English Speaking Countries Origins of English

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Introduction to English speaking countries.

- In 2015, there were 67 sovereign states and 27 non-

sovereign entities where English was an official

- The majority of countries where English is an official

language are former territories of the British Empire.

- The English language has approximately 400 million

native speakers worldwide, trailing only Mandarin and
Main English – speaking countries.

360 million native speakers 60 million native speakers 20 million native speakers

Some of the other notable countries around the world where

English is the primary language include the Republic of Ireland,
South Africa and New Zealand. Combined, these three
countries are believed to be home to around 13 million people
who speak English as their first language.
17 million native speakers
North America: Asia:
•United States •India
•Canada •Pakistan
Europe: •Singapore
•United Kingdom •Philippines
•Republic of Ireland •Sri Lanka
•Malta •Malaysia
Caribbean: Africa:
•Jamaica •South Africa Overview of english
•Barbados •Nigeria speaking countries.
•Trinidad and Tobago •Cameroon
•Bahamas •Kenya
•Guyana •Zimbabwe
Oceania: •Ghana
•Australia •Rwanda
•New Zealand •Sudan
•Papua New Guinea •Botswana
•Fiji •Ethiopia
•Solomon Islands
Spread of English around the world.
- Do to the fact of development of the societies and the identification of a universal language for communication
and trading, the British Empire helped spread the Modern English around the world during the 18th and 19th

- Technical development and international communication has confirmed the position of English in the world.
Today, there are about 400 million people who have English as their first language or mother tongue. More than
this have English as their second language.

- Throughout the 20th century, the United States emerged as a major political superpower, especially in the years
after World War II. Its influence, combined with Hollywood films and the journalistic work of the British
Broadcasting Corporation, are credited with the continued spread of the language throughout the century.
List of english speaking countries.

English and globalization.

What is globalization?

is the process of interaction and

integration among people,
companies, and governments Due to globalization, English language emerged as a
worldwide. Globalization has global force. ... Knowledge of English is very
accelerated since the 18th essential because countries are becoming globally
century due to advances in
transportation and integrated and coupled with each other in all aspects
communication technology. This in terms of culture, economy, trade and commerce.
increase in global interactions This integration can happen only when language
has caused a growth in
international trade and the spoken is the same.
exchange of ideas, beliefs, and
Barén Cevallos Jorge
Bustamante Mosquera Víctor
Cando Ruiz Karen
Cantos Bravo Fernanda
Carrera López Génesis
Context of English learning
Brief History The English Language:
The English language belongs to the West Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of languages.
The closest to English language are Scots and Frisian.
Has three main periods: Old English (450-1100 AD), Middle English (1100-circa 1500 AD) and Modern
English (since 1500).

Indo-European languages.
Datum: Frisian is a language spoken by approximately
half a million people in the Dutch province of
Friesland, in nearby areas of Germany, and on a few
islands in the North Sea.
Old English Example the write the Old English:
(450 - 1100 AD):
During the 5th Century AD, from various parts of
what today is northern Germany and Denmark,
three Germanic tribes - Angles, Saxons, and Jutes
crossed the North Sea and came to the British Isles.
These three tribes pushed out most of the Britons,
Celtic-speaking inhabitants from England into
Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall. One group of them
moved to the Brittany Coast of France where today
their descendants still speak the Celtic Language of

Through the years, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes

mixed their different Germanic dialects. This group
of dialects forms what linguists refer to as Old
English or Anglo-Saxon. The word "English" was
in Old English "Englisc", and that derives from the
name of the Angles. The Angles were named from
Englaland, their land of origin, from which is the
word "England".
Before the Saxons, the language spoken in Example: The coined ones: Roman merchants and soldiers.
what is now England was a mixture of Latin
and several Celtic languages which were dealt
with before the Romans arrived in Britain (54-
5 AD). For example the Romans brought
Latin to Britain, because it was part of the
Roman Empire for more than 400 years; some
of the words of that time were known as ‘the
coined ones’ by Roman merchants and
soldiers, those words were: win (vino), candel
(vela), belt (cinturón), weall (pared).
Example: the influence of Celtic upon Old English New York- Times Square
The influence of Celtic upon Old English was
slight. In fact, very few Celtic words have
lived on in the English language. But many of
place and river names have Celtic origins:
Kent, York, Dover, Cumberland, Thames,
Avon, Trent, Severn.

Around 878 AD Danes and Norsemen, also

called Vikings, invaded the country and
English got many Norse words into the
language, particularly in the north of England. Example: The Vikings
The Vikings, being Scandinavian, spoke a
language (Old Norse) which, in origin at least,
was just as Germanic as Old English,
example: Words derived from Norse include:
sky, egg, cake, skin, leg, window (wind eye),
husband, fellow, skill, anger, flat, odd, ugly,
get, give, take, raise, call, die, they, their,
Example the write the Middle English:

Middle English
(1100-CIRCA 1500 AD)
Is also characterized for the beginning of the Great
Vowel Shift. It was a massive sound change
affecting the long vowels of English. Basically, the
long vowels shifted upwards; that is, a vowel that
used to be pronounced in one place in the mouth
would be pronounced in a different place, higher
up in the mouth. The Great Vowel Shift occurred
during the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries.

The most famous example of Middle English is

Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales", a collection of Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales"
stories about a group of thirty people who travel as
pilgrims to Canterbury, England. The portraits that
he paints in his Tales give us an idea of what life
was like in fourteenth century England.
Modern English
(1500 to the present)
Modern English developed after William Caxton
established his printing press at Westminster Abbey
in 1476. Johann Gutenberg invented the printing
press in Germany around 1450, but Caxton set up
England's first press. The Bible and some valuable
manuscripts were printed. The invention of the
printing press made books available to more
people. The books became cheaper and more
people learned to read. Printing also brought
standardization to English.

By the time of Shakespeare's writings (1592-1616),

the language had become clearly recognizable as
Modern English. There were three big
developments in the world at the beginning of
Modern English period: the Renaissance, the
Industrial Revolution, and the British Colonialism.
The Renaissance: The Industrial Revolution:
(early 16th century to early 17th (18th century)
■ Most words from Greek and Latin ■ It had an effect on language
came into English, meaning that this development, they had to invent new
period is known as ''The Age of words or modify existing ones to
Shakespeare‘’ or ''The Elizabethan cope with rapid changes in
Era'', taken from the most famous technology.
author of the English Renaissance.

British colonialism
(18th and 20th centuries)
▪ The English language continued to change
as the British Empire moved around the
world, to the USA, Australia, New
Zealand, India, Asia and Africa. They sent
people to settle and live in their conquered
places and, as the settlers interacted with
the natives, new words were added to the
English vocabulary. For example,
'kangaroo' and 'boomerang' are native
Australian Aborigine words, 'juggernaut'
and 'turban' came from India.
English continues to change and develop, with hundreds of new words
arriving every year. But even with all the borrowings from many other
languages the heart of the English language remains the Anglo-Saxon of Old
English. The grammar of English is also distinctly Germanic - three genders
(he, she and it) and a simple set of verb tenses.
Trends in language teaching 21 century

A TREND is considered as a new proposal, a model of The field of language

gradual change, and an alternative process to develop education is changing at
innovative direction and paradigms over time. an ever-increasing rate.
Traditional notions of
A TREND justifies about the tendency of a system. With education are giving way
several educational options available to students today, to newer, more
newer trends are emerging in this field which has innovative ways of
completely changed the traditional fixed perceptions thinking about how we
about education in the world. Under these learn, teach and acquire
circumstances, various career options have opened up knowledge.
several newer avenues for education.

Education has remained The world is jumping into the use of

largely unchanged: technologies now, which allow us to
Classroom full of students communicate both synchronously and
Depending on the wisdom of asynchronously with peers around the
an all-knowing professor. world.
Lack of technological advances As a result of the ability to communicate
and the introduction of new globally and the information explosion,
pedagogical concepts. education must change.
Lack of new methodologies, Most educators might not want to
strategies and skills. change, but the change is coming – it is a
A great number of today's matter of time and behavior.
classrooms continue to utilize The challenge is to prepare the children of
traditional teaching methods. today for a world that has yet to be

Educators have to pay attention to Students'

Nowadays, teachers will provide contextual learning
Needs; they see them as different individuals with
environments that engage students in collaborative
different needs, which is why some students lag
activities that will require communications and
behind the others when it comes to the lectures.
access to information that only technology can
Educators can help these students keep up by
provide. The computer and the internet's evolution
giving them personalized attention. These are just
these past few years have been staggeringly fast.
some of the recent trends in education system.

Education systems now give the

students the opportunity to give
pointers to their teachers on how
they can better deliver their
lessons so that the students can
Emerging Trends in 21st-Century Education

It opens learning possibilities for educators in A trained professional who works in schools to help
any place and at any time. It allows educators students and staff members find materials and learn
to acquire a wide variety of skills and gain to do research. They collaborate with classroom
access to training outside the classroom at teachers to help supplement and extend the
their own pace. curriculum. They teach how to assess the validity and
• App Innovation and reliability of the information they find.
• Digital Literacy
• Library Media Specialists
Use of game in order to increase individual • Self-Directed Professional It refers to an individual's ability to find, evaluate,
engagement and motivation: this allows to and compose clear information through writing and
perform jobs or solve problems in enjoyable Development other media on various digital platforms. They
and rewarding way: • Collaborative Learning. evaluate individual's grammar, composition, typing
• It stimulates Creativity and improves skills and ability to produce text, images, audio and
Education designs using technology.
• Accelerating Innovation Processes.

It´s the educational approach of using groups to

enhance learning through working together.
Groups of two or more learners work together to
solve problems, complete tasks, or learn new
Important trends in education

What is the role of teacher How has the role of teacher

today? changed completely today?
The role of a teacher is to A teacher's role has changed
inspire, motivate, encourage from being a sage on the
and educate learners. Learners stage to becoming a facilitator
can be of any age and from any of learning processes. ...
background. However, for the Teachers elicit a response,
purposes of this guide, challenge thinking, stretch
teachers refer to those who the students' capability,
educate young people of provide tools to learn and
school age. Teachers serve create a psychologically safe
many roles within a school and comfortable environment
environment. for learning.

7 roles of a Teacher
• Authoritative/ Controller. The
authoritative role that a teacher
plays can be in two ways, high
These are the characteristics of a 21st
authority, high involvement, and high
Century Teacher:
authority low involvement. ...
➢ Facilitate and inspire student
• Delegator. ...
learning and creativity so that all
• Prompter. ... students achieve in the global
• Participant. ... society. ...
➢ Work with their students to co-
• Demonstrator. ... create new learning opportunities.
• Lecturer/ tutor. ...
• Resource. ...
• Conclusion.
How students learn in the 21st century?

Twenty-first-century learning
embodies an approach to teaching
that marries content to skill. Without
skills, students are left to memorize
facts, recall details for worksheets,
and relegate their educational
experience to passivity.
21st century skills

The most current trends in English language teaching is

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is being
1. Critical thinking said one of the latest trends in ELT. The pursuit of this model
is to make a link between language learning and content
2. Creativity
3. Collaboration
4. Communication
5. Information literacy
6. Media literacy
7. Technology literacy
8. Flexibility
9. Leadership
10. Initiative
11. Productivity
12. Social skills

Brief summary of each one.


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