San Antonio Light Oakland Estates Announcement From 1926

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Winter Gets 129 Homes and Business

Infirmary Ward $60,000 CONTRACT. ' /
An-addition to the high school build- 'Approximately 12,000,000 wage
ing at Padueah will be built at a cost earners in Great '-Britain are insured
and Power House Add to School of approximately $60,000. The con- by the government against loss from
tract has been awarded to the William
Another building for the Presby- Lambert Construction .company, Okla- unemployment. In May, however, the
Contracts Let terian Mexican School for-Girls "at* homa City. . (
number of -unemployed was reported
to be; only 990,000. - ; ..;, ' iuiteu
Taft will get under'way: at once. Plans
for a two-story hollow tile and rein-
Contracts have been .awarded for forced concrete and 'stucco admiuistra : IN
The AYhyte Beach AssocJation, com- club house before hunting season the infirmary ward and power house, at tion building have.b'een completed by
posed o£ sportsmen in San Antonio opens. The association has approxi-
and vicinity, arc offering a "sports- mately 4000 acres of laud adjoining
men's paradise" to fellow sportsmen. the lake front property which will be
The association has 16 acres, half^ of used as a hunting preserve and Mr.
Plans are complete and financing is
under way for a canning factory at
Val Verde for the Val Verde Indus- owners, according to Phelps & Dcwees,
John M. Marriott,"architect,; San An-
Carlsbad, State Board of Control, tonio, and owner is. handling contracts.
_ ~_>-»_^___; . •<. •.•;• NORLAND
which fronts on Medina Lake about a Powers states that some of the best
mile and one-half south of Turk's deor and turkey hunting in the San
tries, care of H. P. .Hansen. S. . S.
Voight, Wichita, Kun., is architect.
architects, San Antonio. General con-
tract for both buildings has beeu Hardware Company your
Aj comfortable, .convenient home is., "within
means. All lots have city water, gas, elec-
Crystal City District Is Head but on the opposite side of the Antonio vicinity is found there. A
lake, and proposes to take in a limited roacl turning off at Red Bluff on the
Thomas T. Hopper of Houston is the
general contractor. It is planned to awarded to Granberg &-Ba3zen at $G3,-
246 and §11,223. Plumbing for, both
Builds at Uvalde, tric lights, telephones, macadam streets. Prices
Mecca For Thousands number or members, probably 300, at Bandera road leads to the property.
erect a building 100 by 100 of hollow
tile and stucco, one story and base-
Fred Homer of the .Homer
buildings went to S. P. Osborn at ware, Uvalde, has begun construction Hard- $600 to $750. Terms §10 per month without
a small fee and offer them the privi- One can build on the property iind ment, which will cost approximately interest. NO CITY TAXES. ' - :
of Farmers. leges of club house, boat landing and maintain the lodge for life and sell it $100,000. '
§6307 and §510. Heating on infirmary of a two-story store building, John
later if he so desires. ward was awarded, to S. P. Osborn at W. Hood has charge of building' oper-
building sites, hunting and fishing.
E. A. Powers, who heads the sales
The Val Verde Industries also are
nounce that they plan a hotel for Val $5477 and wiring on both buildings to ations. The building is to be 48 by
CRYSTAL CITY, Ter., July 24—
drive being launched by the associa- A NEW INDUSTRY
Verde which will have three stories
Braden-Hudson-Wanglcr at §4448 and Noonau Plans were prepared by Will REALTORS
A review of the busldiug activities tion, announces that members are now • A refrigeration plant for Vel Verde Company, architect, of San 304 Central Trust Bidg. Crockett 3429
and basement, Antonio.
since the first of January 1926, show being admitted at an entrance fee of is planned by the Val Verde Indus-
that a total of 129 buildings have $10 and duos of ?3 a year but that the ; tries. It will have one story of per-
been erected in Crystal City and vicin- entrance fee will be raised to $25 Au- | manent materials and . will cost
gust 1. It is planned to erect the 1 $150,000.
ity from that time up- to date. lu-
cluded in this number were about 35
business houses and about 94 homos.
The buildings range in value from th-j
modest, little1 cottage, costing but a
"few hundred dollars to tie more '"ra-
posing residence costing several thoa-
sand dollars. In the main business
district the buildings are all of the |
~ better class aad are of mddern firy- j
proof construction, the materials em-
ployed being brick, tile, sheet iron and
Some of the largest and best of
the new business houses are as fol-
Zavala County Chevrolet Company,
brick and tile building, 100 by 75 feet,
with plate glass front, approximate
cost $5500. The Nash Motor Com-
pany^ has in process cf erection a
building of the same class, costing
B ETTER homes are built with bettei
lumber—and that doesn't mean
high priced lumber either.
about the same amount of money. The
"Wallace Lumber Company ouildiag
has been erected at a cost of more
than §7000. The Seedy-Bascoe build-
Our quality, our service, and our
ing cost approximately §5000.
- The Bonnell Garage is being erected
prices will satisfy you.
-at a cost ,oi about $3500. The 3kf onk-
. louse Moving Picture-Theater oost in
the neighborhood of §2000. J. H. Pael
completed a new office building- at a
cost of nearly §2000, and completely
remodeled another building, which is
now equivalent to a new building:. K.
" IV, Alger completed two buildings, of
the same class as the Peel buildings.
' Mr. Speer has erected a nice garage
" and filling station known as. the
3Do3ge Garage. W. J. Conley has
. erected a .photographer's studio, s.nd
the Texas :. Cenrtal Power Company
has erected a large brick building1 at
their plant, in the north part.of town.
- TEhe list or new buildings could be con-
Jinneil indefinitely but only a few of
-the most important ones have be>en
, given.
Hn the residential sections of Crys- 708 W. SUMMIT AVE.—"AT THE BEACON"
tal City, the saws and hammers are TELEPHONE W. 3800 -
:never silent, from early morning uai-
, tfl. evening. Many imposing homes
* are being built-arid every -week sees a LUMBER . . . MATERIALS . . . FINANCING
:-number finished and turned over tio
the owners and other new ones
started. .

The Stamp HE discovery of America in 1492 marked' the
beginning of a struggle, in which Spain was
The judges and Mr. M. P. Chamberlain wish to take

JTHe Sam C. Bennett Co. extends the

hand of fellowship in congratulation and T to play a leading role, for possession of the
new world.
The sixteenth century was the era of Span-
ish "Conquistadores," who. in quest of gold
this means of thanking the hundreds who. submitted sug-
gestions for the name of the Southwest's finest hotel—
"El Conquistador." Great care was used throughout the
contest to select the name which, in the opinion of the
.well-wishing to and adventure, swept aside all obstacles in • judges, was most effective. "A great many ..things entered
their path, settling in the southern part of the new world, j into their • decision and each name was carefully consid-
They, were followed by soldiers, missionaries and civilians,' ered from the standpoint o£ suitability, unusualness,
E. G« and Lawrence S, GofortKj Owners of all of Spanish blood. Northward expansion from Mexico! descriptive power, atmosphere, and historic import.
City followed up the central plateau through Coahuila into
the land of the Tejas, where establishments were made at

Oakland Estat San Antonio in the year 1718. ' { Several contestants submitted the name "Conquistador,"
"Hotel Conquistador," "The Conquistador" and variations
The traditions of early exploration and settlement have' of that name. The prize was therefore awarded on
helped to create a peculiar fund of local sentiment,
it is obvious, therefore, that the Southwest's finest the basis of the letter accompanying the name sug-
hotel have a name symbolic of the traditional past gestion, as was outlined in the conditions o£ the
We believe in the future of Oakland Estates. as a commendable tribute to these pioneers (Con- contest.
Because of this belief, we have built a typically quistadors) who brought, the first civilization to
superior A great many striking and effective names
The tourist visiting such an institution will were submitted in the congest all wonderful
fiad himself transported into the romanticism of hotel names and names which should be per-
the old tvorld. This hotel rising proudly ovar the petuated in the Southwest.... .but, in the opin-
valley of San Antonio, majestic in the ion of the judges...."El Conquistador" was
there, which will be shown COMPLETELY beauty of its Hispanic architecture, will
reopen to him the beauties of nature .pre-eminently the name for the Southwest's
FURNISHED at the found here by the "Conquistadores" finest tourist hotel, and it is hoped that San
centuries ago; not unlike these romantic Antonio will concur in the correctness of their
explorers, this hotel will play a similar decision.
Opening July 31st and August 1st role in the pioneering and development
ot an ideal modern tourist hotel and it The judges take great pleasure m
is fit that the same should be synony- awarding the one hundred dollars in
mous of the enterprising spirit of each. gold and dinner for herself and eleveu
Assuredly, such a combination will guests on the night of the hotel opening
conquer the heart and imagination o! to Mrs. Hortanz Wiegand, of 1714 West
the tourist and it will remain a cber- Summit Avenue, San Antonio, Tesas.
ished memory cf all who visit "E!
Respectfully submitted,
Hortanz Wiegand
1714 W. Summit Avenue
zw&erials San Antonio

Crockett—SOS—Gunter Bldg.

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