The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration HTM-5
The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration HTM-5
The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration HTM-5
of Hydraulic Filtration
The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration is intended to
familiarize the user with all aspects of hydraulic and
lubrication filtration from the basics to advanced
Table of Contents
Section Page
Contamination Basics 4
Fluid Analysis 29
Appendix 30
Contamination Basics Basics C
Contamination Causes Functions of Hydraulic Fluid
Most Hydraulic Failures
Contamination interferes with the four functions of hydraulic fluids:
The experience of designers and • To act as an energy transmission medium.
users of hydraulic and lube oil • To lubricate internal moving parts of components.
systems has verified the following • To act as a heat transfer medium.
fact: over 75% of all system failures • To seal clearances between moving parts.
are a direct result of contamination!
If any one of these functions are impaired, the hydraulic system will not
The cost due to contamination is perform as designed. The resulting downtime can easily cost a large
staggering, resulting from: manufacturing plant thousands of dollars per hour. Hydraulic fluid
• Loss of production maintenance helps prevent or reduce unplanned downtime. This is
(downtime) accomplished through a continuous improvement program that minimizes
• Component replacement and removes contaminants.
• Frequent fluid replacement Contaminant Damage
• Costly disposal • Orifice blockage
• Increased overall • Component wear
maintenance costs • Formation of rust or other oxidation
• Increased scrap rate • Chemical compound formation
• Depletion of additives
• Biological growth
Contamination Basics Basics
Micrometer Scale
Particle sizes are generally measured
on the micrometer scale. One
micrometer (or “micron”) is
one-millionth of one meter, or 39
millionths of an inch. The limit of
human visibility is approximately
40 micrometers. Keep in mind that
most damage-causing particles in
hydraulic or lubrication systems
are smaller than 40 micrometers.
Therefore, they are microscopic and
cannot be seen by the unaided eye.
Bacteria 2 .0001
Contamination Types andTypes
Sources and
Types of Contamination
1 Particulate
Chips (5µm+)
2 Water
(Free & Dissolved)
3 Air
Silt (0-5µm)
Particulate Contamination
Particulate contamination is generally classified as “silt” or “chips.” Silt can be
• Use spin-on or desiccant
defined as the accumulation of particles less than 5µm over time. This type of style filters for reservoir air
contamination also causes system component failure over time. Chips on the breathers.
other hand, are particles 5µm+ and can cause immediate catastrophic failure. • Flush all systems before
Both silt and chips can be further classified as: initial start-up.
• Specify rod wipers and
Hard Particles Sources replace worn actuator seals.
• Silica • Built-in during • Cap off hoses and manifolds
• Carbon manufacturing and assembly during handling and
• Metal processes. maintenance.
Soft Particles • Added with new fluid. • Filter all new fluid before it
• Ingested from outside the enters the reservoir.
• Rubber
system during operation.
• Fibers
• Internally generated during
• Micro organisms
filtration fact
System Contamination
Warning Signals filtration fact
• Solenoid burn-out.
• Valve spool decentering, leak-
age, “chattering”.
• Pump failure, loss of flow, New fluid is not necessarily clean
frequent replacement. fluid. Typically, new fluid right out
• Cylinder leakage, scoring. of the drum is not fit for use in Jammed piston caused by excessive
• Increased servo hysteresis. hydraulic or lubrication systems. particulate contamination in a
piston pump.
d Sources
Contamination Types and Sources
These contaminants include dust, welding slag, rubber particles from hoses
and seals, sand from castings, and metal debris from machined components.
Also, when fluid is initially added to the system, contamination is introduced.
Contamination Types andTypes
Sources and
2 Water Contamination
There is more to proper fluid maintenance than just removing particulate
• Reservoir opening leakage
matter. Water is virtually a universal contaminant, and just like solid particle • Condensation
contaminants, must be removed from operating fluids. Water can be either • Heat exchanger leakage
in a dissolved state or in a “free”state. Free, or emulsified, water is defined as
the water above the saturation point of a specific fluid. At this point, the fluid
cannot dissolve or hold any more water. Free water is generally noticeable
as a “milky” discoloration of the fluid.
filtration fact
Typical Saturation Points
Hydraulic fluids have the ability to Fluid Type PPM %
‘hold’ more water as temperature Hydraulic Fluid 300 0.03
increases. A cloudy fluid may Lubrication Fluid 400 0.04
become clearer as a system heats up.
Transformer Fluid 50 0.005
d Sources
Contamination Types and Sources
0.0025 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.50
% Water in Oil
Effects of water in oil on bearing life (based on 100% life at 0.041% water in oil).
Reference: “Machine Design” July 86, “How dirt and Water Effect Bearing Life” by Timken Bearing Co.
Contamination Types andTypes
Sources and
2 Water Contamination (cont.)
• Corrosion of metal surfaces
Excessive water can usually be removed from a system. The same
• Accelerated abrasive wear preventative measures taken to minimize particulate contamination
• Bearing fatigue ingression in a system can be applied to water contamination. However,
• Fluid additive breakdown once excessive water is detected, it can usually be eliminated by one of the
• Viscosity variance following methods:
• Increase in electrical Absorption Centrifugation
conductivity This is accomplished by filter Separates water from oil by a
elements that are designed spinning motion. This method is
specifically to take out free water. also only effective with free water,
They usually consist of a laminate- but for larger volumes.
type material that transforms free
water into a gel that is trapped Vacuum Dehydration
within the element. Separates water from oil through a
vacuum and drying process. This
These elements fit into standard method is also for larger volumes of
filter housings and are generally water, but is effective with both the
used when small volumes of water free and dissolved states.
are involved.
filtration fact
d Sources
Contamination Types and Sources
3 Air Contamination
Air in a liquid system can exist in either a dissolved or entrained
• System leaks
(undissolved, or free) state. Dissolved air may not pose a problem, • Pump aeration
providing it stays in solution. When a liquid contains undissolved air, • Reservoir fluid turbulence
problems can occur as it passes through system components. There can
be pressure changes that compress the air and produce a large amount of
heat in small air bubbles. This heat can destroy additives, and the base fluid Prevention
itself. • System air bleeds
• Flooded suction pump
If the amount of dissolved air becomes high enough, it will have a • Proper reservoir design
negative effect on the amount of work performed by the system. The • Return line diffusers
work performed in a hydraulic system relies on the fluid being relatively
incompressible, but air reduces the bulk modules of the fluid. This is due
to the fact that air is up to 20,000 times more compressible than a liquid in
which it is dissolved. When air is present, a pump ends up doing more work
to compress the air, and less useful work on the system. In this situation, the
system is said to be ‘spongy’.
• Loss of transmitted power
• Reduced pump output
• Loss of lubrication
• Increased operating temperature
• Reservoir fluid foaming
• Chemical reactions
• Pump Cavitation
filtration fact
Cleanliness Standards Standar
An ISO classification of 19/16/13 can be defined as
Particle Counting Number
Micron(c) Actual Particle Count Range (per ml)
In order to detect or correct
19 4+ 2,500-5,000
problems, a contamination
reference scale is used. Particle 16 6+ 320-640
counting is the most common 13 14+ 40-80
method to derive cleanliness level
standards. Very sensitive optical
ISO Code 19/16/13
instruments are used to count the
number of particles in various size Particles > Particles > Particles >
ranges. These counts are reported 4 microns (c) 6 microns (c) 14 microns (c)
as the number of particles greater
than a certain size found in a
specified volume of fluid. ISO 4406 Chart
Number of particles per ml
The ISO 4406:1999 (International Range Number
Standards Organization) cleanliness More than Up to and including
level standard has gained wide 24 80,000 160,000
acceptance in most industries 23 40,000 80,000
today. This standard references 22 20,000 40,000
the number of particles ≥ 4, 6,
21 10,000 20,000
and 14 micrometers in a known
20 5,000 10,000
volume, usually 1 milliliter or 100
milliliters. The number of 4+ and 19 2,500 5,000
6+ micrometer particles is used as 18 1,300 2,500
a reference point for “silt” particles. 17 640 1,300
The 14+ size range indicates the
16 320 640
quantity of larger particles present
15 160 320
which contribute greatly to possible
catastrophic component failure. 14 80 160
13 40 80
12 20 40
11 10 20
10 5 10
9 2.50 5
8 1.30 2.5
7 0.64 1.3
6 0.32 0.64
filtration fact
rdsFluid Cleanliness Standards
Component Cleanliness Level Requirements
Many manufacturers of hydraulic and In the table below, a few components is needed in order to select the proper
load bearing equipment specify the and their recommended cleanliness level of filtration. It may also prove
optimum cleanliness level required levels are shown. It is always useful for any subsequent warranty
for their components. Subjecting best to consult with component claims, as it may draw the line
components to fluid with higher manufacturers and obtain their between normal use and excessive or
contamination levels may result in written fluid cleanliness level abusive operation.
much shorter component life. recommendations. This information
(1) Size Range, Microscope particle counts, based on longest dimension as measured per AS598 or ISO 4407.
(2) Size Range, APC Calibrated Per ISO 11171 or an Optical or Electron Microscope with image analysis software, based on projected area equivalent diameter.
(3) Contamination classes and particle count limits are identical to NAS 1638.
FilterMedia Types
Media Types and Ratings and Ra
The filter media is the 74μm
Flow Direction
part of the element
which removes the
Media usually starts out in sheet
form, and is then pleated to expose
more surface area to the fluid flow.
This reduces pressure differential
while increasing dirt holding
capacity. In some cases, the filter
Surface Media
media may have multiple layers
and mesh backing to achieve Surface Media
certain performance criteria. For surface type filter media, the
After being pleated and cut to the Depth Media
fluid stream basically has a straight
proper length, the two ends are through flow path. Contaminant
fastened together using a special is captured on the surface of the Depth Media
clip, adhesive, or other seaming element which faces the fluid flow. For depth type filter media, fluid
mechanism. The most common Surface type elements are generally must take indirect paths through
media include wire mesh, cellulose, made from woven wire. the material which makes up
fiberglass composites, or other the filter media. Particles are
synthetic materials. Filter media is The process used in manufacturing trapped in the maze of openings
generally classified as either surface wire cloth can be accurately throughout the media. Because of
or depth. controlled insuring that the surface its construction, a depth type filter
type media has a consistent pore media has many pores of various
size. This consistent pore size is sizes. Depending on the distribution
the diameter of the largest hard of pore sizes, this media can have a
spherical particle that will pass very high captive rate at very small
through the media under specified particle sizes.
test conditions. However, the build-
up of contaminant on the element The nature of filtration media and
surface will allow the media to the contaminant loading process
capture particles smaller than the in a filter element explains why
pore size rating. Likewise, particles some elements last much longer
that have a smaller diameter, but than others. In general, filter media
may be longer in length (such as a contain millions of tiny pores
fiber strand), may pass downstream formed by the media fibers. The
filtration fact of a surface media. pores have a range of different sizes
and are interconnected throughout
the layer of the media to form a
tortuous path for fluid flow.
Surface media can be cleaned
and re-used. An ultrasonic
cleaner is usually the best method.
Depth media typically cannot be
cleaned and it is not re-usable.
Filter Media Types and Ratings
Types of Depth Media
The two basic depth media types
that are used for filter elements are
cellulose and fiberglass.
filtration fact
filtration fact
Most machine and hydraulic
component manufacturers specify
a target ISO cleanliness level to
Color is not a good indicator of a equipment in order to achieve
fluid’s cleanliness level. optimal performance standards.
FilterMedia Types
Media Types and Ratings and Ra
The Multipass Test
The filtration industry uses the ISO levels upstream and downstream of Multipass Test
16889 “Multipass Test Procedure” the test element. This performance Contaminant
to evaluate filter element attribute (The Beta Ratio) is Downstream
performance. This procedure is determined for several particle Flow Meter
and monitored conditions. The 2.Pressure differential of the test Variable Speed Pump
differential pressure across the filter element.
test element is continuously 3. Separation or filtration efficiency,
recorded, as a constant amount of expressed as a “Beta Ratio”.
contaminant is injected upstream of
the element. On-line laser particle * ANSI - American National Standards Institue
sensors determine the contaminant ** NFPA - National Fluid Power Association
Beta Ratio
The Beta Ratio (also known as This efficiency, expressed as a
the filtration ratio) is a measure # of particles percent, can be found by a simple
of the particle capture efficiency upstream equation:
of a filter element. It is therefore a Bx =
# of particles
performance rating. downstream 1
Efficiencyx = (1- ) 100
As an example of how a Beta Ratio “x” is at a specific
is derived from a Multipass Test. particle size 1 ) 100
Efficiencyx = (1-
Assume that 50,000 particles, 10 50,000 5
micrometers and larger, were B10 = =5
10,000 = 80%
counted upstream (before) of the
test filter and 10,000 particles at
that same size range were counted The example would read “Beta ten In the example above, the particular
downstream (after) of the test equal to five.” Now, a Beta Ratio filter tested was 80% efficient at
filter. The corresponding Beta number alone means very little. It removing 10 micrometer and larger
Ratio would equal 5, as seen in the is a preliminary step to find a filter’s particles. For every 5 particles
following example: particle capture efficiency. introduced to the filter at this size
range, 4 were trapped in the filter
filtration fact
Filter Media Types and Ratings
The Beta Ratio/ Efficiencies table shows some common Beta Ratio numbers and their corresponding efficiencies.
filtration fact
FilterMedia Selection
Media Selection
A number of interrelated system One of the more important points of Selection software can be an
factors combine to determine the charts is to emphasize element extremely useful tool in the
proper media and filter efficiency. Note that as less efficient selection and specification of the
combinations. To accurately elements are utilized, more passes proper filtration product. With
determine which combination are required to obtain the same ISO computer aided selection, the user
is ideal for your system all these cleanliness level as a more efficient can quickly determine the pressure
factors need to be accounted for. element. loss across a given element, and/
With the development of filtration or housing combination, within
sizing software, this information Secondly, the charts indicate the specific operating parameters. The
can be used to compute the optimal effect of system pressure on the tedious process of plotting viscosity
selection. However, in many required ISO code. As system at various points and calculating
instances the information available pressure increases, the oil film a pressure drop is eliminated.
may be limited. In these cases “rules thickness between component Additionally, selection software can
of thumb”, based on empirical data parts decreases. This reduction predict system performance and
and proven examples, are applied in clearance allows smaller element life – ideal for predictive
to try and identify an initial starting micron particles to have harmful maintenance programs.
point. effects. The charts attempt to
provide flexibility by providing
The charts on the following pages several possible solutions for each
are designed for just those component/system pressure
instances. Be aware that rules of combination.
thumb utilize “standard” values
when looking at components,
ingressions, and other system
parameters. Your specific system
may or may not fit into this
“standard” classification.
Filter Media Selection
Lubricating Systems
Component Suggested Media Efficiency Number of Filter Minimum Filter
Type Cleanliness Code BetaX>200 Placements Placements
2 1.5 P or R, & O
Ball Bearings 16/13/11
2 1 P or R
5 2 P&R
Roller Bearings 17/14/12
2 0.5 O
Journal Bearings 5 1.5 P or R ,& O
Gear Boxes 10 2.5 P, R & O
Hydraulic Systems
Component System Suggested Media Efficiency Number of Filter Minimum Filter
Type Pressure Cleanliness Code BetaX>200 Placements Placements
2 1 P
<1000 17/14/12
5 2 P&R
Servo Valves
1000-3000 16/13/11 2 1.5 P&O
>3000 16/12/10 2 2 P&R
2 1 P
<1000 18/15/13 5 1.5 P&O
10 2.5 P, R & O
2 1 P
Valves 1000-3000 18/14/12
5 2 P&R
2 1.5 P&O
>3000 17/14/11
5 2.5 P, R & O
5 1 P or O
<1000 19/16/14
10 2 P&R
2 0.5 O
Variable Volume
1000-3000 18/16/14 5 1.5 P or R, & O
10 2.5 P, R & O
2 1 P or R
>3000 18/15/13
5 2 P&R
5 0.5 O
<1000 20/17/15
Vane Pumps 10 1.5 P or R, & O
Fixed Piston 5 1 P or R
1000-3000 19/17/14
Pumps 10 1.5 P or R, & O
Cartridge Valves 5 1.5 P or R, & O
>3000 19/16/13
10 2.5 P, R & O
10 1 P or R
<1000 21/18/16
Gear Pumps 20 2.5 P, R & O
Flow Controls 1000-3000 20/17/15 10 1.5 P or R, & O
Cylinders 5 0.5 O
>3000 20/17/14
10 1.5 P or R, & O
P=F ull flow pressure filter (equals one filtration placement);
R=F ull flow return filter (equals one filtration placement);
O=O ff-line (flow rate 10% of reservoir volume equals .5 of a filtration placement)
umber of filtration placements in system, more placements are the option of the specifier.
Element Life Life
Contaminant Loading
Contaminant loading in a filter pores significantly reduces the media element quicker than the
element is simply the process of number of available pores for flow identical fiberglass media
blocking the pores throughout through the element. element.
the element. As the filter element At this point the differential
becomes blocked with contaminant pressure across the element rises The multilayer fiberglass media
particles, there are fewer pores for exponentially. The quantity, size, element is relatively unaffected by
fluid flow, and the pressure required shape and arrangement of the pores contaminant loading for a longer
to maintain flow through the media throughout the element accounts time. The element selectively
increases. Initially, the differential for why some elements last longer captures the various size particles,
pressure across the element than others. as the fluid passes through the
increases very slowly because there element. The very small pores in
is an abundance of media pores For a given filter media thickness the media are not blocked by large
for the fluid to pass through, and and filtration rating, there are fewer particles. These downstream small
the pore blocking process has little pores with cellulose media than pores remain available for the large
effect on the overall pressure loss. fiberglass media. Accordingly, the quantity of very small particles
However, a point is reached at contaminant loading process would present in the fluid.
which successive blocking of media block the pores of the cellulose
filtration fact
Filter Element Life
Element Types Life Comparison
Cellulose Single Layer Multilayer
90 Fiberglass Fiberglass 6
10 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Capacity (grams)
Housing SelectionSelection
Filter Housings
Visual/electrical element
The filter housing is the pressure condition indicator
vessel which contains the filter
element. It usually consists of two
or more subassemblies, such as a
head (or cover) and a bowl to allow
access to the filter element. The Bypass
housing has inlet and outlet ports valve
allowing it to be installed into a fluid assembly
system. Additional housing features
may include mounting holes,
bypass valves, drain ports, and
element condition indicators.
Pressure Ratings
Location of the filter in the circuit is Inlet port
the primary determinant of pressure
rating. Filter housings are generally
designed for three locations in Pressure
a circuit: suction, pressure, or Housing
return lines. One characteristic of
these locations is their maximum
operating pressures. Suction and
return line filters are generally
designed for lower pressures up to
500 psi (34 bar).
Drain port
filtration fact The primary concerns in the Pressure filter locations may require
housing selection process include ratings from 1500 psi to 6000 psi
mounting methods, porting options, (103 bar to 414 bar). It is essential
indicator options, and pressure to analyze the circuit for frequent
An element loading with rating. All, except the pressure pressure spikes as well as steady
contaminant will continue to rating, depend on the physical state conditions. Some housings
increase in pressure differential system design and the preferences have restrictive or lower fatigue
until either: of the designer. Pressure rating of pressure ratings. In circuits with
• The element is replaced the housing is far less arbitrary. This frequent high pressure spikes, an
• The bypass valve opens should be determined before the alternative housing may be required
• The element fails housing style is selected. to prevent fatigue related failures.
Filter Housing Selection
The Bypass Valve
The bypass valve is used to prevent This prevents any unfiltered flow from going downstream. In filters with
the collapse or burst of the filter no bypass valves, higher collapse strength elements may be required,
element when it becomes highly especially in high pressure filters. Applications for using a “no bypass”
loaded with contaminant. It also option include servo valve and other sensitive component protection.
prevents pump cavitation in the When specifying a non-bypass filter design, make sure that the element has
case of suction line filtration. As a differential pressure rating close to maximum operating pressure of the
contaminant builds up in the system. When specifying a bypass type filter, it can generally be assumed
element, the differential pressure that the manufacturer has designed the element to withstand the bypass
across the element increases. At a valve differential pressure when the bypass valve opens.
pressure well below the failure point
of the filter element, the bypass 12
valve opens, allowing flow to go
Effective Filtration Ratio B
ge Beta
Some bypass valve designs have 8 aka lost by
- no le
a “bypass to tank” option. This ow Cyclic
a dy fl
6 Ste flow
allows the unfiltered bypass flow to
return to tank through a third port, leakage
flow - no
4 Unsteady
preventing unfiltered bypass flow w - 10 % leakage
Unsteady flo
from entering the system. Other y flo w - 20 % leakage
2 Unstead
filters may be supplied with a “no Unsteady flow - 40% leak
bypass” or “blocked” bypass option. 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Housing SelectionSelection
Element Condition Indicators
The element condition indicator may be an entirely independent location when the set point is
signals when the element should differential pressure sensing device. reached. An analog indicator
be cleaned or replaced. The The three types of indicators used provides constant feedback
indicator usually has calibration visual, electrical, and analog. A throughout the life of the filter via a
marks which also indicates if the visual indicator must be monitored 4-20mA or 0-5V output. Generally,
filter bypass valve has opened. The locally to ensure proper change indicators are set to trip anywhere
indicator may be mechanically out intervals. An electrical switch from 5%-25% before the bypass
linked to the bypass valve, or it indicator sends a signal to a remote valve opens.
installed. It is preferable that this filter does not spend a high portion
Differential Pressure
ratio be 3:1 or even higher for longer of time in bypass due to flow surges.
element life. This is particularly important
in return line filters, where flow
For example, the graph on the multiplication from cylinders may
next page illustrates the type of increase the return flow compared
filtration fact
filtration fact
Pressure differential in a filter
assembly depends on:
• Housing and element size It is recommended to use an
• Media grade element condition indicator with
• Fluid viscosity any filter, especially those that do
• Flow rate not incorporate a bypass valve.
Filter Housing Selection
Housing and Element Sizing
If the filter described in the graph filter element. The important In contrast, the useful element life
was fitted with a 50 psid (3.4 bar) issue is that some of the system of the single layer and multilayer
bypass valve the initial (clean) contaminant particles also bypass fiberglass element is established
pressure differential should be no the filter element. When this by the nearly horizontal, linear
greater than 25 psid (1.7 bar) and happens, the effectiveness of the region of relatively low pressure
preferably 16 2/3 psid (1.1 bar) or filter element is compromised drop increase, not the region
less. This is calculated from the 3:1 and the attainable system fluid of exponential pressure rise.
and 2:1 ratio of bypass setting and cleanliness degrades. Standard Accordingly, the filter assembly
initial pressure differential. filter assemblies normally have bypass valve cracking pressure,
a bypass valve cracking pressure whether 25 or 75 psi (1.7 or 5.2 bar),
Most standard filter assemblies between 25 and 100 psi (1.7 and 6.9 has relatively little impact on the
utilize a bypass valve to limit bar). The relationship between the useful life of the filter element. Thus,
the maximum pressure drop starting clean pressure differential the initial pressure differential and
across the filter element. As the across the filter element and the bypass valve setting is less a sizing
filter element becomes blocked bypass valve pressure setting must factor when fiberglass media is
with contaminant, the pressure be considered. A cellulose element being considered.
differential increases until the has a narrow region of exponential
bypass valve cracking pressure pressure rise. For this reason, the
is reached. At this point, the flow relationship between the starting 3:1 RATIO
through the filter assembly begins clean pressure differential and the
bypassing the filter element and bypass valve pressure setting is 50/3 = 16 2/3 psid (1.1 bar)
passes through the bypass valve. very important. This relationship in 2:1 RATIO
This action limits the maximum effect determines the useful life of
pressure differential across the the filter element. 50/2 = 25 psid (1.7 bar)
Differential Pressure (bar)
Differential Pressure (psi)
10 0.75
Types & Locations
& Locations of Filters of Filte
To System To System Return Line
Suction Pressure
Filter Filter Cylinder has 2:1
ratio piston area
to rod diameter.
33 gpm
(125 lpm)
filtration fact
condition and care should be taken
in sizing the filter.
Suction strainers are often referred
to by “mesh” size:
The use of suction filters and • 60 mesh = 238 micron
strainers has greatly decreased in • 100 mesh = 149 micron
modern filtration. • 200 mesh = 74 micron
ersTypes & Locations of Filters
Off-Line Filtration Off-Line Filter
Duplex Filter Assembly Existing
Recirculating, kidney loop, or Air Hydraulic
breather or Lube
auxiliary filtration, this filtration System
system is totally independent
of a machine’s main hydraulic
system. Off-line filtration consists
of a pump, filter, electrical motor,
and the appropriate hardware
connections. These components
are installed off-line as a small sub- Filter
system separate from the working
lines, or included in a fluid cooling
loop. Fluid is pumped out of the Optional Cooler
reservoir, through the filter, and
back to the reservoir in a continuous
Duplex Filters fashion. With this “polishing” effect, it is relatively easy to retrofit on an
Both pressure and return filters off-line filtration is able to maintain existing system that has inadequate
are commonly found in a a fluid at a consistent cleanliness filtration. Also, the filter can be
duplex version. It’s most notable level. serviced without shutting down
characteristic is continuous the main system. Most systems
filtration. They are made with As with a return line filter, this type would benefit greatly from having
two or more filter chambers and of system is best suited to maintain a combination of suction, pressure,
include the necessary valving to overall cleanliness, but does return, and off-line filters. The
allow for continuous, uninterrupted not provide specific component table to the right may be helpful
filtration. When a filter element protection. An off-line filtration in making a filtration location
needs servicing, the duplex valve loop has the added advantage that decision.
is shifted, diverting flow to the
opposite filter chamber. The dirty
element is changed, while filtered
flow continues to pass through the
filter assembly. The valve is typically Flow Rate Effect on Off-Line Filtration Performance
an open cross-over type, which
Numbers of particles upstream per milliliter
greater than reference side.
104 23/21/18
103 20/18/15
102 p m) 18/16/13
8l )
(3. pm 16/14/12
filtration fact 10 1G
(3 8l
10G (38
1.1 PM
Rule of thumb: size the pump flow of 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012
an off-line system at a minimum of
10% of the main reservoir volume. Ingression rate (Number of particles > 10 micron ingressing per minute)
Source based on Fitch, E.C., Fluid Contamination Control, FES, Inc., Stillwater, OK, 1988.
Types & Locations
& Locations of Filters of Filte
Comparison of Filter Types and Locations
Filter Location Advantages Disadvantages
• Last chance protection for the • Must use relatively coarse media
pump. and/or large housing size to keep
• Much easier to service than a pressure drop low due to pump
sump strainer. inlet conditions.
• Cost is relatively high
Suction (externally mounted) • Does not protect downstream
components from pump wear
• May not be suitable for many
variable volume pumps
• Minimum system protection
• Specific component protection • Housing is relatively expensive
• Contributes to overall system because it must handle full
cleanliness level system pressure
Pressure • Can use high efficiency, fine • Does not catch wear debris from
filtration, filter elements downstream working components
• Catches wear debris from pump
• Catches wear debris from • No protection from pump
components and dirt entering generated contamination
through worn cylinder rod seals • Return line flow surges may
before it enters the reservoir reduce filter performance
• Lower pressure ratings result in • No direct component protection
lower costs • Relative initial cost is low
• May be in-line or in-tank for easier
• Continuous “polishing” of the • Last chance protection for the
main system hydraulic fluid, even pump.
if the system is shut down. • Relative initial cost is high
• Servicing possible without main • Requires additional space
system shut down • No direct component protection
• Filters not affected by flow surges
allowing for optimum element life
and performance
Off-Line • The discharge line can be
directed to the main system pump
to provide supercharging with
clean, conditioned fluid
• Specific cleanliness levels can
be more accurately obtained and
• Fluid cooling may be easily
filtration fact
Fluid analysis is an essential from the lines of an operating Portable Particle
part of any maintenance hydraulic fluid power system Counter
program. Fluid analysis ensures for particulate contamination
that the fluid conforms to analysis. Either extraction method is A most promising development
manufacturer specifications, recommended. in fluid analysis is the portable
verifies the composition of the laser particle counter. Laser
fluid, and determines its overall In any event, a representative fluid particle counters are comparable
contamination level. sample is the goal. Sampling valves to full laboratory units in counting
should be opened and flushed for particles down to the 2 + micron
at least fifteen seconds. The clean range. Strengths of this technology
Laboratory Analysis sample bottle should be kept closed include accuracy, repeatability,
until the fluid and valve is ready for portability, and timeliness. A test
The laboratory analysis is a
sampling. The system should be at typically takes less than a minute.
complete look at a fluid sample.
operating temperature for at least 30 Laser particle counters will
Most qualified laboratories will offer
minutes before the sample is taken. generally give only particle counts
the following tests and features as a
and cleanliness classifications.
A complete procedure follows in the Water content, viscosity, and
• Viscosity appendix. spectrometric analysis tests would
• Neutralization number require a full laboratory analysis.
• Water content
• Particle counts
• Spectrometric analysis (wear
metals and additive analysis
reported in parts per million,
or ppm)
Patch Test
• Trending graphs A patch test is nothing more than
• Photomicrograph a visual analysis of a fluid sample.
• Recommendations It usually involves taking a fluid
sample and passing it through a
In taking a fluid sample from a fine media “patch”. The patch is
system, care must be taken to then analyzed under a microscope
make sure that the fluid sample is for both color and content, and
representative of the system. compared to known ISO standards.
By using this comparison, the user
To accomplish this, the fluid can get a “go, no-go” estimate of a
container must be cleaned before system’s cleanliness level.
taking the sample and the fluid
must be correctly extracted from Another less common deviation of
the system. There is a National the patch test would be the actual
Fluid Power Association (NFPA) counting of the particles seen under
standard for extracting fluid the microscope. These numbers filtration fact
samples from a reservoir of an would then be extrapolated into an
operating hydraulic fluid power ISO cleanliness level.
system. (NFPA T2.9.1-1972). There
is also the American National The margin of error for both of these The only way to know the
Standard method (ANSI B93.13- methods is relatively high due to the condition of a fluid is through fluid
1972) for extracting fluid samples human factor. analysis. Visual examination is not
an accurate method.
Sampling Procedure
Obtaining a fluid sample for particle D. Close the sample bottle B. In-Line Sampling
counts and/or analysis involves immediately. Next, close the 1. Operate the system for at least
important steps to make sure sampling valve. (Make prior 1/2 hour.
you are getting a representative provision to “catch” the fluid 2. Locate a suitable valve in the
sample. Often erroneous sampling while removing the bottle from system where turbulent flow
procedures will disguise the true the stream.) can be obtained (ball valve
nature of system cleanliness levels. E. Tag the sample bottle with is preferred). If no such valve
Use one of the following methods pertinent data: include date, exists, locate a fitting which can
to obtain a representative system machine number, fluid be easily opened to provide
sample. supplier, fluid number code, turbulent flow (tee or elbow).
fluid type, and time elapsed 3. Flush the valve or fitting sample
I. For systems with a since last sample (if any). point with a filtered solvent.
sampling valve II. Systems without a Open valve or fitting and allow
A. Operate system for at least 1/2 sampling valve adequate flushing. (Take care
hour. There are two locations to obtain to allow for this step. Direct
B. With the system operating, a sample in a system without a sample back to tank or into
open the sample valve allowing sampling valve: in-tank and in the a large container. It is not
200 ml to 500 ml (7 to 16 line. The procedure for both follows: necessary to discard this fluid.)
ounces) of fluid to flush the A. In the Tank Sampling 4. Place in an approved and pre-
sampling port. (The sample 1. Operate the system for at least cleaned sample bottle under
valve design should provide 1/2 hour. the stream of flow per sampling
turbulent flow through the 2. Use a small hand-held vacuum valve methods above.
sampling port.) pump bottle thief or “basting 5. Cap sample bottle immediately.
C. Using a wide mouth, pre- syringe” to extract a sample. 6. Tag with important information
cleaned sampling bottle, Insert sampling device into per the sampling valve method.
remove the bottle cap and the tank to one half of the Note: Select a valve or fitting
place in the stream of flow from fluid height. You will probably where the pressure is limited to
the sampling valve. Do NOT have to weigh the end of the 200 PSIG (14 bar) or less.
“rinse” out the bottle with initial sampling tube. Your objective
sample. Do not fill the bottle is to obtain a sample in the Regardless of the method being
more than one inch from the middle portion of the tank. used, observe common sense rules.
top. Avoid the top or bottom of the Any equipment which is used in the
tank. Do not let the syringe or fluid sampling procedure must be
tubing come in contact with the washed and rinsed with a filtered
side of the tank. solvent. This includes vacuum
3. Put extracted fluid into an pumps, syringes and tubing. Your
approved, pre-cleaned sample goal is to count only the particles
filtration fact bottle as described in the already in the system fluid. Dirty
sampling valve method above. sampling devices and non-
4. Cap immediately. representative samples will lead
5. Tag with information as to erroneous conclusions and cost
described in sampling valve more in the long run.
Additives in hydraulic fluid are
generally well below 1 micron method.
in size and are unaffected by
standard filtration methods.
Test Laboratory: Parker Metamora, Ohio Test date: 11-Feb-21 Operator: josh
Element ID: ##### Housing ID: ####
Project: Minimum element bubble point (inches H₂O) Number of Pleats:
Specification: Media P/N: Pleat Height:
Supplier P/N: Filter Area: 0 Pleat Length:
Test fluid
Type: MIL-5606A Supplier: Mobil Batch No.:
Viscosity at the test temperature (mm²/s): 15 Temperature (°F): 104.0
Antistatic: Type: Stadis 450 Conductivity (pS/m):
Test Contaminant
Type: A3 Supplier: Batch No.: 14086M
Test System
Flow Rate (Gal/min.): 50.00 Initial Volume (L): 53.4
Base upstream concentration (mg/L): 13.27 Final Volume (L): 53.4
Injection System
Injection Parameters Initial Final Average injection parameters
System Volume (L) 79.8 67.81 Injection Flow (mL/min): 250
Concentration (mg/L) 9830.9756 10265.25 Concentration (mg/L) 10048.1
Counting System Counter and Sensor References: Flowrate (mL/minute): Dilution Ratio:
Upstream Klotz PCS 1.0 / Model LDS-30/30 20 3 :1
Downstream Klotz PCS 1.0 / Model LDS-30/30 20 3 :1
Counter calibration: Method: ISO11171 Secondary Date: 09/2019
Validation Date: 04/15/2020
Comments: LR:9278 BB:7.3
Element Integrity
Bubble point to ISO 2942: Wetting fluid: Element pressure
Differential pressure drop at test
Filter Housing (psid): 25.2 Clean Element (psid): 1.6
Clean Assembly (psid): 26.8 Final DeltaP Element (psid): 101.7 Element pressure
drop at test
Test Goal Terminal DP(psid): 126.8 termination
Differential pressure versus contaminant added
Test time Element Injected Test time Element DeltaP Injected
Time interval (minutes) DeltaP (psid) Mmass (g) Time interval (minutes) (psid) Mmass (g)
Beta Ratio
Filtration ratio ßx( c) (If the size valuesee
is blank
multiple values on Graph C2: Beta vs. Size)
Average Filtration Ratio: 2 10 75 100 200 1000
Size (µm(c)) <4 <4 5.1 5.4 6.2 7.9 Particle Size
Filter Particle
Test File Name: XXYY Equipment ID: 19-076; Version: 3.16v228; Filter: ###### element size
Particle counts (per mL) and filtration ratio
Time d> 4 d> 5 d> 6 d> 7 d> 8 d > 10 d > 12 d > 13 d > 15 d > 18 d > 20 d > 25 d > 30 d > 35 d > 40 d > 50
interval µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c) µm(c)
Initial 13.9 5.3 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Up 30235.8 17998.7 11843.6 8063.6 5595.4 2717.8 1444.1 1097.1 671.8 350.2 228.5 75.1 27.5 20.1 12.7 5.3
10% Down 1437.2 297.2 65.6 16.4 6.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
% of ß 21.0 60.6 180.5 491.5 859.0 5632.8 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0
∆P Up 30027.1 17999.4 11887.8 8121.8 5633.2 2802.1 1509.1 1154.6 715.4 383.4 254.6 90.7 36.4 20.1 13.5 6.3
20% Down 1597.5 359.3 88.8 21.8 4.7 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ß 18.8 50.1 133.9 372.4 1209.3 8325.3 31491.6 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0
Up 30872.3 18453.8 12145.1 8290.1 5759.5 2863.3 1541.3 1187.4 732.3 399.3 269.1 95.4 41.7 23.2 15.2 8.9
30% Down 1787.6 436.3 114.0 30.3 6.7 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ß 17.3 42.3 106.5 273.5 865.2 4981.6 16091.8 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0
Up 30853.6 18534.5 12208.3 8384.3 5812.7 2862.4 1548.2 1199.9 749.4 404.1 269.3 107.2 47.2 24.4 16.1 9.6
40% Down 1683.4 436.2 125.8 36.3 8.6 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ß 18.3 42.5 97.0 231.3 678.9 5990.6 16208.0 25155.8 15709.7 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0
Up 30272.6 18368.6 12169.2 8322.2 5771.7 2859.2 1518.9 1150.2 715.4 397.4 271.3 101.9 48.6 26.0 17.7 8.1
50% Down 1394.3 388.9 113.6 33.5 9.3 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ß 21.7 47.2 107.1 248.1 623.8 4351.5 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0
particle Up 29521.7 18117.9 12074.9 8310.8 5808.7 2853.9 1544.7 1180.3 720.2 390.8 262.9 101.6 45.9 23.9 16.7 9.9
count 60% Down 897.4 255.6 76.0 23.3 6.4 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ß 32.9 70.9 158.8 356.7 903.1 3745.2 10809.7 12388.1 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0
Up 29241.5 18104.8 12143.6 8353.7 5800.1 2881.3 1555.9 1192.3 736.1 393.2 267.0 97.4 47.0 23.2 13.2 8.7
Downstream 70% Down 521.8 156.4 47.5 16.0 4.6 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
particle ß 56.0 115.7 255.5 522.6 1256.8 6728.0 10901.5 25144.1 15523.9 8290.9 5631.3 2053.8 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0
count Up 28809.7 17988.6 12139.6 8379.8 5882.7 2941.6 1560.0 1189.8 738.8 390.0 262.9 98.5 45.6 24.2 13.6 8.1
80% Down 355.4 105.7 32.4 10.5 3.0 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ß 81.1 170.1 374.6 800.4 1993.5 7724.1 16400.3 24986.0 15514.9 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0
Up 28764.8 18021.6 12100.4 8360.5 5804.8 2873.2 1546.2 1180.2 732.3 400.5 262.1 109.0 49.2 28.8 19.2 12.3
90% Down 256.1 76.2 22.9 7.0 2.5 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ß 112.3 236.6 528.3 1197.0 2349.1 6719.9 16279.7 12425.6 15424.0 8434.9 5519.4 2295.2 1035.7 606.1 404.5 258.1
Up 28860.7 18082.9 12207.6 8423.2 5878.2 2941.4 1593.9 1221.0 751.6 405.6 271.3 94.9 42.6 23.7 15.3 6.6
100% Down 191.5 54.9 16.6 4.9 1.8 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ß 150.7 329.4 736.4 1729.0 3298.0 12374.5 26799.0 20530.3 12636.5 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0 100000.0
Up 29746.0 18167.1 12092.0 8301.0 5774.7 2859.6 1536.2 1175.3 726.3 391.4 261.9 97.2 43.2 23.8 15.3 8.4
Average Down 1012.2 256.7 70.3 20.0 5.4 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ß 29.4 70.8 171.9 415.2 1071.5 6001.2 19837.1 29945.5 29088.7 41248.7 27597.1 10239.3 9093.3 5002.3 3226.0 1764.5
Published Single
filtration particle >50µ
efficiency detected
Temperature C
-51 -40 -29 -18 -7 4 16 27 38 52 66 93 121 149 204 260
2000 10,000
1000 SA 5,000
E1 S
500 0 AE Bu
nk SA
20 SAE er
30 "C E 50 SA 1,000
200 "& E6
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E7 500
Die rau
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lic F
50 se luid E4 250
-5 ue
Ke l -O-
ros 6
20 en 100
Viscosity vs. Temperature
10 L-L
8 -78
6 No
.3 AN
Fu No 9G
4 el .4 rad 40
Fu e1
el 01
3 0
JP 35
2 ge
1.5 Av
Kinematic Viscosity—Centistokes
Viscosity—Saybolt Universal Seconds
1 ge
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500
Temperature F
© 2021 Parker Hannifin Corporation. Product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. HTM5 (8/2021)