AWC Unit 3
AWC Unit 3
AWC Unit 3
The goal of space-time coding is to achieve the maximum diversity, the maximum coding gain,
and the highest possible throughput. To improve the battery life of mobile wireless
communication, low complexity encoding and decoding is very crucial. On the other hand, the
base station is not as restricted in terms of power and physical size. One can put multiple
independent antennas in a base station. Therefore, in many practical situations, a very low
complexity system with multiple transmit antennas is desirable. Space-time block coding is a
scheme to provide these properties.
To design space-time codes that provide the properties of the Alamouti code for more than two
transmit antennas, first we should understand why these codes behave in this way. For better
understanding, consider the matrix:
where, (2)
Equation (3) consists of two separate equations for decoding the two transmitted symbols. This
separation is the main reason for the first property of simple ML decoding. The second property
comes from the factor |α1|2 + |α2|2 in the right-hand side of Equation (3).
When there is only one transmit antenna available, the power of the signal is affected by a
factor of |α|2 due to the path gain. In a deep faded environment |α|2 is very small and the noise
dominates the signal. On the other hand, (3) shows that using the Alamouti code |α1|2 + |α2|2
should be small for a noise dominated channel. To have a small |α1|2 + |α2|2, both |α1|2 and |α2|2
must be small, which is less likely.
Derivation of (3) shows that the following equation is the main reason for both properties:
where I2 is a 2 × 2 identity matrix. If we show the structure of the Alamouti code by the
following generator matrix
(4) is a result of the orthogonality of the columns of and the following property:
So far we have defined the generator matrix and showed that since the generator matrix
satisfies (6) for every possible indeterminant pair (x1, x2), it provides full diversity and simple
ML decoding. For real numbers, matrices satisfying (6) are called orthogonal designs.
Definition: A set of N × N real matrices {B1, B2,..., BL} is a size L Hurwitz–Radon family of
matrices if
𝐵𝑙𝑇 𝐵𝑙 = 𝐼𝑁 , 𝑙 = 1,2, … , 𝐿
𝐵𝑙 𝐵𝑙 = −𝐵𝑙` 𝐵𝑙 , 𝑙 ≤ 𝑙` ≤ 𝐿
Theorem: Radon Theorem: We write any positive integer number N as N = 2ab, where a = 4c
+ d, c ≥ 0, 0 ≤ d < 4 and b is an odd number. Any N × N Hurwitz–Radon family contains less
than ρ(N) = 8c + 2d ≤ N matrices.
Definition 1: An integer matrix is defined as a matrix that all of its elements are −1, 0, or 1.
Using Radon Theorem, we prove the following theorem on the existence of real orthogonal
To have both the equations (a) and (b) in simultaneously and for all possible indeterminate
variables x1, x2, . . . , xN , we should have
The previous designs only work for real constellations. Naturally, it is interesting to extend
these schemes to complex signal constellations.
The following construction shows the relationship between real and complex orthogonal
Construction: Given a complex orthogonal design of size N, we replace each complex variable
xn = R{xn} + I{xn}j, 1 ≤ n ≤ N by the 2 × 2 real matrix
𝑅{𝑥𝑛 } 𝐼{𝑥𝑛 }
( ) (d)
−𝐼{𝑥𝑛 } 𝑅{𝑥𝑛 }
𝑅{𝑥𝑛 } −𝐼{𝑥𝑛 }
( )
𝐼{𝑥𝑛 } 𝑅{𝑥𝑛 }
Since real orthogonal designs only exist for N = 2, 4, 8, the above construction shows that a
complex orthogonal design can only exist for N = 2 or N = 4. For N = 2, the following matrix
is a complex orthogonal design
Definition: A generalized complex orthogonal design is a T × N matrix G with entries that are
linear combinations of the indeterminate variables x1, x2, . . . , xK and their conjugates such that
STBC for any complex constellation:
A space-time block code (STBC) for any complex constellation can be constructed using a
generalized complex orthogonal design.
The STBCs designed from generalized complex orthogonal designs provide full diversity and
separate decoding:
We need to show that the difference matrix G(s1, s2, - G(s'1, s'2,…., s'k) is full rank (non-
singular) for any two distinct set of inputs (s1, s2, ≠ (s'1, s'2,…., s'k). Since G(s1, s2,
elements are linear combinations of s1, s2,, we have
Therefore, the above determinant is zero if and only if (s1, s2, = (s'1, s'2,…., s'k), which
means the difference matrix is full rank.
The argument of the minimization in the above equation is a linear combination of sk and |sk|2
and can be written as
Quasi-orthogonal STBC
The main properties of an orthogonal design are simple separate decoding and full diversity.
Here, we consider codes for which decoding pairs of symbols independently is possible. We
call this class of codes quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes (QOSTBCs).
These codes exhibit partial orthogonality and provide only part of the diversity gain.
We denote the ith column of G by Vi. For any indeterminate variables x1, x2, x3, x4, we have
< V1, V2 > = < V1, V3 > = < V2, V4 > = < V3, V4 > = 0,
Where < Vi, Vj > is the inner product of vectors Vi and Vj.
Therefore, the subspace created by V1 and V4 is orthogonal to the subspace created by V2 and
V3. This is the rationale behind the name “quasi-orthogonal” for the code.
The encoding for QOSTBCs is very similar to the encoding of orthogonal STBCs. To transmit
b bits per time slot, we use constellations containing 2b points. Using 4b bits, constellation
symbols s1, s2, s3, s4 are selected. Setting xk = sk for k = 1, 2, 3, 4 in the generator matrix G, we
arrive at a codeword matrix C = G(s1, s2, s3, s4). Then, at time t, the four elements in the tth
row of C are transmitted from the four transmit antennas.
Rotated QOSTBCs
To provide full diversity, we use different constellations for different transmitted symbols. For
example, we may rotate symbols before transmission. The resulting code is very powerful since
it provides full diversity, rate one, and simple pairwise decoding with good performance.
Here, we derive the general conditions to achieve full diversity for these codes. First, calculate
the coding gain distance (CGD) for different cases and show that they behave similarly. We
use G to denote the generator matrix with indeterminate variables x1, x2, x3, x4 and G(s1, s2, s3,
s4) to denote the same matrix when xk is replaced by the kth argument in parentheses.
Lemma: The CGD between a pair of codewords C = G(s1, s2, 𝑠̃ 3, 𝑠̃ 4) and C' = G(s'1, s'2, 𝑠̃ '3, 𝑠̃ '4)
of the QOSTBC is given by
Then, replacing x1 with (s1 - s'1), x2 with (s2 - s'2), x3 with (𝑠̃ 3 - 𝑠̃ '3), and x4 with (𝑠̃ 4 - 𝑠̃ '3) results
in equation (e). Hence proved.
Chapter 4 and 5 from Hamid Jafarkhani, “Space-Time Coding Theory and Practise”