Clinical Worksheet Blank Y3
Clinical Worksheet Blank Y3
Clinical Worksheet Blank Y3
Patient’s Story: (Review ED admission note, ED physician note, admission H&P, most recent progress notes to briefly
describe how the patient became admitted to the hospital).
Reason for Admission: (Admission Diagnoses and/or surgical procedure: include definition, pathophysiology, signs
& symptoms, complications with references (e.g., textbook).
Co-Existing Illnesses: (All pertinent medical conditions the patient lives with but not the main reason for admission
(e.g., diabetes, hypertension). Include all definitions, signs and symptoms, and references.
Safety: Fall Risk Restraint Bed/Chair Mobility Order Ambulate independently 1 Assist
Alarm Other safety risk:
2 Assist Dependent/Mechanical Lift
Assistive Devices:
Shift Task List: (to do list)
Caregiver/comfort rounds
Precautions sign
Call bell in reach
Bed in lowest position
Side rails ( when in bed) No
Yes (#) ___
Restraints (type):
Section 2: Holistic Health Assessment (Subjective and Objective Data Collection)
Highlight or circle significant assessment data or those not within normal limits. Don’t forget to include subjective
Temp Temp Pulse Respiration
Time o Pulse Respirations BP O2 Sat % O2 Flow
C Route Quality Quality
Location O P Q R
Time Reading
Dec 2021, Aug 2-22, Dec 2022, July 2023 Page 3 of 10
LOC: Alert Confused Drowsy Stupor/Dazed Comatose Lethargic
Sedated Aggressiveness Non-Responsive GCS: _______/15
Orientation: Time Place Person Situation Speech: Clear Slurred Aphasic
ROM: Active Passive Any limitations to any joints No Yes
Describe location/limitation __________________________________________________________________________
Morse Fall Scale Score: _________________
Muscle strength grading on appropriate area (0-5) (e.g., leg, arm, compare to other extremity):
Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Skin Colour: Within Patient’s Norm Flushed Pale Jaundiced Ashen Cyanotic Mottled
Extremities: Within Patient’s Norm Flushed Pale Cyanotic Mottled Hemosiderin staining
Temperature: Warm Cool
Skin Status: Dry Moist Intact Pressure Areas (location) _________________________________
Braden Scale: _____/23 (<16 = interventions) Skin Turgor: _______________ Hair Distribution: _______________
Oral Membranes: Moist Dry Teeth: Own Partial Plate Dentures – Upper Lower
Skin Lesions Present: (location and appearance): _______________________________________________________
Bruising and/or Rashes (location and appearance): ______________________________________________________
IV/SL site assessment: Normal infiltration phlebitis
IV /SL dressing assessment:____________________________
Wound Drainage
DRESSINGS/WOUNDS Not Applicable to this patient Sanguineous: large amt. of RBC’s (often open wounds)
Wound etiology: Pressure Diabetic ulcer Venous ulcer Arterial Surgical Other _________________
Dressing Status: Dry and Intact Shadowing Saturated Wound Vac
Wound(s): Erythema (Stage 1) Partial Thickness (Stage 2)
Full Thickness (Stage 3 or 4) Eschar or (Unstageable/X)
Size (cm): Length __________ Width __________ Depth __________
Intake % of meal consumed: Breakfast ___________ Lunch ______________ Supper _____________
Fluid Intake: Oral (amount) ____________ IV _____________ NG/ G-tube ________________________
TPN _________________ Enteral feeding (formula/rate): ___________ Water flushes: __________
Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________
How does the patient identify themselves? (e.g., gender, ethnicity, etc.) ________________________________________
Family Structure (Who do you live with? Who do you consider part of your family? Do you have close extended family?):
Family Functioning Assessment Data (Who makes decisions in your family? What are you daily routines and how are you supported?):
How does this hospitalization impact your family functioning (e.g., roles, responsibilities)? __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Is there anything about your care or treatment that you would like us to be aware of or to take into consideration? (Note: To support trauma-informed care, remember all patients may have experienced some form of trauma,
observe for cues and support physical and psychological safety) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Growth & Development Stage for Pediatric Clients (Erikson/Piaget; Implications for care)-Year 3 only
Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Interdisciplinary Care Needs (e.g., consults, follow up appts): Social Work PT OT Speech Dietician CCAC or Discharge Planning Team Other:
Section 3: Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making (Processing of Assessment InformationIn this section, you
will identify important or significant data; actual & potential problems, risks/complications for the patient; and any gaps in data
collection including pending tests, results or missed assessment.
Clinical Reasoning process step - NOTICING: What data is recognized as important or significant (e.g.,
physiological, psychosocial, etc.)? Include ALL Significant Assessment Data (all data you have highlighted or circled
in Section 1 or 2
Assessment of Learning Needs (including Readiness, Facilitators, Barriers, and Environmental Considerations)
Clinical Reasoning process step - INTERPRETING: what is the significance of the relevant data that was noticed?
Patient’s top 3 PRIORITY care needs based on the identified significant assessment data (ensure to consider psychosocial
needs also):
Clinical Reasoning process steps - RESPONDING & REFLECTING: determining priorities and plan of care
based on data noticed and interpreted; what is the evaluation?
Take the top 2 priority diagnostic statements and create a nursing care plan following the template below.
Goal Statement Interventions (3 at minimum) Rationale Evaluation – Patient
SMART goal (What actions should the nurse do to help to treat (What is the best evidence to support Progress with
this problem; One must be a teaching the interventions? Cite your sources)
format intervention; Identify whether the intervention evidence
(with date) addresses the cognitive, affective or psychomotor (Was goal Met, Unmet,
domain) Ongoing)
1st diagnostic The nurse will:
statement Short-
term Goal
(within your shift)