Tata Group Profile
Tata Group Profile
Tata Group Profile
The Tata Group of Companies has always believed strongly in the concept of collaborative growth, and this vision has seen it emerge as one of India's and the world's most respected and successful business conglomerates. The Tata Group has traced a route of growth that spans through six continents and embraces diverse cultures. The total revenue of Tata companies, taken together, was 67.4 billion USD (around Rs319,534 crore) in 2009-10, with 57 per cent of this coming from business outside India. In the face of trying economic challenges in recent times, the Tata Group has steered Indias ascent in the global map through its unwavering focus on sustainable development. Over 395,000 people worldwide are currently employed in the seven business sectors in which the Tata Group Companies operate. It is the largest employer in India in the Private Sector and continues to lead with the same commitment towards social and community responsibilities that it has shown in the past.
The Tata Group of Companies has business operations (114 companies and subsidiaries) in seven defined sectors Materials, Engineering, Information Technology and Communications, Energy, Services, Consumer Products and Chemicals. Tata Steel with its acquisition of Corus has secured a place among the top ten steel manufacturers in the world and it is the Tata Groups flagship Company. Other Group Companies in the different sectors are Tata Motors, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Tata Communications, Tata Power, Indian Hotels, Tata Global Beverages and Tata Chemicals.
Tata Motors is Indias largest automobile company by revenue and is among the top five commercial vehicle manufacturers in the world. Jaguar and Landrover are now part of Tata Motors portfolio.
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is an integrated software solutions provider with delivery centres in more than 18 countries. It ranked fifth overall, and topped the list for IT services, in Bloomberg Businessweek's 12th annual 'Tech 100', a ranking of the world's best performing tech companies.
Tata Power has pioneered hydro-power generation in India and is the largest power generator (production capacity of 2300 MW) in India in the private sector.
Indian Hotels Company (Taj Hotels, resorts and palaces) happens to be the leading chain of hotels in India and one of the largest hospitality groups in Asia. It has a presence in 12 countries in 5 continents.
Tata Global Beverages (formerly Tata Tea), with its major acquisitions like Tetley and Good Earth is at present the second largest global branded tea operation.
When Jamsetji Tata gave shape to his vision of nation building by forming what was to become the Tata Group in 1868, he had envisaged India as an independent strength politically, economically and socially. In order to become a force that the world has to reckon with, the Tata Group has always ventured into path breaking territory and pioneered developments in industries of national importance.
As a policy, the Tata Group Companies promote and encourage economic, social and educational development in the community, returning wealth to the society they serve. Twothirds of the equity of Tata Sons is held in philanthropic trusts that take care of endowments towards improvement programmes in these spheres.
Through the years, the Tata Group has been amongst the most prestigious corporate presences in the world governed by its principles of business ethics. Its foray into international business has been recognised by various bodies and institutions. Brand Finance, a UK based consultancy firm after a recent valuation of the Tata brand at $11.22 billion has ranked it 65th among the world's top 100 brands. In Business Week magazine's list of the 25 most innovative companies the Tata name appears 13th and The Reputation Institute, USA has evaluated the Tata Group as the 11th in a global study of the most reputed companies.
In the road ahead, the Tata Group is focusing on integration of new technologies in its operations and breaking new grounds in product development. The Eka supercomputer had been ranked the worlds fourth fastest in 2008 and the launch of the Nano has been a benchmark for the auto industry specifically and the economy in general.
With a holistic approach in all its business operations, a loyal and dedicated workforce and its rooted belief in value creation and corporate citizenship, the Tata Group is always ready to realise its vision and objectives. The challenges of the future will only help to enhance the Groups performance and transform newer dreams to reality.
Company Profile
Established in 1907, Tata Steel is among the top ten global steel companies with an annual crude steel capacity of over 28 million tonnes per annum (mtpa). It is now one of the world's most geographically-diversified steel producers, with operations in 26 countries and a commercial presence in over 50 countries.
The Tata Steel Group, with a turnover of US$ 22.8 billion in FY '10, has over 80,000 employees across five continents and is a Fortune 500 company.
Tata Steels vision is to be the worlds steel industry benchmark through the excellence of its people, its innovative approach and overall conduct. Underpinning this vision is a performance culture committed to aspiration targets, safety and social responsibility, continuous improvement, openness and transparency.
Tata Steels larger production facilities include those in India, the UK, the Netherlands, Thailand, Singapore, China and Australia. Operating companies within the Group include Tata Steel Limited (India), Tata Steel Europe Limited (formerly Corus), NatSteel, and Tata Steel Thailand (formerly Millennium Steel).
A Century of Trust
The story of Tata Steel is a century old. And so is the story of steel in India. Etched with the visions and hardships of a single man, the story has flowed through ages to re-define steel in every way. The saga, which started in 1907, completed a century of trust in 2007 and carries on. Over the years this one company has discovered different avenues of effective steel utilisation and its story defines and re-defines conventional wisdom in more ways than one.
As India was left slightly dazzled and overwhelmed in the wake of the Industrial Revolution in England the leading Indian intellectuals of the 19th century believed that if India were to keep pace with the world it would have to master the modern scientific methods of the West. It was this vision of constructive change that led Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata to embark on a journey of growth that paved the path for industrialisation in India. Within his lifetime, Jamsetji was to witness the birth of a revolutionary Indian nationalism that would assist in the emergence of independent India, the spirit of which could already be felt when he died in 1904.
Steel Industry
1. INTRODUCTION: Contribution in the development of Indias economic growth: The Indian steel industry is mor e than 100 years old now.The first steel ingot was rolled on16th February 1912 - a momentous day in the history of industrial India. Steel is crucial tothe development of any modern economy and is considered to be the backbone of the humancivilization. The level of per capita consumption of steel is treated as one of the importantindicators of socio-economic development and living standard of the people in any country.It is a product of a large and technologically complex industr y having strong
for ward and backward linkages in ter ms of mater ial flow and income generation. All major industrialeconomies are characterized by the existence of a strong steel industry and the growth of many of these economies has been largely shaped by the strength of their steel industries intheir initial stages of development India is the 7th largest steel producer in the world, employing over 1/2 million people directlywith a cumulative capital investment of around Rs.1 lakh cror e. It is a cor e sector essentialfor economic and social development of the country and crucial for its defence. The Indianiron and steel industry contributes about Rs.8,000 crore to the national exchequer in the formo f ex c i s e a n d c u s t o m d u t i e s , a p a r t f r o m ea r n i n g f o r e i g n ex c h a n g e o f a p p r o x i ma t e l y R s . 3,000 cror e thr ough exports. Consumption of finished steel gr ew by 5.9 % and incr eased to24.9 million tones. steel consumption is likely to increase at a rapid pace in future due tolarge investments planned in infrastructure development, incr ease urbanization and gr owthin key steel sectors i.e. automobile, construction and capital goods.The Indian steel industry has emer ged as one of the core sectors in the Indian economy witha ver y significant impact on economic growth. India with its abundant availability of highgrade ir on or e, the r equisite technical base and cheap skilled labour is thus well placed for t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f steel industr y a nd to pr ovide a str ong ma nufactur ing base for t h e metallurgical industries.The der egulated Indian steel industry is perfor ming at its peak level in almost all spher es.The total production of finished steel fr om Apr il 2004 to March 2005 has been estimated to be about 383.25 lakh tones as against the production of 369.57 lakh tones during the same p er i o d l a s t y ea r s h o w i n g a n i n c r ea s e o f 3 . 7 % . T h e m o s t s p e c t a c u l a r a c h i e v e m e n t h a s , however, been recorded in export performance. Steel has so far proved to be the single key factor responsible for industrial production andt h er e b y , f o r ec o n o m i c g r o w t h . A n d i t i s g r o w i n g f r o m s t r e n g t h t o s t r e n g t h w i t h n e w er developments- b o t h w i t h i n s t e e l ma k i n g p r a c t i c e a s w e l l a s engin eer ing develop ments, whic h a s k f or mor e usa ge of st eel. S o muc h s o, t ha t e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t h a s b e c o m e almost synonymous with steel.