Summary of DP Movement Chapter 2
Summary of DP Movement Chapter 2
Summary of DP Movement Chapter 2
It is likely… T′ DS It is likely… DP T′ SS
• Notice that both θ-roles are T
VP • Moving to SS… D′ Vi +T VP
assigned to things that are in V′ • Because the EPP requires D V′
the same clause as the predicate SpecTP to be filled, it
that assigns the θ-role. V
AdjP Expletive Insertion applies, ti AdjP
It is likely… It is likely…
• Now, consider:
– Mary is likely [to leave]. – Mary is likely [to leave]
• We already know a lot about this sentence; we
know that likely has one θ-role to assign, which it • Concerning θ-roles, it’s clear from the
assigns to the embedded clause, we know that meaning that leave really does assign its θ-
leave has one θ-role to assign, which it assigns to role to Mary and not likely (Mary is
Mary. leaving—she’s isn’t in any way likely).
• There are two problems here: • This is definitely not local—Mary is not in
– The embedded clause has no subject (*EPP)
the same clause as leave.
– The θ-role assigned to Mary seems to be assigned
outside of its clause.
It is likely… It is likely…
– Mary is likely [to leave] – Mary is likely [to leave]
• For θ-role assignment to be local, Mary has to
• And with respect to the EPP, we see that be in the same clause. θ-role assignment takes
although the main clause TP has something place at DS, after which movement rules (like
in its specifier (Mary), the embedded clause head-movement from last time) apply. We can
solve both problems at once by supposing that
seems to have nothing.
Mary moves from the embedded subject position
at DS to the main clause subject position at SS.
• How can we reconcile this? – DS: — is likely [Mary to leave]
– SS: Maryi is likely [ ti to leave]
T′ DS DP i T′ SS
It is likely… It is likely… Mary
• That is, we start out [pres] V′ • That is, we start out is V′
with Mary in the with Mary in the
embedded clause, in V AdjP embedded clause, in tj AdjP
be Adj′ Adj′
the specifier of TP, the specifier of TP,
receiving its θ-role Adj CP receiving its θ-role Adj CP
likely C′ likely C′
locally. locally.
C TP • Then Mary moves up C TP
to SpecTP in the
DP T′ ti T′
Mary main clause by SS.
to to
θ leave leave
DP i T′ SS DP i T′ SS
It is likely… Mary It is likely… Mary
• Notice that this is V′ • This type of is V′
satisfies the EPP in movement is called
both clauses. The tj AdjP DP-movement. tj AdjP
Adj′ Adj′
main clause has Mary • This specific instance
in SpecTP. The Adj CP of DP-movement, Adj CP
likely C′ likely C′
embedded clause has where we move a
the trace in SpecTP. C TP subject from an C TP
embedded clause to a
ti T′ ti T′
higher clause is
T VP generally called T VP
to subject raising. to
leave leave
DP i T′ SS
It is likely… Mary Passive
• Historical idiosyncrasy: is V′
Because a lot of terminology • Now, recall the passive. The passive form of a verb
was established before the tj AdjP seems to directly affect the theta grid of a verb;
DP had been “discovered,” Adj′ consider:
people often still, out of
Adj CP – Bill ate the sandwich.
habit, refer to this kind of likely C′
movement as NP-movement – The sandwich was eaten.
rather than DP-movement. C TP • Eat has two θ-roles to assign. By putting it in the
These are not different passive, we seem to have transitive (two θ-role) verb
ti T′
things: People who say NP- into an intransitive (one θ-role) verb.
movement generally mean
DP-movement. to
Passive Passive
• Since optional thematic relations do not get included in
– Bill ate the sandwich. the θ-grid, what we conclude about the passive is that it
• Here, Bill is the Agent (gets the θ-role changes the θ-grid of the verb by removing the external θ-
including Agent) and the sandwich is the role.
Theme (gets the θ-role including Theme).
– The sandwich was eaten (by Bill). eat Agent Theme
• In the passive, the roles are the same but i j
now the Theme is the subject and the Agent
is in an optional by-phrase (a PP). eat+en Agent Theme
i j
Passive Active
• Now, what does the structure of a passive • Let’s start with the DS tree for the
active sentence, Bill ate the TP
sentence look like? sandwich. DS
• There are two possibilities we could entertain. • Here, the (internal) Theme θ-role DP T′
– The Theme in the passive becomes an external θ- is assigned to the object DP and
the (external) Agent θ-role is Bill T VP
role (as opposed to in the active, where the Theme [past]
assigned to the subject DP.
gets an internal θ-role). V′
– The Theme in both cases gets an internal θ-role,
• Now, suppose that for the passive θ V θ DP
but in the passive, it moves to the subject position. we simply eliminate the external θ- eat
• Let’s pursue the second option first… role… the
Passive TP
Passive DS – The sandwich was eaten. DS
• (The passive also requires the T′ • Now, what needs to happen? T′
addition of the auxiliary verb be, – SpecTP must be filled (EPP).
but this is not relevant to the point [past] – The word order needs to be altered [past]
at hand) V′ from was eaten the sandwich to the V′
• We have changed the main verb to sandwich was eaten.
the passive form, thereby V VP V VP
be be
removing the external θ-role, • It should be clear where this is
leaving us with this DS for V′ V′
going—here, we posit another
– The sandwich was eaten. V θ DP instance of DP-movement, like with V θ DP
eaten raising. In the passive, the object eaten
• Now, what needs to happen? the moves to SpecTP satisfying the the
sandwich EPP. sandwich
Passive TP
Passive TP
– The sandwich was eaten. SS – The sandwich was eaten by Bill. SS
DP i T′ DP i T′
• So, to review, the idea is that • As for the optionally expressed
the active and the passive the Vj+T VP Agent in the by-phrase, we take the Vj+T VP
have very similar DS sandwich was this to be like any optionally sandwich was
representations, except that V′ expressed adjoined phrase, a PP V′
the passive has had its adjoined to V′.
external θ-role removed and tj VP • As expected, the by-phrase can be tj VP
thus no subject is generated re-ordered with respect to other
in SpecTP (as required by V′ V′
the Theta Criterion). Then – The sandwich was eaten…
V ti V′ PP
the object moves into eaten – …by Bill under the tree at noon.
SpecTP, satisfying the EPP – …under the tree by Bill at noon. V ti by Bill
at SS. eaten
– …at noon under the tree by Bill.
Passive Not the passive
• Let’s return for a moment to the two • The first option hypothesizes that the passive
possibilities we could have entertained… form of the verb removes the external θ-role and
– The Theme in the passive becomes an external θ- promotes the internal θ-role to an external θ-
role (as opposed to in the active, where the Theme role: eat Agent Theme eat+en Agent Theme
gets an internal θ-role).
– The Theme in both cases gets an internal θ-role, i j i j
but in the passive, it moves to the subject position.
• Under this view, then, the Theme is not moved
• We have worked out what the second option
into SpecTP but rather just starts out there.
looks like, let’s take a second to see why the
first option wouldn’t have worked.
Case English pronouns and case
• As has been mentioned before, many languages
mark the grammatical relations of their DPs • In English, although we generally don’t
with case markers. mark the grammatical relations with case…
– Korean: ka/i = subject, (l)ul = object – The president met the students.
Chelswu-ka Sunhi-lul manna-ss-ta – The students met the president.
Chelswu-nom Sunhi-acc met-past-decl • …we do mark the grammatical relations of
‘Chelswu met Sunhi.’
the pronouns with case…
– Japanese: ga = subject, o = object
– He met her.
Akira ga ringo o tabeta
Akira nom apple acc ate
– She met him.
‘Akira ate an apple.’
Case Case vs. θ-roles
• Case is tied to syntactic position; a subject (that
is, the DP in SpecTP) gets one Case • It is important to notice that Case is not
(nominative), the object (sister of a transitive V) correlated with θ-roles.
gets a different Case (accusative). – I met him (at the airport).
– He was met by me (at the airport).
• We formalize this idea that all nouns have
abstract Case by making it a requirement—all • In both sentences, the Theme is the
nouns in a grammatical sentence must show same—him. But in the first sentence, him is
their syntactic position. marked with accusative Case, and in the
second sentence he is marked with nominative
Licensing Accreditation revoked
• In order to get Case from a Case-assigner, • The thing which makes Case Theory run is
the DP has to be close to the Case-assigner the fact that under certain situations T or V
– (we’ll postpone discussion of what exactly it
cannot assign Case.
means to be “close” for a while).
• Some places which are close enough to get • For T, only finite T is a Case-assigner— a
case are SpecTP (close to T) or sister to V nonfinite T does not assign Case.
(close to V). • For V, only transitive verbs assign Case—
intransitive verbs and passive verbs do not
assign Case.
Back to raising… Back to raising… Mary i
T VP Vj+T VP Finite T
• Let’s go back to Mary is [pres] V′ • When the DP Mary is V′
likely to leave. Recall moves up to the main can assign
that this is the DS. clause SpecTP, it gets Case
V AdjP tj AdjP
be Adj′ close enough to the Adj′
• In the embedded clause, finite T to receive Case
Adj CP (thus satisfying the Case Adj CP
Mary is in SpecTP, but likely C′ likely C′
nonfinite T cannot filter).
assign Case. C TP C TP
• So, this movement does
Nonfinite T DP T′ two things: It satisfies ti T′
• Unless the DP Mary cannot assign
moves, the Case Filter T VP
the EPP and it satisfies T VP
will be violated at SS. to the Case Filter. to
θ leave leave
Back to passives… Back to passives…
• We had a similar question about what was • What we can say here is that the addition of
wrong with: the passive morpheme -en to a transitive
– *It was eaten the sandwich
verb not only removes its external θ-role,
but also revokes its ability to assign Case.
• …where it appears that even though the
EPP could be satisfied by inserting the
• Burzio’s Generalization
expletive it, the sentence is still
A verb which does not assign an external θ-
ungrammatical. role cannot assign accusative Case.
Bill gets
Active again… Active again… Case from T
• Let’s review the DS tree for the • At SS, Bill gets (nominative) Case
active sentence, Bill ate the TP from the finite T, and the sandwich TP
sandwich. DS gets (accusative) Case from the V. SS
• Here, eat assigns two θ-roles, the Finite T
Bill Bill
internal θ-role (Theme) to the DP T
assigns nom.
ti VP
the sandwich, and the external θ- Case
V′ V′
role (Agent) to the DP Bill. V assigns
θ V θ DP acc. Case V+T i DP
eat ate
• Since it assigns an external θ-role, The sandwich
eat is also a Case-assigner. the gets Case the
sandwich from V sandwich
Passive again… TP
Passive again… TP
Finite T
assigns nom.
– The sandwich was eaten. DS The sandwich Case
T′ DP i T′
• Now, let’s look at the passive gets Case
sentence. from T
T VP the Vj+T VP SS
[past] sandwich was
• By moving the DP the
• The external θ-role was removed V′ sandwich to SpecTP we V′
from eaten and thus V can no satisfy both the Case Filter
V VP tj VP
longer assign Case. be and the EPP.
V′ • Simply satisfying the EPP by V′
• Unless the DP the sandwich moves inserting it into SpecTP
to a place where it can get Case, it V θ DP wouldn’t solve the problem of V ti
eaten eaten
will violate the Case Filter at SS. getting Case for the sandwich;
the hence the ungrammaticality of
sandwich *It was eaten the sandwich.
Flavors of intransitives… Unaccusatives
• Let’s think for a moment about intransitive verbs. These
are verbs have a theta grid with a single θ-role to assign. • And it turns out that, yes, such verbs do exist.
Like walk, say. For example:
• Walk: Agent. • Fall: Theme.
• Now, think about the passive of a transitive verb; this is a
verb with only a single internal θ-role. • Fall is an “inherently passive” verb, an
unaccusative verb. It has only one θ-role to
• Eat: Agent Theme
assign, and that θ-role is an internal θ-role.
• Eaten: Theme
Because it has no external θ-role, by Burzio’s
• Taken together, it might occur to us to wonder whether
there might be intransitive verbs that inherently (like
Generalization, it also cannot assign
eaten) have only a single internal θ-role to assign… accusative Case.
A VP-internal subject? A VP-internal subject?
• We ended up with a CP SS • First, since all DPs need Case, it CP SS
representation like this one, must be possible for the subject
C′ C′
where the subject was in SpecVP to get Case in SpecVP in Irish.
rather than in SpecTP. C TP • Second, since SpecTP is empty C TP
• That is, the subject appears to be T′ at SS, it must be that the EPP is T′
VP-internal in Irish. not active in Irish.
T+V i VP T+V i VP
• If this is right, there are a couple • We need to conclude that these
of things that must be true in DP V′ are dimensions along which DP V′
Government Government
The radius of
• We will at some point want to • These three environments government
define more precisely what – Sister
counts as close enough for Case- – Specifier
assignment. Right now we have – Specifier of sister
three places which count as close XP XP
• …are together sometimes
enough (to the Case-assigning DP X′ called the positions which DP X′
head X) are governed by the head X.
– Sister X YP X YP
– (For now, we will not go into
– Specifier Y′ a more formal definition, but Y′
– Specifier of sister we will look at this later.)
Y … Y …
Government A VP-internal subject?
The radius of
• The idea is then that a Case- government
assigning head X can assign • Back to the question of the VP- CP DS
Case to a DP which is any of internal subject.
these positions.
• Since the guiding intuition of our
• Case-assignment can only DP X′ approach has been that T′
take place between a Case- languages are fundamentally
assigner and a DP within the alike, it is a bit jarring to think
radius of government. DP Y′ that English and Irish could DP V′
A VP-internal subject? A VP-internal subject?
– All the students will leave. • There are several other, more
TP SS2 complex (but perhaps even more
– The students will all leave.
DP i T′ convincing) arguments for the VP-
– *The students will leave all. the students internal Subject Hypothesis as well, TP
• Notice that this gives a T VP
reasonably natural way to will but let us take this as good enough DS
QP V′ evidence to adopt it. T′
explain where all can be, but it
is not available unless we Q′ V T VP
believe that the subject leave • VP-Internal Subject Hypothesis
Q ti DP V′
originates at DS somewhere The subject originates in the
below the position of will. V …
specifier of VP at DS.
Small clauses Small clauses
• A common way to look at these • Even in a small clause, all DPs
sentences is as containing small TP DS need to get Case. TP SS
clauses—a little proposition • In this sentence I gets
T′ DP i T′
headed not by a verb but by nominative Case from the finite I
another kind of predicate, like an T VP main clause T. Where does Bill T VP
adjective. [pres] get Case? tj
• Just like the subject of a regular DP V′ ti V′
clause, the subject of a small I
clause is in its specifier. V AP V+Tj AP
find find
• But unlike in a regular clause, it DP A′ DP A′
stays there, so we can see it in Bill Bill
the specifier of the predicate. A A
intolerable intolerable
Genitive Case TP
Genitive Case TP
• Consider • In general, Case-assigners
DP T′ don’t get to assign two Cases, DP T′
– The president’s brother left.
• Every DP needs to get Case. DP D′ T so it can’t be T—plus, the DP D′ T
possessor DP is not in the
• The entire DP the president’s D′ D NP government radius of T. D′ D NP
brother gets Case like any ’s ’s
other DP—in this case it gets D NP N′ • This leaves us one choice… D NP N′
the the
nominative Case from the N′ N N′ N
finite T. brother brother
• But where does the president president president
get its Case?
Genitive Case TP
Let’s regroup
• In general, Case-assigners
don’t get to assign two Cases, DP T′ • Last time, we saw that we needed to differentiate
so it can’t be T—plus, the two different levels of structure (DS and SS) and
DP D′ T allow for movement of parts of the structure in
possessor DP is not in the order to get the word order facts of English and of
government radius of T. D′ D NP
’s other languages. X-bar theory alone wouldn’t
• This leaves us one choice… D NP N′ allow us to describe the facts.
• The case that possessors the • Last time, we saw examples of head-movement,
N′ N moving the head of an X-bar structure up the tree
receive is called genitive Case brother
to the next head up. For example, V-to-T, T-to-C,
and it is assigned by the N
and N-to-D movement.
possessive D ’s. president