Section 94 he shall
carry out corresponding amendments in the pass books of the
affected persons. The amendments as so made shall be presumed
to be true, until the contrary is proved.
(1) No credit agency shall grant any loan to any person on the
security of his land or crop unless he produces his pass book before
such credit agency.
(2) The credit agency shall record in the pass book of a person
every loan granted to him on the security of his land or crop and
every repayment of such loan.
(3) The credit agency which grants loan to any person on the
security or his land acquires a charge on such land, or the interest
of such person in such land, for the repayment of such loan only if
it makes an entry thereof in his pass book, as required under sub-
section (2).
(4) Where such loan remains unrecovered the credit agency may
apply to the Sub-Collector, within whose jurisdiction such land is
situate, for the recovery of such loan only if it has made an entry
thereof in his pass book and thereupon, the Sub-Collector shall
recover it as an arrear of land revenue.
(2) The title deed issued under sub-section (1) shall have the same
evidentiary value with regard to the title of the land, to which it
relates, for the purpose of creation of equitable mortgage under the
provisions of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (Central Act 4 of
1882), as a document, registered in accordance with the provisions
of the Registration Act, 1908 (Central Act 16 of 1908).
(1) The Mandal Revenue Officer shall prepare, in such form as may
be prescribed, and maintain for each Fasli year a record of
cultivation, made in such Fasli year, in every land in each village in
his Mandal.
(a) the name of the person who holds the land and the capacity in
which he holds it;
(b) the survey number or sub-division number of such land and its
(c) the land Revenue or water tax or other cess, if any, payable for
(d) the number and nature of crops raised and the area on which
they are raised.
(e) the person who actually cultivated the land and raised such
crops and the capacity in which he did so.
The Mandal Revenue Officer may, for the better protection of the
rights and interest of persons in lands and better Revenue
administration, prepare and maintain, such other records in such
form and in such manner as may be prescribed.
107. Prohibition of grant of joint patta :-
(1) Every joint patta of a land granted to, or held by, Joint
pattadars except that granted to, or held by, a Hindu joint family,
shall be split up in the manner provided in sub-section (4).
(2) Every Joint pattadar shall be entitled for the grant of separate
patta in respect of his share thereon.
(4) The Mandal Revenue Officer shall, after serving notice, in the
prescribed manner, on the joint pattadars, co-owners, or joint
owners of and other persons known or believed to be interested in
such land or in the grant of separate pattas therein and, after
holding an enquiry, in such manner as may be prescribed, grant,
subject to the provisions of Part XI as to prevention of
fragmentation and consolidation of holdings, separate patta to each
Joint pattadar, co-owner or joint owner, to the extent of his share
and, if necessary, cause the said share sub-divided in the said land,
record the same in the Record of Rights and other records and
determine and recover the costs incurred therefor, in such manner
as may be prescribed, from the Joint pattadars, co-owners or Joint
owners in proportion to their shares as an arrear of land Revenue.
Provided also that this section shall not apply to a sale of fragment
mortgaged to Government, a land development bank or any other
co-operative society, or any nationalised or scheduled bank, as
security for payment of any loan borrowed from it made in
execution of any decree, order or award in a suit or other
proceedings filed by the Government, such land development bank
or other co-operative society or nationalised or scheduled bank for
the recovery or such loan.
(2) The consolidation officer and any person acting under his order
may enter upon and survey lands, erect survey marks thereon,
demarcate the boundaries thereof and do all other acts necessary
for the proper performance of his duty under this chapter.
(b) Where no land is reserved for any common purpose or the land
so reserved is inadequate, land or additional land, as the case may
be, shall be so reserved and to effect a pro rata cut in all the
holdings in the area.
The draft scheme shall provide for the payment of difference to any
owner who is allotted a holding of less market value than that of
his original holding and for recovery of difference from any owner
who is allotted a holding of greater value than that of his original
Provided that no compensation shall be payable for the pro rata cut
effected in the holdings under clause (b) of Section 122.
124. Publication of draft scheme :-
(5) The owner, of such land as entered in the Record of Rights shall
be liable to pay the land revenue and cess, if any, levied on it.
(6) The Government may cause the land revenue and cess, if any,
to be collected through its officers or through its officers or through
such other agency as it may deem fit.
(7) The rates of land revenue and cess, if any, levied in accordance
with the provisions of this chapter shall not be called in question in
any Court of law.
(8) The land revenue, including any such land revenue waived for
the time being, payable on the date of commencement of this
Code, shall, be deemed to be the land revenue levied under this
Where the land revenue has not already been assessed in respect
of any land it shall be assessed by such authority, in such manner
and in accordance with such principles as may be prescribed :
Provided that before such assessment, such authority shall issue a
notification inviting objections, if any, to such assessment and
where, in response to such notification any objections are received
by it, such authority shall consider them.
134. Enhancement, reduction or waiver of land revenue :-
(1) The Government may, in each Fasli year, levy and collect, on
non-agricultural lands an assessment, at such rate, depending upon
its use for any industrial, commercial or other non-agricultural
purposes and in such manner as may be prescribed.
(i) the land leased out for any industrial, commercial or other non-
agricultural purpose; or
(ii) the land vested in a local authority and used for any industrial,
commercial or other non-agricultural purpose deriving income
(b) land owned by a local authority and used for any Communal
purpose so long as no income is derived in respect thereof;
(d) land used exclusively for residential purpose where its extent
does not exceed one hundred square meters.
138. Power of Government to levy and collect water tax :-
(1) The water tax payable under this chapter by each owner in
respect of his lands situate in the ayacut of the Government source
of irrigation in every village shall ordinarily be determined for the
Fasli year for which water tax shall be leviable and assessed by the
Mandal Revenue Officer in accordance with the provisions of Section
(1) The water tax payable under this chapter by an owner of land
shall be paid by; him in the prescribed manner.
(1) All trees standing on any land shall belong to the owner of such
land; but where such trees include, Sendhi, Toddy or Gulmohwa
trees, the owner of the land shall not tap or allow any person other
than the person authorised by the Government to tap such Sendhi
or Toddy trees and shall not ferment or sell Gulmohwa to any
person other than the person authorised by the Government.
(1) The ceiling area in the case of family unit consisting of not more
than five members shall be an extent of land equal to one standard
(2) The ceiling area in the case of a family unit consisting of more
than five members shall be an extent of land equal to one standard
holding plus an additional extent of one-fifth of one standard
holding for every such member in excess of five, so however that
the ceiling are shall not exceed two standard holdings.
(3) The ceiling area in the case of every individual who is not a
member of a family unit and in the case of any other person shall
be an extent of land equal to one standard holding.
(1) For the purposes of this part, land shall be classified as set out
in the First Schedule. The extent of land which shall constitute a
standard holding for the class of lands specified in column (1) of
the Table below shall be as specified against it is column (2)
Provided that--
(i) in the case of any double crop wet land falling under sub-clause
(1) of clause (21) of Section 2, for the irrigation of lands in the
Godavari Western, Eastern and Central deltas, the extent of
standard holding shall be increased by twelve and a half per
(ii) in the case of any double crop wet land irrigated solely by a
private tube well, the extent of standard holding shall in increased
by twenty-five per centum so however that the said extent shall in
no case exceed 7.28 hectares (18 acres);
(iv) in the case of any dry land situated in any area declared by the
Government by notification to be drought prone area, the extent of
standard holding shall be increased
(a) by twelve and a half per centum, in the case of any dry land
falling under class G or class H of the Table below; and
(b) by twenty per centum in the case of any dry land falling under
class I, class J or class K of the said table;
(v) in the case of any land in the Telangana area situated in any
tract in respect of which the settlement operations were conducted
by an agency other than the Government, if the land falls within
class A, class B, class C, class D or class E of the Table below the
ceiling area shall be computed as if the land fell within class B,
class C, class D, class E or class F of the said table respectively and
if the land falls within class G, class H, class I or class J, the ceiling
area shall be computed as if such land fell within class H, class I,
class J or class K respectively.
(vi) in the case of any land or padugai land or any land on which a
coconut garden, a guava garden or a grape garden is raised the
extent of standard holding shall in no case exceed 10.93 hectares
(27 acres).
Extent of standard
Class of holding
Wet Double crop Wet land other
wet land (a) than double
Hectares crop wet land
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Class A 4.05 (10 acres) 6.07 (15 acres)
Class B 4.86 (12 acres) 7.28 (18 acres)
Class C 5.46 (13.5 acres) 8.09 (20 acres)
Class D 6.07 (15 acres) 9.11 (22.5 acres)
Class E 6.68 (16.5 acres) 10.12 (25 acres)
Class F 7.21 (18 acres) 10.93 Dry (27 acres)
Class G 14.16 (35 acres)
Class H 16.19 (40 acres)
Class I 18.21 (45 acres)
Class J 20.23 (50 acres)
Class K 21.85 (54 acres)
(a) in a case where the trust is revocable by the author of the trust,
be deemed to be held by such author or his successor-in-interest;
(1) Where on or after the 24th January, 1971 but before the
notified date, any person has transferred whether by way of sale,
gift, usufructuary mortgage, exchange, settlement, surrender or in
any other manner whatsoever, any land held by him, or created a
trust of any land held by him, then the burden of proving that such
transfer or creation of trust has not been effected in anticipation of,
and with a view to avoiding or defeating the objects of any law
relating to a reduction in the ceiling on agricultural holdings, shall
be on such person and where he has not so proved, such transfer
or creation of trust, shall be disregarded for the purpose of the
computation of the ceiling area of such person.
(2) Notwithstanding anything in sub-section (1), any alienation
made by way of sale, lease for a period exceeding six years, gift,
exchange, usufructuary mortgage or otherwise, any partition
effected or trust created of a holding or any part thereof, or any
such transaction effected in execution of a decree or order of a civil
Court or any award or order of any other authority, on or after the
2nd May, 1972 and before the notified date, in contravention of the
provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Lands (Prohibition of
Alienation) Act, 1972 shall be null and void.
(3) Where at any time within a period of five years before the
notified date, any person has converted any agricultural land held
by him into a non-agricultural land, then the land so converted
shall be deemed to be agricultural land on the notified date for the
purposes of this part.
(4) Where on or after the 24th January, 1971 but before the
notified date,--
(5) Where on or after the 24th January, 1971, but before the
notified date any person has been given in adoption, then the land
held by such person immediately before the date of such adoption
shall, for the purposes of this part, be deemed to be held on the
notified date by the family unit of which he was a member
immediately before such adoption.
(6) In every case referred to in sub-section (4) or sub-section (5)
the computation of the ceiling area shall first be made in respect of
the family unit referred to in the said sub-section, and after the
surrender of the land held in excess of the ceiling area by such
family unit, the remaining land held by such divorced spouse or
adopted person, as the case may be, shall be included in the
holding of such divorced spouse or adopted person, whether as an
individual or as a member of a family unit such spouse or person
has become a member.
(e) whether any person had been given in adoption on or after the
24th January 1971, such question shall be determined by the
Tribunal, after giving an opportunity of being heard to the affected
parties, and its decision thereon shall, subject to an appeal and a
revision under this part, be final.
(1) Every person, whose holding on the notified date together with
any land transferred by him on or after the 24th January, 1971
whether by way of sale, gift, usufructuary mortgage exchange,
settlement, surrender or in any other manner whatsoever, and any
land in respect of which a trust has been created by him on or after
24th January, 1971, exceeds the specified limits, shall, within thirty
days from the notified date or within such extended period as the
Government may notify in this behalf, furnish a declaration in
respect of his holding together with such land to the Tribunal within
whose jurisdiction the whole or a major part of his holding is situate
containing such particulars including those relating to lands held by
him in any part of India outside the State, and in such form as may
be prescribed.
(i) which has been converted into non-agricultural land and has
been rendered incapable of being used for purposes of agriculture;
(c) where any land is held in the name of any female member of
the family unit, it shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved,
that such female member is the owner of such land.
Explanation II Where any person surrenders any land being the
whole or part of his share of the land held by a co-operative
society, company or firm, the share of such person in such co-
operative society, company or firm, as the case may be, shall to the
extent required for such surrender, be deemed to have been
correspondingly reduced.
(i) against the amount payable under this part in respect of such
land; and
(ii) against any other property of the owner, to the same extent to
which such claim or liability was enforceable against that land or
other property, as the case may be, immediately before the date of
(2) The owner to whom the possession of the land reverts under
sub-section (1) from an usufructuary mortgagee shall be liable to
pay the mortgage money due to usufructuary mortgagee in respect
of that land with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from
the date of such reversion, and the said land shall continue to be
the security for such payment.
(3) The owner to whom the possession of the land reverts under
sub-section (1) from a tenant shall be entitled to receive from the
tenant rent due for the period ending with the last crop harvested
by such tenant.
(5) The owner to whom the possession of the land reverts under
sub-section (4) shall be liable to discharge the claim enforceable
against the land by person in possession; and the land surrendered
shall if held as a security, continue to be the security.
(1) Where the holding of any owner includes any land held by a
protected tenant, the Tribunal shall, in the first instance, determine
whether such land or part thereof stands transferred to the
protected tenant under Section 38 of Andhra Pradesh (Telangana
Area) Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1950, and if so, the
extent of land so transferred, and such extent of land shall
thereupon be excluded from the holding of such owner and
included in the holding of such tenant, as if the tenant was the
owner of such land for the purpose of this part.
157. Disposal of land vested in Government :-
(1) The lands vested in the Government under this part shall be
allotted for use as house-sites for agricultural labourers, village
artisans or other poor persons owning no houses or house-sites, or
transferred to the weaker sections or the people dependent on
agriculture for agriculture or for purposes ancillary thereto, in such
manner as may be prescribed;
Provided that, as far as may be practicable, not less than one half
of the total extent of land so allotted or transferred shall be allotted
or transferred to the members of the Scheduled Castes and the
Scheduled Tribes and out of the balance, not less than two thirds
shall be allotted or transferred to the members of the Backward
Class and classes of citizens notified by the Government for
purposes of clause (4) of Article 15 of the Constitution.
(2) Every person, to whom the land has been allotted for use as
house-site or transferred for the purposes of agriculture or for
purposes ancillary thereto, shall pay to the Government within a
period of fifteen years from the date of allotment or transfer or
within a shorter period at his option, and in such installments as
may be prescribed, a sum calculated at fifty times the land
Revenue payable on such land, subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,250
per hectare in the case of wet land and Rs. 375 per hectare in the
case of dry land and on payment of the entire amount such person
shall be granted a patta in respect of that land.
(3) Where any person falls to pay the sum referred to in sub-
section (2) or any instalment thereof the Revenue Divisional Officer
may, subject to such rules as may be prescribed, resume the land
after giving an opportunity to the person concerned of making a
representation in this behalf and the amount already paid by such
person to the Government shall be liable to be forfeited of the
(4) Any transfer of the land under this section shall be subject to;
(i) the condition that the land shall not be alienated by the
transferee by way of sale, gift, mortgage, lease or in any manner
whatsoever otherwise than by way of mortgage in favour of the
Government a Bank or a Co-operative Society, including a Land
Mortgage Bank; and
(ii) the condition that where the land is an orchard, the transferee
shall continue to maintain such land as an orchard; and
(5) Any alienation effected or other act done in respect of any land
in violation of the conditions specified in sub-section (4) shall be
null and void; and the Revenue Divisional Officer shall resume the
land after giving an opportunity to the persons affected of making
a representation in this behalf.
(i) lease out any land vesting in them under this part for such
purposes and on such terms and conditions as may be specified by
them; or
(ii) reserve such land for any common use or benefit of the
The amount payable for any land vested in the Government under
this part shall be a sum calculated at the rates specified in the
S econd Schedule and it, shall be paid at the option of the
Government, either in cash or in bonds or partly in cash and partly
in bond, which shall be issued on such terms and shall carry such
rate of interest as may be prescribed.
159. Claims for the amount payable :-
(c) any alteration in the classification of the land; and after such
acquisition, usufructuary mortgage, lease, marriage, adoption or
alteration, the total extent of land held by any person or by all the
members of any family unit in the aggregate exceeds the ceiling
area, such person or family unit shall within a period of sixty days
from the date of such acquisition, usufructuary mortgage, lease,
marriage, adoption, or alteration furnish a declaration of the
holding of such person or family unit; and all the relevant provision
of this part shall apply as if it was a declaration furnished under
Section 151.
(4) The Registering Officer shall, as soon as may be after the date
of registration of the document, forward one copy of he declaration
referred to in this section to the Revenue Divisional Officer within
whose jurisdiction the holding which is the subject matter of the
document or a major part thereof, is situated and on receipt of
such copy, the Revenue Divisional Officer, may obtain such
information as may be necessary for verifying as to the correctness
of the statements contained in the declaration.
(3) The provisions of sub-sections (3), (4) and (5) of Section 149
shall apply in relation to an appellate Tribunal as they apply in
relation to the Tribunal with the substitution of references to the
appellate Tribunal for references to the Tribunal.
164. Exemptions :-
Provided that where any of the lands specified in clause (a), (b),
(c), (d), (e), (f) or (g) are held by any person other than the
authority, institution, body corporate or society specified in such
clause whether as a tenant or usufructuary mortgagee or otherwise,
the provisions of this part shall apply to such person in respect of
such land:
Provided further also the exemptions under item (ii) of clause (e)
and clause (f) shall be available only in respect of the lands
acquired by such Co-operative Societies or Banks in pursuance of
the recovery of their dues;
Provided also that the exemptions under item (i) of clause (c) shall
be available only in respect of such part of the land as may be
relatable to the share held by a State or Central Government in
such Government company, and for this purpose, the share of the
land so relatable shall be deemed to be the extent of the land
which would have been allotted to the said Government on a
winding up of the company.
165. Penalty :-
(3) Where any dispute arises between the debtor and his creditor
as to the amount of any debt, instalment of debt, or interest due
by the former to the latter or as to the rate or kind of interest
which is charged on any loan advanced by the creditor to his debtor
or as to whether in any agricultural year, due to late arrival of rains
or other vagaries of nature, agricultural lands in any village are not
cultivated, or though cultivated the crops raised therein have failed,
totally or partially, the debtor, or the creditor may file a petition
before the Junior Civil Judge within whose jurisdiction the debtor
lives or carries on business or works for gain, for the determination
of such dispute.
(4) On receipt of such petition, the Junior Civil Judge shall give to
the respondent in such petition an opportunity to file his counter
and shall, after giving to both the parties an opportunity to adduce
oral and documentary evidence in support of their respective
contentions and after being heard, determine such dispute.
(c) by the local officer, where its value does not exceed twenty
thousand rupees.
(1) Where, as a result of the enquiry under Section 172, the local
officer is satisfied that any escheat or bona vacantia is in the
possession of a person, who has no right to it, but such person
refuses, on demand, to surrender possession thereof, the local
officer may, after obtaining the sanction of the chief controlling
authority, institute a suit for declaration of Governments right to it
and recovery of possession thereof.
(2) On the decree of the suit, the local officer shall obtain the
possession thereof through the Court and manage it or dispose it of
in accordance with the other provisions of this part.
(3) Where any person prefers a claim to such property within the
said period of three months the local officer shall make an enquiry
and decide the claim, recording the reasons therefor.
(4) Where the local officer or on appeal, the District Court decides
that such property belongs to the claimant, the local officer shall
deliver the same to him and where the local officer or, on appeal,
the District Court decides that such property does not belong to the
claimant, he or it shall declare the same to be an escheat or a bona
vacantia, as the case may be, on which the local officer shall
dispose it of in accordance with the other provisions of this part.
(2) Where the finder so desires he may hand over such property to
the officer in-charge of the nearest police station who shall retain
the same in his custody and shall, at once, furnish a report in
regard thereto with an inventory thereof the Chief Metropolitan
Magistrate or as the case may be the Chief Judicial Magistrate
having jurisdiction, over the area.
The land, the buildings upon it, and its produce shall be the
security for the land revenue due on land.
179. When and to whom the land Revenue is to be paid :-
The arrears of land revenue shall bear interest at such rate as may
be prescribed.
183. Attachment of movable property other than
agricultural produce :-
(1) In the attachment of movable property, other than the
agricultural produce, the following procedure shall be observed,
(b) the amount of arrear for which the distress may be issued; and
(ii) the demand shall authorize the person making the distress to
seize the property;
(iii) Where the defaulter does not pay forthwith the arrear due, as
specified in the demand, and makes no arrangement for securing
the payment of the same, the distrainer shall attach the movable
property by seizing it;
(2) When a defaulter is absent, a copy of the demand with the list
shall be affixed or left at the usual place of his residence or at the
premises where the property is distrained within three days from
the date of distress.
(3) The distrainer will keep the property in his own custody or
entrust the custody of the property to one of the subordinates of
the Sub-Collector as may be prescribed in this behalf who shall be
responsible for due custody thereof.
(b) where such produce has been cut or gathered, on the threshing
floor or place for treading out grain or the like or fodder stack on or
in which it is deposited.
(4) Where an order for the attachment of a growing crop has been
made at a considerable time before the crop is likely to be fit to be
cut or gathered, the Sub-Collector or other officer empowered by
him in this behalf may suspend the execution of the order for such
time as he thinks fit and may, in his discretion, make a further
order prohibition the removal of the crop pending the execution of
the order of attachment.
(5) A growing crop which from its nature does not admit of being
stored shall not be attached under this section more than twenty
days before it is likely to become fit to be cut or gathered.
(b) enter any dwelling house, the outer door of which is open; and
(c) break open the door of any room in such dwelling house for the
purpose of attaching property belonging to a defaulter and lodged
Provided that the distrainer shall not break open or enter any
apartment in such dwelling house appropriated for the residence of
women except as provided in the Section 189.
(3) The distrainer may also, in the presence of the police officer,
after a notice given for the withdrawal of women from their
apartments and after furnishing adequate opportunity for their
withdrawal in a suitable manner, enter the apartments used by
women for the purpose of distraining the defaulters property
deposited therein but such property, if found, shall be removed
immediately from such apartments after which they shall be left
free to the former occupants.
(2) The defaulter or any person shall also be liable for punishment
for any offence under any law for the time being in force committed
by him by the acts referred to in clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section
(2) Where the claim is admitted wholly or partly, the property shall
pro tanto be released.
(4) Where the claim under this section relates to growing crops or
produce gathered and stored on the land in the possession of the
defaulter and in respect of which the Government has a charge,
such charge shall prevail against any such claim.
(1) Where even after the distraint is made and the list of the
property is served on the defaulter in the manner provided in
Section 183 the amount is not paid in pursuance of the demand
notice and no arrangement for securing the payment thereof is
made to the satisfaction of the Sub-Collector or other officer
empowered by him in this behalf, the distrainer shall transmit the
list of the property distrained it the nearest sale officer who shall
sell the property for discharge of the arrears of land revenue due
with interest, costs and batta.
(2) Within seven days after the receipt of the list of property by the
sale officer transmitted under sub-section (1), the sale officer shall
issue a proclamation of the intended sale specifying the time and
place of the sale and the particulars of the property to be sold.
(4) The sale officer shall cause to be affixed to the outer door of
the defaulters house or on the premises where the property may
have been distrained, a list of the property to be sold with a notice
specifying the place where and the day and hour at which the
distrained property shall be sold.
(b) where such produce has been cut or gathered, at or near the
threshing floor or place for treading out grain or the like, or fodder-
stack on or in which it is deposited :
(a) a fair price, in the estimation of the person holding the sale, is
not offered for it, and
(1) Where the property to be sold is a growing crop and the crop
from its nature admits of being stored but has not yet been stored,
the day of sale shall be so fixed as to admit of the crop being made
ready for storing before such day, and the sale shall not be held
until the crop has been cut or gathered or is ready for storing.
(2) Where the crop from its nature does not admit of being stored
or can be sold to a greater advantage in an unripe stage it may be
sold before it is cut and gathered and the purchaser shall be
entitled to enter on the land, and to do all that is necessary for the
purpose of tending or cutting or gathering and removing the crops.
Provided that where the property it sold in more lots than one, if
the amount to be realized by sale is satisfied by the sale of a
portion of the property, the sale shall immediately be stopped with
respect to the remainder of the lots.
(2) Where the property sold fetches more than the amount of the
arrears, the surplus, after deducting the expenses of process and
interest shall be paid to the defaulter.
(3) If before the lot is knocked down, the defaulter or any person
acting on his behalf pays to the sale officer, the arrears of land
revenue with interest thereon and all charges, the sale shall be
(1) Where movable property is sold by public auction the price shall
be paid in cash at the time of the sale, or as soon as thereafter as
the sale officer holding the sale shall appoint and the purchaser,
shall not be permitted to carry away any part of the property until
he has paid the amount in full.
(2) Where the purchaser falls to pay the purchase money the
property shall be resold and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable
for the loss arising as well as the expenses incurred for the resale
and where the property is sold for a higher price at the second sale
than at the first sale, the difference shall go to the credit of the
person on whose account the first sale was made.
(d) the batta due to the person who shall serve the demand;
(e) the time allowed for payment, which shall be fixed with
reference to the distance from the land on which the arrear is due
to the place at which the money is to be paid.
When the amount due is not paid in accordance with the terms of
the demand, and no arrangement for securing the payment thereof
is made to the satisfaction of the Sub-Collector or other officer
empowered by him in this behalf, he shall proceed to recover the
same by attachment and sale of the defaulters land in the manner
hereinafter provided.
206. Mode of attachment :-
(1) The sale shall be by public auction to the highest bidder and
the time and place of sale be fixed by the Sub-Collector of the
Revenue Division in which the property is situate.
(b) the position and extent of land and of the buildings, if any,
(d) the proportion of the land revenue due during the remainder of
the current Fasli year;
(4) The proclamation shall be affixed at least one month before the
sale in the Sub-Collectors office, in the Mandal Revenue office, in
the concerned Gram Panchayat office and on some conspicuous part
of the land and published in the Village by beat of drum.
(6) A sum of money equal to fifteen per cent of the price of the
land shall be deposited by the purchaser at the time of purchase
with the Sub-Collector or other person empowered by him in this
behalf and the balance of the purchase money shall be paid within
thirty days from the date of the sale.
(7) (a) Where the purchaser refuses or omits to deposit the sum of
money equal to fifteen per cent of the price of the land at the time
of purchase or fails to pay the remaining purchase money, the
property shall be resold at the risk and expense of such purchaser
and the amount of all loss or expense which may attend such
refusal or omission shall be recoverable from such purchaser as
arrears of land revenue.
(b) Where the land on the second sale fetches higher price than at
the first sale the difference shall go to the credit of the person on
whose account the first sale was made.
(c) Where the purchaser deposits fifteen per cent of the sale price
but fails to pay the remaining purchase money within thirty days,
the amount so deposited shall be liable to forfeiture.
(8) Every resale shall be made after the issue of fresh proclamation
in the manner and for the period fixed for the sale.
The provisions of sub-sections (6) and (7) of the Section 212 shall
not apply to cases where immovable property sold under this
chapter is purchased by the Government.
214. Stoppage of sale on payment before the lot is knocked
down :-
(a) a sum equal to five per cent of the purchase money; and
(b) a sum equal to the arrears of Land Revenue for which the
immovable property was sold together with interest thereon and
the expenses of attachment, management and sale and other costs
due in respect of such arrears.
Provided that if more persons than one have deposited and applied
under this section the application of the first depositor shall be
(3) If a person has applied under Section 216 to set aside the sale
of immovable property he shall not, unless he withdraws such
application, be entitled to make an application under this section.
216. Application to set aside sale on the ground of material
irregularity etc. :-
(1) At any time within thirty days from the date of sale of
immovable property, an application may be made to the Sub-
Collector to set aside the sale, on the ground of material
irregularity, of mistake, or fraud, in publishing or conducting it, but,
except as otherwise hereinafter provided, no sale shall be set aside
on the ground of any such irregularity or mistake or fraud unless
the applicant proves to the satisfaction of the Sub-Collector that he
has sustained substantial injury by reason thereof.
(2) If the application is allowed the Sub-Collector shall set aside the
sale and may direct a fresh sale.
(2) Such certificate shall state the property sold and the name of
the purchaser and it shall be conclusive evidence of the purchase
where it may be necessary to prove the same and no proof of Sub-
Collectors signature and seal shall be necessary unless the authority
before whom it is produced shall have reason to doubt its
All contracts entered into by the defaulter with his tenants and all
payments made by them to him shall be binding on the purchaser
t o the extent and under the conditions laid down in Sections 207
and 203.
221. Sale free from encumbrance and payment of surplus to
the defaulter :-
(2) If any balance remains after liquidating the arrears with interest
and expenses of attachment and sale and other costs due in
respect of such arrears, it shall be paid over, to the defaulter.
222. Sale of part of a land :-
Remedies provided for in this part for recovery of land revenue may
b e employed against the sureties and the Sub-Collector or other
officer empowered by him in this behalf, may enforce the same
simultaneously with, or either previously or subsequently to their
enforcement against the principal, so nevertheless that no more
than the total sum in arrears and interest with costs and charges
shall be realised from both.
225. Power to add legal representative :-
(i) by any bank to which the re-payment of the said loans and
advances is guaranteed by the State Government or;
together with interest on such loans and advances and all sums,
such as rents, margin money and the like, due to the bodies
mentioned aforesaid may be recovered in the same manner as
arrears of land revenue under the provisions of this Act;
(a) the Reserve Bank of India constituted under the Reserve Bank
of India Act, 1934;
(b) the State Bank of India constituted under the State Bank of
India Act, 1955 (Central Act 23 of 1955).
(2) The Sub-Collector or other officer may, at any time or from time
to time, amend or revoke any such notice or extend the time for
making payment specified in the notice.
(4) Where such person falls to pay the amount specified in the
notice issued under sub-section (1) or in accordance with the order
passed under the preceding sub-section, as the case may be, the
Sub-Collector may recover the same from him as if it were an
arrear of land revenue due from him.
The batta mentioned in Section 230 as well as interest and all costs
a n d charges incurred under the authority of this part shall be
recoverable from the defaulter and his sureties in the same manner
as arrears of the land revenue.
232. Procedure where defaulter or surety holds property
out of the district :-
(1) Where a defaulter or his surety holds property out of the district
in which default is made, the Collector in whose jurisdiction such
defaulter or surety holds property shall, on the written application
of the Collector in whose jurisdiction such default is made on a
reference, made by the Sub-Collector, proceed against the property
of the defaulter and his surety in the same manner as if the default
was made within his jurisdiction.
Provided that nothing herein shall affect the Tight of any party to
sue in his own district the Collector who made the application.
(3) The Collector may delegate all or any of his powers and duties
under this section to any Subordinate Revenue Officer not below
the rank of a Sub-Collector.
(1) The receiver appointed under Section 235 shall exercise such
powers as the Sub-Collector may confer on him, for the proper
management of the property and realisation of the rents and profits
(2) The rents and profits of such property, shall, after defraying the
expenses of management including the remuneration of the
receiver be adjusted towards the discharge of the arrears of land
revenue, and the balance, if any shall be paid to the defaulter.
237. Discharge of Receiver and release of property from
attachment :-
(2) Any amount which the Sub-Collector may find to be due from
the receiver may be recovered from him as an arrear of land
(1) The Sub-Collector shall issue the warrant for the arrest of the
defaulter, or his surety, or both, not being females, which shall
specify his or their names, the amount of land revenue due and the
date on which it became payable and the warrant shall be signed
and sealed by the authority by whom it is issued.
(2) The officer charged with the execution of the warrant shall
thereupon arrest the defaulter, or his surety, or both and convey
him or them to the district Jail and deliver the warrant to the Jailer,
which shall be a sufficient authority to him to receive the prisoner
or prisoners.
(3) A copy of such warrant shall be retained by the jailer, who shall
forthwith dispatch the original to the officer in-charge of the jail.
240. Appeals :-
(3) Any person, aggrieved by any order of the Survey Officer under
Part IV of this Code, may, within sixty days from the date of service
or knowledge, as the case may be, of the order, prefer an appeal
against the said order to the Collector of the district.
(5) Any person, aggrieved by any order of the Collector under any
provision of this Code, may, within sixty days from the date of
service or knowledge, as the case may be, of the said order, prefer
an appeal against the said order to the Chief Commissioner of Land
Administration, whose order shall be final.
(6) Any person, aggrieved by any order of the Junior Civil Judge
under Part XI or Part XIV of this Code, may within sixty days from
the date of service or knowledge, as the case may be, of the order,
prefer an appeal against the said order to the District Judge of the
(10) Where a copy of the order against which an appeal lies is not
served on the appellant, the time taken for obtaining a copy
thereof shall be excluded in computing the period allowed for filing
an appeal.
(14) Subject to any order that may be passed in revision, the order
of the appellate officer or the appellate authority shall be final.
241. Revision :-
Provided further that where a revision petition lies before both the
Collector and the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration or the
Government, the aggrieved person shall be entitled to file it before
one of them only.
242. Power of control and superintendence :-
(1) The Government, any authority, any officer or any person shall,
while holding any investigation, inquiry, proceeding or trial, or
hearing any appeal, under any provision of this Code, have the
same powers as are vested in a civil Court under the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908 Central Act 5 of 1908, while trying a suit in
respect of the following matters, namely
(1) Any officer or authority making an enquiry under this Code may
examine orally any person acquainted with the matter under
enquiry on any fact relevant thereto and may reduce into writing
any statement made by the person so examined.
(2) Every rule made under this Code shall, immediately after it is
made, be laid before Legislative Assembly of the State if it is in
session and if it is not in session, in the session immediately
following, for a total period of fourteen days which may be
comprised in one session or in two successive sessions, and if,
before the expiration of the session in which it is so laid or the
session immediately following the Legislative Assembly agrees in
making any modification in the rule or in the annulment of the rule,
the rule shall, from the date on which the modification or
annulment is notified, have effect only in such modified form or
shall stand annulled, as the case may be, so however, that any
such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the
validity of anything previously done under that rule.
(3) The existing rules under relevant statutes, repealed under this
Code, shall, till rules are made under sub-section (1), be deemed,
except to the extent they are repugnant to any provisions of this
Code, to have been made under sub-section (1).
(2) Every notification issued under this section shall be laid before
the Legislative Assembly of the State and the provisions of sub-
section (2) of Section 257 shall apply in respect of such notification
as it applied in respect of a rule made under this Code.
(vi) land grabbing prohibited and civil and criminal liabilities of land
grabbers specified;
(xi) the right of the Government to levy and collect land revenue,
water tax and other cess, if any, declared; and related matters
provided for;
(4) The repeal of the enactments specified in the Schedule shall not
revive any thing not in force or existing at the time of their repeal.