Renewable Energy Systems
Renewable Energy Systems
Renewable Energy Systems
Preamble: This course helps the students to understand environmental issues with
conventional fuels, the new methodologies/technologies for the effective utilization of
renewable energy sources. They will be conversant with the characteristics of solar PV and
wind power sources. Also, they will have an in-depth understanding of electronic conversion
systems application to renewable energy generation systems and the synchronization with
smart grid systems. The courses equip the students to pursue further specialized areas of study
such as renewable energy and green consumer electronics, industrial control systems and smart
grid, and renewable energy system which are essentially based on this course.
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Outcomes - After the completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1 Understand the need, importance and scope of various Non-Conventional sources of
CO2 Outline the concepts and technologies related to renewable energy systems using
wind and Solar-PV
Understand the integration of smart grid with renewable energy systems
Explain the concept of distribution management system.
Describe the fundamentals of Smart metering
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 2 1
CO2 2
CO3 2 1
CO4 2
CO5 3
Assessment Pattern
Total ESE
Marks Duration
150 50 100 3 hours
Attendance 10 marks
Regular class work/tutorials/assignments 15 marks
Continuous Assessment Test (Minimum 2 numbers) 25 marks
End semester pattern:-There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contain
10questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question.Students
should answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module ofwhich student
should answer any one. Each question can have maximum 2 subdivisionsand carry 14 marks.
Course Outcome 1
1. Describe the energy scenario in India. What are the various non-conventional energy
resources relevant to India?
2. Explain how current scenario of world energy consumption leads to the exploitation
of renewable energy sources.
Course Outcome 2
Course Outcome 3
1. Describe the sources and potentialsof wind energy power system in India?
2. Give the classification of wind turbines and explainit with neat sketches?
Course Outcome 4
Course Outcome 5
Module II
Solar Energy: Introduction to photovoltaic (PV) systems - Principle of PV conversion;
Commercial solar cell, Thin film PV device fabrication - LPCVD, APCVD, PECVD;
Tandem Solar cell fabrication; Solar power extraction using PV-Cells, I-V Characteristics,
PV-Inverters without D.C. to D.C. converters, stand alone and grid collected PV systems,
Grid interfacing-with isolation, without isolation, Maximum power point tracking-
Methods(MPPT), PV-Inverters with D.C. to D.C. converters-on low frequency side and high
frequency side with isolation, without isolation.
Module III
Wind Energy: Sources and potentials, Evaluation of Wind Intensity, Topography, General
Classification of Wind Turbines-Rotor Turbines, Multiple-Blade Turbines, Drag Turbines,
Lifting Turbines, System Toroidal Rotor Amplifier Platform (TARP)–Wind amplified rotor
platform (WARP), Generators and speed control used in wind power energy: Fixed speed
with capacitor bank, Rotor resistance control, SCIG and DFIG, Synchronous Generator-
external magnetized, Synchronous Generator-permanent magnets.
Module IV
Electronic conversion systems application to renewable energy generation systems: Basic
schemes and functional advantages, Power control and management systems for grid
integration, island detection systems, synchronizing with the grid; Issues in integration of
converter based sources; Network voltage management; Power quality management and
Frequency management; Influence of PV/WECS on system transient response
Module V
Introduction to grid connectivity of RE systems, smart grid and emerging technologies,
operating principles and models of smart gird components, key technologies for generation,
networks, loads and their control capabilities; Evolution of electricity metering, key
components of smart metering, overview of the hardware used for smart meters, smart
metering protocols. Structure and main components of a distribution management system,
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), distribution system modelling, new
trends for smart grids, topology analysis, power flow analysis.
Suggested Readings:
SI No. of
No. lectures
1 Module 1:Introduction to Renewable Energy (RE) Sources 7
World energy scenario, Over view of conventional energy sources,
1.1 1
their limitation
1.2 Over view of conventional energy sources, their limitation, 1
need of renewable energy, need, potential & development of renewable
1.3 1
energy sources, Renewable Energy in India
1.4 An overview of types of renewable energy systems 1
5.8 New trends for smart grids, topology analysis, power flow analysis. 1
1. Explain the present status of various modes of renewable power generations in India?
2. List the merits and de-merits of non-conventional energy resources
3. Explain the principle and working of photo voltaic system.
4. Explain any one method for maximum power point tracking for solar energy system.
5. Draw the basic block diagram of a wind energy conversion system.
6. Explain the principle of DFIG?
7. Discuss the main issues involved with power qualities?
8. Discuss the issues in connecting renewable energy systems to the grid?
9. Describe the future of smart grid.
10. Discuss the distribution management system in power system.
11. a) Explain with a neat sketch, the working of hydropower plant system.
(7 marks)
b) List out various types of Biomass resources and the applications of biofuels?
(7 marks)
13. a) Draw and explain the VI characteristics of a solar cell. How does temperature
affect the performance of solar cell?
(7 marks)
b) Explain stand-alone and grid connectedsolar PV systems? Explain each type with
the help of block diagram and bring out their relative merits.
(7 marks)
14. a) Explain single crystal silicon and tandem solar cell with neat sketches.
(7 marks)
b) Explain the PV invertors with DC – DC converters on high frequency side with
(7 marks)
15. a) Explain the stand alone operation of a fixed speed wind energy conversion system
with a neat diagram.
(7 marks)
b) Classify the WECS based on the rotational speed of turbines
(7 marks)
17. a) Explain the key issue in generation, integration and control of off shore wind
energy conversion systems.
(7 marks)
b) What are the problems that occur whileintegrating renewable energy source in DC
– DC converter?
(7 marks)
18. a) Give the classification of island detection systems. With a neat diagram explain
intelligent islanding detection techniques.
(7 marks)
b) Explain the transient stability analysis of PV system with shading effects.
(7 marks)