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Pilot Project XII NN

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I 50% EXAM
Subject Portions
General HC

1. The Last Lesson
2. Lost Spring
3. Deep Water
4. The Rattrap
1. My Mother at Sixty-six
2. Keeping Quiet
3. A Thing of Beauty
1. The Third Level
2. The Tiger King
3. Journey to the end of the Earth
4. The Enemy
Reading :
Discursive and Factual Passages
Writing :
Notice, Invitation, Letter to the Editor,
Job Application, Article and Report."

1. Relations and functions

1. Relations and functions
2. Inverse Trigonometric functions
2. Inverse Trigonometric functions
3. Matrices
3. Matrices
4. Determinants
4. Determinants
Maths 7. Integrals
7. Integrals
( Ex 7.1,7.2,7.4,7.5,7.6,7.7,7.10)
8. Applications of Integrals
8. Applications of Integrals
12. Linear Programming
12. Linear Programming

1. Electric charges and Fields

2. Electrostatic potential and Capacitance
3. Current Electricity
11. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
13. Nuclei
14. Semiconductor Electronics

3. Chemical Kinetics
4. d and f block
Chemistry 5. Co ordination Compounds
8. Aldehyde Ketone Carboxylic Acids
9. Amines
I 50% Portions
General HC

1. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

2. Human Reproduction
3. Reproductive Health
Biology 9. Biotechnology Principles and Processes
10. Biotechnology and its applications
11. Organisms and Populations
13. Biodiversity and conservation

7. Relational Database and SQL

4. Data File Handling
2. Functions
3.Exception Handling

1. Nature and Significance of Management

2. Principles of Management
3. Business Environment
B. Studies
4. Planning
5. Organising
9. Financial Management

1.Partnership Fundamental
2.Goodwill And Change In Psr
3.Admission Of Partner
6.Accounting For Companies
8. Financial Statements Heads
10. Accounting Ratios
Introductory Macroeconomics
1. Introduction
2. National Income Accounting
3. Money and Banking
Economics Indian Economic Development
1. Indian economy on the eve of independence
2. Indian economy 1950 – 1990
3. LPG – An Appraisal
5. Human Capital Formation
II 50% Portions
General HC

1. The Last Lesson
2. Lost Spring
3. Deep Water
4. The Rattrap
5. Indigo
6. Poets and Pancakes
7. The Interview
8. Going Places
1. My Mother at Sixty-six
2. Keeping Quiet
3. A Thing of Beauty
4. A Roadside Stand
5. Aunt Jennifer's Tigers
1. The Third Level
2. The Tiger King
3. Journey to the end of the Earth
4. The Enemy
5. On the face of it
6. Memories of Childhood
Reading :
Discursive and Factual Passages
Writing :
Notice, Invitation, Letter to the Editor,
Job Application, Article and Report."

5. Continuity and differentiability

5. Continuity and differentiability ( Ex 5.2,5.3,5.4,5.5,5.6,5.7)
6. Applications of derivatives 6. Applications of derivatives
9. Differential equations (Ex 6.1,6.2,6.3 ( 1-12))
10. Vector Algebra 9. Differential equations ( Ex 9.1,9.2,9.5)
11. Three dimensional geometry 10. Vector Algebra
13. Probability 11. Three dimensional geometry
13. Probability (Ex13.1,13.3)

4. Moving charges and Magnetism

5. Magnetism and Matter
6. Electromagnetic Induction
7. Alternating current
8. Electromagnetic waves
9. Ray Optics and Optical instruments
10. Wave Optics

1. Solutions
2. Electro Chemistry
Chemistry 6.Halo alkanes and Arenes
7. Alcohol, phenol and ethers
10. Bio molecules
II 50% Portions
General HC

4. Principles of Inheritance and Variation

5. Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Biology 6. Evolution
7. Human Health and diseases
8. Microbes in Human Welfare
12. Ecosystem

1. Review of Python Basics

5. Data Structures in Python
6. Computer Networks
8. Interface Python with SQL

6. Staffing
7. Directing
8. Controlling
B. Studies 10. Financial Markets
11. Marketing Management
12. Consumer Protection

4. Retirement Of Partnership and Death Of The Partner

5. Dissolution Of Partnership
Accountancy 7.Issue Of Debentures
9. Comparative And Common Size
11.Cash Flow Statement

Introductory Macroeconomics
4. Determination of income and employment
5. Government budget and the economy
6. Open economy
Indian Economic Development
6. Rural development
7. Employment
9. Environment and Sustainable development
10. Comparative study of development experiences in India and its neighboring
B. Exam Time Table

Date Day Subject Paper Distribution

15-Nov-24 Friday Term II Exam Ends

I 50% Exam begins
16-Nov-24 Saturday
FN: Pilot Project Launching for
17-Nov-24 Sunday Preparation
18-Nov-24 Monday 25.11.24
19-Nov-24 Tuesday Preparation
20-Nov-24 Wednesday 27.11.24
21-Nov-24 Thursday Preparation
22-Nov-24 Friday 29.11.24
23-Nov-24 Saturday Preparation
24-Nov-24 Sunday Preparation
25-Nov-24 Monday 2.12.24
26-Nov-24 Tuesday Preparation
27-Nov-24 Wednesday 4.12.24
I 50% Exam Ends

Date Day Subject Paper Distribution

II 50% Exam begins

28-Nov-24 Thursday
29-Nov-24 Friday 6.12.24

30-Nov-24 Saturday Preparation

1-Dec-24 Sunday Preparation
2-Dec-24 Monday 9.12.24

3-Dec-24 Tuesday Preparation

4-Dec-24 Wednesday 11.12.24

5-Dec-24 Thursday Preparation

6-Dec-24 Friday 13.12.24

Term II and I 50% Parents
7-Dec-24 Saturday Meeting

8-Dec-24 Sunday Preparation

9-Dec-24 Monday 16.12.24
II 50% Exam Ends

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