San Antonio Light Oakland Estates Announcement From 1926
San Antonio Light Oakland Estates Announcement From 1926
San Antonio Light Oakland Estates Announcement From 1926
The Stamp HE discovery of America in 1492 marked' the
beginning of a struggle, in which Spain was
The judges and Mr. M. P. Chamberlain wish to take
Oakland Estat San Antonio in the year 1718. ' { Several contestants submitted the name "Conquistador,"
"Hotel Conquistador," "The Conquistador" and variations
The traditions of early exploration and settlement have' of that name. The prize was therefore awarded on
helped to create a peculiar fund of local sentiment,
it is obvious, therefore, that the Southwest's finest the basis of the letter accompanying the name sug-
hotel have a name symbolic of the traditional past gestion, as was outlined in the conditions o£ the
We believe in the future of Oakland Estates. as a commendable tribute to these pioneers (Con- contest.
Because of this belief, we have built a typically quistadors) who brought, the first civilization to
superior A great many striking and effective names
The tourist visiting such an institution will were submitted in the congest all wonderful
fiad himself transported into the romanticism of hotel names and names which should be per-
the old tvorld. This hotel rising proudly ovar the petuated in the Southwest.... .but, in the opin-
valley of San Antonio, majestic in the ion of the judges...."El Conquistador" was
there, which will be shown COMPLETELY beauty of its Hispanic architecture, will
reopen to him the beauties of nature .pre-eminently the name for the Southwest's
FURNISHED at the found here by the "Conquistadores" finest tourist hotel, and it is hoped that San
centuries ago; not unlike these romantic Antonio will concur in the correctness of their
explorers, this hotel will play a similar decision.
Opening July 31st and August 1st role in the pioneering and development
ot an ideal modern tourist hotel and it The judges take great pleasure m
is fit that the same should be synony- awarding the one hundred dollars in
mous of the enterprising spirit of each. gold and dinner for herself and eleveu
Assuredly, such a combination will guests on the night of the hotel opening
conquer the heart and imagination o! to Mrs. Hortanz Wiegand, of 1714 West
the tourist and it will remain a cber- Summit Avenue, San Antonio, Tesas.
ished memory cf all who visit "E!
Respectfully submitted,
Hortanz Wiegand
1714 W. Summit Avenue
zw&erials San Antonio
Crockett—SOS—Gunter Bldg.