NI3 Test U7 Higher
NI3 Test U7 Higher
NI3 Test U7 Higher
1 Rewrite the sentences, replacing the phrasal 1 Oh, no! My mobile phone is dead. I forgot to
verbs in bold with their opposites. _____________ it last night.
2 You’ll need to _____________ some books
1 Could you tell those children to go away? from the library for your science project.
__________________________________ 3 Ray Tomlinson _____________ email in 1971.
2 Please put down your pens. 4 Do you think we’ll ever _____________ a
__________________________________ solution to the problem of junk mail?
3 When the teacher comes into the room, you 5 Some dogs can _____________ over 100
have to sit down. words.
__________________________________ 6 Whales and dolphins _____________ by
4 Can you turn off the television, please? singing.
5 Do you think we should put on our coats? /6
6 Shall I take the plates away?
__________________________________ 4 Complete with the correct form of phrasal
verbs with go.
/6 1 Martin _____________ to his home town ten
years after he had left.
2 Complete the words in the dialogues. 2 William decided to _____________ with his
plan to build a windmill.
1 3 Once you’ve been in the job for a year, your
A: My e____________ inbox is full of salary _____________.
s____________ and junk mail. 4 Bob wanted to stay at university after he
B: You need a better filter on your computer. graduated and _____________ studying physics.
2 5 The temperature started to _____________
A: I don’t know how people used to do research and soon it was -10 degrees.
before the I____________. 6 Mum and Dad ____________ to a hotel for
B: I guess they spent a lot of time in the library! the weekend.
A: Which I____________ do you use? /6
B: I use Google. I think it’s faster than the
A: My c____________ crashed yesterday and 5 Underline the stressed syllable in each word.
had a lot of problems.
B: Be careful! It might have a harmful 1 educate
v____________ which could damage it. 2 interview
3 inventor
A: I read a funny post on a blog yesterday.
B: Can you send it to me as an a____________? 4 reporter
A: Yes. I’ll email it to you now. 5 starvation
/7 /5
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New Inspiration Level 3 Tests Unit 7 Higher Test
© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class. 2 of 4
New Inspiration Level 3 Tests Unit 7 Higher Test
© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class. 3 of 4
New Inspiration Level 3 Tests Unit 7 Higher Test
10 Listen and answer the questions. 11 Imagine you interviewed your favourite film
star or pop star. Write a summary of the
1 Where is Adam Nelson from?
interview, using direct speech and reported
speech. Think of these things:
2 Who is his invention used by? • What five different questions did you ask?
__________________________________ • What answers did they give to your questions?
10 Has Nelson ever invented anything before?
/10 _______________________________________
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