XH W1209 170683 - SGT
XH W1209 170683 - SGT
XH W1209 170683 - SGT
Connect the power and the load, to power up the controller, the display will show the current temperature.
Press the SET button to enter the temperature setting, display will start to blink, press " + " or " – " keys to set desired temperature.
Press the SET key to confirm and exit.
At this time the controller will automatically performs a relay test on or off. please make sure the connection are correct.
Indicator LED 'Red': when relay is ON "closed" so will the LED, with relay OFF "open" and same with the LED.
Digital display: when it shows " 888 ", the sensor is open or not connected. When it shows " HH ", the temperature is out of the measuring
range, the relay will disconnect also when it shows " – – – ", it is now high temperature protecting.
Parameter Setting Method: Hold down the " SET " key for 5 sec. to enter the main menu, press the " + " or " – " keys to switch P0 ~ P8.
Hold SET 'key for 5 seconds to enter main menu
Code description Range Default Vale
P0 Cooling / Heating C/H C NOTE: 1 Always rerun to the P_ display and wait 5 sec. for the
P1 Hysteresis 0.1 - 15 °C 2 settings to be saved other wise settings will not be saved.
P2 Upper limit 110 °C 110 NOTE: 2 If relay is not switching: Goto main menu P5 to check if zero,
P3 Lower limit -50 °C -50 return and save.
P4 Error Correction, adjustment -7.0 - +7.0 0
P5 Delay Start Timer 0 - 10 min. 0
P6 High Temp Alarm 0 - 110 OFF
P7 set max temp, disconnect OFF-1 - 110 50.0
P8 H to reset C/H C
Return to P_ display and wait for 5 seconds for values to confirm and returns to temperature display.
When Power UP and hold " + " and " - " key for 1sec. will reset to default values. Also see P8 for soft method.
Table description:
P0 Set the temperature controller operation mode C- cooling or H-heating.
If set 'C' temperature controller will be activated relay when temperature is higher than the set point.
If set 'H' temperature controller will be activated relay when temperature is lower than the set point.
P1 Hysteresis or Return different set point
This device model can value set by 0.1°C and the lowest value is 0.1°C.This is a very useful feature for precise operation of the temperature
controller. For example, if you set the value of 1°C and the desired temperature on the thermostat 20°C relay will be deactivated at 21°C
(20°C+1°C). The relay is activated again when the temperature drops to 20°C
P2 Highest temperature limit, can be set a maximum temperature limit, less than 110°C.
P3 Lowest temperature limit, You can set minimum temperature limit more or as -50°C.
P4 Temperature correct or calibration, Very good feature that lets you set your thermostat by certified accurate thermometer.
If you do not have a certified thermometer leave the value at 0°C. Calibration allows you to adjust the temperature in 0.1°C increments
P5 Delay starting time, In this step, you set the start delay in minutes 1-10 min. If you set 1min relay is activated until one minute after
reaching the set temperature to avoid any fluctuations.
P6 High temperature Alarm, Turns OFF or ON and press the SET, then set the temperature at which the alarm is activated.
When is alarm activated display will show " – – – ".
P7 Setting max temperature to disconnect relay, safety feature. Set to OFF if not needed.
P8 H to reset to default setting, select H return to P8, wait 10sec to clear. C for normal operation.
Shenzhen City, Guangdong Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Address: China's Shenzhen Futian District, Shenzhen Huaqiang North Road
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