NI3 Test U8 Standard
NI3 Test U8 Standard
NI3 Test U8 Standard
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New Inspiration Level 3 Tests Unit 8 Standard Test
© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class. 2 of 4
New Inspiration Level 3 Tests Unit 8 Standard Test
The Kingdom of Thailand, formerly known as
8 Read the text. Then read the sentences, Siam, is in south-east Asia. It is a kingdom with a
choose True or False and correct the false constitutional monarch, King Rama IX, who has
sentences. ruled since 1946. It attracts more visitors than
1 Thailand is the least visited country in south- any other country in south-east Asia, with its
east Asia. combination of incredible natural beauty,
True / False famous hospitality, delicious food, and ancient
________________________________________ temples and ruins. Few countries have so much
to offer the tourist. And most importantly, the
2 Thai people are charming and friendly. people of Indonesia are known for their charm
True / False and hospitality. The largest city is the capital
________________________________________ Bangkok, with a population of over five million
people and a busy economy. From the
3 Bangkok is a busy capital city. mountains of Mae Hong Son and the bright
True / False green islands of the Andaman Sea, to the night
________________________________________ clubs and crowded markets of Bangkok, Thailand
4 It has become a popular place for retired has something for every type of traveller.
people to visit. Thailand has become particularly popular
True / False with students and young people wanting to
________________________________________ travel during their gap year. A favourite
destination is the island of Phuket and the
5 It’s similar to Europe as a tourist destination. beautiful white beaches of Koh Samui. Tourists
True / False can ride around on Tuk Tuks, the moped taxis,
________________________________________ eat incredible Thai food, go snorkelling and visit
the ancient temples. It’s a totally different
6 The best time to go to the beach is February. experience to Europe.
True / False The best time to visit is in February, when
________________________________________ the weather is good and the beaches are at their
best. Thailand’s monsoons arrive around July
7 The monsoon season in Thailand is hot and and last into November (the ‘rainy season’). The
wet. weather then can be very hot and humid. This is
True / False followed by a dry, cool period from November to
________________________________________ mid-February, followed by much higher
temperatures from March to June.
8 There are six very busy tourist months. The busiest months for tourists are
True / False August, November, December, February and
________________________________________ March, with smaller peaks in January and July.
Even during busy months, however, if you simply
9 Thailand is crowded everywhere you go. avoid some of the most popular destinations,
True / False like Chiang Mai and all islands and beaches, it
________________________________________ isn’t difficult to leave the crowds behind. If your
main aim is to avoid crowds altogether and to
10 April and May are two good months for take advantage of cheap rooms and low-season
scuba diving. prices, you should think of travelling during the
True / False least crowded months (April, May, June,
________________________________________ September and October). This is also the best
time for scuba diving.
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New Inspiration Level 3 Tests Unit 8 Standard Test
9 Listen to a radio programme about a holiday. 10 A friend of yours is planning to visit your
Choose the correct option, A, B or C. country for a holiday. Write an email with some
suggestions. Think of these things:
1 The canoeing holiday is in ___.
A Austria B France C Italy • When to visit
• Where to go
2 On this holiday you’ll learn how to canoe ___. • What to do
A down a waterfall • What to bring
B in the sea
C in fast water and slow water _______________________________________
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