English - F4

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2024 / 2025
Edition Four

Class: 12 (F4)
School: _________________________________

Teacher: ___________________________________

Number of Periods Per Week: ______________________


1 Unit Listening Never forget By the end of the lesson, Listening. Class readers. English book IV
one and the learner should be able Speaking. Practicing Pg 2
1 speaking. to: Discussion. Role play
Listen to an oral poem
and answer questions
taking notes

2 .Activity Activity 1& 2. Listen to oral poem below In groups Write Group English Book IV
and then answer the creatively on discussion Pg 3-4
questions that follow selected topic

3 Reading comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. English Book IV
answering the Reading aloud. Dictionary. Pg 5-6
comprehension Questions Discussion.

4 Reading Vocabulary Match the words in the box Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
with their correct definition Listening. Text book IV Pg 7
Use vocabulary Q/A.
appropriately Speaking.
Take an
5 Activity Activity 5 Choose the most Reading. Group English Book IV
Writing. Pg8
appropriate words from the discussion
box to fill in the gabs in
the following sentences

Subject: English 2 Class: Form Four

1 Grammar Verbs Supply the correct tenses Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
Writing. Text book IV Pg 9-10
2 and forms of the verbs in
the brackets Detailed
Written exercise.
2 Writing Composition Composition beginning, I Reading. Student book English Book IV
writing wondered why the school Discussion. IV Pg11
principal had summoned Written
me. exercise.

3 Writing Essay writing Write an essay describing Reading. Student book English Book IV
the state or town you live Discussion. IV Pg 11
in. Written

4 Unit Listening Pronunciation Identify different speech Listening. Class readers. English Book IV
two and sounds to improve on Speaking. Practicing pg12-13
speaking. pronunciation. Discussion. Role play

5 Activity Oral Presentation Take notes from listening Reading. Group English Book IV
Writing. Pg 14-15
from listening activities discussion

3 1 Reading Comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. English Book IV
& answering the Reading aloud. Dictionary. Pg16-18
2 comprehension Questions Discussion.
3 Assignment Comprehension Work out comprehension Writing. Dictionary. English Book IV
Discussion. Pg19
questions Questions

4 Reading Vocabulary Explain the meaning of the Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
& following words according Listening. Text book IV Pg20-22
5 to the way they have been Q/A.
used in the passage Speaking.
Take an

Subject: English 3 Class: Form Four

4 1 Writing Synopsis Define synopsis Student book English Book IV
Write an essay describing Discussion. IV Pg23
synopsis Written
2 Writing Composition Composition writing Discussion. Student book English Book IV
writing entitled Happiness Written IV Pg24

3 Unit Listening Turn taking Demonstrate turn taking Listening. Class readers. English Book IV
& Three and skills Speaking. Practicing Pg25-28
4 speaking taking notes Discussion Role play

5 Activity Activity two and Turn taking in Reading. Group English Book IV
Writing. Pg29-30
activity three presentation and public discussion

1 Reading Comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary. English Book IV
5 & about A colossal answering the Reading aloud. Pg31-33
2 house comprehension Questions Discussion.
3 Reading Vocabulary Complete the sentence by Reading. Extracts from
filling in the gabs with the Listening. Text book IV
most appropriate word Q/A.
English Book IV
from the box. Speaking.
Use vocabulary Take an
appropriately exercise

4 Grammar Subordinating Join sentences using Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
Writing. Text book IV Pg34-36
& conjunction coordinating conjunctions
5 Detailed
Written exercise
6 1 Writing Composition In groups of three discuss Discussion. Student book English Book IV
writing entitled my our dream house Written IV Pg37
dream house exercise

Subject: English 4 Class: Form Four

2 Unit Poem Poetry Guide Define poetry terms Reading Extracts from English Book IV
& Four Identify the structure, Discussion Text book IV 38-40
3 persons, subject and the
subject matter of a poem.

4 Poem2 Lapobo by: cliff Define poetry terms Reading Extracts from English Book IV
lumbwa Identify the structure, Discussion Text book IV 41-42
persons, subject and the
subject matter of a poem
5 Poem3 Clementine by Define poetry terms Reading Extracts from English Book IV
Okot p’Bitek Identify the structure, Discussion Text book IV Pg43-45
persons, subject and the
subject matter of a poem

7 1 Assignment Exercise2 Describe the use of Written Dictionary. English Book IV

& alliteration and exercise. Pg46-48
2 consonance in the poem. Exercise

3 Activity Activity 4&5 Identify and describe Reading. Group English Book IV
& imagery in the poem Writing. description Pg49-51
4 extract below Discussion.

5 Poetry Mood, Attitude Define poetry terms Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
and tone in poetry Identify the structure, Discussion. Text book IV Pg 52-53
persons, subject and the
subject matter of a poem

1 Grammar Adjectives for tone Examples of adjectives as Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
8 & in poetry a tone used in poetry. Writing. Text book IV Pg 54-56
2 Listening.
Written exercise

Subject: English 5 Class: Form Four

3 Poetry Allegory, Define poetry terms Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
& Alliteration and Identify the structure, Discussion. Text book IV Pg57-59
4 assonance. persons, subject and the
subject matter of a poem

5 Poetry Style, subject, Define poetry terms Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
symbol, theme Identify the structure, Discussion. Text book IV Pg60
and tone persons, subject and the
subject matter of a poem
9 1 Unit Listening Proverbs Participate in discussion Listening. Class readers. English Book IV
Five and Answer comprehension Speaking. Practicing Pg61-62
speaking questions. Discussion Role play

2 Activity Activity 1&2 Present information in a Reading. Group English Book IV

Writing. Pg63
clear and logical way discussion
3 Poetry Society by Analyze the poem Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
& Mohamed Ibrahim Discussion Text book IV Pg64-67
4 warsame
5 Poetry Society by Analyze the poem Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
Mohamed Ibrahim Discussion Text book IV Pg68-70
10 1 Reading The lion with a Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary. English Book IV
& thorn in his paw answering the Reading aloud. Pg71-73
2 comprehension Questions Discussion.
3 Reading Vocabulary Use vocabulary Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
appropriately Listening. Text book IV Pg73-74
Explain the meaning Q/A.
words used in the story Speaking.
above Take an exercise
4 Grammar Gerund Apply the correct gerund Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
or infinitive from the Writing. Text book IV Pg74-75
choices provided to Listening.
complete sentences. Detailed
Written exercise

Subject: English 6 Class: Form Four

5 Writing Summery writing. Make notes and summarize Discussion. Student book English Book IV
Easy writing the reading text. Written exercise IV Pg76
Write an essay on how the
fair has helped mankind in
relation to his life.

11 1 Unit Listening and Pronunciation: Listen and Identify silent Listening. Class readers. English Book IV
Six speaking Silent letters. letters in English words and Speaking. Practicing Pg77-78
use them in sentences Discussion Role play

Activity Activity 1,2 and 3 Find the meaning of the Reading. Dictionary English Book IV
Writing. Pg78-79
2 words and use them to
construct sentence for your

3 Reading Comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book IV
& about why the hen answering the Reading aloud. Pg80-82
4 scratches the comprehension Questions Discussion.
ground Writing.
5 Reading Vocabulary Use vocabulary Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
appropriately Listening. Text book IV Pg83-84
Demonstrate ability to Q/A.
explain meaning of the Speaking.
words based as it is used in Take an exercise
the text
12 1 Activity Activity2 Fill the most suitable and Reading. Dictionary English Book IV
Writing. Pg85
appropriate word of our
own to complete the short
paragraph below.
2 Reading Hair and the Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book IV
& Hyena. answering the Reading aloud. Pg86-88
3 comprehension Questions Discussion.
4 Grammar Articles Use appropriate articles Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
Conjunction Join the pairs of sentences Writing. Text book IV Pg89
using appropriate Listening.
conjunction Detailed
Written exercise

Subject: English 7 Class: Form Four

5 Writing Informal writing Replying writing to your Creativity. Student book English Book IV
cousin Ahmed who studies Discussion. IV 90
at Shebelle Secondary
1 Unit Listening and Few –minute talk Identify factors that hinder Listening. Class readers. English Book IV
13 & Seven speaking preparation. effective listening. Speaking. Practicing pg91-94
2 Demonstrate use of Discussion Role play
courteous language.
3 Activity Activity 1,2and3 Explain the meaning of the Reading. Dictionary English Book IV
Writing. Pg95-97
& words

5 Reading Comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book IV
about the Father answering the Reading aloud. Pg98-99
and his son comprehension Questions Discussion.

14 1 Reading Vocabulary Use vocabulary Reading. Extracts from English Book IV

appropriately Listening. Text book IV Pg100-101
Take an exercise
2 Activity Activity2 March the words and Reading. Dictionary English Book IV
Writing. Pg102
phrases with their corrected
3 Grammar Practice exercises Complete the following Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
sentences using an Writing. Text book IV Pg103
appropriate preposition Listening.
Choose the most Detailed
appropriate connector from discussion.
the given parenthesis Written exercise
4 Writing Expository essay Compositions about Creativity. Student book English Book IV
& Composition carnivorous plants are Discussion. IV Pg104
5 writing different from other plant
Expository essay
explaining the differences
and similarities of any of
the plants discussed in the

Subject: English 8 Class: Form Four

15 1 Unit Listening and Telephone Conduct telephone Listening. Class readers. English Book IV
& Eight speaking conversation. conversation Speaking. Practicing Pg105-108
2 Demonstrate uses of none Discussion Role play
verbal cues that enhance

3 Reading Reading Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book IV
comprehension answering the Reading aloud. Pg109-110
Edible Soda comprehension Questions Discussion.
4 Reading Vocabulary Use vocabulary Reading. Extracts from English BookIV
appropriately Listening. Text book IV Pg111
Take an exercise
5 Grammar Constructions of Use the correct lexical and Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
sentence grammatical word in Writing. Text book IV Pg112-113
sentence construction Listening.
Written exercise
16 1 Poetry Oral poem by Analyze the poem Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
Mohamed Ibrahim Discussion Text book IV Pg113-114

2 Writing Letter writing Apology letter Creativity. Student book English Book
Discussion. IV IV

Subject: English 9 Class: Form Four

3 Unit Listening Activity 1 taking notes Listening. Class readers. English Book
& Nine and Oral poem by Reading. Speaking. Practicing IV
4 speaking Asha Luul Practicing. Discussion Role play Pg118-122
Mohamud Preparation

5 Activity Activity 2 Using dictionary Reading. Dictionary English Book

Writing. IV
Discussion Pg123-124
17 1 Reading Reading Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book
& comprehension answering the Reading aloud. IV
2 about the comprehension Questions Discussion. Pg125-127
motherless girl Writing.
3 Reading Vocabulary Use vocabulary Reading. Extracts from English Book
appropriately Listening. Text book IV IV
Use a word range of Q/A. Pg128
vocabulary Speaking.
Take an exercise
4 Grammar Preposition Use prepositional phrase Reading. Extracts from English Book
to fill the blanks in the Writing. Text book IV IV
sentences. Listening. Pg129-130
Written exercise
5 Writing Recipes Define a recipe. Listening. Student book English Book
Identify words used in Reading. IV IV
recipes. Answer Pg131-132
Write a recipe of a recipe questions.
for a meal of your choice Writing.
which you would like to Review exercise.
prepare for the occasion.

Subject: English 10 Class: Form Four

19 1 Unit Listening Oral poetry Analyze oral poem and Listening. Class readers. English Book IV
& Ten and answer poetry questions Speaking. Practicing Pg133-135
2 speaking taking notes Discussion Role play

3 Listening Oral poetry Analyze oral poem and Listening. Class readers. English Book IV
& and answer poetry questions Speaking. Practicing Pg136-138
4 speaking taking notes Discussion Role play

5 Reading comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book IV
answering the Reading aloud. Pg139-140
comprehension Questions Discussion.
20 1 Reading Vocabulary Use vocabulary Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
appropriately. Listening. Text book IV Pg 141
taking notes Q/A.
Reading. Speaking.
Practicing. Take an exercise
Fill the blanks below with a
verb or adjective forms of
the words in brackets
2 Grammar Adjectival Demonstrate appropriate Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
& quantifiers use of quantifiers. Writing. Text book IV Pg142-144
3 Listening.
Written exercise
4 Writing Proverbs Read the following Reading. Student book English Book IV
examples and then Answer IV Pg145-146
complete the rest questions.
Discuss and explain the Writing.
meaning of the proverbs Review exercise.

Subject: English 11 Class: Form Four

5 Writing Composition Write creatively Reading. Student book English Book IV
writing Answer IV Pg147
Review exercise
21 1 Unit Listening and Activity taking notes Listening. Practicing English Book IV
Eleven speaking Reading. Speaking. Role play Pg149
Practicing. Discussion Discussion

2 Reading comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book IV
answering the Reading aloud. Pg149-151
comprehension Questions Discussion.

3 Activity Activity In groups of four discuss Writing. Dictionary English Book IV

Discussion Pg152
that activity
Make notes on your

4 Reading Vocabulary Use vocabulary Reading. Extracts from English Book IV

appropriately Listening. Text book IV Pg153
Take an exercise
5 Grammar Preposition Use prepositional phrase to Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
fill the blanks in the Writing. Text book IV Pg 154-155
sentences. Listening.
Written exercise

Subject: English 12 Class: Form Four

22 1 Writing Composition Write composition entitled Creativity. Student book English Book IV
writing our nature Discussion. IV Pg156

2 Unit Listening The killer plastic Discuss how plastic waste Listening. Practicing English Book IV
twelve and speaking can be reduced Speaking. Role play Pg157
Discussion Discussion

3 Reading Comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book IV
& answering the Reading aloud. Pg158-160
4 comprehension Questions Discussion.
5 Activity Activity1 In groups discuss the Writing. Dictionary English Book IV
Discussion Pg161
following activity in page

23 1 Reading Vocabulary Much words with their Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
definition Listening. Text book IV Pg162-163
Take an exercise
2 Grammar Change adjectives How to change adjectives in Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
& in to adverbs to adverbs correctly Writing. Text book IV Pg164-166
3 Listening.
Written exercise
4 Assignment Exercise1&2 Rewrite the following Written exercise. Extracts from English Book IV
sentences changing the Exercise review Text book IV Pg167
adjective in bold in to an
Join the following sentences
using an –ly adverb and
any necessary adjustments
5 Writing Writing. Structure questionnaires. Exposition. Sample English Book IV
Questionnaires Fill in questionnaires. Individual and questionnaires Pg168
group reflections.

Subject: English 13 Class: Form Four

1 Activities Questionnaires Activity2 Exposition. Group English Book IV
24 &2 Individual and discussion 169-171
group reflections.

3 assignment Questionnaires Fill in questionnaires. Exposition. Sample English Book IV

& Prepare questionnaire Individual and questionnaires Pg172-174
4 group reflections.

5 Writing Writing. Fill forms Individual and Group English Book IV

Questionnaires Write questionnaire about group reflections discussion Pg175
- Environment
- Problem facing
- Causes of ethnic
1 Unit Listening Activity about Use body languages to Listening. English Book IV
25 & Thirtee and speaking Culture shock enhance effective Speaking. Class readers. Pg176-179
2 n communication Discussion Practicing
taking notes Role play

3 Poem Self misunderstood Interpret different gestures Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
& Analyze the poem. Discussion Text book IV Pg180-182
5 Reading comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book IV
answering the Reading aloud. Pg183-184
comprehension Questions Discussion.
1 Reading Vocabulary March the wards in column Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
26 & A with their correct Listening. Text book IV Pg185-186
2 definition in B Q/A.
Take an exercise

Subject: English 14 Class: Form Four

3 Reading Comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book IV
& about Fun spot answering the Reading aloud. Pg187-188
4 comprehension Questions Discussion.
5 Activity Activity 5 In groups discuss the Writing. Dictionary English Book IV
Discussion Pg189
following activity in page
27 1 Grammar Nouns and verbs Fill the blanks in the Writing. Extracts from English Book IV
sentences with the noun Listening. Text book IV Pg190
form of the verbs in Detailed
parenthesis. discussion.
Written exercise
2 Writing Creative composition Improving composition Creativity. Student book English Book IV
writing skills IV Pg191-192

3 Listening Field work Prepare for and carryout a Listening. Class readers. English Book IV
& and field work Speaking. Practicing Pg193-195
4 speaking Collect and document oral Discussion Role play
literature information

5 Unit Listening Field work: Prepare for and carryout a Listening. Student book English Book IV
28 & fourtee and collection and field work Speaking. IV Pg196-199
1 n speaking documentation Collect and document oral Discussion
literature information

2 Activity Activity3,4&5 Do the activity in groups of Writing. Dictionary English Book IV

Discussion Pg200-202
& four
3 Share your feelings with
your classmates.

4 Reading Comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book IV
& Vocabulary answering the Reading aloud. Pg203-204
5 Reading comprehension Questions Discussion.

29 1 Grammar Typical ending of Make adjectives from Writing. Extracts from English Book IV
adjectives suffixes. Listening. Text book IV Pg205-206
Written exercise

Subject: English 15 Class: Form Four

2 Grammar Adjectives formed Write adjectives formed Writing. Extracts from English Book IV
from verbs from verbs Listening. Text book IV Pg207-208
Written exercise
3 Writing Expository writing Plan and present expository Exposition. Student book English Book IV
essays. Discussion. IV Pg209-210
Written exercise

4 Writing Types of Expository Plan and present expository Exposition. Student book English Book IV
essay essays. Discussion. IV Pg211-212
Written exercise

5 Writing An objective essay Plan and present expository Exposition. Student book English Book IV
explaining how your essays. Discussion. IV Pg213
cities looks like Written exercise

1& Unit Listening Role play and Demonstrate Negotiation Listening. Class readers. English Book IV
30 2 Fifteen and Negotiation skills. skills. Speaking. Practicing Pg214-216
Speaking Discussion Role play

3 Reading Comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book IV
& answering the Reading aloud. Pg217-219
4 comprehension Questions Discussion.
5 Activity Activity 3 In groups of three discuss Writing. Dictionary English Book IV
Discussion Pg220
what helped Mr. Mohamed
to successfully negotiate his
31 1 Reading Comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary English Book IV
answering the Reading aloud. Pg221-222
comprehension Questions Discussion.
2 Reading Vocabulary Give the meaning of the Reading. Extracts from English Book IV
words and phrases as used Listening. Text book IV Pg222
in the passage Q/A.
Take an exercise

Subject: English 16 Class: Form Four

3 Grammar Phrase Identify types of phrases Writing. Extracts from English Book IV
Use appropriate words in Listening. Text book IV Pg223
sentence structure. Detailed
Written exercise

4 Writing Dialogue Prepare a dialogue between Creativity Student book English Book IV
you and your friend then Group discussion IV Pg224
act in the class

5 Writing Composition about Describe and give direction Creativity Student book Student book IV
holiday Group discussion IV Pg224

32 1 Unit Listening Vowels sounds Identify words that Listening. Class readers. Student book IV
Sixteen and pronounced with the same Speaking. Practicing Pg225-226
Speaking vowel sounds Discussion Role play
Write another word which
has the same vowel sound
as the one given.
2 Reading comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary Student book IV
answering the Reading aloud. Pg227-228
comprehension Questions Discussion.

3 Reading Vocabulary Use vocabulary Reading. Extracts from Student book IV

appropriately Listening. Text book IV Pg229
Explain the meaning of the Q/A.
words as used in text Speaking.
Take an exercise

4 Grammar Function Rewrite sentences Writing. Extracts from Student book IV

& conjunction in maintaining the meaning Listening. Text book IV Pg230-232
5 sentences Demonstrate appropriate Detailed
use of conjunctions. discussion.
Written exercise
33 1 Assignment Exercise Combine the following Written exercise. Extracts from Student book IV
sentences to express the Exercise review Text book IV Pg233
function indicated in
brackets after each pair.

Subject: English 17 Class: Form Four

2 Unit Writing Curriculum vitae. Use the correct language Creativity. Student book Student book IV
& sevente format and style. Discussion. IV Pg234-238
3 en Improving writing skills.

4 Listening Stress in words Comprehend how word Listening. Class readers. Student book IV
and meaning can change with Speaking. Practicing Pg239-240
Speaking use of stress. Discussion Role play
Construct sentences to
bring out the sense
Discuss, make notes and
present points in a class
5 Reading Comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary Student book IV
about the Sea people answering the Reading aloud. Pg241-242
comprehension Questions Discussion.

34 1 Reading Problems caused by Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary Student book IV
& Modern packaging. answering the Reading aloud. Pg243-245
2 comprehension Questions Discussion.

3 Reading Vocabulary Use vocabulary Reading. Extracts from Student book IV

appropriately. Listening. Text book IV Pg246
Grammar Preposition& Q/A.
indirect speech Demonstrate adequate Speaking.
knowledge of preposition. Written exercise
Rewrite sentences in
indirect speech.
4 Writing Social writing Give written instructions. Creativity. Student book Student book IV
Practice in writing Discussion. IV Pg247

5 Activity Activity 4 Write a letter to a friend Writing. Dictionary Student book IV

Discussion Pg248-249
giving him or her
instructions on a topic of
your choice

Subject: English 18 Class: Form Four

35 1 Unit Listening Activity1&2 Explain causes and effects Creativity. Class readers. Student book IV
Eightee and of allergies. Listening. Practicing pg 250-251
n Speaking What could be the best Speaking. Role play
treatment for allergies? Discussion
Do all allergies start
How allergies are treated.
2 Reading Comprehension Read the passage and Silent reading. Dictionary Student book IV
about Allergies answering the Reading aloud. Pg252-253
comprehension Questions Discussion.
3 Reading Vocabulary Explain the meaning of Reading. Extracts from Student book IV
words and phrases as used Listening. Text book IV Pg 254-255
in the passage. Q/A.
Demonstrate good use of Speaking.
sentence connecters. Take an exercise

4 Grammar Plurals of the Nouns Write down the plural of Writing. Extracts from Student book IV
the Nouns Listening. Text book IV Pg 256
Fill the gap with the right Detailed
article where Necessary discussion.
Written exercise
5 Writing Creative writing. Differentiate between Exposition. Student book Student book IV
Autobiography and Reading. IV Pg 257-261
Autobiography biography. Group work.
Describe components of


Subject: English 19 Class: Form Four

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