AI in Orthodontics (AutoRecovered)
AI in Orthodontics (AutoRecovered)
AI in Orthodontics (AutoRecovered)
Virajpet, Karnataka
Shashidara R MDS
Dr.Anmol S Kalha
Department of Orthodontics
Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences
Virajpet, Karnataka
India: 571218
[email protected]; [email protected]
Author Contributions:
“It’s not artificial intelligence I’m worried about, it’s human stupidity.” –Neil
AI as we know it in 2024 falls into three distinct categories: Narrow /weak AI,
general/strong AI and super intelligent AI. The narrow AI underlies most
common current AI systems, Internet searches, facial recognition and even the
Invisalign preferential clinician choice systems. They operate under a
predefined range or set of contexts. All current orthodontic applications of AI
come under this context. General type of AI is endowed with broad human-like
cognitive capabilities, enabling it to tackle new and unfamiliar tasks
autonomously possesses the capacity to discern, assimilate, and utilize its
intelligence to resolve any challenge without needing human guidance. Super
intelligent AI represents a future form of AI where machines could surpass
human intelligence across all fields, including creativity, general wisdom, and
problem-solving. Superintelligence is speculative and not yet realized. Current
AI systems are also classified as limited memory systems, which could help in
improved and informed decisions based on learning from past data. The theory
of mind and self-aware AI represent the future as computers develop sentience,
emotions and mimic human thought and reactions to develop beliefs and even
desires. Ethical dilemmas exist on the use of AI in healthcare. This article does
not aim to delve into the process behind AI applications or attempt to provide a
view into the multiple facets of AI use in orthodontics instead it will focus on
the most common areas of AI application in orthodontics and critique the same.
There exist serious ethical questions on the use of AI in healthcare ranging from
data safety to accessibility and questions of physician liability. However ethical
questions apart the moot question remains as to whether AI can be made all
pervasive and is there good data to support these assumptions, we will delve
into these issues here.
The Evolution of AI and its use in Healthcare and Orthodontics
We are in the age of big data, deep learning and artificial general intelligence as
AI permeates into each aspect of our lives be it in the form of Alexa ,SIRI or in
defining consumer preferences from movies to clothes and even food. The
journey however is of more than 75 years beginning with Warren McCulloch
and Walter Pits in 1943 proposing a model for artificial neurons, or the Turing
test designed by Alan Turing in 1950 to can check a machine's ability to exhibit
intelligent behaviour equivalent to human intelligence.
The first artificial neuron network (ANN) SNARC, was created in 1953 by
Marvin Minsky and Dean Edmonds utilizing 3,000 vacuum tubes to mimic a
network of 40 neurons. However, the term AI (Artificial intelligence) was
coined by the computer scientist john Mcarthy in 1956. The first chatbot ELIZA
soon followed in the year 1966 and the first intelligence robot WABOT-1 in
1972. Following two AI winters we are probably in the golden period of AI. (1)
The first AI based healthcare system was probably MYCIN in 1972 a system to
identify bacteria causing septicaemia and recommend antibacterials and dosage
for the same.(2)Dxplain, an expert system to diagnose diseases on a pattern of
symptoms was introduced in 1984.(3)However it was not until 2017 that the
FDA approved “ARTERYS “ a cloud based AI for medical imaging .
1. Diagnosis:
Analysis of Cephalograms
The technique of automated analysis using AI is not new with the first such
algorithm being developed as far back as 1989.(13) (14) however in contrast to
traditional machine learning the emergence of CNN and ANN based AI analysis
of cephalograms has led to a emergence of this domain as the most utilized
domain of AI in orthodontics with several commercial applications being
available for the same.
Classification of Malocclusion
An interesting outcome of the AI based cephalometric analysis has been in the
field of forensic odontology where the landmarks have been tweaked and
support vector machines utilized to classify the type of skeletal malocclusion
with an accuracy 74.51%(23,24), whereas Yu et al. have demonstrated CNN
based models to classify skeletal malocclusion circumventing the need for
identification cephalometric landmarks with accuracy, sensitivity and specificity
of > 90% with vertical classification showing an accuracy of >96%(25) and
Kim et al. demonstrating multichannel deep learning algorithms to
automatically classify malocclusions based on CBCT images.(26) Ben
Hamadou have recently demonstrated interesting algorithms for tooth
localization, identification, and segmentation from various intraoral scanners
representing the next step to automated identification of dental malocclusion.
Orthodontic extraction decisions are complex and based on many variables. The
matter gets more complex in the borderline cases as also the pattern of
extractions. Various attempts have been made to create prediction algorithms to
prove a clinical decision support system to the process of extraction decision.
The question of extraction vs non extraction based treatments is probably one of
the most perplexing questions in contemporary orthodontics and not
surprisingly this is the most researched in the domain of AI in orthodontic
treatment planning.
ANN have been developed with accuracy of 94% for extraction decision,
92.8% for anchorage pattern determination and 84% for extraction pattern
determination.(11) these algorithms have also been shown to identify important
parameters like crowding, overjet overbite etc which have a significant bearing
on the extract vs no extraction decision. (34)
Developing A Predictive Model For Probable Percentage Decisions for
Extraction / Non Extraction based on Pretreatment Variables:
The cases had to meet the criteria of class 1 canine and molar occlusion, good
alignment, Overjet, overbite not exceeding 3 mm and alignment of incisors
The finished cases were reviewed by two independent orthodontists and then
the aesthetic outcomes were reviewed by two non-orthodontists for the aesthetic
and pleasing facial outcomes form the photographs at debond.
Variables Considered:
Independent variables:
ANB PRE(degree)
U1-SN PRE(degree)
U1-NF(mm) PRE
IMPA PRE(degree)
U1-L1 PRE(degree)
Surgical Orthodontics
AI based Algorithms have also been used in orthodontic surgery largely for
computer assisted surgical simulation (CASS) and for prediction of orthodontic
surgical treatment outcomes(35) however there seem to be limited number of
studies into this domain according to recent reviews (36) , however even with
the caveat of limited number of studies these have demonstrated accuracy rates
of up to 94% using support vector machines.(11)(7) training of robots for
simulated orthodontic surgeries have also been attempted.(37)(38)
Treatment Follow-up
The Covid 19 pandemic was an important disruptor in the way health care was
delivered and has brought much attention and innovation in the field of tele-
medicine and tele dentistry.
Conclusion :
Footnote :
Funding: No sources of Funding
The Authors acknowledge Dr.Gautham Reddy and his team from the Department of
Orthodontics Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences ,Virajpet for their data regarding the
Ethical Statement:
“The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions
to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and
25. Yu HJ, Cho SR, Kim MJ, Kim WH, Kim JW, Choi
J. Automated Skeletal Classification with
Lateral Cephalometry Based on Artificial
Intelligence. J Dent Res. 2020;99(3):249–56.
Legends :
Abbreviations Used:
AI : Artificial intelligence
ML : Machine Learning
Figures :