CS Work Effectively With Cust & Colleagues 041011

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UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to work effectively with colleagues and customers in a range of
settings within the hotel and travel industries workplace context.


Element 1: Communicate effectively Unit Variables

1.1 Relay information in a clear and concise The Unit Variables provide advice to interpret the scope and context of this unit of
manner using appropriate communication competence, allowing for differences between enterprises and workplaces. It relates to the unit
techniques as a whole and facilitates holistic assessment
1.2 Use language and tone appropriate to a This unit applies to working effectively with colleagues and customers within the labour
particular audience, purpose and situation, divisions of the hotel and travel industries and may include:
taking into account the relevant factors involved
1. Front Office
1.3 Use active listening and questioning to
2. Housekeeping
facilitate effective two-way communication with
others 3. Food and Beverage Service
1.4 Identify potential and existing conflicts and 4. Food Production
seek solutions in conjunction with all involved 5. Travel Agencies
6. Tour Operation
1.5 Complete routine workplace documentation
accurately in a timely manner Appropriate communication techniques may be related to:
the use of active listening
the use of both open and closed questions
speaking clearly and concisely
using appropriate language and tone of voice
being attentive

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Element 2: Establish and maintain effective maintaining eye contact in face-to-face interactions
relationships with colleagues and customers the use of appropriate non-verbal communication in face-to-face interactions, e.g. body
language, attention and personal presentation.
2.1 Meet both internal customers’ and external
customers’ needs and expectations in Language and tone may be related to:
accordance with organisation standards, policies
using simple, concise language that can be easily understood by the audience
and procedures and within acceptable time
frames using appropriate tone, e.g. not patronising, not too loud, not too soft, not yelling, not angry,
2.2 Assist to resolve workplace conflict and
manage difficulties to achieve positive outcomes Conflicts may include:
2.3 Use formal feedback and informal feedback group conflict
to identify and implement improvements to conflict with individuals
products, services, processes or outcomes for
both internal customers and external customers conflict with co-workers.
2.4 Handle complaints positively, sensitively and Workplace documentation may include:
politely in consultation with the person/s making letters
the complaint
2.5 Maintain a positive and co-operative manner
2.6 Use non-discriminatory attitudes and
language when interacting with customers, staff emails
and management consistently invoices and purchase orders.
Internal customers may include:
colleagues working in another department
team members
supervisor or managers.
External customers may include:
people who buy the goods and services the enterprise sells.

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Element 3: Work in a team Organisation standards, policies and procedures may include:
3.1 Request or provide assistance so that work complaints procedures
activities can be completed
organisational standard report forms
3.2 Provide support to colleagues to ensure
job descriptions
achievement of team goals
code of ethics
3.3 Discuss and resolve problems through
agreed and/or accepted processes quality systems, standards and guidelines.
3.4 Recognise and accommodate cultural Formal feedback may include:
differences within the team 360-degree assessment
3.5 Identify, prioritise and complete individual customer satisfaction surveys/forms
tasks within designated time lines
team evaluations
3.6 Acknowledge and respond to feedback and
information from other team members performance reviews.
Informal feedback may include:
critical incident reviews
impromptu questioning of customers to obtain view of products and/or service provided
chance discussions with customers
coaching and mentoring
seeking the opinions of others.
Non-discriminatory attitudes and language may include:
language in relation to race and ethnicity
not making assumptions about physical or intellectual abilities
the use of non-discriminatory language in relation to the portrayal of people with disabilities
using non-sexist and gender inclusive language.
Cultural differences may include:
forms of address

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levels of formality/informality
non-verbal behaviour
work ethics
personal grooming
family obligations
recognised holidays
special needs
preferences for personal interactions.
Assessment Guide
The following skills and knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:
ability to apply the principles of effective communication skills
ability to use active listening, feedback techniques and team building techniques to build
and maintain interpersonal relationships within a designated work group or team
ability to identify the need(s) and concerns of others
ability to process a complaint or feedback in accordance with the enterprise’s policies and
procedures in regard to receiving and resolving customer complaints
ability to recommend appropriate action arising from a complaint or problem
ability to communicate effectively with a range of people relevant to position and role
ability to appropriately respond to both face-to-face and written requests.
Linkages To Other Units
This is a core unit that underpins effective performance in all other units. Combined training
and assessment may be appropriate.
Critical Aspects of Assessment
Evidence of the following is essential:
demonstrated ability to apply active listening techniques

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demonstrated ability to use effective communication skills to build and maintain
interpersonal relationships within a designated work group or team
demonstrated ability to maintain effective communication lines with customers, other
personnel and management in order to build interpersonal relationships
demonstrated ability to communicate with customers and colleagues from diverse
demonstrated ability to deal with cross-cultural misunderstandings
observation that verbal and non-verbal communication takes account of cultural differences
demonstrated commitment to include and/or communicate with others where language
barriers exist.
Context of Assessment
This unit may be assessed on or off the job
assessment should include practical demonstration of working effectively with colleagues
and customers either in the workplace or through a simulation activity, supported by a
range of methods to assess underpinning knowledge
assessment must relate to the individual’s work area or area of responsibility.
Resource Implications
Training and assessment to include access to a real or simulated workplace; and access to
workplace standards, procedures, policies, guidelines, tools and equipment.
Assessment Methods
The following methods may be used to assess competency for this unit:
case studies
observation of practical candidate performance
oral and written questions
portfolio evidence
problem solving

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role plays
third party reports completed by a supervisor
project and assignment work.
Key Competencies in this Unit
Level 1 = competence to undertake tasks effectively
Level 2 = competence to manage tasks
Level 3 = competence to use concepts for evaluating
Key Competencies Level Examples
Collecting, organizing and
analyzing information
Communicating ideas and Use positive communication techniques to build
information interpersonal relationships
Planning and organizing Identify the most appropriate way to respond to
activities feedback
Working with others and in Respond to the internal and external customer
teams requests
Using mathematical ideas and
Apply conflict resolution and communication
Solving problems 2 skills to resolve conflicts and/or
Using technology 0

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