UPPCS 2020 Mains Essay

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;w-ih-ih-,l-lh eq[; ijh{kk&2020

UPPSC Mains-2020

fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs] [vf/dre vad% 150
Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 150
fo'ks"k vuqns'k%
(i) iz'u&i=k rhu [kaMksa esa foHkkftr gSA izR;sd [kaM ls dsoy ,d&,d fo"k; dk p;u dj dqy rhu fuca/
fganh vFkok vaxzsth vFkok mnwZ Hkk"kk esa fyf[k;sA
(ii) izR;sd fuca/ esa dqy iz;qDr 'kCnksa dh vf/dre lhek 700 'kCnksa dh gSA
(iii) izR;sd fuca/ ds fy;s 50 vad fu/kZfjr gSaA

Specific Instructions%
(i) The question paper is divided into three Sections, Write three essays in Hindi or English or Urdu
language, selecting one topic from each Section.
(ii) Maximum words limit of each essay is 700 words.
(iii) Each essay carries 50 marks.

1. lkfgR; dh lkekftdrkA
Sociality of Literature.
2. 21oha lnh esa tkfr&izFkk% leL;k vkSj pqukSfr;k¡A
Caste System in 21th Century : Problem and Challenges.
3. Hkkjr esa pquko lq/kj% vko';drk vkSj vifjgk;ZrkA
Election Reforms in India : Necessity and Indispensability.
4. ty iznw"k.k vkSj xaxk LoPNrkA
Water Pollution and Ganga Cleanliness.
5. Hkkjr dh 5 fVªfy;u MkWyj vFkZO;oLFkk % laHkkouk,¡ ,oa pqukSfr;k¡A
Five trillion dollar Indian Economy : Possibilities and Challenges.
6. Hkkjrh; Ñf"k % lnkcgkj Økafr dh vksjA
Indian Agriculture : Towads Evergreen Revolution.
7. Hkkjr&phu laca/ vkSj n{ksl jktuhfrA
Indo-China Relation and SAARC Politics.
8. dksjksuk egkekjh % vkink ls voljA
Corona Pandemic : Disaster to Opportunity.
9. ¶vk;q"eku Hkkjr¸ & LoLFk HkkjrA
"Aayushman Bharat" - Healthy India.

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