DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q2 - W2
DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q2 - W2
DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q2 - W2
A. Content Standard The learner The learner The learner The learner
C. Learning 1. Find the missing 1. Find the missing 1. Find the missing term in a 1. Find the missing term in CATCH UP FRIDAY
term in a proportion term in a proportion proportion either a direct a proportion either a direct
Competency/ either a direct either a direct proportion, an inverse or proportion, an inverse or
proportion, an inverse proportion, an inverse indirect indirect
Objectives or indirect or indirect proportion, and partitive proportion, and partitive
proportion, and proportion, and proportion; proportion;
partitive proportion; partitive proportion;
M6NS-IIb-133 M6NS-IIb-133
Write the LC code for
M6NS-IIb-133 M6NS-IIb-133 2. Solve word problems in a 2. Solve word problems in
2. Solve word problems 2. Solve word problems proportion either a direct a proportion either a direct
in a proportion either a in a proportion either a proportion, an inverse or proportion, an inverse or
direct proportion, an direct proportion, an indirect indirect
inverse or indirect inverse or indirect proportion, and partitive proportion, and partitive
proportion, and proportion, and proportion. proportion.
partitive proportion. partitive proportion.
M6NS-IIc-134 M6NS-IIc-134
M6NS-IIc-134 M6NS-IIc-134
A. References K-12 MELC- C.G p223 K-12 MELC- C.G p223 K-12 MELC- C.G p223 K-12 MELC- C.G p223
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials SLM and Modules Week SLM and Modules Week SLM and Modules Week 2 SLM and Modules Week 2
from Learning 2 2
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Recall past lesson. Recall past lesson. Recall past lesson. Recall past lesson.
lesson or presenting
the new lesson
B. Establishing a What do you usually do What are your house Our country experience Who among you here likes Look at the picture.
purpose for the during weekends? hold chores? different calamities to ride a bike?
lesson How do you earn an What do you get if you throughout the year.
extra money during finish your chores?
weekends? As a student, how can you Who are you biking with?
Let us study the help people who are affected
following problem? by these calamities? What must you do to avoid
injury in riding a bike?
Do you like chocolates?
Let’s study this problem.
Do you share it with your
C. Presenting During weekends, Faye Fabian Family held a Direct Proportion Inverse Proportion Partitive Proportion
examples/ instances helps her mother sell family contest, whoever
of the new lesson buko juice. For every 2 finish their household There are 120 families in the It takes Robin 20 minutes A glass of jar has 64
buko, chores first evacuation center consumed to ride his bicycle at 20 chocolates, Pepe, Dave and
Faye adds 3 liters of will get the highest 1500 kilos kph form home to Rey will share the
water. How many liters prize and each (kgs) of donated rice for 3 grocery store. To shorten chocolates in the ratio 1:1:2.
of water does she need respectively. The total weeks . If there were only his travel time to 16 How many chocolates will
if she have 6 buko so amount of prize is 1000 kilos (k) of NFA rice, how minutes for the same each one of them get?
that he will have the Php240 to be long will the families consume distance,
same taste? shared in a ratio of 3 : 2 this volume of rice? how fast should he cycle?
: 1 accordingly. How
much will the first prize,
second prize, and
third prize be?
D. Discussing new What is the first ratio? This problem presented From the given situation Understand
What is the second a Partitive Proportion, above, you can see that the A) What is asked?
concepts and ratio? What is the wherein a whole is more kilos of rice The number of chocolates
practicing new missing term? divided into parts there is, the longer it will last that each will get.
that is proportional to for 120 families. This situation B) What are the given facts?
skills #1 the given ratio. is example of 64 chocolates
To find the missing direct proportion. Chocolates will be shared in
This problem presented term in a direct the ratio 1:1:2
a Direct Proportion, proportion, follow these
wherein when one steps: Plan:
quantity increases, Formula: Strategy: Write a partitive
Inverse or indirect
the other quantity also Let n be the amount proportion to solve the
proportion, when one
increases at the same each of them will get: problem.
quantity increases, the
rate and vice versa. In equation, we write it Solve.
other quantity
To find the missing as : Let n be the number of
decreases , and vice
term in a direct chocolates each of them will
proportion, follow this get.
∙ The product of the
set-up, wherein first Let 2n be the number of
and Direct proportion, when means should be equal to chocolates one of them with
third term are the same one quantity increases ,the the product ofthe two parts will get.
quantities, while second other quantity increases at extremes or the cross Write the ratio 1:1:2 as
term and fourth term the same rate and vice versa. products should be equal n:n:2n.
are of the same ∙ The product of the means but you must follow this Adding the numbers; 1 + 1
quantities should be equal to the set-up : +2=4
product of the extremes or ( colon form ) n + n+ 2n = 64
the Original Amount : New 4n = 64
cross products should be Amount = New No. of Days n = 16
equal. Wherein first and third : Original No. of Days Since 2n = 2 x 16 = 32,
term are the same quantities, ( fraction form ) then n:n:2n = 16:16:32.
while second term and fourth Answer: Pepe, and Dave will
term are of the same both have 16 chocolates
quantities each, while Rey will
have 32 chocolates.
Check: Add all the
chocolates received by
Pepe, Dave and Rey.
16 + 16 + 32 = 64
64 = 64
E. Discussing new The orphanage has 1. At the school Solve the problems. Identify the type of
concepts and enough food to feed 30 canteen a) A motorist travels proportion that the
practicing new skills orphan for 12 days. If a) 3 pieces of pad 275 km in 5 hours. How far following problems
#2 10 more paper cost 45 cents can he travel in 9 hours at the illustrate. Then solve the
orphans are added, how problems in a piece of Partitive proportion, a
21 pieces of pad paper same speed?
many days will the paper. whole is divided into parts
cost ___ Proportion: ___________
same amount of food 1.) A car is able to travel that is proportional to the
Answer: __________ given ratio
last? 210 km in 3 hours. How far
b) 4 colored pencils b) Two buses can ∙ First add the quantities in
can it travel in 5
cost 25 pesos transport 130 people. How the ratio, Second divide the
12 colored pencils cost many buses are needed to sum by the whole number,
2.) Five people can finish
This problem presents ___ transport 780 people? Third multiply the quotient
painting a wall in 5 hours.
an Inverse or Indirect Proportion: ___________ to each of the quantity in
If only 2 people are
Proportion, wherein c. 2 boiled bananas cost Answer: __________ available, how many hours the ratio.
when one ₱3.50. do they have to work to
quantity increases, the 10 boiled bananas cost finish the same job?
other quantity ___ 3.) At 65 km/hr, Alfred can
decreases and vice reach home in 50 minutes.
versa. At what speed
In this proportion, the should he drive his car so
quantities change in that he can reach home 10
opposite directions, minutes earlier?
that is, as one quantity 4.) A land area was divided
increases (number of among the three heirs in
people), the other the ratio 5:2:4. If the
quantity decreases largest share was 20
(number of days) hectares of land, what is
To find the missing the total are of the land?
term in an inverse or 5.) A certain amount of
indirect proportion, money is divided among
follow this set-up: Rio, Kim and Leo in the
Original Number of ratio 5:7:3. If Leo gets Php
people: New Number of 24,000.00, how much is
People= New No. of the total amount?
Days: Original No. of
Analyze and solve each
H. Making In direct proportion, What is proportion? . How do you solve problems What is an inverse How do you solve word
generalizations when one quantity involving direct proportion? proportion? problems involving partitive
increases, the other How do we find the proportion?
and abstractions quantity missing term? What must you remember How does it differ from a
about the lesson increases at the same when setting a direct direct proportion? What are the processes
rate and vice versa. proportion? involved?
In inverse proportion, How do we solve for an
when one quantity inverse proportion?
increases , the other
decreases vice—versa.
In partitive proportion,
a whole is divided into
parts that is
to the given ratio.
I. Evaluating learning Solve each proportion. Analyze each problem and Set the following Solve the following problem.
write a proportion to solve it. proportions and solve.
Draw a diagram to help you
when necessary. 1) A stock of food is
enough to feed 50 persons Mang Francing is raising
1) A tree cast a shadow of 12 for 14 days. How many chicken and ducks. The sum
metres when a 5-metre pole days will the food last if 20 of his chicken and ducks is
cast a shadow of 4 metres. more persons will be 56. If the ratio of his chicken
How tall is the tree? added? to ducks is 5:3, how many
chicken has Mang Francing?
2) At the rate of 3 items per 2) Four equal pumps can
₱100, how much will 12 items fill a tank in 42 minutes.
cost? How long will 6 pumps of
the same kind fill the tank?
3. A car travels 72 km on 8
litres of gasoline. At the same 3) If 3 farmers can plow a
rate, about how far can it field in 4 days, how long
travel on 11 litres of gasoline? will 6 farmers do it?
J. Additional activities
for application or
A..No. of learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned
___ of Learners who
earned 80% in the earned 80% above 80% above 80% above 80% above
earned 80% above
B.No. of learners ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who require
require additional require additional additional activities for require additional activities additional activities for
who require activities for activities for remediation for remediation remediation
additional activities remediation remediation
for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
lessons work?
D. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
continue to require continue to require continue to require to require remediation continue to require continue to require
remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?