AHA-CERTIFIED BLS & ACLS PROVIDER TOPICS • Introduction • Indications of Oxygen Therapy • Contraindications of Oxygen Therapy • Adverse Effects of Oxygen Therapy • Selection of Oxygen Delivery System • Oxygen Delivery Devices • Safe Oxygen Therapy in Acute Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure INTRODUCTION • This lecture will review various devices that are available to continuously deliver oxygen to spontaneously breathing infants, children, and adults. The amount of oxygen that each continuous system can deliver and the advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed. • Oxygen Therapy is usually defined as the administration of oxygen at concentrations greater than those found in ambient air. • The main goal of oxygen therapy is: “To treat or prevent hypoxemia thereby preventing tissue hypoxia which may result in tissue injury or even cell death” INTRODUCTION • Oxygen is a drug. Has indiction and contraindication Fraction of Inspired Oxygen
• Supplemental O2 is an FIO2 > 21%.
• The body does not store oxygen. • FIO2 is the same at all altitudes. • High FIO2 doesn’t affect COPD hypoxic drive. • A given liter flow rate of nasal O2 does not equal any specific FIO2. • Face masks cannot deliver 100% oxygen unless there is a tight seal. Liters Per Minute
• No need to humidify if flow of 4 LPM or less.
INDICATIONS OF OXYGEN THERAPY (1) Hypoxia (2) Pre-oxygenation (3) Postoperative Oxygenation (4) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy INDICATIONS OF OXYGEN THERAPY (1) Hypoxia: • Hypoxia is a deficiency of oxygen at the tissue level. • Hypoxemia is deficiency of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2 < 60 mmHg). • Hypoxia can be divided into 4 types: a. Hypoxic hypoxia: oxygen tension of arterial blood is reduced, eg. altitude, equipment error, drug overdose, asthma. b. Anaemic hypoxia: arterial oxygen tension is normal. However, amount of Hb available to carry oxygen or Hb function is reduced, eg. anaemia, carboxyhemoglobinemia, methemoglobinemia. c. Ischemic hypoxia: arterial oxygen tension and Hb concentration are normal. Blood flow to the tissues is reduced and oxygen cannot be delivered to the tissues, eg. congestive heart failure, dehydration. d. Histotoxic hypoxia: all above factors are normal, however a toxic agent prevents the cells from using oxygen although oxygen is delivered to the tissues, eg. cyanide toxicity. INDICATIONS OF OXYGEN THERAPY (2) Pre-oxygenation: • If the patient is breathing room air, the oxygen store in functional residual capacity (FRC) is approximately 450 ml and it can be increased to 3000 ml with breathing 100% oxygen. As a result, there will be a rapid fall in oxygen saturation during apnea (e.g. following induction of anesthesia) if breathing room air. • Pre-oxygenation means breathing 100% oxygen for three to five minutes through an anesthetic circuit with a face mask firmly applied to the face. This will replace the nitrogen in the FRC with oxygen and also referred to as denitrogenation. The extra oxygen in the FRC can provide an essential store of oxygen for period of apnea after induction. • Pre-oxygenation is particularly essential for rapid sequence induction and difficult intubation. INDICATIONS OF OXYGEN THERAPY (3) Postoperative Oxygenation: • Additional oxygen should be given to all patients for the first 10 min after general anesthesia, as a result of hypoxemia during the early recovery period. • Postoperative hypoventilation is common due to the residual effect of anesthesia, opioid analgesia, pain or airway obstruction. • Prolonged oxygen therapy is required after operation in certain conditions such as hypotension, ischemic heart disease, anaemia, obesity and shivering. INDICATIONS OF OXYGEN THERAPY (4) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy means the patient is exposed to oxygen tension exceeding ambient barometric pressure. • It is indicated in decompression sickness, air embolism, gas gangrene and carbon monoxide poisoning. CONTRAINDICATIONS OF OXYGEN THERAPY (1) Patients with chronic hypercarbia e.g. COPD. (2) Inappropriate use of O2 delivery devices (e.g. nasal cannulas and nasopharyngeal catheters in neonates and pediatric patients that have nasal obstructions). (3) Patient's refusal to receive oxygen. ADVERSE EFFECTS OF OXYGEN THERAPY • There are both respiratory and non-respiratory toxicity due to the effects of oxygen therapy (especially if prolonged and high pressure). It depends on patient susceptibility, FiO2 and duration of therapy. (1) Fire hazard (2) Absorption atelectasis (3) Pulmonary toxicity (4) Hypoventilation (5) Neonatal complications: Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) (6) Hyperbaric oxygen toxicity (7) Physical effects: dryness/crusting of nose or mouth, nasal bleeding, barotrauma (simple or tension pneumothorax) (8) Others: morning headaches, fatigue ADVERSE EFFECTS OF OXYGEN THERAPY (1) Fire hazard: • Oxygen supports combustion of other fuels. • You should never smoke or use flammable materials when using oxygen.3m distance from fire (2) Absorption atelectasis: • High concentrations of oxygen can cause atelectasis especially in dependant areas of the lungs. • When oxygen is the only gas being given, it is rapidly and completely absorbed from the alveoli and results in collapse (absorption atelectasis). • Nitrogen present in the air is absorbed more slowly and prevents the alveolus from collapsing. ADVERSE EFFECTS OF OXYGEN THERAPY (3) Pulmonary toxicity: • Patients exposed to high oxygen levels for a prolonged period of time have lung damage. It depends on FiO2 and duration of exposure. • It is due to intracellular generation of reactive O2 metabolites (free radicals) such as superoxide and activated hydroxyl ions, singlet O2 and hydrogen peroxide, which can damage alveolar-capillary membrane. Pulmonary capillary permeability increases and leading to edema, thickened membranes and finally to pulmonary fibrosis. • Pulmonary fibrosis may occur after exposure to high concentration of oxygen for a week. ADVERSE EFFECTS OF OXYGEN THERAPY (4) Hypoventilation: • It is seen in COPD patients with chronic CO2 retention who have hypoxic respiratory drive to breath. • Increased arterial tension to normal can lose the hypercapnoeic stimulus to maintain ventilation resulting in hypoventilation in these patients. ADVERSE EFFECTS OF OXYGEN THERAPY (5) Neonatal complications: ➢ Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP): • It is a neovascular retinal disorder and formerly termed retrolental fibroplasia. • It is caused by vascular proliferation followed by fibrosis and retinal detachment leads to blindness. • The low birth weight, very premature infant is at risk. • It is resolved in 80% of cases without visual loss. • PaO2 of 50-80 mmHg is recommended in premature infants receiving oxygen. ADVERSE EFFECTS OF OXYGEN THERAPY ➢ Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD): • This is a form of chronic lung disease that develops in preterm neonates treated with oxygen and positive-pressure ventilation. • The pathogenesis of this condition remains complex and poorly understood; however various factors can not only injure small airways but also interfere with alveolarization (alveolar septation), leading to alveolar simplification with a reduction in the overall surface area for gas exchange. The developing pulmonary microvasculature can also be injured. ADVERSE EFFECTS OF OXYGEN THERAPY (6) Hyperbaric oxygen toxicity: • Prolonged exposure of hyperbaric O2 therapy can lead to pulmonary, optic and CNS toxicity. • Symptoms of pulmonary toxicity include retrosternal burning, cough and chest tightness. It can cause narrowing of the visual fields and myopia in adults. • Signs and symptoms of CNS toxicity include behavior changes, nausea, vertigo, facial twitching and tonic-clonic seizures. SELECTION OF OXYGEN DELIVERY SYSTEM • Rapid and effective oxygen delivery is an essential component of the care of critically ill or injured patients. • A variety of systems are available to deliver oxygen to spontaneously breathing patients. Factors that influence the appropriate choice for any given situation include the dose of oxygen required and how well the patient tolerates the device. • For patients who require assisted ventilation, oxygen can be initially delivered with either a self-inflating or flow-inflating ventilation bag. SELECTION OF OXYGEN DELIVERY SYSTEM • General principles regarding oxygen delivery include: ➢ The choice of system will depend upon the clinical status of the patient and the desired dose of oxygen, which is a function of the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2 or concentration) and rate of oxygen gas flow. For example, a low-flow blow-by system may be suitable for an alert infant or child in moderate respiratory distress who requires a low dose of oxygen. By contrast, an obtunded patient with irregular respirations needs bag-mask ventilation with a high concentration and a high flow of oxygen (eg, 100% FiO2 at a flow of 10 L/minute or greater). ➢ When oxygen delivery is anticipated to be prolonged, it should be humidified, whenever possible, to prevent dried secretions from obstructing smaller airways. ➢ The effectiveness of oxygen delivery should be monitored with pulse oximetry. SELECTION OF OXYGEN DELIVERY SYSTEM • Key patient considerations include: ➢ Young children in respiratory distress may become frightened or agitated when oxygen is administered, causing their clinical conditions to deteriorate. Therefore, they should remain in a position of comfort whenever possible. A parent or caregiver can often hold the oxygen source in proximity to or over the child's face. ➢ As long as oxygenation is adequately maintained, a nasal cannula may be preferable to a face mask for delivering oxygen to confused or delirious adults. ➢ Uncontrolled oxygen delivery may promote hypercapnia in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Oxygen Flowmeter OXYGEN DELIVERY DEVICES (1) BLOW-BY OXYGEN نسمة • Blowing (or wafting) oxygen past a patient's face is not a reliable means of oxygen delivery and is not used in adults. However, this method may temporarily provide oxygen to infants and toddlers who become agitated and more distressed with other methods of oxygen delivery, particularly during the initial evaluation and treatment of a reversible cause of respiratory distress such as croup or bronchospasm. • Limited evidence suggests that only low concentrations of oxygen (<30% FiO2) can typically be provided using these systems. (1) BLOW-BY OXYGEN • The following points should be considered when providing blow-by oxygen to children: ✓ Oxygen can be best delivered at a flow rate of at least 10 L/minute through a reservoir (ie, a simple mask or large cup). ✓ The reservoir must remain in proximity to the child's face. ✓ Oxygen saturation should be monitored. ✓ Alternative oxygen delivery systems are warranted for children who require >30% oxygen or prolonged oxygen therapy. (2) NASAL CANNULA • Oxygen flows from the cannula into the patient's nasopharynx, where it mixes with room air. • It does not increase dead space and there is no rebreathing. • It is ideal for long term oxygen therapy. • Components of nasal cannula: - Adjustable head strap - Two prongs - Plastic oxygen tubing • The concentration of oxygen that can be delivered by nasal cannula varies depending upon factors such as the patient's respiratory rate, tidal volume, oxygen flow rate, and extent of mouth breathing. • Oxygen can be delivered by simple nasal cannula using either low- or high- flow rates. Advantages & Disadvantages of Nasal Cannula (2) NASAL CANNULA Low flow nasal cannula: • 100% oxygen is typically run through a bubbler humidifier at a rate of 1 to 4 L/minute. The oxygen concentration that is delivered varies from 25 to 40%, depending upon factors such as the patient's respiratory rate, tidal volume, and extent of mouth breathing. • Flow rates greater than 2 L/minute are irritating to the nares, unless the oxygen is heated and humidified. • Flow rates greater than 2 L/minute are not recommended for routine use in careless newborns and infants because inadvertent administration of positive airway pressure may occur at higher flow rates. • Low-flow nasal cannulae are used to deliver oxygen to an adult with a low oxygen requirement or to an infant or child with patent nares who requires low levels of supplemental oxygen and does not tolerate a simple mask. • However, low-flow nasal cannulae are of limited use as the primary system of oxygen delivery during the stabilization of acutely ill patients because they cannot reliably deliver high concentrations of oxygen. (2) NASAL CANNULA High flow nasal cannula: • High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy involves delivery of heated and humidified oxygen via special devices initiated at rates up to 8 L/minute in infants and up to 60 L/minute in children and adults. • In patients with respiratory distress or failure, humidified high-flow nasal cannulae may be better tolerated than oxygen by face mask in terms of comfort. • High-flow nasal cannula can be used in patients of all ages and with a variety of conditions, including premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome, infants with bronchiolitis, and adults with hypoxemic respiratory failure. • In adults with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure without hypercapnia, high-flow oxygen therapy by nasal cannula is a reasonable alternative to standard oxygen therapy or noninvasive positive pressure ventilation. Types of FACE MASKS (3) SIMPLE FACE MASK • Simple masks fit loosely over the nose and mouth. It is made of transparent plastic. • With oxygen flow rates between 6 and 10 L/minute, simple masks can provide concentrations of oxygen between 35 and 50%, depending on the patient's respiratory rate and the mask fit. • Various sizes are available from pediatric to adult. • Components of simple face mask: - Body - Vent holes - Elastic band • Body of the mask serves as a reservoir for both oxygen and expired CO2. (3) SIMPLE FACE MASK • It has a small dead space and can result in a small amount of rebreathing. Dead space depends on oxygen flow and patient’s minute ventilation. • An oxygen flow rate greater than 5 L/minute is recommended to prevent rebreathing of CO2. • A simple mask is useful for patients who need moderate amounts of oxygen to maintain acceptable oxygen saturation. • It can provide higher concentrations of oxygen than a nasal cannula. However, precise concentrations of oxygen cannot be reliably delivered. • Disadvantages of using simple face mask: - Patient complains of feeling of suffocation and poorly tolerated. - Speech is muffled, eating and drinking are difficult. (4) PARTIAL REBREATHING MASKS • A partial rebreathing mask consists of a simple mask with an attached reservoir bag to increase the capacity of O2 reservoir by 600 ml. • Oxygen concentrations from 50 to 60% can be achieved with oxygen flow rates between 10 and 12 L/minute. • With this system, air is drawn during inspiration predominantly from the fresh oxygen inflow and the reservoir. Entrainment of room air through the exhalation ports and any gap between the face and mask is minimized. • Gas in the reservoir is oxygen rich, despite the fact that it contains some exhaled gas. This is because the early exhaled air that flows into the reservoir (from respiratory dead space in the mouth and upper airways) is oxygen rich and contains little CO2. • In order to maintain a high percentage of oxygen in the reservoir and minimize CO2 rebreathing, the oxygen flow rate must be adjusted to keep the reservoir from collapsing. (4) PARTIAL REBREATHING MASKS • A partial rebreather mask is used primarily to conserve oxygen supply (for instance, during transport) for patients who require higher oxygen concentrations. • Although the concentration of oxygen that is delivered is more reliable than a simple mask, it is diluted by room air that can still be drawn into the system through the exhalation ports and any gap between the face and mask. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33cd5i-j10g One-way valve (5) NON-REBREATHING MASKS • As a single device, a nonrebreather mask reliably supplies the highest concentration of oxygen that can be provided to a spontaneously breathing patient in the short term (oxygen concentration up to 95%). • Patients who are anticipated to require such high concentrations of oxygen for longer periods of time should be transitioned to positive pressure ventilation. Both noninvasive ventilation and endotracheal intubation provide higher concentrations of oxygen secondary to decreased entrainment of room air, as well as through increased mean airway pressures to further improve oxygenation. • A nonrebreathing mask is a mask and reservoir system modified with one- way valves that limit the mixing of the oxygen supply with exhaled gases and room air. A one-way valve is located between the reservoir and the mask. It prevents flow of exhaled gas into the reservoir. Exhalation ports of the mask also have one-way valves that permit the egress of expired gas during exhalation and prevent room air from entering the mask during inspiration. (5) NON-REBREATHING MASKS • When valves are placed over both exhalation ports, oxygen flow rates of 10 to 15 L/minute are delivered, and a tight mask seal is achieved, a nonrebreather mask provides FiO2 of up to 95%. However, as a safety precaution, nonrebreather masks are manufactured with only one of the two exhalation ports on the mask containing a one-way valve so that the patient can still receive room air through the open port if the flow of oxygen to the mask is inadvertently interrupted. Entrainment of room air through this open exhalation port results in a lower FiO2. In addition, nonrebreathing masks may not routinely achieve a tight seal against the face. Such a leak with a nonrebreathing mask lowers oxygen delivery. Thus, in clinical practice, nonrebreathing masks typically deliver oxygen concentrations lower than 95%. (6) VENTURI MASKS • Ventimasks are colour coded and it states the flow of oxygen in litres per minute required to deliver a specific inspired oxygen concentration. • Holes on the Venturi device allow entrainment of room air by the Venturi principle. These holes also flush expired gas. • Advantages of using Ventimask include very precise measurement of delivered oxygen and no rebreathing. • However, the mask is hot and may irritate the skin. Oxygen concentration may lower by kinking the tubing. • Components of Ventimask: - Body of the mask with holes - Color-coded venturi device - Corrugated tubing - Adjustable head strap (8) VENTILATION BAGS • Ventilation bags are typically used to provide oxygen and assisted ventilation, either with a mask or through an artificial airway (ie, an endotracheal tube). Flow-inflating bags can be used to provide supplemental oxygen to spontaneously breathing children. (1) Self-inflating bags: • A self-inflating (Ambu) bag reinflates with a recoil mechanism. • It does not require a gas source to re-expand. However, during reinflation, room air is entrained in the system, diluting the concentration of oxygen that is delivered to the patient. Therefore, in order to consistently deliver high concentrations of oxygen, a reservoir must be attached to the bag. • The addition of a one-way valve over the exhalation port can also reduce entrainment of room air during reinflation of a self-inflating bag attached to an oxygen source. Ambu bag: https://youtu.be/ZPJQRogximU https://youtu.be/m5X884XRajE https://youtu.be/PJiRABugTfg (8) VENTILATION BAGS (2) Flow-inflating bags: • Flow-inflating (anesthesia) bags require a gas source to remain inflated. • When oxygen is used as the source, 100% oxygen can be delivered to the patient. • These systems are more complicated to use than a self-inflating bag. The flow of oxygen and an outlet control valve must be adjusted to ensure safe and effective ventilation. Consequently, flow-inflating bags should only be used by clinicians with specific training and experience. Positive pressure ventilation (PPV) - by ambu pack - by mechanical ventilation - CPAP SAFE OXYGEN THERAPY IN ACUTE HYPERCAPNIC RESPIRATORY FAILURE • Patients who present with acute hypercapnic acidosis frequently (but not always) have co-existing hypoxemia that necessitates supplemental oxygen therapy. • The degree of hypoxemia is variable and depends upon the cause of respiratory failure and presence of underlying chronic lung disease. • The major concern with the delivery of oxygen to this population is the development of worsening hypercapnia and consequently acidosis. • In next slides, approach to oxygen administration is shown (adapted from UpToDate). THANK YOU