Experiment 4

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Experiment – 4

Determination of horizontal thrust at supports of a two-hinged arch under

concentrated and uniformly distributed loads (STR10)

Aim: To determine the horizontal thrust at the supports of a two-hinged arch when subjected
to concentrated and uniformly distributed loads.

Apparatus: Two-hinged arch model, load application system, dial gauges, measuring scale,

A two-hinged arch is a curved structure with hinges at the supports that allow rotation but
prevent translation. The horizontal thrust is an essential factor in the stability of arches. When
loads are applied to the arch, a horizontal reaction force is generated at the supports to
maintain equilibrium. The two-hinged arch is a statically indeterminate structure (a type of
portal) since the horizontal thrust cannot be found out by the equations of static equilibrium.
Analysis of statically indeterminate portals normally requires the use of the flexibility
method. However, a simplified formula can be derived which gives good answers for
parabolic arch ribs. This is called the secant assumption, which has been used in this

A. Setup:
i. Securely place the parabolic two-hinged arch model and the assembled test
frame on a workbench.

ii. There are four securing nuts in the top groove of the bottom member of the
frame. Slide them to approximately the positions shown by the thumbscrews
in Fig 1.

iii. Fit the left-hand support and arch rib to the frame using two thumbscrews (on
the front only) into the frame securing nuts.

iv. Fit the right-hand support in a roughly correct position and fasten it like the
left-hand support. Lift the right-hand bridge half into position using the pivot
pin. Allow the bearings to run on the support track.
v. Adjust the position of the right-hand support until the distance between the
arch pivots is 500 mm. The right-hand pin should now be resting gently
against the load cell.

Fig. 1 Two-pinned arch test assembly

B. Calibration:
i. Make sure the Digital Force Display is on. Connect one end of the mini-DIN
lead to ‘Force Input 1’ on the Digital Force Display. Connect the other end to
the socket marked ‘Force Output’ on the right-hand side of the support.

ii. Set the force meter to zero using the dial on the right-hand support of the test
assembly. Gently apply a small load with a finger to the crown of the arch and
release. Set the meter to zero again, if necessary. Repeat to ensure the meter
returns to zero.
C. Loading and Data Recording:
i. Point Load
Ensure that the force meter reading is zero, then put a mass (on a hanger) of ‘W’
g on the far left-hand arch hanger. Record the resulting force meter reading.
Move the mass along the top of the arch one position at a time. Record the force
meter reading at each position according to the format given in Table 1.

Table 1: Results for point load

Applied point load, W (N) =

Distance from Displayed Horizontal Calculated Horizontal

A (mm) Reaction (N) Reaction (N)

ii. A Uniformly Distributed Load

Place a mass of ‘W’ g on each of the hangers (total no. of hangers being ‘n’) to
give a combined mass of ‘W × n’ g across the arch. Record the horizontal
reaction as per the format given in Table 2. Repeat the process by placing other
loads and record your results.

Table 2: Results for UDL

Mass of Length of Value of Displayed Calculated
UDL (g) UDL (m) UDL Horizontal Horizontal
(N/m) Reaction Reaction
(N) (N)
Calculations, Results and Graphs:
i. Point Load

Fig. 2 Experimental layout (Point Load)

For a parabolic two-hinged arch, the horizontal thrust at right-hand support is

given by (derived from the secant assumption) :
5Wx 3
3 (
= L + x 3 − 2 Lx 2 )
HB = Horizontal thrust at support B (N)
W = Point load (N)
L = Span of the arch (m)
x = Distance of applied load from the left-hand side (m)
r = Rise of the arch (m)

a) Using the above formulae, calculate the theoretical horizontal reaction

for each position. Enter these values into Table 1.

b) Plot a graph of horizontal reaction against distance from ‘A’ for both the
experimental and calculated values.

c) Calculate the span fraction and proportion of the load the displayed
horizontal reaction becomes at each position. This is the horizontal
reaction influence value (that is, the value of the horizontal reaction for a
unit load). Enter the values into Table 3.
For example, assume the horizontal reaction at 150 mm is 3.8 N for
an applied mass of 500 g.
Reaction ( N ) 3.8
Influence Value
= = = 0.78
Load ( N ) 4.9
150 mm
and, Span =
Fraction = 0.3 of the span
500 mm
d) Plot a graph with the horizontal reaction influence values against the
span fraction for both the experimental and calculated values.

Table 3: Horizontal reaction influence values

Fraction Experimental Calculated
of span Horizontal Reaction Horizontal Reaction
Influence Value Influence Value

ii. A Uniformly Distributed Load

Fig. 3 Experimental layout (Uniformly Distributed Load)

For a UDL over the entire span of the arch :

HB =
HB = Horizontal thrust at support B (N)
w = Uniformly distributed load (N/m)
L = Span of the arch (m)
r = Rise of the arch (m)
Using the above formulae, calculate the theoretical horizontal reaction for each
applied load. Enter these values into Table 2.


Students should try to write on their own.


i. Before setting up and using the equipment, always visually inspect all parts (including
electrical leads) for damage or wear.

ii. Check electrical connections are correct and secure.

iii. Check all components are secured correctly and fastenings are sufficiently tight.

iv. Position the Test Frame safely. Ensure it is on a solid, level surface, steady, and easily

v. Never apply excessive loads to any part of the equipment.

vi. Never let the arch strike the load cell.

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