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Subject : Data Structure & Algorithms

Class : SYBCA – Semester IV

Lecturer : Ms. Archana R. Oza
Unit II : Sorting and Linked List
 Selection Sort
 Bubble Sort
 Insertion Sort
 Introduction to Linked List
 Representation of Linked List in Memory
 Searching a Linked List
 Memory Allocation, Garbage Collection
 Insertion and Deletion in Linked List

Sorting Operation is used to arrange the data items in some logical order.
Sorting is ordering a list of objects. A Sorting Algorithm is used to rearrange a given array
or list elements in ascending or descending order or either in alphanumeric order.
There are various methods for sorting linear arrays, some of them are :
1. Bubble Sort
2. Insertion Sort
3. Selection Sort

 Selection Sort : Selection sort is an algorithm that selects the smallest element
from an unsorted list in each iteration and places that element at the beginning.
First, find the smallest element of the array and place it on the first position. Then,
find the second smallest element of the array and place it on the second position.
The process continues until we get the sorted array.
The array with n elements is sorted by using n-1 pass of selection sort algorithm.
For e.g. Let DATA be array in memory as follows :
DATA[6] = {40,20,60,10,50,30}
Sort the given array using Selection sort.

Algorithm : SelectionSort(DATA, N, k, MIN, TEMP, PTR,LOC)
Description : Here, DATA is the linear array with N elements. PTR is the pointer variable
to execute the passes and TEMP is the temporary variable that stores the value of
elements. LOC stores the location of value to be swapped.
This algorithm sorts the array DATA by repeatedly finding the minimum element
(considering ascending order) from the list and putting it at the beginning.
Step 1 : Repeat Steps 2,3 and 4 for k=1 to N
Step 2 : Set MIN := DATA[k]
Step 3 : Repeat for ptr = k+1,k+2, _ _ _ _, k+N
If DATA[ptr] < MIN then
MIN = DATA[ptr] & LOC=ptr

Step 4 : Set TEMP := DATA[k]

Step 5 : Exit

 Bubble Sort : Bubble Sort is the simplest sorting algorithm for small list.
It compares the adjacent elements and swaps their positions if they are not in the
desired order.
Starting from the first index, it compares the first and the second element. If the
first element is greater than the second element, they are swapped. If we have
total N elements, we need to repeat this process for N-1 times.
It is known as bubble sort, because with every complete iteration the largest
element in the given array, bubbles up towards the last place or the highest index,
just like a water bubble rises up to the water surface.
For e.g. Let DATA be array in memory as follows :
DATA[4] = {9,5,7,11}
Sort the given array using Bubble sort.

Algorithm : BubbleSort(DATA, PTR, K, N)
Description : Here, DATA is the linear array with N elements. PTR is the pointer variable
that executes the passes and K is the counter variable that iterates the loop from lower
bound to upper bound of the array.
This algorithm sorts the given array in increasing numerical order.

Step 1 : [Initialize variable] Set k = LB and PTR = k

Step 2 : Repeat step 3 while K < N
Step 3 : [Execute Pass] Repeat while PTR<=N-k
a) If DATA[PTR]>DATA[PTR+1] then
b) Set PTR :=PTR+1 [End of step 3 loop]
K = K + 1 [End of step 2 loop]
Step 4 : Exit

 Insertion Sort : Insertion sort works similarly as we sort cards in our hand in a card
game. We assume that the first card is already sorted then we select an unsorted
card. If the unsorted card is greater than the card in hand, it is placed on the right
otherwise, to the left.
In the same way, other unsorted cards are taken and put at their right place. A
similar approach is used by insertion sort.
Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm that places an unsorted element at its suitable
place in each iteration. It is efficient for smaller data sets.
For e.g. Let LA be array in memory as follows :
LA[5] = {4,8,6,2,3}
Sort the given array using Insertion sort.

Algorithm : InsertionSort(LA, N, k, TEMP, PTR)
Description : Here, LA is the linear array with N elements. PTR is the pointer variable to
execute the passes and TEMP is the temporary variable that stores the value of
This algorithm sorts the array LA by comparing adjacent elements and shifting their
location as required.

Step 1 : Set LA[0] = - ∞

Step 2 : Repeat steps 3 to 5 for k=2, 3, - , - , N
Step 3 : Set TEMP :=LA [k] & PTR :=k-1
Step 4 : Repeat while TEMP < LA [PTR]
a) Set LA [PTR+1] := LA [PTR]
b) Set PTR := PTR – 1
Step 5 : [Insert element at proper position]
Set LA [PTR+1] :=TEMP
Step 6 : Exit

Linked List & its memory representation :
A linked list is a linear data structure, in which the elements are not stored at
contiguous memory locations.
It is a collection of data called Nodes, where the linear order is given by means of
pointers. Each node is divided into two parts :
First part contains the data element i.e. Information field and second part contains
the address of next node i.e. Next Pointer Field. The node that contains the Null Pointer
indicates the end of list.
The last node has a reference to null. The entry point into a linked list is called the
head/start of the list. Head is not a separate node, but the pointer to the first node.

Memory Representation :
Let LIST be linked list in memory, as :
LIST requires two linear arrays.
We call them INFO and LINK, such as INFO[k] contains the information part & LINK[k]
contains the next pointer field of the node.
LIST requires a variable START that contains the location of beginning of the list &
NULL[0] indicates the end of list.

Traversing a Linked List :
Traversing refers to visiting or processing each element in the list atleast once. We start
from the beginning and visit one node at a time until the end of the list.
Algorithm :TraverseLL(LIST, INFO, LINK, PTR)
Let LIST be linked list in memory with two linear arrays INFO & LINK. The variable PTR
points to the node currently being processed.
This algorithm traverses LIST by applying an operation PROCESS to each element in the
Step 1 : [Initialize pointer PTR] Set PTR := START
Step 2 : Repeat steps 3 & 4 while PTR != NULL
Step 3 : Apply PROCESS to INFO[PTR]
Step 4 : [PTR now points to next node]
Step 5 : EXIT

Searching a Linked List :
Searching an element in a given linked list will happen sequentially starting from
the head node of the list until the element has been found.
Searching any element in the list needs traversing through the list and make the
comparison of every element of the list with the specified element.
If the element is matched with any of the list element then the location of the
element is returned else search is said to be unsuccessful.
Searching in Linked List can be done on two types of lists, as :
1. Unsorted List
2. Sorted List
Algorithm for Searching List when the list is unsorted :
Algorithm : SearchLL(INFO, LINK, PTR, ITEM, LOC)
Description : Let LIST be linked list in memory with two linear arrays INFO & LINK. The
variable PTR points to the node currently being processed.
This algorithm finds the location LOC of the node where ITEM first appears in the
LIST or sets LOC=NULL.
Step 1 : [Initialize pointer PTR] Set PTR := START
Step 2 : Repeat Step 3 while PTR != NULL
Step 3 : If ITEM=INFO[PTR] then
Set LOC :=PTR & Exit
Step 4 : [Search Unsuccessful] Set LOC := NULL
Step 5 : Exit

For e.g. ITEM to be searched – 40
Search Successful at Location 7

Algorithm for Searching List when the list is sorted :

Algorithm : SearchLL(INFO, LINK, PTR, ITEM, LOC)
Description : Let LIST be linked list in memory with two linear arrays INFO & LINK. The
variable PTR points to the node currently being processed.
This algorithm finds the location LOC of the node where ITEM first appears in the LIST or
sets LOC=NULL.
Step 1 : [Initialize pointer PTR] Set PTR := START
Step 2 : Repeat Step 3 while PTR != NULL
Step 3 : If ITEM<INFO[PTR] then
Set LOC := NULL & Exit
Else if ITEM=INFO[PTR] then
Set LOC := PTR & Exit
Step 4 : [Search Unsuccessful] Set LOC := NULL
Step 5 : Exit

For e.g. ITEM to be searched – 40

Search Successful at Location 1

Memory Allocation :
Whenever a new node is created, memory is allocated by the system. This
memory is taken from list of those memory locations which are free i.e. not allocated.
This list is called AVAIL List.
Similarly, whenever a node is deleted, the deleted space becomes reusable and is
added to the list of unused space i.e. to AVAIL List. This unused space can be used in
future for memory allocation.
Thus, Memory allocation is the process of setting aside sections of memory in a
program to be used to store variables, and instances of structures and classes.

AVAIL is a list of free nodes in the memory. It contains unused memory cells and
these memory cells can be used in future. It is also known as ‘List of Available Space’ or
‘Free Storage List’.
It is used along with linked list. Whenever a new node is to be inserted in the
linked list, a free node is taken from the AVAIL List and is inserted in the linked list.
Similarly, whenever a node is deleted from the linked list, it is inserted in the AVAIL
List. So that it can be used in future.
Memory allocation is of two types :
i. Static Memory Allocation :
When memory is allocated during compilation time, it is called ‘Static Memory
Allocation’. This memory is fixed and cannot be increased or decreased after allocation.
If more memory is allocated than requirement, then memory is wasted. If less memory is
allocated than requirement, then program will not run successfully. So exact memory
requirements must be known in advance.

ii. Dynamic Memory Allocation :
When memory is allocated during run/execution time, it is called ‘Dynamic Memory
Allocation’. This memory is not fixed and is allocated according to our requirements.
Thus in it there is no wastage of memory. So there is no need to know exact memory
requirements in advance.

Garbage Collection :
Whenever a node is deleted, some memory space becomes reusable. This memory
space should be available for future use.
One way to do this is to immediately insert the free space into availability list. But
this method may be time consuming or inefficient for the operating system. So another
method is used which is called ‘Garbage Collection’.
The special technique of operating system which searches unused memory space
and makes it free is called as garbage collection.
In this method the OS collects the deleted space time to time onto the availability
list. This process happens in two steps.
In first step, the OS goes through all the lists and tags all those cells which are
currently being used.
In the second step, the OS goes through all the lists again and collects untagged
space and adds this collected space to availability list.
Garbage collection is an automated process executed when small amount of free
space is left in the system or no free space is left in the system or when CPU is idle and
has time to do the garbage collection.

Overflow condition :
If we have to insert new space into the data structure, but there is no free space i.e.
availability list is empty, then this situation is called ‘Overflow’.
The programmer can handle this situation by printing the message of OVERFLOW.
Overflow happens at the time of insertion, when AVAIL = NULL.

Underflow condition :
If we have to delete data from the data structure, but there is no data in the data
structure i.e. data structure is empty, then this situation is called ‘Underflow’.
The programmer can handle this situation by printing the message of UNDERFLOW.
Underflow happens at the time of deletion, when START=NULL.
Insertion in Linked List :
Linked List is a linear & dynamic data structure that have list of data elements. All
the data elements are linked with each other with the help of memory space address.
Such organization helps to perform Insertion & Deletion efficiently. Insertion
operation refers to adding a new node which contains data as well as address.
Linked List for its insertion uses a START pointer which always points to first node
in the list.
While Inserting a new node, following possibilities are considered :
i. Inserting first node :
If START pointer contains NULL address that means the new node is the first node of the

After Insertion :

Aa X

ii. Inserting after any given location :

If a linked list contains some data nodes then at any position a new node can be
inserted. After Insertion it becomes mandatory to properly update the addresses of
nodes. So that the linked list maintains its linearity.

The Insertion algorithm must first check whether AVAIL NULL or some address. If
AVAIL contains NULL then the condition becomes Overflow i.e. no space to insert new
node. In other case, Insertion can be performed.
Description : Let LIST be the linked list in memory with INFO, LINK, AVAIL & START
pointers. ITEM is the element to be inserted as a new node & LOC is the location after
which new node is to be inserted.
This algorithm inserts new element after the given location.
Step 1 : [OVERFLOW ?] If AVAIL = NULL then
Write OVERFLOW & Exit
Step 2 : Set NEW := AVAIL & AVAIL := LINK [AVAIL]
Step 3 : Set INFO[NEW] := ITEM
Step 4 : If START = NULL then [Insertion at beginning]
Else [Insertion after given location]
Step 5 : EXIT

Deletion From Linked List :
Deletion operation refers to removing existing node from linked list. Once the
element is removed, the memory should be reclaimed and the links must be updated.
While performing deletion following possibilities must be considered :
i. Empty List : If START pointer contains NULL address, there is no node to delete
& hence the condition is underflow.

ii. Deletion at any location : If list contains multiple nodes, node at any location
can be deleted and after the deletion the previous node’s address part should
be updated.


Description : Let LIST be the linked list in memory with INFO, LINK, AVAIL & START
pointers. LOC indicates the location from where element is to be deleted & LOCP
indicates the previous node. When LOCP=NULL then node to be deleted is the first node.
This algorithm deletes an existing element from given location.

Step 1 : [UNDERFLOW ?] If START = NULL then
Write UNDERFLOW & Exit
Step 2 : [Deleting first node]
If LOCP = NULL then
Step 3 : Set LINK [LOC] := AVAIL
Step 4 : Set AVAIL := LOC
Step 5 : EXIT

Item to be deleted : 22
22 is at position 2, thus LOC=5
Previous Element : 33
33 is at position 2, thus LOCP = 2

Before Deletion : 44 33 22 11
After Deletion : 44 33 11

Two – way linked list :

Two – way linked list is a type of linked list in which each node apart from storing
its data has two links.
The first link points to the previous node in the list and the second link points to
the next node in the list.
The first node of the list has its previous link pointing to NULL similarly the last
node of the list has its next node pointing to NULL.

The two links help us to traverse the list in both backward and forward direction.
But storing an extra link requires some extra space.
A two way list is a linear collection of data elements, called nodes, where each
node N is divided into three parts : Information field, Forward link- which points to the
next node and Backward link-which points to the previous node.
Two-way linked list is also called as doubly linked list. Doubly Linked List can also
be used as Circular List where the last node points to the first node.
Two-way linked list is used by browsers to implement backward and forward
navigation of visited web pages i.e. back and forward button. It is also used by various
application to implement Undo and Redo functionality.


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