Meyari Dinn
Meyari Dinn
Meyari Dinn
Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study. It consists of two variables,
Online Classes Distance Learning as an independent variable and Jhs- Shs student as the
dependent variable.
In figure 1.Online Classes Distance Learning is the way of how other students learn, by
used of self-learning online classes in digital format/electronic copy. Students learn in
online classes is the way of using technologies to learn and to attend school. The teacher
will take the responsibility they can send it online by messaging their teacher or drop it
off at school.
Digital Gadgets- typically refer to electronic devices or tools that utilize digital
for various purposes.
Virtual Classroom- A virtual classroom refers to an online learning environment where
students and instructors interact and engage in educational activities remotely, using
digital tools and technology.
Online classes- Online Classes are a combination of video recordings and live lectures
with course reading and tests.
Asynchronous Learning- This allows for greater flexibility as students can study at their
own pace.
Online Assessment- refers to the evaluation of students' knowledge, skills, and
understanding using digital tools and platforms.
Review of Literature
Many students have been struggling in this type of new learning method, which is
Modular Distance Learning and Online Classes Learning. This researcher aims to
examine what their strugglers on their learning system also their advantages to new
learning system.
Foreign Literature
Online learning and classes are increasingly becoming part of the education system
worldwide. Online channel has made education convenient and easily accessible by one and all.
Education sector in India has been an ever-growing entity. India has been one of the largest
sectors in the world when it comes to higher education. Though online and distance courses have
been there from a long time, introduction of the online mode of taking classes in comparison to
the traditional face to face classroom approach in universities and colleges have been considered
only in the last few years in India. When it comes to the Indian educational system, face to face
classroom approach has always been the most prominently used. Familiarity and ease of using
offline methods and lack of requirement for online channels of teaching has been the major
barriers for adoption of online channels of education. However, in the wake of current COVID19
pandemic situation conduction of online classes at college and university level has been made
mandatory by the educational boards. Covid-19 has brought out a drastic change in the
educational system not only in India but rather the entire world. Universities across India as well
as around the globe have moved to the virtual classes suspending physical classrooms. Online
education in India is at an early stage of development. In India, while this transition has been a
mixture of both According To Deepika Nambiar (2020).
In Japan, research activities by junior and senior high school students show an upward
trend. However, there are limited examples of research activities in the field of elementary
particles and atoms. This is due to the difficulty associated with procuring research tools such as
accelerators or particle detectors. Therefore, we hosted the 'Accel Kitchen' in 2018 and 2019 at
the Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (CYRIC) in Tohoku University where junior and senior
high school students could participate in ongoing research of particle and atomic physics. At
each workshop, 12 junior and senior high school students participated in the beam experiment,
including the production of francium atoms (Fr) by the fusion reaction of oxygen and gold,
optimizing the transport of the ion beam and identifying the alpha decay nuclei, and laser
trapping of Fr for two days. Each group that was involved in the experiment was supported by
researchers and university students who acted as mentors. This was the first opportunity for
junior and senior high school students to know about the particle beam experiment in Japan.
According To Tanaka. Kazuo S. (2022).
As public administration programs extend their online education offerings to reach more
time- and place-bound students, and as accredited institutions become interested in documenting
teaching and learning effectiveness, the degree to which online students are successful as
compared to their classroom counterparts is of interest to teaching faculty and others charged
with assessment. By comparing student performance measures and assessments of learning
experience from both online and traditional sections of a required graduate public administration
research methods course taught by the same instructor, this paper provides evidence that student
performance as measured by grade is independent of the mode of instruction. Persistence in an
online environment may be more challenging in research methods classes than in other public
administration classes. Furthermore, participation may be less intimidating, and the quality and
quantity of interaction may be increased in online classes. According To Ni, A. Y.. (2022)
Local Literature
The study aims to describe the academic life of the junior high school learners in online
distance learning. Further, the study aims to know the challenges and ways to adapt in the online
learning modality. Specifically, it sought to answer how are the junior high school learners
described in terms of enrollment, cohort survival, drop-out rate, promotion rate, available
resources, and source of internet connectivity; and what are the practices of the junior high
school learners in adapting to online distance learning in terms of time management, study
habits, comprehending the lessons, attending synchronous classes, and completing the
requirements. The study utilized mixed methods research design, specifically a sequential
explanatory. Documentary records were utilized in the conduct of the study. A questionnaire was
administered to JHS- SHS students from God’s Grace Christian Academy . After which, a
focused group discussion through virtual meeting was conducted to the 22 student-leaders. It was
found out that despite of the various lockdowns and continuous threat of the COVID-19, online
education modality had allowed education be served to the learners. With various practices on
how to adapt with the “new normalâ€, learners were able to be deal with the online set-up.
Challenges are still present and remain to be unavoidable but continuous interventions are being
done to assure that quality, equitable, and accessible high school education is served. However, it
is suggested to further improve the conduct of the online classes; concepts that were of challenge
to the students should be address in the reopening of schools; intervention for the student social
aspects should be taken into consideration; and continuous support must be given to the learners
as well as to the teachers. According to Gamboa, J. N. (2022).
The benefits of online learning are felt in the continuity of education during the Covid-19
pandemic. This study aims to examine the impact of online learning on the learning motivation
of Junior High School and Senior High School students. The results of the research discussion
indicate that online learning has advantages, namely 1) as a medium to encourage independent
learning; 2) as an effort to modernize the concept of education in the 21st century; 3) increasing
the intensity of the interaction between teachers and students; 3) allows for an interaction that is
not limited to space and time, and 4) meaningful learning. The impact of online learning on
student learning motivation tends to be negative due to the unpreparedness of various parties,
including teachers, parents, students, and schools. Early adolescents who need direct guidance,
direction, and motivation must lose control due to reduced direct interaction with the teacher.
The monotonous implementation of online learning, lack of direction and supervision, pressure
for students to study from home, and low teacher innovation are the main causes of decreased
learning motivation due to online learning. According To Fatimah. (2018).
This study aimed to investigate the work commitment and welfare of junior high and
senior high school teachers amidst the pandemic. This study utilized the descriptive-correlational
design with junior high school senior high school teachers. as respondents using quota sampling.
Findings showed that the level of work commitment of junior high school senior high school
teachers amidst the pandemic is described as high. This means that the work commitment of
junior high school teachers amidst the pandemic is continually manifested, while the level of
professional welfare of junior high school senior high school teachers amidst the pandemic is
described as high. This means that junior high school senior high school teachers' work
commitment amidst pandemic is often manifested. There was a significant moderate relationship
between work commitment and the professional welfare of junior high school senior high school
teachers amidst the pandemic. Vigor and absorption were the indicators that significantly
influenced the professional interest of junior high school senior high school teachers amidst the
pandemic. According To Sablas, R. & Gallardo, R. D. (2023)