Bcomllb (Hons) 2024 Syllabus
Bcomllb (Hons) 2024 Syllabus
Bcomllb (Hons) 2024 Syllabus
B.Com., LL.B., (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws): It shall be Integrated Double
Degree Five Academic Years Course in Arts and Law.
The above five year courses shall be divided into ten semesters.
The objectives of revised curriculum of courses of law are: (1) To reorient legal education by
making provision for sufficient opportunity to the students for extensive as well as intensive
study of law. (2) To enable students to acquire knowledge and skills gained from studying
law and to facilitate students to analyse law to apply in practical situations. (3) To equip
students with strong communication skills and to make them responsible to meet the needs of
contemporary requirements of Bar, Bench and Industry in the globalised economic era. (4) To
educate them of diverse backgrounds to become effective, ethical and expert personage who
are employable in a variety of legal settings.
This regulation rules as to course component, curriculum, examination pattern and standard
of passing for B.Com. LL.B. Hons. and will come into force w.e.f. the academic year 2024 -
Total 55
A student willing to have specialization in Industrial and Commercial Law Group can
choose optional papers at serial number (d) in each semester from Fourth year onwards
for Five Year Course
▪ Explanation 2:
This arrangement of optional subjects in law is made to allow the student to have
specialization to some extent in a specified group. It will be mandatory for the student to
choose subjects as given in explanation 1.
• Explanation: 3
University may offer all or any of the groups of specialized Hon’s course at its
discretion and the student has to choose the group at the beginning of the semester.
• Explanation: 4
Students are allowed to choose the optional subjects in the sixth semester of the
programme, the student will be given four preferences in choosing the optional
subjects. The optional subjects are allotted to the respective students on the basis of
their academic performance by aggregating the marks awarded until the fifth
semester. Maximum one fourth of students from each course will be allotted in
respective honours specialized course.
For Example: In a class of 156 students (Comprising of three sections), not more than
39 students will be admitted in each specialized courses.
• Practical Papers
In the final semester, a student has to do two practical papers from the group which
he/she has selected.
▪ Explanation 1:
If the student has selected group (a) International Law and Intellectual Property Law
specialization, the student has to do two practical papers one on International Law and
other one on Intellectual Property Rights in the final semester.
If the student has selected group (b) Constitutional Law and Property Law
specialization, the student has to do two practical papers one on Constitutional Law and
other one on Property Law in the final semester.
If the student has selected group (c) Criminal Law and Forensic Science specialization,
the student has to do two practical papers one on Criminal Law and other one on Law
and Forensic Science in the final semester.
If the student has selected group (d) Industrial and Commercial Law specialization, the
student has to do two practical papers one on Industrial Law and other one on
Commercial Law in the final semester.
• Components of Practical Papers
The rules given herein are for the general understanding of the candidates. However, the
admission to SOEL and syllabus shall be subject to the rules made and condition
prescribed, from time to time, by the University, Central Government, State
Government, Bar Council of India, University Grants Commission or any other
authority empowered.
I- Semester
II- Semester
III Semester
IV Semester
S.No. Subject Subject
19 Managerial Economics
20 Public Policy, Governance and Law
21 Principle of Marketing
22 Constitutional Law I
23 Family Law-II
V Semester
VI Semester
VII Semester :
VIII Semester :
S.No. Subject Code Subjects
41 Labour Law II
42 Competition Law
43 Cyber Law and Information Technology
44 a. International Human Rights Law
b. Human Rights in the Constitutional Law
c. Cyber Crime
d. Insurance Law
45 a. IP on Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
b. Land Laws of Tamil Nadu
c. Forensic Science and Investigation
d. Service Laws
57 a. Practical Paper
b. Practical Paper
c. Practical Paper
d. Practical Paper
The Course shall have the following subjects: Total 55
• Inter-Disciplinary: 14
• Core Law Papers: 23
o Introduction to Law and Legal Research
o Law of Torts
o Law of Contracts-I
o Jurisprudence
o Law of Contracts-II
o Family Law-I
o Constitutional Law I
o Family Law-II
o Constitutional Law –II
o Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (Law of Crimes-I)
o Administrative Law
o Company Law
o Property Law
o Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam (Law of Evidence)
o Public International Law
o Labour Law –I
o Environmental Law
o Labour Law –II
o Civil Procedure Code
o The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (Law of Crimes -II)
o Mediation and Conciliation
o Law of Taxation
o Criminal Minor Acts
• Ancillary Hon’s Papers: 06
o Interpretation of Statutes
o Banking Law
o Intellectual Property Law
o Competition Law
o Cyber Law and Information Technology
o Maritime Law
• Clinical Core Papers: 04
o Professional Ethics
o Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy
o Mock Court and Court Training Programme
o Drafting Pleading, Conveyancing and Chamber Visit
• Specialized Hon’s Optional: 08
o International Law and Intellectual Property Law
o Constitutional Law and Property Law
o Criminal Law and Forensic Science
o Industrial and Commercial Law
These Regulations are made applicable for students joining Five Year integrated Degree courses
and Three year Degree Courses at the School of Excellence in Law. These regulations cover the
following criteria:
• Internal components
• Mid semester test to be conducted after two months of teaching for 10 marks.
• Project assignment for 7 marks, Students shall submit the assignments to the
subject faculty as directed by them within the stipulated time and has to present
the project.
• All students should attend comprehensive Viva-Voce at the end of the semester.
• Every student who has secured a minimum of 50% (15/30) in internals shall be
considered to have passed the internals.
• Students who have not done any of the internal components for any valid reasons
may be given an additional chance to complete the same during the respective
semester on payment of fine of Rs.400 for the first chance and Rs.750 for the
subsequent chance within the semester as instructed by the Director. The payment
of fine shall be made through challan only.
V. 90% - 94% 4 marks
VI. 95% and above 5 marks
4. The special instructions for attendance is as follows:
• Students representing the university in any of the co-curricular and
extracurricular activities will be provided the attendance make up to maximum of
20 percent of the total number of days based on the request made by the student
concerned and duly signed and certified by the faculty advisor in charge of the co-
curricular and extracurricular Activity before the student(s) concerned along
with the certificate shall reach the director, school of excellence in law without any
• In Exceptional cases where the students have to represent the university in any co-
curricular or extracurricular activities without the necessary formalities, the same
may be explained in their application for attendance make up within three days of
their return to the university after such activity. The reason for such delay need to
be specified and the same has to be certified by the faculty advisor in charge of
such co-curricular or extracurricular activity and forwarded to the Director of
SOEL without any further delay.
• A student who has been granted medical leave on the submission of medical
certificate by a duly competent authority shall be allowed to appear in the end
semester exams provided he/she has put in a minimum of 67 percent attendances
in each course. Students securing less than 67% on any circumstances shall not be
permitted to appear for the external examinations and they shall redo the
• In any event, no claims for such attendance make up shall be entertained at the
end of the semester.
• Attendance makeup shall be admissible, shall be subject to prior approval from the
concerned committee in charge for participation in moot courts, seminars,
university exchange programmes, conferences, internships, N.C.C., N.S.S.,
Y.R.C. or any other academic, cultural or sports activities
5. Instructions for Examinations
• Candidates should carefully fill in all the required details in the application form,
including name of the candidate, correct register number, date of birth and
subject codes, failing which their applications are liable to be rejected.
Blind candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees. They should
enclose copy of medical certificate in evidence of their handicap. However, they
should pay the fee for statement of marks, provisional certificate and convocation.
• The fees once paid, will in not be refunded under any circumstances.
• The fees shall be remitted by way of Bank challan only and not by way of D.D.
• All candidates appearing for the examination should forward their applications,
through the Director, SOEL and the exam applications will not be submitted to the
controller of examinations under any circumstances.
• Candidates should obtain their hall tickets from the Director, SOEL, three days in
advance of the commencement of examination, by producing relevant certificate of
• Candidates will not be permitted to write the examination without the hall ticket.
• The answers must be legibly written either in blue or black ink.
• Special sketch pens or other pens should not be used for underlining points.
• The candidates should write the correct register number in the space provided in
the first page of the answer book. No other part of the answer book shall contain
the name or register number of the candidate.
• The candidates will not be permitted to enter the examination hall after 30
minutes from the commencement of the examinations. No candidate will be
allowed to leave the examination hall, within the first 30 minutes from the
commencement of the examination.
• Candidates who are intended to write the examination on the particular
day/session are not permitted to be outside the examination hall specifically inside
the campus of the university after the commencement of the examinations.
• Candidates are not permitted to borrow any stationers from any other candidate
during the examination within the examination hall.
• Candidates are required to adhere discipline and rules of the examination within
and outside the examination hall so as to facilitate the other candidates to write the
examination in a peaceful manner.
• Candidates shall not cause any nuisance either to the co examinee or to the
invigilators and they have to adhere the instructions of the hall superintendent.
• The candidates are required to be seated in the examination hall before the
commencement of the examination. After the commencement they have to get the
permission of the hall superintendent and they have to take their respective seat in
the examination hall.
• The candidates should personally hand over the answer papers to the Hall
superintendent before leaving the hall.
• Electronic gadgets like cellular phone, pager or other instruments for
communication from outside will not be permitted inside the examination hall.
Possession of such instruments will also be treated as malpractice in the
examination hall and will be punished accordingly.
• Candidates are required to hand keep their belongings including their mobile in
their respective cloak rooms and advised to get their token. On return of the token
they can get back their belongings from the cloak rooms.
• If the above instructions are not followed or any other similar wrong/delinquency
is committed, it will be considered as malpractice and penal action will be initiated
against the delinquent student.
• Candidates who have failed any subject are eligible, applying for revaluation,
review and to get their photo copies of their answer books on payment of fees
prescribed for the same.
6. Uniform Span Period System (N+2)
According to the system, the students of the various courses of 5 Year Integrated
Hons’ Degree Programme are permitted to pursue their higher classes and carry
forward their backlog papers and has to clear their papers through the regular
semester by the University.
The students those who joined in the various programmes from the academic year
2019-2020 onwards are eligible to complete their course of study within the normal
period prescribed for such programme without detention.
As per the (N+2) norms, those students who are admitted in the academic year 2019-
2020 onwards in various programme of the UG & PG will be given two additional
years to complete their arrears of papers, if any, after the completion of the
prescribed duration of the study to become eligible for award of degree from the
time of joining in the programme. During such extended period of two years of time
span, such candidates (he/she) ceases to be a regular student of the University.
If a student, he/she fails to clear the arrears of papers in the extended period (two
years) after the normal programme of study shall not be eligible to be qualified for
the degree.
Course Objectives
• To introduce the students to legal literature and thereby expose them to streams of higher
• To introduce great speeches of eminent persons and the art of public speaking.
• To be made aware of the development of English language.
• To strengthen students’ semantic and syntactical competence.
• To enhance knowledge of vocabularies, jargons and dialects of English language.
Module- 4 – (Strengthening Vocabulary) (1x14=14marks) 10hrs.
Words Often Confused
Idioms and Phrases
One Word Substitution
Prefixes and Suffixes
Module- 5 – Grammar (1x10=10) 10hrs.
Active Voice & Passive Voice
Transformation of Sentence
Direct and Indirect Speech
Question Tag
Degrees of Comparison
Common Errors
Textbooks References
• Smith, A.T.H. Glanville Williams- Learning the Law. Sweet and Maxwell Printing Press, 14th
edition. 1945.
• Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral, of Sir Francis Bacon
Lord Verulum Viscount St.
• King, Martin Luther. I Have a Dream. HarperOne, 1991.
• Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. The Merchant of Venice. Harlow, Essex,
England:Longman, 1994.
• Wood, Frederick T. An outline history of the English language. 2nd
ed. London: Macmillan, 1969. Text.
• Baugh,Albert C.1891-1981and Thomas Cable. A History of the English Language. 6th ed.,
Authorized British ed. Abingdon, Routledge, 2013.
Learning Outcomes
After undergoing this course, students should be able to-
1. Comprehend the basic grammatical structure of English language and its proper usage.
2. Significantly enhance language skills, both spoken and written.
3. Understand the importance of honing advocacy skills and public speaking skills.
Module 1: Introduction to Information Technology
1. Computer - Characteristics of Computers - Input, Output, Storage units - CPU – Memory
2. Secondary Storage Devices - Floppy and Hard Disks, Optical Disks CD - ROM, DVD
3. Mass Storage Devices: USB thumb drive. Managing disk Partitions
4. Input Devices - Keyboard, Mouse, joystick, Scanner, web cam
5. Output Devices - Monitors, Printers- Number Systems - Conversion from one number
system to another.
and Numbers
3. Printing & Formatting - Columns Formatting- Page Break- Adding Borders and Shading -
Inserting Auto shapes and Pictures, Printing Documents-Creating and Printing Merged
Documents, Character and Paragraph Formatting
4. Templates - Handling Graphics- Creating Tables and Charts- Document Protection-
Working in Different Views- Document Templates and Wizards.
Recommended Readings:
• Mano M Morris, Digital logic and computer design, ISBN No.
9789332542525, Edition 1, Perarson Publisher, 2016.
• V. Rajaraman, Fundamentals of computer, ISBN No. 9788120350670,
Edition 2, PHI Learning Publisher, 1985.
• Joan Lambert, Microsoft Word 2019, ISBN No. 9781509305872, Microsoft
Press, US 2019.
• L Thomas Floyd,Digital logic fundamentals ,ISBN-No: 0675084954, Merrill
Publisher, December 2016
• Butterworths, The Law Relating to Computers and the Internet, ISBN No.81-
87162-13-9, Lexis Nexis Publisher, 2000.
1. IEEE Xplore, SMPTE Periodical - Digital Electronics Fundamentals for the User: Basic
Logic Gates and Broadcast Applications, Publisher: SMPTE, ISSN: 0036-1682
2. Journal of Operating System Development and Trends, eISSN: 2454–9355
3. Computer Engineering & Information Technology, ISSN : 2324-9307.
4. International journal of Artificial Intelligence, ISSN: 0974-0635, Publisher - Elsevier
5. Communications of the ACM, ISSN: 0001-0782- Publisher – ACM
Further Readings:
a) T.C.Bartee, Computer Architecture and logic design, ISBN No. 0070039097,
Edition 1, McGraw-Hill Publisher, 1990
b) P. K. Sinha, Computer Fundamentals, ISBN No.-13:9788176567527, BPB
Publications, 2004
c) Joan, Microsoft office 2007, step by step, ISBN No. 978-0735623026, Edition 1,
Microsoft press, 2016.
d) AbrahanSilberschatz, Operating System concepts, ISBN No.978-8126554270.
e) Lawyer’s Deskbook, 2nd Edition, 2018 by Shilling.
f) Rajiv Chopra, Operating System – A Practical App, ISBN No. 8121931649, S.
Chand Publishing, 2009.
g) Karnika Seth, Computers Internet and New Technology Laws, ISBN No.
9788180389030, Lex Cyberia2013
E – Books
h) Digital Logic Design, course tutorial, training, a PDF book made by A.F. Kana.
i) Microsoft_word.pdf, Website: Microsoft word windows
j) Operating System by Steven Hand
a) IEEE Transactions on Computers, 0018-9340 (print) 1557-9956 (web), Publisher – IEEE
Computer Society
b) An Analysis of the CLOUD Act and Implications for India By: Elonnai Hickok and
c) The Computer Journal, 0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (web), Publisher – Oxford
d) IEEE Transactions on Computers, LCCN: 75642478, Publisher - IEEE
e) Legal implications of Operating system, Publisher – IEEE Computer Society
Web Resources
a) https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-office-automation-system-tools.htm
Learning Outcomes
After completion of the course students will be able to -
The basic objective of this course is to make the students to understand the various advance
economic principles as well as their applications. In addition to that this course also enables
the students to understand sectors specific and their impact in shaping trends in economic
indicators in pursuit of Indian Constitution.
Module IV Theory of Production and Market Analysis
10 Hours
2. (hereafterStiglitz& Walsh, 2006, 4e).
4. Ahuja H.L. (1996), Principles of Micro Economics, A New look at Economic Theory,
S.Chand, New Delhi.
5. Jhingan M. L, Macro Economic Theory, 10th Revised edition, 2002, ISBN 81-87125- 01-
2, Vrinda Publication (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
6. Ahuja H.L. (1996), Principles of Macro Economics, A New look at Economic Theory,
S.Chand, New Delhi.
7. Dominick Salvatore and Eugene A. Diulio,(2004), Schaum’s Outlines, Principles of
Economics, Second Edition, TATA McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Journal / Journal Articles:
1. Caplan, B., & Miller, S. (2012). Positive versus normative economics: What's the
connection? Evidence from the "Survey of Americans and Economists on the Economy"
and the "General Social Survey". Public Choice, 150(1/2), 241-261. Retrieved March 31,
2020, from www.jstor.org/stable/41406877
2. Kauder, E. (1965). The Law of Diminishing Utility. In History of Marginal Utility Theory
(pp. 135-142). PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY: Princeton University Press. DOI:10.2307 /j.
ctt 183pkm1.16
3. Barucci, E. (1998). Optimal Investments with Increasing Returns to Scale.
International Economic Review, 39(3), 789-808. doi:10.2307/2527400
4. Turvey, R. (1969). Marginal Cost. The Economic Journal, 79(314), 282-299.
5. Lewis, M., &Widerquist, K. (2001). Marginal Analysis. In Economics for Social Workers:
The Application of Economic Theory to Social Policy and the Human Services (pp. 15-24).
New York: Columbia University Press. doi:10.7312/lewi11686.5
Further Readings:
1. Stonier and Hague, A Text Book of Economic Theory, (1958), Long Mans Green &Co.,
2. Douglas B. Bernheim and Michael D. Whinston. (2009). Microeconomics, Tata McGraw-
Hill (India).
3. Hal R. Varian (2010). Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, W.W. Norton
and Company/Affiliated East-West Press (India), 8th edition.
4. Joseph E. Stiglitz and Carl E. Walsh (2007). Economics, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.,
New York, International Student Edition, 4th edition.
5. Gregory N Mankiw (2007). Economics: Principles and Applications, India edition by
South Western, a part of Cengage Learning, Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 4th
6. Sundharam KPM, M C Vaish, Principles of Economics-13th Revised Edition, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
7. Tyagi B.P Public Finance 5st Edition, Jai Prakash&co.
8. D.N. Dwivedi, 2000, Managerial Economics, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New
9. Baumol, William J., 1995, Economic Theory and Operation Analysis, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Journal / Journal Articles:
1. Indian Journal of Economics
2. Economic and Political Weekly (EPW)
3. Kurukshetra and Yojana
4. Southern Economist
5. Indian Journal of Agriculture
6. Armstrong, M., & Vickers, J. (2001). Competitive Price Discrimination. The RAND
Journal of Economics, 32(4), 579-605. Retrieved March 31, 2020, from
Learning Outcomes:
After completion of the study students will be able to -
• Reliable the application of legal principles in the field of economics in the precise manner, as
a social engineer and uphold the goal of constitution to distribution of income and wealth of
nation to ensure welfare of each individual.
• Give the first-hand information about the market structure how resource allocate various
market situations and enable to change the decision making in accordance with global
• Comprehend how to use limited means to present and retain for the future unlimitedwants and
how the law can support and, at times conflict with, the functioning of the market and the
government, the other two important organising forces of an economy.
• Develop an inter-disciplinary approach and enhance the employability of students.
Module V: Holding Company Accounts
a) Definition and Meaning of Holding and Subsidiary Company.
b) Holding and Subsidiary Company Accounts – Preparation of Consolidated Balance Sheet with
Minority Interest.
Further Readings:
a. R.L. Gupta and M. Radhaswamy – Advance Accountancy - Sultan Chand & Sons, New
b. T.S. Reddy and A. Murthy- Financial Accounting - Margham Publications, Chennai.
c. T.S. Reddy and A. Murthy- Corporate Accounting – Margham Publications, Chennai.
d. P. C. Tulsian – Financial Accounting - S Chand, New Delhi.
e. Monga, J.R. Ahuja, Girish and ShehgalAsho - Financial Accounting - Mayur paper Back,
f. Mukherjee and Hanif – Modern Accountancy - McGraw-Hill Publishers, New Delhi.
g. RSN. Pillai, Bagavathi S. Uma, “Advanced Accounting”, S. Chand &Co, New Delhi.
h. Mukerjee and Haneef, Advanced Accountancy, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
i. Arulanandam, “Advanced Accountancy,” Himalaya Publication,Mumbai.
j. S.Manikandan&R.RakeshSankar,” Financial Accounting,” Scitech Publications Pvt
Ltd, Chennai. Volume I & II.
a. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics
b. Accounting & Finance
c. The Accounting Review
d. Ibtihaj Ismail Yaqoob and Riyadh Al-Abdullah, “The Role of accounting literature and
professional trainingin enhancing common life-based characteristics held by a forensic
accountant (an empirical investigation)”, International Journal of Accounting and
finance (IJAF), Vol.7, No.1, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1504/IJAF.2017.083930
e. Hendrickson, H. (1980). Journals for Accountants. The Accounting Review, 55(4), 707-
718. Retrieved April 24, 2020, www.jstor.org/stable/245804
f. Gray S.J, Vint H.M (1995),“The Impact of Culture on Accounting Disclosures: Some
International Evidence”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting, Vol: 2, pp: 33-43.
g. Dodds, G. (1993), "Insolvent Liquidation: An Outline", Property Management, Vol. 11 No.
2, pp. 134-140. https://doi.org/10.1108/02637479310026695
h. Cooper D.J, Sherer M. J (1984),“The Value of Corporate Accounting Reports: Arguments
for a Political Economy of Accounting”, Account Organisation Society, Vol 9, pp 207-
i. Shoaib Khan, Y. S. (2012). Capital structure and managerial ownership: Evidence from
j. Davies, Mike & Paterson, Ron & Wilson, Allister. (1997). Leases and hire purchase
contracts. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-13819-7_17.
Learning Outcomes
After completion of the course students will be able to -
a) Become familiar with various accounting concepts and conventions and accounting Standards
b) Understand the steps followed in hire purchase system and its legal complications. c)
Learn the concepts of amalgamation, absorption and reconstruction of the business. d)
Understand as to how to prepare liquidation final statements and holding company accounts.
Suggested Reading
1. V.C.R.A.C. Crabbe (1993), Legislative Drafting, Cavendish Publishing: United
2. Subhash C. Kashyap (1994), Our Constitution: An Introduction to India’s Constitution
and Constitutional Law, National Book Trust of India: India.
3. S.K. Verma and M. Afzal Wani (2001), Legal Research and Methodology, New Delhi:
4. N.S.Bindra (2002), The General Clauses Act: Central and States, Lexis Nexis
Butterworths: India.
5. A.B. Kafaltiya (2008), Interpretation of Statutes, Universal Law Publishing: India.
6. Suri Ratnapala (2009), Jurisprudence, Cambridge University Press: United Kingdom.
7. Tushar Kanti Saha (2010), Text Book on Legal Methods, Legal Systems and Research,
Universal Law Publishing, New Delhi: India.
8. P. Ramanatha Aiyar (2014), Concise Law Dictionary, Lexis Nexis: India.
9. Justice D. M. Dharmadhikari (2016), Human Values & Human Rights, Universal Law
Publishing: India.
Further Reading
1. Upendra Baxi (1982), The Crisis of the Indian Legal System-Alternatives in
Development: Law, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.: India.
2. P.M. Bakshi (1993), Legal Interpretation: Ancient and Modern, The Indian Law Institute:
3. A.G. Noorani (2011), Challenges to Civil Rights Guarantees in India, South Asia Human
Rights Documentation Centre, Oxford University Press: India.
4. C.G. Weeramantry (2004), Universalising International Law, Martinus Nijhoff: Leiden.
1. J.K. Bhavnani (1962), Legal Education in India, Journal of the Indian Law Institute, Vol.
No.4, PP. 167-190.
2. V.S. Deshpande (1969), Extrinsic Aid in the Construction of Statutes, Journal of the
Indian Law Institute, Vol. No.11, Issue No. 2, PP. 123-158.
3. Rahmatullah Khan and Sushil Kumar (1975), Comparative Law Research in India,
Journal of the Indian Law Institute, Vol. No. 12, PP. 505-510.
4. Upendra Baxi (1975), Socio-Legal Research in India: A Programschrift, Indian Council
of Social Science Research: New Delhi, occasional monograph No.12.
5. D.N. Saraf (1982), Relevance and Utility of Empirical Research in Law, Journal of the
Indian Law Institute, Vol. No. 24 Issue No. 2&3, PP. 611-634.
6. Rajeev Dhavan (1994), Law As Struggle: Public Interest Law in India, Journal of the
Indian Law Institute, Vol. No. 36, Issue No.3, PP. 302-338.
7. S.P. Sathe (2001), Judicial Activism: Indian Experience, Washington University Journal
of Law & Policy, Vol. No. 6, PP. 29-109.
8. Justice D.M. Dharmadhikari (2002), Nature of Judicial Process, Vol. No. 6, Issue No. 1,
Supreme Court Cases.
9. Upendra Baxi (2007), The Rule of Law in India, SUR-International Journal of Human
Rights, Vol. No. 6, Issue No.4, PP. 7-25.
10. V.G. Hegde (2010), Indian Courts and International Law, Leiden Journal of International
Law, Vol. No. 23, Issue No.1, PP. 53-77.
11. Yashomati Ghosh (2017), Indian Judiciary: An Analysis of the Cyclic Syndrome of
Delay, Arrears and Pendency, Asian Journal of Legal Education, Vol. No. 5, Issue No.1,
PP. 21-39.
12. Philip Sales (2019), Legislative Intention, Interpretation, and the Principle of Legality,
Statute Law Review, Vol. No. 40, Issue No. 1, PP.53-63.
Research Oriented Judgments
1. Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board v. A. Rajappa, AIR 1978 SC 548.
2. Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, AIR 1978 SC 597.
3. Bandua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India, AIR 1984 SC 802.
4. U.P. Bhoodan Yagna Samiti v. Braj Kishore & Others, AIR 1988 SC 2239.
5. Paramanand Katara v. Union of India, AIR 1989 SC 2039.
6. State of Karnataka v. Appa Balu Ingale and Others, AIR 1993 SC 1126.
7. Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum v. Union of India, AIR 1996 SC 2715.
8. Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action v. Union of India, AIR 1996 SC 1446.
9. Bobby Art International, Etc. v. Om Pal Singh Hoon & Others, AIR 1996 SC 1846.
10. Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan, AIR 1997 SC 3011.
11. M.C. Mehta v. State of Tamil Nadu, AIR 1997 SC 699.
12. Samatha v. State of Andhra Pradesh, AIR 1997 SC 3297.
13. Gaurav Jain v. Union of India, AIR 1997 SC 3021.
14. M/s. Spring Meadows Hospital v. Hajrol Ahluwalia, AIR 1998 SC 1801.
15. Apparel Export Promotion Council v. A.K. Chopra, AIR 1999 SC 625.
16. Mr. ‘X’ v. Hospital ‘Z’, AIR 1999 SC 495.
17. Chairman, Railway Board v. Chandrima Das, AIR 2000 SC 988.
18. Murali S. Deora v. Union of India, AIR 2002 SC 40.
19. Rupa Ashok Hurra v. Ashok Hurra & Another, AIR 2002 SC 1771.
20. In Re: Networking of Rivers (2012) 4 SCC 51.
Select Reports of the Law Commission of India
1. Report No. 183 (2002) on “A Continuum on the General Clauses Act, 1897 with Special
Reference to the Admissibility and Codification of External Aids to Interpretation of
2. Report No. 187 (2003) on “Mode of Execution of Death Sentence and Incidental Matters”.
3. Report No. 196 (2006) on “Medical Treatment to Terminally Ill Patients (Protection of
Patients and Medical Practitioners)”.
4. Report No. 201 (2006) on “Emergency Medical Care to Victims of Accidents and during
Emergency Medical Condition and Women under Labour”.
5. Report No. 210 (2008) on “Humanization and Decriminalization of Attempt to Suicide”.
6. Report No. 221 (2009) on “Need for Speedy Justice-Some Suggestions”.
7. Report No. 222 (2009) on “Need for Justice-dispensation through ADR etc”.
8. Report No. 223 (2009) on “Need for Ameliorating the lot of the Have-nots-Supreme
Court’s Judgments”.
9. Report No. 234 (2009) on “Legal Reforms to Combat Road Accidents”.
10. Report No. 255 (2015) on “Electoral Reforms”.
Learning Outcomes
1. To get introduced to the conception of law and its relevance to human life.
2. To understand the classification of laws to resolve the identity crisis.
3. To systematically work on the skills of using general and legal language.
4. To imbibe analytical skills of enquiry and legal reasoning.
5. To be aware of the notion of legisprudence and its intersectionality with social problems.
6. To learn the skills of statutory interpretation and realise the impact of the schools of
textualism and purposivism.
7. To examine the role of the courts of justice in the legal system, by basically learning the
parts of judgement, judicial reasoning, identifying the ratio and judicial behaviour.
8. To develop understanding in the reforms in legal education, especially in the post-
independence era.
9. To be a student of research by learning the fundamentals of legal research and also
observing the patterns of socio-legal research.
10. To expose oneself to the legal reforms movement institutionalised by the Law
Commission of India.
11. To equip the knowledge of this course work and apply the skills in the future course
12. To systematically evolve as a legal mind, to earn intellectual self-respect and contribute
in the profession.
Value Added Course - I
Communication Skills
Course Objectives:
• To develop skill to communicate clearly.
• To learn active listening and responding skills.
i.) Phonemes / Speech Sounds – Received Pronunciation [R.P], Vowels, Diphthongs and
Consonants – Transcription of words into phonetic script.
ii.) Reading Skills – Stress And Intonation Falling Tone And Rising Tone.
Module-IV: 6hrs.
i. Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication – Outline & Significance.
ii. Figures of Speech - Simile – Metaphor – Hyperbole - Allegory – Personification –
Metonymy – Synecdoche – Euphemism – Climax – Bathos – Epigram – Pun –Irony.
iii. Public Speaking: Skills, Methods, Strategies and Essential tips for effective public speaking.
Reference Books:
➢ HAIGH RUPERT. Legal English, Second edition published by Rout ledge-Cavendish,
London and New York.2009.
➢ English and Soft Skills–S.P.Dhanavel, Orient Black swan India, 2010
➢ E Handouts of Renssalaer Polytechnic, USA.[necessary permission has to be obtained by the
course instructor for classroom use] www.rpi.edu
➢ Gupta, Ruby and Anugrah Rohini Lall. Basic Technical Communication. Cambridge
University Press, 2009.
➢ Hoover, Hardy. Essentials for the Scientific and Technical Writer.1970;
➢ Rpt.New York: Dover Publications, Inc.,1980
➢ Kirkman, John. Good Style for Scientific and Engineering Writing. London: Pitman
Publishing Ltd., 1980.
Course Objectives
• To acquaint the students to court procedure from literary writings.
• To become aware of the thought process of eminent persons through their writing and
• To familiarize the students with legal terms and legal maxims.
• To develop logical reasoning and thinking.
Module-I- (Prose-Legal Writing) (2x 10=20 marks) 15hrs.
Legal Terms (Appendix – I) (10 marks)
Legal Maxims (Appendix – II) (10 marks)
Textbook References:
1. Rajendra Pal and J. S. Korlahalli -Essentials of Business Communication.
Sterling publication. 1971. Print.
2. Williams, Glanville. Learning the Law. Sweet and Maxwell Printing Press,
2006. 14th edition. Print.
3. Bhatnagar. R. G. Law and Language. Trinity Press Private Limited, 2012.
4. Dennings, Lord. Due Process of Law. London: Butterworths: Lexis Nexis,
2004. Print.
Module I: Introduction to Management
• Introduction to Management - Primary Functions of Management
• Types of Managers - Management Roles
• History of Management - Scientific Management - Bureaucratic Management - Humanistic
• Current Developments in Management Practices
• The Planning Cycle - Types of Plans and Common Planning Tools
• Introduction to Strategic Management - Organizational Strategic Planning - Stages and Types
of Strategy - How Environment Affects Strategy
c) Current Trends in Organization and Job Design –
d) Introduction to Choosing an Organizational Structure - Organic versus Mechanistic Models
e) Factors of an Organizational Structure - Organizational Structure and Success
Motivation in Different Cultures - Motivation in the Workplace
Recommended Readings:
1. Prasad, L. M.(2019). Principles and Practice of Management. New Delhi: Sultan Chand and
2. Drucker, P. F. (1991). The Practice of Management. Ahamadabad: Allied Publishers.
3. Tripathi, P. C., and Reddy, P. N. (2017). Principles of Mnagement. New Delhi: Tata McGraw
- Hill. 6th Edition
4. Nair, S. R. (2008). Organizational Behaviour . New Delhi: Himalaya Publishing House.
5. Prasad, L.M. (2007). Organizational Behaviour. New Delhi: S. Chand & Company.
Journals/Journal Articles:
1. Newburry, W., Deephouse, D. L., &Gardberg, N. A. (2019). Global Aspects of Reputation
and Strategic Management', Global Aspects of Reputation and Strategic Management
(Research in Global Strategic Management, Volume 18).
2. Bonacchi, M., Marra, A., &Zarowin, P. (2019). Organizational structure and earnings quality
of private and public firms. Review of Accounting Studies, 24(3), 1066-1113.
3. Henri, J. F., &Wouters, M. J. (2017). Coexistence of management control practices and
successful product innovation.
4. Hough, L., &Dilchert, S. (2017). Personality: Its measurement and validity for employee
selection. In Handbook of employee selection (pp. 298-325). Routledge.
5. Kundu, S. C., Mehra, L., &Mor, A. (2017). Effect of Diversity Management on Employees
Intention to Quit: Mediating Role of Employee Motivation. Journal of Strategic Human
Resource Management, 6(3), 17.
Further Readings:
1. Morden, T. (2017). Principles of management. Routledge.
2. Rothaermel, F. T. (2016). Strategic management: concepts (Vol. 2). McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Berry, A. J., Broadbent, J., &Otley, D. T. (Eds.). (2016). Management control: theories,
issues and practices. Macmillan International Higher Education.
4. Wallensteen, P. (2018). Understanding conflict resolution. SAGE Publications Limited.
5. Barry, N. (2016). Business ethics. Springer.
Journals/Journal Articles:
1. Weichhart, G., Molina, A., Chen, D., Whitman, L. E., &Vernadat, F. (2016). Challenges and
current developments for sensing, smart and sustainable enterprise systems. Computers in
Industry, 79, 34-46.
2. Strobl, A., Niedermair, J., Matzler, K., &Mussner, T. (2019). Triggering subordinate
innovation behavior: the influence of leaders’dark personality traits and level 5 leadership
behavior. International Journal of Innovation Management, 23(05), 1950045.
3. Cascio, W. F., &Montealegre, R. (2016). How technology is changing work and
organizations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 3,
4. Klonek, F. E., Quera, V., Burba, M., &Kauffeld, S. (2016). Group interactions and time:
Using sequential analysis to study group dynamics in project meetings. Group Dynamics:
Theory, Research, and Practice, 20(3), 209.
5. Klug, M., &Bagrow, J. P. (2016). Understanding the group dynamics and success of
teams. Royal Society open science, 3(4), 160007.
6. Arditi, D., Nayak, S., &Damci, A. (2017). Effect of organizational culture on delay in
construction. International Journal of Project Management, 35(2), 136-147.
7. Sekhar, C., Patwardhan, M., & Singh, R. K. (2016). Prioritising the dimensions of employee
motivation using analytic hierarchy process. International journal of business and emerging
markets, 8(1), 49-66.
8. Van Gramberg, B., Teicher, J., Bamber, G. J., & Cooper, B. (2017). A changing world of
workplace conflict resolution and employee voice: An Australian perspective.
Learning Outcomes
The main objectives of the course are to impart the students with basic knowledge
about the Indian financial system, concepts and to make them familiar with the functioning of
stock market and various types of financial services in India. This subject will provide a
better way to understand the concepts of Leasing, Factoring and Merchant Banking services.
Module V: Leasing and Factoring
a) Meaning of Leasing and Financing – Different types of Lease – Legal aspects of lease
agreement – Merits and Demerits of Leasing –
b) Meaning of Factoring – Types of Factoring – Domestic and International Factoring –
Legal Aspects of Factoring.
Recommended Readings:
1. Varsheny.P.N, Indian Financial System, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
2. Srivastra R.M., Management of Indian Financial Institution, Himalaya Publication
House, Mumbai.
3. Gardon. E and Natarajan. K, Financial Markets and Services, Himalaya Publishing
House, New Delhi.
4. S. Gurusamy, Financial Services for UG Students, Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt Lt., 2018.
5. S. Gurusamy, Merchant Banking for UG Students, Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt Lt., 2018.
Further Readings:
1) R.S.N. Pillai and Bagavathi, Modern Marketing, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
2) S. Gurusamy - Financial services – Vijay Nicole Imprints limited, Chennai.
3) Investment Banking –PratapGiri.S., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi
4) Merchant Banking & Financial Services - Dr. S. Guruswamy- Tata McGraw Hill
Education, New Delhi
5) Merchant Banking & Financial Services - S.B.Kulkarni&M.Govindaraj –
NiraliPrakashan, Pune.
6) Financial services by E.Dharmaraj – S.Chand& Co., New Delhi
7) Financial Services by S.Mohan and R.Elangovan – Deep and Deep Publications,
New Delhi
8) Lease Financing and Hire Purchase by Vinod Kothari – Wadhaw and Co., Nagpur.
9) Financial Market and Investment Management – Prof.V.P.Agarwal – SahityaBhawan
Publications – UP state
10) Financial Markets and Services - B.S.Raman-Chethana Book House – Karnataka state
1. Journal of Financial Markets
2. Recent Journal of Financial Markets
3. International Journal Financial Markets and Derivatives.
4. "Price comparison sites face probe". BBC News. 2008-01-22. Retrieved 2009-02-06.
5. Clark, David (2003). Urban world/global city. Routledge. pp. 174–
176. ISBN 0415320976; Shubik, Martin (1999). The theory of money and financial
institutions. MIT Press. p. 8. ISBN 0262693119.
6. Roberts, Richard (2008). The City: A Guide to London's Global Financial Centre. Economist.
pp. 1–22.
7. "UK's financial services trade surplus biggest in the world, dwarfing its nearest rivals". The City
UK. 3 July 2014. Retrieved 5 June 2015.
8. "Special report on services exports" (PDF). EY Item Club. June 2014. Retrieved, 8th
September 2015.
9. Ruppel, Warren. (2020). ACCOUNTING FOR LEASES. 10.1002/9781119596110.ch19.
10. Lekpek, Ahmedin. (2016). Venture capital and obstacles to the venture capital
investments. Ekonomskipogledi. 18. 37-51. 10.5937/EkoPog1604037L.
Learning Outcomes
After completion of the course students will be able to -
a) Understand the Indian financial system and its role in economic development
b) Learn the functioning of the capital market and its importance
c) Understand the various financial services and its importance.
d) Familiar with the functioning of stock market.
(Including Motor Vehicles Act and Consumer Protection Act)
Law is growing and developing, adapting itself to the changing needs- social, economic, and
so on. “Law of torts is no exception to this phenomenon. the courts, vested with jurisdiction
to interpret and declare" what the law is", have been discharging their obligation, bringing
the consistent with the changing global developments. In so doing, they have been rendering
important and landmark judgements. In civil litigation, contract and tort claims are by far the
most numerous. The law attempts to adjust for harms done by awarding damages to a
successful plaintiff who demonstrates that the defendant was the cause of the plaintiff’s
losses. Torts can be intentional torts, negligent torts, or strict liability torts. Employers must
be aware that in many circumstances, their employees may create liability in tort. This
subject explains the different kind of torts, as well as available defences to tort claims in
various parameters.
After undergoing the study the student will be able to understand the following:
• Understand the sources and policy objectives of tort law.
• Identifying and analyzing the elements of various substantive torts and related
• To resolving torts cases including the role of Judge, Burden of Proof issues.
• To spot tort issues in everyday conduct.
MODULE I:The Nature of a Tort
MODULE III: Liability under Tort
a) Strict Liability
b) Absolute Liability
c) Vicarious Liability- Vicarious Liability of State
d) Liability for Dangerous Premises- Liability for Dangerous Chattels
e) Liability for Animals- Liability for Misstatements
Recommended Reading
6. Ramaswamy Iyer's The Law Of Torts, A Lakshminath , M Sridhar , LexisNexis India
7. Philosophy and the Law of Torts, Gerald J. Postema, Cambridge University Press,
8. Gandhi, B.M., Law of Tort, 4th Edition, Reprinted 2019, Eastern Book Company.
9. Pillai, P.S.A., Law of Torts, 9 th Ed., Eastern Book Co., Lucknow (2017).
10. Salmond, Law of Torts, 17th Ed., (Rev. by R.F.V. Henston) London, Sweet and
Maxwell (1979).
Journals/ Articles
4. Philosophical Issues in Tort Law, John Oberdiek, Volume3, Issue 4, July 2008, Pages
5. Toward a Test for Strict Liability in Torts, Guido Calabresi and Jon T. Hirschoff, The
Yale Law Journal, Vol. 81, No. 6 (May, 1972), pp. 1055-1085
6. Some Thoughts on Risk Distribution and the Law of Torts, Guido Calabresi, The Yale
Law Journal, Vol. 70, No. 4 (Mar., 1961), pp. 499-553
7. Principles of Torts, Harvard Law Review, vol. 56 Harv. L. Rev. 72 (1942-1943),
8. A Critique of Torts, Richard. L. Abel ,vol 37 UCLA L. Rev. 785 (1989-1990),
Further Reading
5. Harold Luntz et al, Torts: Cases and Commentary (LexisNexis Butterworths, 8th ed,
6. Carolyn Sappideen and Prue Vines (eds), Fleming's The Law of Torts (Lawbook Co,
12th ed, 2016);
7. Martin Davies and Ian Malkin, Torts (LexisNexis Butterworths, 8th ed, 2017);
8. Kit Barker et al, The Law of Torts in Australia (Oxford, 5th ed, 2012);
9. RP Balkin and JLR Davis, Law of Torts (LexisNexis Butterworths, 5th ed, 2013);
10. Horsey, K. & Rackley, E. Tort Law. (Oxford University Press, 2019).
11. Ratan Lal and Dhirajlal, The Law of Torts, 25th Ed., Wadhwa and Co. Nagpur, 2017.
12. Singh, S.P, Law of Tort, Fourth Edition, Universal Law Publishing Co. Reprint 2018
13. Chakraborty, C., Law of Consumer Protection, New Delhi, Dwivedi Law Agency
14. Lunney, M. and Oliphant, K. (2013) Tort law: text and materials. Fifth edition.
Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Journal/ Articles
5. The Enterprise Liability Theory of Torts, Howard C. Klemme, Vol 47 U. Colo. L.
Rev. 153 (1975-1976), Heinonline.
6. Conditional Fault in the Law of Torts, Robert E. Keeton, Harvard Law Review, Vol.
72, No. 3 (Jan., 1959), pp. 401-444
7. Causation, Valuation, and Chance in Personal Injury Torts Involving Preexisting
Conditions and Future Consequences, Joseph H. King, Jr., The Yale Law Journal,
Vol. 90, No. 6 (May, 1981), pp. 1353-1397
8. Advani, Poornima, “Duty to Care from Hippocrates to Consumer Forum.” Global
Health Law, Indian Law Institute &World Health Organization, South East Asia, New
Delhi, 1998, pp. 160-168.
9. Bijawat, Mahesh, Medical Negligence – Medical Malpractice- A Medical Experience
(NC), JILI 37, 1995 page 390-397.
10. The Strict Liability In Fault And The Fault In Strict Liability, John C.P. Goldberg,
Benjamin C. ZipurskyHarvard Law School
11. Toxic Gas Leak Leads to OSHA Fines- McCann & Wall, LLC, Pennsylvania,
12. Harvard Law Review Forum, New Private Law Theory and Tort Law: A Comment,
Keith N. Hylton, 125 HARV. L. REV. 1757 (2012) May 18, 2012
13. Tort Law, Southern California Law Review
14. Tort Law, Green, Leon – Hein Online
22. Union Carbide Corporation Etc vs Union Of India Etc. Etc on 3 October, 1991
23. Stanley vs. Powell, (1891) 1 QB 86
24. Rural Transport Service vs. Bezlum Bibi (1980)
Learning Outcomes
5. To analyze the term “tort”, determine those affected by the law of tort and assess the
aims and rationale behind the law of tort.
6. To apply tort law to complex problems using appropriate legal problem-solving
7. To exercise judgment in the application of tort law to simulated client situations in an
academic environment.
8. To analyze the impact of tort law from a policy perspective.
9. To undertake legal research at a foundational level and evaluate legal information.
The general principles that affect these contracts, and that allow their enforcement in case of
breach, are given in sections 1 – 75 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 (commonly known as
‘ICA’). Contract remedies are also provided in the Specific Relief Act 1963 (commonly
known as ‘SRA’). These two laws form the main course for this paper.In these topics, we will
decipher all the vivid aspects of the Contract Act.
a. The nature of contractual obligations
b. Discussion on contracts, related parties to the contract, remedies available in day to
day life
- Purchase of goods/ services
- Employment contracts
- Bank loan
- Renting a Bank Locker
- Lease contract
- Insurance contract
- Contract formed by online purchase of goods
c. Enforcement - Primary purpose of contract law
e) Effect of non-happening of event
f) Enforcement of contingent contracts
g) Quasi Contracts
- Types of Quasi Contract
- Doctrine of restitution
- Effect of breach of quasi-contractual obligation
a) Obligation to perform or offer to perform; who must perform, effect of death,
personal contracts, rights and liabilities under a contract
b) Doctrine of privity, and exceptions to the doctrine
c) Joint rights and liabilities
d) Time of performance, right to terminate if time is of essence
e) Liability to pay interest for delay
f) Place of performance
g) Reciprocal promises, effect of non-performance of one of reciprocal promises;
unilateral and bilateral promises
h) Appropriation of payments
i) Discharge of contract
- by performance;
- by offer of performance:
- by non-performance by one party
- by breach and rescission
- anticipatory breach
j) Doctrine of impossibility and effect
k) By agreement
- novation,
- alteration and
- rescission
l) By act of promise
- dispensing,
- remission and
- waiver,
- extension of time, accord and satisfaction
m) Termination or discharge under contract provisions
Remedies of Specific Relief through court or arbitration under Specific Relief Act:
a) Specific performance:
- Cases in which it can and cannot be granted
- Personal bars to relief
- Discretionary relief
- Who can claim specific performance
- Against whom can specific performance be claimed
- Claim for compensation and other reliefs in a suit for specific performance
b) Injunctions in suits relating to contract:
- Discretionary relief
- Kinds - Temporary and perpetual, prohibitory and mandatory
- When can injunction be granted?
- When will injunction not be granted?
- Injunction to enforce negative covenants
- Claim for compensation in a suit for injunction
- Rescission
- Rectification of instruments
- Cancellation of instruments
Recommended Readings:
1. Avtar Singh, Law of Contract and Specific Relief, 12th ed, 2017, Eastern Book
2. V Kesava Rao, Contract I: Cases and Materials, 2nd ed, 2014, Lexis-Nexis
3. Ritu Gupta, Law of Contract – includes the Specific Relief Act 1963, 2015, Lexis-
4. Anson's Law of Contract, Beatsen and Burrows ed. 29th ed., 2010, Oxford University
5. Mulla, The Indian Contract Act, Anirudh Wadhwa ed., 15th ed., 2015, Lexis-Nexis
Journals/Journal Articles:
1) Offer and Acceptance in Modern Contract Law: A Needless Concept,Shawn J.
Bayern,California Law Review,Vol. 103, No. 1 (February 2015), pp. 67-
101,Published by: California Law Review, Inc.
2) Minors in Contract: An Analysis of Rules Relating to Minors in Indian Contract Act,
1872,Journal of Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence Volume 1, Issue 1
3) Standard form contracts and a smart contractfuture,Kristin B. Cornelius
Department of Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
4) Contract, Consideration and the Critical Path,John Adams and Roger
Brownsword,The Modern Law Review,Vol. 53, No. 4 (Jul., 1990), pp. 536-542
5) The great Indian privity trick: hundred years of misunderstanding nineteenth century
English contract law,Shivprasad SwaminathanO.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat,
Delhi (NCR), India.
6) Doctrine of Privity of Contract Under Indian Law: Should it Be Abolished in Toto or
Subject to Certain Proviso? ,Ashalika Pandey,National Law School of India
7) Enforcement of Business Contracts in India: An Analysis of The Reforms on Specific
Relief ,DR. S. SETHURAM Assistant Professor, SRIT Business School,Sri
Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu, India
8) The doctrine of frustration under section 56 of the Indian Contract Act,M. P. Ram
Mohan,PromodeMurugavelu,Gaurav Ray &Kritika Parakh,Pages 85-104 |
7. Felthouse v Bindley - [(1862) 11 Cb (NS) 869 : EWHC CP J35 : 142 ER 1037 :
(1863) 7 LT 835]
8. Kedarnath v. Gorie Mohamed – [(1887) ILR 14 Cal 64]
8. Tweddle v. Atkinson – [(1861) EWHC QB J57 : (1861) 1 B&S 393 : (1861) 121 ER
14. Phillips v Brooks Ltd. – [(1919) 2 KB 243]
15. Cundy V Linsay – [(1878) 3 AC 459]
16. SatyabrataGohose v Mugneeram Bangur& Co. - [AIR 1954 SC 44 : 1954 SCR 310]
17. PannalalJankidas v Mohanlal - [AIR 1951 SC 144 : 1950 SCR 979]
18. Hadley v Baxendale - [(1854) 9 Ex Ch 341]
14. Donoghue v Stevenson - [(1932) UKHL 100 :(1932) SC (HL) 31 : (1932) AC 562
:(1932) All ER Rep 1]
15. Dutton v Poole - [(1678) 2 Lev 210 : 83 ER 523]
• appreciate and criticize the Indian statutory position relating to important elements of
Contract Law
• Understand objects to a contract as an essential element and to understand the various
case laws relating to it where the judiciary quashed enforceability of a contract.
• Learn other kinds of agreements which are expressly declared as void under Indian
Contract Act, 1872.
• Understand the principles underlying the grant of specific reliefs and the different
remedies provided under the Spe
• cific Relief Act.
Course Objectives:
• To help the students in building interpersonal skills.
• To learn active listening and responding skills.
UNIT – 1 6hrs.
1. Soft Skills: An Introduction – Definition and Significance of Soft Skills; Process, Importance and
Measurement of Soft Skill Development.
2. Self-Discovery: Discovering the Self; Setting Goals; Beliefs, Values, Attitude, Virtue.
3. Positivity and Motivation: Developing Positive Thinking and Attitude; Driving out Negativity;
Enhancing Motivation Levels.
UNIT -2 6hrs.
1.Interpersonal Communication: Interpersonal relations; communication models, process and
barriers; team communication; developing interpersonal relationships through effective
communication; corporate communication -styles – assertion, persuasion, negotiation.
2. Group Discussion: Importance, Planning, Elements, Skills assessed; Effectively disagreeing,
Initiating, Summarizing and Attaining the Objective.
3. Non-Verbal Communication: Importance and Elements; Body Language.
4. Teamwork and Leadership Skills: Concept of Teams; Building effective teams; Concept of
Leadership and honing Leadership skills.
UNIT -3 6hrs.
1. Interview Skills: Interviewer and Interviewee – in-depth perspectives. Before, During and After
the Interview. Tips for Success.
2. Presentation Skills: Types, Content, Audience Analysis, Essential Tips – Before, During and
After, Overcoming Nervousness.
3. Etiquette and Manners – Social and Business.
4. Time Management – Concept, Essentials, Tips.
5. Personality Development – Meaning, Nature, Features, Stages, Models; Learning Skills;
Adaptability Skills.
UNIT – 4 6hrs.
1. Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Skills: Meaning, Types and Models, Group and Ethical
Decision-Making, Problems and Dilemmas in application of these skills.
2. Conflict Management: Conflict - Definition, Nature, Types and Causes; Methods of Conflict
3. Stress Management: Stress - Definition, Nature, Types, Symptoms and Causes; Stress Analysis
Models and Impact of Stress; Measurement and Management of Stress
UNIT – 5 6hrs.
Leadership and Assertiveness Skills: A Good Leader; Leaders and Managers; Leadership
Theories; Types of Leaders; Leadership Behaviour; Assertiveness Skills.
Each topic in all the above units will be supplemented by practice
Exercises and classroom activities and projects.
Reference Books:
1. Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development –edited by B.N.Ghosh, McGraw Hill India,
2. English and Soft Skills – S.P.Dhanavel, Orient Blackswan India, 2010.
3. Peter, Francis. Soft Skills and Professional Communication. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill. 2012.
4. Singh, S.R. Soft Skills. APH Publishing Corporation. 2011. Print.
5. Dr. Shamina Ansari. Business Communication – Soft Skills. Print.
Marks Pattern for Value Added Course/ Soft Skills for PG:
50 Marks
5. Project: - 15 marks
c. Submission -10 marks
d. Presentation -5 marks
6. Expression Skills: - 20 marks
a. Impromptu Speech -5 marks
b. Role playing as team member and team leader-5 marks
c. Group Discussion -5 marks
d. Viva-Voce -5 marks
7. Written Test - 10 marks
8. Attendance - 5 marks
Total -50 marks
Value Added Course III - Data Analytics Using Excel
Course Description:
This course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to perform data analytics
using Microsoft Excel. The course will cover data manipulation, visualization, statistical analysis,
and advanced Excel functions to analyze and interpret data effectively.
Course Objectives:
Definition and importance of data analytics - Overview of data analytics process -Types of data:
structured vs. unstructured -Introduction to Excel as a data analytics tool - Excel interface and basic
Importance of data cleaning -Techniques for data cleaning (removing duplicates, handling missing
data) - Sorting and filtering data - Using conditional formatting.
Importance of data visualization -Types of charts and their uses (bar, line, pie, scatter, etc.) -Creating
and customizing charts in Excel.
Using LOOKUP functions (VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, XLOOKUP) -Working with INDEX and
MATCH - Using logical functions (IF, AND, OR, NOT) -Advanced date and time functions
Reference Books:
1) Wayne L. Winston ,"Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling" , Microsoft
Press, 2019.
2) Conrad Carlberg, "Statistical Analysis: Microsoft Excel 2016", Que Publishing,2016
3) Jordan Goldmeier, “Advanced Excel Essentials", Apress Publications,2014
4) Michael Alexander, Richard Kusleika, and John Walkenbach , "Excel 2019 Bible", Wiley
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1) Manage and analyze data effectively using Excel.
2) Utilize Excel for advanced data analysis and visualization
3) Excel Proficiency for Data Analytics
4) Apply the techniques for real-world data sets and business problems
5) Develop and critically analyze data and draw meaningful conclusions.
Module I: Introduction (12 Hours)
a) Social problem: Definition - Nature of Social Problem - Factors of Social Problem (Social,
cultural, economic, political and ecological).
b) Theoretical approach to social problem - Social Disorganisation Approach- Cultural Lag -
Value-Conflict Approach – Anomie Approach.
Module III: Structural Problems (10 Hours)
a) Problems faced by Scheduled Castes. Issues related to Untouchability. - Role of Dr. B.R.
Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi in upliftment of Scheduled Castes - Reservation in
government and private sector.
b) Problems faced by Scheduled Tribes. Development Vs Displacement of Scheduled Tribes -
Distinctiveness Vs Mainstreaming - Verrier Elwin’s Panchasheela for the development of
scheduled tribes.
Module IV: Problems of the Women, Children and Aged (10 Hours)
Recommended Readings:
1. Shankar Rao C.N., 2019. “Indian Social Problems” S Chand & Co.
2. Madan GR, 1986. “Indian Social Problems” Allied Publishers.
3. Madan GR.., 2002.“ Indian Social Problems” Radha Publications.
4 Ram Ahuja ., 1992.“Social Problems in India” Rawat Pubications, New Delhi.
5 Shankar Rao C.N., 2008. “Introduction to Sociology” S Chand & Co.
1. Race and Social Problems
2. Gender and Society
3. Contemporary Sociology
4. Journal of Social Issues
5. Social Problems
Further Reading:
1. Hortan Paul S.and Gerald P Leslie., 1987. The Sociology of Social Problems Appietar, New York,
2. Letnert Edwin., 1972. Social Pathology- Mcgrow Hill, New York
3. Madan G.R.., 1986. Indian Social Problems. Allied Publishers, Bombay
4. Linda A. Mooney, David Knox Caroline Schactt, Understanding Social Problems., 8th
Edition, Wadsworth Cengage Learning
5. William Kornblum, Joseph Julian., 1992. Social Problems: Community, Policy, and Social
Action, Sage Pubication.
6. Anna Leon Guerrero, 2018. Social Problems, Community, Policy and Social Action, Sage
7. Joel Best, 2016. Social Problems, W.W. Norton and Company
8. Madan.G.R.., 2002. Indian Rural Problems, Radha Publications
9. Varma P., 1982. Pathology of Crime and Delinquency-Sathitya Bhavan, Agra
10. John D.Carl, 2013. Think Social Problems., 2nd edition, Pearson Pubication
Learning Outcomes:
After completion of the course the students will be able to:
• Equip students to learn various social problems affecting Indian society.
• Gain knowledge and develop a broader understanding of the causes for social problems
• Enhance the students to understand to apply the approaches and theories to
evolve social intervention strategies.
• Enable the law students to understand and analyze the Indian society through a
Sociological perspective.
Module IV: Techniques of Management accounting
a) Management Accounting – Meaning, Definition, Objectives.
b) Tools and Techniques of Management Accounting.
c) Difference between Management Accounting, Financial Accounting and Cost
d) Roleof Management Accountant in Decision Making.
5. V. K. Saxena and C. D. Vashist - Cost Accounting - Sultan Chand & Sons, 11th Edition,
Journals / Journal Articles:
1. Aleem, M., Khan, M.H. and Hamad, W. (2016), “A Comparative Study of the Different
Costing Techniques and their Application in the Pharmaceutical Companies, Audit
Financier”, vol. XIV, no. 11(143)/2016, pp. 1253-1263, DOI:
2. Brown, C. (1992). “Wage Levels and Method of Pay”, The RAND Journal of
Economics, 23(3),366-375.RetrievedApril8,2020, fromwww.jstor.org/stable/2555868
3. Anbarasu Joseph (2014), “Overhead”, ResearchGate Journal,
4. Hamid Saremi and BehradMoinNejad, (2013), “Role of Management Accounting in
Managerial the Decision Making of Enterprises”, Elixir International Journal, Elixir Fin.
Mgmt. 65B (2013) 19859-19866; http://www.elixirpublishers.com
5. Pratik P. ValandAn Empirical Study of Ratio Analysis Indian Journal of Applied
Research, VolII, IssueI October 2012.
Further Readings:
1. B. S. Khanna, G. K. Ahuja, I. M. Pandey, S. C. L. Batra - Practical Costing - S. Chand &
Company Ltd, 2015.
2. Dr. R. P.Rustagi - Management Accounting - Taxmann’s Publications, 2nd Edition, 2015.
3. ManoshDutta, “Cost Accounting’, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd, 2010.
4. M.C. Shukla, T.S. Grewal, Dr.M.P. Gupta, “Cost Accounting”, S. Chand & Company
Ltd, 2018.
5. I.M. Pandey, “Management Accounting”, Vikas Publishing, third Edition, 2018
6. T. Horngren and Gary L. Sundem, “Introduction to Management Accounting” – 16th
Edition, Prentice-Hall, New Delhi.
7. Ambrish Gupta – Financial Accounting for Management: An Analytical Perspective,
Pearson Education, 3rd Edition 2009.
8. S.K. Bhattacharya, John Dearden – Accounting for Management, Vikas Publishing
House, Third Revised Edition, 2008.
9. Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, and Jonathan E. Duchac – Financial Accounting:
Concepts, Methods, and Applications (Cengage Learning, 2009).
10. Robert Anthony & Hawkins- Accounting Test and Cases, Richard D. Irwin London.
1. The Journal of Cost Accounting Research
2. The Journal for CMAs
3. International Journal of Managerial and Financial
4. Management Accounting
5. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research
6. International Journal of Accounting Research
7. Barnes, Paul. (2006). The Analysis and Use of Financial Ratios: A Review Article.
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. 14. 449 - 461. 10.1111/j.1468-5957.
8. Manes, R. (1966). A New Dimension to Breakeven Analysis. Journal of Accounting
Research, 4(1), 87-100. doi:10.2307/2490143.
9. Kaplan, R.S. (1995). New roles for management accountants. Journal of Cost
Management. 9. 6-13.
10. Cooper, R. (1987). Cost management concepts and principles. Journal of Cost
Management. 45-49
Learning Outcomes
• After completion of the course, Students will be able to -
• Gain knowledge on Cost Management and minimisation of Cost, without
compromising on quality.
• Acquire Management Accounting knowledge and suggest their clients on efficient
Financial Management.
• Have good exposure on various Cost Accounting aspects such as Material Costing,
Overheads Costing and Marginal Costing techniques.
• Comprehend the Management Accounting aspects such as Financial Statement
analysis and Budgetary Control.
Objectives of the Course:
Laws are rules, claims are supported by arguments, and decisions are conclusions.
The rules, arguments and conclusions are bound to conform to the requirement of logic. They
must be systematically coordinated and carried to their consequences. Thus the whole body
of legal doctrines can be considered is often considered as a more or less closely woven
tissue of prepositions and deductions. The ideas which constitute this tissue are not presented
to society ready-made; they are gradually unfolded by processes of collective thought;
sometimes particular points get generalized and subjected to principles; at other times
inferences are drawn from general prepositions. These processes constitute the dialects of
law. Those dialects become ever standing principles and thus the consolidation of all wisdom
of law becomes Jurisprudence.
(a) Evolution of Law – Ancient India, Greek and Roman Civilization – Law, Morals,
Ethics and Justice – Nature of law – Functions of Law
(b) Rule of Law: Authority (or) Autonomy (or) Anarchy (or) Obligation (or) Opinion (or)
Dictum – Law as a Social Fact
(c) Nature and Scope of Jurisprudence – From Police State to Welfare State.
(c) Administration of Justice – Complete Justice – Theories of Justice – Basis of
International Law and Constitutional Law.
(a) Legal concepts: Meaning, Definition and kinds of Rights and Duties – Jural
Correlatives and Jural Opposites
(b) Person and its kinds – Status and Theories of Corporate personality
(c) Title and its kinds – Ownership – meaning and its kinds – Possession – meaning and
its kinds
(a) Liability – meaning and its kinds – Negligence – meaning and its kinds – Obligation –
meaning and its kinds
(b) Law of Procedure – Elements of Judicial Procedure – Evidence
(c) Property – meaning and its kinds
(a) Global Justice and Human Rights – Capitalism -Vs- Common good -Vs- International
Law – Critical Legal Studies – Legal Formalism -Vs- Legal Realism – Solidarity and
the Limitations of Liberalism
(b) Economic Jurisprudence – Feminist Jurisprudence – Cyber Jurisprudence
(c) Post-Modern legal theory – Pragmatism and Post-structuralism – Law & Justice in
contemporary era.
1. Anthony D’Amato, “On the Connection between Law and Justice, 26 U.C. Davis L.
Rev.527-582 (1992-93)
2. Michael S. Green, “Legal Realism as Theory of Law”, William & Mary Law Review,
2005, Volume 46, Issue 6, pp.1915-2000.
3. Herbert Hovenkamp, “Evolutionary Models in Jurisprudence”, Texas Law Review,
1985, Volume 64, No.4, p.645.
4. RutiTeitel, “Transitional Jurisprudence: The Role of Law in Political Transformation”,
106 Yale L.J 2009 at https://heinonline.org
5. Howard T. Markey, “Jurisprudence or Juriscience?” 25 Wm & Mary L. Rev. 525 at
7. “Plato: The Complete Works”, 2016, Titan Read Publishers.
8. “Aristotle: The Complete Works”, 2017, Book House Publishing
9. Satis Chandra Vidyabhusana and Dr. Sukhram, “The Nyaya Sutras of Gautama”, 2018,
Parimal Publications.
10. James Christensen, “Global Justice”, 2020, 1st Edition, Red Globe Press.
Journals/Journal Articles:
1. Jeffrey Goldsworthy, “The Real Standard Picture, and How Facts Make it Law: A
response to Mark Greenberg”, The American Journal of Jurisprudence, December
2019, Volume 64, Issue 2, pp.163-211 available at https://doi.org/10.1093/ajj/auz011.
2. Marc R. Johnson, “Legislative Sovereignty: Moving from Jurisprudence towards
Metaphysics” An International Journal of Legal and Political Thought available at
3. Angela P. Harris, “The Jurisprudence of Reconstruction”, California Law Review,
1994, Volume 82, Issue 4, p.741.
4. Richard A. Posner, “The Jurisprudence of Skepticism”, Michigan law Review, 1988,
Volume 86, No.5, pp.827-891.
5. Beryl Harold Levy, “Realist Jurisprudence and Prospective Overruling”, University of
Pennsylvania Law Review, 1960, Volume 109, No.1, pp.1-30.
6. Robert H. Jackson, “Quasi-states, dual regimes and neoclassical theory: International
Jurisprudence and the Third World”, Cambridge University Press, 1987, Volume 41,
Issue 4, pp.519-549 available at https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020818300027594.
7. John Comaroff, “Reflections on the Rise of Legal Theology: Law and Religion in the
Twenty-First Century”, Journal of Social Analysis, 2009, Volume 53 No.1, pp.193-
8. Harry W. Jones, “An Invitation to Jurisprudence”, Columbia Law Review, 1974,
Volume 74, No.6, pp.1023-1055
9. Fredrick Schauer, “The Jurisprudence of Reasons”, Michigan Law Review, 1987,
Volume 85. No.5/6, pp.847-870.
10. Edward Cavanagh, “Legal thought and empires: Analogies, Principles and Authorities
from the ancients and the moderns”, An International Journal of Legal and Political
Thought, 2019, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp.463-501 available at
Learning Outcomes:
After Completion of the course, students will be able to –
1. To become reflective and self-fulfilled professional who are able to integrate legal
professionalism, ethics, values, doctrine, theory and skills to become outstanding
professional in a broad variety of settings.
2. To understand some level of depth rather than mere breadth, with an emphasis on
analysis of primary theoretical literature correlating with the social history.
3. To demonstrate orally and in writing, a critical understanding of major schools of
legal theory that influenced the development of the western legal tradition and Indian
legal system.
4. To critically evaluate multiple and contrasting perspectives on law and engage in
open-minded academic discussion of them in an applied context.
Objectives of the Course
As established in Contracts I through detailed study of General Principles of Contract, the
students by now know that the essence of all commercial contracts is regulated by the Indian
Contract Act, 1872.
The focal point of this course is the special contracts detailed in the Indian Contract Act,
1872. Further the course deals with general principles that apply to each specific contractual
relationship. Provisions relating to The Sale of Goods 1930, The Indian Partnership Act
1872 and The Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 are discussed alongwith the contracts of
indemnity and guarantee, of bailment and pledge, and that of agency. The Law of Special
Contracts can be classified under two very broad categories, viz. special contracts of
personal relationships and special contracts of property related transactions.
h) Rights and Duties of the Indemnifier and the Indemnified.
i) Difference between Indian and English Law as to Indemnity
j) Distinction between an indemnity, a warranty and a representation
c) Lien:
- General and
- Particular Lien
d) Types of Bailor and Bailee
e) Examples of contracts of bailment: for benefit of bailor, for benefit of bailee
- Rights, duties, disabilities and liabilities of a bailor and a bailee towards each
f) Termination of bailment, and consequences of termination
g) Finder of goods as a bailee
h) Liability towards the true owner
i) Obligation to keep the goods safe
j) Right to dispose off the goods
f) Creation of agency
g) Distinction between agent, servant or employee, and independent contractor
h) Agent’s authority
- Scope and extent
- Express or implied
- apparent or ostensible authority and
- authority in an emergency
- Restrictions or limitations on authority
i) Delegation of authority
j) Relationship between a principal, agent, sub-agent and substituted agents.
k) Doctrine of Unnamed, Undisclosed Principal and Foreign Principal
l) Doctrine of Ratification and Relation back
m) Duties, Rights and Liabilities of an Agent towards the Principal and Third Party
n) Liability of the principal for acts of the agent including misconduct and tort of the
o) Personal liability of an agent
p) Pretended Agent
q) Methods of termination of agency contract
- Effects of termination
- Liability of the principal and agent before and after such termination
i) Passing of Property
j) Transfer of Title-Nemo Dat Quod Non Habet
k) Delivery of goods: various rules regarding delivery of goods
l) Rights and liabilities of the buyer and selle
m) Unpaid seller and his rights.
n) Auction sales
o) Remedies for breach of contract
a) Definition of a contract of partnership
b) Essential features of a contract of partnership:
- the firm and the partners,
- Parties to the contract,
- Minor as partner
c) Kinds of partnership
d) Registration of Partnership Firm and consequences of non-registration
e) Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Partners
f) Mutual relationship between partners: their rights, liabilities and duties against each
g) Relationship of partners to third parties
h) Partner as agent of firm, Partners’ authority, Implied authority, Mode of exercising
authority, Liability of the firm for acts of partners
i) Property of the firm
j) Change in constitution of a firm
- Admission, retirement, expulsion, death and insolvency of any partner.
- Public notice
- Effect of change in constitution of the firm
k) Dissolution of a firm
- Modes of dissolution
- Effect of dissolution
- Agreements in restraint of trade
l) Limited Liability Partnership
- Essential features
- Distinction between LLP and ordinary partnership
1. Anson’s Law of Contract, Oxford University Press, 13th Edition, 2016.
2. Law of Contract & Specific Relief, by Avtar Singh, Eastern Book Company, 12th
Edition, 2017, reprinted 2019.
3. Law of Sale of Goods, by Avtar Singh, Eastern Book Company, 8th Edition, 2018.
4. Introduction to Law of Partnership, by Avtar Singh, Eastern Book Company, 11th
Edition, 2018.
5. Palmer on Bailment, edited by Norman Palmer, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd, 03rd Edition,
Journals/Journal Articles:
1. Journal of Contract Law – Legal Publications / Lexisnexis
2. Corporate Law Journal – ISN 2581-3592
3. Company Law Journal
4. Indian Journal of International Economic Law – NLSIU,Bengaluru,India
5. NLS Business Law Review
1. The Law of Bailment, by Robert H. Tanha, Irwin Law Inc., 2019.
2. Law of Guarantees, by The Hon Mrs. Justice Geraldine Andrews; Richard Millett,
QC; John Robb, Sweet & Maxwell, 08th Edition, 2008.
3. Principles of the Law of Agency, by Howard Bennett, Hart Publishing, 01st Edition,
4. Agency and Partnership Law, edited by Mark J. Loewenstein and Robert W. Hillman,
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2018.
5. Bowstead& Reynolds on Agency, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., 20th Edition, 2016.
6. The Sale of Goods, by M.G. Bridge, Oxford University Press, 02nd Edition, 2009.
7. Practical Guide to Limited Liability Partnership, by Pl. Subramanian, Snow White
Publication, 14th Edition, 2018
8. Bhashyam and Adiga, The Negotiable Instruments Act (1995), Bharath,
9. Allahabad
10. M.S.Parthasarathy (ed.), J. S. Khergamvala, The Negotiable Instruments Act
Journals/Journal Articles:
1) Indemnities and the Indian contract act 1872,Wayne Courtney NATIONAL
2) Condition and Warranty in Contract Law of India,HarvardBlackLetter Law Journal,
3) Commercial Utility of Bailment,KartikMandloi,Published in International Journal of Trend
in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5, August
2018, pp.1093-1098,
4) Hire-Purchase Hardships and Hopes,J. W. A. Thornely,The Cambridge Law Journal,Vol.
20, No. 1 (Apr., 1962), pp. 39-68
Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of Editorial Committee of the Cambridge
Law Journal.
5) Computing Damages in Hire purchase Agreements: A Re-LookBREACH OF CONTRACT,
ICFAI University Publications,
6) Government Obligations in Public-Private Partnership Contracts, Journal of Public
Procurement, Vol. 10, No. 4, Winter 2010,Sandeep Verma,Government of Rajasthan; Public
Health Engineering & Ground Water Departments
7) Partnership Formation: The Role of Social Status,Haimanti
Bhattacharya&SubhasishDugar, https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/mnsc.2013.1818.
8) Modes of Termination of Principal – Agent Relationship under the Indian Contract Act,
1872,Roshni Duhan and Vimal Joshi Department of law, B.P.S. Mahila Vishwavidyalaya,
Khanpurkalan, Sonipat,International Research Journal of Social Sciences ISSN 2319–3565 Vol.
2(11), 46-48, November (2013)
9) Dissolution of Indian Firms - Various Modes,33 Pages,SSRN,Raghvendra Singh
Raghuvanshi, India,papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1558970
11) Performance and Compensation: An Analysis of Contract Damages and Contractual
Obligation,CharlieWebb,Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Volume 26, Issue 1, Spring 2006.
8. Duncan Fox & Co. v. North & South Wales Bank(1880) 6 AC 1, [1874-80] All ER
Rep Ext 1406
9. Lasalgaon Merchants Co-op Bank vs. PrabhudasHathibhai [AIR 1966 Bom 134]
10. Ram Gulam vs. Govt. Of Uttar Pradesh [AIR 1950 All 106]
11. Coouturier v. Hastie (1856) 5 HLC 673
12. Phillipson v. HayterL. R. 6 C. P. 41
13. Graff v. Evans(1882) 8 Q.B.D. 373, 73
14. Niblett v. Confectioners’ Materials Co. [1921] 3 K.B. 387
15. Summer Permain& Co. v. Webb & Co. [1922] 1 K.B. 55.
India being a land of multi religious and multi-cultural, the course helps in
understanding the meaning of the concepts that are involved in family system in the Personal
Laws of the Hindus, Christians and Muslims. The syllabus revolves on the various aspects of
family unit starting with the sources of personal laws, marriage, matrimonial reliefs, family
courts, maintenance, legitimacy of children, custody of children and guardianship.
b. Void, voidable and valid marriage in different religious texts and statutes-
c. Laws and Issues on marriage under the Special Marriage Act –
d. Unisex Marriage and question on living together –
e. The demand of Dowry and the concept of Dower under the relevant Personal Laws -
d. Various Grounds for Divorce and procedure on a comparative analysis –
e. Court’s jurisdiction and procedure for the issues raised on Marriage and Divorce- In
Camera proceedings - Decree on Proceedings
Articles from Journals:
1. Family Law Special Issue, JILI Vol. 45 (2003) (Full Journal July - Dec)
2. Kusum, Is a Restitution Decree Sexploitative? Need for Relook?,JILIVol. 61 (2019)
p.144 - 48
4. Nanda Chiranjeevi Rao, Marriage Agreements Under Muslim Law – A weapon in the
Hands of Muslim Women,JILI, Vol. 55 (2013) p.94 - 103
Further Readings:
1. Zoe Rathus (2020) A history of the use of the concept of parental alienation in the
Australian family law system: contradictions, collisions and their
consequences, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 42:1, 5-
17, DOI: 10.1080/09649069.2019.1701920
2. Justin Jones (2020) Towards a Muslim Family Law Act? Debating Muslim women's
rights and the codification of personal laws in India, Contemporary South
Asia, 28:1, 1-14, DOI: 10.1080/09584935.2019.1684444
3. Jaiswal & Arunima Singh, Decoding Same-Sex Marriage Under the ‘Holy’ Hindu
Marriage Act, 1955https://www.manupatrafast.com/articles/articleSearch.aspx
4. Mahavir Singh Kalon, DNA Technology and Legal Issues in India, Delhi Law
Review, Vol. XXV, 2003
5. Stellina Jolly &M.S.Raste, Rape and Marriage : Reflections on the Past, Present and
Future, Vol. 47JILI, 2006
6. Jyoti Rattan, Uniform Civil Code in India: A Binding Obligation under the
International and Domestic Law, Vol 46 JILI 2004
8. Lucy Carroll, Religious Conversion and Polygamous Marriages, Vol.39 JILI 1997
9. Anjani Kant, Right of Maintenance to Indian Women, Vol.38,JILI 1996
10. M.S.Balaganesan, Speedy Remedy or Murky Muddle? Tragedy of Divorce on Ground
of Mutual Consent, Vol. 36 JILI, 1994
Learning Outcome:
After the completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. A study of this course will enlighten the students on the factors that determine the
legality of domestic relationship,
2. The learning of the subject gives an understanding of both the personal law and
secular law that regulates domestic relationship.
3. The student will be able to compare the personal laws as it existed before codification
and appreciate the welcoming changes after codification and subsequent
Objectives of the Course
This course provides an overview of economic tools and analytic approaches
available to the manager for business decision making. To make students equipped with the
right attitudes and skills towards achieving greater levels of managerial effectiveness. It
includes such topics as pricing, forecasting, demand analysis, production and cost analysis,
and macroeconomic policy as it affects the business environment. The purpose of this course
is to develop an economic perspective that is appropriate for students aspiring to manage
business units or entire companies in a wide variety of industries.
Module I: Introduction
1. Meaning – Definition- Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics
2. Importance of the study of Managerial Economics
3. Role of a Managerial Economist
4. Process of Business Decisions Making - Risk and Uncertainty.
Module III: Cost Analysis
a. Meaning of Cost- Applications and Types of Costs
b. Derivation of Cost Functions is an associated with Production function
c. Role of Cost in Managerial Decision Making
d. Uses of Break Even Analysis (BEP)
Recommended Readings:
1. Dominic Salvatore, 2016, Managerial Economics: Principles and worldwide Application,
Mc.Graw Hill Inc, New York
2. R.L. Varsney, &. K.L Maheswari, 2017, Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand & Sons.,
New Delhi.
3. H.L. Ahuja, 2007, Business Economics, Sultan Chand &Sons., New Delhi.
4. Baumol, William J., 1995, Economic Theory and Operation Analysis, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. P.L. Metha – Managerial Economics, Sulton Chand & Sons, New Delhi, Latest edition
Further Readings:
1. D.N. Dwivedi, 2000, Managerial Economics, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New
2. H. Cohen, Kalman J and Richard M Cyert, The Theory of Firm: Resources Allocation in
Market Economy, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (Latest edition) .
3. Lipsey and Chrystal. (2008). Economics (11th edition). Oxford University Press.
4. Pindyck, Rubinfeld and Mehta. (2009). Micro Economics (7th edition). Pearson
5. Stonier and Hague, A Text Book of Economic Theory, (1958), Long Mans Green & Co.,
6. Douglas B. Bernheim and Michael D. Whinston. (2009). Microeconomics, Tata McGraw-
Hill (India).
7. Joseph E. Stiglitz and Carl E. Walsh (2007). Economics, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.,
New York, International Student Edition, 4th edition.
8. Gregory N Mankiw (2007). Economics: Principles and Applications, India edition by
South Western, a part of Cengage Learning, Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 4th
9. Sundharam KPM, M C Vaish, Principles of Economics-13th Revised Edition, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
10. Tyagi B.P Public Finance 5st Edition, Jai Prakash&co.
10. Brick, I., & Weaver, D. (1984). A Comparison of Capital Budgeting Techniques in
Identifying Profitable Investments. Financial Management, 13(4), 29-39. Retrieved
March 31, 2020, from www.jstor.org/stable/3665299
Learning Outcomes:
After completion of the course students will be able to -
e) Understand the internal and external decisions to be made by managers with legal
principles through help of economics in the precise manner and distribution of income
and wealth of nation to ensure welfare of each individual.
f) Analysis the real-world business problems with a systematic theoretical framework and to
make optimal business decisions by integrating the concepts of economics, mathematics
and statistics in accordance with global scenario.
g) Understand how to use limited means to present and retain for the future unlimited wants
and how the law can support the functioning of the market and the government, the other
two important organising forces of an economy.
h) Develop an inter-disciplinary approach and enhance the employability of students.
Objectives of the Course:
The course Public Policy, Governance and Law provide an opportunity to the student to
learn the basic areas of public policy on the largest gamut of its canvas. The present course
is aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of the basic tenets and trends of law and
Module I
Theories and Process of Public Policy Making.
• Meaning, Nature and Scope of Public Policy – Theories and Models of Policy
• Perspectives of Policy Making – Process Institutions of Policy Making.
• Concept and Techniques of Policy Implementation and Policy Evaluation.
Module II
Introduction to Governance; Definitions, Issues and Controversies.
(a) Reinventing Government – Reforming Institutions– The State Market and Public
(b) State and Governance – Origin and types of State – Democratic State and Democratic
Administration – Governance as Government
Module III
Techniques of Governance.
Module IV
Legal Foundations.
Module V
Law and Governance.
Module VI
Engaged Policy and Governance.
Recommended Readings:
5. CUP. Bevir, Mark (2009), Key Concepts in Governance, Sage, London.
6. Bevir, Mark, ed. (2010) The Sage Handbook of Governance. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage Publications. Bovaird, Tony and ElkeLöffler, eds. (2009) Public Management
and Governance Second Edition. London: Routledge.
7. Farazmand, Ali and Jack Pinkowski, eds. (2006) Handbook of Globalization,
Governance, and Public Administration. London: CRC/Taylor & Francis.
8. Hajer, Maarten, and HendrikWagenaar (2003) “Introduction.” In Deliberative Policy
Analysis: Understanding Governance in the Network Society, ed. Maarten A. Hajer
and HendrikWagenaar. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
9. Kjaer, A (2004) Governance. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
6. Jayal, N. G., Amit, P., & Sharma, P. K. (2006). Local governance in India:
decentralization and beyond. Local governance in India: decentralization and beyond.
7. Kumar, A., &Narain, V. (2014). Public policy and governance in India.
8. Naidu, G. M., Cavusgil, S. T., Murthy, B. K., &Sarkar, M. (1997). An export
promotion model for India: Implications for public policy. International business
review, 6(2), 113-125.
9. Monga, A. (2008). E-government in India: Opportunities and
challenges. JOAAG, 3(2), 56.
10. Harriss, J. (2007). Antinomies of empowerment: observations on civil society, politics
and urban governance in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 2716-2724.
11. Bhagat, R. B. (2005). Rural‐urban classification and municipal governance in
India. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 26(1), 61-73.
Further Readings:
1. Hajer, Maarten, and HendrikWagenaar (2003) “Introduction.” In Deliberative Policy
Analysis: Understanding Governance in the Network Society, ed. Maarten A. Hajer
and HendrikWagenaar. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
2. Kjaer, A (2004) Governance. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
3. Kooiman, Jan ed. (1993) Modern Governance: New Government-Society Interactions.
London: Sage. Kooiman, Jan. (2003) Governing as Governance. London: Sage.
4. Kooiman, Jan ed. (1993) Modern Governance: New Government-Society Interactions.
London: Sage. Kooiman, Jan. (2003) Governing as Governance. London: Sage.
5. Morrison, Donald (1945) “Public Administration and the Art of Governance.” Public
Administration Review 5:1: 83-87
6. Anderson J.E., (2006) Public Policy-Making: An Introduction,
7. Eugene (1977), The Implementation Game: What Happens After a Bill Becomes a
Law, Cambridge,
8. MA: MIT Bergerson, Peter J. (ed.), (1991), Teaching Public Policy: Theory, Research
and Practice, Westport, RI: Greenwood Press
9. Eugene (1977), The Implementation Game: What Happens After a Bill Becomes a
Law, Cambridge,
10. MA: MIT Bergerson, Peter J. (ed.), (1991), Teaching Public Policy: Theory, Research
and Practice, Westport, RI: Greenwood Press
a. Bhagat, R. B. (2005). Rural‐urban classification and municipal governance in
India. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 26(1), 61-73.
b. Lele, U. J. (1971). Food grain marketing in India. Private performance and public
policy. Ithaca, NY/London: Cornell University Press.
c. Marcesse, T. (2018). Public policy reform and informal institutions: The political
articulation of the demand for work in rural India. World development, 103, 284-296.
d. Joshi, A., & Aoki, M. (2014). The role of social capital and public policy in disaster
recovery: A case study of Tamil Nadu State, India. International Journal of Disaster
Risk Reduction, 7, 100-108.
e. Sabatier, P. A. (1991). Political science and public policy. PS: Political Science &
Politics, 24(2), 144-147.
f. Spiller, P. T., &Tommasi, M. (2003). The institutional foundations of public policy: a
transactions approach with application to Argentina. Journal of Law, Economics, and
Organization, 19(2), 281-306.
g. Heikkila, T., &Gerlak, A. K. (2013). Building a conceptual approach to collective
learning: Lessons for public policy scholars. Policy Studies Journal, 41(3), 484-512.
h. Preston, L. E., & Post, J. E. (1981). Private management and public policy. California
Management Review, 23(3), 56-62.
i. Preston, L. E., & Post, J. E. (1981). Private management and public policy. California
Management Review, 23(3), 56-62.
j. Lascoumes, P., & Le Galès, P. (2007). Introduction: understanding public policy
through its instruments—from the nature of instruments to the sociology of public
policy instrumentation. Governance, 20(1), 1-21.
Learning Outcomes
After completion of the course the students will be able to -
• Clear understanding about the ideas, mechanisms, practices, and outcomes that
comprise public policy
• Critically analyze the ideas, mechanisms, practices and outcomes that shape public
policy and governance problems, programs and policies.
• Provide purposive solutions by framing problems, providing programmatic
solutions, undertaking policy and governance research
• Develop meaningful and equitable solutions to contemporary problems in Public
Policy and Governance
Module V: Packaging and Labelling
a) Packaging – Definition, Objectives and Functions of Packaging.
b) Essentials of Good Packaging.
c) Packaging Strategies.
d) Labelling – Meaning, Purpose and Kinds.
Recommended Readings:
1. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India (Pvt.) Ltd, New Delhi, 2016.
2. R.S.N. Pillai and Bagavathi, Modern Marketing, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
3. Dr. L. Natarajan, Marketing Management, Margham Publications, Chennai, 2019.
4. Stanton, Etzel, Walker, Fundamentals of Marketing, Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
5. McCarthy, E.J., Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach, Irwin, New York.
Journals / Journal Articles:
1. Camilleri, Mark. (2017). “Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning”. 10.1007/978-
2. Gupta, Suraksha&Gallear, David & Rudd, John &Foroudi, Pantea. (2020). “The Impact of
Brand Value on Brand Competitiveness”. Journal of Business Research. 112. 210-222.
3. Touzé, Florence. (2020). “The Brand”. 10.4324/9781003010340-5.
1. S, Jayanthy& R, Velanganni& G, Santhosh. (2019). “A Study on Market Segmentation”.
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 11. 1356-1361.
2. Remeňová, Katarína. (2019). “Pricing Decision Making Process”.
Further Readings:
1. Aaker, David A. etc., Advertising Management, 8th Edition, PHI, 2013.
2. Belch, George E. and Belch, Michael A.; Advertising and promotion, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi.
3. Ogilvy David, Ogilvy on Advertising, London, Longman.
4. Jones, John Philip, What’s in a brand, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
5. Chunawalla, S.A., Advertising, Sales and Promotion Management, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai.
6. Mohan, Manendra, Advertising Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
7. Sandage and Fry burger, Advertising Management.
8. Kotler, Philip, "Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementations and
Control", PearsonEducation, New Delhi, Latest Edition.
9. Douglas, J. Darymple& Leonard J. Parsons, “Marketing Management: Text and Cases”,
Seventh Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2012.
10. Bull, Victor P., "Marketing Management: A Strategic Planning Approach", McGraw
Hill, New York.
1. International Journal of Marketing
2. International Marketing Review
3. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Retail Management(EAPJMRM)
4. Journal of International Marketing
5. International Journal of Research in Marketing
6. Industrial Marketing Management
7. Journal of Marketing Management
8. Hasan, Jahid. (2020). “Green Marketing in Fashion: A Critical Analysis of Green
Marketing for Apparel Mass Market”. 10.13140/RG.2.2.25077.73447.
9. Ahmad, Nawaz &Billoo, Mohib&Lakhan, Asad. (2012). “Effect of Product Packaging in
Consumer Buying Decision”. Journal of Business Strategies, ISSN: 1993-5765. 6. 1-10.
10. Achrol, Ravi S. (1991), “Evolution of the Marketing Organization: New Forms for
Dynamic Environments,” Journal of Marketing, 55 (October), 77–93.
Learning Outcomes:
• After completion of the course, Students will be able to -
• Understand the marketing world in order to have critical and creative thinking on
developing various marketing strategies, so as to become a competent lawyer.
• Recognize the basic marketing principles and concepts and exposure on Brand wars
going on among several companies.
• Have critical thinking on how to solve various marketing related cases, such as
Advertisement Ethics Issues, Promotional Strategies Issues and Consumer Issues.
• Obtain constructive knowledge on Product Decisions, Market Segmentation, Pricing
Strategies, Packaging and Labelling and Virtual Marketing Strategies.
Objectives of the Course:
The purpose of the course is to acquaint the students with the meaningful
understanding of basic philosophical tenets of Constitutional Law, and to train them in the
fundamental legal structures and concepts that are found in Constitutions across the world,
such as Constitutional Supremacy, basic rights, rule of law, judicial review, systems.
1. The Study emphasises the nature and fundamental principles enshrined in the
2. It helps to analyse critically the significant judicial decisions that highlights the
development of Constitutional Jurisprudence.
3. It enables the students to articulate their independent views over contemporary
constitutional issues.
4. It provides legal framework and the touchstone on the basis of which the
constitutionality of laws are examined
Course Outline
Module – IV: Fundamental Rights - I
a. Right to Equality: General Equality Clause under Article 14, Judicial Interpretation
on Equality– Reasonable Classification.
b. Protective Discrimination Clause, Reservation and Social Justice under Articles 15 and
16, Equality and Reservation,
c. Equality of opportunity in public employment – Art 16,
d. Constitutional Provisions on Untouchability and abolition of Titles.
e. Right to Freedom: Freedom of Speech and Expression - Art 19, Scope and Ambit-
Art 19(1) (a) and (2); other freedoms From 19 (1) (b) to (g) ,
f. Balance between individual interest and collective interest,
g. Reasonable restrictions on Right to Freedom under Article 19(2) to 19(6)
h. Judicial interpretation on Right to Strike and Bandh - Right to Information.
a. Right to Liberty: Art 21 - Right to Life and Personal Liberty, Meaning and Scope,
Procedure established by law,
b. Judicial Interpretation on Life and Liberty, Applicability of concept of
reasonableness. Difference between Due Process and Procedure Established by Law
c. Rights of the Accused: Article 20 - Rights of the arrested person, Ex-post Facto –
Double Jeopardy – Self-incrimination,
d. Article 22 – Preventive Detention, Right against Preventive Detention, Exceptions,
Safeguards against Preventive Detention.
e. Right against exploitation – Forced labour and child employment
Recommended Readings:
3. Soli J Sorabjee (1999) Introduction to Judicial Review in India, Judicial Review, 4:2,
126-129, DOI: 10.1080/10854681.1999.11427060.
4. S. P. Sathe, Judicial Review in India: Limits and Policy, 35 Ohio St. L.J. 870
5. Ramaswamy R. Iyer. “Public Enterprises as 'State' and Article 12.” Economic and
Political Weekly, vol. 25, no. 34, 1990, pp. M129–M134. JSTOR,
Further Readings:
7. Sathya Narayan (ed.), Selected Works of S.P.Sathe& Constitutionalism (2015),
8. M. Galanter, Competing Equalities - Law and the Backward Classes in India (1984)
10. Report of the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution
6. Brian Z. Tamanaha, The History And Elements Of The Rule of Law, Singapore
Journal of Legal Studies [2012]. https://law.nus.edu.sg/sjls/articles/SJLS-Dec-12-232.pdf.
7. Manoj Mate, The Origins Of Due Process In India: The Role of Borrowing In
Personal Liberty And Preventive Detention Cases, 28 Berkeley J. Int'l L. 216 (2010).
9. Lloyd I. Rudolph & Susanne Hoeber Rudolph (1981) Judicial review versus
parliamentary sovereignty: The struggle over stateness in India, The Journal of
Commonwealth &Comparative Politics. DOI: 10.1080/14662048108447387
CONSTITUTION.” The Indian Journal of Political Science, vol. 22, no. 1/2, 1961,
pp. 43–52., www.jstor.org/stable/41853869
Learning Outcome:
After the completion of the course the students will be able to -
1. The study of Constitutional Law as a Transformative Documentenhances ability to
apply law in addressing social problems.
2. The study of Mother Document upholds democratic spirit and constitutional values
promoting good governance and cultivating constitutional morality
3. It develops ability to design new social legislations and suggesting amendments to the
existing legislations.
4. The study enables the students as to how the Constitution tries to bring democracy out
of Public and extend it to private sphere and also ensures clear understanding of
professional and ethical responsibility arrangements.
Objectives of the Course
The main objective of the paper is to apprise the students with the laws relating to family
matters governing inheritance, succession, partition, with practical approach. The subject
makes the students to identify and understand the scheme of succession under the Hindu,
Muslim and Christian Laws. Further, with reference to uncodified Hindu Law, the matters
relating to Joint Family System, Coparcenary, Karta and his powers, partition and the Hindu
Religions Endowments are given in the syllabus for understanding the changes effected after
the passing of the Hindu succession Act, 1956 and other related Laws. Under Muslim Law
students can understand the principles behind the matters relating to Wakfs, Wills, Gifts and
Pre- Emption and also the Sunni and Shia Law of Inheritance. The students can learn the
details of Christian Law, a Part of the Indian Succession Act, 1925 and Law of Wills with
reference to Christian Law of Inheritance.
After undergoing the study of this paper the Student should be able to understand the
1. Able to understand the personal laws relating to Succession, Partition and Religious
2. Identify the scheme of succession under various religious laws and able to understand the
past and present legal systems.
3. Analyse comparatively the testamentary and intestate succession under various religious
laws and appreciate the limitations provided for the same.
4. Able to understand the law relating to Hiba and Shuffa under Muslim Law.
e) Re-opening and Re-union of Partition.
Module VIII: PSDA (Professional Skill Development Activities)
a) Exercises on Distribution of Property.
b) Drafting a Deed of Hiba/Waqf/Wasiyat.
c) Preparation of Pleading for a Partition Suit.
Recommended Readings:
1. Dr. Poonam Pradhan Saxena, Family Law Lectures: Family Law II, LexisNexis
Butterworth, India, 4th Edition 2018.
2. ASAF A.A.Fyzee , Edited and Revised by Tahir Mahmood, “Outlines of Muhammadan
Law”, Oxford University Press, 5thEdition 2009.
3. Kusum, “Family Law Lectures”, 2003, Lexis Nexis, New Delhi.
4. Mulla, “Principles of Mahomedan Law” by Hidayatullah, 19th Edition. LexisNexis
Butterworth, New Delhi.
5. Dr. Paras Diwan, “Modern Hindu Law”, Allahabad Law Agency, Faridabad (Haryana),
Journals/Journal Articles:
1. Hindu Law - Daughter: A Coparcenar, Kulkarni, K.V. All India Reporter, 2004 Mar.
2. Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act 2005: An Appraisal, Dash, U.N., All Indian
High Court Cases, 2007.
3. Hindu Women’s Right to Property (with special reference to The Hindu Succession
Act, 1956), Roy, Sujoy, PRP Journal of Human Rights, 2004, Oct. – Dec.
4. Law Commission of India: Proposal to amend The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 as
amended by 39 of 2005: Editor- Madras Law Journal, Madras Law Journal, 2008,
5. Right of a Female Heir to claim Partition in a dwelling house under S.23 of the Hindu
Succession Act, 1956, Kumar, M.R. Pradeep, Madras Law Journal, 1993 184(1).
Further Readings:
1. Dr. Paras Diwan, “Muslim Law in Modern India”, Allahabad Law Agency,
Faridabad (Haryana), 2016.
2. Dr. Qureshi, M.A. - “Muslim Law”, 3rd edn. 2007, Central Law Publications,
3. Dr. Tahir Mahmood & Dr. Saif Mahmood, Introduction to Muslim Law, Universal
Law Publishing – An imprint of Lexis Nexis, 2014.
4. R.K.Agarwal, “Hindu Law”, Central Law Agency, 2019.
5. B.M. Gandhi, “Family Law Vol II”, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow, 2013.
6. Dr. Paras Diwan’s Family Law, Allahabad Law Agency, 2018.
1. S.23 of The Hindu Succession Act, 1956: A sober view point, Prasanna, C.Luxmi,
All India High Court cases, 2006, Mar.
2. S.6 and 29-A of The Hindu Succession Act: A critic, Ramakoti, M., All India
Reporter, 2003, Oct.
3. Some thoughts on Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, Balasubramanian, K.G.,
Kerala Law Times, 2005 Oct.
4. State Amendment to Hindu Succession Act and conflict of Laws: Need for Law
Reform, Bhadhhade, Nilima, Supreme Court Cases, 2001.
5. Status of women under The Hindu Succession Act, 1956, Gupta, Suman, All India
Reporter, 2007, May.
6. Stridhana& Women’s Property Rights critical view under Hindu Succession Act,
1956 and Customary Hindu Law, Chakravarty, Padmaja, Apex court Expression,
7. Study of the amendments made in The Hindu Succession Act, 1956, Davda, C.R.,
All India High Court Cases, 2008, Feb.
8. The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 should the legal riddle under S.14 of the Act
continue forever? Kader, S.A., Madras Law Journal, 2008, Sep.
9. The Hindu Succession Act, 1956: Defects and anomalies in the Amending Act 39 of
2005, Murthy, A.S. Ramachandra, All India High Court Cases,2007 Jul.
10. Whether the Right of a Female to claim partition in a dwelling house under S.23 of
Hindu Succession Act, 1956 is a myth or reality, Jena, Krushna Chandra, Cuttack
Law Times, 1999, Sep.
11. Women’s Property Rights under traditional Hindu Law and The Hindu Succession
Act, 1956: Some observations, Jain, Prakash Chand, Journal of the Indian Law
Institute, 2003, Jul. - Dec.
15. Shamim Ara vs State of U.P. &Anr. (2002) 7 SCC 518.
Learning Outcome:
After completion of the course students will be able to-
1. Understand the meaning and difference between intestate and testamentary
succession under various religious laws.
2. Appreciate the Hindu Joint Family system and coparcenary and also learn
about the Partition and its effects under Hindu Law.
3. Analyse comparatively the property rights of women in various Personal
4. Understand the concepts like Hiba and Shuffa under Muslim Law.
Module I: Introduction
a) Meaning and Objectives of Financial Management
b) Functions and Importance of Financial Management - Profit maximisation Vs Wealth
c) Role of Financial Manager in an organization – Sources of Finance.
Module V: Dividend Decision
a) Dividend – Meaning, Types - Dividend Policies – Factors affecting dividend payment
b) Company law provisions related to dividend payment
c) Computation of market price per share based on Walter’s model, Gordon’s Model and
M.M Hypothesis.
Recommended Readings:
1. I.M. Pandey – Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. Prasanna Chandra – Financial Management, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill
Education Ltd, New Delhi.
3. M.Y.Khan and P.K. Jain – Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
4. Srinivasan&Ramachandran – Financial Management, Sriram Publications, Trichy, 2010.
5. P. Periyasamy, Essential of Financial Management, Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt Ltd., 2018.
3. Hamilton Elkins, Gary Entwistle, Ganesh Vaidyanathan and IlonaBastiaansen, “Investigating Capital
Structure Through IAS 1: Variations in Disclosure and Measurement”, International Journal of Accounting
and Finance (IJAF), Vol. 7, No. 3, 2017, DOI: 10.1504/IJAF.2017.088028
4. Sadaf Anwar; Shveta Singh; P.K. Jain, “Liquidity changes on and around cash dividend announcements:
evidence from India”, International Journal of Accounting and Finance (IJAF), Vol. 6, No. 4, 2016,
DOI: 10.1504/IJAF.2016.082314
5. Divya Gupta, “Capital Budgeting Decisions and the Firm’s Size”, International Journal of
Economic Behavior and Organization. Vol. 4, No. 6, 2016, pp. 45-52.
DOI: 10.11648/j.ijebo.20160406.1
Further Readings:
1. Horne J.C, Van, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 9th edition, 2004, Prentive
Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. A. Murthy, Financial Management, Margham Publications, Chennai – 17, Edn 2019.
3. Elements of financial Management by S.N.Maheswari – Sultan Chand & Sons., New Delhi
4. Financial Management by R.K.Sharma –Kalyani publishers, New Delhi.
5. Financial Management by S.P.Gupta, SahityaBhavan Publication, New Delhi
6. Financial Management- Text & Cases by Brigham Eugene F. &Ehrhardt Michael C.-
7. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management by Prasanna Chandra- Tata McGraw
8. Export Finance-Foreign Exchange Dealers' Association of India.
9. FEDAI Role and Rules of FEDAI & Foreign Exchange Rates and Risk Management-
ForeignExchange Dealers' Association of India.
10. Applied Corporate Finance: A User's Manual byAswath Damodaran-JohnWiley& Sons.
1. Journal of Multinational Financial Management
2. Indian Journal of Finance
3. International Journal of Financial Management
4. Journal of Accounting and Financial Management Research (JAFMR)
5. Sayan Banerjee, “Contravention Between NPV & IRR Due to Timing of Cash Flows: A
Case of Capital Budgeting Decision of an Oil Refinery Company”, American Journal of
Theoretical and Applied Business. Vol. 1, No. 2, 2015, pp. 48-52. DOI:
6. MagamboEvelyne F., Determinants of Dividend Policy for Companies Listed at Dar Es
Salaam Security Exchange (DSE), a Case of Selected Listed Companies, Journal of
Learning Outcomes
After completion of the course students will be able to -
1) Understand the significance of financial Management and utilization of funds.
2) Become familiar with capital Budgeting decisions.
3) Understand various capital structure theories.
4) Prepare statement of working capital requirements.
• The Union Executive – The President - Election, Qualifications & Terms of Office of
President - Privileges, Powers and Duties of President - Impeachment of President.
• The Vice – President - Qualifications & Election of Vice-President – Functions &
Terms of Office of Vice – President.
• Council of Ministers - Appointment of Ministers - Council of Ministers & Cabinet -
The Individual, Collective, Legal & Ministerial Responsibility - President’s relation
with the Council of Ministers.
• Attorney General of India - Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
• The State Executive - Appointment, Powers & Qualifications of Governor - The
Council of Ministers - The Advocate General.
f. Powers of Speaker, Deputy speaker & Chairman.
g. Ordinary, Money Bills & Financial Bills - Parliament’s Control over Financial
h. Committee on Estimates, Committee on Public Accounts, Consolidated Fund of India
& Contingency Fund of India.
i. The State Legislature - Composition & Duration of State Legislature - Qualification
of Membership of State Legislature.
6. National Emergency - Duty of the Union to protect the States against external aggression
and internal disturbance - Power of Union Executive to issue directions and the effect of
non- compliance.
7. State Emergency - Imposition of President’s Rule in States – Grounds, Limitations,
Parliamentary Control, Judicial Review.
8. Financial Emergency.
9. Emergency and suspension of fundamental rights.
Recommended Readings:
• H.M. Seervai, Constitutional Law of India in 3 volumes, Universal Book Traders,4th
Edition 2019.
• M.P.Jain Revised by Justice Jasti Chelameswar and Justice Dama Seshadri Naidu,
Indian Constitutional Law, Lexis Nexis, 8th Edition 2018.
• D.D.Basu, Commentary on the Constitution of India, Lexis Nexis, 9th Edition 2014.
• Mahendra P. Singh, V. N. Shukla’s Constitution of India (11th ed., 2008)
• Granville Austin, Working a Democratic Constitution - A History of the Indian
Experience (1999)
• ConstitutentAssembly Debates Vol. 1 to 12 (1989)
Journals/Journal Articles:
11. Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn , An unconstitutional constitution? A comparative
perspective, INT‟L J CON LAW 460, 474(2006).
12. Omar, I. (2002). Emergency powers and the courts in India and Pakistan (Vol. 53).
MartinusNijhoff Publishers.
13. UpendraBaxi, The Indian Constitution as an Act of Theft and the Theft of the Indian
Constitution: A Retrospect on Indian Constitutionalism’.
14. Dilip Dobb, India is Indira and Indira is India. Wholives if Indira dies?, India Today
(Dec 26, 2005)
15. NilanjanMukhopadhyay, Past Continuous: How IndiraGandhi used Presidential
Elections to cement her ownpower, THE WIRE(May25,2017).
Further Readings:
1. D.D.Basu Revised by Justice A.K.Patnaik, Shorter Constitution of India, Lexis Nexis,
15th Edition 2018
2. P.M.Bakshi, The Constitution of India, Lexis Nexis, 17th Edition 2020.
3. Sudhanshu Ranjan, Justice versus Judiciary – Justice Enthroned or Entangled in India,
Oxford University Press, 2019.
4. Samaraditya Pal, India’s Constitution Origins and Evolution, Lexis Nexis, 1st Edition,
5. ConstitutentAssembly Debates Vol. 1 to 12 (1989).
1. Soroor Ahmed, The role that Syria, Sinai and Oil Pricesplayed in triggering
Emergency, NATIONALHERALD, (Jun 25, 2017).
2. A Study of the Emergency Provisions in the Indian Constitution, The Emergency of
1975 and the Possibility of Recurrence thereof,
3. Seniority as the Norm to Appoint India's Chief Justice isa Dubious Convention, THE
WIRE (Dec 22, 2016),https://thewire.in/law/seniority-norm-cji-appointmentthakur-
4. Report of the Commission on Centre–StateRelations(Sarkaria Commission)(1987).
5. Report of the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution(2002).
6. Report of the Commission on Centre-State Relations (M.M. Punchhi
Cases for Guidance:
1. S.P. Anand v. H.D. Deve Gowda, AIR 1997 SC 272.
2. Samsher Singh v. State of Punjab, AIR 1974 SC 212.
3. M.P. Spl. Police Estab. v. State of M.P (2004) 8 SCC 788.
4. Epuru Sudhakar v. Govt. of A.P., AIR 2006 SC 338.
5. B. R. Kapur v. State of T. N. AIR 2001 SC 3435.
6. Anil Kumar Jha v. Union of India, (2005) 3 SCC 150.
7. Jaya Bachchan v. Union of India, AIR 2006 SC 2119.
8. In re Keshav Singh, AIR 1965 SC 745.
9. Raja Ram Pal v. Hon’ble Speaker, Lok Sabha (2007) 3 SCC 184.
10. D. C. Wadhwa v. State of Bihar, AIR 1987 SC 579.
11. A.K. Roy v. Union of India, AIR 1982 SC 710.
12. AutomobileTransport (Rajasthan) Ltd. v. State of Rajasthan, AIR 1962 SC 1406.
13. Jindal Stainless Ltd. v. State of Haryana, AIR 2006 SC 2550.
14. G.K. Krishnan v. State of Tamil Nadu, (1975) 1 SCC 375.
15. Shree Mahavir Oil Mills v. State of J. & K. (1996) 11 SCC 39.
16. Atiabari Tea Co. v. State of Assam, AIR 1961 SC 232.
17. State of Rajasthan v. Union of India, AIR 1977 SC 1361.
18. S. R. Bommai v. Union of India, AIR 1994 SC 1918.
19. Rameshwar Prasad v. Union of India, AIR 2006 SC 980.
It was Lord Macaulay who moved the House of Commons in1833 to codify the whole of
Criminal Law in India. This codification of both the substantive (the Indian Penal Code,
1860) and adjectival (Procedural) Criminal law (The Criminal Procedure Code, 1973)
brought uniformity and definiteness to the Criminal jurisprudence in India. In the year 2020,
The ministry of Home Affairs constituted a committee to review the existing criminal laws as
they were enacted to rule the nation rather than serve the citizens. Constitution, human rights,
techno centricity, unambiguous and consistent procedures, time bound investigation and trial,
balancing the rights of victims vis-à-vis the accused were the guiding principles for drafting
the new criminal laws. The Bharatiya Nagrik Suraksha Sanhita and The Bharatiya Nyaya
Sanhita (Referred to as “B.N.S”) together constitute 'Criminal Law’ of India. These laws
marks end of colonial era laws. The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita is a Substantive law containing
358 sections. It replaced the Indian Penal Code of 1860. New forms of offences and
punishments are introduced in the act. Definition of offences, containing many ingredients
must be remembered with abundant caution. Even if one ingredient is slipped, it will not
amount to an offence. Further, the illustrations play a dominant role and should be studied
again and again to comprehend the essentials of the offences. 'Mens rea' which is the subject
of great discussion in England, is much simplified by the B.N.S. The subject is heavy but is
worth its weight in gold.
After undergoing the study, the student will be able to understand the following:
• Analyze Criminal acts, their elements, parties to offenses and application of the
criminal justice system
• Express an increased awareness of the legal principles of criminal law and its
• Students will demonstrate an understanding of the origins of criminal behaviour,
society's response to crime, and the consequences of crime to our society, utilizing multiple
• Students will articulate ethical implications of decision making in a professional
d) Jurisdiction: Territorial-Extra Territorial Jurisdiction
e) Inchoate Crime-Criminal Conspiracy-Abetment-Attempt
a) Object, Nature & Scope- Excusable & Justifiable- Whether Exhaustive- Burden of
b) Mistake- Judicial Acts–Accident-Necessity
c) Infancy-Insanity-Intoxication–Consent
d) Good Faith-Compulsion or Threat-Trivial Acts
e) Right of Private Defence
Module VI: General Offences
a) Offences against State-Offences against Election
b) Offence Relating to Coins & Government Stamps
c) Offences Relating to Religion- Defamation- Criminal Intimidation, Insult & Annoyance
d) Offence Relating to Weights &Measures- Offence Affecting the Public Health, Safety,
Convenience, Decency & Morals
e) Offences Relating to the Army, Navy & Air Force- Offences against the Public
Tranquility-False Evidence & Offence against Public Justice.
Recommended Reading
1. Glanville Williams, Text Book of Criminal Law, Universal Law Publishing Co.,
New Delhi, 2016
2. K.I Vibhuti, PSAPillai’s Criminal Law, LexisNexis, Butterworths Wadhwa,
Nagpur, 2017
3. Criminal Manual along with comparison table, edited by Virag Gupta, Commercial
Law Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Edition 2024.
4. Anjana Prakash & Anuj Prakash, Concise Commentary on The Bharatiya Nyaya
Sanhita, 2023, Lexis Nexis,
5. Taxmann’s Hand book on New Criminal Laws, Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2024
6. The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 along with Introduction, Comparative Tables
and Notes on Clauses, Asia Law House, Hyderabad, 1st Edition.
1. Murder-suicide: A review of the recent literature, Eliason S, Journal of the
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (2009) 37(3) 371-376
2. Whose problem is it anyway? Crimes against women in India,
Hima bindu B AroraRPrashanth N, Global Health Action (2015) 8(1)
3. Mens Rea, Hampton J, Social Philosophy and Policy(1990)7(2)1-28
4. Intention, Parkinson C Wheatley T, Elsevier Inc.,(2012), 452-457
5. Trafficking in women and children in India: nature, dimensions and strategies for
prevention, Ghosh B, The International Journal of Human Rights (2009) 13(5) 716-
Further Reading
1. Supreme Court on Penal Code Collection (in 5Volumes), Surendra Malik and
Sudeep Malik, 2018 Edition, Eastern Book Company
2. Indian Penal Code(IPC),C.K.Takwani,2014Edition,EasternBookCompany
3. Criminal Law (Indian Penal Code), KS N Murthy & K V S Sarma, 1st Edition,
Lexis Nexis
4. Crime and Punishment–Trends and Reflections, NV Paranjape,1stEdition,Lexis
5. Textbook on Criminal Law, Allen M, Oxford University Press,(2013)
6. The Language of Crime, Tiersma P SolanL, Oxford University Press,(2012)
7. Death sentence on taxonomy in India, Pratapan k Rajan, P Narendran T Viraktamath C
Aravind, N Poorani J See fewer, Current Science, 2008
8. Law of crimes: A hand book: a single volume commentary on Indian penal code, 1860
(Act no. XLVof1860),V. V Raghavan, Orient Law House :sole selling agents, Orient
Sales Organisation; 1st edition (1980)
9. Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code: The Legacies and Modern
Challenges of Criminal Law Reform (International and Comparative Criminal Justice),
Ashgate; 1edition (February 28, 2013)
10. R.C.Nigam, Law of Crimes in India(Vol.I) NewYork,AsiaPub.House(1965).
11. Vageshwari Deswal & Saurabh Kansal, Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita 2023 Law and Practice,
2024 edition.
1. Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code of 1862: The Myth of the Inherent Superiority
and Modernity of the English Legal System Compared to India's Legal System in
the Nineteenth Century, David Skuy, Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Jul.,
1998), Cambridge University Press, pp. 513-557
2. Justifiable Homicide: A Study of the Application of Non culpable Deadly Force in
Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), Ohio, 1958–1982,Challener RAdelsonLRushforth
N, Journal of Forensic Sciences (1987) 32(5) 11186J
3. Proportionality in Sentencing and the Restorative Justice Paradigm: 'Just Deserts'
for Victims and Defendants Alike?, Kirchengast T, Criminal Law and Philosophy
(2010) 4(2) 197-213
4. Dignity and Defamation: The Visibility of Hate, Waldron J,Harvard Law Review
(2009) 123(1596) 1596-1657
5. Sedition, Monét V, Taylor and Francis,(2013),217-222
6. Indian Perspective on the legal Status of Marital Rape: An Overview, Sindhu S
Thakur M, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach & Studies (2015)
2(1) 235- 250
7. Criminal Law - Cases and Materials, O’Daly M, Criminal Behaviour and Mental
Health (1995) 5(1) 53-54
8. Criminal Conspiracy ,SayreF, Harvard Law Review(1922)35(4) 393
9. Capital punishment, Aggarwal K, Medico-Legal Update(2010)10(1)7-8
10. Sentencing Sex Offenders in India: Retributive Justice versus Sex-Offender
Treatment Programs and Restorative Justice Approaches, Gill A Harrison K,
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences (2013) 8(2) 166-181
11. Parliament of India Rajya Sabha, Department-Related Parliamentary Standing
Committee on Home Affairs, 248th Report on the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023, Dec
12. Substantive analysis of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Bill 2023, Project 39A, National
Law University Delhi, 2023.
13. Bharatiya Nyaya (Second) Sanhita Bill, 2023, Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha
(Second) Sanhita Bill, 2023, and Bharatiya Sakshya (Second) Bill, 2023,
Analysis of Key Changes, Project 39A, National Law University Delhi, 2023.
Cases for Guidance
1. K.M.Nanavati v. State of Maharashtra,AIR1962SC605
2. Tukaram v. State of Maharashtra, AIR1979SC 185
3. Suresh Kumar Koushal v. Naz Foundation,(2014)1SCC1
4. Rawalpenta Venkalu v. State of Hyderabad,AIR1956 SC 171
5. S.N.Hussain v. State of AndhraPradesh,AIR1972 SC 685
6. RamBadan Sharma v. State of Bihar(2006)10 SCC115
7. Rambaran Mahton v. The State,AIR1958Pat.452
8. S. Varadarajan v. State of Madras,AIR1965 SC 942
9. State of Punjab v. Gurmit Singh(1996)2SCC 384
10. Bhupinder Singh v. UT of Chandigarh(2008)8SCC531
11. PyareLal Bhargava v. State of Rajasthan,AIR1963 SC1094
12. Shri Bhagwan S.S.V.V. Maharaj v. State of A.P.,AIR1999SC 2332
13. Indira Gandhi V. Raj Narain- 1975
14. Priyadarshini Mattoo case- October 2006
15. Jessica Lal Murder Case- December2006
16. Nithari serial murders –2009
17. Aarushi Talwa rmurder–2008
18. Naz Foundation v Govt of NCT of Delhi)-July 2009
19. Ayodhya Ram Mandir Babri Masjid Case)-September2010
20. Yakub Abdul Razak Memon V State of Maharashtra andAnr-July2015
21. Independent Thought V. Union of India, 2017
22. Joseph Shine V. Union of India, 2018
23. Navtej Singh Johar V. Union of India, 2018
24. Vombatkere V. Union of India, 2022
25. The State of Jharkhand V. Shailendra Kumar Rai @ Pandav Rai, 2022
Learning Outcomes
1. To analyse the principles of criminal responsibility, undertake self-directed legal
research using primary and secondary materials, and analyse and evaluate legal
information relating to criminal law and legal theory.
2. To apply principles of criminal law to complex legal problems, and critique the
operation of criminal law from both a policy and theoretical/principled perspective.
3. To prepare persuasive written and oral arguments for a legal and lay audience on
issues relating to the drafting of new criminal laws and the application of existing
criminal laws to common scenarios that arise in criminal practice.
4. To demonstrate awareness of principles of ethical professional judgement in the
management and conduct of a criminal law matter, relevant to both prosecution
and defence.
5. To analyse the impact of criminal law from a policy perspective, with a focus on
the impact of the law on those people who are vulnerable or outside mainstream
The following syllabus prepared with this perspective will comprise of 6 modules.
Module I - Introduction to Administrative Law and Constitutional Concepts
(a) Role of State From Laissez-Faire to welfare State – Expansion Role of State - as
Enabler, facilitator and Regulator.
(b) Definition, Nature and Scope of Administrative Law.
(c) Administrative Development Patterns in U.K., U.S.A., France and India
(d) Relationship Between Administrative Law and Constitutional Law.
(e) Basic Constitutional Principles - RuleofLaw - Doctrine of Separation of Powers -
System of checks and balances.
(f) Parliamentary Sovereignty in U.K., Limited Legislative Powersin U.S.A. and India.
(g) Classification of Administrative Action - Nature of Powers; Executive, Legislative
andJudicial - Legislative function and Quasi Legislative functions – Judicial function and
Quasi-Judicial functions - Administrative Directions.
(d) Control over Delegated Legislation – Judicial, Procedural and Legislative Control.
(l) Principles of Natural Justice – Concept - Rule against Bias - Audi Alteram Partem –
Ingredients of Fair Hearing - Institutional Decision - Post-Decisional Hearing - Reasoned
Decisions - Exceptions to the Rule of Natural Justice - Effects of Breach of Natural Justice.
Module IV - JudicialReview and Liability of the State
Module VI - PublicUndertakings
(b) Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Public Corporations.
(c) Controls over Public Corporations, Government Control, Parliamentary Control, Judicial
Control, Public Control.
Recommended Reading
Books Prescribed:
1. M.P.Jain& S.N. Jain, “Principles of Administrative Law” (Gurgaon: Lexis Nexis, 2013).
2. S.P. Sathe, “Administrative Law” (Butterworths, India 1998).
3. De Smith, “Judicial Review of Administrative Action” (Sweet and Maxwell, 1995).
4.I.P.Massey, “Administrative Law”, (Lucknow: Eastern Book Company, 2008).
5. C.K.Takwani, “Lectures on Administrative Law” (Allahabad law Agency,
2014).6. Kailash Rai, “Administrative Law” (Allahabad law Agency, 2014).
Journals Prescribed
Further Reading
Reference Books:
1.Durga Das Basu, “Administrative Law” (Kamal Law House, 2016).
2.C.K. Thakker, “Administrative Law” (Lucknow: Eastern Book Company, 2012).
3. William Wade and Christopher Forsyth, “AdministrativeLaw” (Oxford University Press,
11th ed., 2014).
4. De Smith, “Constitutional Law and AdministrativeLaw” (Penguin, 2000).
5.Foulkes, “AdministrativeLaw” (Oxford University Press, 1995)
6.Indian Law Institute, “Cases and Material of Administrative Law” (1996).
7.Michael T Molan, “Administrative Law ( London: Old Bailey Press, 2001).
8. David Stott & Alexandra Felix, “Principles of Administrative law” (London: Cavendish
Publishing Limited, 1997).
9. Paul Craig, “Administrative Law” (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2011).
10.J.A.G. Griffith and H. Street, “Principles of Administrative Law” (Sir Isaac
Pitman, 1963).
4. Siddharth.R and Prof. Dr. A. Sreelatha, “Principle of Natural Justice and Its Application in
Indian Legal System” International Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.120, No.5,
(2018), p.1669.
6. Ambuj Mishra, “Legitimate Expectations in India” IJJSR, Vol.1, Issue 1, (2019), p.30.
5. Hamdard Dawakhana v. Union of India, AIR 1960 SC 554.
6. Chintamanrao v. State of M.P., AIR 1951 SC 118.
7. Hiranath Mishra v. Rajendra medical College, AIR 1973 SC 1260.
8. Dhakeshwari Cotton Mills Ltd. v. CIT, AIR 1955 SC 65.
9. Union of India v. H.C.Goel AIR 1964 SC 364.
10. ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla, AIR 1976 SC 1207.
11. SP Gupta v Union of India 1981 supp SCC 87.
12. N. Nagendra Rao v. Status A.P., (1994) 6 SCC 205.
13. Vineet Narain v. union of India AIR 1998 SC 889.
14. Sunil Kumar v. State of West Bengal, 1980 AIR 1170
15. Vishwarao v. Lok ayukta, Maharashtra, AIR 1985 Bom 136
Learning Outcome
1. Grasp the historical development of administrative law and gain conceptual clarity of
this branch of law across various civil and common law jurisdictions;
2. Ponder the importance, powers, and limitations of delegated legislation;
3. Master the crucial concept of natural justice and the touchstone requirements of
administrative procedures;
4. Perceive the criticality of judicial review and state accountability, and understand the
available remedies;
5. Develop a keen understanding of the applicability of administrative law to public
companies and be deeply aware of the importance of ombudsmen
Module I Introduction – General principles of Company law
a) Definition- Evolution, meaning and Functions of corporate law;
b) Historical Development of Concept of Corporate Law in India
c) Meaning and Nature of Company with Emphasis on its Advantages and
Disadvantages over other forms of Business organizations. Types of companies.
d) Comparison between Company and Partnership and Company and Limited Liability
e) Theory of ‘Corporate Personality’; concept under common law and statutory law;
the company as a corporate body; ignoring of corporate personality; statutory
exceptions to corporate personality;
Module II Promotion and Formation of Company
a) Promotion: Promotion of Company, Promoters their position, Powers, Duties and
Module III Corporate financing
a) Shares –Nature of shares- Application and allotment of shares
b) share capital- kinds of share capital, equity, preferential difference
c) prospectus – golden rule in issuing prospectus – Remedies against
misrepresentation in the prospectus- -members and shareholders,
d) -debentures, charges and debenture holder, crystalisation of floating charge,
Module IV Corporate Governance
a) Directors-independent directors, women directors and managerial personnel,
b) Role of directors – Board of directors- duties and responsibilities- Insider Trading
– Role of SEBI
c) accounts and audits-internal auditing, National financial reporting authority,
E- filing,
d) majority powers and minority rights, prevention of oppression and
mismanagement, investigation, powers of inspectors,
Module V Winding Up of Companies
a) Winding up and kinds of winding up.
b) Procedure for different kinds of winding up - powers of liquidators
c) Insolvency and Bankruptcy - Defunct companies and restoration, revival and
rehabilitation of sick companies
Module VI Adjudicatory Bodies
a) National Company Law Tribunal; National Company Law Appellate Tribunal –
Administration of NCLT, CLAT Constitution, Powers, Jurisdiction, Procedure,
Judicial Review
Module VII Corporate Governance and Social responsibility
a) Importance of Corporate Governance; Legal Reforms of Corporate Governance in
India; Reports of the various Committees on Corporate Governance;
b) Corporate crimes; Corporate social and environmental Responsibility – theories and
c) CSR and multinational corporations; regulation of multinational corporations in
d) Corporate ethics and human rights – corporate governance in a human rights
perspective; UN corporate Human Rights framework.
Recommended readings:
1. David Millon, “Theories of the Corporation” Vol. 1990: 2001 Duke Law Journal 262
2. Harvard Law Review, 1982. Piercing the Corporate Law Veil: The Alter Ego Doctrine
under Federal Common Law. 95(4), pp.853-871.
3. Franklin Gevurtz, “The Globalization of Corporate Law: The End of History or a Never
Ending Story?” Vol. 86: 475 Washington Law Review 475-521 (2011).
4. Azfer A. Khan, BlurringTheEdgesOfCorporate Law: Insider TradingAndTheMartoma
Decision, Harvard Business Law reviewOnline,2018 volume 8,PP.48-56.
5. Human rights through a corporate governance lens Posted by George s. Dall international
corporate governance network, on Friday, may 22, 2015
Further Readings:
1. Gower’s and Davies’ Principles of Modern Company Law, (8th ed., 2008)
2. Kershaw, David, Company Law in Context, Oxford University Press, UK, (2nd ed., 2012)
3. Mayson,French&Ryamn:Company Law, Oxford, 31st edition, 2014-15
4. Saleem Sheikh & William Rees, Corporate Governance & Corporate Control,
Cavendish Publishing Ltd., 1995
5. Charles Wild & Stuart Weinstein Smith and Keenan, Company Law, Pearson
Longman, 2009
6. Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Companies Act 2013, CCH Wolter Kluwer
Business, 2013.
1. A Reassessment of the Fraud Exception. Cambridge Law Journal, 2(56), pp.284-290.
2. Hayton, D., 1977. Contractual Licences and Corporate Veils. The Cambridge Law
Journal, pp.12-15.
3. Katharina Pistor, Yoram Keinan , Jan Kleinheisterkamp, Mark D. WestThe Evolution of
Corporate Law.
4. Sanger, A., 2012. Crossing the Corporate Veil: The Duty of Care Owed by a Parent
Company to the Employees of Its Subsidiary. Cambridge Law Journal, pp.478-481.
Cases for guidance:
1. Ashbury Railway Carriage & Iron Co. Ltd. v. Riche, (1875) L.R. 7 H.L. 653,
2. Bharat Insurance Ltd. v. Kanhya Lal, A.I.R. 1935 Lah. 792
3. Case Study on Satyam Scandal
4. Daimler Co. Ltd. v. Continental Tyre& Rubber Co., (1916) 2 A.C. 307
5. Erlanger v. New Sombrero Phosphate Co. (1878) 3 AC 1218: (1874-80) All ER Rep. 271
6. Foss v. Harbottle 67 E.R. 189;
7. Household Fire And Carriage Accident Insurance Co. Ltd. Grant (1879) 4 E.D. 216]
8. KotlaVenkataswamyv. Chinta Ramamurthy, AIR 1934 Mad. 579
9. Life Insurance Corporation of India v. Escorts Ltd., (1986) 59 AIR 1986 SC 1370
10. Menier v. Hooper’s Telegraph Works, (1874) L.R. 9 Ch. App. 350
11. New Brunswick, etc., Co. v. Muggeridge, (1860) 3 LT 651
12. Peek v. Gurney (1873) 43 L.J. Ch. 19
13. Percival v. Wright (1902) 2 Ch. 421
14. Royal British Bank v. Turquand (1856) CI & B 327)
15. Salomon v. Salomon & Co. Ltd., (1897) A.C. 22
Course outcomes:
After completion of the course students will be able to:
1. To examine and develop an understanding of the characteristics of a business
corporationwhen compared to other forms of business structure.
2. To consider the conceptual framework within which companies operate, Corporate
personality and the extent of the personal liability of members of corporations.
3. To acquire the cognitive skills to analyse evaluate and synthesise information about
corporations, corporate officers, shareholders and creditors so as to identify and resolve legal
and business related issues.
4. To develop a commitment to engendering lawful, ethical and socially reasonable corporate
The training curriculum of the NCC is primarily focused on character building, inculcating
leadership qualities and skill enhancement through structured academic syllabi, practical training and
opportunity for exposure/interaction beyond a cadets’ immediate environment, and thereby enabling
them for a brighter and progressive future.
It aims to make learning more holistic and skill-oriented eventually facilitating career prospects.
Pertinently, on successful completion of the course, the students are awarded credit points which will
enable them to qualify for their respective degrees.
(a) To develop character, comradeship, discipline, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and the
deals of selfless service among the youth of the country.
(b) To create a human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth to provide leadership
in all walks of life and always available for the service of the nation.
(c) To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed
Objectives of NCC:
• Motivate young dynamic youth to serve the nation.
• Inculcate sportsmanship and spirit of adventure.
The Syllabus includes common subject for all three wings and specialized subject with respect to
Army, air Force and Navy. The Common subjects comprise of approximately 70% and specialized
service is 30 % of the curriculum.
The detailed syllabus is as follows.
Introduction- importance- essence- necessity- factors affecting NI- measure to achieve - unity in
diversity- fundamentals - role of NCC- national security-threats-attributes of national security–
Unit:4 Drill:
General words of command - Attention, stand at ease and stand easy turning -Sizing and dressing -
saluting - Marching - Turning at the march and wheeling -Saluting at the march - Individual word of
command - Formation of squad and squad drill.
Unit:5 Weapon Training
Characteristics of a.22 NoII MarkI Vrifle, .22 deluxerifle, 7.62mmSLR and 5.56 mm INSAS - Rifle
stripping and assembling - Care and cleaning -Loading/Unloading and bolt manipulation - Lying
position and hold - Aiming range, targets and sight setting and alteration - Trigger control and firing
-Range procedure and safety precautions-Theory of group and snap shooting
Basics of social service - methods - types - rural development programme -schemes - NGOs - role of
NCC –swachhbharat - social security - types - social evils - mission indradhanush - digital India-
protection of children and women safety-new initiative-cyber security –types
Introduction - personal hygiene - food hygiene - sanitation - internal wounds -open chest wounds -
burns and scalds - snake and bog bites - Asphyxia and unconscious-wounds- yoga- purpose–asanas
Organisation and command headquarters of the armed forces - Ranks of the armed forces - Gallantry
and Non Gallantry awards - Types of commission in army
Definition of map- conventional signs - Definition of scale -Methods of expressing a scale - Grid
reference - Contour and its characteristics - Cardinal points - Types of north -Magnetic variation and
grid convergence - Types of bearing - Parts of prismatic compass - Setting of map - Finding north
and own position
Definition and subjects of field craft and battle craft -Judging distance and its methods –
Biography of Field Marshal Kodandera Madappa Cariappa, OBE -Biographyof Field Marshal Sam
Manekshaw, MC -Biography of Marshal of the Air Force Arjan Singh - Study of battles Indo
Pakistan war 1965, Indo Pakistanwar1971,Kargil war 1999
Module III: Internal Control, Internal Check and Internal Audit
a) Internal Control – Definitionand Objectives Internal Control (SA 315).
b) Internal Check – Meaning, Objectives, Importance and Advantages of Internal Check.
c) Essentials of Good Internal Check System.
d) Basics of Standards on Internal Audit – Difference between Internal Control, Internal
Check and Internal Audit.
Module VII: Auditing of E-Commerce Transaction
a) EDP Audit – Meaning, Division of Auditing in EDP Environment
b) Impact of Computerization on Audit Approach
c) Online Computer System Audit – Types of Online Computer Systems (Audit around and
with the Computers)
d) Procedure of Audit under EDP System.
Recommended Readings:
1. Natarajan - Practical Auditing – Margham Publication, 2018.
2. B.N. Tandon, S. Sudharsanam and S.Sudharabahu - Practical Auditing, S.Chand
Publication, New Delhi, Reprint 2016.
3. DinkarPagare, Principles and Practices of Auditing, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi,
4. Ravinder Kumar and Virender Sharma - Auditing, Principles and practice, PHI Learning
Private Limited, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2016.
5. T.R. Sharma, Principles and Practice of Auditing, SahithyaBhavan Publication, Agra,
Journals / Journal Articles:
1. Gleeson, Patrick. (2020, April 8). “The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Financial
Audit”. bizfluent.com. Retrieved from https://bizfluent.com/info-12085459-advantages-
2. Dayton, Denise. "Types of Auditors" bizfluent.com, https://bizfluent.com/info-7754377-
types-auditors.html. 8 April 2020.
3. LeBrun, Jake. (2020, April 8). “The Relationship Between Internal & External
Audit”. bizfluent.com. Retrieved from https://bizfluent.com/about-7379286-relationship-
4. Patrick, O. (2014). “Impact of Electronic Data Processing (EDP) on Auditing in School
Management”. ATBU Journal Of Science, Technology And Education,1(2),6-
11.Retrieved from https://www.atbuftejoste.com/index.php/joste/article/view/22
5. LajosZager, Sanja Sever Malis, Ana Novak, “The Role and Responsibility of Auditors in
Prevention and Detection of Fraudulent Financial Reporting”, Procedia Economics and
Finance, Volume 39, 2016, Pages 693-700, ISSN 2212-5671,
Further Readings:
1. Alvin A. Arens, Elder and Beasly,“Auditing and Assurance Services, An Integrated
Approach”, 15th edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2018.
2. S.K. Basu, Fundamentals of Auditing, Pearson Education, First edition, 2009.
3. S. Vengadamani, Practical Auditing.
4. Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Auditing and Assurance Standards, ICAI,
New Delhi.
5. Singh, A. K. and Gupta Lovleen, Auditing Theory and Practice, Galgotia Publishing
6. Spicer & Pegler’s, “Practical Auditing “, HFL Pubs. Ltd., London, 18th Edition, 1990.
7. Woolf, Emile, Auditing Today. Prentice Hall, New York, 6th Edition, 1997.
8. ArunaJha, Auditing. Taxmann Publication, 3rd Edition, 2016.
9. Pankaj Kumar Roy, Auditing, Oxford University Press, 2017.
10. Kamal, Gupta and Ashok Arora, Fundamentals of Auditing, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi
1. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance (JAAF)http://jaf.sagepub.com/content/current
2. International Journal of Auditing
3. Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
4. Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studieshttps://jafas.org/
5. International Journal of
6. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory.https://aaajournals.org/loi/ajpt
7. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
8. Irene BueleNugra, Dagmar Maldonado, Fabián Cuesta (2018), “Perception and Causality
of Academic Performance and Professional Exercise of Graduates in Accounting and
Auditing”, Open Science Journal Index, Volume 3, Issue 4, DOI:
9. Brent, Michael. (2020, April 8). “Advantages & Disadvantages of Internal
Control”. bizfluent.com. Retrieved from https://bizfluent.com/info-8064250-advantages-
10. Lacoma, Tyler. (2020, April 8). “What Are the Types of Audit Reports?”. bizfluent.com.
Retrieved from https://bizfluent.com/about-5070237-types-audit-reports.html
Learning Outcomes
After completion of the course, Students will be able to -
i) Understand the types of Audit and relationship of Auditing with other disciplines.
j) Recognize practical exposure of Auditing practices such as Internal Control, Internal
Check, Vouching and Verification.
k) Comprehend the legal perspectives on Auditor’s Appointment, Audit Report preparation.
l) Gain constructive knowledge on Audit of Computerised environment.
1. The course intends to define the concept and nature of transfer of immovable
property, and illustrate the different types of transfers and rules relating to it. It
explains the transfer of immovable property between living persons.
2. The course covers various general principles of transfer and doctrines. Specific
transfer explains about the transfer by way of sale, mortgage, lease, gift and
actionable claims.
3. The Easement Act explains various modes of acquisition of easementary rights, rights
and obligations of the dominant and servient owners, the extinction and suspension of
the easementary right.
4. Registration Act explains the requirement to be complied for registration of any
transfer of immovable property, and Stamp Act explains various kinds of stamps and
mode of payment of stamp duties.
Module III: Transfer of Limited Interest – Specific Transfer
• GCV Subba Rao- Transfer of Property
• Mulla, “The Transfer of Property Act”, by Poonam Pradhan Saxena, Lexis Nexis,
13th edition
• K.Krishnamurthy’s, “The Indian Stamp Act”, 12th edition, Lexis Nexis
• Mulla, “Registration Act”, 13th Edition, Lexis Nexis
Statutory materials:
1. Transfer of Property Act, 1882
2. Indian Easement Act, 1882
3. The Registration Act, 1908
4. Indian stamp Act, 1899
Books for reference:
5. Pannalal v. Fulmoni, AIR (1987) Cal 368
6. Sopher v. Administrator general of Bengal, (1944) P.C.67
7. Abdul Fata Mohommed v. Rasamaye, 22 Cal 619 P.C.
8. Whitby v. Mitchell,
9. Leake v. Robinson, 35 ER 979, Volume 35
10. Thalluson v. Woodford, (1805) 11 Ves. 112
11. Cooper v. Cooper, (1874) L.R. 7 H.L.53
1. Abraham Bell and Gideon Parchomovsky, A Theory of Property, 90 Cornell L. Rev.
531 (2005) Available at: http://scholarship.law.cornell.edu/clr/vol90/iss3/1
2. Exclusion and Exclusivity in Property Law Author(s): Larissa Katz Source: The
University of Toronto Law Journal, Vol. 58, No. 3 (Summer, 2008), pp. 275-315
Published by: University of Toronto Press Stable URL:
3. The Rule against Perpetuities and Gifts to Classes, W. Barton Leach, Harvard Law
Review, Vol. 51, No. 8 (Jun., 1938), pp. 1329-1353,
4. Case Notes on Steadman v. Steadman, 10 Melb. U. L. Rev. 149 (1975-1976)
5. The Doctrine Of Part Performance In India by G. M. Sen, Journal of the Indian Law
Institute, Vol. 11, No. 2 (APRIL-JUNE 1969), pp. 224-229,
6. Claeys, Eric R., Property, Concepts, and Functions (March 10, 2018). Boston College
Law Review, Vol. 60, No. 1, 2019; George Mason Legal Studies Research Paper No.
LS 18-04. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3136041
7. The Registration Act, 1908: Critical Analysis of Registration Act by Shivam Goel,
Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/314424567
8. Overview Of Stamp Duty Acts available at
9. Essert, Christopher (2013), ‘The Office of Ownership,’ University of Toronto Law
Journal, 63: 418–461.
10. Francis S. Philbrick, “Changing Conceptions of Property in Law”, University of
Pennsylvania Law Review And American Law Register, Volume 86 May, 1938 No. 7
The Law of Evidence is one of the most important parts of the procedural law. The Law of
Evidence plays a very important role in the effective functioning of the judicial system. The
Law of Evidence is an indispensable part of both substantive and procedural laws. It
imparts credibility to the adjudicatory process by indicating the degree of veracity to be
attributed to 'facts' before the forum. This paper enables the student to appreciate the
concepts and principles underlying the law of evidence and identify the recognized forms
of evidence and its sources. The subject seeks to impart to the student the skills of
examination and appreciation of oral and documentary evidence in order to find out the
truth. The art of examination and cross-examination, and the shifting nature of burden of
proof are crucial topics. The Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 is a new Criminal Law
in India that replaces the Indian Evidence Act. It introduces changes in provisions relating
to electronic evidence, including definitions and admissibility procedures brought in to the
Law of Evidence are significant parts of study in this course.
After undergoing the study, the student will be able to understand the following:
• To design, implement and review a plan for establishing each legal element of a
given case to the required standard of proof with admissible evidence.
• To plan and execute a witness examination that comports with evidentiary standards
and that persuasively establishes a fact in issue in the case; anticipate and respond
to evidentiary objections that may be raised during your examination.
• ·To identify, articulate and assert appropriate evidentiary objections while listening
to a witness examination, and respond appropriately to questions from the judge.
• ·To draft and execute a witness examination for the introduction of a document or
item of proof.
d) Relevancy of Facts - Closely connected facts - Res Gestae -Occasion, Cause and Effect
etc. -Motive, Preparation and Conduct- Facts Necessary to Explain or Introduce Relevant
Module II: Admission- Confession - Dying Declaration
e) Who can record a Dying Declaration -Multiple Dying Declarations -Evidentiary Value
of a Dying Declaration-Difference Between a Dying Declaration and a Dying Deposition
a) Facts which need not be proved - Modes of Proof - Oral Evidence - Hearsay Evidence.
d) Burden of Proof - Burden and Proof Distinction - Burden of Proof and Onus Probandi.
b) Presumption of Legitimacy - Presumption in Suicide Cases - Presumption of Existence
of Certain Facts - Presumption in Prosecution of Rape Cases.
e) Distinction Between Estoppel and Res Judicata - Distinction Between Estoppel and
Recommended Readings:
1. Criminal Manual along with comparison table, edited by Virag Gupta, Commercial
Law Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Edition 2024.
2. Sharath Chandran, Concise commentary on the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam,
LexisNexis, 2024.
3. Saurabh Kansal and Vageshwari Deswal, Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 Law
and practice, Taxmann Publication Private Ltd. 2024.
4. M. Monir, Law of Evidence, Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, 2018.
5. Rattan Lal Dheeraj Lal, Law of Evidence, LexisNexis, 2018.
6. Avtar Singh, Principles of Law of Evidence, Central Law Publications, 2016.
7. Sarkar and Manohar, Sarkar on Evidence (1999), Wadha & Co., Nagpur 2017.
8. Hong Kong Law of Evidence, Mike McConville, Dmitri Hubbard, and Arthur McInnis,
2nd Edition,2014, Blue Dragon Press, Hong Kong.
1. Allen, R 1992, “The Myth of Conditional Relevancy”, Loyola of Los Angeles Law
Review, 25: 871–884.
Law Review, 88: 604–640.
Further Readings:
1. Adrain Keane, Paul M.C. Keown, "The Modern Law of Evidence", 9th Edn,
OxfordUniversity Press.
2. Albert S. Osborn, "The problem of proof", 1st Indian reprint, Universal Law House,
Delhi, 1998.
3. Bholeshwar Nath, "Cases and Material on Evidence Act, 1872", Eastern Books
Publishers and Book Sellers, Lucknow.
4. Bridges, B.C., Vollmer, August and Monir M., "Criminal Investigation Practical
Fingerprinting, Thumb Impression, Handwriting expert testimony Opinion Evidence",
The University Book Agency, Allahabad (2000).
5. M. Monir C.J., Dr. H.K. Saharay, "Law of Evidence" (Vol. I, II), 14 Edn,Universal
Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
8. R.L. Gupta, "Law relating to identification and Expert Opinion" 4th Edn, Eastern
Book Co, Lucknow.
9. R.S. Pillai, "Criminal Law", Lexis Nexis Butterworths Wadhwa Co., Nagpur, 10Edn.
10.Sir Rupert Cross and Nancy Wilkins, "An Outline of the Law of Evidence", 4th Edn,
London Butterworth, 1975.
1. Allen, R. and A. Stein, 2013, “Evidence, Probability and the Burden of Proof”,
Arizona Law Review, 55: 557–60
2. Allen, R, 1991, “The Nature of Juridical Proof”, Cardozo Law Review, 13: 373–422.
3. Garrison, A.H. (2000). A review of the behavioural science theory and its
admissibility in criminal trials" American Journal of Trial Advocacy, 23, 591- 657.
Expert Testimony" 1997 FULJ Vol. 25 Issue 3, Pg. 541-578.
5. Mathiharan K, "Emergency Medicare: its Ethical and legal aspects" National Medical
Journal of India, Vol. 17, No.1 January/ Feb, 2004, 31-35 at p. 33.
6. Neeraj Tiwari, "Fair trial vis-a-vis Criminal Justice Administration: A critical study of
the Indian Criminal Justice System JLCR Vol.2(4) pp. 66-73
8. Sonia Dutt Sharma, "DNA-Dignity and Dissolution of Marriage", Helix Vol.2 : 101-
104 (2012).9. Subhomoy Sarkar, "The Constitutional Mandate on the Right Against
Self Incrimination: A Comparative Study on the Legitimacy of Narco Analysis 2009”
Cr.L.J Vol 2 Journal/166.
10. Tess M.S. Neal, "Expert Witness preparation: What does the Literature tell us?
American Society of Trial Consultants. 2009, pg. 82.
Learning Outcome:
• To identify, assert and support objections to items of proof, using appropriate
evidentiary rules and tailoring objections to the facts at hand.
• To identify and use a range of legally specific research principles, methods and tools
to make a coherent and persuasive argument for the admission or exclusion of a
specific item of evidence, incorporating factual information and legal standards
drawn from both evidentiary rules and substantive law.
• To research, analyse and apply evidentiary standards to complex issues and present a
persuasive written and oral argument for the admission or exclusion of the evidence.
• Articulate the processes for the adversarial examination of evidence and differentiate
between the roles of the district attorney and defence counsel in the presentation of
Course Outline
Module- I: Introduction to International Law
(a) Origin—Scope and Basis
(b) Universalization of International Law- philosophical, political, ideological, cultural
and cross- cultural approaches
(c) Historical development and Jurisprudential theories – Greek, Roman, European,
Asian, African, communist and Indian approach
(d) Validity, Normativity and Enforcement through Sanctions
(e) Codification and Progressive Development – Role of International Law Commission
and International Institutions
Module -II: Sources of International Law
(a) Source and its Genesis- Art 38 (1)(b) of the ICJ and Sources of International Law
(b) Usage & Custom as a source; Elements of Custom; Jus Cogens and Ergaomnes
(c) Treaties as primary and persuasive source; significance of Law making treaties
andTreaty Contracts; Normative Treaties; Reservation and Revocation of Treaties
(d) General Principles of International law (Equity in a global context)
(e) Juristic Works of Eminent Authorities
(f) Decisions of Judicial and Arbitral Tribunals (International and Municipal)
(g) Subsidiary Sources- Decisions, Resolutions and Declarations of the United Nations
and other organs; Non-treaty obligations - Good will and Reciprocity.
Module - IV: Recognition and State Territory
(a) State Recognition as a basis for International personality – Principles and Problems
(b) Types of Recognition-- Legal nature; Theories of Recognition; Recognition of
Governments – Belligerency and Insurgency
(c) Legal effects of Recognition and Non Recognition
(d) Concept of State Territory- Sovereignty and its significance
(e) Acquisition and loss of State Territory; Territorial Integrity-Self-Determination and
sundry claims- Doctrine of Utipossidetis
(f) Law of Air and Outer Space
International legal obligation
(c) Draft articles of ILC - Liability for Lawful Acts- Circumstances excluding Wrongful
Conduct of State- Legal Consequences of an Internationally Wrongful Act
(d) Invocation of State Responsibility as part of Human Rights Standards
(e) State Responsibility for Genocide: State Responsibility and Environmental
International Studies, Brill, 2007)
7. Kaul, J.L. & A. Jha, Shifting Horizons of Public International Law, (1st ed., 2018)
8. Kevin Boyle (ed.), New Institutions for Human Rights Protection (Oxford, 2009);
Chapters 1-3.
9. Ryngaert, C. “Jurisdiction in International Law”, (Oxford University Press,2nd Ed.,
10. Hugh Thirlway (2019), The Sources of International Law, Second Edition, Cambridge
University Press: United Kingdom. Available at:
11. Patrick Dumberry (2007), State Succession to International Responsibility,
MartinusNijhoff Publishers: The Netherlands. Available at:
12. Robert Kolb (2016), The Law of Treaties: An Introduction, Edward Edgar Publishing
Limited: United Kingdom. Available at:
Journals: -
1. Akehurst, M. “Custom as a Source of International Law” 53 British Yearbook of
International Law 1(1974-75).
2. Anthony D’Amato, “Treaties as a Source of General Rules of International Law”3
Harvard International Law Journal 1-43 (1962).
3. Thomas Buergenthal, “Lawmaking by the ICJ and Other International Courts”
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law) Vol.
103, International Law as Law (2009), pp. 403-406(CUP, 2009)
4. K. R. R. Sastry, State Responsibility in International Law, 35 Allahabad Law Journal
5. C. Wilfred Jenks, “State Succession in Respect of Law-Making Treaties”, 29 British
Yearbook Book International105 (1952).
6. Keyuan, Z. “South China Sea Studies in China: Achievements, Constraints and
Prospects”, 11 Singapore Yearbook of International Law 85 (2007).
7. Babalola, A. “Extradition under International Law: Tool for Apprehension
ofFugitives”, 22 Journal of Law Policy & Globalization 25 (2014).
8. Micheline Ishay, The History of Human Rights: From Ancient Times to the
Globalization Era, 2004
9. Jack Donnelly, The Relative Universality of Human Rights, Human Rights Quarterly,
Volume 29, Volume 2 (2007): 281-306.
10. Olivier de Schutter, International Human Rights Law, Cambridge University Press,
9. Serbian Loans case [1929] PCIJ (ser A) Nos 20/21, 5.
10. Temple of Preah Vihar(Thailand v Cambodia) [1962] ICJ Rep 6.
11. GabcikovoNagymaros Project case (Hungary v Slovakia) [1997] ICJ Rep 7.
12. Barcelona Traction case (Belgium v Spain) [1970] ICJ Rep 3.
13. Reparation of injuries suffered in the service of United NationsAdvisory Opinion,
1949 I.C.J. 174 (Apr. 11)
14. Advisory Opinion of ICJ on Namibia, ICJ Rep. 1971, P. 16
15. Advisory Opinion of ICJ in Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral
Declaration of Independence in Respect of Kosovo Case, ICJ Rep. 2010
❖ Advisory Opinion of Legal Consequences of the Separation of the Chagos
Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965, ICJ Rep. 2019Italy v. India (Enrica Lexie case)
16. West Rand Central Gold Mining company v R [1905] 2 KB 391
17. Regina v Keyn (1876) 2 Ex D 63
18. The Paquete Habana, 175 U.S. 677 (1900).
19. Vishakha and Ors. v State of Rajasthan and Ors, AIR 1997 SC 3011.
20. The Arantzazu Mendi case (UK) 1939
21. Luther v Sagor (UK) [1921] 3KB 532
22. Case Concerning Military and Para Military Activities in and Against Nicaragua
23. Case Concerning the Factory at Chorzow (Merits) [1928] PCIJ, Series A, No. 17, 47.
24. Corfu Channel (U.K. v. Alb.), 1949 I.C.J. 4 (Merits Apr. 9).
25. LaGrand (Germany v. United States of America), Provisional Measures [1999] ICJ
26. Trail Smelter Case (U.S. v. Can.), 3 R.I.A.A. 1905 (Trail Smelter Arb. Trib. 1938 &
27. United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran, Judgment, ICJ Reports
28. Island of Palmas Arbitration (U.S. v. Netherlands), 2 R.I.A.A. 829, 839 (1928).
29. Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries Case (UK v. Norway), ICJ Reports 1951.
30. South China Sea Arbitration, (Philipines vs China), Case No 2013-19, Award of 12
July 2016 (PCA)
31. Factor v. Laubenheimer 290 U.S. 276 (1933)
32. Fiocconi v. Att'y Gen., 462 F.2d475
33. Ker v. liinois,119 U.S.436 (1886)
34. United States v. Alvarez-Machain, 504 U.S. 655.
35. United States v. Rauscher, 119 U.S. 407 (1886).
Learning Outcomes: -
After completion of the course Students will be able to
1. Equip with the basic structural perspectives of International law and would able to
understand its significance as a bedrock subject of international relations.
2. Trace the significance and influence of the normative principles involved in building
the edifice and substance of international law.
3. Analyze and appreciate diversity of the subject and its impact on states and their
subjects and the role and significance of International organs and able to create and
defend principled legal arguments to carry further research.
4. Acquire academic contemplation and training primarily in Public international law
blended with human rights law and IHL and their practical orientation.
Objectives of the Course
Interpretation as a branch of legal science emerges out of the necessity triggered by the
element of fallibility of human communications. It is part of laws of nature. The increase in
the creation of human legislations further validates the role of interpretation as a consistent
source of legislation. The primary aim of all interpretation is to provide clarity to the existing
legislations. Judiciary as the custodian of statutes interprets the legislation. Thus, the
students of law on a need based approach will be trained to learn the implications of the
schools of textualism and purposivism in the context of statutory construction as a tool of
social change.
Module V: Rules of Statutory Interpretation
(a) Literal and Logical Rules of Interpretation-Statute must be read as whole- every word
to be given a meaning-Legalism and Creativity-Legal Language, Legal Riddles and
Logic-Golden Rule and Mischief Rule;
(b) Strict construction of Penal Laws and Taxation Laws-Judicial Activism, Judicial
Process and Judicial Restraint-Beneficial Construction of Social Security
Statutory Materials
Recommended Readings:
Further Readings:
6. P.M. Bakshi (1993), Legal Interpretation: Ancient and Modern, The Indian Law
Institute: India.
7. V.C.R.A.C. Crabbe (1993), Legislative Drafting, Cavendish Publishing: United
8. V.C.R.A.C. Crabbe (1994), Understanding Statutes, Cavendish Publishing: United
9. N.S.Bindra (2002), The General Clauses Act: Central and States, Lexis
NexisButterworths: India.
10. Aharon Barak (2005), Purposive Interpretation in Law, Princeton University Press:
United States of America.
11. Ulf Linderfalk (2007), On the Interpretation of Treaties, Springer Publications: The
12. Luc J. Wintgens (Editor) (2007), Legislation in Context: Essays in Legisprudence,
Ashgate Publishing Limited: United Kingdom.
13. James Holland and Julian Webb (2010), Learning Legal Rules, Oxford University
Press: United Kingdom.
14. Justice G.P. Singh (2016), Principles of Statutory Interpretation, Lexis Nexis: India.
15. Oliver Dorr and Kirsten Schmalenbech (Editors) (2012), Vienna Convention on the
Law of Treaties: A Commentary, Springer Publications: Heidelberg.
1. Roscoe Pound (1907), Spurious Interpretation, Columbia Law Review, Vol. No. 7,
Issue No.6, Pp. 379-386.
2. Frederick J. DeSloovere (1936), Contextual Interpretation of Statutes, Fordham Law
Review, Vol. No.5, Pp. 219-239.
3. R.C. Beuthin (1965), General Principles of Interpretation of Statutes, Annual Survey
of South African Law, Pp. 489-501.
4. Justice Vinelott (1982), Interpretation of Fiscal Statutes, Statute Law Review, Vol.
No. 2, Pp. 78-86.
5. Jack Stark (1994), Should the Main Goal of Statutory Drafting Be Accuracy or
Clarity, Statute Law Review, Vol. No. 15, Issue No,3, Pp. 207-213.
6. Stefan Vogenauer (1997), What is the Proper Role of Legislative Intention in Judicial
Interpretation, Statute Law Review, Vol. No. 18, Issue No.3, Pp. 235-243.
7. Michael P. Healy (1999), Legislative Intent and Statutory Interpretation in England
and the United States: An Assessment of the Impact of Pepper v. Hart, Stanford
Journal of International Law, Vol. No. 35, Pp. 231-254.
8. Nirmal Kanti Chakrabarti (2012), Legislative Drafting and Law Reform: The Role of
Indian Judiciary, International Journal of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform, Vol.
No.1, Issue No.2, Pp.207-218.
9. Elizabeth M. Bakibinga (2015), A Global Perspective of Standardising Statutory
Writing: Lessons from the Developing World, International Journal of Legislative
Drafting and Law Reform, Vol. No. 4, Issue No.1, Pp. 60-90.
10. Khagesh Gautam (2019), The Use of International Law in Constitutional
Interpretation in the Supreme Court of India, Stanford Journal of International Law,
Vol. No. 55, Issue No.1, Pp. 27-68.
Learning Outcome
After the course students will be able to-
1. Understand the concerns of human communication and relevance of interpretation.
2. Learn the necessity of principles of interpretation as consistent source of man-made
3. Develop the skills of reading and writing legislations and deducing hidden
assumptions with accuracy.
4. Visualise the significance of principles of interpretation as tools of social change.
Module I: Introduction
1. The meaning of Ethics
2. Professional Ethics
3. Code of Conduct
4. Misconduct
5. Importance of Legal Education and Legal Profession in India
6. Historical Background and Significance – judicial process in India
Module – II: Rights and Duties of a Lawyer / Lawyer’s Accountability
A. Duties towards Court, Client, Opposite Attorney, himself, Public, etc., - duty
towards legal fraternity and reforms, duty towards providing legal aid
B. Rights towards right to practice, right to argue his case, right over his
professional fees – certain limitation of rights such as restrictions on advertising,
bar from carrying on any other profession etc.,
Module – III: Law relating to Legal profession and its accountancy
A. Advocates Act, 1961
Advocate – Bar Council of India – Legal Practitioner – State Bar Council and its
composition, powers and functions – Bar Council of India and its composition,
powers and functions – Committees such as Disciplinary committee, Legal aid
committee and other committees – Admission and Enrolment – Disqualification –
Senior Advocate, Advocate on Record – Misconduct and its punishment for
misconduct - Deficiency in Service and Negligent act of Advocacy – Liability and
Remedy – Privileged Communication – Vicarious Liability – Advocate Clerk and
his responsibility
B. Bar Council of India Rules, - BCI and its Committees – Directorate of Legal
Education – All India Bar Examination – Legal Education (amendment) Rules,
C. The Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 – Contempt of Court – Civil contempt and
Criminal contempt
Defences and Punishments – Appeal
Module – IV: Bar – Bench Relations
A. Advocates and Judges – indispensible partners – composition of Bar
Associations – Duties of the Bar
B. Fair trial – Court Decorum, Discipline, attitude and sincerity – Duty of Judges –
without bias, impartial and good conscience in justice delivery
C. Academic Contribution – skills of lawyer seven lamps of advocacy
Module – V: Modern era (Globalisation) and Legal services in India
A. Impact of Foreign Legal Studies and legal services in India – Legal aid – Law
firm and legal services – Legal Outsourcing – Law school in India and its legal
ethics - dress code, need of practical litigating lawyer
B. Legal services in modern era: – Techno legal lawyering – Digital India and
Legal profession E courts – video conferencing - Alternative Disputes
Resolution – Mediation and Conciliation
Module – VI: International concern on Legal profession and ethics
A. Private International Law and legal issues – international crimes and legal
opinion under ethical manner – cross border terrorism – human trafficking –
Drug trafficking –
B. Pleading of Foreign lawyering and its issues – Italian Marine Case –
Jurisdictional issues in India – Commission of Foreign Witnesses
Module – VII: Contribution of Bar Council on Legal Education
A. Bar Council of India – Rules of Legal Education, 2019 – Centre of Legal
Education – Legal Education Committee – Admission and Enrolment –
B. Maintenance of Standard of Legal Education – Inspection, Recognition and
Accreditation – Inspectorate, Legal Education Inspection Board – Approval of
Centre of Legal Education – Legal Education Accreditation Board – Directorate
of Legal Education – Recognition of Foreign Law Degree – Equivalence –
Miscellaneous provisions
Apart of class room teaching in this course, this course is a clinical course so
the marks shall be allocated based on internal assessment only. For two project
submission 25 marks each, for case study 25 marks (High Court and Supreme Court
Judgements), for mid-semester 20 marks and attendance 05 marks – total 100marks
Statue for Reading
1. Advocates Act,1961
2. Contempt of Courts Act,1971
3. Bar Council of India Rules
4. Legal Education Rules,2008
5. Bar Council of India, Draft Rules on Legal Education,2019
Recommended Readings:
1. K V krishnaswamyIyer – Professional Conduct and Advocacy,
Ingram Short title, (2015).
2. Dr. Kailash Rai, Legal Ethics- Accountancy for Lawyers and Bench and
BarRelations, Central Law Publication,(Reprint-2016)
3. B R Aggarwala, Supreme Court Practice andProcedure
4. P RamanathIyer, Legal and Professional Ethics, (3rded.,)
5. Dr. S P Gupta, Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bench-
6. M P Jain, Outline of Indian Legal History-Chapter : Development of
7. M R Mallick- The Advocates Act 1961 with Professional Ethics,
Advocacy andBar- benchRelationship
8. Dr. B Malik: The Art Of alawyer
9. Nilendra Kumar and Neha Chaturvedi: M K Gandhi’s : The Law andLawyer
10. Saadiya Suleman: Professional Ethics & Advertising byLawyers
• After completion of this course the student will be able to perform as good
• The student of law must be oriented with disciplined, well performed and
socially ethically trainedprofessional.
Labour rights are being integral to the social and economic development since the industrial
revolution. Well balanced industrial development leads to increased productivity which in
turn is a factor of national progress. Gone are the days when despotic industry-owners
treated our precious labour as a mere factor of production, no more than a cost to minimise
in the profit and loss account. As we grow to honour the crucial contribution of labour in
society, studying, analysing and understanding system of labour laws, and exploring, with a
keen and uncompromising eye, its flaws, failures, gaps and loopholes, is the key to combating
rampant inequality and ensuring that labour has the right to live with dignity. The labour
laws introduced for this course defines socio-legal control of labour relations and the
history, the present norms, the emerging areas and possible future techniques of labour
jurisprudence with reference to the tripartite responsibility of State, Workers and Employers.
The following syllabus prepared with this perspective will comprise 5 modules.
(f) Constitutional Perspectives on Labour Laws.
(g) Workers Participation in Management.
(h) Labour Law Reforms.
(i) International Labour Organisation - Setting Labour Standards - Conventions and
Recommendations - ILO and India - Conventions Ratified in India - Impact of ILO and
Indian Labour Legislations.
(a) Trade Union Movement in India - Development of Trade Union Legislation in India -
Weakness of Trade Union Movement.
(b) Out Siders in Trade Unions.
(c) Inter-Union and Intra-Union Rivalries
(d) Trade Unions Act, 1926 – Scope and Object - Definitions - Registration of Trade Unions
– Members - Office Bearers - Rights and Liabilities of Trade Union - Privileges and
Immunities of Registered Trade Unions.
(e) Recognition of Trade Unions.
(f) Collective Bargaining - Pre-requisites for Effective Collective Bargaining - Advantages
and Disadvantages of Collective Bargaining - Enforcement of Collective Bargaining in India.
Module IV: Standing orders and Disciplinary Proceedings
Recommended Readings:
1. S.N.Mishra, “ Labour and IndustrialLaw”, (Allahabad: Central Law Agency, 2019).
2. Dr.V.G.Goswami, “Labour and Industrial Laws”, (Allahabad: Central Law Agency,
3. MadhavanPillai, “Labour and IndustrialLaws” (Allahabad: Allahabad Law Agency,
4. S.C. Srivastava, “Industrial Relations and Labour Laws” (New Delhi: Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2019).
5. Meenu Paul, Labour and Industrial Law (Allahabad law Agency 2017).
Journals/Journal Articles:
1. Suresh C. Srivastava, “Labour Welfare and the Law” 17 Journal of Indian Law
Institute 342-366 (1975)
2. Manishi Pathak, “An Overview of Contract Labour Related Laws in India” NLS Bus.
L.Rev. 20-35 (2017).
4. Usha Ramanathan, “Statute Law, Injury & Compensation” 47 Journal of Indian Law
Institute 158-198 (2005).
5. N.S.Kamboj, “Hazardous Industries Policy & the Law” 46 Journal of Indian Law
Institute 449-462 (2004).
Further Readings:
1. K.D. Srivastava's Commentaries on Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923: with
Supplement, (Lucknow: Eastern Book Co., 6th Revised ed., 1999).
2. K.D. Srivastava's Commentaries on Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948: with
Supplement, (Lucknow: Eastern Book Co., 5th Revised ed., 2001).
3. K.D. Srivastava's Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,
1952, Revised by S.C.Srivastava, (Lucknow: Eastern Book Co. 8th Edition, 2001).
4. K D Srivastava’s Commentaries on Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 with supplement,
(Lucknow: Eastern Book Co., 5th ed., 2016).
5. K.D. Srivastava's Commentaries on Factories Act, 1948: with Supplement, (Lucknow:
Eastern Book Co., 5th Revised ed., 2001).
1. RP.Rangeela, Mrs.Girija Anil, “Welfare measures under the Factories Act: A Critical
Appraisal” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.120, No.5, (2018)
4. K B Ravindra, “Labour Welfare and Social Security” Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1(2014), p.77.
5. Manvendra Singh Jadon and Ankit Bhandari, “Analysis of the Maternity Benefits
Amendment Act, 2017 and its Implications on the Modern Industrial Discourse” Christ
University Law Journal, 2019 Vol. 8, No,2, p. 63.
7. Dr. A. Ananda Kumar, Dr. D. Porkalai& Mr. A. Savio Arokiadass, “Effective Utilization
of Employee State Insurance (ESI) Policy at E-Publishing Sector” Global Journal of
Management and Business Research: G Interdisciplinary Vol.17, Issue 5 (2017) p.35.
8. Jerome Joseph and Srinath Jagannathan, “Employment Relations & Managerialist
Undercurrents — The Case of Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972” Indian Journal of Industrial
Relations Vol. 47, No. 2 (October 2011), p. 253.
9. Yashik, P. M. (2014). ”A study about the Labour welfare and Social Security Measures in
India”, International Journal of Management, 2, p.23.
10. Sravanthi, B., “Social security in India: constitutional frame work” International Journal
of Development Research, Volume 8, Article ID: 12929.
1. United India Insurance Co. Ltd. v. (Smt.) Susheela, 2004 (101) FLR 393 (Karn HC)
2. Employees State Insurance Corporation v. Jaipur Enterprises, (1988) 56 FLR 207 (Raj.)
3. Employees State Insurance Corporation v. Hotel Kalpaka International, 1993 LLR 177 (SC)
4. Fenner (India) Ltd. v. Joint Regional Director, Employees State Insurance
Corporation,(2003) 2 LLJ 447 (Mad)
5. Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. Female Workers (Muster Rolls) and Another, AIR
2000SC 1274
6. Ram Bahadur Thakur (P) Ltd. v. Chief Inspector of Plantations, [1982 (2) LLJ 20]
7. Sri Rama Vilas Service Ltd. v. RPFC, 2000 I LLJ 709 (Mad)
8. Hindustan Lever Employees Union v. RPFC, 1995 (71) FLR 46 (Bom)
9. Mill Owners Association, Bombay v. Their Employees [1950 (II) LLJ 1247]
10. Standard Vacuum Refining Co. of India v. Workmen, AIR 1961 SC 895, 901
11. Mill Owners Association, Bombay v. Rashtriya Mazdoor Mill Sangh, [(1960) LLJ 1247]
12. Kothari Corporation v. Appellate Authority (Deputy Commissioner of Labour), Karnool
1998LLR 223
13. Management of Sri Akilandeswari Mills Ltd. v. Asst. Commissioner of Labour (2000) I
LLJ1411 Mad
14. Workmen of American Express International Banking Corporation v. American
ExpressInternational Banking Corporation [AIR 1986 SC 458]
15. JayathilalDhaniji& Co. Oil Mills v. Employees State Insurance Corporation [(1966) 2
Learning Out Come:
• Appreciate the evolution and conceptual backbones of social security laws and recognise the
pivotal role played by ILO in ensuring social security rights for workers;
• Distinguish the rights of employees under various employment-related mishaps and
consequences and understand the scope and reach of state insurance benefits to employees;
• Critically analyse maternity benefits available to women employees and their
• Discern the nuances of retirement benefits payable to employees; and
• Comprehend the compliances to be followed by factories and critically analyse relevant laws.
The objective of the course is to make environmental law familiar to the students by
understanding all dimensions of the subject. This module addresses the UGC mandate to
introduce the ‘environmental studies’ and Bar Council framework syllabus for the subject.
The paper chooses certain international legal regimes to introduce the interface between
international and national laws. The module is aptly divided to have a comprehensive
understanding of natural resource law and pollution control laws. Emerging regimes such as
mining, nuclear energy and health laws are introduced. The module will also introduce
disaster management, coastal regulation and biodiversity laws. An introduction to state laws
is provided to highlight the role of states in the environmental governance. The student will
have the following competencies after studying the subject:
1. Students will understand the interface amongst the academic disciplines in relation to
environment and identify the relevance of law in the resource discourse.
2. Students will appreciate the legal structure governing environmental concerns from
global scale to individual level.
3. Students will be able to apply the environmental law for situations that may arise in
the judicial, administrative and political platforms.
Module I: Introduction1
This module is framed in consonance with the UGC mandated ‘environmental studies’ paper for all the UG
B. Social, and Political dimensions of Natural Resources Use- Global commons – Rural
and Urban Commons -Environmental Pollution – Poverty, Development and
Environment - consumerism and minimalism – Ecological Footprint, Carbon
Footprint, Water Footprint and Virtual Water
C. Factors Affecting Environment – Deforestation - – Habitat Loss - Green House Gases
– Acid Rain – Climate Change
Module V: Pollution Control Laws
A. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 –Air (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act, 1981 –Environment (Protection) Act, 1986- –Noise Pollution Rules
B. Rules relating to Hazardous wastes, Plastic Waste, Bio-Medical Waste, E-Waste,
Solid Waste, and Batteries
Module VI: Ecological Conservation and Animal Welfare Laws
Recommended Readings:
1. P. Leelakrishnan, Environmental Law in India (Butterworths, 2019)
2. S. Shanthakumar, Environmental Law –An Introduction (Butterworths 2004)
3. ShyamDiwan and Armin Rosencranz, Enviromental Law and Policy in India (Oxford
4. NawneetVibhaw, Environmental Law: An Introduction (Lexis Nexis 2016)
5. Alan Boyle and Patricia Bernie, International Law and Environment (Oxford 2009)
6. Philippe Sands, Principles of International Environmental Law (Cambridge 2018)
Selected Articles
Recommended Case Laws
• M.C. Mehta v Union of India (Oleum Gas Leakage case) (1987) 1 SCC 395
• Mrs.Susetha v State of T.N. (2006) 6 SCC 543,
• T.N. GodavarmanThirumulpad v. Union of India (1997) 2 SCC 267
• S. Jagannath v Union of India (1997) 2 SCC 87
• Murli S. Deora v Union of India (2001) 8 SCC 765
• Vellore Citizens’ Welfare Forum v Union of India (1996) 5 SCC 647
• Ratlam v. Vardhichand(1980) 4 SCC 162.
• Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra, Dehradun v. State of U.P AIR 1985 SC 652
• Indian Council for Enviro-legal Action vs. Union of India 1996 AIR 1446
• Urgenda Foundation v. The State of the Netherlandshttps://elaw.org/nl.urgenda.15
• Jam v. International Finance
Learning Outcome
1. Students will know the basic environmental concerns from scientific, historical and
political perspectives.
2. They will be able to identify the constitutional scheme and propositions relating to
environmental management.
3. They will understand the complexities of institutions, stakeholders’ interest and
politics over natural resources from villages to globe.
4. The students will understand, apply and think on the laws and governance structure of
pollution control and natural resources management laws. They will have a clear
understanding of various remedies for environmental wrongs.
Objectives of the Course:
Banking Institutions have become important players in the present day economy. They
play pivotal role in the growth of trade, commerce and industry. Several policy initiatives and
legislative amendments have changed the role of Banks from being mere economic
institutions in to agents of social change. Appreciating the importance, the Government has
enacted several enactments to direct, regulate and control the banks and banking operations,
through Reserve Bank of India and Ministry of Finance. The course is designed to primarily
acquaint the students with operational parameters of banking law, and to teach the general
principles of banking law and to develop appreciative faculties of the students in statutory as
will as well as case – law in this area.
After undergoing the study of this subject the student should be able to understand the
1. The basic concepts related to banks in India and its related terminologies
2. The nature and evolution of banking in India and also the types of banking in India
3. The procedural aspects and the way of performance of banking sector in India
4. The meaning, nature and various issues pertaining to Negotiable Instruments Act
5. The changing dimensions of Banker customer relationship
6. The recent changes in the Banking sector after globalization.
Module I – Introduction to Banking Law
a) Origin and Development of the word ‘Bank’ – Early history of banking – Definition
of Banking – Difference between banking and money lending.
b) Functions of a Commercial Bank.
c) Structure of a Banking System.
d) Basic terminologies - DD, MT, TT, Traveler’s cheques, bank orders, credit card,
debit/smart cards, safe deposit vaults, gift cheques, stock invest.
e) Indian Banking Structure .
c) Nationalizations of Major Banks.
d) RBI’s control over Commercial Banks – Special status of RBI and State Bank of
e) Subsidiary Banks
Module III- Procedural aspects in banking sector
a) Subsidiary Business Operations of Bankers with special reference to Safety Deposit
Lockers – Liability of Bankers in Case of Robberies and Fraud by Bank Employees –
Vicarious Liability of the Bank Employees – Vicarious Liability of the Bank.
b) Employment of funds - Loans and Advances- Guarantees- Advances secured by
Collateral securities- Agency Services- Financing of Exports- Special Banking
Services – Advances to Priority Sectors and Credit Guarantee schemes .
c) Recovery of Loans and advances – Recovery of Debts Due to Banks, Financial
Institutions Act, 1993 – Effects of Winding Up of Banking Companies – Rights of
Customers on Winding Up of Companies .
d) Necessity for reforms in Indian Banking Law to meet Global Challenges.
e) Banking Ombudsman.
f) Debt Recovery Tribunal – The Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act,
1985 - SARFAESI Act – Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Crossing – Effect of crossing a Cheque – Liability of parties – Payment in due course
– Special rules of evidence – Paying banker and collecting banker - Penal provisions
under NI Act - Civil and Criminal Liability for Dishonour of cheques under Section
138 to Section 142 of the Amended Negotiable Instruments Act –Banker’s book
evidence Act.
b) Banker’s duty of secrecy, banker’s duty to honour cheques, banker’s lien, and banker’s
right to set off - Appropriation of payments - Garnishee order - Customer’s duties
towards his banker – Rule in Clayton’s Case -Statutory protection to paying banker.
Recommended Readings
Prescribed Books:
Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002.
5. Basu - Review of Current Banking: Theory and Practice. Paget- Law of Banking.
Further Readings:
1. M.L.Tannan,, C.R. Datta & S.K. Kataria revised by - Banking Law and Practice,
Wadhwa & Company, Nagpur
2. A.B. Srivastava and Elumalai - Seth’s Banking Law, Law Publisher’s India (P)
Limited K.
4. Prof. Clifford Gomez - Banking and Finance - Theory, Law and Practice, PHI
Learning Private Limited
5. J.M. Holden - The Law and Practice of Banking, Universal Law Publishing.
6. Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Banking - JAIIB (3rd Edition) January 2015,
published by Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
9. Supreme Court on Banking Law by S N Gupta, Universal Law Publishing an
imprint of LexisNexis,6th Edition
1. Indian Journal of Finance and Banking, ISSN: 2574-6081 (Print), ISSN: 2574-609X
(Online) , Centre for Research on Islamic Banking & Finance and Business.
9. Bank of Maharashtra vs. M/s. United Construction Co. and Others(AIR 1985 Bombay
10. Bareilly Bank Ltd. vs Naval Kishore (AIR 1964 All 78)
11. Bhutoria Trading Company (BTC) vs Allahabad Bank (AIR 1977 Cal. 363)
12. Bihta Co-operative Development and Cane Marketing Union Ltd. vs bank of Bihar
(AIR 1967 Supreme Court 389).
13. Brahammaya vs. K.P. Thangavelu Nadar, AIR (1956), Madras 570
14. Brahma Shumshere Jung Bahadur vs Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China
(AIR 1956 Cal. 399)
15. Canara Bank vs. Canara Sales Corporation and Others (AIR 1987 SC 1603)
2. Compare the different nature of regulations for different types of banks and also
analyse their needs and values.
3. Appreciate the law relating to negotiable instruments and also understand the various
judicial and legislative perspectives.
5. Ascertain the various issues and challenges pertaining to Modern Banking and
related technology
The course is designed with a view to create IPR consciousness; and familiarize the learners
various issues and challenges relating to IPR.
Module I Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights:
Module II: Internationalization of IP Protection
Module VI: Trademarks and Geographical Indications:
Statutory Materials:
The Copyright Act 1957
The Patent Act 1970
The Trade Mark Act 1999
Industrial Designs Act 2000
The Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act 1999
The Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers right Act 2001
The Semiconductor Integrated Layout Design Act 2000
Recommended Readings:
1. R.S. Bhalla, The Institution of Property: Legally, Historically and Philosophically
Regarded, Eastern Book Co., (1984)
2. Dr. Mathew Thomas, Understanding Intellectual Property, Eastern Book
Company, Lucknow (2016).
3. V.K. Ahuja, Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights ( Lexis Nexis) 2015
4. Elizabeth Verkey, Intellectual Property law and Practice (Eastern Book
5. Taraporevala V J, Law of Intellectual Property,(2nd Edition) Thomason Reuters,
Case Book:
1. LTC Harms: Enforcement of IPR: A case BOOK WIPO Publication (3rdedn)
1. Jane C. Ginsburg, No Sweat? Copyright and Other Protection of Works of
Information After Feist v. Rural Telephone (1992) 92 Colum L. Rev 838.
2. Michael Abrahamowicz and John F Duffy, The Inducement Standard of
Patentability, (2011) 120 Yale Law Journal 1590.
3. Jerre B Swann, Sr., Dilution Redefined for the Year 2000 (2001) 33 IPLR 343.
4. K Lipstein, Intellectual Property Jurisdiction or Choice of Law? The
Cambridge Law Journal Vol- 61 No. 2, (July 2002) pp. 295-300.
5. Inter- Governmental Committee on Traditional Knowledge, Traditional
Cultural Expression and Genetic Resources, Available at:
Further Readings:
1. Philippe Cullet, Human Rights and Intellectual Property Protection in the TRIPS Era,
2007. HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLY, Vol. 29 403-430
2. Graeme Austin: Private International Law and IPR Common Law : An Over View
3. Copinger and Skomnes James on Copyright by Gillian Davies, Kevin Garnett, and
Gwilym Harbottle(15th ed. 2005) Indian Reprint 2008
4. Terrel on Patents, Sweet and Maxwell (1994)
5. Kerly’s Law on Trademarks and Trade Names, Sweet and Maxwell. Wolters Kluwer
6. Graeme Austin: Private International Law and IPR Common Law : An Over View,
WIPO 2001, availableat
7. ABC of Copy Right UNESCO Publication; available
8. Russell Clarke, Industrial Design, Sweet and Maxwell, 9th Ed., (2016).
9. Resource Book on TRIPS and Development, UNCTAD- ICTSD (2004)
10. Gopalkrishnan N S, &Agitha T G, Principles of Intellectual property. Lucknow:
Eastern Book Company (2014)
1 EIPR- European Intellectual Property Review (Westlaw)
2 IPQ- Intellectual Property Quarterly (Westlaw )
3 J. Copyright Soc’y USA – Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA (Westlaw)
4 RPC – Report of Patent Cases (Westlaw)
5 FSR- Fleet Street Reporter (Westlaw)
6 ECDR- European Copyright and Design Reports (Westlaw)
7 PTC- Patent Trademark Cases
8 JIPR-Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (Niscair) available at :
9 The WIPO Journal available at
10 Yale Law Journal (Hein Online)
Cases for Guidance
1. University of London Press Ltd v. University of Tutorial Press Ltd (1916) 2 Ch. 601
2. Feist Publication Inc v. Rural Telephone Service Co. Inc, 499 US 340 (1991)
3. Eastern Book Company v. D. B. Modak (2008) 1 SCC 1
4. R. G. Anand v. Delux Films (1978) 4 SCC 118
5. Amarnath Sehgal v. Union of India (2005) 30 PTC 253
6. Indian Performing Right Society Ltd v. Eastern India Motion Picture Association
7. Indian Recording Manufacturing Company v. Ilayaraja (20, Feb. 2020)
8. Delhi University Photo Copying Case – The Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the
University of Oxford v. Rameshwari Photocopy Services (2012)
9. LallubhaiChakubhaiJarivala v. ShamaldasSankalchand Shah AIR 1934 Bom 407
10. Bishwanath Prasad RadheyShyam v. Hindustan Metal Industries (1979) 2 SCC 511
11. Novartis AG v Union of India (2013) 6 SCC 1
12. Bayer Corpn v. Union of India (2012)
13. Monsanto v Nuziveedu (2019)
14. Britannia Industries Ltd v. Sara Lee Bakery AIR 2000 Mad 497
15. Daimler Benz Aktiegesettschaft v. Hybo Hindustan (1994)
16. S M Dyechem Ltd., v Cadbury (India) ltd (2000)
17. Syndicate of Press of University of Cambridge v B. D. Bhandari (2005) 31 PTC 58
18. Kapil Wadhwa v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd (2012) 53 PTC 112 (Del)
Learning Outcome:
1. Understand the different types of IPR and able to compare and contrast in terms of
their key difference and similarities.
2. Assess and critique some basic theoretical justification for each form of intellectual
property protection
3. Discuss the effects of intellectual property right on society as a whole.
4. Examine the relation between the Private International law and IP with respect to
online piracy of copyrighted work and counterfeit trademark products where
registration is not mandatory.
5. Compare and contrast the laws in other countries like US and EU mainly UK and also
from the Human Rights perspective.
(a) Origin and Development – International Trade and Customary Law – Concept and
Scope of International Economic Law – Significance of International Economic Law
– Unification of International Trade Law
(b) Theories of International Trade - Economic Fundamentals – New International
Economic Order (NIEO) – Economic Sovereignty
(c) UN Conventions – Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States – North-South
Dialogue and East-West Dialogue – Global Economic Forums.
(TRIMs) – Trade in Agriculture – Regulation of Non-Tariff Barriers – Import
Licensing – Technical Barriers of Trade (TBT)
(c) General Agreements of Trade and Services (GATS) – Expanding horizons of WTO
(a) Regional Trade Agreements (RTA) and Free Trade Area (FTA)
(b) Regional Arrangements under the United Nations – Multilateralism – European Union
(EU) – South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) – Association
for South Eastern Asian Nations (ASEAN)
(c) Organisation for Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) – North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA)
Recommended Readings
1. Indira Carr& Peter Stone, “International Trade Law”, 2017, 6th Edition, Routledge
2. Ralph Folsom, “Principles of International Trade Law”, 2017, 2nd Edition, West
Academic Publishing.
3. Peter Van Den Bossche and Warner Zdouc, “The Law and Policy of the WTO: Texts,
Cases and Materials, 2017, 4th Edition, Cambridge University Press
4. OumarArabov and Lea Recasens, “International Trade Law: Lecture Notes”, 2019.
5. Simon Lester and Bryan Mercurio, “World Trade Law: Text, Materials and
Commentary”, 2018, 3rd Edition, Hart Publishing.
6. AutarKrishenKoul, “Guide to the WTO and GATT”, 2018, Springer
Further Readings
1. Raj Bhala, “International Trade Law: Interdisciplinary Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition,
Lexis Nexis.
2. Daniel Bethlehem and Van Damme, “The Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law”,
3. Peter Van Den Bossche and Denise Prevost, “Essentials of WTO Law”, 2016, Cambridge
Univesity Press.
4. Jayanta Bagchi, “World Trade Organisation: An Indian Perspective”, Eastern Law House
5. David Collins, “Foundations of International Economic Law”, 2019 Edward Elgar
6. AdamuKyuka Usman, “Theory and Practice of International Economic Law”, Malthouse
Law Books
7. Paul Kragman, “International Trade: Theory and Policy”, 2017, Pearson Publication.
8. David Collins, “The Public International Law of Trade in Legal Services”, 2018,
Cambridge University Press.
9. Dani Rodrik, “Straight Talk on Trade: Ideas for a Sane World Economy”, 2017, Princeton
University Press.
10. Mitsuo Matsushita, “The World Trade Organisation: Law, Practice and Policy”, 2017 3rd
Edition, Oxford University Press.
Recommended Journals:
3. James Bacchus, “The Willing World: Shaping and Sharing a Sustainable Global
Properity” Cambridge University Press, 2018 pp 515.
4. Collin Picker, “International Trade and Development Law: A Legal Cultural Critique”
Article 4 in Volume 4, Number 2, The law and Development Review, 2011 available at
5. C.O.Neal Taylor, “Interrelationships: International Economic Law and Developing
Countries”, Number 2, Volume 7, Boston College International and Comparative Law
Review, 2004 pp.187 – 194
6. Aleksander Savanovic, “Economic Sovereignty”, IISES, September 2014
7. Pang Zhongying, “Globalisation Vs. Economic Sovereignty”, Yale Global Online,
December 2005.
8. Jong Bum Kim, “Cross-Cumulation Arrangement as FTA under GATT Article XXIV”,
Journal of International Economic Law, published by Oxford Academic, 2019.
9. Malcolm Langford, “The Revolving Door in International in International Investment
Arbitration”, Journal of International Economic Law, Oxford, June 2017, Volume 20,
Issue 2, pp 301-332.
10. Anne Van Aaken, Chad P Bown, Andrew Lang, “Introduction to the special issue on
Trade Wars”, Journal of International Economic Law, Oxford, December 2019, Volume
22, Issue 4, pp 529-533.
11. Anthea Roberts, “Toward a Geoeconomic Order in International Trade and Investment”,
December 2019, Volume 22, Issue 4, pp 655-676.
12. Ehring.L, “De facto Discrimination in World Trade Law, National Treatment and Most-
Favoured Nation Treatment - or Equal Treatment?”, Journal of World Trade, 2002, pp
13. A. K. Sanders, “Principle of National Treatment in International Economic Law: Trade,
Investment and Intellectual Property”, Edward Elgar publishing, 2014.
14. M. Krajewski, “Legal Issues of Economic Integration”, Kluwer Law, 2005.
15. Jeanho, “State Responsibility for Breaches of Investment Contracts”, Cambridge
University Press, 2018, pp 330.
16. Fredrick M. Abbott, “The Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health:
Lighting a Dark Corner at the WTO”, Journal of International Economic Law, June 2002,
Volume 5, Issue 2, pp 469-505.
17. Csongor Istvan Nagy, “Clash of Trade and National Public Interest in WTO Law: The
Illusion of ‘Weighing and Balancing’ and the Theory of Reservation”, Journal of
International Economic Law, Oxford, January 2020.
18. Anne Van Aaken, Jurgen Kurtz, “Beyond Rational Choice: International Trade Law and
The Behavioural Political Economy of Protectionism”, Oxford, December 2019, Volume
22, Issue 4, pp 601-628.
19. Gilles Muller, “Troubled Relationships under the GATS: Tensions between Market
Access (Article XVI), National Treatment (Article XVII) and Domestic Regulation
(Article VI)”, Cambridge University press, July 2017, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp 449-474.
20. Pauwelyn, “Distinguishing Domestic Regulation from Market Access in GATT and
GATS”, World Trade Review, 2005, pp 131-170.
21. Sabrina Shaw, Risa Schwartz, “Trade and Environment in the WTO State of Play”,
Journal of World Trade, 2002, 36(1), pp 129-154.
22. Brian R Copeland, “Trade and the Environment”, Palgrave handbook of International
Trade, 2013, pp 423-496.
23. MichealAklin, “Re-exploring the trade and environment nexus through the diffusion of
pollution”, Environmental and Resource Economics, Springer, 2016, 64(4), pp. 663-682
24. Diane A. Desierto, “Shifting sands in the International Economic System: ‘Arbitrage’ in
International Economic Law and International Human Rights, Georgetown Journal of
International Law, 2018 Volume 49, pp 1019 – 1115.
25. Anne van Aaken and Jurgen Kurtz, “Beyond Rational Choice: International Trade Law
and the Behavioural Political Economy of Protectionism, Journal of International
Economic Law, 2019, Volume 22, Issue 4, pp. 601-628.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, the students have advanced knowledge in the field of
International Economic Law and must be able –
1. To analyse the various functional and theoretical bases for organizing economic
relations at the international level;
2. To evolve the context in which the processes of and actors within international
economic law operate;
3. To apply the rules and principles to solve problems presented in class and
hypotheticals or cases decided by international dispute settlement bodies;
4. To appreciate the relationship between WTO law and bilateral and regional trade
5. To assess international economic law from multiple perspectives; in particular of
individuals and organisations; in the public, private and third sectors; in relatively rich
and relatively poor economic contexts; in terms of calm and crises; and on local,
national, regional and global levels.
A Constitution is being the supreme Law of the Land. It derives its directives from various
aspects. Hence, it is obligatory on the part of a constituent assembly to refer the various
customs and precedents that are in existence within an side the country. Hence an inquiry in
the basic structural aspects and the differences that exist between the various constitutional
perspectives need to be studies to give an understanding of the significance of the dictums of
a constitution. For studying the subject it has following objectives.
Module 1:Introduction:
a) Principles of federalism
b) Legal features of federalism.
c) Co-operative federalism
d) Transition from competitive federalism to co-operative federalism.
e) Distribution of legislative and financial power in a federal system.
Module 3:Judicial Review
a) Evolution and Concept of Judicial Review
b) Meaning of Judicial Review
c) Characteristics of Modern Constitutions and their impact on Judicial Review
d) Constitutional growth in India under judicial Review and its impact
e) Migration of Constitutional Ideas
Books suggested:
1. Dr. Durga Das Basu – Comparative Constitutional Law, Second Edition Revised 2008
Wadhwa Nagpur.
2. Dr. Durga Das Basu – Comparative Federalism, Second Edition Revised 2008,
Wadhwa Nagpur.
3. Dr. CD Jha‘s - Judicial review of Legislative Aots, Second Edition Revised 2009
Lexis Nexis, Butterworth, Wadhwa Nagpur.
4. Mahendra P. Singh, Comparative Constitutional Law (Eastern Book Company, 1989).
5. Sunil Khilnani,Vikram Raghavan, Arun Thiruvengadam, Comparative
Constitutionalism in South Asia (Oxford University Press, 2013).
6. Vikram David Amar, Mark Tushnet, Global Perspectives on Constitutional Law
(Oxford University Press, 2009).
7. Surjit Choudhry, The Migration of Constitutional Ideas, (Cambridge University Press,
Articles Suggested:
1) Saunders, Cheryl (2006) “The Use and Misuse of Comparative Constitutional Law
(The George P. Smith Lecture in International Law),” Indiana Journal of Global Legal
Studies: Vol. 13: Iss. 1, Article 2. Available at:
4) Dann, Philipp. “Federal Democracy in India and the European Union: Towards
Transcontinental Comparison of Constitutional Law.” Verfassung Und Recht in
Übersee / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America, vol. 44, no. 2, 2011,
pp. 160–176. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/43239605.
Learning outcome:
Objectives of the Course:
The object of the Criminal Justice Administration is to award penal sanctions to the
offender.The primary aim of this discipline is to reform the offender rather than inflicting
pain on them. The theories of punishment, various types of punishments, degrees of
punishments are part of this course.The effective functionaries executing the punishments are
Police and Prison Institution.The involvement of various correctional institutions such as
Probation, Parole etc also included in the course. Though the criminal justice system mainly
focusing on penal sanctions, the application of Criminology along with Penology will bring
the expected outcome of the reformation.
Module I Introduction:
a. Concept of Penology – Punishments and its objective
b. Historical evolution
c. Theories of Punishments
d. Types of Punishments
e. International scenario on punishments – Death Penalty – Imprisonment – Fines –
Transportation – Indeterminate Sentence
f. International Instruments on Death Sentence
g. Indian Perspective – Law Commissions Report - Arguments of Death Sentence
h. Judicial approach
i. International Criminal Justice System and Death Sentence – Other sentences.
Module IV- Prison Administration:
a. Prison Authorities
b. Prisoner’s Rights
c. Prison Commission
d. Prison Problem – Over Crowding – Prison Discipline
e. Rehabilitative Measures – Prison Education
f. Therapeutic Approach – Individualization & Imprisonment
g. Vocational Training
h. Prison Reform
i. Women Prison
j. Open Prison
k. United Nations Standard Minimum Rules on Treatment of Prisoners – After care
l. Role of Society – Judiciary – NGO.
Recommended Readings:
Journals/Journal Articles:
1. Amy Deline& Adair Crosley 2010, “A Century of Criminal Law and Criminology”
The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology Vol. 100, No:1, pp.1-6.
2. Malcom. M, Feeley & Jonathan Simon, 1992 “The New Penology: Notes on the
Emerging Strategy on Corrections and its Implications”, Criminology, Vl.30, Issue.4,
3. Bruce R. Jacob & K.M. Sharma, 1969, “Justice After Trial: Prisoners Need for Legal
Services in the Criminal Correctional Process”, Kansas Law Review, pp.1270
4. Arie Freiberg, 2010, “Post Adversarial & Post Inquisitorial Justice: Transcending
Traditional Penological Paradigms”, European Journal of Criminology, Vol.8,
Issue.1, pp.82-101.
5. Jean Paul Brodeur, 2007, “Comparative Penology in Perspective”, Crime and Justice,
Vol.36, Issue.1, pp.49-91
6. Lisa L. Miller, 2001, “Looking for Postmodernism in all the Wrong places:
Implementing a New Penology”, The British Journal of Criminology, Vol.41, Issue.1,
Further Readings:
1. Chakrabarthi. N.K., 2016, Institutional Corrections, Deep & Deep Publications,
New Delhi.
2. Chaturvedi. JC. 2006, “Penology & Correctional Administration” Asha Books,
New Delhi.
3. Haris Robert, 1992, “Crime, Criminal Justice & The Probation Service”
Routledge Publications.
4. Guharoy Jay Tilak, 1999, “Role of Police in Changing Society”, APH
Publications, New Delhi.
5. Master Ruth, “Counselling Criminal Justice Offenders”.
6. Pollack Joycelyn. N, “Counselling Women in Prison”
7. Sultan Adams, “Crime Prevention”
8. Stuttmen. H.S, “Crime and Punishment”
9. Malimath Committee Report
10. Bare Acts:
(i) The Prisons Act, 1984.
(ii) Model Prison Manual, 2016 – BPR&D
(iii) The Probation of Offenders Act, 1958
Learning Outcome:
After completing the course, the students will able to:
Since 1991, when from liberalisation policy has been adopted by India, the financial sector
has evidenced much reforms, majorly allowing and encouraging foreign investment into the
country. The legal structuring on securitisation began in 1991, leading to the enactment of
the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets & Enforcement of Securities
Interest Act, 2002. Securitisation augments the benefits available to financial establishments,
investors and on a broader spectrum to the society’s economic progress, as a whole. It
enables highly non-performing assets such as mortgages, vehicle loans and credit card non-
payments to be transformed into more liquid financial instruments. Further, securitisation
acts as a significant source of financing various businesses ranging from commercial real
estate development to manufacturers and dealers. This area of Law plays a pivotal role in the
economic progress of the nation.
The objective of the study of this subject is to provide the Students -
i. Detailed understanding of the markets for asset-backed securities
ii. Knowledge of the Legal dimensions of the Law relating to Corporate Securitisation and
allied matters.
iii. Comprehension and appreciation of the significance of how securitisation is a tool of
utility to corporates dealing with finances.
iv. Significance of securitisation in relation to rehabilitation of sick companies etc.
a. Historical development.
b. Objectives and Concept of Corporate Securitisation.
c. Legal provisions Governing the recovery of debts in India.
d. Meaning, nature and scope of securitisation.
e. Securitisation as a funding and salvaging from non-performing assets mechanism.
a. Winding-up companies.
b. Modes and administrative machinery for winding-up of corporates.
c. Liquidation procedure, meeting of members (shareholders) and creditors, managing the
interests of stakeholders, managing the estate of the companies.
d. Outsourcing of responsibilities relating to winding-up to professional service providers
such as valuers and security agencies.
e. Best practices adopted in performing liquidation and administrator functions,
accountability, role of liquidators.
f. Winding-up of unregistered companies – Consequences of winding-up.
a. Cross-Border Insolvency.
b. UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border insolvency.
c. UNCITRAL Legislative Guide to insolvency law.
d. World Bank principles for effective insolvency and creditor rights.
e. Asian Development Bank principles of corporate rescue and rehabilitation.
f. Winding up of companies.
1. Introduction to Securitization, by Frank J. Fabozzi, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
2. Law & Practice Relating to Securitisation& Reconstruction of Financial Assets &
Enforcement of Security Interest, by M.R.Umarji, Taxmann, 7th Edition, 2017.
3. Securitisation& Debt Recovery Laws, by Justice A.B. Srivastava, Law Publishers (India)
Pvt. Ltd. Allahabad, 10th Edition, 2018.
4. Securitization, Vols. I & II, by Tamar Frankel, Fathom Publishing Company, 2nd Edition,
5. Narasimham Committee II on Banking Sector Reforms -
1. Buchanan, Bonnie, Securitization: A Financing Vehicle for All Seasons?, Bank of Finland
Research Discussion Paper No.31/2016.
2. Slaughter and May, Model guide to securitisation Techniques, PLC Cross-border
Structured Finance and Securitisation Handbook, 2010
3. Ilham Riachi and Armin Schwienbacher, Overcollateralization in Corporate Securitisation,
Finance, Vol.36, 2015, pp.7-52.
4. Diamond Hill, Mechanics and Benefits of Securitization, 2016 - https://www.diamond-
5. Suman Chakraborty, Securitization in India: A Strategic Tool for Competitiveness, Indian
Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.III, 2013, pp.29-32.
6. Vinod Kothari and Abhirup Ghosh, Indian Securitization Market: A Primer, the Journal of
Structured Finance, Vol.23, Issue 1, 2017, pp.23-31.
7. Akhil M.P., Structured Finance and Securitization in India, SSRG International Journal of
Economics Management Studies, Vol.5, Issue.6, 2018, pp.26-31.
1. Securitization and the Global Economy-History and Prospects for the Future, by Buchanan,
Bonnie, Palgrave Macmillan, 1st, Edition, 2016.
2. Securitization, Structured Finance and Capital Markets, by Steven L. Schwarcz, Bruce A.
Markell, Lissa L. Broome, LexisNexis, 2001.
3. Securitization, by David G. Glennie, E.C. De Bouter, Randall D. Luke, Kluwer Law
International, 1998.
4. The Mechanics of Securitization, by Moorad Choudhry, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1st
Edition, 2013.
a) Mardia Chemicals Ltd. v. Union of India & Others (2004 D.R.T.C 1(SC3)
b) Collector of Customs, Madras v. NathellaSamapathu 1962 (3) SCR 786 at pp.829-30.
c) Transcore v. Union of India & Another. AIR 2007 SC 712, MANU/SC/5319/2006
d) Ionic Metalliks v. Union of India no. 645 of 201 &. 10120 of 2014
e) Sicom Ltd. v. PadmashriMahipatrai J. Rajiv Subramaniyan& Another Civil Appeal
No.3866/2014 S.L.P© No.25448/2012 SC2005 (64) SCL 18 (Bom)
f) Indian Bank v. Nippon Enterprises 2011 (2) CTC 474 HC Madras
g) Arun JagnnathGedam v. State Bank of Hyderabad (2005) BC 217 DRT Nagpur
h) Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Nagpur v. ShikshakSahakari Bank Ltd (2005) BC
50 DRT Nagpur
i) M. Nagarajan v. The Deputy Commercial Tax Officer & Another MANU/TN/1292/2009
j) ICICI Bank Ltd. v. The Official Liquidator, Liquidator of Vibrant Investments and
Properties Ltd (2005) 124 Compcas 550(Mad), (2005) 1 MLJ 309
k) UTI Bank Ltd. v. The Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise & Another
MANU/TN/0188/2007, 2007(115)ECCC323
l) Baleshwar Dayal Jaiswal v. Bank of India & Others Supreme Court of India Civil Appeal
No.5924 of 2015 (arising out of SLP (c) no.27674 of 2011)
m) Kaveri Marketing, Bangalore v. Saraswathi Co-operative Bank Ltd., Koramangala
Branch, Bangalore (2013 (1) D.R.T.C.804 (Knt.)) (HC Karnataka - Single Bench)
n) Central Distillery & Chemical Works Ltd. v. Gurbharajeet Singh AIR 1993 P&H 25
o) Union of India v. Debt Recovery Tribunal Bar Association & Ans Civil Appeal Nos.617-
618 of 2013 SC
After completion of the Course, Students will be able to -
1. Gain the capacity to interpret statutory provisions, identify legal issues impacting financial
risk affecting business, for purposes of risk avoidance, to establish control mechanisms&
evaluate alternative financing options.
2. Analyse and evaluate financial markets, how securities are traded, mutual funds,
investment companies, and investor behaviour.
3. Analyse relevant case law for the purpose of finding legal precedents.
4. Gauge the economic environment and the impact of governmental economic policies on
consumers and financial institutions and make investment policy recommendations.
Module III International Patent System
Module VI: International System for the Protection of Trade Secret and Regulatory
a) Trade secret and TRIPS Agreement – Regulatory Data and The TRIPS agreement
b) Regional System for the protection of Regulatory data -Protection of Regulatory data
& Pharmaceutical Regulatory data in the European Union.
Module VII: The International System for Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
Recommended Readings
Reminder, Quaker United Nations Office, Occasional Paper No 11 July 2003,
Further Readings:
1. India- Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical and Argricultural Chemical Products, AB-
1997-5, WT/DS50/AB/R, 15 Dec 1997.
2. Davidson Wilson, International Patent Litigation: Developing an effective Strategy,
Global Law and Business, London (2009).
3. Frederick M Abbott, Thomas Cottier and Francis Gurry, International Intellectual
Property in an Integrated World Economy, Wolter Kluwer, Aspen Publishers, (2007)
4. UNCTAD-ICTSD Resource Book on TRIPS Agreement and Development,
Cambridge University Press (2004)
5. Frederick M. Abbott, TRIPS and Human Rights: Preliminary Reflections, In
International Trade and Human Rights Foundation and Conceptual Issues
(F.M.Abbott, C Breining-Kaufmann & T Cottier eds.) (U. Mich. Press 2006)
6. Edith Tilton Penrose, The Economic of the International Patent System: Chapter IX
Summary and Conclusion Pp:162-169 , John Hopkins Press 1951.
7. John Perry Barlow, The Economy of Ideas: A Framework for Patents and Copyrights
in the Digital Age , Wired 2.03, March 1994.
8. Sam Ricketson, The Birth of the Berne Union, the Centenary of the Berne
Convention, Conference (Intellectual Property Law Unit, University of London and
British Literary and Artistic Copyright Association London) April 17-18 1986.
9. Thomas Cottier, The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of IPR, in the World Trade
Organization: Legal, Economic and Political Analysis, Vol I -1040-1120 at 1082-
1085 (P Macroy, A Appleton and M. Plummer eds. 2005) (Springer: New York)
10. Lawrence Lessig, Open Source Baselines: Compared to what? In Govt Policy Toward
Open Source Software (Robert W Hahn ed., 2003), at 50
3, Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) Geneva Quaker International affairs
Programme (QIAP) Ottawa.
4. John Barton, New Trends in Technology Transfer: Implications for National and
International Policy, ICTSD Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development
Series, Issue Paper No 18, Feb 2007
5. The Recognition of Rights and the Use of Names in the Internet Domain Name
System, Report of the Second WIPO Internet Domain Name Process September 3,
2001, Available at http://wipo2.wipo.int
6. Office of United States Trade Representative 2006 Special 301 Report, Available at
7. Pamela Samuelson, The US Digital Agenda at WIPO, 37 Va. J. Int’l L. 369 (1997)
8. Frederick M Abbott, The Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public
Health: Lighting a Dark Corner at the WTO, 5 J. Int’l Econ. L. 469 (2002)
9. Frederick M. Abbott, Non Violation Nullification or Impairment Causes of Action
under the TRIPS Agreement and the Fifth Ministerial Conference: A Warning and
Reminder, Quaker United Nations Office, Occasional Paper No 11 July 2003,
available at http://www.quno.org
10. Carsten Fink & Patrick Reichenmiller, Tightening TRIPS: The Intellectual Property
Provision of Recent US Free Trade Agreements, World Bank Trade Note 20, Feb7,
1. Revlon, Inc., and Others v. Cripps & Lee Ltd and Others [1980] FSR 85
2. NTP v. Research in Motion, 418 F.3d 1282 (Fed. Cir. 2005)
3. Canada -Patent Protection of Pharmaceutical Products, Report of the Panel,
WT/DS114/R, March 17, 2000
4. Qualtex Company v Jacobson Products Company Inc, 514 US 159 (1995)
5. K Mart v Cartier, 486 US 281 (1988)
6. Pfizer Inc v. Martin Marketing Case No. D 2002-07793 WIPO Arbitration and
Mediation Centre Administrative Panel Decision
7. Pfizer Inc v. Martin Marketing Case No. D 2003-0399 WIPO Arbitration and
Mediation Centre Administrative Panel Decision
8. Metro Goldwyn- Mayer Studios v. Grokster 545 US 913 (2005)
9. John Wiley and Sons Inc v. Prabhat Chander Kumar Jain (2010)
10. Kapil Wadhwa v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd (2012) 53 PTC 112 (Del)
11. Quality King distributors v. L’anza Research International 523 US 135 (1998)
12. Computer Associates International v. Altai 982 F.2d 693 (2nd Cir. 1992)
13. Monsanto v Nuziveedu (2019)
14. J E M AG Supply v Pioneer Hi -Breed 534 US 124 (2001)
15. Akzo Chemie BV and Akzo Chemie UK Ltd v. Commission of the European
Communities, Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 24 June 1986 Case
53/85, Court of justice of European Commission
Course Outcome:
• Learn the various international system that regulates Intellectual Property Rights
• Discuss the different Multilateral Organizations where rules are negotiated and
applied with subject matter interest in IPRs.
• Equip with the basic principles and policies underlying the protection of IPRs at
the multilateral level to protect IP and harmonize the laws of the member nations.
• Examine the significant developments regarding the enforcement of IP at the
international level.
Module– V: Land rights of Tribes:
Definition of tribes, scheduled tribes- Title rights- use rights – forest management rights of
tribes – process of recognition of rights – scheduled area – V schedule – prohibition of
alienation of tribal land.
Statutory materials:
1. Constitution of India
2. LARR Act, 2013
3. Special Economic Zones Act, 2005
4. The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest
Rights) Act, 2006
5. Tamil Nadu Acquisition of Land for Industrial Purpose Act, 1997
1. Salmond on Jurisprudence, by P J Fitzgerald, Sweet & Maxwell, Universal Law
Publishing co pvt ltd, 2016
2. Right to property in India by Naveen Sharma, Deep & Deep Publications
3. Baden Powell, “The Land Systems of British India”, 1892
4. Land Reforms in India by M. L. Dantwala, 66 Int'l Lab. Rev. 419 1952, heinonline
5. Land System in India: A Historical Review, Rekha Bandyopadhyay, Economic and
Political Weekly, Vol. 28, No. 52 (Dec. 25, 1993), pp. A149-A155
1. Indian Law on Special Economic Zone (SEZ) by Mr. Anand Singh
2. Lovleen Bhullar, ‘The Indian Forest Rights Act 2006: A Critical Appraisal’, available
at http://www.lead-journal.org/content/08020.pdf
3. Sanjana, “Forest Dwellers as Deemed Homeless”, 4 J. Indian L. & Soc'y 130 2012-
2013, Heinonline
4. E. Washburn Hopkins, “Land-Tenure in Ancient India”, Political Science Quarterly,
Vol. 13, No. 4 (Dec., 1898), pp. 669-686 available at
5. Rekha Bandyopadhyay, “Land System in India: A Historical Review”,Economic and
Political Weekly, Vol. 28, No. 52 (Dec. 25, 1993), pp. A149-A155 available at
Learning outcome:
1. Understand the concept of real property and the various movements of India
2. Determine the right to property under Indian constitution
3. Evaluate various land reformatory systems exists in pre-independence
4. Understand the doctrine of eminent domain and the power of acquisition of land by
the government
5. Analyze the circumstances under which land can be acquired for industrial purposes
6. Understand the land rights of tribals.
Module 1: Introduction to Criminology
a) Definition and scope of criminology.
b) Theoretical perspectives in criminology.
c) Historical development of criminology.
d) Relationship between crime and society.
e) Emerging trends in criminology.
Module III : Crime Causation
a) Biological and Psychological Theories-The role of genetics, hormones, and brain chemistry
in criminal behavior.
b) Sociological Theories- The role of social structures, institutions, and culture in crime
c) Rational Choice Theory- The concept of rational decision-making in criminal behaviour- The
role of opportunity, cost-benefit analysis, and deterrence in criminal decision-making.
d) Social Learning Theory- The role of socialization, peer influence, and modeling in criminal
e) Integrated Theories- The integration of biological, psychological, and sociological factors in
explaining crime causation.
Recommended Reading
Journals/ Articles
1. Sampson, R. J., & Laub, J. H. (1993). Crime in the making: Pathways and turning points
through life. Harvard University Press.
2. Braithwaite, J. (1989). Crime, shame, and reintegration. Cambridge University Press.
3. Wilson, J. Q., & Kelling, G. L. (1982). Broken windows: The police and neighborhood
safety. The Atlantic Monthly, 249(3), 29-38.
4. Hirschi, T. (1969). Causes of delinquency. University of California Press.
5. Sykes, G. M., & Matza, D. (1957). Techniques of neutralization: A theory of delinquency.
American Sociological Review, 22(6), 664-670.
Further Reading
1. "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky (1866). Penguin Classics.
2. "The Social Reality of Crime" by Richard Quinney (1970). Little, Brown and Company.
3. "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness" by Michelle
Alexander (2010). The New Press.
4. "Punishment and Inequality in America" by Bruce Western (2006). Russell Sage Foundation.
5. "Theories of Crime" by John Muncie and Eugene McLaughlin (2001). Sage Publications.
6. "The Birth of the Prison" by Michel Foucault (1975). Penguin Books.
7. "Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison" by Michel Foucault (1977). Vintage Books.
8. "The Crime of Punishment" by Karl Menninger (1968). Viking Press.
9. "Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption" by Bryan Stevenson (2015). Spiegel &
10. "The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime" by Adrian Raine (2013).
Pantheon Books.
Journals/ Articles
1. Cohen, A. K. (1955). Delinquent boys: The culture of the gang. Free Press of Glencoe.
2. Gottfredson, M. R., & Hirschi, T. (1990). A general theory of crime. Stanford University
3. Cullen, F. T., & Agnew, R. (2006). Criminological theory: Past to present: Essential
readings. Oxford University Press.
4. Greenberg, D. F. (1993). Crime and capitalism: Readings from the "New Criminology".
University of Pennsylvania Press.
5. Chambliss, W. J. (1973). The saints and the roughnecks. Society, 11(1), 24-31.
6. Akers, R. L. (1998). Social learning and social structure: A general theory of crime and
deviance. Transaction Publishers.
7. Farrington, D. P., & Welsh, B. C. (2007). Saving children from a life of crime: Early risk
factors and effective interventions. Oxford University Press.
8. Kubrin, C. E., Stucky, T. D., & Krohn, M. D. (2009). Researching theories of crime and
deviance. Oxford University Press.
9. Paternoster, R., & Bachman, R. (2017). Explaining criminal conduct: A holistic approach.
10. Pratt, T. C. (2000). Theoretical developments in criminology. In Handbook of deviant
behavior (pp. 1-28). Springer.
Cases for Guidance
1. Paras Ram v. State of Punjab (1981) 2 SCC 508
2. Meh Ram v. State 1994 CrLJ 1897 (Raj)
3. Tola Ram v. State of Rajasthan 1996 CrLJ 8 (Raj)
4. Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan AIR 1997 SC 3011
5. Shreerangayee v. State of Madras (1973) 1 MLJ 205
6. Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India AIR 1984 SC 802
7. Subramaniya Swamy v. Dr. Man Mohan Singh AIR 2012 SC 1185
8. M/s Sattyam Infoway Ltd v. M/s Sifynet Solutions (P) Ltd AIR 2004 SC 3549
9. Dr. L. Prakash v. State of T.N. (2008) 3 MLJ Crl 406
10. Narendra Kumar v. State (NCT Delhi Administration) AIR 2012 SC 2281
11. Prem Shankar Shukla v. Delhi Administration AIR 1980 SC 1535
12. Sheela Barse v. Union of India AIR 1988 SC 224
13. S.P. Anand v. State of M.P. AIR 2007 SC 166
14. Sunil Batra II case 1980 CrLJ 1099
15. Sanjay Dutt v. State of Maharashtra AIR 2013 SC 2682
16. Rudal Shah v. State of Bihar AIR 1983 SC 1986
17. Laxmi v. Union of India (2014) 4 SCC 427
18. Priyadharshini Mattu Rape case (2010) 9 SCC 747
19. Tukaram v. State of Maharashtra AIR 1979 SC 185
20. Nilabati Behra v. State of Orissa AIR 1993 SC 1960
• Learning Outcomes
Able to comprehend the causes and motivations behind criminal behavior, as well as the
social and environmental factors that contribute to it.
• Gain an understanding of the criminal justice system, including the roles of law enforcement,
courts, and corrections, and the processes involved in the investigation, prosecution, and
punishment of crimes.
• Develop skills in analyzing crime data and statistics to identify patterns and trends in
criminal behavior, and to evaluate the effectiveness of crime prevention and control
• Learn to think critically about issues related to crime and justice, including the ethical
implications of different approaches to crime prevention and punishment.
Develop skills in communicating ideas and arguments related to criminology, including the ability to
write clear and persuasive essays, give presentations, and engage in discussions and debates on
criminological issues.
The syllabus has been prepared with these objectives and consists of 6 modules.
Module I: International LabourOrganisation
(e) Composition.
(f) Functions.
(g) Membership.
(i) The International Labour Conference - The Governing Body and the International Labour
Office - Regional Conference - Regional Advisory Committee - Industrial Committees and
Analogous Bodies - Committee of Experts - Panels of Consultants and Special Ad-hoc
Conferences and Meetings.
Module II: International Labour Code
(a) Meaning, Nature and Scope of International Labour Code.
(b) Development and Importance of ILC.
(c) International Labour Standards- Conventions and Recommendations.
(d) Ratification and System of enforcement.
(e) Technical Assistance Programme and the Special Fund, World employment programme,
Women workers, International Peace, Human Rights.
(f) The ILO Century Project 1919-2019.
(g) ILC and India.
(d) Indian Labour Conference and Standing Labour Committee, Industrial Committees, Wage
Boards, State Labour Advisory Boards.
(e) Voluntary Arbitration and Labour Policy- Code of Discipline in Industry.
Recommended Readings
Statutory Material:
1. The Constitution of India, 1950
2. Labour Laws (Relevant provisions-Industrial Laws, Social Security, Women and
Children, 4 Labour Codes)
3. International LabourOrganisation Constitution, 1919 and ILO Conventions and
4. The Charter of United Nations Organisation, 1945, UNO-Treaties, Conventions and
5. Universal Declaration on Human Rights, 1948.
Books Prescribed:
2) Zafar Hussain and Afzal Wani, “Application and Enforcement of International Labour
Standards in India: A Critique”, 53 JILI 577-593 (2011).
3) C.S.Venkata Ratnam, “India and International Labour Standards”, 35 IJIR 461-485
4) N.L.Mitra, “Freedom of Association for Organised and Unorganised Workers-
International Precept and Practice”, 35 JILI 1-33 (1993).
5) O.P.Parmar, “ILO and India in Pursuit of Human rights thorughLabour Standards”, 23
JILI 555-577 (1981).
6) Michael Hasenau, “ILO Standards on Migrant Workers: The Fundamentals of UN
Convention and their genesis”, 25 IMR 687-697 (1991).
Further Reading:
Reference Books:
5. National Textile workers union v. P.R. Ramkrishnan&Ors, AIR 1982 SC 1473
6. Ram Kumar Misra v. state of Bihar, AIR 1984 SC 537
7. Consumer Education & Research Centre & Others v. Union of India, 1995 AIR 922.
8. M.C. Mehta v. State of Tamil Nadu, AIR 1991 SC 417
9. D.S. Nakara v. Union of India, AIR 1983 SC 130
10. Deena v. Union of India, AIR 1983 SC 115
11. S. Basudevan v. S.D. Mittal, AIR 1962 Bom 53
12. State of Gujarat v. Hon’ble High Court of Gujarat, (1998) 7 SCC 392
13. ChatisgarhKrishakMazoor Sangh’s v. State of Madhya Pradesh, (1987) Suppl. SCC
14. P. Siva Swamy v. State of Andhra Pradesh, AIR 1988 SC 1863
15. Balram v. State of Madhya Pradesh, AIR 1990 SC
Learning Outcome:
Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:
1. Appreciate the genesis of ILO in its historical context and its procedural complexities;
2. Understand the foundational role the ILO has played in labour jurisprudence,
including through the international labour code;
3. Perceive India’s long history of engaging with the ILO and implementing its decisions
to uplift its workers; and
4. Discern the various keystone concepts of labour jurisprudence and also comprehend
the role played by the judiciary in developing such jurisprudence.
In the previous semester, students learnt the historical background and importance of labour
rights and the basics of key labour legislations governing trade unions, industrial relations,
standing orders and industrial disputes. While protection of labour rights in a dispute and
permitting their unionisation is one side of the coin, taking proactive measures to promote
the welfare and social security of labour is the other. As the Supreme Court of India has held,
time and again, the right to life guaranteed under Article 21 is not merely animal existence,
but the right to live with dignity. Therefore, taking steps to ensure that the labour force of our
nation lives a life of security and dignity is of unspeakable importance and is part of the
constitutional obligation of the State. The aim of social security legislation is to ensure
freedom from want for our workers. This paper has been designed to help students
understand the social security legislations in India in light of the above context.
I. Instruct the student on the concept of social security, its evolution, components, and
II. Examine the role played by ILO in developing social security jurisprudence;
III. Provide students with a critical and practical understanding of the rights of the
employee in case of employment-related death, disablement, disease or accidents;
IV. Educate students on the state insurance benefits available to employees under various
V. Examine the maternity benefit rights available to female employees;
VI. Analyse, in-depth, the various retirement benefits made available to employees; and
VII. Explore the provisions of law governing factories.
The syllabus has been prescribed with these objectives and consists of 6 modules.
(a) The Employee’s State Insurance Act, 1948 - Objects, applications and ‘Seasonal Factory’
– Definitions.
(d) Contributions.
(e) Benefits.
(h) Penalties.
Module IV – Maternity Benefit
(1) (a) The Employee’s Provident Funds And Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 - Scope,
Coverage, Application And Definitions.
(c) Contributions.
(d) Employees Provident Fund Scheme, Employees’ Pension Scheme And Deposit Linked
Insurance Scheme.
(c) Occupier - Duties and Liabilities.
(2) (a) Regulation of Shops and Establishments - The Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishment
Act,1947 - Applicability and Coverage – Definitions.
Recommended Reading
Books prescribed:
1. Suresh C. Srivastava, “Labour Welfare and the Law” 17 Journal of Indian Law
Institute 342-366 (1975)
2. Manishi Pathak, “An Overview of Contract Labour Related Laws in India”
NLS Bus. L.Rev. 20-35 (2017).
3. Zubair Ahmad Khan &Hina Varshney, “Implementation of the Labour Welfare
Provisions for Women Workers in the Unorganised Sector in India: A Critical Analysis”
21 Aligarh Law Journal 62 (2013).
4. Usha Ramanathan, “Statute Law, Injury & Compensation” 47 Journal of Indian Law
Institute 158-198 (2005).
5. N.S.Kamboj, “Hazardous Industries Policy & the Law” 46 Journal of Indian Law
Institute 449-462 (2004).
Further Reading
Reference Books:
1. RP.Rangeela, Mrs.Girija Anil, “Welfare measures under the Factories Act: A Critical
Appraisal” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.120, No.5, (2018)
3. Priyanka.B, A.Sreelatha, “Effective Implementation of Maternity Benefit Act Of 1961”
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.120, No.5, (2018) p.1329.
4. K B Ravindra, “Labour Welfare and Social Security” Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1(2014), p.77.
5. Manvendra Singh Jadon and Ankit Bhandari, “Analysis of the Maternity Benefits
Amendment Act, 2017 and its Implications on the Modern Industrial Discourse” Christ
University Law Journal, 2019 Vol. 8, No,2, p. 63.
7. Dr. A. Ananda Kumar, Dr. D. Porkalai& Mr. A. Savio Arokiadass, “Effective Utilization
of Employee State Insurance (ESI) Policy at E-Publishing Sector” Global Journal of
Management and Business Research: G Interdisciplinary Vol.17, Issue 5 (2017) p.35.
9. Yashik, P. M. (2014). ”A study about the Labour welfare and Social Security Measures in
India”, International Journal of Management, 2, p.23.
10. Sravanthi, B., “Social security in India: constitutional frame work” International Journal
of Development Research, Volume 8, Article ID: 12929.
1. United India Insurance Co. Ltd. v. (Smt.) Susheela, 2004 (101) FLR 393 (Karn HC)
2. Employees State Insurance Corporation v. Jaipur Enterprises, (1988) 56 FLR 207 (Raj.)
3. Employees State Insurance Corporation v. Hotel Kalpaka International, 1993 LLR 177 (SC)
4. Fenner (India) Ltd. v. Joint Regional Director, Employees State Insurance Corporation,
(2003) 2 LLJ 447 (Mad)
5. Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. Female Workers (Muster Rolls) and Another, AIR 2000
SC 1274
6. Ram Bahadur Thakur (P) Ltd. v. Chief Inspector of Plantations, [1982 (2) LLJ 20]
7. Sri Rama Vilas Service Ltd. v. RPFC, 2000 I LLJ 709 (Mad)
8. Hindustan Lever Employees Union v. RPFC, 1995 (71) FLR 46 (Bom)
9. Mill Owners Association, Bombay v. Their Employees [1950 (II) LLJ 1247]
10. Standard Vacuum Refining Co. of India v. Workmen, AIR 1961 SC 895, 901
11. Mill Owners Association, Bombay v. Rashtriya Mazdoor Mill Sangh, [(1960) LLJ 1247]
12. Kothari Corporation v. Appellate Authority (Deputy Commissioner of Labour), Karnool 1998
LLR 223
13. Management of Sri Akilandeswari Mills Ltd. v. Asst. Commissioner of Labour (2000) I LLJ
1411 Mad
14. Workmen of American Express International Banking Corporation v. American Express
International Banking Corporation [AIR 1986 SC 458]
15. JayathilalDhaniji& Co. Oil Mills v. Employees State Insurance Corporation [(1966) 2 LLJ
Learning Outcome
In most countries of the world today competition has a key role to play in
ensuring productive, efficient, innovative and responsive markets. Competitive forces
drive firms to innovate, to develop more efficient production, processes and to adjust
their products in response to changing consumer demand. Policies to stimulate
competition are a key driver for improving the micro and macroeconomic performance
of an economy.
The objective of the course is to provide the students:
i. An understanding of the Legal Dimensions of the Competition Law;
ii. An insight into the Law, which provides a Fair Trade Practice which enhances healthy
competition in the business arena.
iii. To comprehend and appreciate the impact of various Anti-Competition Policies.
Module I: Introduction
a) Basic Concepts – definitions- Market- demand and supply theory Economic and legal
concepts of competition; markets and market structure; competition theory
b) perfect competition v. Monopoly need for regulation of competition- Relation
between Competition Policy and Competition Law –Objectives of Competition Law
c) Constitutional aspects competition law- Elimination of Concentration of Wealth and
Distribution of Resources Article 39 (b) (c)
b) Relevant Market- relevant geographic and relevant product market- factors considered
by CCI
c) Horizontal Agreements- Vertical Agreements- exceptions – Intellectual Property rights
and competition law
d) Cartels – Landmark judgments decided by CCI- punishment for cartel- leniency
Module V: Combination
a) Combinations: Merger, Acquisition, Amalgamation and Takeover –
b) Horizontal, Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers - Combinations covered under the
Competition Act, 2002
c) Procedure for regulation of combination- powers of CCI – orders passed by CCI -
Statutory Materials
Competition Act 2002
Recommended Readings
1. Ramappa, Competition Law in India: Policy, Issues and Developments, 3rd ed.-
2013, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
2. Vinod Dhall (ed.), Competition Law Today, Oxford University Press, 2007
3. S.M. Dugar, Commentary on MRTP Law, Competition Law & Consumer Protection
Law, 4thed.- 2006,Wadhwa Nagpur
4. Abir Roy & Jayant Kumar, Competition Law in India, Eastern Law House, New Delhi.
5. P. Satyanarayana Prasad, Competition Law and Cartels, Amicus Books, ICFAI
University Press, 2007.
Further Readings:
9. Gevurtz, Franklin A. “Vertical Restraints on Competition.” The American Journal of
Comparative Law, vol. 54, 2006, pp. 357–384.
10. Kabir, Altamas. “Competition Laws and the Indian Economy.” National Law School of
India Review, vol. 23, no. 1, 2011, pp. 1–8.
Cases for Guidance:
4. All India Tyres Dealers Federation v. Tyres Manufacturers, 2013 COMP LR 92 (CCI),
Main Order dated October 30, 2012 and Minority Order by Mr. R Prasad (Member,
CCI) dated October 30, 2012.
5. Exclusive Motors Pvt Ltd v. Autoele Lamborghini SPA, Case No. 52/2012,CCI
6. Belaire Apartment Owners' Association v. DLF Ltd & HUDA, 2011 Comp
7. Surinder Singh v. Board of Control for Cricket in India, [2013]113CLA579(CCI)
8. Etihad Airways and Jet Airways Combination Order, CCI, Order dated
November 12, 2013.
Learning Outcomes
1. To provide a thorough background in the area of competition law and policy in India.
2. To understand the key issues in competition law, providing a strong overall background
combined with an emphasis on recent (and potentially future) developments.
3. Review and understand the key economic considerations behind landmark competition
cases on abuse of dominance, anti-competitive agreements, or mergers.
Advent of computers, followed by Internet has revolutionized the human existence and their
conduct in the society. The information can be accessed, stored, retrieved and distributed
speedily and easily. The traditional paper documents are now being replaced by their
electronic equivalents. The commercial transactions and individual functioning are more
driven by the digital technology. This transition has put forth need for a law to facilitate and
govern activities in the information society and has thus led to the passing of the Information
Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act).
The primary focus of this course will be studying on electronic commerce, electronic
signatures, electronic governance, data protection, cyber security, penalties and offences
under the IT Act, dispute resolution and other contemporary issues. In addition, there will be
an insight into the applicability of other laws in the digital environment.
Course Outline
Module IV: New Dimensions of E-commerce
a) Nature and scope of Cyber Crimes- Mens rea and Actus reus in cybercrime-
b) Cyber contraventions and cyber offences under the IT Act
c) Cybercrime against person, property and govt-Hacking, Hijacking, Digital forgery,
Cyber pornography, Child pornography under IT Act and POSCO Act, Cyber
Stalking, Cyber Bullying , Phishing, Identity theft and fraud, Cyber murder, Virus
Attack, Cyber terrorism, Cyber warfare, Cyber defamation
d) Adjudication under IT Act- Adjudicatory Officers- Cyber Appellate Tribunal
Module VII: Contemporary Issues in Cyberspace
Recommended Readings:
1. Nishith Desai, E-commerce in India – Legal, tax and regulatory analysis available
at http://www.nishithdesai.com/fileadmin/user_upload/pdfs/Research%20Papers/E-
2. Hemali Shah and Aashish Srivastavat ―Signature Provisions in the Amended Indian
Information Technology Act 2000: Legislative Chaos‖, 43 Comm. L. World Rev. 208 2014
available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2748441
3. Christopher Reed, ―Legally binding electronic documents: Digital
Signatures and Authentication 35(1) International Lawyer 89-106 available at
4. Cyber Laws of India‖, www.iibf.org.in/documents/Cyber-Laws-chapter-in-Legal-
Aspects-Book.pdf (Book on IT security of IIBF published by Taxmann Publishers)
5. Amlan Mohanty, New Crimes under the Information Technology Amendment Act, 7 Ind. J.
L. & Tech. 103 (2011) available at Westlaw India.
Further Readings:
1. Harish Chander, Cyber Law and IT Protection, PHI Learning Private Limited, Delhi
2. V. D. Dudeja, Information Technology and Cyber Law , Common wealth Publisher
3. Anirudh Rastogi, Cyber Law: Law of Information Technology and Internet,
Lexis Nexis, (2014).
4. Mark A Lemley, Peter S. Menell, Robert P Merges, and Pamela Samuelson,
Software and Internet Law, Aspen Publishers, New York, (2006).
5. Cohen, Lore, Okediji, and O’Rourke, Copyright in a Global Information Economy.
AspeanPublisher, New York, (2010)
6. Abhivardhan, Artificial Intelligence Ethics and International Law: An
Introduction, BPB Publisher, Delhi (2019)
7. Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott, Block Chain Revolution, Penguin Random
House, UK (2018).
8. Anne S.Y. Cheung, Privacy and Legal Issues in Cloud Computing, Edward Elgar
Publishing, (2016).
9. Lawrence Lessig, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace 1999, Code ersion 2.0,
Basic Books Publication (2006).
10. Scott Charney & Kent Alexander, Computer Crime, 45 Emory L. J. 931, (1996)
Journals/ Articles
1 Stacey L. Dogan & Mark A. Lemley, Trademarks and Consumer Search Costs on the
Internet, 41 Hous. L. Rev. 777 (2004).
2 Mark A. Lemley and R Anthony Reese, Reducing Digital Copyright Infringement without
Restricting Innovation, 56 Stan. L. Rev. 1345 (2004).
3 Pamela Samuelson , intellectual Property and The Digital Economy: Why the Anti
Circumvention Regulations Need to be Revised, 14 Berkely Tech. L. J. 519 (1999).
4 Julie Cohen, Reverse Engineering and the Rise of Electronic Vigilantism: Intellectual
Property Implications of “Lock-Out” Technologies 68 S. Cal. L. Rev 1091 (1995)
5 Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss, Are Business Method Patent Bad for Business? 16 Santa Clara
Computer & High Tech. L.J. 263 (2000)
6 Mark A. Lemley, Intellectual Property and Shrinkwrap Licenses, 68 S. Cal L. Rev. 1239
7 Jinku Huang, Is the ACPA a Safe Haven for Trade Mark Infringers? Rethinking the Unilateral
Application of the Lanham Act 22 J. Marshall J. Comp. & Info. L. 655 (2004)
8 Jessica Litman, Sharing and Steeling, 26 Hastings Comm. & Entertainment L. (2004)
9 Neil W. Netanel, Impose a Non Commercial Use Levy to allow Free Peer-to-Peer File
Sharing 17 Harv. J. L. & Tech. l. (2003)
11. Pamela Samuelson, Did MGM Really Win the Grokster Case? 48 Communications ACM 19
Cases for Guidance:
1. Casio India Co. Ltd., v. AshitaTelesyatems Pvt Ltd, 106 (2003) DLT 554
2. India TV Independent News services Pvt Ltd., v. India Broadcast Live and Others (2007) 145
DLT 521
3. Cybersell Inc. v. Cybersell, Inc, 130 F.3d 414 (9th Cir 1997)
4. Zippo Manufacturing Co. v. Zippo Dot Com, Inc., 952 F. Supp 1119 (1997)
5. Shreya Singhal v. Union of India (2013) 12 SCC 73
6. Regina v Hicklin [1868] LR 3 QB 360
7. Miller v California 413 US 15 (1973)
8. Ranjit D. Udeshi v. state of Maharashtra AIR 1965 SC 881
9. Samaresh Bose v. Amal Mitra (1985) 4 SCC 289
10. Ajay Goswami v. Union of India (2007) 1 SCC 169
11. Maqbool Fida Hussain v. Raj Kumar Pandey (2007)
12. State of Tamil Nadu v. SuhasKatti (2004)
13. Avinash Bajaj v. State (NCT ) of Delhi, (2005) DLT 427
14. Computer Associates international inc., v. altai 982 F.2d 693 (3rd Cir 1992)
15. Sega EnterPrises Ltd v. Accolade Inc., (1992)
16. Sony Computer entertainment Inc v. Connectix Corp., (2000)
17. A & M Records v Napster Inc., 239 F. 3d 1004 (9th Cir. 2001)
18. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc v. Grokster, Ltd 125 S. Ct. 2754 (2005)
19. Yahoo Inc v. Akash Arora &Anr, 78 (1999) DLT 285
20. Panavision International L. P. v. Toeppen 141 F.3d 1316 (9th Cir 1998)
21. Shields v. Zuccarini 254 F.3d 476 (3rd Cir. 2001)
22. Brookfield Communications inc v. West Coast Entertainment Corporation 174 F.3d 1036 (9th
Cir 1999)
23. Playboy Enterprises v. Welles, 279 F.3d 796 (9th Cir 2002)
24. Diamond v. Diebr 450 US 175 (1981).
25. Bilski v. Kappos, 177 Led 2d 792
26. Alice Corp v. CLS Bank (2014)
27. Tata Sons V Greenpeace International (2011)178 DLT 705
28. Super Cassettes Industries Ltd., v. Myspace Inc., (2011) 49 PTC 49 Del.
Learning Outcome:
After completion of the course students will be able to –
• Understand and explain the rudiments of internet technology and the Domain Name System
• Learn the scope and function of legal and technological regulation of the internet.
• Understand with the Social and Intellectual Property issues emerging from ‘Cyberspace.
• Explore the legal and policy developments in various countries to regulate cyberspace
• Develop the understanding of relationship between commerce and cyberspace
• Give learners in depth knowledge of Information Technology Act and legal frame work of
right to Privacy, Data Security and Data Protection.
Objectives of the Course
The objective of the course is to introduce the human rights and facilitate the students to
understand the working of international Human Rights Law. The international human rights
institutions and laws are provided to understand the global discourse on human rights. The
dynamics of modern human rights is introduced to student through two specific modules
focussing on selected themes. Indian practice is studied through the contribution of all the
organs of the state. All the major regional human rights mechanisms are introduced.The
students shall understand the making of regional human rights mechanisms and work of
NGOs. The students is expected to acquire following competencies after the course,
1. The students will understand the role and limitations of international law with
historical and institutional background.
2. The students will be able appreciate the application of human rights to complex
social, political and economic situations.
3. They will be in a position to apply human rights to real life situations to court crafts.
A. Origin and Development – Concept of Human Rights –Ancient Europe - The Middle
Ages – The Magna Carta – Bill of rights – American Revolution – French Revolution
– Classification of Human Rights – Practice of Ancient Indian States - Vedas, Ashoka
and Sangam Tamil Nadu
B. Human Rights and Duties – the idea of duty in the ancient and modern era – duty of
individuals to fellow human beings – Gandhian Ideas and human rights instruments
on duties
C. Sources of International Human Rights Law: Treaties, Customs and soft law
instruments- role of international courts and tribunals – recognition of international
human rights law by municipal systems
Module III: United Nations and International Human Rights
A. General Assembly and Security Council on Human Rights - United Nations Charter
based Human Rights Institutions- UNHRC –Committees under various human rights
treaties – General Comments and Recommendations – Special Rapporteurs – UN
High Commissioner for Human Rights
B. Response of International Community to Human Rights Situations: South and South
East Asia, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe
C. Asian, African and European Human Rights Instruments and their enforcement –
Regional Judicial bodies. (European Court of Human Rights, Inter-American Court of
Human Rights and African Court of Human Rights)
Module VII: International Refugee Law
Recommended Readings:
Suggested Books
1. Rhona Smith – International Human Rights Law (Oxford, 2017)
2. M.K.Sinha – Implementation of Basic Human Rights (Lexis Nexis)
3. Michael Haas - International Human rights Law (Routledge, 2014)
Further Readings
• Amanda Alexander, “A Short History of International Humanitarian Law” The
European Journal of International Law Vol. 26 no. 1 (2015)
• Aswini K. Ray, Human Right Movement in India: A Historical Perspective,
Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 38, No. 32 (Aug. 9-15, 2003), pp. 3409-3415
• Chetail, Vincent, Are Refugee Rights Human Rights? An Unorthodox Questioning of
the Relations between Refugee Law and Human Rights Law (September 17, 2012).
Human Rights and Immigration, Collected Courses of the Academy of European
Law, pp. 19-72, R. Rubio-Marin, ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.;
Criminal Justice, Borders and Citizenship Research Paper No. 2147763. Available at
SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2147763
• Guy S Goodwin-Gill “The Dynamic of International Refugee Law” International
Journal of Refugee Law Vol. 25 no. 4 pp. 651–666 (2014)
• Kay Hailbronner, “Nationality in public international law and european law” in
“Acquisition and Loss of Nationality Volume 1: Comparative Analyse” Rainer
Bauböck(eds) Amsterdam University Press. (2006)
• KjerstiSkarstad, “Human rights through the lens of disability” Netherland Quarterly
of Human Rights” Vol. 36(1) 24 (2018)
• MarttiKoskenniemi , National Self-Determination Today: Problems of Legal Theory
and Practice, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 43, No. 2
(Apr., 1994), pp.241-269
• Myongsei Sohn, Globalization of Public Health Law and Ethics, Asia-Pacific Journal
of Public Health 24(5) 851-8 (2012)
• Philippe Cullet , The Right to Sanitation: Multiple Dimensions and Challenges in
Philippe Cullet (ed) “the Right to Sanitation in India” (Oxford, 2019)
• S. Muralidhan, “Rights of Victims in the Indian Criminal Justice System” National
Human Rights Journal (2004) http://www.ielrc.org/content/a0402.pdf
• S. Radhakrishnan, Development of Human Rights in an Indian Context, International
Journal of Legal Information (Volume 39 , 2008)
Indian Cases
• NALSA v. Union of India
• Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India
• Francis Coralie Mullin Vs. The Administrator (AIR 1981 SC 746)
• Madhav HayawadanraoHoskot Vs. State Of Maharashtra (1979 SCR (1) 192)
• Selvi Vs. State Of Karnataka ((2010) 7 SCC 263)
• Jolly George Varghese v. Bank of Cochin (1980) 2 SCC 360
• Justice K.S.Puttaswamy(Retd) vs Union Of India, (2019)1 SCC 1
• Kharak Singh v. State of Uttar Pradesh AIR 1963 SC 1295
• People’s Union For Democratic Rights Vs. Union Of India & Others AIR 1982 SC
• Nilabati Behera Vs. State of Orissa 1993 SCR (2) 581
• Parmanand Katara v. Union of India ((1989) 4 SCC 286)
• Lakshmi Kant Pandey vs Union Of India (AIR 1984 SC 469)
• Chairman, Railway Board and others Vs. Mrs.Chandrima AIR 2000 SC 988
• Maneka Gandhi Vs. Union of India (1978) 1 SCC 248
Regional Courts
Foreign Courts
• Jam et al v International Finance Corp (586 U.S.2019)
• R (on the application of Edward Bridges) v The Chief Constable of South
Wales [2019] EWHC 2341
• Gillick vs West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority,
Learning Outcome
After undergoing this course,
1. Students will know the basics of international human rights law and its
applicationat the municipal level
2. They will be in a position to understand the opportunities and limitations in
thehuman discourse.
3. They will be in a position to apply the national and international human rights
lawto all human rights situations.
Module I: Historical Development of Human Rights in India
a. Origin and Development of Human Rights : History of human rights civilization,
Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, French and American Declarations, International Bill
of Rights, Contribution of UN, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
b. Nature, Definition and theoretical perspectives of Human Rights.
c. Constitutionalism and Realization of Human Rights in India.
d. Classification of Human Rights.
e. Classification of Fundamental Rights.
Module IV: Ensuring Human Rights through Good Governance
a. Democracy- Guaranteed freedoms, People’s Participation.
b. Rule of Law- Non-Arbitrariness- Fairness.
c. Due Process- Substantive and Procedural, Procedure established by law
d. Transparency- corrupt free governance, RTI, Whistle Blower Laws, Judicial
1. Upendra Baxi, The Future of Human Rights, (Oxford University Press, New Delhi,
2. Dr.D.D.Basu, Human Rights in Constitutional Law, 3rd Edition, {Lexis Nexis
Butterworths Wadhawa, New Delhi, 2008.)
3. Daniel Moeckli, Sangeeta Shah, & Sandesh Sivakumaran (ed.), International Human
Rights Laws, (3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2014)
4. Paras Diwan and Peeyushi Diwan, Human Rights and the Law, (Deep and Deep
Publication, New Delhi, 1998)
5. Justice D M Dharmadhikari, Human Values & Human Rights, 2nd Edition, Universal
Law Publications Company, New Delhi, 2016.
Articles from Journals:
1. Baxi, Upendra. “From Human Rights to the Right to Be Human: Some Heresies.”
India International Centre Quarterly, vol. 13, no. 3/4, 1986, pp. 185–200. JSTOR,
4. M.P.Singh, “The Statics and Dynamics of the Fundamental Rights and Directive
Principles – A Human Rights Perspective”, (2003) 5 SCC J -1
Further Readings:
1. Baxi, Upendra, Inhuman Wrongs and Human Rights ( Har Anand Publications,Delhi,
2. V.R. Krishna Iyer, Dialectics and Dynamics of Human Rights in India (1999)
3. AV Dicey, Law of the Constitution, (Mac Millan &Co. Ltd. London, 1994)
4. Human Rights and Duties in India : Law, Policy, Society and Enforcement
Mechanism, Dr. T. S. N. Sastry, Professor and Coordinator, HRE Programme,
University of Pune
8. VenkatIyer (ed), Democracy, Human Rights And The Rule Of Law, (Essays in the
Honour of Nani Palkhivala, Butterworths, New Delhi, 2000)
9. Chandra, Shailja, Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer on Fundamental Rights and Directive
Principles (Deep and Deep, Delhi, 1998).
10. Nirmal, C.J., Human Rights in India (New Delhi: Oxford, 1999).
Landmark Cases for Guidance:
1. A.K.Gopalan v. State of Madras, AIR 1950 SC 27
2. ADM Jabalpur v. S. Shukla, AIR 1976 SC 1207
3. Air India v. NargeshMeerza,AIR 1981 SC 1829
4. BachapanBachaoAndolan v. Union of India, AIR 2011 SC 3361
5. Chairman Railway Board v. Chandrimadas, AIR,2000 SC 988
6. D.K.Basu v. State of West Bengal, AIR 1997 SC 610
7. Golak Nath v. State of Punjab, AIR 1971 SC 1643
8. Jolly George Varghese v. Bank of Cochin AIR 1980 SC 470
9. K.S. Puttaswamy and others v. Union of India, 2017 SCC 1
10. Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala AIR 1973 SC 1461
11. Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India AIR 1978 SC 597
12. MC Mehta v. State of Tamil Nadu AIR 1997 SC 699
13. Md. Hanif Quareshi v. Bihar, AIR 1958 SC 731
14. NALSA v. Union of India (2014) 5 SCC 438
15. Nilabati Bahera v. State of Orissa, (1993) 2 SCC 746
16. Olga Tellis v. Bombay Municipal Corporation, AIR 1986 SC 180
17. PeoplesUnion for Democratic Rights v. Union of India, AIR 1982 SC 1473
18. Randhir Sigh v. Union of India, AIR 1982 SC 879
19. Sankari Prasad v. Union of India, AIR 1951 SC 455
20. Sajjan Singh v. State of Rajasthan, AIR, 1965 SC 845
21. Sarala Mudgal v. Union of India, (1995) 3 SCC 635
22. Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration, ( 1 & 2) AIR 1980 SC1579
23. Vineet Narain v. Union of India AIR, 1998 SC 889
24. Visakha v. State of Rajasthan, AIR, 1997SC 3011
25. Young Lawyers Association v. State of Kerala(2018 SCC On Line SC 1690)
1. The study will promote a good understanding of the provisions under the Constitution of
India dealing with human rights.
2. The study will help the students to realize liberty, equality and fraternity- a union of
trinity by ensuring that these values are applicable not only in the Public domain but also
to the private sphere.
4. It ensures analysing complex human rights problems and applies relevant provisions of
human rights law in India
5. The study promotes human right awareness and duties education among the student
community by making them evaluate the role of judiciary in balancing individual
liberty with social control.
Objectives of the Course:
Cyber world has come to occupy an important place in the history of mankind. As science
advances, the knowledge also expands. It is undeniable fact that cyber world has thrown new
vista but regretfully it has to be noted that it has also being misused and spreading
undesirable information. It has become necessary to find out ways and means to curb this
menace of spreading evil knowledge. The potential of the technology to be beneficial as well
as detrimental to the society has cast obligation on the people to be aware of the two sides of
the technology. It is still in a nascent stage and continuously evolving every passing day.
After undergoing the study the student will be able to understand the following:
Module I: Concept of Cyberspace and Cyber crimes
a) Definition and scope of Information Technology- Meaning and definition of
Cyberspace- Cyberspace as an Internet Metaphor
b) Convention on Cybercrime - UN & International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Initiatives- Council of Europe - Budapest Convention on Cybercrime- Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC)- Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD)
c) Origin and Development of Cyber crimes – Definition, Nature and Extent of Cyber
Crimes in India
d) cyber crimes under Indian Penal Code; Criminal Procedure Code; the Evidence Act
and Information Technology
e) A Trends in Cyber Crimes across the world.
Module III: Taxonomy of cyber crimes
a) Cyber Crime Against Individual-Internet Grooming; Cyber Stalking; Cyber
Harassment; Cyber Extortion; Online Pedophilia
b) Cyber Crime Against Property- Illegal Access; Hacking And Cracking- Illegal Data
Acquisition; Data Espionage-Illegal Interception; Data Interference; System
Interference-Computer Threats
c) Copyright And Trademark Related Offences- Computer Related Offences-
d) Cyber Crime Against Nation; Cyber Terrorism; Cyber Warfare; Cyber Laundering;
Content Related Offences
e) Crimes Associated With Mobile Electronic Communication Devices.
Module IV: Privacy and Data Protection- Cyber-Enabled Intellectual Property Crime
a) Privacy- Privacy and security
b) Cybercrime that compromises privacy
c) Data protection -Data breach -Enforcement of privacy and data protection
d) Intellectual Property-Causes, reasons and perceived justifications for cyber-enabled
copyright and trademark offences in Digital medium
e) Domain Name Dispute and resolution issues in Digital Medium- Protection and
prevention efforts.
Recommended Reading
1. Cyber Crime, Talat Fatima, 2nd Edition, Eastern Book Company
1. Cyber law and Cyber crime: Analytical Approach, Dr.M.K.Nagaraja, Sun Publishing
House, Edition 2014
2. Solving the internet jurisdiction puzzle,SvantessonD,Oxford University Press, (2017)
3. Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism Investigator's
Handbook,AkhgarBStaniforthABoscoF,Elsevier Inc., (2014)
4. Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism Investigator's
Handbook,AkhgarBStaniforthABosco F, Elsevier Inc., (2014)
Journals/ Article
1. Diffusion and effects of cyber-crime in developing economies, Kshetri N, Third
World Quarterly (2010) 31(7) 1057-1079
2. Online "Predators" and Their Victims: Myths, Realities, and Implications for
Prevention and Treatment, Wolak JFinkelhorDMitchellKYbarra M, American
Psychologist (2008) 63(2) 111-128
3. The Perception Analysis of Cyber Crimes in View of Computer Science Students,
SolakDTopaloglu M, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences (2015) 182 590-595
4. Hate crimes in cyberspace, Choice Reviews Online (2015) 52(07) 52-3918-52-3918
5. Exploring and analyzing Internet crimes and their behaviours, Arora B, Perspectives
in Science (2016) 8 540-542
1. Cyber-Physical Attacks: A Growing Invisible Threat,Loukas G, Elsevier, (2015)
2. The psychology of cyber crime: concepts and principles, Kirwan GPowerA
Information Science Reference, (2012)
3. Security and the networked society, AoMOwens R, Springer International Publishing,
4. Cyberspace and Cybersecurity, TrachtmanJTrachtman J, Cambridge University Press,
(2013), 85-117, Book Chapter
5. Virtually criminal: Crime, deviance and regulation online, Williams M, Routledge
Taylor & Francis Group, (2006)
6. Corporate hacking and technology-driven crime: Social dynamics and implications,
Holt TSchell B, IGI Global, (2010)
7. Crime, justice and social media, Salter M, Taylor and Francis, (2016)
8. Cybersecurity Law, Kosseff J, Wiley, (2019)
9. Cyber warfare: A multidisciplinary analysis, Green J, Taylor and Francis Inc., (2015)
10. International internet law, Kulesza J, Taylor and Francis, (2012)
Journal / Article
1. Internet development, censorship, and cyber crimes in China, Liang BLu H, Journal
of Contemporary Criminal Justice (2010) 26(1) 103-120
2. Pattern of global cyber war and crime: A conceptual framework, Kshetri N, Journal of
International Management (2005) 11(4) 541-562
3. The challenge of measuring cyber-dependent crimes, Furnell SEmmDPapadaki M,
Computer Fraud and Security (2015) 2015(10) 5-12
4. Cyber terrorism challenges: The need for a global response to a multi-jurisdictional
crime, Tehrani PAbdulManapNTaji H, Computer Law and Security Review (2013)
29(3) 207-215
5. Impact of Cyber Crime: Issues and Challenges, Das SNayak T, International Journal
of Engineering Sciences & Emerging Technologies (2013) 6(2) 142-153
6. Cyber Staking : Crime and Challenge at the Cyberspace, Thapa AKumar R,
International Journal of Computing and Business Research (2011) 2(1)
7. Fear of cyber crime among college students in the United States: An exploratory
study, Yu S, International Journal of Cyber Criminology (2014) 8(1) 36-46
8. Growing cyber crimes in India: A survey, Kumar P,Proceedings of 2016 International
Conference on Data Mining and Advanced Computing, SAPIENCE 2016 (2016) 246-
9. Effects of cyber security knowledge on attack detection, Ben-Asher NGonzalez C,
Computers in Human Behavior (2015) 48 51-61
10. Cyber security challenges in smart cities: Safety, security and privacy,
ElmaghrabyALosavio M, Journal of Advanced Research (2014) 5(4) 491-497
11. Anvar P.V v. P.K.Basheer&Ors Civil Appeal No. 4226 of 2012 (SC) decided on 18
September, 2014
12. Syed Asifuddin v. State of Andhra Pradesh, 2006 (1) ALD (Cri) 96; 2005 CriLJ 4314
13. Diebold Systems Pvt. Ltd. vs The Commissioner, ILR 2005 KAR 2210
14. Sanjay Kumar v. State of Haryana P & H High Court decided on 10/01/2013 CRM
No.1353 of 2013 ;CRR No.66 of 2013 (O&M)
15. State of A.P. v.. Prabhakar Sampath VI Addl.Chief Metropolitan Magistrate,
Hyderabad. CC. 489 of 2010 31st day of March, 2015 Available
16. Hyderabad v. Prabhakar Sampath, Add. CMM Hyderabad, decided on 31/03/2015,
CC 489 0f 2010 available at: www.prashantmali.com/cyberlaw-cases 34
17. Naascom v. Ajay Sood, 119 (2005) DLT 596
18. Aveek Sarkar v. State of West Bengal (SC) Criminal Appeal no. 902 of 2004 decided
on 3/2/2014
19. Anvar P.V v. P.K.Basheer, Supreme Court, decided on 18 September, 2014, Civil
Appeal No.. 4226 of 2012, available at http://indiankanoon.org/doc/187283766/
20. My Space Inc. v. Super Cassettes Industries Ltd., Delhi (DB), FAO(OS) 540/2011,
C.M. APPL.20174/2011, 13919 & 17996/2015 decided on 23 December, 2016
available at http://indiankanoon.org/doc/12972852/
Learning Outcomes
1. To analyze the ways in which information and communication technology is used to
commit cyber organized crime
2. To spread awareness among the general public about the cyber law.
3. To demonstrate knowledge of the incidence, prevalence, distribution, and impacts of
computer crime
4. To demonstrate knowledge of the investigation, prosecution, and sentencing of
computer crimes
5. To examine the current trends in computer crime and future of computer crime.
a. Concept of Insurance.
b. Nature and Scope of Insurance.
c. Significance and utility of Insurance.
d. Formation of Insurance Contract.
e. Classification of Insurance.
f. Insurance as an
• Aleatory Contract;
• Uberrima Fides;
• Indemnity Contract;
• Wager;
• Adhesion.
a. Insurable Interest.
b. Premium.
c. Risk.
d. Assignment of Insurance policies
e. Warranties.
f. Representations and Disclosures.
g. Ombudsman.
h. Double Insurance and Reinsurance.
i. The Insurance Act, 1938.
j. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999.
g. Warranties in Marine Insurance.
h. Actual Total Loss.
i. Constructive Total Loss.
j. Abandonment.
k. Slip and cover.
l. General Average.
m. Particular Average.
n. Salvage.
o. FPA Clause.
p. Indian Marine Insurance Act, 1963.
a) Modern Law of Insurance in India, by K.S.N. Murthy and K.V.S. Sharma – LexisNexis, 6th
Edition, 2019.
b) Law of Insurance, by Avtar Singh – Eastern Book Company, 3rd Edition, 2017, reprinted in 2018.
c) Principles of Insurance Law, by M.N. Srinivasan – LexisNexis, 10th Edition, 2017.
d) General Principles of Insurance Law, by E.R. Hardy Ivamy – Butterworth, 6th Edition, 1993.
e) Modern Insurance Law, by John Birds – Sweet and Maxwell, 11th Edition, 2019
1. Rappaport, John, How Private Insurers Regulate Public Policy (February 15, 2016). Harvard law
Review, Vol.130, pp.1539-1614.
2. Feinman, Jay M., Contract and Claim in Insurance Law (2018), Connecticut Insurance Law
Journal, Vol.25, No.1, 2018.
3. Dr. Pramod Deo, IRDA: Regulator of Insurance Sector in India, Indian Journal of Research,
Volume:5, Issue:6, June 2016, pp.189-192.
4. Hay Bruce L, A No-Fault Approach to the Duty to Settle (October 1, 2015). Rutgers Law Review,
Vol.68, No.3, 2016.
5. P.C. James, Leveraging Distribution For Mainstreaming Insurance, IRDAI Journal, Volume XIV,
No.2, 2016, pp.11-15.
1. Good Faith and Insurance Contracts, by Peter MacDonald Eggers (lloyd’s Insurance Law
Library),Informa Law from Routledge, 4th Edition, 2018.
2. Insurance Law & Policy: Cases Materials & Problems, by Tom Baker, Aspen Publishers, 3rd
Edition, 2013.
3. Principles of Insurance Law, by Emeric Fischer, LexisNexis, revised 3rd Edition, 2001.
4. The Law of Liability Insurance, by Malcolm A. Clarke, Inrorma law from Routledge, 2nd
5. Insurance Contract law between Business Law and Consumer Protection, by Helmut Heiss,
Dike Publishers, 2012.
6. Kannan,N., A Study on the Growth of Indian Insurance Sector (2010). International Journal
of Management, Volume 1, Issue 1, May 2010, pp.17-32.
7. Prashanth, V., Necessity of Insurable Interest in Insurance Contracts (August 1, 2008).
Corporate law Cases; August 2008 Edition; Published by All India Reporter, Nagpur, India.
8. Bennett Howard, Fortuity in the Law of Marine Insurance. Lloyds Maritime and Commercial
Law Quarterly, pp.315, 2007.
1. Pim v. Reid
2. Dalby v. The Indian & London Assurance Co.
3. Tyrie v. Fletcher.
4. Law v. London Indisputable.
5. Stevenson v. Snow.
6. The Wilson Son’s & Co. v. Xantho.
7. Beresford v. Royal Insurance Co. Ltd.
8. Oriental Life Insurance Co. v. Ammiraju.
9. Ibrahim vs Mackinnon Mackenzie & Co.
10. Hyderabad (Deccan) Co. v. Willoughby.
11. Bouillon v. Lupton.
12. Canada Rice Mills Ltd. v. Union Marine & General Insurance Co.
13. Harris v. Poland.
14. Everest v. London Assurance Co.
15. Brown v. Royal Insurance Co.
16. Moore v. Evans.
17. Pandurang v. New India Life Insurance Co.
18. Union of India v. Swarn Singh and Others.
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the legal and ethical aspects of insurance Law.
2. Discern and appreciate the importance of the impact of globalisation and diversity in modern
insurance based organisations.
3. Perceive how losses are measured and the various principles such as of indemnity, contribution,
subrogation, reinstatement etc that are applied in accessing insurance claims.
4. Develop the ability of critical thinking and an analytical approach to the application of
knowledge and skills to select viable solutions in resolving issues that may arise in execution of
insurance contracts.
The legal regimes that govern the relationship between intellectual property, traditional
knowledge and bio diversity remain sources of significant tension in international intellectual
property law making. A number of difficulties arise in efforts to reconcile legal and policy
norms at the intersection of the three regimes. Such difficulties generally stem from perceived
short comings of the globally recognized forms of intellectual property rights to
accommodate traditional knowledge and biodiversity in providing sufficient protection.
The objective of the course is to study how at the international and national level address the
Issue of TK and Genetic Resources
Module I11: Protection of TK in India
Farmer’s rights – GM Corps- International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture 2001 -Benefit Sharing- Mutually Agreed Terms-Prior Informed
Consent- Access to Plant Genetic resources.
Recommended Readings
1. Navigating Traditional Knowledge And IP – The Adventure of the Yakuanoi,
Available at : https://www.wipo.int/tk/en/tk/yakuanoi.html
2. Inter- Governmental Committee on Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural
Expression and Genetic Resources, Available at: https://www.wipo.int/tk/en/igc/
3. Lorie Graham and Stephen Mc John, Indigenous Peoples and Intellectual Property, 19
Wash. U.L.J.L &Pol’y (2005) Pp: 313-338.
4. Bastida-Munoz, MindahiCrescencio& Geraldine A. Patrick, Traditional Knowledge
and Intellectual Property Rights- Beyond TRIPS Agreements and Intellectual
Property Chapter of FTA’s., Journal of International Law Vol 14, No. 2, 2006 (259-
5. Sudhir Krishnaswamy, Intellectual Property and India Development Policy, Indian J L
and Tech., (2015), Pg. 169.
Further Readings
1. WIPO Reading Material on Intellectual Property, WIPO, Geneva
2. FAO, The State of World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
3. Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992 and International Treaty on Plant Genetic
Resources for food and Agriculture, 2002
4. UNESCO/WIPO Model Provisions for Protection of Folklore/ Cultural Expressions.
5. Documents of Inter Governmental Committee, WIPO on TK & TCE protection,
WIPO. Geneva.
6. Daniel F. Robinson Confronting Biopiracy: Challenges, Cases and International
Debates, Earthscan, (2010)
6. Jonathan Curci, Protection of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in the
International Law of Intellectual Property, Cambridge University Press, (2010)
7. Dutfield and Posey, Beyond Intellectual Property: Toward Traditional Resource Right
for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, IDRC, (1996)
8. Geoff Tansey and TasmineRojotte (Eds.), The Future Control of Food: A Guide to
International Negotiations and Rules on Intellectual Property, Earth Scan, London
9. Gerald Moore and Witold Timousky, Explanatory Guide to the International Treaty
on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and
Cambridge, (2005)
10. Graham Dutfield, Intellectual Property Rights, Trade and Biodiversity, Earthscan
Publications Ltd, London (2000)
1. Rebecca Tsosie, An Essay on Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Rights, Arizona
State Law Journal Vol -34, No. 1, (2002), pp. 259-358
2. Charles R Mc Manis, Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Traditional
Knowledge Protection Thinking Globally, Acting Locally (2003), Cardozo Journal of
International Comparative Law 547.
3. L. Margulies, Protecting Biodiversity Recognizing International Intellectual Property
Rights in Plant Genetic Resources (1993) Michigan Journal of International Law
4. Marcus Goffe, Recent Developments in the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on
Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional knowledge and Folklore,
(2011) 1 Queen Mary J. Intell. Prop. Pp. 90-98.
5. Dennis S. Karjala, Sustainability and Intellectual Property Rights in Traditional
Knowledge, (2012) 53 Jurimetrics 57.
6. Susan Scafidi, Intellectual Property and Cultural Products (2001) Boston University
Law Review Vol. 81, pp. 793-842.
Learning Outcomes:
• Understand the nature, scope and ownership issue of traditional knowledge,
traditional cultural expression and genetic resources
• Examine the protection of traditional knowledge and genetic resources at the
International and National level.
• Study the impact of Cultural Property on the intangible cultural heritage of the
Land rights are an integral part of Land Laws, as they socially enforce groups of individuals’
rights to own land in concurrence with the land laws of a nation. Land Law addresses the
legal mandates set forth by a country in regards to land ownership, while land rights refer to
the social acceptance of land ownership. The knowledge about the land laws of Tamil Nadu
helps to understand the local laws of the State. This subject is very much helpful for civil side
Definitions: family, ceiling area, stridhana land- fixation of ceiling on land holdings – ceiling
on future acquisition and restrictions on certain transfer – constitution and functions of the
land board – permission by government to hold excess land – cultivating tenant’s ceiling area
– exemptions – land tribunal – appeal – revision.
relating thereto - planning areas, planning authorities and plans - acquisition and
disposal of land - special provisions regarding new town development authority.
b. Definitions: proprietor – survey mark – survey of government lands – powers of
survey officer- appeal – revision – survey of estates – duties of village officer.
c. Definitions – issue of Patta Pass Book – making of entries of registration of
alienation or transfer in Patta pass book – prima facie evidence – modification of
entries in patta pass book – appeal – revision.
Statutory Materials:
1. Tamil Nadu Estates (Abolition and Conversion into Ryotwari) Act, 1948
2. The Tamil Nadu Inam Estates (Abolition and Conversion into Ryotwari) Act, 1963
3. TN Land Reforms Fixation of Ceiling on Land Act, 1961 [including amendments]
4. The TN Apartment Ownership Act, 1994
5. Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971
6. Tamil Nadu Survey and boundaries Act, 1923
7. Tamil Nadu Patta Pass Book Act, 1986
8. Tamil Nadu Land Encroachment Act, 1905
9. Tamil Nadu protection of Tanks and Eviction of Encroachments Act, 2007
10. Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920
Learning Outcome:
Objectives of the Course:
Forensic science is a versatile and enormously powerful tool in the investigation of a
crime. Forensic investigation is vital to the mission of truth seeking, because the forensic
evidence does not lie. Forensic investigation provide an overview of the field of forensic
investigation whilst highlighting the interrelated principles and procedures of criminal
investigation Moreover gathering and examining forensic evidence is the only way to ensure
that false information is exposed, and ultimately kept from the gates of justice. The forensic
evidence, the forensic investigator, and the forensic examinations are all linked in the service
of these objectives. Forensic Science deals with the application of the knowledge and
methodology of various disciplines of science to legal matters. It involves the use of multiple
disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, computer science and engineering for
evidence analysis. The role of forensic science in criminal justice and the legal system is
highly commendable.
After undergoing the study the student will be able to understand the following:
Module I: Forensic Science and its Development
a) Crime- Criminal Investigation- forensic science-concepts-Scientific Criminal
Investigation- - Need and Scope of Forensic Science
b) Basic Principles of Forensic Science- Branches of Forensic Science- Forensic Science
in International Perspectives- Constitutional validity of forensic investigation- Quality
of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation
c) Law of Forensic Science -Validity and Admissibility of Scientific Evidence- Forensic
investigation in Criminal Trials- Problem of Proof.
d) Tools of Forensic Science- Forensic Science Laboratories- Chemical Examiners
Laboratories-Document Examiners- Finger Print Bureau- Department of Explosives-
Serologist to the Government of India- Mobile Laboratories- CID Scientific Sections-
Computer Divisions
e) Medico- Legal Institutes- Consultancies- National Crime Record Bureau- Central
Forensic Science Laboratory- State Forensic Science Laboratories, Police &
Detective Training Schools, Police Academies- Police dogs- Services of Crime
Module II: Crime Scene Examination
a) Crime Investigation- Crime Scene- Its importance in Criminal Investigation-
Collection of Sample or Materials
b) Physical evidence- Classification of physical evidence- Types of physical evidences-
Sources of physical evidence
c) Signification and value of physical evidence- Linkage between Crime Scene, Victim
and Criminal-
d) Evaluation-Investigators Role- Surveillance- Sketching- Photography
e) Crime Detection Devices- Crime Scene Documentation.
Module VI: Relevancy, Admissibility and Probative Efficacy
a) Principles of Relevancy and Admissibility
b) Standard for Relevancy and Admissibility
c) Reliability and probative efficacy
d) Corroboration in admitting forensic evidence- Judicial Approach
e) Comparative Analysis.
Recommended Readings:
1. A Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology, Modi 26th Edition 2018, Lexis
2. Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation and Trials, B R Sharma 6th Edition 2020,
Lexis Nexis
3. Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation, Barry A. J. Fisher, David R. Fisher, 8th
Edition, The CRC Press, Available on Taylor & Francis eBooks
4. Crime Scene Forensics, A Scientific Method Approach, Robert C Shaler, 1st Edition,
The CRC Press, Available on Taylor & Francis eBooks.
5. Principles and Practice of Criminalistics, The Profession of Forensic Science, Keith
Inman, Norah Rudin, 1st Edition, The CRC Press, Available on Taylor & Francis
(Chichester: Wiley, 2007).
5. Bell, J. Swenson-Wright, and K. Tybjerg (eds.), Evidence (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2008).
6. R. Williams and P. Johnson, Genetic Policing: The Use of DNA in Criminal
Investigations (Cullompton: Willan, 2008).
7. National Research Council, Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A
Path Forward (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2009).
8. Criminalistics, Introduction to Forensic Science , Richard Saferstein, Prentice Hall
College Div; 8 Edition
9. Forensic Science Education and Training: A Tool‐kit for Lecturers and Practitioner
Trainers, Editor(s): Anna Williams John P. Cassella Peter D. Maskell, 2017 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
10. Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations Hardcover , Patricia Bertino,
Cengage Learning Custom Publishing; 2nd Edition , 2015
Cases for Guidance:
1. Sushil Sharma vs. The State (Delhi Administration)1996 CriLJ 3944
2. Marachalil Chandra Tukaram Talekar vs. State of Gujarat, 1980 Cri.L.J.5 (Guj.)
3. The State of U.P. Through the C.B.I. vs. Rajesh Talwar & Another Sessions Trial No.
477 of 2012) (Aarushi Talwar murder case )
4. Manu Sharma vs. State (NCT of Delhi), (2010) 6 SCC 1 (Jessica Lal murder Case)
5. Selvi&Ors vs. State of Karnataka &AnrAIR 2010 SC 1974.
6. Alavandar murder case (https://tvaraj.com/tag/alavandar-murder-case/)
7. Surendra Koli vs State Of U.P. Ors on 15 February, 2011
8. Santokben Sharmanbhai Jadeja vs State Of Gujarat on 13 August, 2007." 13 Aug.
2007, https://indiankanoon.org/doc/1561319/.
9. State by the Inspector of Police vs. Manoharan, 2015 Cri. LJ 1215 : MANU/TN/
10. Enamul Haque vs. State of West Bengal, CRM 17348 of 2010 & AST 1114 of 2010
11. Inspector of Police vs. John David (2011) 5 SCC 509
12. State of NCT Delhi vs. Sujeet Kumar, 2014 SCC Online Del 1952
13. The State of Bombay vs. KathiKaluOghad& Others, AIR 1961 SC 1808, 1962 SCR
(3) 10.
14. Pratim Alias Peter Mukherjea vs Union Of India And Anr on 19 January, 2018 (
Sheena Bora murder case)
15. Sr. Sephy vs Union Of India 1 January, 2009 (Sister Abhaya murder case)
Learning Outcomes:
After completion of the course students will be able to-
• Identify and analyse a situation as constituting a crime, incident or transgression in
order to determine the resources that must be activated and the procedures that must
be followed.
• Differentiate the applied forensic methods used to evaluate various types of evidence.
• To disseminate information on the advancements in the field of forensic science.
• Evaluate the limitations of forensic techniques and interpretations. Define and
recognize the techniques of crime scene searches, courtroom demeanor, and criminal
investigation related to child abuse and sexual assault situations.
“Government service is not a contract. It is a status”. Laws related to Public service in India
are governed by the Constitution. One of the basic features of Indian Constitution is the
separation of powers, i.e., the presence of three distinct pillars of state – Legislature,
Executive and Judiciary. The Constitution conceived and provided for Civil Services like the
All India Services and Central Civil Services which form an integral part of the Executive’s
machinery at the central and state level. Labour laws governing civil services are quite
distinct from general labour laws. The service conditions of the government servants are
regulated by the Constitution of India.
1. Trace the historical evolution of laws to govern civil services, both in ancient
kingdoms and in the modern world;
2. Analyse the concept of public service laws as they are enshrined in the Indian
3. Introduce the student to fundamental concepts in public service laws; and
4. Examine the laws governing civil services and the impact of factors as diverse as
judicial review and globalisation.
The syllabus has been prepared with these objectives and consists of 5 modules.
g) Early centuries of Arab rule and Governance.
b) Division of Cadre and Management.
c) Disciplinary Proceedings.
d) Rules – Agencies – AIS Rules – CCS (CCA) Rules.
e) Lateral Entry Scheme in Civil Services – Advantages and Challenges.
f) Kothari Committee Report on Recruitment and Selection Methods.
a) Judicial Review.
b) Service Tribunals – Central Administrative Tribunal – State Administrative Tribunal
– Quasi Judicial tribunals.
c) Powers and Functions Appeal Provision.
d) Scope of Writs in Service Matters.
a) Entrepreneurial Government.
b) Changing Role of Bureaucracy.
c) Reinventing the Government.
d) Civil Service Reforms in India.
e) Hota Committee Report on Civil Service Reforms.
f) Good Governance – Public Accountability.
g) Empowering Citizens – Capacity Building Initiatives.
4. Kamlesh Goyal, “Indian Administration in the Age of Globalization: An Analysis of
Transformation from Governance to E-Governance”,(IJRECT 2016), available at:
5. Narender Kumar, “Law Relating to Government Servants and Management of
Disciplinary proceedings (Service Law)” (Allahabad Law Agency, 2018)
1) Rameshwar Dial, “Civil Servants under the Constitution”, 2 JILI 481-508 (1960).
2) Om Prakash Motiwal, “Right of Equal Opportunity of Civil Servants”, 11 JILI 328-
343 (1969).
3) O.P.Motiwal, “Development of Legal Rights of Civil Servants in India”, 17 JILI 437-
445 (1975).
4) Sindhu Thulaseedharan, “Right to Public Services in India – A New Legal Scenario”,
55 JILI 59-72 (2013).
5) P.Leelakrishnan, “Reviewing Decisions of Administrative Tribunal: Paternalistic
Approach of the Indian Supreme Court and the need for Institutonal reforms”, 54 JILI
1-26 (2012).
Reference Books:
9. Chandra Singh, The Civil Services in India (1858-1947) – A Historical Study
(Atmaram& Sons Delhi (1989).
Learning Outcome:
1. Understand the origin and development of services law and appreciate its current
position in the appropriate historical context;
2. Appreciate the Constitutional provision governing services law;
3. Discern and comprehend key concepts in laws governing public services; and
4. Critically examine laws and judicial precedents governing services laws.
Objectives of the Course:
Alternative Dispute Resolution, commonly known as ADR, refers to dispute
resolutionmechanisms outside the realm of traditional judicial processes. The objective of
this paper isto acquaint students with various modes of ADR. ADR mechanism is less bound
by proceduralformalities and speedy in giving results. For this reason, ADR is appreciated
by many countriesaround the world.
This course has been designed to:
1. Give students insightful knowledge about this emerging area.
2. Help the students to understand practically the various methods of resolving disputes
under ADR system, so that they can help their clients and society to select and employ
the most effective and just methods.
3. Theyget the ability to resolve disputes in a timely manner eviscerates public and
private rights obligations.
4. To overcome this drastic situation ADR is highly recommended and accepted.
Module I:Alternative Dispute Mechanism
a) Alternative Dispute Resolution – Definition, Scope and Genesis
b) Overview of Alternative Dispute Resolution Process -Arbitration, Mediation,
Conciliation, Lok Adalat and Judicial Settlements
c) Evolution of the concept of ADR with historical prospective -Position of ADR in
Ancient India,Position of ADR in Mughal period,Position of ADR during British
Period, Position after Independence
Module IV:Negotiations and Conciliations
a) Meaning, features, theories and types of Negotiations and Conciliations
b) Appointment, Role and qualities of Negotiator and Conciliator
c) Process of Negotiations and Conciliations.
Marks Allocation
Total 50 Marks
Student shall maintain a Record through the semester. The record will be assessed by the
teacher and record shall contain the following drafts:
a) Case Study in Arbitration Centre-Practical/ Simulation Exercise:
• A domestic Arbitration agreement after a commercial dispute has arisen between
the parties.
• An Arbitration clause in an international contract (having one Indian Company as
a party) for referring matter to institutional arbitration of an institution situated
outside India.
• A request by one party to other party requesting that their commercial dispute be
referred toArbitration.
• A letter requesting an arbitrator to act as Arbitrator in a case after dispute
havearisen. Assume that the contract has an arbitrator clause with reference to
• Anapplicationtotheappropriatecourttoappointanarbitratorwhenpartieshavefailed in
their attempt to appoint one according to the arbitrationagreement.
• Anapplicationtothecourtseekinginteriminjunctionorappointmentofreceiverbefore
the arbitral proceedings havebegun.
• An interpretation among rules of various other regional or International
Arbitration centres can be given.
• An application to the court for setting aside anaward
Learning Out Come:
After completion of the course students will be able to –Appreciation of the social
relevance of ADR Mechanism
1. Understanding of the theoretical models of dispute resolution and capacity toanalyse
their operation in both legal and social context
2. Development of basic mediation skills, including communication, analysis andissue
3. Sophisticated understanding of the ethical and legal ethical issues surroundingdispute
resolution models and practice
4. Prepare and present an engaging informative presentation on a chosen area ofADR
that expands upon the core themes of the course.
The course intends to study a crucial and uniform procedure in civil cases which was enacted
in 1908 along with its amendments which is fair and simple applicable to all the courts in the
country. The Code of Civil Procedure 1908 guarantees fair justice by upholding the rights
and liabilities of the parties. It makes the procedure to be followed in the Civil Courts very
basic and compelling. It is one of the vital parts of procedural laws and it is the one
regulating the method to be trailed by the Civil Courts in India. The course also highlights on
the electronic method of filing the civil suits including the e-vakalatnama. The Limitation Act
1963 is an additional enactment and address a very key aspect of civil law.It is pivotal to a
student of law to have an exhaustive knowledge of the code of civil procedure and the
limitation law
i. An overall view of the Civil Procedure Code 1908 along with its amendments which is
fair, simple and applicable to all the courts in the country.
ii. To equip the students with various stages through which a civil cases passes in the court
till its final order.
iii. To emphasizes on the electronic method of filing the civil suits including the e-
iv. To comprehend the difficult nuances that revolves around civil suits in our country.
v. To understand the computation of limitation period for the Institution of suit, appeal and
applications along with Exclusion.
MODULE –II: Jurisdiction of The Courts
b) Jurisdiction of the civil courts over commercial disputes with special reference to The
Commercial Courts Act 2015
c) Jurisdiction of the civil courts over IPR infringement and passing off action(Trademark,
Copyright, Patent etc)
d) Suits of civil nature- Place of suing, Res SubJudice, Res Judicata, Applicability of the
ResJudicata on Right to information- Difference between Res Judicata and estoppel, Foreign
Judgment, Finality of Foreign Judgment-Presumption as to Foreign Judgment.
b) Traditional and the latest electronic trends involved in the filing of civil suits, summons and
MODULE –V: Orders, Judgment, Decrees, Execution and Appeals
b) The concept of Judgment and Decree, Difference between order and decree
d) Appeals from original decrees, First appeal, Second appeal, Appeals from orders, Appeals
to Supreme court, Reference, Review, Revision and Inherent powers of court.
d) Suits by (or) against minors, persons with unsound mind, indigent person, Interpleader
b) Powers of the courts to condone delay, sufficient cause, legal disability, subsequent
Recommended Readings:
1. M.P.Jain, The Code of Civil Procedure, Lexis Nexis India (5th Edition 2019)
2. Dr.Avtar Singh, The Code of Civil Procedure, Central Law Publications (5th Edition
3. Narayan Laxmanrao, Commentary on Code of Civil Procedure 1908,Asia Law House (2nd
Edition 2019)
4. Basu’s Law on Limitation Act 1963, Delhi Law House(10TH Edition2020)
5. T R Desai, The Limitation Act, Lexis Nexis (12th Edition,2019)
Further Readings:
1) DinshawFardauzi Mulla, Mulla’s Code of Civil Procedure(3 Vols) Lexis Nexis (19th
2) Sudipto Sarkar & V.R. Manohar, Sarkar’s Code of Civil Procedure (2 Vols), Lexis Nexis
(12th Edition 2017)
3) C.K. Takwani, Code of Civil Procedure, Eastern Book Company (8th Edition 2019)
4) M.R. Malik, Ganguly’s Civil Court Practice and Procedure, Eastern Law House (2012).
5) Universal’s Concise Commentary The Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963) With
Exhaustive case Law (3rd Edition 2018)
Jurisdictional Issues in Trademark, Copyright & Patent Disputes-
5. Commission of examination of witnesses-http://lawtimesjournal.in/commission-of-
6. Enforcement of Foreign Judgments And Decrees In India,Jonathan Jose and Shruti
7. Suits by indigent persons & Interpleader suits-http://lawtimesjournal.in/suits-by-indigent-
8. Critical analysis of Provision for 'Cost' under civil procedure code, 1908,Saurabh
KumarNational Law Institute
9. Process of Trial of Civil Cases/Suits In India,Vijay Pal Dalmia
10. Suits With Basic Relief Of Challenging Decree Passed By DRT Not Maintainable:
Supreme Court- https://www.livelaw.in/top-stories/suits-challenging-decree-passed-by-
6. Anuradha Bhasin vs Union Of India Writ Petition (Civil) No. 1031 Of 2019
7. Board of Revenue Vs M/S Raj Brothers Agencies etc.,1973 (3) SCR 492
8. Deb Ratan Biswas and Ors vs Most. And Moyi Devi &Ors 2011 (4) SCALE 656
9. Gayathri Womens Welfare Association vs Gowramma&Anr 2011 2 – L.W. 481
10. Balkrishna Chatrabhuj Thacker v. Devabai, AIR 1985 Guj. 133.
11. Gurmukh Singh vs Jaswant Kaur 2011 (4) SCALE 221
12. BALCO Employees Union v. Union of India AIR 2002 SC 350
13. Chitivalase Jute Mills v. Jaypee Rewa Cement AIR 2004 SC 1687
14. Chandrabhai K. Bhoir v. Krishna A. Bhoir, AIR 2009 SC 1674. 13
15. GC Care Centre and Hospital v. OP Care Pvt. Ltd. AIR 2004 SC 2339
Learning Outcomes
After undergoing the study the student will be able to understand the following:
• To provide an understanding of the basic principles and concepts of criminal procedure as laid
down in The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023
• To familiarize students with the various stages of criminal proceedings, starting from the filing
of a complaint to the disposal of the case by the trial court.
• To enable students to analyze and interpret provisions of The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha
Sanhita, 2023 including the principles of natural justice, fair trial, and the rights of the
• To equip students with the skills required to draft, file and defend criminal complaints,
petitions, and applications under The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023
Module I : General Principles
d. Provisions for bail and remand
e. Factors that court must consider when granting or denying bail
f. Procedures for applying for bail
g. Types of bail (regular, anticipatory, interim)
h. Conditions that may be imposed on bail
i. Consequences of violation of bail conditions
j. Procedures for remanding the accused in custody
k. Types of remand (judicial, police, and administrative)
Module V: Trial
a. Procedures for conduct of criminal trials
b. Types of evidence that can be presented
c. Procedures for examination and cross-examination of witnesses
d. Procedures for recording of evidence
e. Role of judge and jury in the trial
f. Witness protection scheme
g. Types of judgments that can be pronounced
Recommended Reading:
Journals/ Articles
1. S. Jha. “Plea Bargaining under the Indian Criminal Procedure Code.” Indian Journal of
Criminal Law and Justice, vol. 9, no. 2, 2021, pp. 101-115.
2. P. Sharma. “Investigation under the Indian Criminal Procedure Code.” Indian Journal of Law
and Technology, vol. 16, no. 1, 2020, pp. 74-93.
3. K. Thakur. “Search and Seizure under the Indian Criminal Procedure Code.” Indian Bar
Review, vol. 47, no. 2, 2020, pp. 92-106.
4. R. N. P. Singh, "Presumption of Innocence: A Fundamental Concept in Criminal Law,"
(2015) 1 International Journal of Law and Legal Jurisprudence Studies 20.
5. David Alan Sklansky, "The Fourth Amendment and Common Law," (2015) 129 Harvard
Law Review 2009.
6. Stephen J. Schulhofer, "Fourth Amendment Pragmatism," (2013) 51 American Criminal Law
Review 377.
7. Sandra G. Mayson, "The Cost of Conviction: The Effect of Criminal Process on the Brain,"
(2017) 70 Vanderbilt Law Review 1239
8. Wesley M. Oliver, "The Criminal Procedure Implications of Johnson v. United States,"
(2017) 8 Harvard Law & Policy Review 227.
9. Kevin Jon Heller, "The Collateral Consequences of Acquittal," (2016) 117 Columbia Law
Review 691.
10. Nancy J. King and Susan R. Klein, "The Decline of the Exclusionary Rule and the Fourth
Amendment," (2018) 48 Seton Hall Law Review 1255.
Cases for Guidance
1. State of Maharashtra v. Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar, 2013 CriLJ 1857 (SC)
2. Zahira Habibullah Sheikh and Another v. State of Gujarat and Others, (2004) 4 SCC 158
3. State of Punjab v. Joginder Singh, (1999) 4 SCC 260
4. Hussainara Khatoon v. State of Bihar, (1980) 1 SCC 81
5. ADM Jabalpur v. Shivakant Shukla, (1976) 2 SCC 521
6. State of Rajasthan v. Balchand, (1977) 4 SCC 308
7. D.K. Basu v. State of West Bengal, (1997) 1 SCC 416
8. Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum, (1985) 2 SCC 556
9. State of Haryana v. Bhajan Lal, (1992) Supp (1) SCC 335
10. Nilabati Behera v. State of Orissa, (1993) 2 SCC 746
11. Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, (1978) 1 SCC 248
12. Kartar Singh v. State of Punjab, (1994) 3 SCC 569
13. State of Gujarat v. Kishanbhai, (2014) 5 SCC 108
14. P.N. Eswara Iyer v. Registrar, Supreme Court of India, (1980) 4 SCC 680
15. Zahira Habibullah Sheikh v. State of Gujarat, (2006) 3 SCC 374
16. Lalita Kumari v. Government of Uttar Pradesh, (2014) 2 SCC 1
17. People's Union for Civil Liberties v. Union of India, (2004) 2 SCC 476
18. State of Maharashtra v. Abdul Sattar, (1985) 1 SCC 479
19. Zahira Habibullah Sheikh and Another v. State of Gujarat, (2004) 4 SCC 158
20. Selvi & Ors. v. State of Karnataka, (2010) 7 SCC 263
Learning outcomes
1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the legal procedures and requirements that must
be followed during the investigation, trial, and judgment of criminal cases.
2. Help learners understand the extent and limitations of these rights of the accused at every
stage of the criminal proceedings.
3. Develop the ability to critically analyze and interpret legal judgments and assess their impact
on the criminal justice system.
4. Provides a framework for the application of legal principles in criminal cases.
5. Students can develop the ability to apply legal principles and rules in practical scenarios and
make informed decision.
Objectives of the Course:
Maritime law course intends to educate law students in National and International Maritime Law which
allows them to critically evaluate the laws and legal systems pertaining to water bodies and ports of India
from a juristic perspective. It also creates a perfect opportunity to get expertise in areas rising out of
international disputes under Maritime law. The subject is highly relevant and need of this hour in India,
where India is rapidly integrating its economy with more than 90% of the country’s trade being conducted
through oceans and also the sea provides passageway to 45,000 merchant ships worldwide and over 90
percent of global trade.The curriculum includes a few compulsory subjects dealing in Indian Law, subjects
covering Maritime Law, Admiralty jurisdiction, Maritime Zones, Shipping Contracts, Ship Mortgages,
Ownership and managements of Ships, Port Management and Safety and security at Sea.
c) Relationship between Admiralty Law, Maritime Law and the Law of Sea
a) Admiralty and maritime jurisdiction (scope and extent) – Enforcement of maritime claims by
actions in rem and inpersonam
Module – IV : Registration and Management of ships
a) Ship as property
d) Ship mortgages
b) Definition and Classification of Labourers under the purview of the terms ‘seamen’ and
c) UNCLOS on seafarers.
b) Structure of Ports
e) Project UNNATI – Indian Ports Association – Indian Private Ports and Terminals
Recommended Readings:
Statutes Prescribed:
2. The Merchant Shipping (Form of Certificate of Insurance for Civil Liability for Oil Pollution
Damage) Rules, 1985.
International Conventions:
2. UNCLOS 19824.
4. SUA Convention,1988.
3. Kenneth C. McGuffic (ed), ‘The Law of Collisions at sea’, Stevens & sons, (1961).
4. Robert Force, Admiralty and Maritime Law, Federal Judicial Centre, 2004.
1. Law of the Sea Forum: The 1994 Agreement on Implementation of the Seabed Provisions
of the Convention on the Law of the Sea, Bernard H. Oxman, Lowis B. Sohn, Jonathan P.
Charney, the American Journal of International Law (1994) Vol. 88.
3. George K. Walker, ‘The Interface of Admiralty Law and Oceans Law’, 45 J. Mar. L. &
Com. 281 (2014).
4. David M. Dzidzornu, Four Principles in Marine Environment Protection: A Comparative
Analysis, Ocean Development & International Law, 2009
5. Edgar Gold, The Fair Treatment of Seafarer, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, Vol.4,
No.2, 2005.
Further Readings:
1. Thomas J. Schoenbaum, Admiralty and Maritime Law, 2016 Pocket Part, West Academic
Publishing, 2016
2. Couper, A.D. with Walsh, C. J. Stanberry, B.A. and Boerne, G.L., Voyages of Abuse:
Seafarers, human rights and International shipping, Pluto Press, London, Sterling, Virginia, 1999.
3. Simon Baughen, Shipping Law, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London, New York,
Sixth Edition, 2015.
4. Dr.ShrikantHathi and Ms.BinitaHathi, Ship Arrest In India and Admiralty Laws Of india,
Brus Chambers Advocates and Solicitors, Twelfth Edition, 2019.
1. The impact of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Progressive
Development of International Law – RudigerWolfrum IJIL (1999) Vol. 39
2. M. Margaret McKeown, ‘Celebrating Women on the High Seas – in Admiralty Law and
Otherwise’, 45 J. Mar. L. & Com. 119 (2014)
4. Couper, A.D. with Walsh, C. J. Stanberry, B.A. and Boerne, G.L., Voyages of Abuse:
Seafarers, human rights and International shipping, Pluto Press, London.
5. John M. Krizt, Ship Mortgages, Maritime Liens, And their Enforcement: The Brussels
Conventions of 1926 and 1952, 1958.
6. Edwin Fursdon (1996), “Sea Piracy - or Maritime Mugging?” INTERSEC, Vol.6 No.5
May 1996, p.166.
Learning Outcomes:
2. Articulate and analyze the roles of national governments and international organizations in
the regulation of laws of sea.
4. Know how the admiralty system works in India with reference to ship management, safety
and merchant shipping
Private International Law (or) Conflict of Laws comes into play whenever a court or
tribunal is faced with a case that contains a “foreign” element and adjudicates the following
queries: (i) which court will have jurisdiction to decide the case? (ii) Which law will apply?
(iii) How far it recognizes and enforces foreign judgments? (iv) At what extent, a company
structures its cross border transactions? (v) With the strong social / cultural dimension, to
what extent the States can regulate matters beyond their own borders? The subject gives
students the opportunity to grapple with contemporary legal debates and issues in conflict of
Module – II: Choice of Law and its Jurisdiction, Characterisation and Renvoi
(a) Choice of Law: Traditional and Modern Approaches – Substantial and Procedural
aspects – Parties autonomy and their limitations
(b) Jurisdiction of the Courts – Inherent Powers of the Court – Brussels Convention,
Lugano Convention - Characterisation: Clearly inappropriate test, clearly appropriate
test and traditional test
(c) Doctrine of Renvoi and its kinds – Limitations.
(a) Residence: Domicile and its Nature and Status – lexdomicilii, lexfori, lex patriae –
Concept of Domicile in India – Kinds of Domicile: Origin, Choice and Dependence
(b) Citizenship –Vs– Nationality –Vs– Habitual Residence
(c) Corporate Personality – Nature and its conflicting rules
Module – IV: Conflict of Laws relating to Family:
(a) Personal laws - Marriage – Formalities - Validity of Marriage – lex loci celebrationis
and lexregitactum – Polygamous marriages – Matrimonial Home
(b) Conflict in Matrimonial regime: Divorces, Separations and Annulments –
Matrimonial Causes and Alimony – Custody of Children – Child care, Child
abduction and Child Adoption – Succession – Overview of “The Foreign Marriage
Act, 1969”
(c) Public Policy and Contemporary issues related to Surrogacy, NRI and LGBT.
(a) Proper Law of Contract – Capacity to Contract – lexdomicilii, lex loci contractus,
lexfori – Rome Convention – Domestic and International Prorogation – Party
Reference and Incorporation – Application of Proper Law – Choice of Law, Party
Autonomy, Public Policy – E-Contracts.
(b) Law of Tort – Traditional and Modern Approach – Rome Convention – lexfori, lex
loci delicti commissi
(c) Proper law of tort and social environment – Tortious liability with respect to Drugs,
Environment, Transport and Satellite Communication – Exceptions and Limitation.
(a) Lex situs principle and Property – Classification of Property – Movable and
(b) Choice of law and Indian scenario – lexfori and lexsolutionis – Government Seizure
of Property
(c) Transfer of Tangible and Intangible Property – Wills and Intestacy –– Administration
of Estates and Trusts – Insolvency and Restitution – Right of Succession.
(a) Proof of Foreign Law – Substance and Procedure – Parties and service of process –
Evidence – remedy
(b) Sovereign and Diplomatic Immunity: Foreign State and Foreign Diplomat –
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements, Decrees, Arbitral Awards and
its reciprocity
(c) Conflicting rules related to Cyber Space and Intellectual Property Rights: Issues and
remedies – Indian Scenario.
Recommended Readings:
1. Cheshire and North, “Private International Law”, 2017, 15th Edition, Oxford
2. Clarkson and Hill’s “Conflict of Laws”, 2016, Oxford.
3. Dicey, Morris & Collins, “The Conflict of Laws”, 2107, 15th Edition, Sweet and
4. F.E. Noronha, “Private International Law in India”, 2015, Universal Law Publishing.
5. Paras Diwan, “Private International Law”, 4th Edition, 1998, Deep & Deep
1. G.P. Tripathi, “Conflict of Laws”, 2015, 1st Edition, Allahabad Law Agency.
2. V.C. Govindaraj, The Conflict of Laws in India: Inter-Territorial and Inter-Personal
Conflict”, 2011, Oxford.
3. Mukarrum Ahmed, “The Nature and Enforcement of Choice of Court Agreements”,
2017, Hart Publishing.
4. Alex Mills, “Party Autonomy in Private International Law”, 2018, Cambridge.
5. Peter Hay, “Advanced Introduction to Private International Law and Procedure”,
2018, Edward Elgar Publishing.
6. Adrian Briggs, “Agreements on Jurisdiction and Choice of Law”, 2008, Oxford.
7. Maria Kaurakova, “Private International Law of Corporations”, 2017, Spiramus Press.
Learning Outcomes:
This course has been designed so as to provide with understanding of practices relating to
election and electoral procedure prevailing in India, which is considered as mother of democracy. It
also enables the student to understand the constitutional basis, the constitutional differences and
practices in the process of electing important heads and institutions of constitutional wings such as
the head of the executive and the head of the legislature. In addition to this, this paper will throw
light to what extent the constitution has empowered their respective citizen as truly sovereign of the
country. After undergoing the study, the student will be able to understand the following
1. Election law and the diversity of electoral institutions and arrangements.
2. Procedural aspects of holding elections under various Constitutions.
3. Effectiveness of Election law as the means to articulate, deliver and regulate the democratic
4. Role of Judiciary in adjudication of Election Disputes.
d. Submission of accounts and auditing process - lack of transparency in the public domain -
History of Symbols - Allotment of symbols
e. Hate Speech – Art 19 (1) (a)
Books for reference
1. V.S. Rama Devi and S.K. Mendiratta, How India Votes – Election Laws, Practice and
Procedure (4thed., 2017).
2. Kiran Gupta and P.C. Jain, Chawla’s Elections - Law & Practice (9th ed., 2009)
3. The Verdict- Co-authored by Mr. Prannoy Roy
4. March to democracy—Compilation By Shri.S.Y.Qureshi
5. How to win Elections in India- Shiv Shankar
6. P .Rathinswamy laws od elections lexis nexis
7. India TherdhalVaralaaru in Tamil by Mr. MuthuKumar
8. How India Votes , Pradeep Gupta, Juggernaut books, 2021
Case laws:
1. N.P. Ponnuswamiv. The Returning Officer, Namakkal Constituency, AIR 1952 SC 64 1
2. Mohinder Singh Gill v. Chief Election Commissioner, New Delhi, AIR 1978 SC 851
3. Election Commission of India through Secretary v. Ashok Kumar, AIR 2000 SC 2979
4. Manohar Joshi v. Nitin BhauraoPatil,AIR 1996 SC 796
5. Ramesh yeshwantPrabhoo V PrabakarKashinathKunte
6.S.R.Bommai V Union of India
7. JyothiBasu V DeboGhosal
8. Meghraj Kothari V Election Commisssion of Inida
9. Indian National congress V Institute of Social Welfare AIR 2002 SC 2158
10.Kuldip Nayar V union of India
11. Jaya Bachchan V Union of India
12. B.R.Kapur V state of tamil Nadu
13. KihotoHollohon V Zahillu AIR 1993 SC 412
14. Ravi.S.Naik V Union of India AIR 1994 SC 1558
15. G.Viswanathan V Hon’ble Speaker Tamil Nadu State Assembly
16. Balachandra L. JArkiholiv V Yediyurappa (2011) 7 SCC 1
17. ShrimanthBalsahebPatil V Hon’ble Speaker, Karnataka Legislative Assembly
18. Union of India v. Association for Democratic Reforms,(2002) 5 SCC 294
19. People’s Union for Civil Liberties( PUCL) v. Union of India, AIR 2003 SC 2363 322
20. Resurgence India v. Election Commission of India, 2013 (11) SCALE 348 342
21. LokPrahariv. Union of India, (2018) 4 SCC 69
Objectives of the Course:
Studying victimology is of significant importance because it sheds light on the experiences, needs,
and rights of crime victims. Through the study of victimology, one can gain a better understanding of
the impact that crime has on individuals and society as a whole. It provides insights into the
physical, emotional, and psychological effects that crime victims may suffer, and the ways in which
society can respond to those effects. Victimology also plays an essential role in shaping criminal
justice policy, by highlighting the need for victim-centered approaches that prioritize the safety and
well-being of victims. Furthermore, the study of victimology can contribute to the development of
effective prevention strategies, by identifying risk factors that make individuals more vulnerable to
victimization. It can also inform the creation of support services for victims, by identifying their
needs and the barriers they face in accessing services. Additionally, victimology promotes the
concept of restorative justice, which focuses on repairing harm and addressing the needs of victims,
offenders, and the community as a whole. Overall, studying victimology is crucial in creating a more
just and equitable society, one that prioritizes the rights and well-being of all its members, including
those who have been victimized by crime.
After undergoing the study, the student will be able to understand the following:
• Students will develop an understanding of the physical, emotional, and psychological effects
of victimization on individuals and their families.
• Students will gain an understanding of the various theories and research methodologies used
in victimology.
• Students will become familiar with the different types of victim services available to victims
of crime, including crisis intervention, counseling, and legal assistance.
• Students will develop an understanding of the legal rights of victims, including the right to be
heard in court, the right to compensation, and the right to privacy.
• Students will learn about the principles and practices of restorative justice, including the
importance of repairing harm and addressing the needs of victims, offenders, and the
community as a whole.
Module I: Introduction to Victimology
a. Definition of victimology
b. Historical evolution of victimology as a discipline
c. Importance of victimology in criminal justice system
c. Special categories of victims: children, elderly, disabled, and LGBTQ+
Recommended Reading
1. Karmen, A. (2018). Crime victims: An introduction to victimology. Cengage Learning.
2. van Dijk, J. J. M., van Kesteren, J. N., & Smit, P. (2010). Criminal victimization in
international perspective, key findings from the 2004-2005 ICVS and EU ICS. Boom Legal
3. Walklate, S. (2017). Understanding criminal victimization: An introduction to victimology.
4. Daly, K. (2011). Restorative justice: The real story. Routledge.
5. Hoyle, C., & Young, R. (Eds.). (2002). New visions of crime victims. Hart Publishing.
Journals/ Articles
1. Fattah, E. A., & Sacco, V. F. (1989). For victims of crime: Rights, remedies, and referrals.
2. Gavrielides, T. (2014). Victimology: A brief history and future issues. Victims & Offenders,
9(1), 1-15.
3. Goodey, J. (2005). Victims and victimology: Research, policy and practice. Pearson
4. Groth, A. N., & Burgess, A. W. (1979). Male rape: Offenders and victims. American Journal
of Psychiatry, 136(7), 828-832.
5. Hudson, B. (1993). Justice through conciliation: The victim-offender mediation movement.
Carolina Academic Press.
Further Reading
1. Herman, J. L. (2015). Trauma and recovery: The aftermath of violence—from domestic
abuse to political terror. Hachette UK.
2. Koss, M. P., & Harvey, M. R. (Eds.). (2014). The sexual assault of women: Clinical, legal
and psychological issues. Routledge.
3. Goodey, J. (2012). Victims and victimology: Research, policy and practice. Pearson Higher
4. Miers, D. (2001). Victims, crime and society. Sage Publications Ltd.
5. Elias, R. (2019). The politics of victimhood: Human rights, identity and justice. Oxford
University Press.
6. Daly, K. (2017). Critical criminology and the victimisation of women: A feminist
perspective. Routledge.
7. Davies, P., & Francis, P. (2017). Victims, crime and justice. Routledge.
8. Shapland, J. (2016). Justice, victims and retribution. Routledge.
9. Hoyle, C., & Sanders, A. (2014). Criminal justice and political cultures: National and
international dimensions of crime control. Oxford University Press.
10. Mawby, R. C. (2012). Policing across the world: Issues for the twenty-first century.
Journals/ Articles
1. Karmen, A. (2016). Crime victims: An introduction to victimology. Cengage Learning.
2. Koss, M. P. (1993). Detecting the scope of rape: A review of prevalence research methods.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 8(2), 198-222.
3. Miers, D. (1989). Victims: A sociology of victims and victimization. Taylor & Francis.
4. Miller, T. (1973). The victimization of women: A critique of the sociology of rape.
Victimology, 7(1-4), 66-75.
5. Roberts, A. R. (Ed.). (1990). Helping crime victims: Research, policy and practice. Sage
6. Schafer, S. (2014). The development of victimology as a field of study. Victims & Offenders,
9(1), 16-29.
7. Spalek, B., & Davies, P. (2010). Understanding terrorism: Challenges, perspectives, and
issues. Prentice Hall.
8. van Dijk, J. J., van Kesteren, J. N., & Smit, P. (2008). Criminal victimization in international
perspective: Key findings from the 2004-2005 ICVS and EU ICS. Boom Legal Publishers.
9. Walklate, S. (2017). Understanding victimology: An active learning approach. Routledge.
10. Tyrone Kirchengast (2005), International Review of Victimology,Victimology and human
rights: An examination of the scope and nature of victimology as a human rights concern.
1. R v. Mills, [1999] 3 SCR 668
2. Payne v. Tennessee, 501 U.S. 808 (1991)
3. R v. Darrach, [2000] 2 SCR 443
4. R v. O’Connor, [1995] 4 SCR 411
5. State of Maharashtra v. Madhukar N. Mardikar, AIR 1991 SC 207
6. R v. Magoon, [1997] 2 SCR 985
7. State of Punjab v. Gurmit Singh, AIR 1996 SC 1393
8. R v. Gagnon, [2006] 1 SCR 621
9. State of U.P. v. Ram Swarup, AIR 1974 SC 1576
10. R v. Fice, [2005] 3 SCR 539
11. State of Rajasthan v. Jaggu, AIR 1997 SC 2028
12. R v. Truscott, [2007] 2 SCR 392
13. John Doe v. Metropolitan Toronto (Municipality) Commissioners of Police, [1990] 2 SCR
14. R v. Lavallee, [1990] 1 SCR 852
15. R v. St. Cloud, [2015] 2 SCR 328
16. Osolin v. Denmark, App No 11/1993/404/484 (European Court of Human Rights, 24
September 1996)
17. R v. Mills, [1999] 3 SCR 668
18. Ilechukwu v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2003 SCC 25
19. King v. Warhaft, [1966] SCR 339
20. R v. Ruzic, [2001] 1 SCR 687
Learning Outcomes
• Knowledge of the arrest, bail and remand procedures under the Criminal Procedure Code.
• Understanding of the investigation procedures and the powers of the police in collecting
• Familiarity with the procedures for framing charges and conducting criminal trials.
• Understanding of the procedures for pronouncing judgments and the types of punishments
that can be awarded.
• Knowledge of the procedures for executing sentences and the provisions for the suspension
and review of judgments.
Module I:Introduction to International Commercial Arbitration
Module III : Arbitrators and Applicable Laws
a) General Overview
b) IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International arbitration – IBA
Guidelines on Party Representation in International Arbitration - IBA Rules on the
Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration .
c) IBA Guidelines for Drafting International Arbitration Clauses
Recommended Readings:
Journal Articles:
1. The Lex Mercatoria in International Commercial Arbitration, Ole Lando, The
International and Comparative Law Quarterly Vol. 34, No. 4 (Oct., 1985), pp. 747-
768 Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the British Institute of
International and Comparative Law https://www.jstor.org/stable/759197
3. Park, W. (1983). The Lex Loci Arbitri and International Commercial Arbitration.
International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 32(1), 21-52.
Further Readings:
6. Law and practice of International Commercial Arbitration by Alan Redfern, Sweet &
10. Arbitration of Commercial Disputes: International and English Law and Practice by
Karen Tweeddale, Andrew Tweeddale, Cambridge University Press
3. Hans Smit 25 Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 9 (1986-1987) The Future of International
Commercial Arbitration: A Single Transnational Institution
5. Filip De Ly 12 Nw. J. Int'l L. & Bus. 48 (1991-1992) The Place of Arbitration in the
Conflict of Laws of International Commercial Arbitration: An Exercise in
Arbitration Planning
7. Peter D Ehrenhaft 9 Law &Pol'y Int'l Bus. 1191 (1977) Effective International
Commercial Arbitration
8. Jamess M. Hosking 4 Pepp. Disp. Resol. L.J. 469 (2003-2004) The Third-Party Non-
Signatory's Ability to Compel International Commercial Arbitration: Doing Justice
without Destroying Consent
5. Esso and others v. Plowman (1995) 128 A.L.R. 391
6. Barminco Indian Underground ... vs Hindustan Zinc Limited on 20 July, 2020 HIGH
8. International Tank & Pipe SAK v Kuwait Aviation Fuelling Co KSC (1975)
10. MxrskOlie, Algeriet A/S v. People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, ICSID Case
No. ARB/09/14 (registered July 20, 2009).
11. Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd. v. Tanzania Elec. Supply Co. Ltd.,
ICSID Case No. ARB/ 10/20 (registered on Oct. 1, 2010).
12. Millicom Int'l Operations B.V. v. Republic of Senegal, ICSID Case No. ARB/08/20,
Award (Nov. 27, 2012).
13. Patrick Mitchell v. Democratic Republic of the Congo, ICSID Case No. ARB/99/7,
Award (Feb. 9,2004)
14. Russell Res. Int'l Ltd. v. Democratic Republic of the Congo, ICSID Case No.
ARB/04/11 (discontinued on Feb. 10, 2009).
15. Cruz City 1 Mauritius Holdings v. Unitech Limited2017 SCC OnLine Del 7810
Learning outcomes:
4. Compare and understand the relationship between UNCITRAL Model Law and
International Commercial Arbitration.
Objectives of the Course
This course is intended to teach the application of law in terms of court’s principles and
procedures exclusively for deciding intellectual property cases. Most significantly, in
deciding Intellectual property cases both Supreme Court and High Courts in India are
apparently following foreign judgements in many occasions. Intellectual property laws confer
monopoly to the owners of intellectual property so the enforcement of intellectual property
rights is getting more crucial.
Module I : Litigation Relating to Copy rights and Industrial Designs
Module III : Litigation Relating to Trade Marks and Geographical Indications
1. Mark A Lemley & R. Anthony Reese, Reducing Digital Copyright Infringement Without
Restricting Innovation 56 Stan L. Rev 1345 (2004)
2. Ruth Okediji, Towards an International Fair Use Doctrine 39 Colum J. Transnat’l L. 75
3. Andrew S. Brown, Amgen v. HMR: A Case for Deference in Claim Construction (2007)
20 Harv. JL Tech 479
4. Raj S Dave , A Mathematical Approach to Claim Elements and the Doctrine Of
Equivalents (2003) 16 Harv. J L Tech 508.
5. Hazel Carty, Dilution and Passing Off: Cause for Concern (1996) 112 LQR 632
Further Readings:
1. Graeme Austin: Private International Law and IPR Common Law : An Over View
2. Copinger and Skomnes James on Copyright by Gillian Davies, Kevin Garnett, and Gwilym
Harbottle(15th ed. 2005) Indian Reprint 2008
3. Rama Sarma, Commentary on Intellectual property Laws, Vol.2. Nagpur: Lexis Nexis
Butterworths Wadhawa (2009)
4. Abbott, F., T. Cottier and F. Gurry (1999) The International Intellectual Property System:
Commentary and Materials. The Hague, London and Boston, Kluwer Law International
5. Terrel on Patents, Sweet and Maxwell, London (1994)
6. Kerly’s Law on Trademarks and Trade Names, Sweet and Maxwell. Wolters Kluwer (2015)
7. Russell Clarke, Industrial Design, Sweet and Maxwell, 9th Ed., (2016).
8. Julie E. Cohen and Et al., Copyright in a Global Information Economy, Aspen Publisher,
Wolters Kluwer, (2010)
9. Resource Book on TRIPS and Development, UNCTAD- ICTSD (2004)
10. John Cross, Global Issues in Intellectual Property Law- Cases and Materials, west Publisher
(1st ed., ) 2010
11. Lemley, Menell, Merges and Samuelson, Software and Internet Law, (3rd Ed.,) Aspen
Publishers, (2006).
1. N S Gopalakrishnan, Administrative Remedies in Intellectual Property Protection under
TRIPs and Indian Law: Border Control Measures 2000 CLC 1 (Jr) 23
2. Mabel Tsui, Access to Medicine and The Dangers of Patent Linkage: Lesson From Bayer
Corp v. Union of India (2011) 18 Journal of Law and Medicine 577-88
3. Ron A Bouchard et al., Structure Function Analysis of Global Pharmaceutical Linkage
Regulations (2011) 12 Minn J L Sci & Tech 391-457.
4. Peter S. Menell, Economic Implication of State Sovereign Immunity from Infringement of
Federal Intellectual Property Rights, 33 Loy. L. A. L. Rev. 1399 (2000)
5. Pamela Samuelson & Tara Wheatland, Statutory Damages in Copyright Law: A remedy in
Need of Reform 51 Wm & Mary L. Rev. 495 (2009)
6. Alan Latman, Probative Similarity as Proof of Copying: Towards Dispelling Some Myths in
Copyright Infringement? (1990) Colum L. Rev 1187.
7. Adam V. Vickers, Comment, Peering Beyond Today’s Internet File sharing Concerns: The
Future of Bit Torrent Technology, 8 Tul. J. Tech &Intell. Prop. 133 (2006)
8. Neil Weinstock Netanel, Impose a Non Commercial Use Levy to Allow Free Peer to Peer File
Sharing 17 Harv. J. L. & Tech 1 (2003)
9. Michael J Madison, A Pattern Oriented Approach to Fair Use, 45 Wm & Mary L. Rev 1525
10. Pamela Samuelson & Suzanne Scotcher, The Law and Economics of Reverse Engineering,
Yale L. J. 1575 (2002)
Learning Outcome
After completion of the course students will be able to –
Objectives of the Course:
1. RERA is a most significant legislative measure to regulate the field of Real Estate
Projects. It aims to regulate and promote the real estate sector by regulating the
transactions between buyers and promoters of residential as well as commercial
2. Tenancy laws bring within its ambit the rules for residential and non-residential
premises and further develop the policies to promote balanced rental housing. It is aimed
at ensuring better access to housing opportunities, while alleviating fears of the house
owners in granting tenancy rights and also establishes a better structure for enforcing
rights and responsibilities of property owners and tenants.
3. The Tenancy Laws includes building tenancy and law relating to cultivating tenants in
the state of Tamil Nadu. This subject is most significant for civil side practice.
Module – I: Law Relating to Real Estate Regulation
a. Definitions – Registration of Real Estate Project and Registration of Real Estate Agents –
Functions and Duties of Promoter- rights and duties of Allottees – The Real Estate
Regulatory Authority – Central Advisory Council – The Real Estate Appellate Tribunal –
offences and penalties
b. Tamil Nadu Real Estate Regulatory Authority (General) Regulations, 2018.
Module - IV
Definition- agricultural labourer - rent court and rent tribunal- kaieruvaramdhar and
mattuvaramdhar- revision- record of tenancy rights – advisory committee.
Module– V:
Definitions – occupant of Kudiyiruppu – alternative site – payment and recovery of
compensation – prohibition of alienation
Statutory Materials:
1. Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016
2. The Tamil Nadu Regulation of Right and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants
Act, 2017 [including amendments, rules]
3. The TN Cultivating Tenants Protection Act, 1955
4. The TN Cultivating Tenants (Payment of Fair Rent) Act, 1956
5. The TN Agricultural Land Record of Tenancy Rights Act, 1969
6. The TN Occupants of Kudiyiruppu (Conferment of Ownership) Act, 1971
Recommended Readings:
1. A handbook of Land Tenures in Tamil Nadu by Sambandham and V.S.Rajaram, 2017
edition, C.Sitaraman&Co.Pvt. Ltd.
2. Taxmann’s Guide to RERA with RERA check lists, 3rd edition, 2017.
3. Tamil Nadu Real Estate Regulatory Authority (General) Regulations, 2018 at
4. Land laws of Tamil Nadu, Prof.A.Chandrasekaran, C.Sitaraman&Co.Pvt. Ltd, 2013
5. The Tamil Nadu Regulation of Right and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants
Act, 2017 Bare Act
15. Sanjay phulwaria and 22 others v. Mumbai metropolitan region development
authority and 4 others, Bombay high court on 16 October, 2018
Learning Outcome:
Students graduating with Land Laws will be able to:
1. Understand and describe legislative power to make laws relating to land and land
ceiling is in the state list.
2. Different states have enacted their own laws on this subject and the application of
these laws is varied from state to state.
3. The Constitutional perspectives relating to these subjects have to be taught as an
essential part of this course.
4. Problem-solve complex issues in the land related matters and society related to
policies, law enforcement, government bindings and etc.
5. Effectively apply knowledge to solve practical problems
Objectives of the Course:
The course is designed to bring out the link between crime and psychology. It will highlight
the causes of crime for victims, offender and of the wider society. The basic promise of the
course is that multiple variables affect human behavior, hence focuses its attention to
personality factors and how they intersect with situational variables. Student will acquire a
new framework for interpreting criminal behavior and will examine the usage of psychology
in the criminal justice system.
At the end of the course, the student will have:
• Knowledge of the key concepts and propositions of psychological models of Human
• Inbuilt capacity to identify the varying perspectives of criminal behavior.
• Familiarity with research methodologies commonly employed in the field of criminal
Module I: Introduction to Psychology of Crime
a) Nature and scope of psychology- Psychology of Soul;Mind;Consciousness;Behaviour
b) Study of Criminal Behavior
c) Concepts of Crime, Law and Criminology
d) Theories of Crime Causation.
e) Psychological Theories of Crime
Module II: Criminal Personality
a) Meaning and Nature of Personality
b) Theories and Factors of Personality
c) Meaning and Types of Criminal Personality
d) Criminal Personality and Non Criminal Personality
e) Personality Disorder- Psychopathic Personality
Module IV: Criminal Typology
a) Violent Crimes – Homicide- Suicide
b) Stalking and Sexual Offenses
c) Property Crimes
d) Public Order Crimes
e) Substance Abuse
Recommended Reading
1. Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind, David Buss , 4th Edition,
Pearson, 2011
2. Abnormal psychology and modern life, James C Coleman, Scott, Foresman; 7th
Edition (1984)
3. Contemporary Criminal Law: Concepts, Cases, and Controversies, Matthew
Lippman, SAGE Publications, 5 Edition 2018
4. Sociology of Deviant Behavior, Marshall B. Clinard , Robert F. Meier , Cengage
Learning, 15 Edition, 2015
5. Crime classification manual. Lexington Books/Macmillan, Douglas, J. E., Burgess, A.
W., Burgess, A. G., & Ressler, R. K. (Eds.), 1992
Journals/ Articles
1. Criminal Psychology, K. EGrossHKallen H, Columbia Law Review (1912) 12(1) 90
2. Rehabilitating Criminal Justice Policy and Practice, Andrews DBonta J, Psychology,
Public Policy, and Law (2010) 16(1) 39-55
3. Forensic Psychology, Louw D, Elsevier Inc., (2015), 351-356
4. Once a criminal, always a criminal?: 'Redeemability' and the psychology of punitive
public attitudes, MarunaSKing A European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research
(2009) 15(1-2) 7-24
5. The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Choice Reviews Online
(2014) 52(01) 52-0041-52-0041
Further Reading
1. The Psychopathology of Crime: Criminal Behavior as a Clinical Disorde, Adrian
Raine , Academic Press; 1 Edition 1997
2. Psychology and Crime: Myths and Reality (Longman Criminology Series), Peter B.
Ainsworth, Addison-Wesley Longman Ltd, 2000
3. Criminology & Psychology Today: Peering Inside Criminal Minds: Uncovering The
Complex Relationships Between Criminals Psychology, Neuroscience & Neuro-
criminology (criminal psychology books) Kindle Edition, Alice Cole , Chris McGarry
. Kindle Edition
4. The Psychology of Criminal Conduct,D.A. Andrews, James Bonta, Elsevier Inc., 5th
Edition , 2010
5. Psychology and Crime: An Introduction to Criminological Psychology , Clive R.
Hollin, Routledge; 2 Edition 2012
6. Criminal psychology, Pakes F Pakes S, Taylor and Francis, (2012).
7. Introduction to Forensic Psychology, Shipley SArrigo B, Elsevier Inc., (2012)
8. Crime and criminal justice, Marsha I, Taylor and Francis, (2011)
9. Psychology and law: truthfulness, accuracy and credibility, MemonAVrijABull R,
10. Applying Psychology to Forensic Practice, Needs ATowl G wiley, (2008)
Journal/ Articles
1. Handbook of Forensic psychology, Haward L, Behaviour Research and Therapy
(1988) 26(4) 366
2. Offender profiling and investigative psychology, Canter D, Journal of Investigative
Psychology and Offender Profiling (2004) 1(1) 1-15
3. Dennis Howitt, Introduction to Forensic and Criminal Psychology, Duff S,
Psychology Learning & Teaching (2016) 15(1) 115-116
4. Applying Psychology to Criminal Justice,CarsonDMilneRPakes , John Wiley and
Sons, (2008), 1-314
5. Evolutionary theory and criminal behaviour, Quinsey V, Legal and Criminological
Psychology, https://doi.org/10.1348/135532502168324
6. Psychology and crime, Kellogg A Psychological Bulletin (1917) 14(11) 379-387
7. History of forensic psychology, BartolCBartol A, Edited byWeinerIOttoRWeiner (Ed)
IOtto (Ed) R John Wiley & Sons Inc, (2014), 3-34
8. Offender coercion in treatment: A meta-analysis of effectiveness, Parhar K, Wormith
J, Derkzen D, Criminal Justice and Behavior (2008) 35(9) 1109-1135
9. Psychopathy and recidivism in adolescent sex offenders, GrettonHMcBrideMHare,
Criminal Justice and Behavior (2001) 28(4) 427-449
10. Does criminal offender treatment work, Simon L, Applied and Preventive Psychology
(1998) 7(3) 137-159
Learning Outcomes
1. The student will have the ability to examine critically specific offenses and apply
psychological models of criminality.
2. They will have an awareness on different perspectives to be employed in crime
prevention, investigation, and treatment.
The bulk of India’s labor force today is the unorganised sector. Suffering from
poverty, without access to education, underpaid, unaware of their rights, and unable to
enforce them, the odds are stacked against our unorganized sector. To address this problem,
the legislature and the judiciary have, through laws and through judicial activism, repeatedly
come to the rescue of these workers. This course is designed to introduce students to the
challenges faced by this sector. The main objective is to instruct sector wise relevance which
ensures the governance effectively. Other sectors can have identical/similar regulatory
system and also be understood in the context of the treatment of the subject matter in this
paper. The course work is within the viable framework.
The syllabus has been prepared with these objectives and consists of 6 modules.
(a) The Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008 – Scope and Coverage.
(b) Definition of Unorganised Sector and Unorganised Worker.
(c) Social Security Benefits – Schemes.
(d) Social Security Board.
(e) Registration of Unorganised Workers.
2(a) The Beedi And Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966 – Scope and
Object – Definitions – Licenses - Appeals.
(b) Health and Welfare Measures.
(c)Working Hours.
(e) Annual Leave with Wages.
(f) Application of The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 and The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
(g) Inspectors.
(h) Offences and Penalty.
3(a) Beedi Workers Welfare Fund Act, 1976 – Scope and Object – Definitions.
(b)Welfare Fund.
(c) Advisory Committees.
(d) Welfare Commissioner.
(e) Power to make Rules.
4(a) Beedi Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1976 – Scope and Object.
(b) Fund – Levy and Collection of Cess on Manufactured Beedis.
(c) Consolidated Fund of India.
(d) Protection of Action Taken in Good Faith.
2.(a) The Building And Other Construction Workers (Regulation Of Employment And
Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 – Scope and Object - Definitions.
(a) Advisory Committees and Expert Committees.
(b) Registration of Establishment .
(c) Registration of Building Workers as Beneficiaries.
(d) Welfare Board.
(e) Hours of Work.
(f) Welfare Measures - Safety and Health Measures.
(g) Responsibility of Employers.
(h) Inspecting Staff.
(i) Offences and Penalties.
3. (a) Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1996 – Scope and Object
- Definitions.
(b) Levy and Collection of Cess.
(c) Furnishing of Returns
(d) Assessment of Cess.
(e) Recovery of Amount Due – Appeals.
(f) Penalty – Offences by Companies.
1.(a) The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976 – Object and Scope – Definitions.
(b) Abolition of Bonded Labour System – Agreement, Custom, etc. to be Void.
(c) Liability to Repay Bonded Debt to Stand Extinguished – Property of Bonded Labour to
be Freed from Mortgage, etc., – Creditors not to accept Payment against Extinguished Debt –
(d) Authorities for Implementation of the Act.
(f) Displacement Allowance.
(g) Liability of principal Employer.
(h) Inspecting Staff.
(i) Offences and Penalty.
3.(a) Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 - Scope and Object -Definitions.
(b) Advisory Boards.
(c) Registration of Establishments.
(d) Licensing of Contractors.
(e) Health and Welfare Measure.
(f) Offences and Penalties.
4.(a) Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 – Scope and Object – definitions.
(b) Prohibition of Employment of Children.
(c) Regulation of Conditions of Work.
(d) Procedure Relating to Offences.
5.(a) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005.
(b) Guarantee of Rural employment to House Holds.
(c) Conditions for Providing Guaranteed Employment.
(d) Payment of Unemployment Allowance.
(e) Non-Disbursement of Unemployment Allowance.
(f) Planning and Implementation of Schemes.
(g) Responsibilities of Gram Panchayaths.
(h) Grievance Redressal Mechanism.
(i) National Employment Guaranteed Fund.
Recommended Reading
Books Prescribed:
1. Dr. V.G. Goswami, “Labour& Industrial Laws” (Central Law Agency, 2019).
2. Prof. (Dr.) S.C. Srivastava , “Legal Protection and Social Security in Unorganised
Sector” (The Book Line, 2017).
3. Suresh C Srivastava, “Labour Law in Factories, Mines, Plantation, Transportation,
Shops and other Establishments” (Prentice Hall of India, 1992).
4. S.N.Mishra, “Labour and Industrial Law” (Central Law Publications, 29th ed., 2019).
5. Gupta N.H., “Social Security for Labour in India” (Deep and Deep Publications,
Delhi, 1986).
1) M. D. Pradeep, B. K. Ravindra, et.al. , “A Study on the Prospects and Problems of
UnorganisedLabour in India”, 2 IJAASR 94-100 (2017).
2) Lee Tucker, “Child Slaves in Modern India: The Bonded Labour Problem”, 19 HRQ
572-628 (1997).
3) Jeet Singh Mann, “Employment Rights Protection and Conditions of Domestic
Workers: A Critical Appraisal”, 57 JILI 216-243 (2015).
4) Thomas Paul, “Child Labour – Prohibition v. Abolition: Untangling the Constitutional
Tangle”, 50 JILI 143-176 (2008).
5) M.S.Ramanujam and K.L.Rawal, “Unorganised Workers’ Welfare: Imperatives and
Initiatives”, 46 IJIR 16-31 (2010).
6) Suresh C. Srivastava, “Equal Remuneration for Men and Women”, 32 JILI 82-92
Further Reading
Reference Books:
1. Arun Monappa, Ranjeet Numbudiri, Patturaja Selvaraj, “Industrial Relations &Labour
Laws” (Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2012).
2. S.C. Srivastava, “Social Security and Labour Laws” (Lukcnow: Eastern Book
Company, 1985).
3. R.W. Rideout, “Principles of Labour Law” (Sweet and Maxwell, 1988).
4. H.K. Saharay, “Industrial and labour Laws of India” (Culcutta: Eastern Law House,
6. Kanak KantiBagchi& Nirupam Gope, “Social Security for Unorganised workers in
India” (Gurgoan: Madhav Books, 2012).
7. NayanBarua, “Social Security and Labour Welfare in India” (New Delhi: Asish
Publishing House, 1995).
8. Radhika.K, “Women in Agricultural Development” (New Delhi: Serials Publications,
9. Singh D.P, “Women Workers in Unorganised Sector” (New Delhi: Deep & Deep
Publications, 2008).
10. Tripathy S.N, “Law for UnorganisedLabour in India”, (Delhi: Mangalam
Publications, 2008).
1. A.Dharmalingam, “Conditions of Brickworkers in South Indian Village”, 30 EPW
3014-3018 (1995).
2. K.R.Lakshmy Devi, “The Women Beedi Workers in a Kerala Village”, 21 IJIR
251-259 (1985).
3. Manishi Pathak, “An Overview of Contract Labour Related Laws in India” NLS
Bus. L.Rev. 20 (2017).
4. Rashmi Tiwari and Shivani Tiwari, “Women Employment in Unorganised Sector:
An Empirical Analysis”, 35 JRD 645-664 (2016).
5. Paramita Ray, “Contract Labour System in India: Issues & Perspectives”, 3
IJLLJS 297-306 (2016).
Recommended Readings:
1. Glanville Williams, Learning the Law, (14th ed.,) Sweet and Maxwell, UK.
2. Nomita Aggarwal, A Beginners’s Path to Moot Court , Universal Law Publishing, 2014
NB: Attendance is a must while attending the court proceedings during the stipulated period of time. Anybody who
fails to secure 90% attendance are not eligible to write the end semester and should repeat the same with the next
batch of students in the next semester.
3. Kailash Rai, Moot Court ( Pre-Trial Preparation and Participation in Trial Proceedings) 5th
ed, Central Law Agency 2015
4. K.L.Bhatia, Moot court and Mock Trial –Art to and Art of Advocacy: Essential of Court
Craft, Universal Law Publishing, 2013
5. K. Evans, Language of Advocacy, 1st Indian Reprint, Universal Law Publishing 2000
6. J Hill, Practical Guide to Mooting, 1st Indian Reprint, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009
7. J Snape and G. Watt, How to Moot-A Student Guide to Mooting, Oxford University Press
8. U Sakhalkar, Developing Skills through Moot Court and Mock Trial, Allahabad Law
Agency, 2014
9. B. Malik, Art of a Lawyer-Cross Examination, Advocacy, Courtmanship, Universal Law
Publishing 2014
10. D. Pope and D Hill, Mooting and Advocacy Skills, 1st South Indian edn, Sweet and Maxwell,
Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the course the students will be able to:
• Enhance analytical as well as critical thinking of students over interesting and
contemporary legal issues
• Demonstrate a thorough and contextual knowledge of the various laws particularly in
its application to real and hypothetical legal problems
• Acquire skill in advocacy, legal research and writing skills
• Gain interest in advocacy and competence as an advocate.
Judicial delay and arrears are the greatest form of causality in adversarial
process.Adjudication through Court of Law are high in terms of time, expense and damage
to relationships. With the introduction of Section 89, CPC and amendment in the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 in 2015andsetting up of in - house mediation
centersfocus is shifting on noncoercive and consensual processes of Mediation and
Conciliation is the fastest growing dispute resolution remedy worldwide.Mediation and
Conciliation shall provide for a Win-Win situation for the parties to the dispute, as the
resolution takes place with the characteristic of amicability, peacefulness and mutual
settlement between parties thu,s finality, without intervention of the Court.There is a need
of blending judicial and non-judicial dispute resolution mechanism and bring mediation a
primary method of resolution of dispute to the center of the Indian Judicial System. The
subject is old but needs reassurance and learned in theory and practice, to be looked upon
more as primary option than as Alternate dispute resolution (ADR) mechanism.This
course will be learned under two basics. First, the theoretical understanding of the
concepts and, the ethical and legal provisions relating to, mediation and conciliation.
Secondly, the course is geared to train the students in the practical skills required to
effectively participate and practice, mediation and conciliation processes.
After undergoing the study, the student will be able to understand the following:
• Law on the subject and the precedents laid down by court annexed mediation in
India and abroad are exhaustively dealt with.
• Nature of dispute, conflicts and make choice of appropriate settlement technique to
andresolve them.
• Identification of real needs and interests resolves the disputes without undergoing
arduous trial procedures.
• Enhancing the practical skills apart from theory, in long runshall reduce backlog
and docket explosions before the Court of Law.
Module I: Introduction: Nature and Scope of Conflict and Disputes:
dispute resolution.
Module II: Comparative study : Genesis of Mediation and Restorative Justice:
Module VI: Process: Character Building
c) Confidentiality extends to all case info, identity of parties, proposals and offers made
by parties, confidential revelations during private sessions, terms of the settlement
and all case-related documents
Singapore Convention on Mediation). Mediation training and skill development,
international accreditation and development of global mediation standards.
Recommended Reading:
1. R.S. Bachavat : Law of Arbitration & Conciliation Act, Vol – I & II; LexisNexis
Butter Worth, 5th Edition (2013)
2. Sriram Panchu ,Mediation Practice & Law: The Path to Successful
DisputeResolution, LexisNexis ( 2015)
3. Mediation and Conciliation Project Committee, Supreme Court of India, Mediation
Training Manual of India,(available at.https://main.sci.gov.in/pdf)
4. Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton,Getting to Yes: How to Negotiate
Agreement Without Giving In, RHUK (2011)
5. Anuroop Omkar and KritikaKrishnamurthy,The Art of Negotiation and Mediation -
A Wishbone, Funnybone and a Backbone,Lexis Nexis (2015)
6. Rahul Banerjee and Amita Chatterjee, Indian Philosophy and Meditation:
Perspectives on Consciousness (Routledge Studies in Asian Religion and Philosophy)
Routledge (2015)
7. Joel Lee and The HweeHwee ,An Asian Perspective on MediationSingapore.
Academy ( 2009) (available at. http://www.review.upeace.org/pdf )
8. Christopher Moore,The Mediation Process: Practical Strategies for Resolving
Conflict, Wiley, (2014)
9. RaminJahanbegloo, Introduction to Non-Violence, Red Globe Press (2014)
Key Cases:
Further Reading:
4. P.C. Markanda, Law relating to Arbitration and Conciliation, 7th edn., LexisNexis
Butterworths, Nagpur, (2009)
5. Basu. N.D, Law of Arbitration and Conciliation( 9th edn., Universal Law
Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2000).
6. G.K.Kwatra , The Arbitration and Conciliation Law of India, Universal Law
Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, (2000).
7. Surendra Malik, Supreme Court on Arbitration, Eastern Book Co, Lucknow, (2003).
8. A. Redfern and M. Hunter, Law and Practice of International Commercial
Arbitration, Student Edition, Sweet and Maxwell, London, (2003).
Journal/ Article:
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the semester, the students will be:
1. Competent to practice Mediator skills and undertake legal research and promote
legal reforms in theory and practice.
2. Gain skill and competency to decide and resolve ethical hitches in Conciliation and
Mediation as settlement mechanism.
3. To analyze and apply the substantive techniques of mediation and conciliation
4. Choose right techniques and effective communication,gain success by bringing
about consensus and draw up settlement agreement.
5. Practical trained via internship and training as observers at court-annexed mediation
centers,atprivate mediation centres,with sitting/former Judges of Supreme Court
and/or High Courts, and/or by senior and/or experienced Advocates (duly approved
by Bar Council of India)
Module-II - Constitutional Basis of Taxing Powers
a) Constitutional Provisions relating to Taxation – Articles 246, 248, 265 & 286.
b) Doctrines such as Taxation and Equity are Stranger – Pick and Choose Rule – Pith
and Substance – Repugnancy and Inconsistency – Territorial Nexus – Unjust
Enrichment – Immunity of Instrumentality – res extra commercium.
c) Historical Development of Tax on Supply of Goods and Services (along with A
comparative study of GST in India with Brazil, Canada, Singapore and Malaysia) -
101st Constitutional Amendment.
d) Amendment of various Articles in Indian Constitution - Amendment of Sixth and
Seventh Schedules.
e) GST Council - Constitutional Limitations - Exemptions to the Levy of Goods and
Services Tax on Petroleum Products and Alcoholic Liquor for Human Consumption
- Power of the GST Council to Regulate these Goods by Notification.
Module- IV – Goods and Services Tax
l) Anti-Profiteering Measures
m) GST Compliance Rating.
C. Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017
a) Collection and Levy of Integrated Goods and Services Tax
b) Determination of Nature of Supply, Inter-state Supply and Intra-state Supply -
Location of Supply - Place of Supply of Goods and Services or both - Zero
Rated Supply.
c) Cross Utilization of Credit - Utilization of IGST Credit
d) Refund of Integrated Tax to International Tourist
e) Apportionment of Tax Revenue.
D. Significance of Union Territory Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017.
E. Significance of the Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Act,
Module - V– Authorities under various Taxing Statutes
a) The Income Tax Act, 1961 – Income Tax Authorities, Powers and Functions.
b) The Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 – Officers under the Act, Powers
and Functions.
c) The Tamil Nadu Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 – Officers under the Act,
Powers and Functions.
d) The Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 – Appointment of Officers under
the Act, Authorisation of Officers under SGST and UTGST as proper officers.
e) The Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax
Act, 2015 – Tax Authorities, Powers and Functions.
Recommended Readings:
1. N.A. Palkiwala, The Law and Practice of IncomeTax, (2014), Lexis Nexis
2. T.N. Manoharan and G.R.Hari (35th Edition, 2020) Students' Handbook on Taxation
- Includes Income-Tax Law and Goods and Service Tax Law, Snow White
3. Sampath Iyengar, Law of Income Tax, Step by Step Guide to GST,
Wolters Kluwer.
4. V S Datey, GST Ready Reckoner, Taxmann 2017.
5. Dr. Vinod K Singhania, Direct Taxes Ready Reckoner-As Amended by Taxation
Laws (Amendment) Act 2019 (Taxmann Publications).
Journal Articles:
1. Kotha, Ashrita Prasad, “Place of Effective Management Test in the Income Tax
Act, 1961: Is It the Right Way Forward” 8 NUJS L. Rev. 13 (January-June 2015).
2. Andharia, Prateek, “Section 9 of the Income Tax Act, 1961: Defaced and Defiled”
25 Nat'l L. Sch. India Rev. 119 (2013).
3. Dr. S.V.Ramana Rao , “ Input Tax Credit under GST in India: An Overview”,
International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol 3 Issue 2 February.
4. Vartikasahu and Somesh Kumar Shukla, “A Revolutionary Reform for Indirect
Tax with an Analysis of the GST Constitutional 101st Amendment Act, 2016”,
International Research Journal of Commerce and Law, ISSN: 2349 – 705X, Vol
04, Issue 9, September 2017.
5. Anand Nayyar and Inderpal Singh, “A Comprehensive Analysis of Goods and
Services Tax (GST) in India”, Indian Journal of Finance, Vol 12, Issue 2, Feb
Further Reading:
1. Chaturvedi and Pithisaria, Companion to Chaturvedi &Pithisaria’s
Income Tax Law –Wealth Tax Act 1957, Eastern Book Company,
2. Girish Ahuja- (2019), Law and Procedure- Professional approaches to
Direct Taxes and International Taxation, Wolters Kluwer India Pvt
3. Vinod K Singhania & Kapil Singhania, Direct Taxes Law & Practice, (Taxmann).
4. Dr. Girish Ahuja & Dr. Ravi Gupta, Direct Taxes Law & Practice, (Wolters
5. CA.Ashok Batra, GST Ready Recknor, (Wolters Kluwer).
6. CA.Keshav Garg, GST Ready Recknor, (Bharat).
7. Jaya Vasudevan Suseela, Indirect Taxes (GST and other Indirect Taxes), (EBC
8. K.Vaitheeshwaran, Students handbook on Indirect Taxes, (Snow White).
9. Karthik Sundaram, Tax, Constitution and the Supreme Court: Analysing the
Evolution of Taxation Law in India.
10. Dr.Sanjiv Agarwal & Sanjeev Malhotra, Goods & Services Tax, Laws, Concepts
and Impact Analysis, (Bloomsbury).
Journal Articles:
1. R. Kalaivani, “Indian Constitutional Perceptive of Taxation”, IOSR Journal of
Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-
0845, Volume 22, Issue 9, Ver. 15 (September. 2017) PP 75-78
2. B. Anbuthambi and N. Chandrasekaran, “Goods And Services Tax (GST) And
Training For Its Implementation In India: A Perspective”, Ictact Journal On
Management Studies, ISSN: 2395-1664, May 2017, Volume: 03, Issue: 02.
3. Shely Rastogi , S. K. Agarwal, “Zero Rated GST on Indian SEZs: An Analysis”,
Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, Ignited Minds
Journals , E-ISSN : 2230 – 7540, Volume 15, Issue 9 , Oct 2018 , Pg. 124 – 131.
4. SANJOY ROY, “Transition to Goods and Services Tax (GST) Regime: Rationale and
Impasse”, The NEHU Journal, ISSN. 0972 - 8406, Vol XIV, No. 1, January - June
2016, pp. 51-67.
5. Hedau Amit, “A Review of Canons of Taxation: India's Perspective”, Asian Journal
of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Online ISSN: 2249-7315, (2018),
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, pp 41 - 53 .
6. Sanjay K. Radadiya, “Income Tax Act 1961 V/S Direct Tax Code 2009”, Indian
Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.II November 2012.
7. Jasmine V.M, “GST & Evolution of Tax System in India”, IRA-International Journal
of Management & Social Sciences ISSN 2455-2267; Vol.07, Issue 01 (2017) Pg. no.
8. Anand Deo, “Goods & Services Tax (GST) – Impact Analysis & Road Ahead”,
IBMRD's Journal of Management & Research, ISSN: 2277-7830, Online ISSN: 2348-
5922, Volume 6, Issue 2, September 2017, pp 17 - 28.
9. Rakesh Chandra, “GST & cooperative federation: Through the eyes of Indian
constitution”, International Journal of Advanced Research and Development, ISSN:
2455-4030, Volume 2; Issue 6; November 2017; Page No. 607-610.
10. Nikhil Pilnu, “Interpretation of taxing statute as strict construction and exemption”,
Legal Service India, ISBN No: 978-81-928510-1-3.
Cases for Guidance:
1. Indian Medical Association v. V.P. Shantha&Ors 1996 AIR 550, 1995 SCC (6) 651.
2. Mathuram Agrawal v. State of Madhya Pradesh Appeal (civil) 1990 of 1995.
3. UOI v. Azadi BachaoAndolan&Anr.(2004) 10 SCC 1.
4. A.V. Fernandez v. State of Kerala, [AIR 1957 SC 657].
5. Vodafone International Holdings BV v. Union of India, (2012) 6 SCC 613.
6. State of Travancore-Cochin v. Shanmugha Vilas Cashew Nut Factory 1953 AIR 333,
1954 SCR 53.
7. Chennai Properties and Investments Ltd. v. Commissioner of Income Tax [2015] 373
ITR 673 (SC).
8. CIT v. Smt. PelletiSridevamma 1976 105 ITR 887 AP.
9. Jagannath Hanumanbux v. ITO, (1957) 31 ITR 603 Cal.
10. Jay Bee Industries v. UOI, (CWP No.2169 of 2018 order dt. 16.11.2019).
11. Amit Cotton Industries v. Principal Commissioner of Customs (Gujarat HC).
12. Royal Care Speciality Hospital Ltd. (AAR Tamil Nadu).
13. Vinod Kumar Jain v. CIT 344 ITR 501 (P & H).
14. Chennai Properties and Investments Ltd. v. Commissioner of Income Tax [2015] 373
ITR 673 (SC).
15. Cape Brandy Syndicate v. I.R.C. (1 KB 64, 71)
Learning Outcome:
c) Rights and duties of Indian citizens- Cancellation of citizenship in case of fraudulent
acquisition or violation of national security
d) Overseas citizenship of India and its benefits- Simplification of the process of citizenship
application and verification
e) Establishment and functioning of authorities for citizenship-related matters- Amendment
process of the Citizenship Act
Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003
a) Establishment and functions of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)- Composition and
appointment process of the members of the CVC- Powers and duties of the CVC to
investigate and prevent corruption in public sector organizations
b) Jurisdiction of the CVC to inquire into allegations of corruption against public officials-
Complaints and grievances redressal mechanism for corruption-related issues- Prevention of
victimization of whistle-blowers and witnesses
c) Coordination between the CVC and other investigative agencies- Powers of the CVC to issue
directions for improving the efficiency of public sector organizations
d) Establishment of vigilance units in public sector organizations and their functions- Penalties
and disciplinary actions for corruption-related offenses
e) Role of the CVC in creating awareness and promoting ethical conduct in public sector
organizations- Monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the CVC and the
effectiveness of its actions- Amendments to the CVC Act and its implications
The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
a) Definition of corruption and related offenses-Types of corrupt practices, such as bribery,
extortion, embezzlement, and abuse of power-Liability of individuals and organizations for
corrupt practices
b) Powers and functions of anti-corruption agencies and their jurisdiction-Provisions for
prevention, investigation, and prosecution of corruption offenses- Special provisions for
public servants and their accountability for corruption offences
c) Protection for whistle-blowers and witnesses from victimization- Seizure and confiscation of
assets acquired through corrupt means- Penalties and punishment for corruption offenses
d) Mechanisms for asset declaration and transparency in public service- Collaboration with
international organizations for prevention and combating of corruption
e) Review and evaluation of the implementation of the Act and its effectiveness- Amendments
to the Act and its implications.
The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985
a) Definition of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and their classification- Prohibition
of production, manufacture, cultivation, sale, purchase, transportation, possession, and
consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
b) Conditions for possession and use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for medical
and scientific purposes- Establishment and functions of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB)
c) Powers and duties of law enforcement agencies to prevent and investigate drug-related
offenses- Confiscation and forfeiture of assets acquired through drug trafficking and other
illegal activities- Provision for special courts for the speedy trial of drug-related cases
d) Treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts and related programs- Punishment and penalties
for drug-related offenses- International cooperation and coordination for combating drug
e) Awareness and education programs for prevention of drug abuse- Review and evaluation of
the implementation of the Act and its effectiveness- Amendments to the Act and their
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
a) Definition of food and adulteration- Types of adulteration, such as addition of harmful
substances, substitution of ingredients, and use of substandard materials- Prohibition of
manufacture, storage, sale, and distribution of adulterated food
b) Establishment and functions of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)-
Powers and duties of food inspectors to prevent and investigate food adulteration cases-
Sampling, analysis, and testing procedures for food samples
c) Standards and labeling requirements for food products- Prevention of misleading
advertisements and claims regarding food products
d) Penalties and punishment for food adulteration offenses- Mechanisms for consumer
complaints and grievances redressal
e) Food safety awareness and education programs-Amendments to the Act and their
implications- Review and evaluation of the implementation of the Act and its effectiveness.
The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
a) Definition of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and their social, educational, and
economic status- Types of atrocities and offenses committed against Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes, such as rape, murder, humiliation, and discrimination
b) Prohibition of specific offenses and acts of violence against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes- Special measures for protection and relief to victims and witnesses- Role and
functions of special courts and special public prosecutors for the speedy trial of cases
c) Establishment and functions of the National and State Commissions for Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes- Rights of victims and complainants under the Act
d) Compensation and rehabilitation for victims and their dependents- Prevention and monitoring
mechanisms for atrocities against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
e) Awareness and sensitization programs for police, judicial officers, and public officials-
Review and evaluation of the implementation of the Act and its effectiveness- Amendments
to the Act and their implications.
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015.
a) Overview of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015- Background
and objectives of the Act- Key provisions- Rationale behind its enactment.
b) Juvenile Justice System and Juvenile Boards- Structure of the juvenile justice system in
India-Role of juvenile boards -child welfare committees, and other relevant authorities.
c) Protection and Care of Children in Need of Care and Protection- care and protection of
children in need, including abandoned and orphaned children, children in conflict with the
law- victims of abuse and exploitation.
d) Juvenile Justice Process and Procedures- investigation, inquiry, and trial of juvenile
offenders- Rights of juveniles and the safeguards in place to protect.
e) Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Juvenile Offenders- types of rehabilitation programs
available- the role of various stakeholder- challenges involved in successful reintegration.
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8. Rose-Ackerman, S. (1999). Corruption and government: Causes, consequences, and reform.
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12. Ramachandran, P., & Palanivel, C. (2016). A study on the status of compliance of the
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International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 3(1), 155-159.
13. Selvam, S., & Vijayakumar, M. (2012). Prevention of Atrocities against Scheduled Castes
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14. Zodge, V. D., & Kumbhar, A. G. (2016). Empowering Dalits through the Scheduled Castes
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2. Kunal, K. C. (2017). Understanding Intellectual Property Law. Lexis Nexis.
3. Hussain, M. (2015). The Jurisprudence of Emergency: Colonialism and the Rule of Law.
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4. Singh, S. (2018). Indian Citizenship: The Historical Development. Routledge.
5. Nigam, S. (2016). Central Vigilance Commission and Corruption Control in India. Kalpaz
6. Pathak, S. (2019). The Central Vigilance Commission: Law and Practice. Eastern Book
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1. Reddy, P. (2012). The Indian Emblem Controversy: A Case of Overzealous Protection?
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3. Jha, A. (2019). Citizenship, Nationality and Identity: The Case of India. Nationalism and
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3. State of Kerala v. Ashwini Kumar, (2015) 9 SCC 129.
4. Indian Performing Rights Society Ltd. v. Eastern Indian Motion Pictures Association, (2019)
SCC OnLine Cal 4709.
5. Abdul Rehman Antulay v. R.S. Nayak, (1992) 1 SCC 225.
6. Anwar Ali Sarkar v. State of West Bengal, (1952) SCR 284.
7. Election Commission of India v. Ashok Kumar Jain, (1995) 4 SCC 152.
8. Union of India v. Sukumar Pyne, (2011) 5 SCC 379.
9. Vineet Narain v. Union of India, (1998) 1 SCC 226.
10. CBI v. Anupam J. Kulkarni, (1992) 3 SCC 141.
11. Satish Sharma v. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., (2008) 8 SCC 488.
12. Ram Krishna Dalmia v. Justice Tendolkar, AIR 1958 SC 538.
13. State of Maharashtra v. Ravikiran Shetty, (2010) 9 SCC 1.
14. K. Veeraswami v. Union of India, (1991) 3 SCC 655.
15. Vineet Narain v. Union of India, (1998) 1 SCC 226.
16. Anil Kumar v. State of Bihar, (2017) 7 SCC 750.
17. Mohd. Maqbool Damnoo v. State of J&K, (2012) 10 SCC 741.
18. Pardeep Kumar v. State of Rajasthan, (2016) 8 SCC 281.
19. Shiv Kumar v. Narcotics Control Bureau, (2008) 10 SCC 517.
20. State of Punjab v. Baldev Singh, (2011) 13 SCC 656.
21. Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. Laxmi Narain Tandon, AIR 1976 SC 1947.
22. V.K. Chawla v. State (Delhi Administration), AIR 1985 SC 582.
23. Hindustan Unilever Ltd. v. State of Madhya Pradesh, (2004) 9 SCC 438.
24. M/s National Egg Co-ordination Committee v. Union of India, (2014) 10 SCC 772.
25. Dr. Subhash Kashinath Mahajan v. The State of Maharashtra, (2018) 6 SCC 454.
26. Union of India v. Subhash Chandra Bose, AIR 1992 SC 605.
27. State of M.P. v. Ram Krishna Balothia, AIR 1995 SC 1926.
28. E. Kalaivani v. Inspector of Police, (2013) 10 SCC 383.
29. Jitendra Singh v. Union of India and others, (2019) 13 SCC 80.
30. Subhash Popatlal Dave v. Union of India and others, (2018) 2 SCC 497.
Learning Outcomes
1. Understanding the legal framework and provisions of criminal minor acts in India
2. Identifying and analysing different types of minor offenses and their penalties
3. Evaluating the role and functions of law enforcement agencies, courts, and other stakeholders
in the administration of criminal justice for minor offenses
4. Developing knowledge and skills to prevent, investigate, and prosecute minor offenses
5. Enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities to address issues related to minor
offenses and their impact on society.
(Clinical Course -III)
Objective of the Course:
Drafting means a composition or writing of a document in common parlance. In a legal
profession drafting is an art which means a legal drafting includes various form of legal
composition. In a lawyering drafting of legal notice shall be an inevitable. In every
lawyering preparation of legal notice shall be at a first level. In order to plead before the
court drafting of pleading includes criminal, civil and other kind of pleadings it is to be
prepared in accordance with provisions of law. Usually pleadings are statements drawn by
parties either the party who sued or the opponent sometimes third party (Third Party
Affidavit). The pleading shall be specific and must not be conflict with governed procedure
allowed in the court. The purpose of pleadings rule shall be access to justice and to prevent
multiplicity of proceedings. Conveyancing is the process in which parties are transferring
their legal title or legal entitlement of a property. Conveyancing a document is governing
under a prescribed form derived in a law of conveyancing like sale deed, gift deed and
other form of documents. This course must be substantially considerable of a lawyering and
Module I: Introduction
a. Drafting – the meaning, scope and significance
b. Legal drafting – Legal notice, Sec.138 N.I Act notice, Suit Notice, Matrimonial issues
Notice, M.V. Act cases Notice, Reply Notice –
c. Complaint – depth knowledge in legal language and legal writing – use appropriate legal
terminology – purpose of notice – time prescribed in notice – appropriate remedyrequired
Module – II: Pleadings – Civil Pleadings – Substantive provisions (theoretical approach) and
Forms (practical exercise)
a. Meaning, Scope and significance – civil pleadings
b. Trial court pleadings: Plaint, Written Statement, L R Petition, Counter petition, Affidavit,
Execution Petition, Interlocutory Application, Sub-Application,
c. Appellate court pleadings: Civil Appeal, First Appeal, Second Appeal, Civil Revision
Petition, Appointment of Advocate Commissioner, Restoration Petition, Adjournment Petition
Module – III: Pleadings – Criminal Pleadings – Substantive provisions (theoretical approach) and
Forms (practical exercise)
a. Meaning, scope and significance – criminal pleadings
b. Prosecution Pleading – Police custody petition, Petition for withdrawal from prosecution,
Criminal Appeal from prosecution, Counter Affidavit filed by prosecution –
c. Defense Pleading – Bail Petition, Anticipatory Bail, Discharge Petition, Criminal Appeal
from conviction – other petitions – Quash Petition
d. Third party pleading - Return of Property petition, intervener petition, transfer of
criminal cases, Direction petition,
Module – IV: Pleadings – Appellate Side, Original Side Pleadings and High court and Supreme
Court pleadings (theoretical approach and practical exercise)
a. Civil Miscellaneous Appeal,
b. Civil Miscellaneous Petition,
c. Writ Petitions and Habeus CorpusPetition, Writ Appeal
d. Civil Suit, Original Petition,
e. Company Petition,
f. Criminal Original petition,
g. Public InterestLitigation
Module – V: Pleadings – Other Pleadings – Substantive provisions (theoretical approach) and
Forms (practical exercise)
a. Private complaint,
b. Matrimonial cases petition,
c. Motor Accident Claimant Original Petition,
d. Rent Control Original Petition,
e. Labour Issues Petition
Module VI: Conveyancing – General principles
a. Meaning, scope and significance, elements and components of deed, Registration –
Compulsory registration, optional registration and not necessary to register –
b. Stamp Act – types of stamps – judicial stamp and non-judicial stamp, impressed stamp
and adhesive stamp – rights of property - transferable and non-transferable properties
Module – VII: Conveyancing – Substantive provisions (theoretical approach) and Deeds
(practical exercise)
a. Sale Deed – Agreement for sale and Agreement of sale,
b. Gift Deed and Power of Attorney – within family members and others,
c. Mortgage Deed – Classification of Mortgage, registration of Mortgage and its stamp duty
d. Lease and Licence –
e. Testamentary deeds: Will – Partition Deed – Settlement Deed,
f. Hire purchase Agreement,
g. Cancellation Deed,
h. Release Deed and other deeds
Module – VIII: Chamber visit – Chamber visit report (practical exercise)
a. Introduction-Purpose of the chamber visit
b. Observation of Law Chamber
c. Maintenance of Law Chamber
d. Structure of The Law Chamber
e. Function of Law Chamber Staff and Juniors
f. Maintenance of client details and cases
g. Observation of client discussion and legal opinion
Apart from explaining the relevant substantive provisions of law in a theoretical method / lecture
method of teaching, this is a practical and clinical course so class room exercise may include 15
practical exercise in pleadings and 10 practical exercise in conveyancing and each exercise may
carry 2 marks, hence total 50 to be awarded in a practical approach of every student. Chamber visit -
30 marks, viva-voce -10 marks, 5 marks for mid – semester and 5 marks shall be for attendance.
Hence total marks shall be 100. This course is a clinical paper hence it is an internal assessment of a
Recommended Readings:
1. Murali Manohar, Conveyancing and Pleading, 2nd Edn -2004, EBC,Lucknow.
2. KS Gopalakrishnans Pleadings and Practice, ALT Publications, Hyderabad,2004.
3. MC Agarwal & GC Mogha, Mogha’s Pleading, 17th Edn - 2006, EBC,Lucknow.
4. GF Harwood, Odgers on Pleadings and Practice, 20th Edn- 1971, Universal Law
Publishing Co. PvtLtd.,Delhi.
5. Justice Thakker, Code of Civil Procedure, 5th Edn - 2007, EBC,Lucknow
E – Source
www.tnregin.in( Guideline value, Encumbrance and other e services)
Cases for Guidance:
1. Lakshmi Narayan DeoVasti Temple v. Narayan F. Marathy (1995) 2 Bom CR610
2. PrabodhVerma v. State of UP (1984) 4 SCC251
3. Someswer v. Tribhuban AIR 1934 PC130
4. NarinderNath v. Jaswant Singh AIR 1994 P&H 111
5. Syed Muhammed v. Fattah Muhammed ILR 22 Cal. 324(PC)
6. Viswanath v. Ram Narayan AIR 1940 All405
7. TikaKhawas v. Pasupathi AIR 1986 Sikk.6
8. Motilal v. Yudhistir AIR 1950 PC73
9. Brijlal v. Parvathy AIR 1982 Del.114
10. Firm Gopal & Co. Ltd v. Firm Hazarilal AIR 1963 MP37
11. Keshab Rao v. Chandrabhan AIR 1980 Bom380
12. OnkarNath v. Vedvyas 1978 Ren.CR 408 (HP)
13. IyakkuMatho v. Julius Elias Metropolitan AIR 1962 Ker19
14. Rooplal v. Nachhittar AIR 1982 SC1559
15. A K Gupta v. DVC AIR 1967 SC961
16. G. Nagamma v. Siromanamma (1996) 2 SCC25
17. Phula Devi v. MangtuMaharaj AIR 1969 Pat 284
18. Jagjiban Das v. Gunan Bhai AIR 1967 Guj1
19. N.Naidu v. K.Naidu AIR 1969 Mad329
20. N.Naidu v. K.Naidu AIR 1969 Mad329
21. Jogeshwar v. Sheopujan AIR 1986 Pat35
22. State of Maharatsra v. Glaxo 1979 Bom CR321
23. Raghunath Das v. Union of India AIR 1969 SC674
24. State of MP v. Lajjaram AIR 1961 MP 339
Learning Outcomes
It is a practical and clinical course hence the student community has to learn not only
from the text but also practical approach must be required. Experienced and learned
advocates are used to take part in teaching this course. After successful completion of
this course, the students shall be equipped to start / establish a law firm and will co-
ordinate registration work. Here the document writer or an advocate who is empowered
to draft deeds. The deed shall have certain legal conditions and other formalities these
are governed by law of contracts, property law, land laws, registration act, stamp act and
other legal provision of law. In digital India, the form of conveyancing has been
digitalized and the registration department has uploaded all type of deeds in their portal
to make easy access of conveyancing to every citizen. The law students shall have depth
knowledge in this subject matter and to understand the nature of drafting in pleadings
and conveyancing. After successful completion of law degree students will take practice
before the court drafting of pleading is most necessary.
(Annexure -1)