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United Nations S/RES/2759 (2024)

Security Council Distr.: General

14 November 2024

Resolution 2759 (2024)

Adopted by the Security Council at its 9783rd meeting, on
14 November 2024

The Security Council,

Recalling all of its previous resolutions, statements of its President, and press
statements on the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR),
Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and
territorial integrity of the CAR, and recalling the importance of the principles of
non-interference, good-neighbourliness and regional cooperation,
Reaffirming the basic principles of peacekeeping, such as consent of the parties,
impartiality, and non-use of force, except in self-defence and defence of the mandate,
recognising that the mandate of each peacekeeping mission is specific to the need and
situation of the country concerned, underlining that the mandates that it authorises
are consistent with the basic principles, reiterating that the Security Council expects
full delivery of the mandates it authorises, and recalling in this regard its resolution
2436 (2018),
Recalling that the CAR Government has the primary responsibility to protect all
populations in the CAR, including from international crimes, recognising the
persistent security challenge threatening civilians, also underlining the progress made
to restore State authority in all parts of the country, including MINUSCA’s assistance,
to overcome the threats posed by armed groups,
Emphasising that any sustainable solution to the crisis in the CAR should be
CAR-owned, including the political process, and should prioritise reconciliation of
the Central African people, through an inclusive process that involves men and
women of all social, economic, political, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including
those displaced by the crisis,
Recalling the signing of the Political Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in
the CAR by the CAR Government and fourteen armed groups in Bangui on 6 February
2019 (“the APPR”), after the peace talks that took place in Khartoum, Sudan, within
the framework of the African Initiative for Peace and Reconciliation in the CAR and
under the auspices of the African Union (AU), stressing its centrality and the need for
further progress in its implementation, and reaffirming that implementation of the
APPR remains the only mechanism for achieving lasting peace and stability in the
CAR and the only framework for dialogue with armed groups that have renounced
violence, welcoming the dissolution, disarmament and demobilization of six armed

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groups and of the wings of three other armed groups out of fourteen signatories of the
Political Agreement,
Condemning in the strongest terms violations of the APPR and violence
perpetrated by all parties to the conflict, particularly armed groups, throughout the
country, including through the persisting use of landmines and other explosive
ordnance, violence aiming at obstructing the electoral process, incitement to violence
and hatred targeting specifically persons belonging to certain ethnic and religious
communities resulting in deaths, injuries and displacements, violations of
international humanitarian law and human rights violations and abuses, including
those committed against children and those involving conflict-related sexual
Underlining that ongoing violence by armed groups operating in the CAR
continues to pose a threat to the security situation and political stability in the country,
condemning in this regard all attacks on civilians, peacekeepers, UN personnel,
national security and defence forces, and humanitarian actors, urging all armed
groups to cease immediately all forms of violence and all those signatories to the
APPR to respect their commitments in full,
Taking note of the 2024 MINUSCA annual report to the Security Council on
violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian
law committed in the CAR,
Stressing the urgent and imperative need to end impunity in the CAR, noting the
ongoing work of the Special Criminal Court, welcoming the execution of the first
final judgement of the appeals chamber of the Special Criminal Court on reparations
to victims and progress with its second and third trials for crimes against humanity
and war crimes, and calling on the CAR Government to swiftly investigate allegations
of violations and to bring to justice perpetrators of violations of international
humanitarian law and of violations and abuses of human rights, further calling on
states to comply with their obligations under applicable international law to execute
arrest warrants issued by the Special Criminal Court,
Noting that a sustainable solution to the crisis in the CAR and the elimination
of the threat posed by armed groups requires an integrated regional strategy and a
strong political commitment from the CAR Government and regional countries, also
noting the importance of addressing the root causes of conflict, including illicit
exploitation and trade of natural resources, as well as attempts to unconstitutionally
seize power, and to put an end to the recurring cycles of violence, as indicated in the
Welcoming the CAR Government’s continued engagement with regional and
international partners of the peace process, following the roadmap adopted by the
International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) in Luanda on
16 September 2021 under the leadership of Angola and Rwanda (‘the roadmap’),
noting the government’s ongoing efforts and Prime Minister Félix Moloua’s
leadership to coordinate the implementation of the APPR through ICGLR road map
(“the peace process”), including by holding the eighth coordination meeting of the
peace process on 28 August 2024, welcoming the national ownership of the peace
process, and efforts of the CAR Government to decentralize it, expressing concern
that some armed groups signatories to the APPR continue to disregard their
commitments, and welcoming the CAR Government’s initiative to engage armed
groups that have expressed willingness to return to the peace process,
Underlining the continued and crucial need to support national efforts towards
the extension of State authority and the reform of the security sector (SSR) which
contributes to security and justice to all through independent, accountable and

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functioning justice and security institutions, which take into account women’s full,
equal, meaningful and safe participation, as well as capacity building of security
institutions in the CAR to assume full responsibility of its security,
Underlining that lasting peace and security in the CAR will not be achieved
without a combination of political, security, peacebuilding and sustainable
development efforts benefitting all regions of the CAR, as well as the full, effective
and inclusive implementation of the APPR and the full, equal and meaningful
participation of women and youth,
Welcoming the work carried out by MINUSCA, the European Union Training
Mission in the CAR (EUTM-RCA) and the European Union Advisory Mission in the
CAR (EUAM-RCA), and further underlining the support of CAR’s other international
and regional partners, including France, the Russian Federation, the United States,
the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Rwanda, to train and enhance the
capacities of the CAR defence and security forces, and encouraging coherence,
transparency and effective coordination of international support to the CAR,
Condemning cross-border criminal activities by all parties, particularly armed
groups, such as arms trafficking, illicit trade, illegal exploitation, and trafficking of
natural resources, including gold, diamonds, timber, and wildlife, as well as the illicit
transfer, destabilising accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons, that
threaten the peace and stability of the CAR, also condemning the use of mercenaries
and violations of international humanitarian law and human rights abuses perpetrated
by them, encouraging the Government of CAR to work with neighbouring countries
to secure its borders and other entry points to prevent the cross -border flows of armed
combatants, arms and conflict minerals, stressing the need for CAR Government to
finalise and implement, in cooperation with relevant partners, a strategy to tackle the
illegal exploitation and smuggling of natural resources, welcoming the adoption of a
national policy and ten-year action plan for border management and ongoing
initiatives to strengthen border posts in key areas, such as the construction of a pilot
multi-services border post in Bembéré at the border with Chad,
Recalling its resolutions on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, on
Women, Peace and Security, on Youth, Peace and Security, and on Children and
Armed Conflict, welcoming the finalization of the revised national action plan on
sexual violence in conflict and encouraging its implementation, also welcoming the
adoption of a protocol between the CAR Government and the United Nations on the
protection and transfer of children associated with armed groups and armed forces to
civilian authorities, taking note of the Report of the Secretary-General on children
and armed conflict in the Central African Republic of 24 January 2024 (S/2024/93),
remaining concerned by the number of violations of international humanitarian law
and violations and abuses of human rights against children, calling upon all the parties
in the CAR to engage with the Special Representative on Children and Armed
Conflict and the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, welcoming
the decision by the CAR government to create a strategic committee to prevent and
respond to gender-based violence linked to conflict, and urging the government and
other signatories of the APPR to work with the United Nations to support the
implementation of the national plan to prevent and eliminate the six grave violations
against children recognised by the Special Representative on Children and Armed
Expressing serious concern about the dire humanitarian situation in the CAR,
and the consequences of the security situation on humanitarian access, expressing
concern about the impact of the crisis in the Sudan on the humanitarian and security
situation, particularly in the border area, condemning in the strongest terms attacks
by armed groups against civilian population, humanitarian and medical personnel and

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obstruction to humanitarian access, and emphasising the current humanitarian needs

of almost half of the population of the country, including civilians under threat from
violence, as well as the alarming situation of IDPs and refugees, recognising the threat
resulting from the persisting use of landmines and other explosive ordnance by armed
groups and its impact on civilians, including children, as well as peacekeepers,
humanitarian personnel and CAR defence and security forces, and welcoming the
collaboration between MINUSCA, UN agencies, the African Union, the World Bank,
technical and financial partners of the CAR and NGOs to support development and
humanitarian efforts in the CAR,
Recalling the UN guiding principles of humanitarian emergency assistance and
humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence,
Recognising the adverse effects of climate change, ecological changes and
natural disasters, among other factors, on the stability of the Central African region,
including through drought, desertification, land degradation, food insecurity, and
energy access, and stressing the need for comprehensive risk assessment by the
United Nations relating to these factors and for long-term strategies by governments
of the Central African region and the United Nations to support stabilisation and build
Condemning in the strongest terms all attacks, provocations and incitement to
hatred and violence against MINUSCA and other international forces by armed
groups and other perpetrators, as well as disinformation campaigns, underlining that
attacks targeting peacekeepers may constitute war crimes, reminding all parties of
their obligations under international humanitarian law and urging the CAR
Government to work with MINUSCA to enhance the safety and security of
MINUSCA’s personnel and to take all possible measures to ensure the arrest and
prosecution of perpetrators, including in line with resolution 2518 (2020) and 2589
Recognising the importance of effective strategic communications to the
implementation of MINUSCA’s mandate, particularly the protection of civilians and
the support to the peace process, and to the safety and security of its personnel, and
emphasising the need to continue to enhance MINUSCA’s capabilities in this regard,
Recalling peacekeeping performance requirements under resolutions 2378
(2017) and 2436 (2018),
Taking note of the Independent Strategic Review of MINUSCA of 14 August
2024 (S/2024/615),
Taking note of the Report of the Secretary-General of 11 October 2024
Determining that the situation in the CAR continues to constitute a threat to
international peace and security in the region,
Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

Political process, including the implementation of the APPR, and extension of

State authority
1. Welcomes efforts of President Faustin-Archange Touadéra and his
government to promote lasting peace and stability in the CAR through a
comprehensive and reinvigorated political and peace process, which includes respect
for the ceasefire, an inclusive Republican Dialogue, and implementation of the APPR;
2. Urges all parties to the conflict in the CAR to respect the ceasefire
announced on 15 October 2021, urges the signatory armed groups to respect their

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commitment and calls on the CAR Government and other signatories to fully
implement the APPR in good faith and without delay in order to meet the aspirations
of the people of the CAR to peace, security, justice, reconciliation, inclusivity and
development, and to resolve their disputes peacefully, including through the follow -up
and dispute resolution mechanisms of the APPR, and ensure full, equal, meaningful
and safe participation of women and youth in such mechanisms;
3. Demands that all forms of violence against civilians, United Nations
peacekeepers and humanitarian personnel, destabilising activities, incitement to
hatred and violence, disinformation campaigns including through social media,
restrictions on freedom of movement and obstruction of the electoral process cease
immediately and that armed groups lay down their arms and permanently disband in
line with their commitments under the APPR;
4. Strongly condemns all violations of international humanitarian law
committed in the CAR, including attacks on the civilian population, MINUSCA
peacekeepers and humanitarian actors, as well as human rights violations and abuses
and gender-based violence, recalls that individuals or entities that undermine peace
and stability in the CAR could be listed for targeted measures pursuant to resolution
2745 (2024), and expresses its readiness to consider such measures for individuals or
entities that violate the ceasefire;
5. Welcomes the continued engagement of the region in support of the peace
process, including through the roadmap, calls on neighbouring states, regional
organisations and all international partners to support the peace process, in a manner
that is coherent and coordinated with the good offices of MINUSCA, and to continue
coordinating their actions with the CAR Government to bring lasting peace and
stability to the CAR, including through financial support and strengthened
partnerships, and emphasises the important role of the guarantors and facilitators of
the APPR, including the AU, the ECCAS, and neighbouring states, using their
influence to enhance adherence by armed groups to their commitments;
6. Calls on the CAR authorities and the authorities of neighbouring countries
to cooperate at the regional level to investigate and combat transnational criminal
networks and armed groups involved in arms trafficking and in the illegal exploitation
of natural resources, welcomes the holding of bilateral joint commissions with
Cameroon in June 2024, as well as the convening of the Great Joint Commission of
Cooperation between the CAR and Chad in October 2024, calls for the further
reconvening and regular follow-up of such joint commissions between the CAR and
neighbouring countries to address cross-border issues, including issues related to
arms trafficking, and take agreed next steps to secure common borders;
7. Encourages the CAR Government to cement and broaden national
awareness and ownership of the peace and reconciliation process including its
extension at the local level, recalls in this regard the crucial role of political parties,
including the opposition, civil society and faith-based organisations and encourages
the CAR Government to continue its efforts to increase the full, equal, meaningful
and safe participation of women and youth in this process, and encourages the CAR
Government to continue its efforts towards implementing the recommendations of the
Republican dialogue and to urgently implement a genuinely inclusive process to
support reconciliation in the CAR by addressing the root causes of the conflict,
including local grievances and marginalization, and the cohesion of all the
components of society over the whole territory of the CAR, and issues related to
transhumance and the illegal exploitation of natural resources, including through
national and local electoral processes and implementation of political reforms,
provided under the APPR and support the implementation of the Truth, Justice,
Reparation and Reconciliation Commission mandate;

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8. Urges the CAR Government and all national stakeholders to ensure the
preparation of inclusive, free and fair elections in 2025 and 2026, carried out in a
transparent, credible, peaceful and timely manner, in accordance with the Constitution
of the CAR of 30 August 2023 and the decisions of the Constitutional Court, with the
full, equal, meaningful and safe participation of women as voters and candidates,
including by meeting the quota of at least 35 percent of women as required by the law
of the CAR and adhering to the alternating candidate list to ensure parity in municipal
elections and by addressing risks of harm, including threats, violence and hate speech,
and ensuring necessary protection for women in these roles, encourages the
meaningful participation of youth, calls on all parties to refrain from incitement to
hatred and violence, including through social media platforms, encourages the CAR
Government to update the voter list to include internally displaced persons, refugees,
and returnees, as well as newly eligible voters, further encourages the CAR
Government to allow political space for the role, rights and responsibilities of legally
constituted political parties, including opposition parties, and also ensure secure
conditions for the conduct of elections and unrestricted access to the pol ls, including
through cooperation with MINUSCA, consistent with the Mission’s role regarding
the protection of civilians, and strongly encourages the international community to
provide adequate support, including technical and financial support through the UN
Development Programme Basket Fund as well as observers to the upcoming elections;
9. Calls upon all parties to respect the civilian and humanitarian character of
camps and settlements for IDPs and refugees, as such, also calls upon the CAR
Government to ensure that national policies and legislative frameworks adequately
protect the human rights of all displaced persons, including freedom of movement,
welcomes the launch of the national strategy for durable solutions for IDPs and
refugees, and encourages the CAR Government to establish conditions for their
voluntary, safe, dignified and sustainable return, local integration or resettlement, and
provide for their participation in the elections;
10. Urges the CAR Government to continue addressing the presence and
activity of armed groups in the CAR by implementing a comprehensive strategy that
prioritises dialogue, in line with the APPR via the roadmap, and to pursue their efforts
towards urgent implementation of an inclusive, gender-sensitive and effective DDR
process, and incentives, as well as repatriation (DDRR) in the case of foreign fighters,
including children formerly associated with armed forces and groups, as well as
continuing the implementation of community violence reduction projects, expresses
concern about the parallel recruitment of disarmed fighters by defence and security
forces for combat operations against armed groups which undermines the DDRR
process, calls upon the CAR Government to ensure that all demobilised combatants,
including women and youth, are provided security, as appropriate, throughout the
DDRR process and to regularise the status of those combatants who have disarmed
outside of the national programme, recognising that repatriations of Lord’s Resistance
Army combatants mark the first such repatriation effort from any country;
11. Calls on the CAR Government to continue implementing the National
Security Policy, the National Strategy on SSR and to implement the recently validated
National Defence Policy and Strategy, including with the support of the international
community, in order to put in place professional, ethnically representative, regionally
balanced, taking into account the recruitment of women, and appropriately trained
and equipped national defence and security forces, including through the adoption
and implementation of appropriate vetting procedures of all defence and security
personnel, including human rights vetting, as well as measures to absorb disarmed
and demobilised elements of armed groups meeting rigorous eligibility and vetting

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12. Calls on the CAR Government to ensure that redeployments of defence

and security forces are sustainable, do not pose a risk to the stabilisation of the
country, civilians, humanitarians or the political process, and urges the CAR
Government to accelerate efforts to bring all elements of the CAR armed forces under
a single, unified chain of command to ensure effective oversight, command and
control, including appropriate national vetting and training systems, and to provide
appropriate budgetary support and continue to implement a comprehensive national
security strategy that is consistent with the peace process, including the APPR;
13. Expresses serious concerns about repeated allegations of violations of
international human rights law and international humanitarian law by some elements
of the CAR defence and security forces, welcomes the measures announced by the
Government of the CAR to hold accountable those responsible for such violations,
including the work of the Special Criminal Court, and calls on international partners
to insist on respect for international human rights law, international humanitarian law
and international refugee law and accountability as a necessary condition when
partnering with the CAR defence and security forces;
14. Calls on the CAR Government to ensure that all security actors in country
at the invitation of the government de-conflict their training and operational activities;
15. Calls on the CAR Government to pursue their efforts, as a matter of
priority, to strengthen justice institutions at national and local levels as part of the
extension of State authority in order to fight impunity and to contribute to stabilisation
and reconciliation, including through the restoration of the administration of the
judiciary, criminal justice and penitentiary systems throughout the country, the
demilitarisation of the prisons, the establishment of transitional justice mechanisms,
based on a victim-centred approach, including the full operationalisation of the Truth,
Justice, Reparation and Reconciliation Commission, which should be able to work in
a neutral, impartial, transparent and independent manner, calls for the continued
support of international partners to ensure that the Central African criminal justice
system and the Truth, Justice, Reparation and Reconciliation Commission, remain
operational and are able to work in an independent, neutral and transparent manner,
and for the continued support of international partners to the Special Criminal Court;
16. Welcomes the improved cooperation between MINUSCA and Central
African Armed Forces (FACA) in conducting joint operations, enhancing disarmament,
demobilization, repatriation and reintegration operations, and facilitating the delivery
of humanitarian assistance and supporting operations in strategic border area to
enable border management in the CAR, encourages the CAR Government to continue
its efforts to restore the effective authority of the State over the whole territory of the
CAR, including by redeploying and strengthening State administration and providing
basic services in the provinces, ensuring the timely payment of salaries to civil
servants and defence and security forces, and by swiftly establishing and
promulgating the implementing regulations for the law on decentralisation, with the
objective of ensuring stable, accountable, inclusive and transpar ent governance;
17. Stresses in this context the valuable role of the Peacebuilding Commission
(PBC) in offering strategic advice, providing observations for the Security Council’s
consideration, and fostering a more coherent, coordinated and integrated approach to
international peacebuilding efforts, welcomes the active role of the Kingdom of
Morocco, and encourages continued coordination with the PBC, the United Nations
Peacebuilding Fund and other relevant international organisations and institutions in
support of CAR’s long term peace building needs, including for support to the peace
process, consistent with the APPR;

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Economic recovery and development

18. Encourages the CAR Government, with the support of the international
community, in particular with International Financial Institutions leading
international efforts, to improve public financial management and accountability in a
manner that allows it to meet the expenses related to the functioning of the State,
implement early recovery plans, and revitalise the economy, and that fosters national
19. Commends the validation by the Government of the CAR of the National
Development Plan for 2024–2028, which is an important step towards moving the
country from recovery assistance to sustainable development, welcomes the
collaboration between the Government, the United Nations, and multilateral partners,
including the World Bank and African Development Bank, to foster the strategic
alignment around the peacebuilding priorities of the plan, and calls for the
enhancement of these partnerships to strengthen long -term socioeconomic
development and economic recovery;
20. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue its efforts in line with
paragraphs 60, 64 and 65 of the General Assembly resolution 76/274, in accordance
with the Financial Rules and Regulations of the United Nations, and encourages the
UN Resident Coordinator to work with the UN country team to continue to support
building the capacity of interested local businesses with the aim of supporting the
country’s economic development by promoting procurement from local businesses,
inclusive growth and contributing to the acceleration of the implementation of the
21. Encourages the CAR Government to ensure the effective implementation
of the CAR’s National Development Plan for 2024–2028 and relevant partners to
support the efforts of the CAR Government to lay the foundation for durable peace in
the CAR and sustainable development of all regions of the country, to overcome
persisting socio-economic challenges, to boost peace dividends for the population and
development projects, including critical investments in infrastructure, which would
address logistical challenges in the country and strengthen the CAR Government’s
and MINUSCA’s mobility and ability to provide security and protect civi lians, to
combat poverty, to generate economic growth and to help the population of the CAR
build sustainable livelihoods, underlines that these efforts could be conducive to
ending the cycle of violence;

Human rights, including child protection and sexual violence in conflict

22. Welcomes the adoption of the National Human Rights Policy and reiterates
the urgent and imperative need to hold accountable all those responsible for violations
of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights
irrespective of their status or political affiliation, reiterates that some of those acts
may amount to crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
(ICC), to which the CAR is a State party, and recalls that committing acts of
incitement to violence, in particular on an ethnic or religious basis, and then engaging
in or providing support for acts that undermine the peace, stability or security of the
CAR could be a basis for sanctions designations pursuant to resolution 2745 (2024);
23. Recalls the decision made by the Prosecutor of the ICC on 24 September
2014 to open, following the request of the national authorities, an investigation into
alleged crimes committed since 2012 and the ongoing cooperation of the CAR
Government in this regard;
24. Strongly condemns all attacks on and use for military purposes of schools,
medical centres, humanitarian premises, and other civilian infrastructure in violation

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of international law, as well as the commandeering of assets belonging to the UN or

humanitarian actors;
25. Urges all parties to armed conflict in the CAR, particularly armed groups,
to end all violations and abuses committed against children, in violation of
international law, including those involving their recruitment and use, rape and sexual
violence, killing and maiming, abductions and attacks on schools and hospitals,
noting that most cases were attributed to armed groups, further calls upon the CAR
Government to respect its obligations under the Optional Protocol to the Convention
on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict that it
ratified on 21 September 2017, and to consider those children who are associated with
or have been released or otherwise separated from armed forces and armed groups
primarily as victims as per the Paris Principles endorsed by the CAR, welcomes the
adoption of the child protection code, underlining the importance of the full
implementation of the child protection code, and calls upon the CAR authorities to
swiftly investigate alleged violations and abuses in order to fight against impunity of
those responsible, to ensure that those responsible for such violations and abuses are
excluded from the security sector and that all victims have access to justice as well
as to medical and psychosocial support services, calls for the full and immediate
implementation of action plans signed by some armed groups and for other armed
groups to sign such action plans, reiterates its demands that all parties protect and
consider as victims those children who have been released or otherwise separated
from armed forces and armed groups, in particular by establishing standard operating
procedures for the rapid handover of these child ren to relevant civilian child
protection actors, recalls that the APPR contains several child protection provisions
and urges the signatories to it to reinforce their efforts to implement those, and
emphasises the need to pay particular attention to the protection, release and
reintegration of all children associated with armed forces and armed groups, recalling
the 2024 Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict
Conclusions on children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic
(S/AC.51/2024/5) and urging their full and swift implementation;
26. Calls upon all parties to armed conflict in the CAR, including armed
groups, to end sexual and gender-based violence, further calls upon the CAR
authorities to swiftly investigate alleged violations and abuses and prosecute alleged
perpetrators in order to fight against impunity of those responsible for such acts, and
to take concrete, specific and time-bound steps towards implementing the UN and
government of CAR joint communiqué to prevent and respond to sexual violence in
conflict and to ensure that those responsible for such crimes are excluded from the
security sector and prosecuted, and to facilitate immediate access for all victims a nd
survivors of sexual violence to available services, including mental health and
psychosocial services, calls on the CAR Government and international partners to
sustain adequate support to the Mixed Unit for Rapid Intervention and Suppression
of Sexual Violence against Women and Children (UMIRR);

Humanitarian access and humanitarian appeal

27. Demands that all parties, including armed groups, allow and facilitate, in
accordance with relevant provisions of international humanitarian law and consistent
with the humanitarian principles, the full, safe, rapid, immediate and unhindered
access for the timely delivery of humanitarian assistance to populations in need,
including to internally displaced persons, returnees and refugees;
28. Further demands that all parties respect and protect all humanitarian
personnel, including national and locally recruited personnel, and medical personnel,
their means of transport and equipment, as well as hospitals and other medical
facilities, in accordance with their obligations under international law;

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29. Strongly condemns the continued attacks as well as threats of attacks that
are in contravention of international humanitarian law against schools and civilians
connected with schools, including children and teachers, and urges all parties to
armed conflict to immediately cease such attacks and threats of attacks and to refrain
from actions that impede access to education;
30. Calls on Member States and international and regional organisations to
respond swiftly to the humanitarian needs identified in the humanitarian response
plan through increased contributions and to ensure that all pledges are honoured in
full and in a timely manner;

MINUSCA’s mandate
31. Expresses its strong support to the Special Representative of the Secretary-
General Valentine Rugwabiza;
32. Decides to extend the mandate of MINUSCA until 15 November 2025;
33. Decides that MINUSCA shall continue to comprise up to 14,400 military
personnel, including 580 Military Observers and Military Staff Officers, and 3,020
police personnel, including 600 Individual Police Officers and 2,420 formed police
unit personnel, as well as 108 corrections officers, and recalls its intention to keep
this number under continuous review, taking into account progress on the security
situation and the objective of transition and eventual drawdown of MINUSCA when
conditions are met;
34. Decides that MINUSCA’s mandate is designed to advance a multiyear
strategic vision to create the political, security and institutional conditions conducive
to national reconciliation, and durable peace through implementation of the APPR
and the elimination of the threat posed by armed groups through a comprehensive
approach and proactive and robust posture without prejudice to the basic principles
of peacekeeping;
35. Requests MINUSCA to improve its communication efforts to support the
implementation of its mandate and enhance its protection, and raise awareness on its
mandate and its role, as well as to underscore the role and responsibilities of the CAR
Government to protect civilians and implement the APPR;
36. Recalls that MINUSCA’s mandate should be implemented based on a
prioritisation of tasks established in paragraphs 38 to 40 of this resolution, and, when
relevant, in a sequenced manner, and further requests the Secretary-General to reflect
this prioritisation in the deployment of the Mission and to align budgetary resources
according to the prioritisation of mandate tasks as set out in this resolution, while
ensuring appropriate resources for the implementation of the mandate;
37. Authorises MINUSCA to take all necessary means to carry out its mandate
within its capabilities and areas of deployment;

Priority tasks
38. Decides that the mandate of MINUSCA shall include the following
priority tasks:
(a) Protection of civilians
(i) To protect, in line with S/PRST/2018/18 of 21 September 2018, without
prejudice to the primary responsibility of the CAR Government and the basic
principles of peacekeeping, the civilian population under threat of physical

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(ii) To fully implement its protection of civilians strategy in coordination with

CAR Government, the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), humanitarian
and human right organisations, and other relevant partners;
(iii) In support of the CAR Government, to take active steps to anticipate, deter
and effectively respond to serious and credible threats to the civilian population
through a comprehensive and integrated approach and, in this regard:
– to ensure effective and dynamic protection of civilians under threat of physical
violence through a comprehensive and integrated approach, including by
anticipating, deterring, and stopping all threats of violence against the
populations, in consultation with local communities, and by supporting and
undertaking local mediation efforts to prevent escalation of violence, in line
with the basic principles of peacekeeping, and outbreaks of violence between
ethnic or religious rival groups;
– to enhance its interaction with civilians, to strengthen its early warning
mechanism, to increase its efforts to monitor and document violations of
international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights and
to strengthen local community engagement and empowerment;
– to maintain a proactive deployment and a mobile, flexible and robust posture,
including by conducting active patrolling, in particular in high risk areas;
– to mitigate the risk to civilians before, during and after any military or police
operation, including by tracking, preventing, minimising, and addressing
civilian harm resulting from the Mission’s operations, presence and activities,
including in support of national security forces;
– to work with the CAR Government to identify and report threats to and attacks
against civilians and implement existing prevention and response plans and
strengthen civil-military cooperation, including joint planning;
– to support the CAR Government in the prevention, mitigation and response to
the threat posed by explosive ordnance, including removal and destruction of
mines and other explosive devices, and through capacity building of FACA and
the establishment of the national mine action authority, and in coordination with
other UN agencies and international partners, including UNMAS;
(iv) To provide specific protection and assistance for women and children
affected by armed conflict, including through the deployment of protection
advisers, child protection advisers, women protection advisers and civilian and
uniformed gender advisers and focal points, as well as consultations with
women’s organisations, and by adopting a gender-sensitive, survivor-centred
approach in this regard, especially to provide the best assistance to victims and
survivors of sexual violence, and to support women’s participation in early
warning mechanisms;
(v) To take concrete measures to mitigate and avoid the use of schools by
armed forces, as appropriate, and deter the use of schools by parties to the
conflict, and to facilitate the continuation of education in situations of armed
(vi) To support the implementation of the UN and Government of CAR joint
communiqué to prevent and respond to sexual violence in conflict and to take
into account these specific concerns throughout activities of all Mission
components, in line with the UN Field Missions policy on Preventing and
Responding to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, and to ensure, in cooperation
with the SRSG for Sexual Violence in Conflict, that risks of sexual violence in

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conflict are included in the Mission’s data collection, threat analysis and early
warning system;
(b) Support for the extension of State authority, the deployment of
security forces, and the preservation of territorial integrity
(i) To continue to support the CAR Government in safeguarding State
institutions and implementing its strategy for the extension of State authority,
including through the implementation of relevant provisions of the APPR, for
the establishment of interim security and administrative arrangements,
including through decentralization, acceptable to the population and under CAR
Government’ oversight, which can create an environment conducive to the
extension of state-provided basic social services and long-term socioeconomic
opportunities, and through enhanced cooperation with UNCT and international
financial institutions, including the World Bank and African Development Bank
to enable those institutions’ socio-economic stabilization efforts, and address
cross-border illicit trade in natural resources;
(ii) To make full use of existing means and capabilities with a view to continue
to support the CAR Government to further extend state presence and authority
in the country, recognising the important work done by the United Nations, in
coordination with the CAR Government, in support of urgent needs in the CAR;
(iii) To promote and support the rapid extension of State authority over the
entire territory of the CAR, including by supporting, within available capacities
and resources, the deployment of vetted and trained national security forces in
priority areas, including through co-location, advising, mentoring and
monitoring, in coordination with other partners, as part of the deployment of the
territorial administration and other rule of law authorities;
(iv) To provide at the request of the CAR Government enhanced planning and
technical assistance and logistical support for the progressive redeployment of
vetted Central African Armed Forces (FACA) or Internal Security Forces (ISF),
engaged in joint operations with MINUSCA that include joint planning and
tactical cooperation, in order to support the implementation of MINUSCA’s
current mandated tasks, including to protect civilians, and to support national
authorities in the restoration and maintenance of p ublic safety and the rule of
law, in accordance with MINUSCA’s mandate, paragraphs 12 and 13 of this
resolution and in strict compliance with the United Nations Human Rights Due
Diligence Policy (HRDDP), contingent on a determination by MINUSCA of the
recipients’ compliance with MINUSCA’s Status of Forces Agreement,
international human rights law and international humanitarian law, without
exacerbating the risks to the stabilisation of the country, civilians, the political
process, to UN peacekeepers, or the impartiality of the Mission, to ensure such
support be subject to appropriate oversight, and to review this logistical support
in one year to ensure its compliance with the benchmarks outlined in the
Secretary-General’s letter to the President of the Security Council of 15 May
2018 (S/2018/463);
(v) To support a gradual handover of security of key officials, and static guard
duties of national institutions, to the CAR security forces, in coordination with
the CAR Government, based on the risks on the ground and taking into account
the electoral context;
(c) Good offices and support to the peace process, including the
implementation of the ceasefire and the APPR
(i) To continue its role in support of the peace process, including through
political, technical and operational support to the implementation and

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monitoring of the ceasefire and the APPR, to take active steps to support the
CAR Government in the creation of conditions conducive to the full
implementation of the APPR via the roadmap and its subsequent timeline;
(ii) To continue to coordinate regional and international support and assistance
to the peace process, in consultation and coordination with the United Nations
Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) and regional organisations such
as ECCAS and ICGLR, stressing the importance in that regard of the
operationalisation of the road map through the implementation of the APPR via
the roadmap per the government’s timeline;
(iii) To ensure that the Mission’s political and security strategies promote a
coherent peace process, particularly in support of the APPR, that connects local
and national peace efforts with the ongoing efforts to monitor the ceasefire,
advance the DDRR process, the SSR process, support the fight against impunity,
and the restoration of State authority, and promote the participation of women
and gender equality;
(iv) To assist the CAR Government’s efforts, at national and local levels, to
increase participation of political parties, civil society, women, victims and
survivors of sexual violence, youth, faith-based organisations, and where and
when possible, IDPs and refugees to the peace process, including the APPR;
(v) To provide good offices and technical expertise in support of efforts to
address the root causes of conflict, including those referred to in paragraph 7 of
this resolution, in particular to advance national reconciliation and local conflict
resolution, working with relevant regional and local bodies and religious
leaders, while ensuring the full, equal, meaningful and safe participation of
women, including victims and survivors of sexual violence, in line with the CAR
national action plan on Women, Peace and Security, including through the
support to local dialogue and community engagement;
(vi) To support efforts of the CAR Government to address transitional justice
as part of the peace and reconciliation process, and marginalisation and local
grievances, including through dialogue with the armed groups, civil society
leaders including women and youth representatives, including victims and
survivors of sexual violence, and by assisting national, prefectoral and local
authorities to foster confidence among communities;
(vii) To provide technical expertise to the CAR Government in its engagement
with neighbouring countries, the ECCAS, the ICGLR and the AU, in
consultation and coordination with the United Nations Regional Office for
Central Africa (UNOCA) and the United Nations Mission in South Sudan
(UNMISS) to resolve issues of common and bilateral interest and to promote
their continued and full support for the APPR;
(viii) To make more proactive use of strategic communications to support its
protection of civilians’ strategy, in coordination with the CAR Government, to
help the local population better understand the mandate of the Mission, its
activities, the APPR and the electoral process, and to build trust with the
population of CAR, parties to the conflict, regional and other international
actors and partners on the ground;
(d) Facilitate the immediate, full, safe and unhindered delivery of
humanitarian assistance
To improve coordination with all humanitarian actors, including United Nations
agencies, and to facilitate, in a manner consistent with international law and
consistent with the humanitarian principles, the creation of a secure

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environment for the immediate, full, safe and unhindered, civilian -led delivery
of humanitarian assistance, and for the voluntary safe, dignified and sustainable
return or local integration or resettlement of internally displaced persons or
refugees in close coordination with humanitarian actors;
(e) Protection of the United Nations
To protect the United Nations personnel, installations, equipment and goods and
ensure the security and freedom of movement of United Nations and associated

Other tasks
39. Further authorises MINUSCA to pursue the following tasks of its
mandate, working in close coordination with the United Nations Country Team,
bearing in mind that these tasks as well as those in paragraph 38 above are mutually
(a) Promotion and protection of human rights
(i) To monitor, help investigate, report annually and timely to the Security
Council, and follow up on violations of international humanitarian law and on
violations and abuses of human rights committed throughout the CAR;
(ii) To monitor, help investigate and ensure reporting on violations and abuses
committed against children and women, including rape and other forms of
gender-based violence and sexual violence in armed conflict, in connection with
the UMIRR;
(iii) To assist the CAR Government in its efforts to protect and promote human
rights and prevent violations and abuses and to strengthen the capacity of civil
society organisations;
(b) Republican Dialogue and 2025/2026 elections
To assist the CAR Government in the follow-up of the recommendations of the
2022 Republican Dialogue and the preparation and delivery of free, fair and
peaceful local, presidential and legislative elections scheduled in 2025 and
2026, in a transparent, credible, peaceful and timely manner, as outlined in the
preamble and in paragraph 8 of this resolution, by providing good offices,
including to encourage dialogue among all political stakeholders, with the full,
equal, meaningful and safe participation of women, youth, returnees, internally
displaced persons and refugees, to encourage the participation of the civil
society, to mitigate tensions throughout the electoral period, by also providing
security, operational, logistical and, as appropriate, technical support, in
particular to facilitate access to remote areas, and by coordinating with activities
under the Basket Fund managed by the UN Development Programme and other
international partners regarding international electoral assistance ensuring clear
roles and responsibilities, with the support of the UN Resident Coordinator;
(c) Security Sector Reform (SSR)
(i) To provide strategic and technical advice to the CAR Government to
implement the National Strategy on SSR and the recently validated National
Defence Policy and Strategy, in close coordination with EUTM -RCA, EUAM-
RCA, and CAR’s other international partners, including France, The Russian
Federation, the United States, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic
of Rwanda, with the aim of ensuring coherence of the SSR process, including
through a clear delineation of responsibilities between the FACA , the ISF and

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other uniformed entities, as well as the democratic control of both defence and
internal security forces;
(ii) To continue to support the CAR Government in developing an approach
to the vetting of defence and security elements which prioritises human rights
vetting, in particular to fight impunity for violations of international and
domestic law and in the context of any integration of demobilised armed groups
elements into security sector institutions;
(iii) To take a leading role in supporting the CAR Government in enhancing
the capacities of the ISF, particularly command and control structures and
oversight mechanisms and to coordinate the provision of technical assistance
and training between the international partners in the CAR, in particular with
EUTM-RCA and EUAM-RCA, in order to ensure a clear distribution of tasks in
the field of SSR;
(iv) To continue to support the CAR Government in the training of police and
gendarmerie and in the selection, recruitment, and vetting of police and
gendarmerie elements, with the support of donors and the UNCT, taking into
account the need to recruit women at all levels, and in full compliance with the
United Nations HRDDP;
(v) To continue to provide support to the CAR Government in its efforts to
safely, securely and effectively manage weapons and ammunition, including
through the National Commission for the fight against the proliferation of small
arms and light weapons and the implementation of its national action plan, with
support of other regional and international partners;
(d) Disarmament, Demobilisation, Reintegration (DDR) and Repatriation
(i) To support the CAR Government in implementing an inclusive, gender-
sensitive and progressive programme for the DDR and, in case of foreign
elements, repatriation, of members of armed groups, and, as appropriate, and in
consultation and coordination with international partners, support possible,
temporary, voluntary cantonment sites in support of community -based
socioeconomic reintegration, including through supporting the government to
provide security and appropriate protection to demobilised ex -combatants,
based on the Principles of DDRR and Integration into the Uniformed Corps,
signed at the Bangui Forum in May 2015 and guided by the revitalised 2019 UN
Integrated DDRR Standards, while paying specific attention to the needs of
children associated with armed forces and groups and women combatants, the
need to ensure the separation of children from these forces and groups, and the
need to prevent re-recruitment and use, and including gender-sensitive
(ii) To support the CAR Government and relevant civil society organisations
in developing and implementing CVR programmes, including gender-sensitive
programmes, for members of armed groups including those not eligible for
participation in the national DDRR programme, in cooperation with
development partners and together with communities of return in line with the
priorities highlighted in the National Development Plan for 2024–2028;
(iii) To provide technical assistance to the CAR Government in implementing
a national plan for the integration of eligible demobilised members of armed
groups into the security and defence forces, in line with the broader SSR
process, the need to put in place professional, ethnically representative and
regionally balanced national security and defence, and to provide technical
advice to the CAR Government in accelerating the implementation of the

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interim security arrangements provided for in the APPR, following vetting,

disarmament, demobilisation and training;
(iv) To coordinate the support provided by multilateral and bilateral partners,
including the World Bank, the Africa Development Bank and the Peacebuilding
Commission, to the efforts of the CAR Government on DDRR programs to
reintegrate eligible and vetted former members of the armed groups into
peaceful civilian life and to help ensure that these efforts will lead to sustainable
socioeconomic reintegration;
(e) Support for national and international justice, the fight against
impunity, and the rule of law
(i) To help reinforce the independence of the judiciary, build the capacities,
and enhance the effectiveness of the national judicial system as well as the
effectiveness and the accountability of the penitentiary system including
through the provision of technical assistance to the CAR Government to
identify, investigate and prosecute those responsible for crimes involving
violations of international humanitarian law and of violations and abuses of
human rights committed throughout the CAR;
(ii) To help build the capacities of the national human rights institution
coordinating with the Independent Expert on human rights in the CAR as
Urgent temporary measures:
(iii) To urgently and actively adopt, within the limits of its capacities and areas
of deployment, at the formal request of the CAR Government and in areas where
national security forces are not present or operational, urgent temporary
measures on an exceptional basis, without creating a precedent and without
prejudice to the agreed principles of peacekeeping operations, which are limited
in scope, time-bound and consistent with the objectives set out in paragraphs 38
and 39 (e), to arrest and detain in order to maintain basic law and order and fight
impunity and to pay particular attention in this regard to those engaging in or
providing support for acts that undermine the peace, stability or security of the
CAR, including those violating the ceasefire or the APPR;
Special Criminal Court (SCC):
(iv) To provide technical assistance, in partnership with other international
partners and the UNCT, and capacity building for the CAR Government, to
facilitate the full functioning of the SCC in the fight against impunity, in
particular in the areas of investigations, arrests, detention, criminal and forensic
analysis, evidence collection and storage, recruitment and selection of
personnel, court management, prosecution strategy and case development and
the establishment of a legal aid system, as appropriate, as well as to provide
security for magistrates, including at the premises and proceedings of the SCC,
and take measures for the protection of victims and witnesses, in line with the
CAR’s international humanitarian law and international human rights
(v) To assist in the coordination and mobilisation of increased bilateral and
multilateral support to the functioning of the SCC;
Rule of law:
(vi) To provide support and to coordinate international assistance to build the
capacities and enhance the effectiveness of the criminal justice system, within
the framework of the United Nations global focal point on rule of law, as well

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as the effectiveness and the accountability of police and penitentiary system

with the support of the UNCT;
(vii) Without prejudice to the primary responsibility of the CAR Government,
to support the restoration and maintenance of public safety and the rule of law,
including through apprehending and handing over to the CAR Government,
consistent with international law, those in the country responsible for crimes
involving serious human rights violations and abuses and serious violations of
international humanitarian law, including those involving sexual violence in
conflict, so that they can be brought to justice, and through cooperation with
states of the region as well as the ICC in cases of crimes falling within its
jurisdiction following the decision made by the Prosecutor of the ICC on
24 September 2014 to open, following the request of national authorities, an
investigation into alleged crimes committed since 2012;

Additional tasks
40. Further authorises MINUSCA to carry out the following additional tasks:
(a) To assist the Committee established pursuant to resolution 2745 (2024)
and the Panel of Experts pursuant to resolution 2745 (2024);
(b) To monitor the implementation of the measures established by paragraph 2
of resolution 2745 (2024), in cooperation with the Panel of Experts established
pursuant to resolution 2745 (2024), including by inspecting, as it deems necessary
and when appropriate without notice, all arms and related materiel regardless of
location, and advise the CAR Government on efforts to keep armed groups from
exploiting natural resources;
(c) To support the Panel of Experts established pursuant to resolution 2745
(2024) in collecting information about acts of incitement to violence, in particular on
an ethnic or religious basis, that undermine the peace, stability or security of the CAR
in accordance with paragraph 32 (g) of resolution 2399 (2018) extended by paragraph
6 of resolution 2745 (2024);
(d) To ensure, with all relevant United Nations bodies, unhindered access and
safety for the Panel of Experts established pursuant to resolution 2745 (2024), in
particular to persons, documents and sites within their control in order for the Panel
to execute its mandate;
(e) To provide transport for relevant CAR Government as appropriate and on
a case by case basis and when the situation allows, as a means to promote and support
the extension of the State authority over the entire territory;
41. Requests MINUSCA to actively seize, record, dispose of, and destroy, as
appropriate, weapons and ammunitions of disarmed combatants and armed groups
who refuse or fail to lay down their arms and present an imminent threat to civilians
or the stability of the State, in keeping with its efforts to seize and collect arms and
any related material the supply, sale or transfer of which violate the measures imposed
by paragraph 2 of resolution 2745 (2024);

Mission effectiveness
42. Requests the Secretary-General to deploy and allocate personnel and
expertise within MINUSCA to reflect the priorities identified by paragraph 38 to
paragraph 40 of this resolution, and to continuously adjust this deployment according
to the progresses made in the implementation of this mandate;
43. Reiterates its concern at the continuing lack of key capabilities for
MINUSCA and the need to fill gaps, as well as the importance of current and future

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troop and police contributing countries (T/PCCs) providing troops and police with
adequate capabilities, equipment and predeployment training, including with regards
to engineering capabilities and explosive ordnance threat mitigation, in order to
enhance the mobility capacity of MINUSCA, enhance conditions within existing
resources for personnel and MINUSCA’s ability to operate effectively in an
increasingly complex security environment;
44. Recognises that the effective implementation of peacekeeping mandates is
the responsibility of all stakeholders and is contingent upon several critical factors,
including well-defined, realistic, and achievable mandates, political will, leadership,
strategic communications, performance and accountability at all levels, integration
across components, adequate resources, policy, planning, and operational guidelines,
and training and equipment, urges Member States to provide troops and police that
have adequate capabilities and mindset, including regarding language skills,
predeployment and, where appropriate, in situ training, and equipment, including
enablers, specific to the operating environment, requests troop and police contributing
countries to implement relevant provisions of resolution 2538 (2020), notes the
potential adverse effects on mandate implementation of national caveats which have
not been declared and accepted by the Secretary-General prior to deployment,
highlights that lack of effective command and control, refusal to obey orders, failure
to respond to attacks on civilians, declining to participate in or undertake patrols may
adversely affect the shared responsibility for effective mandate implementation, and
calls on Members State to declare all national caveats, prior to the contingent
deployment, provide troops and police with the minimum of declared caveats, and to
fully and effectively implement the provisions of the Memoranda of Understanding
(MoU) signed with the United Nations;
45. Requests the Secretary-General, Member States, and the CAR Government
to continue to take all appropriate measures to ensure the safety, security and freedom
of movement of MINUSCA’s personnel with unhindered and immediate access
throughout the CAR, in line with resolution 2518 (2020), including by authorising
night flights, notes with concern the grave risks violations of the Status of Force
Agreement can present to the safety and security of United Nations personnel serving
in peacekeeping operations, and requests the Secretary-General to implement the
provisions of resolution 2589 (2021) for establishing accountability for crimes against
46. Requests the Secretary-General to fully implement the capacities and
existing obligations mentioned in paragraph 43 of resolution 2659 (2022) in the
planning and conduct of MINUSCA’s operations, including improving MINUSCA’s
intelligence and analysis capacities and strengthening the implementation of a
mission-wide early warning and response strategy and prioritizing enhanced mission
mobility, and also to improve strategic communications and Mission air and ground
transportation and logistics capacity and management;
47. Encourages continued efforts to improve dialogue, communication and
coordination between CAR Government and MINUSCA, including on the
implementation of the Status of Forces Agreement and security coordination, and
strengthen established coordination mechanisms;
48. Requests MINUSCA to continue implementing Youth, Peace and Security
resolutions 2250 (2015), 2419 (2018) and 2535 (2020);
49. Urges troop- and police-contributing countries to continue taking
appropriate action to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse, including vetting of all
personnel, predeployment and in-mission awareness training, to ensure full
accountability in cases of such conduct involving their personnel, including through
timely investigations of all allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by troop - and

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police-contributing countries to hold perpetrators accountable, to repatriate units

when there is credible evidence of widespread or systemic sexual exploitation and
abuse by those units, and to report to the United Nations fully and promptly on actions
undertaken, reiterates the need for MINUSCA to ensure full implementation of the
United Nations zero-tolerance policy on serious misconduct, sexual exploitation and
abuse, and sexual harassment, and all actions under resolution 2272 (2016), to
conduct swift investigations and to report to the Security Council if such cases of
misconduct occur;
50. Requests MINUSCA to consider the environmental impacts of its
operations when fulfilling its mandated tasks and, in this context, to manage them as
appropriate and in accordance with applicable and relevant General Assembly
resolutions and United Nations rules and regulations;
51. Notes the United Nations Department of Operational Support’s Strategy
“Way Forward: Environment Strategy for Peace Operations 2023–2030”, which
emphasizes good stewardship of resources and a positive legacy of the mission, and
identifies the goal of expanded renewable energy use in missions to enhance safety
and security, save costs, offer efficiencies and benefit the mission;
52. Encourages the Secretary-General to implement and keep under
continuous update the United Nations Sustainable Development Coordination
Framework (UNSDCF) setting the United Nations’ overall vision, joint priorities and
internal division of labour to sustain peace in CAR, including enhanced coordination
with donors, requests the Secretary-General to ensure an efficient division of tasks
and complementarity of efforts between MINUSCA and the entities comprising the
UNCT based on their mandates and comparative advantages as well as to
continuously adjust their deployment according to the progress made in the
implementation of MINUSCA’s mandate, while stressing the importance of adequate
resources and capacity for the UNCT, underscores the critical nature of enhanced
UNCT presence and activity in CAR to facilitate integration across the UN system
and longer term peacebuilding and sustainable development, requests the framework
to also include early, inclusive and integrated planning on transitions in line with
resolution 2594 (2021) and calls on Member States and relevant organisations to
consider providing the necessary voluntary funding to this end;

Child protection
53. Requests MINUSCA to take fully into account child protection as a cross-
cutting issue throughout its mandate and to assist the CAR Government in ensuring
that the protection of children’s rights is taken into account, inter alia, in the DDRR
and SSR processes, including through quality education provided in a safe
environment in conflict areas, in order to end and prevent violations and abuses
against children and continue to ensure the effectiveness of the monitoring and
reporting mechanism on the children and armed conflict in the CAR and of the Child
Protection Section of the MINUSCA;

Gender and Women Peace and Security

54. Requests MINUSCA to continue strengthening its sexual and gender-based
violence prevention and response activities in line with resolution 2467 (2019),
including by assisting the parties with activities consistent with this resolution, and
to take fully into account gender mainstreaming as a cross-cutting issue throughout
its mandate, prioritizing the full implementation of resolution 1325 (2000), resolution
2538 (2020) and all resolutions addressing Women, Peace, and Security, and to assist
the CAR Government in ensuring the full, equal, meaningful and safe participation,
involvement and representation of women, including victims and survivors of sexual

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violence, in all spheres and at all levels, including in the political and reconciliation
process and the mechanisms established for the implementation of the APPR,
stabilisation activities, transitional justice, the work of the SCC and of the Truth,
Justice, Reparation and Reconciliation Commission, SSR and DDRR processes, the
preparation and holding of the local elections through, inter alia, the provision of
gender advisers, and requests troop- and police-contributing countries to implement
relevant provisions of resolution and all other relevant resolutions on reducing
barriers to and increasing women’s participation at all levels and in all positions in
peacekeeping, including by ensuring safe, enabling and gender-sensitive working
environments for women in peacekeeping operations;

MINUSCA Freedom of movement

55. Urges all parties in the CAR to cooperate fully with the deployment and
activities of MINUSCA, in particular by ensuring its safety, security and freedom of
movement with unhindered and immediate access throughout the territory of the
CAR, including by air and at night, as per MINUSCA’s Status of Forces Agreement,
to enable MINUSCA to carry out fully its mandate in a complex environment;
56. Calls upon Member States, especially those in the region, to ensure the
free, unhindered and expeditious movement to and from the CAR of all personnel, as
well as equipment, provisions, supplies and other goods, including vehicles and spare
parts, which are for the exclusive and official use of MINUSCA;

Reports by the Secretary-General

57. Requests the Secretary-General to provide integrated, evidence-based and
data-driven analysis, strategic assessments and frank advice to the Security Council,
using the data collected and analysed through the Comprehensive Planning and
Performance Assessment System (CPAS) and other strategic planning and
performance measurement tools to describe the mission’s impact, to facilitate as
necessary a re-evaluation of the mission composition and mandate based on realities
on the ground, to ensure effectiveness of the mission, and further requests the
Secretary-General to review and report on a regular basis the conditions required for
the transition, drawdown and withdrawal of MINUSCA, in a manner which does not
prejudice overall efforts to support long term objectives for peace and stability;
58. (a) Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council on
15 February 2025, 15 June 2025 and 13 October 2025 on the progress in
implementing MINUSCA’s mandate, including efforts towards compliance with the
Status of Force Agreement, as well as on the situation in the CAR, including on all
elements set out in paragraph 58 (a) of resolution 2659 (2022);
(b) Further requests the Secretary-General to provide the Council with
an evaluation, no later than May 2025, of the logistical support provided to CAR
defence and security forces in line with paragraph 38 (b) of this resolution, including
by providing appropriate financial information;
59. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

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