Hapag Layko Brochure 2023 Final Version
Hapag Layko Brochure 2023 Final Version
Hapag Layko Brochure 2023 Final Version
and train lay leaders so that they can 1. (How to Do) Theology of Everyday Life 1. Basic Organizing Process
effectively perform their responsibilities in 2. Doing Theology on the Human Person 2. The Bible and the Christian Community
3. Doing Theology on Jesus for Filipinos 3. Managing and Sustaining BECs
their respective parishes and communities.
4. Doing Theology with Catholic Social
The courses are contextualized for the lay 4. Theology and Spirituality of BECs
condition, involving lectures, workshops, and V. SPIRITUALITY AND THE LAITY
practical exercises, and focusing not only on
the skills but also on the vocation and The course seeks to fill in a perceived gap: the
spirituality of service of the laity. need for attitudes, values, symbols and even
life-style consistent with the faith-life situation
I. GENERAL THEOLOGY LECTURE SERIES of lay people which can be summed up in the
III. TRAINING FOR LAY LITURGICAL rubric spirituality.” The program is open to
All participants in HAPAG-LAYKO take this MINISTRIES anyone who wants to go deeply in practicing
program before any of the specific formation. Christian Spirituality in their everyday life. It has
It is composed of 9 Lecture Series, offered This program promotes Christian celebrations to be 4 teaching modules; each module runs for 9
only during the 1st semester. They deal with more meaningful with the full, conscious and active class meetings:
various topics in the Christian faith, which are participation of the laity. Participants involved in
liturgical animation such as lay Eucharistic ministers, 1. General Introduction to Christian Spirituality
explained through the Bible and in a
lectors, commentators, members of worship
contemporary, relevant way. The topics are: 2. Lay Spirituality
committees, and others. They are encouraged to
God’s Revelation, The Human Person, Mary, take all 4 modules; each module runs for 9 class 3. Vincentian Spirituality
Mother of Jesus & Model Disciple, Catholic meetings: 4. Marian Spirituality
Social Teaching, The Church, Jesus of CERTIFICATES
Nazareth, The Christ, and Liturgy and 1. Liturgical Theology and History
The “Certificate of Completion” is awarded to
Sacraments. 2.The Word of God in the Liturgy
anyone who completes the General Lecture Series
3. Understanding the Sacraments
and 4 modules of one specific formation program.
4. Popular Piety and Devotions