Event 1 and Event 2
Event 1 and Event 2
Event 1 and Event 2
Online Quiz on _____ platform covering topics of finance, economics and business. The link for the
quiz can be accessed from here during the Quiz window.
All the 100 registered teams can take the online quiz on ____ (___hrs-__ hrs)
Every team will get a set of __ questions, which need to be answered in __ minutes.
Only the team leader, that is the member who registered the team will be allowed to
attempt the quiz.
The teams will be ranked based on the score and the finishing time. This means that if two
teams have the same score, then the team that finished earlier will be ranked higher.
Participating teams will move on to the next level based on their performance in this
The results of the quiz will be declared on same day at --- hrs. This from the end of Round 1.
Objective: Teams create and present a humorous financial forecast based on a random and
outlandish future event. This activity combines creativity, quick thinking, and basic financial
knowledge in a fun and engaging way.
30 teams
Materials Needed:
Stopwatch or timer
Competition Structure:
1. Introduction (5 minutes):
o Teams are informed that they will be given a random funny future event and must
create a financial forecast based on it.
o Each team draws a random funny future event from a hat or box one by one.
o They can take notes and decide how to present their forecast creatively and
o Each team has 2 minute to present their financial forecast to the judges and
Judging Criteria:
Relevance: How well the forecast relates to the given future event.