GSI Report Systematic Geological Mapping 2

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कार्ाालर्ीन प्रर्ोग हेत/ु For official use only

वििृत फाईल प्रवतिेदन/Open file report

भारत सरकार
Government of India
भारतीर् भूिज्ञ
ै ावनक सिेक्षण
Geological Survey of India

राजस्थान के िाड़मेर, पाली, वसरोही, जालोर एिं जोधपुर जनपदों के भागों में टोपोशीट सं:
45सी/09, 10, 13, 14 एिं 15 में भूभौवतकीर् मानवित्रण पर प्रवतिेदन

Report on Geophysical Mapping in Toposheet Nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15

in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan

टोपोशीट सं: 45सी/09, 10, 13, 14 एिं 15 / Toposheet No 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15
मद संख्र्ा:एम1एजीएस-जीपीएम/एनसी/सीआर//2021/35403
Item no.: M1AGS-GPM/NC/CR//2021/35403

कार्ासत्र 2021-22 का अंवतम प्रवतिेदन

Final report for field season 2021-22

सत्र्िीर ससंह, िररष्ठ भूभौवतकीविद् Satyaveer Singh, Senior Geophysicist

हररवप्रर्ा के ., भू िररष्ठ भौवतकीविद् Haripriya K., Senior Geophysicist
निीन, भूभौवतकीविद् Naveen, Geophysicist


भूभौवतकी प्रभाग / Geophysics Division

मध्र् क्षेत्र / Central Region
नागपुर / Nagpur

वसतंिर, 2022
September, 2022

महावनदेशक, भारतीर् भूिज्ञ

ै ावनक सिेक्षण, कोलकाता की पूिाानुमवत के विना आंवशक र्ा पूणा ककसी भी रूप में उद्वररत ना ककर्ा जार्े
Not to be published in part or full without prior permission of the Director General, Geological Survey of India, Kolkata
विषय-सारणी / CONTENTS

पृष्ठ क्र./Page No.

साराांश i
Abstract iii


1.1 General 1
1.2 Location and Accessibility 2
1.3 Physiography and Climate 2
1.4 Previous Work 3
1.5 Present Work 4
1.6 Quantum of work done 4
1.7 Party Personnel 5
1.8 Acknowledgement 5



3.1 Methodology 8
3.1.1 Plan of the Geophysical Survey 8
3.1.2 Survey work for Acquiring Elevation 9
3.1.3 Physical properties of rock samples 9
3.2 Instruments Used 10
3.3 Gravity and Magnetic Data Reduction 10
3.3.1 Reduction of Gravity data 10 Drift correction 10 Latitude Correction 11 Terrain Correction 11 Combined Elevation Correction (CEC) 12
3.3.2 Reduction of Magnetic data 12 Diurnal Correction 12 Normal Correction 12
3.4 Data Processing- Gridding, Correction, Contour and Image Map Generation 12


4.1 Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Map 14

4.2 Magnetic (T.F.) Anomaly Map 15

4.3 Interpretation 15
4.3.1 Qualitative interpretation of Gravity anomalies 15 Residual Gravity Map 15 Regional Gravity Map 16 Vertical Derivative Map 17 Total Horizontal Derivative (THD) Map 17 Analytic Signal (AS) Map 18 Tilt Derivative (TD) Map 18
4.3.2 Qualitative interpretation of Magnetic anomalies 19 Analytic Signal (AS) Map 19 Regional Magnetic Anomaly Map 19 Reduction to Pole 20

4.3.3 Quantitative interpretation of Gravity anomalies 20 Radially Averaged Power Spectrum of Gravity Data 20 Euler 3D Depth Solutions of Gravity data 21

4.3.4 Quantitative interpretation of Magnetic anomalies 22 Radially Averaged Power Spectrum of Magnetic Data 22 Euler 3D Depth Solutions of Magnetic data 22

4.3.5 Integration of Geophysical and Geological (Lithological units 22

and structured features) data

4.3.6 Profile Depth-To-Basement (P-depth) 23

4.3.7 GM SYS-2D Gravity Modeling 23




7.1 Gravity bases established in the area 29

7.2 Locality Index 29
7.3 Physical properties of rock samples 30
7.4 Data sheet for pricing of the report 32
7.5 Five point Performa 34

Figure 1 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with geophysical stations of Toposheet nos. 45C/09,
10, 13, 14 & 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts,
Rajasthan. F.S. 2021-22
Figure 2 Geology Map of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali,
Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan. F.S. 2021-22
Figure 3A Representative Drift variation curve of Gravity field F.S. 2021-22
Figure 3B Representative diurnal variation curves of Magnetic field F.S. 2021-22.
Figure 4 Bouguer Anomaly map of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15 in parts of
Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan. F.S. 2021-22
Figure 5 Analytic Signal map of Bouguer Anomaly of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 &
15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan. F.S.
Figure 6 Vertical Derivative map of Bouguer Anomaly of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14
& 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan. F.S.
Figure 7 Tilt Derivative map of Bouguer Anomaly of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15
in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan. F.S. 2021-
Figure 8 Total Horizontal Derivative map of Bouguer Anomaly Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10,
13, 14 & 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan.
F.S. 2021-22
Figure 9 Residual map of Bouguer Anomaly of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15 in
parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan. F.S. 2021-22.
Figure 10 Regional map of Bouguer Anomaly of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15 in
parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan. F.S. 2021-22.
Figure 11 Radially Averaged Power Spectrum of Bouguer Gravity, in Toposheet nos. 45C/09,
10, 13, 14 & 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts,
Rajasthan. F.S. 2021-22.
Figure 12 Euler Depth Solutions (SI=0.0) on Bouguer Anomaly map of Toposheet nos.
45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur
Districts, Rajasthan. F.S. 2021-22.
Figure 13 Magnetic Anomaly (TF) map of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15 in parts of
Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan. F.S. 2021-22.
Figure 14 Analytic Signal map of Magnetic Anomaly of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 &
15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan. F.S.
Figure 15 Regional map of Magnetic Anomaly of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15 in
parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan. F.S. 2021-22.
Figure 16 Reduction to Pole map of Magnetic Anomaly of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14
& 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan. F.S.
Figure 17 Radially Averaged Power Spectrum of Magnetic Anomaly in Toposheet nos.
45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur
Districts, Rajasthan. F.S. 2021-22.
Figure 18 Euler Depth Solutions (SI=0.0) of Magnetic Anomaly (TF) map of Toposheet nos.
45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur
Districts, Rajasthan. F.S. 2021-22.
Figure 19 Bouguer Gravity contour overlaid on Geology map of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10,
13, 14 & 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan.
F.S. 2021-22.
Figure 20 Magnetic Anomaly contour overlaid on Geology map of Toposheet nos. 45C/09, 10,
13, 14 & 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan.
F.S. 2021-22.
Figure 21 Depth to basement along profile AB.
Figure 22 2D Gravity model along profile AB.
राजस्थान के बाड़मेर, पाली, सिरोही, जालोर एवं जोधपुर जनपदों के भागों में टोपोशीट िं:
45िी/09, 10, 13, 14 एवं 15 में भूभौसिकीय मानसित्रण पर प्रसिवेदन
मद िंख्या:एम1एजीएि-जीपीएम/एनिी/िीआर//2021/35403

काययित्र 2021-22

ित्यवीर सिंह, वररष्ठ भूभौसिकीसवद्

हररसप्रया के , वररष्ठ भूभौसिकीसवद्
नवीन, भूभौसिकीसवद्


काययित्र 2021-22में क्षेत्रीय गुरुत्वीय डी.जी.पी.एि. के िाथ िुम्बकीय िवेक्षण का कायय राजस्थान
के बाड़मेर, पाली, सिरोही, जालोर एवं जोधपुर जनपदों के भागों में टोपोशीट िं: 45िी/09, 10, 13, 14
एवं 15 में भूभौसिकीय मानसित्रण के अंिगयि ककया गया । "राष्ट्रीय भूभौसिकीय मानसित्रण" काययक्रम के
अंिगयि 3500 वगय ककमी. के क्षेत्र में भूभौसिकीय मानसित्रण के कायय को िंपन्न ककया गया ।

भूगभीय रूप िे इि क्षेत्र (सित्र 2) में मुख्य रूप िे एओसलयन रे ि की िादर और रेि के टीले िे
आच्छाकदि क्षेत्र हैं । दसक्षण पूवी सहस्िे में कदल्ली िुपरग्रुप (सनिले िे मध्य प्रोटेरोजोइक) की िट्टानें हैं, इिके
बाद मलानी इग्नेि िूट (एमआईएि) (ऊपरी प्रोटेरोजोइक) की िट्टानें हैं। ये िभी िट्टानें पुराने और छोटे
जलोढ़ और ििुधायिक
ु युग की रेि िे आच्छाकदि हैं। कदल्ली िुपरग्रुप के प्रसिसनसध सिरोही ग्रुप के अंबेश्वर
फॉमेशन िे िंबंसधि अभ्रक क्षेत्र का िबिे पुरानी िट्टानी प्रकार है। मालानी इसग्नयि िूट के रायोलाइट्ि
अभ्रक के अिंबद्ध रूप िे ऊपर हैं और पोस्ट टेक्टोसनक, एनोरोजेसनक, पोटैसिक, क्षारीय सिवाना ग्रेनाइट
और जालोर ग्रेनाइट के बायोटाइट िमृद्ध ग्रेनाइट प्लूटन द्वारा घुिपैठ कर रहे हैं जो उ.प.-द.पू. ट्रेंसडंग
डोलराइट और ग्रेनाइट पोर्फय री डाइक्ि द्वारा घुिपैठ कर रहे हैं।

बूगे गुरुत्वीय सविंगसि मानसित्र (सित्र 4) -29.5 mGal िे 13.1 mGal िक सभन्निा दशायिा है। बूगे
गुरुत्वीय सविंगसि मानसित्र टोपोशीट िंख्या 45C/10 में -6 mGal िे 13 mGal उच्च िीव्रिा सविंगसि क्षेत्र
H1 को कदखािा है। सजिका सवस्िार दसक्षण में मोकलिर िे लेकर कथरी िक और पूवय में भरवानी िक है।
टोपोशीट िंख्या 45C/13 में दूिरा प्रमुख उच्च गुरुत्वीय क्षेत्र H2 जो सपपरली, मंडावाि और मजाल िे सघरा
हुआ, -10mGal िे -1mGal िक की सभन्निा को कदखािा है। दोनों प्रमुख सविंगसियों को एक िघन सनिली
परि या ऊपरी मेंटल िट्टानों के उत्थान के सलए सजम्मेदार ठहराया जा िकिा है जो िंभविः ििह पर
एमआईएि को दशायिें हैं। टोपोशीट िंख्या 45C/15 में H1 का एक मध्यम सवस्िार हो िकिा है। टोपोशीट
िंख्या 45C/09 में िेनई और िमदारी िे सघरा हुआ एक प्रमुख गुरुत्वीय सनम्न क्षेत्र L1 मौजूद है, सजिका
मान -29 mGal िे -24 mGal िक है। L1 िंभविः ििह पर और िाथ ही उपििह में कम घनत्व वाले
रायोलाइट का प्रकटन है। एक और कम िीव्रिा का बूगे सविंगसि क्षेत्र L2 रायोलाइट के कारण हो िकिा है।
कम िीव्रिा वाले क्षेत्र L3 में के वल सविंगसि का वह सहस्िा कदखाई देिा है जो अध्ययन-क्षेत्र के बाहर फै ला
हुआ है, वह कदल्ली िुपरग्रुप के अभ्रक की वजह िे हो िकिा है। कम िीव्रिा वाले क्षेत्र L3 में एक नए खोजे

गए किरनी (shear) क्षेत्र की व्याख्या की जा िकिी है क्योंकक क्षेत्र िे एकत्र ककए गए िट्टानी-नमूने इिकी
अनुशंिा करिे हैं।

िुंबकीय सविंगसि मानसित्र (सित्र 13) में -1431.3 एनटी िे 1974.1 एनटी िक कु ल सभन्निा देखी
गई। उच्च िीव्रिा वाली िुंबकीय सविंगसियां उच्च िीव्रिा वाले गुरुत्वाकर्यण सविंगसियों के िाथ अच्छी िरह
िे िहिंबद्ध हैं। उच्च िीव्रिा की सविंगसियों को सनिली परि/ऊपरी मेंटल िे माकफक अल्ट्रामैकफक िट्टानों के
उत्थान के सलए उत्तरदायी ठहराया जा िकिा है। राओलाइट और ग्रेनाइट जैिी कम िंवेदनशीलिा िामग्री
के कारण एनडब्लल्यू-एिई कदशा में एक रे खीय (Lineament) सनम्न प्रवृसत्त की हो िकिी है। काययित्र में
अध्ययन क्षेत्र िे कु ल 100 क्षेत्रीय िट्टानी-नमूने एकत्र ककए गए।

गुरुत्वीय सविंगसियों के वणयक्रमीय सवश्लेर्ण के पररणाम 1.5 ककमी, 4 ककमी और 8 ककमी पर िीन
गुरुत्वीय अंिरफलक दशायिे हैं। िुंबकीय सविंगसियों का वणयक्रमीय सवश्लेर्ण क्रमशः 1.42 ककमी और 5
ककमी पर दो िुंबकीय अंिरफलक को इंसगि करिा है।

गुरुत्वीय उच्च क्षेत्र H1 जो सिवाना ररं ग कॉम्प्लेक्ि का एक सहस्िा है और H2 को REE अध्ययन के

सलए सवस्िृि भूभौसिकीय जांि की िलाह दी जािी है। कम िीव्रिा वाले गुरुत्वीय भाग L3 के किरनी
(shear) क्षेत्र पर सवस्िारपूवयक सवश्लेर्ण उपििह की एक स्पष्ट िस्वीर प्रदान कर िकिी है।

Report on Geophysical Mapping in Toposheet Nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15
in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan
Item No.: MIAGS-GPM/NC/CR//2021/35403

FS: 2021-22

Satyaveer Singh, Senior Geophysicist

Haripriya K, Senior Geophysicist
Naveen, Geophysicist


Regional Gravity along with DGPS and Magnetic (TF) surveys were carried out in
Toposheets 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15 in parts of in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and
Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan during F.S. 2021-22. Geophysical Mapping covers an area of
3500Sq km under "National Geophysical Mapping (NGPM)" Program of Geological Survey
of India.
The area dominantly covered by Aeolian sand sheet and sand dune. Geologically the
area (Figure 2) has rocks of Delhi Supergroup (Lower to middle Proterozoic) in south
eastern side followed by rocks of Malani Igneous Suite (MIS) (upper Proterozoic). All these
rocks are overlain by older and younger alluvium and sand of the quaternary age. The mica
schist belonging to the Ambeshwar Formation of the Sirohi group a representative of Delhi
Supergroup is the oldest rock type in the area. The rhyolites of Malani Igneous Suite
unconformably overlie the mica schist and are intruded by post tectonic, anorogenic,
potassic, alkaline Siwana granite and biotite rich granite plutons of the Jalor Granite which
is intruded by NW-SE trending dolerite and granite porphyry dykes
Bouguer Gravity Anomaly maps (Figure 4) shows variation from -29.5 mGal to 13.1
mGal. Bouguer Gravity anomaly map shows high intensity anomaly zone H1 in the Toposheet
no. 45C/10 ranges from 13 mGal to -6 mGal from Mokalsar to Kathari in the south and
Bharwani in the east. Second major gravity high zone H2 in the Toposheet no. 45C/13
surrounded by Piparli, Mandawas and Majal ranges from -1 mGal to -10 mGal. Both the
major anomalies may be attributed to upliftment of a denser lower crust or upper mantle
rocks that possibly fed the MIS on the surface. A moderate high in the Toposheet no. 45C/15
may be the extension of H1. A major gravity low zone L1 is present in the Toposheet no.
45C/09 surrounded by Senai and Samdari ranges from -29 mGal to -24 mGal. L1 is probably
the manifestation of low density Rhyolite on the surface as well as in subsurface. Another low
intensity anomaly zone L2 is caused by Rhyolite. In low intensity zone L3 only the part of the
anomaly is visible which extends outside the area of interest may be contributed by Mica
schist of Delhi Supergroup. A shear zone has been discovered in the low intensity zone L3
interpreted from the collected sheared samples.

Total variation observed in Magnetic anomaly map (Figure 13) from -1431.3 nT to
1974.1 nT. High intensity magnetic anomalies are well correlated with high intensity gravity
anomalies. The high intensity anomalies are attributed by the upliftment of mafic ultramafic
rocks from lower crust/ upper mantle. A linear low is trending in NW-SE direction may due
to low susceptibility materials like Rhyolite and Granite. Total 100 field rock samples were
collected during the field.
Results of the spectral analysis of gravity anomalies indicate three gravity interfaces
at 1.5 km, 4 km and 8 km. Spectral analysis of magnetic anomalies indicates two magnetic
interfaces at 1.42 km and 5 km respectively.
Detailed geophysical investigations along the gravity high zone H1 which is a part of
Siwana Ring Complex and over H2 anomaly for identifying the nature and geometric
parameters of the causative source. A detailed analysis on discovered shear zone (on L3)
may give a lucid picture of subsurface.

Report on Geophysical Mapping in Toposheet Nos. 45C/09, 10, 13, 14 & 15
in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan
Item No.: M1AGS-GPM/NC/CR//2021/35403
F.S. 2021-22

Satyaveer Singh, Senior Geophysicist
Haripriya K., Senior Geophysicist
Naveen, Geophysicist


1.1 General
The Ground geophysical mapping with gravity and magnetic (T.F.) surveys were
carried out in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur districts of Rajasthan. The
FSP Item No. M1AGS-GPM/NC/CR//2021/35403 , FS: 2021-22, was falling in Survey of
India (SOI) Toposheets nos. 45C/9, 10, 13, 14 & 15 under the project “National Geophysical
Mapping (NGPM)” of Geological Survey of India, Central Region, Nagpur (Figure 1).
The basic objectives of the Mapping / Survey were to generate gravity and magnetic
baseline data and maps of the survey area, identification of the mineral potential area
through integration of geophysical data with existing Geoscientific data, to determine
physical property of the representative rock samples to facilitate understanding of gravity-
magnetic signatures, to validate the existing geological model, if any, or modify/update the
existing one and to generate subsurface structural fabric of the survey area by qualitative and
quantitative interpretation of the ground gravity and magnetic data.
In geological perspective, the area is dominantly covered by Aeolian sand sheet and
sand dune. The area has rocks of Delhi Supergroup (Lower to middle Proterozoic) in
southeastern side followed by rocks of Malani Igneous Suite (upper Proterozoic). All these
rocks are overlain by older and younger alluvium and sand of the quaternary age (Mukherji,
and Pyne 1978). The mica schist belonging to the Ambeshwar Formation of the Sirohi
Group a representative of Delhi Supergroup is the basement rock in the area. The rhyolites
of Malani Igneous Suite unconformably overlie the mica schist and are intruded by post
tectonic, anorogenic, potassic, alkaline Siwana granite and biotite rich granite plutons of the
Jalor Granite which is intruded by NW-SE trending dolerite and granite porphyry dykes. In
pursuance, existing investigation on regional basis and to generate detailed base line data
with geophysical mapping an area of 3500 km2 was covered as per norms of 1 Gravity and
Magnetic (GM) observation per 2.5 km2 area during FS: 2021-22.
1.2 Location and Accessibility
The present area of investigation is bounded by latitudes 25° 15’ 00” & 26° 00’ 00”
N and longitudes 72° 30’ 00” & 73° 00’ 00” E and falls in Survey of India Toposheet Nos.
45C/9, 10, 13, 14 & 15. It is confined in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and Jodhpur
districts of Rajasthan
The camp was established in Village- Bhadrajun, Jalore district, Rajasthan. The area
is well connected to State Highway (SH- 64). Bhadrajun is connected by daily Bus service to
Jodhpur Railway station and Jodhpur Airport from where one can reach the head quarter of
Nagpur by Train or Flight. Villages are connected by Jeepable roads and easily accessible.
The nearest railway station is Jalore Railway station.

1.3 Physiography and Climate

The area is an extensive flat terrain, vastness of which is broken by few isolated hills
of rhyolite around Samdari, Mokalsar, Loodrara, Doodiya, Rama, Bhadrajun, North-eastern
side of Choonda and Devliyali. The south western margin of the area around Mokalsar is
occupied by rhyolite hill ranges. The Luni channel passes through the area in a general E-W
direction. The highest point (592 m. above MSL.) in the area is on the rhyolite exposure
around Mokalsar. Most of the area mapped is sandy plain with a gentle slope from East (174
meters above MSL) to West (102 m above MSL). However the extreme western part of the
area has comparatively a high level of 150 m to 170 m above MSL due to close spacing of
longitudinal sand dunes, indicative of strong winds, which have an average relative height of
20-30 meters, but some are as high as 75 m from the ground level. The sand-dunes are
stabilized and are aligned along NE-SW direction. Hard and resistant outcrops of Malani
igneous rocks form small mounds and precipitous hills rising to a maximum height of 413 m
above MSL. The general gradient of the area is from East to West. Luni river, flowing in the
centre of the area, in a general westerly direction, constitutes the major drainage. The area to
the north of Luni channel is completely devoid of any surface drainage. In the area south of
Luni channel, a few ephemeral streams originate from the hills on the western limits and die
in the flat ground, before meeting the main channel. Sub-surface water is the only source of
water in the area for domestic and irrigation purposes. It is mostly saline or brackish to
various degrees at different places. Packets of sweet water are found at many places in the
gravel-beds which are interstratified with the Malani rocks. The average level of sub-surface
water is 5- 20 m below the surface.

The area falls under arid climate zone and receives an average annual precipitation of
around 300 mm mainly distributed in mid June to September with an occasional winter
shower around December. Area experiences very hot summer with day temperatures
shooting upto a maximum, recorded temperature, of 45°C between March and June, with
strong winds. Winters are severe with minimum temperature of 4°C.

1.4 Previous Work

Blanford (1877) who is the first person to give a systematic account on geology of
Rajasthan, identified the volcanic suite of the area and introduced the term Malani to these
volcanic rocks comprising of porphyritic lavas carried out and ash beds. The petrographic
studies of Malani lavas were carried out by Oldham(1886) carried out for the first time. The
term ‘Malani Igneous Suite’ which includes the intrusive, hypabyssal and extrusive variants
of Magma, was given by M.S. Krishnan. Mukerji, B. and Pyne, T.K. (1978-79) carried out
systematic geological mapping of the area and identified two phases of igneous activity
within the rhyolites. A sample collected on a dacite porphyry dyke from village Kotra in
Toposheet No. 45C/15 has Tin about 700 ppm (Mishra R.C. 1989-90). Presence of
reasonable amount of REE were also detected from samples collected from Toposheet Nos.
45C/14 and 15(Mishra R.C. 1989-90). Murthy et al (1961) called the rhyolites and
associated granites as Malani Suite of igneous rocks which was further modified by Ray
(1968) as Malani Igneous Suite. Murthy (1962) for the first time established the Siwana ring
Geomorphological Mapping and Quaternary Studies were carried out in Middle
Luni Basin around Luni Village covering parts of Jodhpur & Pali districts, Rajasthan.
(Sural,1976). Quaternary studies were carried out in lower Luni basin Barmer & Jodhpur
district, Rajasthan. (Verma and Roy, 1979). On the basis of detailed study a tentative
Quaternary Geological succession has been built up which also suggests different climatic
vicissitudes this area has undergone during Quaternary times. Geomorphologically the area
exhibits development of fluviatile and aeolian landforms. An area of 3690 sq. km was
covered under systematic geological mapping in the Barmer, Jodhpur, Jalore and Pali
districts of Rajasthan by Gathania et al 1984. The various rock types are of acid to basic
composition and occur in extrusive, hypabyssal and plutonic forms, represented respectively
by basalt, andesite, rhyolites, pyroclastics; rhyolite porphyry dykes, dolerite dykes and
granite and gabbro. Dykes and sills of post Cretaceous age intrude the rock types of the
Malani Igneous Suite.

Exploration for Tin was carried out around Bhadrajan – Kotra, Korana villages,
Jalore district Rajasthan by Misra, 1990. Few spot high values of Tin, W and Ce are found
from granites of Kotra, Khambi, Sugalia and Korana, and Rhyolites of Bhadrajan which
were not a significant zone worth further work. Flow-straigraphy, Geochemistry &
Petrogenesis studies of Malani Igneous suite arround Kankani, Siwana & Bhadrajan, western
Rajasthan were carried out by Chittora and Bhusan, 1994). The richness of iron and alkalis
in the Siwana flows suggests that they may be perkaline rhyolite whereas Kankani and
Bhadrajan flows are rhyolitic. The trace element geochemistry indicates higher value of
many rare elements like Be, Y, Nb, Zn, La, & Zr in Siwana volcanics and granite. The three
rhyolite flows at Siwana show anomalous values for Zr, Ce, Y, Zn, La, Nb and Be. REE
work was carried out in Phulan village Toposheet No. 45C/10 (Das and Gantait 2020).

1.5 Present Work

The Geophysics division, Central Region, GSI, Nagpur has taken up Regional
Gravity and Magnetic (Total Field) surveys under the project “National Geophysical
Mapping (NGPM)” during the period from last week of September 2021 to last week of
March 2022. Systematic Gravity Mapping/Survey along with DGPS and Magnetic (T.F.)
mapping have been carried out in parts of degree sheet 45C (Toposheet Nos. 45C/9, 10, 13,
14 & 15, vide FSP code No. M1AGS-GPM/NC/CR//2021/35403) along available roads,
cart track and foot track in the area. An area of 3500 km2 has been covered along with 100
rock samples, collected near the GM stations for measurement of Density and Magnetic
Susceptibility. The station density was maintained as per norms of one GM observation per
2.5 km2 area. The area of investigation comprises of 5 Toposheets in the western Rajasthan
area and is aimed to generate regional gravity and magnetic maps to identify subsurface
structural fabrics like fault, fold etc. in order to locate the new potential area for mineral
exploration. The geophysical interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies were
correlated with known geological and geochemical results to infer the causative sources in
area. These integrations will immensely help in formulating and implementing various
strategies for natural resources exploration.

1.6 Quantum of work:

The details as per NQT is given in following Table.:

Total work Expected Year of
Work Work
Load completion and
Nature of work already Completed during
envisaged for Circulation of
completed FS 2021-22
F.S 2021-22 final report
1. Gravity (along with DGPS) 3500 km2 Gravity Mapping
Survey (one observation per March 2022 (3500 km2)
2.5 km2)
Magnetic Mapping
2. Magnetic (T.F.) Survey (one 3500 km2 and New Item
(3500 km2)
observation per 2.5 km2)
3. Sample Collection (Density September
and Magnetic susceptibility) 100Nos. 100 Nos.

1.7. Party personnel and field days

Satyaveer Singh, Senior Geophysicist 151 days

Officers Haripriya K., Senior Geophysicist 147 days

Naveen, Geophysicist 167 days

Supervisor H. Rajaram, Superintending Geophysicist 8 days

1.8. Acknowledgement
The authors express their sincere thanks to Shri Hemraj Suryavanshi, DDG & HOD,
Geological Survey of India, Central Region, Nagpur for providing all logistic support in GM
data acquisition. They express their profound gratitude to Dr Kaumudi Joshi DDG & RMH
(M-IA), GSI, CR, Nagpur for providing adequate facilities and valuable suggestion to
conduct the fieldwork.
They would like to thank to Shri S.N. Chowdhuri, Director Geophysics & In-Charge
Geophysics Division, GSI, CR, Nagpur for providing logistic support.
The authors express their sincere thanks to Shri H.Rajaram, Superintending
Geophysicist and Supervisory officer of the project for his experienced scientific and
technical guidance during the field works, providing logistic support and scrutinizing the
The authors also express their sincere thanks to Shri Tushar Meshram Sr. Geologist,
Petrology Division, GSI, CR, Nagpur for providing help in identification of rock samples
The authors extremely thank all the party members for their sincere co-operation and
providing friendly atmosphere in completing the assigned target.


The area falls in parts of Jalore, Pali, Sirohi, Barmer and Jodhpur districts of
Rajasthan. The survey area being a part of Thar Desert is dominantly covered by Aeolian
sand sheet and sand dune. The area has rocks of Delhi Supergroup (Paleo Proterozoic to
Mesoproterozoic) in south eastern side followed by rocks of Malani Igneous Suite
(Neoproterozoic). All these rocks are overlain by older and younger alluvium and sand of
the Holocene age (Mukherji, and Pyne 1978). The mica schist belonging to the Ambeshwar
Formation of the Sirohi Group which is a representative of Delhi Supergroup is the oldest
rock type in the area. The rhyolites of Malani Igneous Suite unconformably overlie the mica
schist and are intruded by post tectonic, anorogenic, potassic, alkaline Siwana granite and
biotite rich granite plutons of the Jalor Granite which is intruded by NW-SE trending
dolerite and granite porphyry dykes.
The stratigraphy of the litho units ranges from age of Holocene to Paleo Proterozoic.
The area is represented by Malani igneous suite and Erinpura igneous suite of
Neoproterozoic age and Delhi Supergroup of Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic age.
Delhi Supergroup consists of rocks like Mica Schist, Quartzite, Phyllite and Calc-silicate
rock which belongs to Ambeshwar formation of Sirohi Group. The Erinpura granites
consists of granite (Gneissic and migmatitic at places). Jodhpur Volcanics Group consists of
Rhyolite, Tuffs, volcanic breccia, Ash beds and Agglomerates of under Kailana Felsic
volcanic formation. Jalore Plutonics Group consists of rocks Biotite Granite and Peralkaline
Granite of Jalore Granite formation. Jalore granite is intruded by Dolerite and Granite
porphyry dykes. A series of dolerite dykes trending N600W-S600E intrude the Jalore granite.
Jalore and Jodhpur granites are overlain by Sankra dykes which consists of various rocks
like Rhyolite Porphyry, Rhyolite, Granite Porphyry and Dolerite of Malani intrusive
formations (of different flows). The top layer is Fine Aeolian sand and silt with occasional
Kankar of Holocene age.
Most of the area is covered by Aeolian and fluvial sand and alluvium. The exposures
of Malani igneous suite are observed in the central and south eastern part of Toposheet No.
45C/14. In north eastern and southern part of Toposheet No. 45C/15 also, some exposures of
Malani igneous Rocks are present. Some exposures are also detected in western part of
Toposheet No. 45C/10. However very few exposures of Malani igneous suite rocks are
noticed in eastern and central part of Toposheet No. 45C/13 and very few are seen in
western part of Toposheet No. 45C/09.
Mica Schist which belongs to Ambeshwar formation of Sirohi Group is seen adjacent to
rhyolite covered hills in the eastern part of Toposheet No. 45C/15. The rhyolites of Malani
igneous suite unconformably overlies the mica schist in this area and occurs mostly as
clusters of low hills and mounds. The non porphyritic variants of rhyolites are exposed along
the ridge of the Bhadrajun hill and further north of it.

Table: 2 Stratigraphy of study area (Toposheet Nos. 45C/9, 10, 13, 14, 15)

Rock type Formation Group Supergroup Age

Fine Aeolian sand and silt
Thar Desert Holocene
with occasional kankar
Rhyolite Porphyry Malani intrusive 30
Rhyolite Malani intrusive 35 Sankra
Granite Porphyry Malani intrusive 50 Granites
Dolerite Malani intrusive 75 Malani
Biotite Granite Jalor Granite Jalore Igneous
Plutonics Suite Neoproterozoic
Peralkaline Granite Siwana Granite
Rhyolite; Tuffs, volcanic
Kailana Felsic Jodhpur
breccia, ash beds and
volcanics Volcanics
Granite (Gneissic and Erinpura Granite
migmatitic at places) and Gneiss
Mica Schist; Quartzite;
Ambeshwar Sirohi Delhi Paleoproterozoic to
Phyllite; Calc-silicate rock;
Formation Group Supergroup Mesoproterozoic
impure marble
(Source: Geology and Stratigraphy from 1:50,000 Geological map series, Geodata Division, GSI, CR, Nagpur)


3.1 Methodology
Gravity along with DGPS and Magnetic methods are employed systematically for
data acquisition in the assigned area. Gravity surveying measures variations in the Earth’s
gravitational field caused by differences in the density contrast of sub-surface rocks. In the
Magnetic method, the variation in magnetic susceptibility of rocks is measured.
Both gravity and magnetic methods, therefore, employ a two-stage process: (1)
Measurement of anomalies at or above the ground surface and (2) Interpretation of
anomalies in terms of rock property variations within the surface in a way, which adds to
knowledge of geology. Gravity and Magnetic exploration can help to locate minerals,
structures, geothermal or petroleum resources, and ground-water reservoirs. Potential field
surveys are relatively inexpensive and can quickly cover large areas of ground. Based on the
gravity and magnetic anomalies and their distinctive contour pattern, a skeleton of domain
map was prepared. An effort is made to integrate data and maps from all available sources of
information viz. Gravity, Magnetic (T.F.), Geology and the derivative map for
characterization of area.
Gravity and Magnetic (T.F.) mapping were carried out as per guidelines of Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) for executing the various stages of geophysical project. These
stages involve planning, data acquisition, data reduction, data preservation, processing,
integration, interpretation and presentation of results. Gravity along with Differential Global
Positioning System (DGPS) and Magnetic (T.F.) surveys were carried out along all the
available roads and cart tracks by maintaining station density of one observation per 2.5 km2
in the survey area.

3.1.1 Plan of the Geophysical Survey

Systematic gravity survey was carried out in the present area with the objective of
generating regional gravity data set to prepare anomaly maps with 1 mGal contour interval
under the NGPM project. Gravity base selection was done prior to initiation of the data
acquisition in field. For instrumental drift, a number of gravity observations has been
recorded. Gravity data were recorded with due care as on ground level, far from trees, and
higher floors, free from traffic disturbances, voids, and water channel etc.
Magnetic field data plays an important role in delineating the geological features
within the basement rocks due to magnetic susceptibility contrast. Magnetic base has been
selected in the field area, away from cultural activities/noises and magnetic objects, which

can affect correction due to diurnal variation. The diurnal variation is measured by
occupying the base repeatedly during the course of magnetic survey and correction is
applied to observed magnetic data. The magnetic observations were carried out by avoiding
the culverts, pipelines, electric lines and any other iron objects.
Several GM observations were rechecked to ensure the repeatability of Gravity and
Magnetic data. The Magnetic (T.F.) data was collected at 2-3 location around each gravity

3.1.2 Survey work for Acquiring Elevation

The DGPS observations were taken exactly at the location of gravity stations (Figure
1) and the position of DGPS was kept with a good geometric distribution above 15° cut off
angle. DGPS was kept away from potentially reflective areas such as metallic objects,
fences, power lines, dense forest canopy or buildings and vehicles to avoid the imaging or
multipath (W.E. Featherstone Exploration Geophysics 1995). The distance between Base
and Rover should not be more than 10 km and sufficient observational time (10-15 minutes)
has been maintained to collect high quality DGPS data during Geophysical mapping.
The standard survey design is presented in following Table:.
Scale of Contour
Survey Stage Station Interval Traverse Interval Remarks
Survey interval
One station in 2.5 km2 Random distribution
Gravity Survey DGPS for
1:50000 with station interval of along available track 1 mGal
under NGPM leveling
1-2 km /road

One station in 2.5 km2 Random distribution

Magnetic Survey DGPS for
1:50000 with station interval of along available track 50 nT
under NGPM leveling
1-2 km /road

3.1.3 Physical properties of rock samples

During the course of Geophysical mapping, 100 rock samples were collected from
various location near to Geophysical station, representing different litho-units in the area.
The physical properties of the rock samples such as Density were measured at Physical
Property Laboratory, GSI, CR, Nagpur with Digital Density Meter, Mettler Toledo ME- 403,
Pune, India. The Magnetic Susceptibility measured at Physical Property Laboratory,
Geophysics Division, GSI, CR, Nagpur with MS-2 Magnetic Susceptibility meter,
Barington, UK. Density and magnetic susceptibility measurements of different rocks
samples is useful in understanding and evaluating the Geophysical responses. The density
and magnetic susceptibility value of rock samples are listed in appendix 7.3.
The Physical Properties of rock samples are mentioned in following Table:
No. Of Density (gm/cc) Susceptibility x10-3 (SI units)
Rock type
samples Range Average Range Average
Granite 36 2.487-2.78 2.616 0.353-1.89 1.0078
Rhyolite 14 2.366-2.679 2.5747 0.283-0.863 0.5114
Altered Rhyolite 20 2.548-2.722 2.625 0.619-6.17 1.6328
23 2.535-2.796 2.6427 0.761-13.2 6.2952
Volcanic rock
Altered Basalt 7 2.618-2.767 2.7047 0.357-7.15 3.8163

3.2 Instruments Used

The instruments used to carry out the Geophysical Survey are mentioned in
following Table:

S.No. Name of instruments Make GSI Reference No. Accuracy

M/s Scintrex
1. CG-5 Autograv Gravimeter 0503 0.001 mGal
Limited Canada
GEM System
2. GSM-19TW 7.0 (PPM) TEM-19 T.7.0 0.1 nT
Leica Geosystem
3. DGPS GSI 10, 27B&11R 5 to 10 mm
AG Switzerland

(Sources: CG5 Autograv Data Sheets, The Global Magazine of Leica Geosystem, GEM Proton Magnetometers Brochure).

3.3 Gravity and Magnetic Data Reduction

Gravity and Magnetic Data has been processed to highlight the anomalies of
geological interest in the study area. The Gravity and Magnetic anomalies are the combined
effect of various sources situated at different depths differing in densities and

3.3.1 Reduction of Gravity data

Gravimeters do not give direct measurements of gravity rather a meter reading taken
which is then multiplied by an instrumental calibration factor to produce a value of observed
gravity (gobs). The correction process is known as gravity data reduction or reduction to the
geoid (Jose Rivas 2009). The gravity readings vary in time and are influenced by
topography, latitude and elevation. The data, therefore, required to be corrected for these
factors to a chosen datum. The various corrections that can be applied are the following: - Drift correction

Gravimeter readings change (drift) with time as a result of elastic creep in springs,
producing an apparent change in gravity at a given stations. The instrumental drift can be
determined simply by repeating measurements at same stations at different times of the day,
typically every 1-2 hours. It is essential to establish a Gravity base in the vicinity of the
area of operation so as to estimate the drift correction accurately and efficiently by
- 10 -
occupying the base repeatedly and observing the gravity value. Though CG-5 Auto-grav
Gravimeter have provisions for nullifying the variation of gravity due to tidal effect, on the
surface of the earth due to the attraction of Sun and Moon, by keying in Longitude of the
area and the time difference with respect to GMT, but the residual drift related to internal
spring mechanism has been taken care for completely annulling the drift.
The observed gravity data were tied with established IGSN (International Gravity
Standardization Net) gravity stations. Then these gravity stations were again connected with
local gravity bases established at GSI camp, Bhadrajun, Jalore, Rajasthan. The calculated
gravity values of the base is 978934.1985 mGal. Station coordinates and elevations of the
study area were determined using DGPS instrument. The raw data had been corrected for
drift, latitude, free air and Bouguer correction to obtain gravity anomaly of the study area.
The details of established local Gravity and Magnetic bases are presented in Appendix 7.1.
The drift corrected gravity data was reduced to the mean sea level with reference to
the IGSN-71 base, using the International Gravity Formula-1980 and presented in Figure 3A
where it is showing a gradual increase in drift as time passes. Bouguer gravity correction
was done on reduced gravity values assuming an average or uniform crustal density of 2.67
gm/cc. Latitude Correction

The rotation of the earth and its equatorial bulge produce variation in gravity value
with latitude. The variation of the gravity value with latitude is given by the equation (1980

where g is the theoretical gravity value at latitude ∅. The theoretical gravity value
corresponding to latitude of a particular point as obtained from the above formula is
removed from the observed gravity also referred to as station gravity. Terrain Correction

Terrain correction has to be applied to remove the surface irregularities in the area.
Hills above the elevation of the gravity station exert an upward pull on the gravimeter and
valleys below the station fail to pull downward on it. Thus, both types of undulations affect
gravity measurements. Terrain corrections are generally necessary if a topographic
difference within a sector is more than about 5% of its distance from the station. Terrain
correction is calculated using Geosoft software (Version 9.1).

- 11 - Combined Elevation Correction (CEC)
Free air correction (FAC) is combined with Bouguer Correction (BC) to calculate
Combined Elevation Correction (CEC). If the station was located on a plateau of large
horizontal extent with uniform thickness and density, the gravity value would be increased
by the effect of this slab between the station and the datum. If the density of the slab is
assumed to be 2.67 gm/cc, the correction factor is (0.1967 mGal/m). The average density of
crustal rocks is 2.67 gm/cc. The FAC and the BC which are always opposite in sign together
form the Combined elevation correction which is 0.1967 mGal/m. The Bouguer Anomaly is
obtained after correcting both the Bouguer slab and the Free Air Correction.

3.3.2 Reduction of Magnetic data

Magnetic base has been selected in the field that is free from cultural noises and all
magnetic objects for the effective corrections due to diurnal variation. Diurnal and spatial
variations are the two important components that cause the variation of the magnetic field in
a region. In field surveys, both the variations combined together are measured and therefore
measured data needs corrections. Diurnal Correction

The diurnal variation is measured by occupying the base repeatedly in the course of
magnetic survey. The diurnal variations have been recorded as frequently as possible for
applying correction precisely due to the daily variation of the magnetic field, during day-to-
day operations. Normal Correction

The normal variation in the Earth's magnetic field, i.e. International Geomagnetic
Reference Field (IGRF) originating from the Earth’s interior is monitored all over the globe
and is updated every five years i.e., Definitive Geomagnetic Reference Field (DGRF). The
latest available IGRF Epoch (2015) is selected for the required magnetic data reduction.
The Magnetic observations (T.F.) are corrected for the diurnal variation using the
magnetic base station data established adjacent to DGPS base station. The total magnetic
intensity (T.F.) anomaly at each station was evaluated after the removal of International
Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2015 epoch using Geosoft software (Version 9.1)
from the diurnally corrected magnetic data. The representative drift and diurnal variation
curves of gravity and magnetic are shown in Figure 3.

3.4 Data Processing- Gridding, Correction, Contour and Image Map Generation
The data processing forms another important phase of the geophysical investigation.
- 12 -
It is well known that the given Gravity or Magnetic anomaly is the combined effect of
various sources situated at different depths differing in densities / susceptibilities. The data
processing involves enhancement of signal that is anomaly of interest.
Acquired gravity data is affected by different sources with varying amplitude and
wavelengths which mask gravity variation of either geophysical or geological bodies of
interest and needs for reduction of gravity data. Gravity data has been subjected to various
corrections. Similarly, processing of the magnetic data involves filtering of noise/spikes of
the field data. The total field magnetic data is processed for diurnal and IGRF corrections to
obtain the total field magnetic anomaly at each station. The ellipsoidal height data that
collected from the DGPS instrument has been processed using Leica Geo office to obtain
orthometric height (Heigh from MSL) by creating local geoid model.
To prepare contour maps, the DGPS data has been subjected to projection of the
respective geographic co-ordinates from geographic system using projection parameters of
Geosoft software (Version 9.1). WGS-84 datum and UTM 44 N zone are used for
projections in the study area.
Finally, gravity and magnetic field data set is prepared with the corrected gravity and
magnetic field values for normal variations. Bouguer anomaly and Magnetic (T.F.) anomaly
values were gridded (500m) and contoured. Using this data other filtered maps, Radially
Averaged Power Spectrum (RAPS), Euler 3D Depth solutions maps were prepared. All the
data processing, preparation of maps and interpretation were made through Microsoft Excel,
Leica Geo-Office, Surfer (Golden software) and Geosoft software (Version 9.1).

- 13 -

The results of gravity and magnetic (T.F.) survey have been displayed in the form of
different type of maps with the Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of data for better
understanding of the subsurface geology and structural features. The important contribution
of the prepared maps are delineation of contacts between different lithounits, faults by
displacements of linear features, shallow depth and regional structures etc.
4.1. Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Map
After applying all the corrections to the gravity readings, Bouguer anomaly grid is
created with 500m grid spacing for further interpretation. The Bouguer anomaly (BA) map
is prepared with 1 mGal contour interval. The Bouguer anomaly map of the study area
(Figure 4) exhibits the amplitude range from -29.5 mGal to 13.1 mGal with a total variation
of 42.6 mGal.
Bouguer Gravity anomaly map shows a high intensity anomaly zone H1in the
Toposheet No. 45C/10 ranges from 13 mGal to -6mGal from Mokalsar to Kathari in the
south and Bharwani in the east. Second major gravity high zone H2 in the Toposheet No.
45C/13 surrounded by Piparli, Mandawas and Majal ranges from -15 mGal to -1 mGal. A
major gravity low zone L1 is present in the Toposheet No. 45C/09 surrounded by Senai and
Samdari ranges from -29 mGal to -24 mGal. Another low intensity zone L2 surrounded by
Rama and Bhadrajun. In low intensity zone L3, only a small part of the anomaly is visible
which extends outside the area of interest. A newly discovered shear zone is present in this
low anomaly zone L3 which is interpreted by the sheared rock samples collected.
The gravity gradients demarcate the contacts between different lithounits very well.
Both the major high anomaly zones H1 and H2 may be attributed to upwarpment of a denser
lower crust or upper mantle rocks that possibly fed the MIS on the surface (Omprakash et al.
2020). The high anomaly zone H1 may be the extension of Siwana Ring Complex. L1 is
probably the manifestation of low density Rhyolite on the surface as well as in subsurface
and L2 is due to Rhyolitic hill ranges. L3 may be contributed by Mica schist of Delhi Super
Group. The Nosings observed in the contours may be due to lineaments / Faults which are
marked as F1-F1’, F2-F2’, F3-F3’, F4-F4’, F5-F5’, F6-F6’ and F7-F7’ respectively. Three
lineaments are marked with white continuous lines, which were digitized from Seismo
tectonic atlas of India and its Environs (Das Gupta et al 2000). The major lineament is Luni
–Sukri lineament.

- 14 -
A block B has beeb marked in the area Rakhi for further detailed geophysical study
integrated with Geology for mineral prospects since REE mineralization has already been
identified in part of the area by GSI (Das and Gantait 2020).

4.2 Magnetic (T.F.) Anomaly Map

The total intensity of magnetic (T.F.) anomaly map (Figure 13) has been prepared
after removing International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2015 epoch from the
diurnal corrected magnetic values with a contour interval of 50nT. The magnetic (T.F.)
values varying from -1431.3 nT to 1974.1 nT with a total variation of 3405.4 nT, show the
nature and texture of magnetic anomalies, as low and high frequencies.
Total intensity magnetic anomaly is a combined effect of both remnant and induced
magnetization. A high amplitude magnetic anomaly zone with amplitude vary from 100nT
to 480nT is present in the central part surrounded by Ratri, Majal and Gelawas village.
Another high anomaly zone is present in the Toposheet No. 45C/10 below Mukalsar village
trending in NW-SE direction. The zone extends towards southeast direction in the Toposheet
No. 45C/15 although the intensity got curtailed in Toposheet No. 45C/15. A major low
anomaly zone is trending parallel to the high anomaly zone (NW-SE direction). High
intensity magnetic anomalies are well correlated with high intensity gravity anomalies,
which are attributed by the upwarpment of mafic ultramafic rocks from lower crust

4.3 Interpretation
The resultant final maps were obtained after data reduction and processing. The
interpretation process forms in two stages. Qualitative interpretation in which the given
variations of gravity and magnetic are translated into geological features. During the
quantitative analysis, the depth, width and other physical parameters of the geological bodies
are interpreted.

4.3.1 Qualitative interpretation of Gravity anomalies

Qualitative interpretation generally provides information about the disposition of
causative bodies. The qualitative analysis includes preparation of refined maps by applying
proper filtering techniques. Low pass, Gaussian (Regional) and Upward continuation filters
are used for preparing regional maps. High pass, Gaussian (Residual), Derivatives are used
for preparing residual maps. Gradient maps and tilt derivative map delineate the
Contact/Boundary. Residual Gravity Map

Residual gravity contour map (Figure 9) has been prepared from Bouguer anomaly to
- 15 -
resolve the shallow features by using Gaussian regional / residual filter. The residual map
provides shallow information of the subsurface structures. However, along with shallow
anomalies of short wavelength noises are also get enhanced by this technique. The cutoff
wavelength of 8 km obtained from spectral analysis of Bouguer gravity anomaly was used to
prepare a residual gravity map to resolve the shallow structures more clearly.
The area of investigation identified several residual gravity high and low anomalies
trending NW-SE and NE-SW direction by black dashed lines. A zone of residual gravity
high can be observed in and around the Gelawas. Several residual high linear trends were
observed on the map, which indicates lithological or structural features having high-density
contrast in the shallow depth. Low intensity values are located mainly on the Rhyolite
terrains. The high intensity linear trends replicate most of the faults marked in the Bouguer
anomaly map, which indicate shallow depth persistence of the faults. Regional Gravity Map

The regional and residual separation was carried out to differentiate the responses
from deeper and shallower causative sources so that ambiguity can be minimized. To
prepare regional gravity map, Gaussian regional/residual filter was used with cutoff
wavelength 32 km ( obtained from Radially averaged power spectrum map) and presented in
Figure 10.
The highs and lows are well corroborated with BA map. The gravity highs H1 and
H2 in BA map (Figure 4) are deep-seated sources of broad regional features associated with
high-density contrast, shows a good correlation with regional high RH1 and RH2 in the
regional map. The contact marked on the map is very well corroborated with BA map (Fig
4) which may indicate the depth persistence of the marked contact to a deeper level. Low
gravity anomaly zones L1 and L2 in BA map (Figure 4) are also well correlated with RL1
and RL2 in regional gravity map (Figure 10) which indicate the depth perseverance to
deeper levels.
Near-surface noises are eliminated from the resulting image of the regional gravity
map and reflect the response of deep-seated regional features with varying density contrast.
The gravity gradients of regional gravity anomaly demarcate all major boundaries and litho
contacts/faults which is well corroborated by Bouguer gravity anomaly map. The highs and
lows are corresponding to the density discrepancies beneath The regional trend of the gravity
anomaly variation of the study area can also validate with the Bouguer gravity anomaly map.

- 16 - Vertical Derivative Map
Derivatives tend to sharpen the edges of anomalies and accentuate shallow features
to increase the perceptibility. First order vertical derivative map for gravity data in Z-
direction has been computed by using the ‘MAGMAP’ module of Geosoft software (Version
9.1) software and is presented in Figure 6. The 1st vertical derivative (Z1) map (FVD) of
Bouguer Gravity anomaly represents the variation in the potential field to bring out effects
of shallow features. Thus, the weaker anomalies are more readily apparent in the area of
strong regional disturbances. The map shows the rate of change of the gravity field in terms
of mGal/m in the vertical direction. First order vertical derivative map depicts the shallow
structural response of short wavelengths and shields long wavelength (Blakely 1995). It
correlates well with the residual map (Figure 9) since both serve the same purpose. Both the
high and low gravity zones marked in BA map (Figure 4) are reflected in the map although
L1 is not as apparent. The linear features marked in the map match with the marked faults in
BA map. 1st vertical derivative map tends to sharpen the edges of anomalies all over the area
compare to BA map. Total Horizontal Derivative (THD) Map

Total horizontal derivative map (THD) is another useful tool to delineate the
boundary of the source body by locating contacts of density contrast from the gravity data
(Cordell, 1979). It is a measure of the lateral change in density of the upper crustal rock. The
steepest horizontal gradient of gravity anomaly will be located directly over the edge of the
body if the edge of the body is vertical and there should not be other sources nearby. (Eslam
et. al.). Therefore, this method is useful in locating the boundary of vertical/near vertical
source rock (Cordell and Grauch, 1985; Blakely and Simpson, 1986). Its magnitude is
dependent on the density contrast across the boundary, the vertical extent of the contrast, the
dip of the boundary and its depth of burial. The advantages of the horizontal gradient
method are the low susceptibility to the noise, interference effects between the nearby
sources and robustness to delineate either shallow or deep structures (Phillips, 1998).
Although it is complementary to the filtered and vertical derivatives enhancement maps it
produces a more exact location of faults than the first vertical derivatives. Maxima observed
on THD map are diagnostic of lineaments (faults and lithologic contacts) and their locations
within the study area. For the gravity field G(x, y), the horizontal gradient magnitude HG(x,
y) is given by

- 17 -
The map of total horizontal gradient or horizontal derivative has been prepared and
presented in Figure 8 distinctly demarcate the lithological boundaries with high gradient
anomaly where the density discrepancy is present. The prominent trend is NW- SE. Most of
the inferred faults/contacts marked in BA map (Figure 4) are well demarcated in THD map
too. Analytic Signal (AS) Map Gravity

The analytical signal data can be used to directly map the approximate position of the
anomaly source bodies (Miller and Singh, 1994). Analytical signal map (Figure 5) of
Bouguer Gravity data has been prepared by using MAGMAP module. It is one of the most
effective tools to delineate the geological boundaries with sufficient density contrast and is a
function of gradients. The maximum gradient of the analytical signal lies directly over the
edges of the anomalous source. The analytic signal map of the study area helped in
identifying mainly source of high amplitude values, faults and contacts of different
lithological units, delineated from Bouguer gravity anomaly map.
The analytic signal amplitude peaks over the isolated density contrast. High-intensity
zones are observed near Mukalsar, surrounded by Gelawas and Doodiya, which indicate
edge/boundary of the body. The structural features marked show a good agreement with
THD map and FVD map. Tilt Derivative Map

The Tilt derivative (TD) is a refinement of the analytic signal method (Miller and
Singh (1994) and Verduzco et al. (2004)). This method determines the location and depth of
vertical contacts without prior information on the source configuration by using the
horizontal gradient amplitude of the tilt angle. The Tilt derivative method has the advantage
of responding well to both shallow and deep sources, and the map of Tilt derivative
recognizes the horizontal location and extent of sources. It enhances subtle anomalies as
compared to stronger anomalies irrespective of amplitude or wavelength. The tilt derivative
is defined as

where FVD and THD are the First Vertical Derivative and Total Horizontal Derivative,

- 18 -
The Tilt derivative Map of Bouguer Gravity data is prepared and resultant map
presented in Figure 7 with zero contour lines which lie close to the edge of the body. Most of
the inferred contacts/fault delineated in BA map (Figure 4) are more clearly brought out in
tilt derivative map. The positive values are showing over the source edge and negative

4.3.2 Qualitative interpretation of Magnetic anomalies

The interpretation of magnetic data is carried out in two stages viz., the qualitative
interpretation and the quantitative interpretation. The interpretation of magnetic data is more
complicated than gravity data because the magnetic anomalies are strongly influenced by the
strike of the target and the latitude of its occurrence since the inducing field itself varies
from equator to poles. Remnant magnetism also makes the interpretation tedious. Analytical Signal (AS) Map

The analytical signal is calculated through a combination of vertical and horizontal
gradients of magnetic anomalies and it is independent of the direction of magnetization of
the source. The amplitude of the analytical signal is related to amplitude of magnetization.
The analytical signal peaks over the edge of the magnetic body (Nabighian 1972). For
smaller bodies, the maximum value of the analytical signal lies directly over the body.
The analytical signal map presented in Figure 14 brought out NW-SE and N-S high
AS amplitude substantiated by litho contact/fault and intrusions in the southwestern, south
central and northern part of the area. The map is having good agreement with Magnetic
(T.F.) anomaly map. Regional Magnetic Anomaly Map

The regional magnetic anomaly map is prepared using Gaussian regional/ residual
filter. Cut off wavelength for the Gaussian regional filter is given as 16 km( obtained from
Radially averaged power spectrum map). This is a low pass filter, which filters all shallow
depth short wavelength anomalies and shows the long wavelength and lower frequency
anomalies due to deeper causative bodies. The map is prepared and presented in Figure 15.
This map clearly reflects all magnetic zones as demarcated in Magnetic (T.F.) anomaly map
(Figure 13) and it depicts predominance of high-intensity magnetic values trending in NW-
SE direction. The high magnetic gradient in the western part is associated with rocks of high
susceptibility causative source at deeper depth. The low intensity anomaly may reflect the
non-magnetic nature of the deeper crust.

- 19 - Reduction to Pole
Since total magnetic anomaly of a magnetic body will be symmetric and vertically
overhead as in the case of gravity, only at poles and equator, the anomalies at intermediate
latitudes are to be reduced to either pole or equator in order to minimize the complexity in
the anomaly and hence simplifies the interpretation.
The reduction-to-the-pole (RTP) operation computes, from the observed magnetic
field, the magnetic field that would be observed if the magnetization were also vertical
which means at the pole. It transforms induced magnetic responses of dipolar nature at mid
to low latitudes to those of simpler symmetric response that would arise were the sources
placed at the magnetic pole. This was introduced by Baranov in 1957 mainly for large scale
mapping to reduce the complexities in magnetic anomalies who described this technique to
reduce map made anywhere except at low latitude (Baranov, 1957). Some RTP methods
were developed for low latitude magnetic anomalies (Li and Oldenburg 2001 & Luo et al.
2010). In this method, the symmetric ‘highs’ are directly centered on the body, while the
maximum gradient of the anti-symmetric bipolar anomalies coincides exactly with the body
edge. A limitation in RTP is, it can introduce noise in the resultant data.
Reduction to pole operation has been done for MA (T.F.) Anomaly map for
simplifying the anomaly and presented in Figure 16, which is in good agreement with MA
map (Figure 13), as well as Regional magnetic anomaly map (Figure 15).

4.3.3 Quantitative interpretation of Gravity anomalies

Process of quantitative interpretation of gravity anomalies endeavors to determine
the source distribution whose anomalous field matches as closely as possible to the actual
field on the surface of measurement. In this section, an attempt is made to know the source
depths of causative anomalies by calculating Power spectrum and the Euler’s 3D depth
solutions using Geosoft software (Version 9.1). Radially Averaged Spectrum of Gravity Data

Spectral analysis of gravity and magnetic data has been used extensively during the
past two decades to derive the depth to certain geological features, such as the magnetic
basement (e.g. Bhattacharya 1966, Spector & Grant 1970). Spector & Grant (1970) stated
that the depth factor dominates the shape of the radially averaged power spectrum of
magnetic data. The ‘radially averaged’ means that the powers for equal lengths of the
wavevector are averaged (Stefan and Dimri 1996). The radially averaged power spectrum
plot was generated using the MAGMAP module of Geosoft software (Version 9.1) to obtain

- 20 -
different wave numbers and the depths of the subsurface gravity interfaces. Frequency
analysis of gravity and magnetic anomalies yielded information about the depth/ interfaces
of various causative sources quantitatively. The average radial power spectrum has shown
that the deep-seated sources produce anomalies dominated by low wave number spectral
contents whereas shallow seated sources produce anomalies dominated by high wave
number spectral contents. Depths can be found from the slope of the plot of log Power
Spectrum vs. Wave number.
The interpretation of power spectrum correlated with the upward continuation and
Euler 3D solution. The results of the radially averaged power spectrum presented in Figure
11 of gravity data brought out three layer segments of density interface computed from
slopes, i.e. at 1.5 km, 4km and 8km respectively. First gravity interface (1.5km) indicating
the depth persistence of near-surface litho units like Aeolian sand and silt. Second interface
(4km) may represent Malani Igneous Suit. Third gravity interface (8 km) indicates the
basement of high density that possibly fed the MIS on the surface (Omprakash et al 2020). Euler 3D Depth Solutions of Gravity data

Euler 3D convolution technique (Reid et. al.,1990) is a boundary and direct depth
estimation method for potential field data in a region. It provides means of gaining a broad
idea on the depth and location of various sources in a given. Further, it also helps to
delineate linear features (e.g. fracture / faults / contacts). Euler’s homogeneity relation given

relates the fields and its gradient components to the location of source with the degree of
homogeneity N (Thompson 1982), where (x0, y0, z0) is the position of a magnetic source
whose total field T is detected at (x, y, z). The total field has a regional value of B. The
degree of homogeneity N may be interpreted as a structural index (SI) which is a measure of
the rate of change with the distance of a field. The solution obtains by solving Euler’s
equation for a given SI by least square inversion procedure.
Using the gridded data of gravity anomalies, Euler 3D depth solutions have been
computed with structural index (which is a function of source geometry) of 0.0 representing
two-dimensional features such as faults/contacts. The depth solution cluster map shows the
trends of the source depth pattern indicated by different colour circles. The clusters of depth
solutions in Figure 12 indicate the existence of some faults/contacts in the area. All the four
zones marked in the BA map (Figure 4) were well demarcated in the Euler Solution map.
- 21 -
The majority of solutions are falling directly over fault/contacts between 2000m to 6000m

4.3.4 Quantitative interpretation of Magnetic anomalies

The quantitative analysis generated the maps depicting the thickness of the sediment
or to the depth of the basement. Image maps are presented to know the source depths of
causative anomalies by calculating the Power spectrum. Radially Averaged Power Spectrum of Magnetic Data

Frequency analysis of gravity and magnetic anomalies yielded information about the
depth of interfaces, which are attributable to the changes in the nature of rocks. Since the
source rocks for gravity and magnetic anomalies could be different, the power spectra for
gravity and magnetic anomalies differ from each other. Analysis of the power spectrum of
magnetic data depicts two susceptibility contrast interfaces (Figure 17). Spectral analysis of
magnetic anomalies indicates a magnetic interface at 1.42 km, which may indicate the depth
persistence near-surface litho units like Aeolian sand and silt with magnetic impurities.
Second interface (5km) may represent Malani Igneous Suit. It is inferred that magnetic
sources below this depth have an insignificant contribution to the observed magnetic signal.
The results show the consistency of density at deeper levels. Euler 3D Depth Solutions of Magnetic data

Using the gridded data of magnetic anomalies, Euler 3D depth solutions have been
computed with structural index (which is a function of source geometry) of 0.0 representing
two-dimensional features such as faults/contacts. The clusters of depth solutions in Figure 18
indicate the existence of some faults/contacts in the area. All the zones in the MA map
(Figure 13) were well demarcated in the Euler Solution map. The majority of solutions are
falling directly over fault/contacts between 2000m to 8000m depth.

4.3.5 Integration of Geophysical and Geological (Lithological units and

structural features) data
The Bouguer gravity and magnetic anomaly contour maps are superimposed on
reproduced generalized geological map for better understanding of sub-surface geology with
gravity and magnetic signatures (Figure : 19 & 20). Both the maps bring out prominent
features and depict the subsurface geology in a significant way.
Since the lion’s share of the area is covered by Aeolian sediments of Holocene
integration of Geophysical and Geological data won’t be that useful although in some
portion Geology and Bouguer Anomaly goes hand in hand. In the Toposheet No. 45C/14
- 22 -
where L2 is marked in BA map the low is contributed by Rhyolite hill range which is
marked in the Geology map. The low in the southeastern part of Toposheet Nos. 45C/14 and
15 caused by the Mica Schist, which is also marked in the Geology map.
The total intensity of magnetic anomaly is a combined effect of both remnant and
induced magnetization. The general trend of the magnetic contour is NW-SE. Similar to BA
map MA (T.F.) map also shows a little correlation with the Geology map. The low in the
Toposheet No. 45C/14 may attributed by Rhyolitic hill range.

4.3.6 Depth - To - Basement (P-depth)

P depth is an automated function method to find the depth to the basement from the
profile, which is based on the Werner deconvolution technique (Werner, 1953; Ku & Sharp,
1983). It assumes the source body is either dyke or contacts with infinite extends and uses
the least square approach to solve the source body parameters in a series of moving window
along the profile. Calculation operates on a segment of anomaly profile referred as window
and may produce a single solution. The Werner deconvolution starts at the beginning of the
profile using the smallest window size, the window moves along the profile to the end. Then
the window size is incremented and the entire profile is processed again. Each Werner
calculation potentially generates one solution. Residual cut off sets an amplitude threshold
for anomalies and allows eliminating solutions caused by noise in the input profile. The
Werner Deconvolution method will not find many solutions at a depth shallower than the
input data spacing or deeper than the window length. P depth solution was calculated. The
depth of causative source along Profile AB trending NW-SE direction varies from 1000 m-
4000m approximately (Figure 21).

4.3.7 GM SYS-2D Gravity Modeling

GM SYS is a program for calculating gravity and magnetic response of a geological
model that allows intuitive and interactive geophysical model and real-time calculation of
the gravity response. The basic idea of gravity modeling is to interpret the observed gravity
anomaly in terms of a geological model with feasible density distribution. In forward
modeling approach, the densities of various geological domains are fixed whereas the shapes
of the bodies are changed in order to get a reasonable fit between the observed and
calculated anomalies.
A NW-SE Profile A-B presented in Figure 4 has been considered for the forward
modelling purpose (Figure 22). The profile starts from The profile starts from north of
Piparli and passing over gravity high zone H2 near Gelawas and crosses gravity low zone L2

- 23 -
near Bhadrajun. The upwarpment of lower high density (ρ= 2.8 g/cm3) layer which is the
cause of H2 zone is well depicted in the model. L2 zone is due to the presence of exposed
Rhyolite ranges (ρ= 2.37g/cm3). The profile passing over Mica Schist (ρ= 2.55g/cm3) shows
relatively low anomaly which becomes further low towards Southeast where profile crossing
Aeolian sand and silt (ρ= 2.3g/cm3). The lower anomaly corroborate with the basinal

- 24 -

The results emerge from the analysis of gravity and magnetic (T.F.) maps their
patterns of anomaly contour and reflected the geometry of causative sources controlled by
different lithology of the study area. Gravity and magnetic maps attributed a number of
significant structural features like contacts, faults, and mafic intrusive sill/dykes are brought
out the following conclusions and recommendations:

1. Both the major anomaly zones H1 and H2 in the BA map (Figure 4) may be
attributed to upwarpment of a denser lower crust or upper mantle rocks that possibly
fed the MIS on the surface.

2. The high anomaly zone H1 may be the extension of Siwana Ring Complex.

3. Low gravity anomalies in the BA map L1 and L2 are probably the manifestation of
low density Rhyolite on the surface as well as in subsurface. L3 may be contributed
by Mica Schist of Delhi Supergroup.

4. A shear zone has been discovered in the low intensity zone L3 interpreted from the
collected sheared samples.

5. The nosings, near Samdhari, Piparli, Doodiya, Mukalsar, Nimbala, Bassi and Harji
may indicate faults.

6. Three lineaments are marked in the BA map that were digitized from Seismo tectonic
atlas of India and its Environs. Among the three Luni Sukri Lineament is major one,
which can be traced in the BA map.

7. Results of the spectral analysis of gravity anomalies indicate three gravity interfaces
at 1.5km, 4km and 8km.

8. The high intensity magnetic anomalies are attributed by the upwarpment of mafic
ultramafic rocks from lower crust/ upper mantle.

9. A linear low is trending in NW-SE direction may due to low susceptibility materials
like Rhyolite and Granite.

10. Spectral analysis of magnetic anomalies indicates two magnetic interfaces at 1.42km
and 5km respectively.

- 25 -

The geophysical mapping employing gravity and magnetic methods on regional scale
is being carried out to bring out subsurface geological structures in an area suitable for
mineralization; hence, no confirmatory observation to demarcate mineralization loci/
mineral type can be done from the regional gravity and magnetic data alone. The
mineralization locales may be confirmed only after integration of geophysical, geochemical,
geological and other parameters available in the surveyed area. Advanced geophysical
techniques i.e. EM, CSMT, SP, IP, detailed gravity and magnetic should be incorporated.

1. Detailed geophysical investigation is recommended along the gravity high zone H1

that is a part of Siwana Ring Complex. A block B has been marked in the area Rakhi
for detailed geophysical as well as geological investigations since REE
mineralization has already been identified in part of the area by GSI (Das and Gantait

2. Detailed geophysical investigation is also recommended over H2 anomaly for

identifying the nature and geometric parameters of the causative source.

3. Detailed analysis on newly discovered shear zone (near L3) may be recommended to
get a lucid picture of subsurface.

- 26 -

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- 28 -
7.1. Gravity bases established in the area

S. Toposheet Latitude Longitude
Location Gravity Value
N. No. (°N) (°E)
in (mGal)
Gram Panchyat Bhavan, Bhalro
1. Ka Bada, Samdari, Barmer, 45C/09 25.846787 72.645498 978963.1283
Government Sub-Health
2. Centre, Golia Chaudhariyan, 45C/10 25.656770 72.672812 978958.8915
Siwana, Barmer, Rajasthan
Government School, Mandavas,
3. 45C/13 25.826852 72.944686 978964.5411
Pali, Rajasthan
Gram Panchyat Bhavan,
4 45C/14 25.603341 72.880492 978932.3437
Bhadrajun, Jalore, Rajasthan
Gram Panchyat Bhavan,
5 Ajitpura, Jaitpura, Jalore, 45C/15 25.470314 72.822245 978941.4094

7.2. Locality Index

S.No. Village Name Latitude Longitude
1 Ahore 25.3733 72.77806
2 Shankhwali 25.46472 72.88421
3 Umedpur 25.32102 72.91448
4 Ajeetpura 25.46462 72.80181
5 Harji 25.28957 72.86099
6 Bhadrajun 25.60333 72.88604
7 Neembla 25.54061 72.87118
8 Rama 25.6535 72.83527
9 Bassi 25.71496 72.95066
10 Choonda 25.52089 72.91755
11 Gelawas 25.80121 72.81742
12 Mandawas 25.82721 72.9373
13 Doodiya 25.92523 72.90762
14 Satlana 25.96733 72.95846
15 Piparli 25.94034 72.77461
16 Karmawas 25.7767 72.5867
17 Samdari 25.81523 72.58651
18 Majal 25.81022 72.70939
19 Senai 25.96491 72.69222
20 Soorpura 25.89984 72.576
21 Rakhi 25.67477 72.58975
22 Bhawrani 25.56496 72.65364
23 Mokalsar 25.61101 72.51361
24 Kathari 25.52418 72.50979
25 Ratri 25.7057 72.72159

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7.3 Physical properties of the rock sample

S.No Density Susceptibility

GP Longitude Latitude Rock type
. (g/cc) (x10ˉ³ SI units)
1 2 72.8681198 25.6049499 2.762 1.1 Granite
2 7 72.8408497 25.6019097 2.447 0.321 Rhyolite
3 8 72.8334076 25.6140645 2.615 2.38 Altered rhyolite
4 12 72.8510142 25.6478196 2.622 0.283 Rhyolite
5 13 72.8655478 25.643603 2.583 0.348 Rhyolite
6 25-A 72.9694531 25.6181951 2.657 0.619 Altered rhyolite
7 25 72.9694531 25.6181951 2.604 1.18 Altered rhyolite
8 50 72.8680449 25.5715415 2.722 6.17 Altered rhyolite
9 78 72.8879742 25.6568478 2.665 0.329 Rhyolite
10 83 72.8558311 25.5636605 2.579 5.8
volcanic rock
11 86 72.8315968 25.5760291 2.59 5.78
volcanic rock
12 97 72.8599252 25.6593039 2.603 0.733 Rhyolite
13 98 72.8736394 25.6546459 2.666 2.46 Altered rhyolite
14 99 72.8780021 25.6681994 2.603 1.1 Altered rhyolite
15 102 72.8583799 25.6734338 2.593 0.915 Altered rhyolite
16 106 72.8526087 25.684833 2.709 1.04 Altered rhyolite
17 108 72.847812 25.698133 2.73 4.37 altered basalt
18 119 72.7817466 25.5158465 2.553 0.863 Rhyolite
19 119 72.7817466 25.5158465 2.568 0.635 Rhyolite
20 160 72.8402247 25.7136635 2.366 0.527 Rhyolite
21 180 72.7714862 25.6011816 2.581 1.62 Granite
22 181 72.7871474 25.6034393 2.565 3.02
volcanic rock
23 206 72.7621509 25.5203379 2.585 0.603 Granite
24 215 72.7882949 25.5892312 2.593 0.353 Granite
25 305 72.7510634 25.4758206 2.547 0.875 Granite
26 305 72.7510634 25.4758206 2.547 0.875 Granite
27 315 72.9146838 25.463867 2.587 0.761
volcanic rock
28 316 72.9298228 25.4574814 2.563 0.488 Granite
29 317 72.9468773 25.4575448 2.569 0.585 Granite
30 318 72.9495274 25.4718648 2.6 1.09 Granite
31 319 72.9467734 25.4852739 2.579 1.67 Granite
32 336 72.9341918 25.4995196 2.592 1.14 Altered rhyolite
33 336 72.9341918 25.4995196 2.679 0.654 Rhyolite
34 336 72.9341918 25.4995196 2.607 1.05 Altered rhyolite
35 424 72.9872755 25.5740103 2.556 2.66
volcanic rock
36 424 72.9872755 25.5740103 2.593 2.59
volcanic rock
- 30 -
37 424 72.9872755 25.5740103 2.632 4.44
volcanic rock
38 429-A 72.9836322 25.6151569 2.611 0.571 Rhyolite
39 429 72.9843785 25.6159741 2.609 0.574 Rhyolite
40 431 72.9987673 25.5858673 2.796 3.17
volcanic rock
41 432 72.999804 25.5694976 2.641 2.09
volcanic rock
42 432 72.999804 25.5694976 2.633 4.62
volcanic rock
43 439 72.9339986 25.4772309 2.6 1.35 Granite
44 440 72.9442168 25.5136396 2.589 10.3
volcanic rock
45 441 72.9341687 25.5262796 2.741 10.1
volcanic rock
46 441-B 72.9343409 25.5261845 2.71 10.01
volcanic rock
47 441-C 72.9343781 25.5263917 2.732 10.2
volcanic rock
48 442 72.9285274 25.5132894 2.729 12.5
volcanic rock
49 443 72.9506359 25.5261769 2.624 1.25 Altered rhyolite
50 444 72.9646046 25.5317388 2.663 1.83 Altered rhyolite
51 448 72.9764995 25.5093819 2.571 1.51 Granite
52 451 72.9860861 25.5512236 2.618 1.93 Altered rhyolite
53 452 72.9775545 25.563085 2.608 0.986 Altered rhyolite
54 505 72.8985464 25.2899651 2.672 8.17
volcanic rock
55 566 72.7502337 25.2631698 2.679 0.513 Granite
56 566-A 72.750627 25.2626464 2.61 1.01 Granite
57 637 72.5151666 25.6194477 2.664 0.468 Granite
58 638 72.5066389 25.6068809 2.565 0.544 Granite
59 640 72.501073 25.5796929 2.72 0.507 Granite
60 653 72.5499991 25.6803841 2.661 0.624 Granite
61 655 72.5331597 25.6908334 2.581 1.04 Granite
62 793 72.5040491 25.7268903 2.623 0.805 Granite
63 D1'' 72.515475 25.6164 2.767 0.357 Altered basalt
64 D1' 72.515244 25.6164472 2.673 0.597 Altered basalt
65 D1 72.5154 25.616438 2.78 0.567 Granite
66 D2 72.503293 25.58295 2.734 1.03 Granite
67 D3 72.500425 25.651896 2.645 1.33 Altered rhyolite
68 D4 72.514742 25.663935 2.618 4.32 Altered basalt
69 D5 72.526782 25.694283 2.718 0.537 Granite
70 D6 72.534411 25.708483 2.73 5 Altered basalt
71 D7 72.513211 25.729671 2.614 1.24 Granite
72 D8 72.504322 25.734018 2.629 0.838 Granite
73 D9 72.529435 25.713319 2.735 7.15 Altered basalt
- 31 -
74 F1' 72.886218 25.884844 2.691 13.2
volcanic rock
75 F1 72.88623 25.884797 2.695 11.8
volcanic rock
76 F2 72.888065 25.898835 2.675 6.6
volcanic rock
77 F3 72.555411 25.928625 2.548 1.34 Altered rhyolite
78 F4 72.547991 25.805642 2.725 2.38
volcanic rock
79 J1 72.547747 25.820962 2.558 6.72
volcanic rock
80 J2 72.546759 25.822403 2.535 2.67
volcanic rock
81 N1 72.758641 25.270702 2.611 1.79 Altered rhyolite
82 N1' 72.76341 25.30739 2.589 1.72 Altered rhyolite
83 N10 72.758641 25.270702 2.599 0.736 Altered rhyolite
84 N2 72.766905 25.294753 2.616 1.72 Granite
85 N3 72.764681 25.301184 2.487 1.89 Granite
86 N4 72.763078 25.29202 2.572 1.12 Granite
87 N5 72.764199 25.281091 2.597 1.62 Granite
88 N6 72.755599 25.278293 2.507 1.49 Granite
89 N7 72.750887 25.297748 2.505 0.711 Granite
90 N8 72.758873 25.26721 2.57 1.77 Granite
91 N9 72.757191 25.302324 2.767 1.02 Granite
92 N10 72.7586411 25.2707019 2.61 1.01 Granite
93 X1 72.789044 25.572079 2.64 1.02 Granite
94 X2 72.864725 25.584143 2.57 0.283 Rhyolite
95 X5 72.872342 25.637216 2.56 5.21
volcanic rock
96 X4 72.562091 25.680449 2.68 4.92 Altered basalt
97 X5 72.899841 25.300228 2.59 0.518 Rhyolite
98 X6 72.925876 25.261876 2.58 0.521 Rhyolite
99 X7 72.501459 25.595118 2.63 1.07 Granite
100 X8 72.575908 25.817095 2.627 1.69 Altered rhyolite

7.4 Datasheet for pricing of the report

Title of the report: Report on Geophysical Mapping in Toposheet Nos. 45C/09,

10, 13, 14 & 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and
Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan
Authors: Satyaveer Singh, Haripriya K. and Naveen.

Item No. : M1AGS-GPM/NC/CR//2021/35403

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Abstract of the investigation: Bouguer Gravity Anomaly maps (Fig 4) shows variation
from -29.5 mGal to 13.1 mGal. Bouguer Gravity anomaly
map shows high intensity anomaly zone H1in the Toposheet
No. 45C/10 ranges from 13 mGal to -6mGal from Mokalsar
to Kathari in the south and Bharwani in the east. Second
major gravity high zone H2 in the Toposheet No. 45C/13
surrounded by Piparli, Mandawas and Majal ranges from -1
mGal to -10 mGal. Both the major anomalies may be
attributed to upwarpment of a denser lower crust or upper
mantle rocks that possibly fed the MIS on the surface. A
moderate high in the Toposheet No. 45C/15 may be the
extension of H1. A major gravity low zone L1 is present in
the Toposheet No. 45C/09 surrounded by Senai and Samdari
ranges from -29 mGal to -24 mGal. L1 is probably the
manifestation of low density Rhyolite on the surface as well
as in subsurface. Another low intensity anomaly zone L2 is
caused by Rhyolite. Low intensity zone L3 in the eastern
margin of the Topsheet nos. 45C/14 and 15 may be caused
by the Mica Schist of Delhi Supergroup.
Total variation observed in Magnetic anomaly map (Fig 13)
from -1431.3 nT to 1974.1nT. High intensity magnetic
anomalies are well correlated with high intensity gravity
anomalies. The high intensity anomalies are attributed by the
upwarpment of mafic ultramafic rocks from lower crust/
upper mantle. A linear low is trending in NW-SE direction
may due to low susceptibility materials like Rhyolite and
Granite. Total 100 field rock samples were collected during
the field.
Results of the spectral analysis of gravity anomalies indicate
three gravity interfaces at 1.5km, 4km and 8km. Spectral
analysis of magnetic anomalies indicates two magnetic
interfaces at 1.42km and 5km respectively.
Total work done: Area 3500 km2, 100 rock samples for physical properties
measurement (Density & magnetic susceptibility)
Geophysical Surveys: Gravity along with DGPS and Magnetic surveys

RCA/ NRCA Expenditure: Wages OC POL

RCA Rs. 3,83,598/- Rs. 1,12,260/- Nil
Grand Total Rs. 4,95,858/-

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7.5 Five points Performa

Title of the report: Report on Geophysical Mapping in Toposheet Nos. 45C/09,

10, 13, 14 & 15 in parts of Barmer, Pali, Sirohi, Jalore and
Jodhpur Districts, Rajasthan
Authors: Satyaveer Singh, Haripriya K. and Naveen

1. Background, objectives
and sponsor: The basic objectives of the Mapping/Survey were to
generate gravity and magnetic baseline data and maps of the
survey area, identification of the mineral potential area
through integration of geophysical data with existing
Geoscientific data, to determine physical property of the
representative rock samples to facilitate understanding of
gravity-magnetic signatures, to validate the existing
geological model, if any, or modify/update the existing one
and to generate subsurface structural fabric of the survey
area by qualitative and quantitative interpretation of the
ground gravity and magnetic data.
The Geophysical Mapping was proposed in Toposheet Nos.
45C/9, 10, 13, 14, 15 covering an area of 3500 km2 during
FS 2021-22 to prepare Gravity and Magnetic map on
1:50000 scale.
The project was taken up as Field Session Program (FSP) of
Geological Survey of India, Central Region, Nagpur.

2. Field Season Programme F.S. 2021-22

3. Date of commencement and

completion of investigation: 8th August 2021 to 22nd March 2022

Number of days spent in the field by each officer:

Satyaveer Singh, Senior Geophysicist 151 days

Haripriya K., Senior Geophysicist 147 days
Naveen, Geophysicist 167 days

H Rajaram, Superintending Geophysicist 8 days

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4. Main conclusions and

1. Both the major anomaly zones H1 and H2 in the BA map (Figure

4) may be attributed to upwarpment of a denser lower crust or
upper mantle rocks that possibly fed the MIS on the surface.
2. The high anomaly zone H1 may be the extension of Siwana Ring
3. Low gravity anomaly zones L1 and L2 in the BA map are
probably the manifestation of low density Rhyolite on the surface
as well as in subsurface. Mica schist of Delhi Supergroup may
contribute L3.
4. A shear zone has been discovered in the low intensity zone L3
interpreted from the collected sheared samples.
5. The nosings, near Samdhari, Piparli, Doodiya, Mukalsar, Nimbala,
Choonda and Harji may indicate faults.
6. Results of the spectral analysis of gravity anomalies indicate three
gravity interfaces at 1.5km, 4km and 8km.
7. The high intensity magnetic anomalies are attributed by the
upwarpment of mafic ultramafic rocks from lower crust/ upper
8. A linear low is trending in NW-SE direction may due to low
susceptibility materials like Rhyolite and Granite.
9. Spectral analysis of magnetic anomalies indicates two magnetic
interfaces at 1.42km and 5km respectively.
10. Detailed geophysical investigation is recommended along the
gravity high zone H1 which is a part of Siwana Ring Complex. A
block B has been marked in the area Rakhi for detailed
geophysical as well as geological investigations since REE
mineralization has already been identified in part of the area by
GSI (Das and Gantait 2020).
11. Detailed geophysical investigation may be recommended over H2
anomaly for identifying the nature and geometric parameters of
the causative source since it is completely concealed under the
sand cover.
12. Detailed investigation on newly discovered shear zone to get a
lucid picture of subsurface.

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5. Objectives achieved: Yes, achieved.


1. Satyaveer Singh, Senior Geophysicist

2. Haripriya K, Senior Geophysicist
3. Naveen, Geophysicist

Place: (H. Rajaram)

Date: Superintending Geophysicist

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