JT Math

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Whizz- Kids Tutorial Center

Name: _________________________ Date: ______________

I. Identification
A. Identify the shapes. Write the letter only.
A. Square B. Circle C. Triangle D. Rectangle
______ 1. It has 4 sides and 4 equal corners.
______ 2. It has 4 equal sides and 4 equal corners.
______ 3. It is a close figure that has no sides and no corners.
______ 4. It has 3 sides and 3 corners.
______ 5. What is the shape of our Philippine flag?
B. 1. Write all the numbers that are less than the given numbers on the line.
11 ________________________________
8 _________________________________
2. Write all the numbers up to 20 that are greater than the given numbers
on the line
17 ________________________________
8 _________________________________
II. Multiple Choice
1. What is the number of sides of a Triangle?
a) No side
b) 3 sides
c) 4 sides
2. What is the number of sides of a Circle?
a) No side
b) 3 sides
c) 4 sides
3. What is the number of corners of the Triangle?
a) No corners
b) 3 corners
c) 4 corners
4. What is the number of sides of a Square?
a) No side
b) 3 sides
c) 4 sides
5. What is the number of corners of the Circle?
a) No corners
b) 3 corners
c) 4 corners
6. What is the number of sides of a Rectangle?
a) No side
b) 3 sides
c) 4 sides
7. What is the number of corners of the Rectangle?
a) No corners
b) 3 corners
c) 4 corners


Teacher’s Signature
Whizz- Kids Tutorial Center

Name: _________________________ Date: ______________

8. What is the number of corners of the Square?

a) No corners
b) 3 corners
c) 4 corners
9. Composing means what?
a) Dividing and cutting it into different shapes
b) It is a closed figure with no sides
c) Putting together different shapes to form another shape
10. Decomposing means what?
a) Dividing and cutting it into different shapes
b) It is a closed figure with no sides
c) Putting together different shapes to form another shape
11. We count objects by what?
a) Pointing our finger to them.
b) Pointing our toes to them.
c) Pointing our head to them.
12. How many object are there in an empty set?
a) 10 objects
b) 0 objects
c) 2 objects
13. What is the sign for less than?
a) <
b) >
c) =
14. What is the sign for greater than?
a) <
b) >
c) =
15. What is the sign for equal?
a) <
b) >
c) =
16. What sign do we use if the written number on the left side is smaller than the number on the
a) <
b) >
c) =
17. What sign do we use if the written number on the left side is bigger than the number on the
a) <
b) >
c) =
18. What sign do we use if the two written numbers are the same or equal?
a) <


Teacher’s Signature
Whizz- Kids Tutorial Center

Name: _________________________ Date: ______________

b) >
c) =
19. The following are the ways that we can arrange the numbers, EXCEPT?
a) Least to the greatest
b) Greatest to the least
c) Greatest to the greatest


Teacher’s Signature

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