When You Read This ... Drug Lord John Carlton
When You Read This ... Drug Lord John Carlton
When You Read This ... Drug Lord John Carlton
Dear Friend,
Would you take investment advice from a drug dealer? Sounds like a silly
question, doesn’t it? Well, don’t make up your mind too quickly… I’ve got
a true story to tell you that sounds like something right out of “The
Normally, of course, diamonds, silver and most rare coins are pretty risky
investment. But the new, market-savvy criminal syndicates aren’t
worried, and for a very good reason:
These crooks are shameless. And they’ve never, in all of history, had more
cash to play with than today!
Even so, you need to know that hyper-profits are not the main reason
behind these investments. No, The main reason criminals are going after
gold coins, diamonds, silver and rare coins is because, in spite of all their
Here’s what I mean by a “laundry” problem” Nearly all of that $108 billion
earned by organization crime each year is in fives, tens and twenty dollar
bills (courtesy of street-level drug deals.) This is more cash than anyone
can count – so special microchip-driven scales are used to weight the
For example, 107.4 pounds of $20 bills equals one million dollars!
The federal authorities aren’t dumb. And they pay very close attention to
anyone trying to bank or invest or buy anything using two or three Mack
trucks full of small-denomination bills. Therefore, the crime lords must
constantly look for new ways to convert those mounds of “dirty” cash
into “clean” legitimate funds. And until very recently, they’ve been pretty
darned successful. All those Harvard accountants and lawyers on the
payroll know their jobs well. But the game is about to change –
Here's why: You probably already know that nearly all of Western Europe
is going to join into