Pages From Basics of Computer-1 (BM1006-1) (1) - 2
Pages From Basics of Computer-1 (BM1006-1) (1) - 2
Pages From Basics of Computer-1 (BM1006-1) (1) - 2
Remarrks directiion and speedd of rotation innto digital siggnal used to control
c the currsor. The infoormation is seent to
the CP
PU for initiating further neccessary actionn.
Differeent types of Trackball
T are shown in Figg. 2.4.
(a)) (b)
F 2.4: Varrious Types off Trackballs
2.2.5 Touch Screeens
A toucch screen is basically
b a dissplay screen which
w can ideentify the occuurrence and position
p of a ttouch
inside the display region. The wordw normallyy refers to a toouch or tap too the display of
o the gadgett by a
finger or hand. Touuch screens can also identtify added inaactive objectss, such as a sttylus. Howevver, if
the objject identifiedd is active, ass with a light pen, the phraase touch screeen is normallly irrelevant.. The
y to interact directly
d with a display normmally specifiees the existencce of a touch screen.
(aa) (b
Basic of Computers 29
(c) (d)
(a) to (c) Flatbed Scanners (d) Hand-held Scanner
Fig. 2.9: Types of Scanners
The output devices receive results and other information from the computer and provide it to the
users. Output is the process of translating data in machine-readable form into a form understandable
to humans or readable by other machines.
In today's information society, people require clear, legible and output. Output that can be understood
by humans can be categorized as:
Hard copy
Soft copy
Hard copy is the output, such as paper, that can be read immediately or stored and read later.
It is relatively stable and permanent form of output. Soft copy is usually a screen-displayed output. It
is transient form of output and is lost when the computer is turned off. But if the data needed to create
the soft copy have been saved on disk or tapes, the soft copy can be reproduced on the screen
Any peripheral that receives or displays output from a computer. An inkjet printer is a good example
of an output device that can make a hard copy of anything on a computer. Below is a listing of all the
different computer output devices found on a computer:
Flat panel
Sound card
Video card
30 I/O Devices & Other Hardware
Remarks An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to communicate the results of
data processing carried out by an information processing system (such as a computer) to the outside
Examples of output devices:
Voice Response Systems
Most of the computer output devices are common to home as well as office environments. At the
same time, there are some devices, which are not as commonly available. Having said that, let’s take
a look at computer output devices list.
2.4.1 Monitors
A computer display is also called a display screen or video display terminal (VDT). A monitor is a
screen used to display the output. Images are represented on monitors by individual dots called pixels.
A pixel is the smallest unit on the screen that can be turned on and off or made different shades. The
density of the dots determines the clarity of the images, the resolution.
Types of Computer Monitors
The computer monitor (also known as a VDU or Visual Display Unit) is the most common computer
output device. For desktop computers, cathode ray monitors (CRT) are gradually being replaced by
flat-screen monitors such as the Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) and Thin Film Transistor (TFT)
displays used with laptop computers because they use less power and take up less space.
2.4.2 Printers
A printer is a peripheral which produces a text and/or graphics of documents stored in electronic
form, usually on physical print media such as paper or transparencies. Many printers are primarily
used as local peripherals, and are attached by a printer cable or, in most new printers, a USB cable to
a computer which serves as a document source. Some printers, commonly known as network
printers, have built-in network interfaces, typically wireless and/or Ethernet based, and can serve as a
hard copy device for any user on the network. Individual printers are often designed to support both
local and network connected users at the same time. There are several printer technologies, the most
common of which are:
the daisy wheel printer
the dot-matrix printer (also called impact matrix printer)
the inkjet printer and the bubble jet printer
the laser printer
Today, daisy wheel printers and matrix printers are hardly ever used.
Basic of Computers 31
ks Dot-m
matrix printerss are printerss that write characters annd form grapphic images using
u one orr two
columns of tiny doots on a printt head. The dot
d hammer moving
m serially across thee paper strikees an
inked--ribbon and crreates imagess on paper.
The print head
h travels from
f side to side across thhe paper andd is made up of numerous pins
which are pushed
p out to form the shappe of each chharacter.
The pins hiit an ink ribboon against thee paper so the characters arre printed out.
The paper isi usually conntinuous withh holes down each side andd perforationss so the pages can
be easily seeparated by teearing.
Because the pins make
m an imppact against thhe paper the characters can
c be printedd through several
layers of self-carbonating paper to produce duuplicate copiees.
Designs Remarks
Four principall designs exissted:
D printers
C (train) printers
B Printers
2 Page Prin
These are thee very high sp
T peed non imppact printers. They can prroduce docum ments at speeds of over
20,000 lines per minute. Electronics, xerography,
x lasers, and other
o technoloogies have made
m these
high-volume systems possible. Thesee techniquess called elecctro-photograaphic techniqques have
developed froom the paper copier
c technoology. Page prrinters can prooduce pages of
o output at a rate equal
to a photo coppier.
2 Laser Prin
Laser printerss are page prin
L nters that prinnt one page att a time. It is a non-impact printer. A lasser printer
is a printer thhat uses the electro-photoggraphic methood used in a copy machinne. A laser prrinter is a
common type of computer printer that raapidly producces high qualiity text and grraphics on plaain paper.
Figure 2.17: Th
he basic comp
ponents of a laser
l printerr
The laser priinters producce quality priint-outs inexppensively at a high print speed. Howeever, these
printers are mostly
m used in professional and semi-proofessional setttings becausee of their highh cost.
2 Inkjet Priinter
IInk-jet is a prrinter mechannism that spraays one or moore color of innk at high sppeed onto the paper and
produces highh-quality prinnting. This printer
p also produces
p coloor printing asa well as hiigh-quality
image. That iss, ink-jet prin
nters can be ussed for varietyy of color priinting at a relaatively low coost. Ink-jet
printing has tw
wo methods: Continuous stream methodd and drop-onn- demand meethod.
Inkjet printingg, like laser prrinting, is a non-impact
n meethod.
2 The Inkjet
I Plotterr Remarks
This is the thhird kind of Plotter
T P whichh is called ass the Inkjet plotter.
p The innkjet plotter creates an
image by sprraying small droplets of inki onto a piiece of paperr. A popular choice for advertising
agencies and graphic desiggners, inkjet plotters are used
u generallyy for large ouutputs, such as
a banners
a billboardss and large sig
and gns often seenn on roadsidees.
Figgure 2.21: In
nkjet plotter
IIn Today's woorld, virtually
y all inkjets create
c color. Low-end inkkjets make thee most of thee three ink
colors (cyan, magenta and d yellow), buut finally creaate a complexx black that is often mudd-spattered.
Four-color inkkjets make usse of the blackk ink created for pure blackk printing aloone.
2 Led Plotter
LED plotters are also calleed as Electrosstatic plotterss. It works sim
L milar to Laseer Printers exccept that it
u LED as the
uses t heat sourcce instead of Laser.
Remarrks projector may look like. Projectoors used withh computers are
a small deviices that are rarely
r much laarger
than a toaster and tyypically weiggh a few pounnds.
Figure 2.24:
2 Motherrboard
The chhipset and otther motherbooard circuitryy are the "sm marts" of the motherboardd. Their job is to
direct traffic and coontrol the flow
w of information inside thee computer.
The chhipset is a criitical part of any
a computerr, because it plays
p a big role in determinning what sorrts of
featurees the computter can suppoort.
The ceentral processsing unit (CP
PU), also callled a processor, is locatedd inside the computer
c casse on
the motherboard. It I is sometimmes called thhe brain of the
t computerr, and its jobb is to carryy out
Basic of Computters 37
ccommands. Whenever
W you
u press a keey, click the mouse, or start
s an appliication, you'rre sending Remarks
instructions too the CPU.
Remarrks Digita
al storage
Every computer needs a storagee device to stoore the operaating system, programs andd files. In thee vast
majoriity of cases, this is providded by one oro more hardd drives. Mosst computers have at leastt one
internaal hard drive, and they havve the capabiliity to connectt to external drives.
Network cardd Remarks
The network card allows your computter to commuunicate over a network andd access the Internet.
T I It
c either coonnect with an
can a Ethernet cable
c or throough a wireleess connectionn (often calleed Wi-Fi).
Many motherrboards have built-in netw
work connectioons, and a neetwork card can
c also be addded to an
expansion slott.
Bluetooth carrd
Bluetooth is a technology
B y for wireleess communiccation over short distancces. It's often used in
computers to communicatte with wirelless keyboards, mice, andd printers. Itt's often buillt into the
motherboard or included in
i a wireless network caard. For commputers that don't
d have Blluetooth, a
U adapter, called a dong
USB gle, can be puurchased.
Remarks The computer monitor (also know as a VDU or Visual Display Unit) is the most common
computer output device.
A printer is a peripheral which produces a text and/or graphics of documents stored in
electronic form, usually on physical print media such as paper or transparencies.
A printer is an output device that produces a hard copy of data. The resolution of printer
output is expressed as DPI. Printers can be classified into different types in several ways.
Plotters were the first type of printer that could print with color and render graphics and full-
size engineering drawings.
Computer hardware is the collection of physical parts of a computer system. Apart from
computer case, monitor, keyboard, mouse, printers, plotters, etc., it also includes all the parts
inside the computer case, such as the hard disk drive, motherboard, video card, and many
1. What are input devices?
2. What do you mean by keyboard?
3. Explain the concept of mouse?
4. Explain the speech recognition system in detail?
5. What do you mean by digital camera?
6. Explain the working of scanners?
7. What do you mean by output devices?
8. What are printers? Explain the various types of printers in detail?
9. Explain the various types of plotters?
10. What do you mean by monitor?
11. Explain the various types of monitors?
12. What do you mean by projector?
13. State the necessities of Input and Output devices.
14. What are the reasons for the visual display unit to be more popular than punched card reader?
15. What is a Keyboard? How does a simple keyboard differ from an ergonomically designed