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Murphy Fitness Rep Schemes

Time to flip
your program!

Implementing Dynamic Rep Schemes yields lean

gains, body fat loss, muscular endurance and

calorie burns.

The variety in the rep schemes will destroy

plateaus, and maximize your potential.

Each of these rep schemes is ideal for full body

workouts (Phase 1 of,

2 day splits (Phase 2), 3 day splits, and even if you

are focusing on one body part.

I’ve also included a cardio scheme that will

change things up and keep your body guessing!

You can use this scheme on any piece of cardio


My motto… CHANGE evokes CHANGE. It’s time

to take action! Same schemes? Same results!

You have to get uncomfortable to grow!

of Contents

Shredding Rep Schemes Mass Gaining Rep Schemes

1. Two Exercise Rep Schemes 1. 4-8 18

Shoulders 5 2. 5-5-5 for 5 19

Back/Rear Delts 6 3. EMOM Schemes 20

Leg Day 7 4. Descending Reps/Ascending Resistance 21

Full Body Workout 8 5. 30 Seconds On 22

Upper Body, Push/Pull Day 9 6. 5 Slow – 10 GO 23

2. One Exercise Rep Schemes

Biceps 10 Cardio Scheme
Hamstrings 11

3. Three Exercise Rep Schemes Sprinter Speed Workout 25

Pull Day 12

Leg Day 13

4. EMOM Schemes
One Exercise 14

Two Exercises 14

5. AMRAP Scheme 15
6. TABATA Scheme 16
Section 1

Rep Schemes
These rep schemes will maximize muscular

endurance and calorie expenditure.

Section 1: Shredding Rep Schemes

1. Two Exercise Rep Schemes

Take 2 exercises and complete the rep schemes, unbroken
(minimal rest). NO HEAVY LIFTING.

Two exercises * 21/21 15/15 9/9

Example for Shoulders:

Dumbbell Lateral Raises 21reps

Dumbbell Front Raises 21reps

Db LR 15reps

Db FR 15reps

Db LR 9reps

Db FR 9reps

Use the appropriate weight so that you can
go right through the reps UNBROKEN!

Section 1: Shredding Rep Schemes

1. Two Exercise Rep Schemes

Take 2 exercises and complete the rep schemes, unbroken
(minimal rest). NO HEAVY LIFTING.

Two exercises *20/20 16/16 12/12/ 8/8 4/4

Example for Back/Rear Delts:

Imaginary chair cable high row 20 reps

Band reverse flys 20 reps

ICCHR 16reps


ICCHR 12reps

BRF 12reps

ICCHR 8reps
BRF 8reps
Use the appropriate

ICCHR 4reps weight so that you can

go right through the
BRF 4reps reps UNBROKEN!

Section 1: Shredding Rep Schemes

1. Two Exercise Rep Schemes

Take 2 exercises and complete the rep schemes, unbroken
(minimal rest). NO HEAVY LIFTING.

Two exercises *15/15 12/12 9/9 6/6 3/3

Example for Leg Day:

Squats 15reps

Squat hops 15reps

Sq 12reps

SqH 12reps

Sq 9reps

SqH 9reps

Sq 6reps
SqH 6reps
Use the appropriate

Sq 3reps weight so that you can

go right through the
SqH 3reps reps UNBROKEN!

Section 1: Shredding Rep Schemes

1. Two Exercise Rep Schemes

Take 2 exercises and complete the rep schemes, unbroken
(minimal rest). NO HEAVY LIFTING.

10-10 to 1-1
*10/10 9/9 8/8 7/7 6/6 5/5 4/4 3/3 2/2 1/1

Example for Full Body Workout:

Squat Cable Row 10reps SCR 5reps

Power Push Ups 10reps PPU 5reps

SCR 9reps SCR 4reps

PPU 9reps PPU 4reps

SCR 8reps SCR 3reps

PPU 8reps PPU 3reps

SCR 7reps SCR 2reps

PPU 7reps PPU 2reps
Use the appropriate

SCR 6reps SCR 1rep weight so that you can

go right through the
PPU 6reps PPU 1rep reps UNBROKEN!

Section 1: Shredding Rep Schemes

1. Two Exercise Rep Schemes

Take 2 exercises and complete the rep schemes, unbroken
(minimal rest). NO HEAVY LIFTING.

10-1 to 1-10
*10/1 9/2 8/3 7/4 6/5 5/6 4/7 3/8 2/9 1/10

Example for Upper Body,

Push/Pull Day:
DB Floor Chest Press 10reps FCP 5reps

Pull ups 1rep PU 6reps

FCP 9reps FCP 4reps

PU 2reps PU 7reps

FCP 8reps FCP 3reps

PU 3reps PU 8reps

FCP 7reps FCP 2reps

PU 4reps PU 9reps
Use the appropriate
weight so that you can
FCP 6reps FCP 1rep
go right through the

PU 5reps reps UNBROKEN!

PU 10reps

Section 1: Shredding Rep Schemes

2. One Exercise Rep Schemes

*5-5-5 for 5
One exercise, 5 reps each set, adding weight with each
set - perform 5 rounds.

Example for Biceps:

Alternating dumbbell bicep curls

Round 1:
5reps/12lbs, 5reps/15lbs, 5reps/17.5lbs

Repeat for 5 rounds!

Use the appropriate weight so that you can
go right through the reps UNBROKEN!

Section 1: Shredding Rep Schemes

2. One Exercise Rep Schemes

One exercise, perform drop set with half the weight
in the second set, 4 rounds

Example for Hamstrings:

80lb Prone Hamstring Curls 10reps

40lb Prone Hamstring Curls 20reps

Rest 90seconds between each round!

Use the appropriate weight so that you can
go right through the reps UNBROKEN!

Section 1: Shredding Rep Schemes

3. One Exercise Rep Schemes

Three exercises, 4 rounds

Example Pull Day:

10 pull ups

15 lat pull downs

20 Cable straight arm pull downs

Complete all three exercises straight

through. Rest 90 seconds between
each round!

Section 1: Shredding Rep Schemes

3. One Exercise Rep Schemes

Three exercises, 4 rounds

Example Leg Day:

5 barbell squats

10 DB walking lunges

15 box jumps

Complete all three exercises straight

through. Rest 90 seconds between
each round!

Section 1: Shredding Rep Schemes

4. EMOM Schemes

Every Minute On the Minute

One exercise, perform 8 reps, 8 rounds,

every minute on the minute

Every Minute On the Minute

Two exercises, perform 8 reps, 8 rounds

per exercise = 12 total rounds

Exercise one on the odd minute,

exercise two on the even minute

Section 1: Shredding Rep Schemes

5. AMRAP Scheme

As Many Rounds As Possible

Six exercises, 10 reps each, 30min, AMRAP

Example for Full Body Workout:

DB lateral raise, 10reps

Pushups, 10reps

TRX row, 10reps

Barbell squat, 10reps

DB walking lunge, 10reps

10cal assault bike

Repeat round until 30min

timer is done!

Section 1: Shredding Rep Schemes

6. TABATA Scheme

Finish off some of your workouts

with band resistance TABATA
8 rounds, 20 second work,
10 second rest

Example Triceps:
Band triceps extensions

20 seconds work,
10seconds rest - 8 Rounds

Section 2

Mass Gaining
Rep Schemes
These rep schemes will maximize

muscular hypertrophy and strength!

Section 2: Mass Gaining Rep Schemes

1. 4-8

80% of max for 4 reps

70% of max for 8 reps
One exercise, determine your max,

figure out your 80% and 70% numbers

(round up, if needed) perform drop
set… 4 reps followed by 8 reps, 5 drop
set rounds.

Rest 90 seconds between

each round!

Section 2: Mass Gaining Rep Schemes

2. 5-5-5 for 5

One exercise, determine your max,

figure out your 80% and 70% numbers
(round up, if needed) perform drop
set… 4 reps followed by 8 reps, 5 drop
set rounds

Rest 90 seconds between

each round!

Section 2: Mass Gaining Rep Schemes

3. EMOM Schemes

Every Minute On the Minute

One exercise, perform 3 reps of every

minute on the minute, 6 rounds

Every Minute On the Minute

Two exercises, perform 3 reps per exercise

each, for 6 rounds = 12 total rounds

Exercise one on the odd minute, exercise

two on the even minute

Every Minute On the Minute

One exercise, perform 5 reps every

minute on the minute, 6 rounds

Every Minute On the Minute

Two exercises, 5 reps each per exercise,

for 6 rounds = 12 total rounds

Rest 90 seconds
Exercise one on the odd minute, exercise between each round!

two on the even minute

Section 2: Mass Gaining Rep Schemes

4. Descending Reps/ Ascending Resistance

10-8-6-4-2-10 reps
One exercise, add weight as reps drop,
then book end the same set as the first for
your last set, one round.

Rest 90 seconds between

each round!

Section 2: Mass Gaining Rep Schemes

5. 30 seconds on

One exercise, perform max reps for 30

seconds, 5 rounds

Rest 90 seconds between

each round!

Section 2: Mass Gaining Rep Schemes

6. 5 Slow – 10 GO

One exercise, perform 5 reps, five second

tempo, followed by 10 reps, two second
tempo, 4 rounds

Rest 90 seconds between

each round!

Section 3

For maximizing cardio-respiratory

efficiency and maintaining lean mass!

Section 3: Cardio Scheme

1. Sprinter speed workout

(any cardio machine can be used…
assault bike, skiERG, rower, treadmill)

Example: Treadmill
Beginner 0% incline

Fit 5% incline

Super Fit 10% incline

1x sprint 40 seconds 20 second rest

1x sprint 30 seconds 30 second rest

1x sprint 20 seconds 40 second rest

1x sprint 10 seconds 50 seconds rest


Keep in mind…
there are rep/counter/timer apps available
for EMOM, AMRAP and TABATA schemes!

Show & Go
Murphy Fitness Rep Schemes

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