Bullying and Drop Out
Bullying and Drop Out
Bullying and Drop Out
Violence is a major reason for children not liking school - or even dropping
out of education.
Now an advocacy group has looked at school issues as part of a major study
on children and violence across the world.
The figure includes 261 million schoolchildren who experience violence from
other children. Among adolescents aged 13 to 15, bullying affects 138 million
and school fights 123 million.
Adolescents who are bullied miss more school than other groups and show
signs of poor achievement.
Nearly one in three children said they were bullied at least once in the past
two months in schools across industrialised countries and Latin
America/Caribbean. But in Africa that figure was almost one in two.
In West and Central Africa, 45% of children said they had been involved in a
physical fight at school in the past year.
A high proportion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students
experience homophobic and transphobic violence in schools.
Violence in childhood is lower in countries where more girls are at school.
One nine-year-old Indian boy told researchers: "I do not like my school, since
the teachers beat me badly. They beat with a stick on my back, even if we
are sitting and talking.”
"In some cases, this may happen because the schools and teachers
themselves are under pressure. Teachers may exercise extreme authority to
control the class and demand absolute obedience while taking out their
frustrations on children."
The report did not include violence related to self-harm, female genital
mutilation, human trafficking or conflict.
Barriers to education
Girls' education
Right to education
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