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Abstract ipsum
Materials & Methods Conclusion
Traditional methods used in blood smear tests are found to be time-consuming and costly due to the manual staining and analysis of blood samples, which affects the accessibility of blood smear tests in rural and poor areas, especially in Africa. The purpose of ICope is to reduce mortality rates caused by diseases detectable via blood smears by making the process faster, cheaper, and more accessible, and it introduces blood testing in public facilities. This project investigates the idea of using modern AI technology to automate staining and analysis of blood samples. To evaluate the idea, we developed an embedded system that captures images of blood samples, then they are sent to the staining and analysis AI model, and the results are shown on a mobile application. The results show that using AI in the analyzing process is applicable as it reached high numbers of efficiency. For instance, the malaria diagnosing model reached as high as 97% accuracy. In addition to the achieved results, they can be improved by adding more data to the model database increasing its accuracy. ICope is an example of AI usage in biomedical engineering featuring high accuracy, saving time and money, minimizing the space needed for blood tests, making them more accessible, providing a sustainable solution.
Introduction Future applications
Research Analysis
Background Citation