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Warm-up Questions

1. Have you ever looked at the night sky through a telescope?

2. Do you believe there is life on other planets?
3. Would you like to travel to space if given the chance?
4. What is the most fascinating thing you know about space?
5. Have you watched any movies or documentaries about space? Which one is y
our favorite?
6. Do you have a favorite constellation or star?
Everyday Questions
1. What do you know about the planets in our solar system?
2. Can you name the different phases of the moon?
3. How does the moon affect the Earth?
4. How many astronauts can you name, and what are they famous for?
5. What is the difference between a comet and an asteroid?
6. How long does it take for the Earth to orbit the Sun?
Thought-Provoking Questions
1. How do you think space exploration benefits humanity?
2. Should governments spend money on space exploration or more on pressing i
ssues on Earth?
3. What are the potential dangers of space travel?
4. How would discovering extraterrestrial life change our perspective on life on
5. Do you think humans will ever live on another planet?
Vocabulary Related to Space and Usage
 Astronomy: The study of celestial objects and the universe. Usage: "She dev
eloped a keen interest in astronomy after watching a documentary about spa
 Orbit: The path one object takes around another object. Usage: "The Earth or
bits the Sun once every 365 days."
 Galaxy: A system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, h
eld together by gravitational attraction. Usage: "Our solar system is located i
n the Milky Way galaxy."
 Nebula: A cloud of gas and dust in outer space. Usage: "The Orion Nebula is
one of the brightest nebulae visible from Earth."
 Light-Year: The distance light travels in one year. Usage: "The nearest star to
Earth is about 4.37 light-years away."
 Asteroid: A small rocky body orbiting the sun. Usage: "Astronomers are track
ing the movement of several large asteroids."
Useful Structures
 Describing Space Phenomena: "A black hole is a region of space where th
e gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from i
 Comparing and Contrasting: "Unlike Earth, Mars has a thin atmosphere an
d is unable to support human life without artificial assistance."
 Expressing Opinions: "In my opinion, space exploration is essential for scie
ntific advancement and the future of humanity."
Sure, here are some sample answers to the fun and interesting space questions:
1. If you could travel to any planet in our solar system, which one woul
d you visit and why? I would visit Mars because it's the most likely candid
ate for future human colonization. The idea of walking on another planet a
nd witnessing its unique landscape up close would be incredible.
2. How do you think our lives would change if we discovered intelligent
life on another planet? The discovery of intelligent life would have profou
nd effects on our worldview, philosophy, and even religion. It could unite hu
manity with a common goal of understanding these new beings and potenti
ally collaborating with them.
3. What do you think it would be like to live on a space station for a ye
ar? Living on a space station for a year would be both exciting and challen
ging. The zero-gravity environment and spectacular views of Earth would b
e amazing, but the isolation and confined space could be tough to handle.
4. Imagine you are an astronaut. What three items would you bring to s
pace that are not essential for survival? I would bring a musical instrum
ent to pass the time creatively, a journal to document my thoughts and ex
periences, and a small plant to bring a touch of Earth into space.
5. How would you design a city on Mars? What challenges would you ne
ed to overcome? A city on Mars would need to have sustainable living qu
arters, greenhouses for food, and advanced life support systems. Overcomi
ng challenges like radiation protection, extreme temperatures, and ensurin
g a stable supply of essentials would be critical.
6. What do you think is the most amazing fact about the universe? The
most amazing fact is that the universe is constantly expanding. The sheer
size and the idea that there are potentially infinite galaxies out there is mi
7. Do you think space tourism will become common in the next 50 year
s? Why or why not? Yes, I believe space tourism will become more comm
on as technology advances and costs decrease. Companies like SpaceX and
Blue Origin are already making significant progress in this area.
8. What would happen if two galaxies collided? When two galaxies collide,
their gravitational forces interact, causing massive disruptions. Stars and pl
anets might be flung into new orbits, but because of the vast distances bet
ween stars, actual collisions between stars are rare.
9. How do you think space exploration has influenced technology on Ea
rth? Space exploration has led to numerous technological advancements, s
uch as improved satellite communication, GPS systems, and medical techn
ologies like MRI scanners. It's a driver of innovation.
10.What role do you think robots will play in the future of space explora
tion? Robots will play a crucial role in future space exploration. They can w
ithstand harsh environments, perform tasks that are too dangerous for hum
ans, and pave the way for human missions by building infrastructure and g
athering data.

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