Exercise 05
Exercise 05
Exercise 05
Classroom exercises
5.1 Card shuing. Consider a deck (korttipakka) of n = 3 playing cards labeled using a, b, c.
The possible congurations of the deck are denoted as S = {abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba},
where in each conguration the cards of the deck are listed from top to bottom. The
deck is shued as follows: In each step the topmost card is lifted and then pushed to a
uniformly random location in the deck, so that the topmost card is placed to the top,
middle, or bottom of the deck, each choice with probability 13 , and independently of
earlier steps. Denote by Xt the conguration of the deck after t shuing steps.
(a) Explain why (Xt ) is a Markov chain, write down its transition matrix, and draw the
corresponding transition diagram so that no arrows cross each other.
(b) Find out the invariant distribution π of the chain.
Hint: Compute the column sums, what do you observe?
(c) Is the Markov chain (Xt ) reversible with respect to the distribution π ?
Now consider a deck of 52 cards, labeled as {1, 2, . . . , 52}. Let S be the set of all cong-
urations of the deck.
MS-C2111 Stochastic processes J Kohonen
Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis Fall 2024
Aalto University Exercise 5
Homework problems
5.2 Gambling pot. A group of people are gambling. Initially there is a pot of 1 EUR on the
table. Then a round is played, which results in a tie or one of the players winning. If the
result is a tie, 1 EUR is added to the pot. If one of the players wins, the winner collects
the accumulated pot in its entirety and the next round starts 1 EUR in the pot. Suppose
that the probability of a tie in each round is q ∈ [0, 1] and the results of the rounds are
independent of each other.
(a) Let Xt be the size of the pot, in euros, in the t-th round. Show that the process
X = (Xt )t∈Z+ is a Markov chain on the innite state space S = {1, 2, . . . }, and
calculate its transition probabilities.
(b) For which values of the parameter q does the process X = (Xt )t∈Z+ have an invariant
distribution (i.e. a stationary distribution)? Calculate the invariant distribution.
5.3 Renewal chain . Let q = [q(0), q(1), q(2), . . .] be a probability distribution on the nonneg-
ative integers N0 = {0, 1, 2, . . . }. A renewal chain corresponding to q is a Markov chain
on the innite state space N0 with a transition matrix P such that P (k, k − 1) = 1 for
all k ≥ 1, and P (0, k) = q(k) for all k ≥ 0.
(a) Sketch the transition diagram of the chain.
(b) Give an example of q for which the renewal chain is reducible.
(c) Give an example of q for which the renewal chain is irreducible.
(d) Prove that state 0 is recurrent.
(e) Derive a formula for the expected return time E T0+ | X0 = 0 to state 0 in terms of