To Study The Effect of PH On Seed Germination
To Study The Effect of PH On Seed Germination
To Study The Effect of PH On Seed Germination
pH On Seed
To Study The
Effect Of pH On
Seed Germination
Have you ever put a plant by heater and the plant died or you put a plant
in the garage in winter and it never sprouted? Have you ever wondered
Seed Germination
Seed Dormancy
Seed Dormancy is when a seed has fallen form the parent plant
before they are able to germinate. Lack of viability of seed is often
confused with seed dormancy. Many seeds require a so-called
resting period after the have fallen from there parent plant. In some
plants, chemical changes take place during the resting period that
make the seed ready for germination. Still other seeds have
extremely tough seed coats that must soften or decay before water
and oxygen can enter the seed to take part in the growth of the
embryo, or before the growing embryo is capable of bursting
through the seed coat.
Root (botany)
The first root of the plant, known as the radicle, elongates during
germination of the seed and forms the primary root. Roots that branch
from the primary root are called secondary roots. In many plants the
primary root is known as a taproot because it is much larger than
secondary roots and penetrates deeper into the soil. Some plants
having taproots cannot be transplanted easily, for breaking the taproot
may result in the loss of most of the root system and cause the death
of the plant.
Stems usually are above ground, grow upward, and bear leaves,
which are attached in a regular pattern at nodes along the stem. The
portions of the stem between nodes are called internodes. Growing
plants give rise to new leaves, which surround and protect the stem
tip, before they expand. Stems are more variable in external
appearance and internal structure than roots, but they also consist of
three tissue systems and have several features in common. Leaves are
the primary photosynthetic organs of most plants. They usually are
flattened blades that consist, internally, mostly of parenchyma tissue
called the mesophyll, which is made up of loosely arranged cells with
spaces between them. The spaces are filled with air, from which the
cells absorb carbon dioxide and into they expel oxygen. The leaf
blade is connected to the stem though a narrowed portion called the
petiole, or stalk, which consists mostly of vascular tissue.
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of
temperature on the germination percentage of Mung beans. The
information gained from this experiment could help farmers or anyone
who wants to grow a garden decide what temperature the soil should be
before they plant their seeds to get the best germination.
My hypothesis is that the plant with the soil temperature normal will
sprout faster then the plant with the soil temperature higher and lower.
The constants in this study were:
1 heat pad
1 refrigerator
3 small boxes
1.Obtain materials.
2. Tear off three paper towels and cut three pieces of plastic
wrap large enough to fit over the paper towels and cover them.
3.Place 100 seeds in the middle of each paper towel.
4.Place a piece of plastic wrap over each one.
5.Roll the paper towel up so that the seeds are a little above the
6.Wrap a rubber band around the towel slightly under the seeds
7.Turn the heating pad on medium and put the medium metal pan
on top.
8.Place 100 milliliters of water in each of the three cups.
9.Place a roll in each cup.
10. Place 1 cup in the fridge, 1 cup on the pan and 1 cup out at
room temperature.
11. Put the boxes over the top of each cup.
12. Check the cups each day, but wait 4 days to check them.
13. When you count carefully take the rubber band off of the
paper towel.
14. Carefully unroll the paper towels so that you can see
and count through the plastic.
15. Count every seed that has a sprout.
16. Record the data on a data sheet as you count.
17. With a calculator average the percents out.
The original purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of
temperature on the germination percentage of Mung beans.
The results of the experiment were that 52% of the seeds in 32°C
germinated. Of the seeds in 21°C there were 43% that germinated. Out
of all the seeds in 10°C none of them germinated.
In this graph you can see the different trials for each degree. For ten
degrees you see that every trial had
zero that germinated. For twenty-one degrees in the first trial sixty-one
percent, then thirty-six percent
for the second trial and thirty-two percent for the third trial.
In this graph you can see the average of the three trials for each
degree. Ten degrees had zero percent
average. For twenty-one degrees forty-three percent germinated. Finally for
thirty- two degrees fifty-two
percent germinated.