Proj 1 Cryto
Proj 1 Cryto
Proj 1 Cryto
1 Introduction
In many software systems today, the primary weakness often lies in the user’s password. This
is especially apparent in light of recent security breaches that have highlighted some of the weak
passwords people commonly use (e.g., 123456 or password). It is very important, then, that users
choose strong passwords (or “passphrases”) to secure their accounts, but strong passwords can be
long and unwieldy. Even more problematic, the user generally has many different services that use
password authentication, and therefore the user must recall many different passwords.
One way for users to address this problem is to use a password manager, such as BitWarden and
1Password. Password managers make it very convenient for users to use a unique, strong password
for each service that requires password authentication. However, given the sensitivity of the data
contained in the password manager, one must take considerable care to store the information
In this assignment, you will be writing a secure and efficient password manager. In your implemen-
tation, you will make use of various cryptographic primitives we have discussed in class—notably,
authenticated encryption and collision-resistant hash functions. Because it is ill-advised to imple-
ment your own primitives in cryptography, you should use an established library: in this case, the
SubtleCrypto. We will provide starter code that contains a basic template, which you will be able
to fill in to satisfy the functionality and security properties described below.
Caveat: Please do not consider this project as a substitution for a safe password manager. There
are more security considerations that we do not consider in this project to make this password
manager truly secure.
2.1 Implementation
In general, a password manager (also called a keychain) application will store its password database
on disk, protected by a strong master password. While it is in use, it may store an “unlocked”
representation of the database in memory from which it can provide the password for each desired
domain. Instead of implementing a full standalone password manager application, for this project
you will only be responsible for the core library. Thus, you will not need to implement the interactive
front-end for interacting with the password manager, nor will you need to actually write the contents
to disk. Instead, you will simulate these functionalities by providing features to serialize and
deserialize your data structures to string representations, so that it would be easy to complete a
full password manager application by writing these representations to disk.
Your password manager will keep its in-memory password data in a key-value store (KVS), repre-
sented by a Javascript object whose keys correspond to domain names, and whose values correspond
to passwords for that domain. For example, a sample password manager instance might store the
following information:
Key Value password 123456 6U)qAlOBy%3SZX$o guest
Naturally, writing this information to disk in the clear is not secure. In this assignment, you will
need to preserve both the confidentiality and the integrity of the values in your KVS. Thus, you
will be encrypting all the values (i.e, the passwords for different domains) using an authenticated
encryption scheme, namely AES-GCM. In order to accommodate a potentially large number of
entries in the password manager, you will encrypt and store each record individually in-memory.
In other words, it is not appropriate to encrypt the entire KVS as a single blob. This way, you do
not have to decrypt every entry in the password manager when fetching a single record. We will
also be using HMAC as our pseudorandom function (PRF).
We do not want to leak any information about the domains the user has stored in the password
manager. At the same time, we want to maintain the ability to search for the data corresponding
to a specific domain. In this assignment, the KVS (Javascript object) storing the password data
should have as its keys the HMAC of each domain name, rather than the actual domain name in the
clear.1 Then, to look up the data corresponding to domain name x, you first compute HMAC(k, x),
where k is the secret key for HMAC, and check whether the result exists as a key in the key-value
If you simply encrypt each domain/password pair in the KVS directly, your implementation will
probably leak some information about the lengths of the passwords. We will not consider such
implementations secure; rather, your implementation must prevent an adversary from learning any
information about the password lengths. (To make this feasible, you may assume that the maximum
length of any password is 64 characters.)
You should use the password-based key derivation function, PBKDF2, to derive keys from a master
password provided by the user. We will discuss the details of PBKDF2 later on in the course, but
we explain how to use it in Section 2.3. PBKDF2 is deliberately designed to be slow, and therefore
you want to call it just once to derive a master key k. Once you have the output k of PBKDF2, you
can use it as a key for HMAC to derive the two sub-keys you need: one sub-key to MAC the domain
names, and one sub-key for encrypting passwords using AES-GCM. To derive these two sub-keys
you can evaluate HMAC at two different arbitrary values using k as the HMAC key. Here we are
using HMAC as a secure PRF.
Note that a secure password manager is not allowed to include the master password (or even a hash
of it or any other values that would leak information about it), or any of the secret keys used, in
the serialized password database on disk. Additionally, you should assume that an adversary has
access to your source code – this means you cannot embed any values you hope to hide from the
adversary in your code.
Technically, you will need to use some serialized string representation (like Base64) of the HMAC value.
As another layer of defense, you will be asked to produce a SHA-256 checksum of the entire contents
of the database when it is serialized for disk storage. This will be used to defend against certain
attacks described in the next section.
When designing any system with security goals, it is important to specify a threat model: i.e., we
must precisely define the power of the adversary, as well as the condition the adversary must satisfy
in order to be considered to have “broken” the system. Thus, we will now specify the threat model
for our secure password manager, in the form of a security game (of the same flavor as the PRF
or CPA games). In particular, just as the CPA game allows the adversary to specify messages of
its choice, our definition will seem to give the adversary a great deal of power over the contents of
the password database. It is important to remember that we must make such strong assumptions
when attempting to show that a system is secure for general use, because we have no idea under
what circumstances it may end up being deployed.
Our security game proceeds as follows. As usual, the password manager will play the role of the
challenger—interacting with another implicit party, the disk storage—while the adversary will make
a series of adaptive queries that determine the behavior of the system. Some of the adversary’s
queries may include a contingency for each of two possible experiments—as in experiments 0 and
1 in the CPA security game—and, as in the CPA game, the “experiment bit” parameter, b, will
determine which series of queries the challenger actually executes. Each query will take one of the
following forms:
As in the PRF and CPA security games, we say that a password manager is secure if all computa-
tionally efficient adversaries have only negligible advantage in the game described above. (i.e. the
adversary’s probability of outputting 1 as its guess of the experiment bit b differs only by a negli-
gible amount when in experiment 0 and when in experiment 1.) Unlike the PRF and CPA games,
however,3 we will need an additional restriction for our security definition here. In particular, we
will only allow adversaries whose queries are “admissible” in the following sense:
This ability models the fact that in real life, the adversary may control a service for which the client has stored
a password.
But similar to the CCA game.
• Whenever the adversary makes a query (4), requiring the challenger to send its password for
a given domain d, on its last query (1) setting the password for d (if there was such a query
at all), it must have been the case that password0 = password1 .
(Indeed, it is fairly easy to see that without this restriction, the adversary could trivially win the
game—by query (1), it could cause the challenger to add a password for some domain d, under
the adversary’s control, so that the password value differed between experiments 0 and 1; and then
require, by query (4), that the challenger authenticate to it using domain d’s password.)
Intuitively, this definition captures the fact that even if the adversary is able to exert substantial
control over the contents of the password database—and even if it controls some malicious remote
servers—it still cannot learn anything about the passwords in the database for any other servers.
For this project, you will not be required to give a formal proof that your system fulfills the strong
security definition we have just stated. However, your system should be secure under this threat
model (and a proof should exist, even though you do not have to produce it).
However, you should note that, to satisfy such a strong definition, there are a number of interesting
attacks that you will have to defend against, most notably swap attacks and rollback attacks. In
a swap attack, the adversary interchanges the values corresponding to different keys. For instance,
the adversary might switch the entries for and Then, when the
user (for whatever reason) tries to authenticate to, the user inadvertently provides
its credentials for It should be easy to see that an adversary able to perform a
swap attack can easily win the security game we outlined above. In your implementation, you must
provide a defense against a swap attack.
In a rollback attack, the adversary can replace a record with a previous version of the record. For
example, suppose the adversary was able to retrieve the KVS in the example above. At some later
time, the user changes her/his password for to google_pwd, which would update
the value for in the KVS. However, the adversary can replace this updated record
with the previous record for Note that, as in the previous section, merely using
authenticated encryption does not protect against this attack. Rather, in your implementation,
you should compute a SHA-256 hash of the contents of the password manager. You can assume
this hash value can be saved to a trusted storage medium (inaccessible to the adversary)—such as
a flash drive on the user’s person. Whenever you load the password manager from disk, you should
verify that the hash is valid. This way, you can be assured that the contents of the KVS have not
been tampered with.
Depending on your design, your defense against rollback attacks might also turn out to protect
against the swap attacks described earlier. However, you must still implement an explicit
defense against swap attacks. In other words, the defenses you develop must work independently
of one another. Even if a SHA-256 hash is not provided from trusted storage, your scheme must
be secure against an adversary that swaps two records.
In the previous section, we did not give a precise formulation of the security properties we are
assuming of PBKDF2. To give the full picture, we would need to work in a framework called the
“random oracle model,” which would take us too far afield. Instead, this section will provide some
practical guidelines on how to use PBKDF2.
Although we will discuss this in more detail towards the end of the course, it is important to
remember that when deriving anything using passwords, we should always use a randomly generated
salt. The recommended length of the salt is 128 bits. The key derived from PBKDF2 will be a
function of the provided password and the salt. To generate salt for a new Keychain, we provide a
function getRandomBytes(). If you wish to derive the same key again in the future, such as when
you’re loading the keychain from disk, you will need to store the salt in the clear.
The idea behind salting passwords is to prevent an offline dictionary attack, where an attacker
derives keys for commonly used passwords, and tries to see if they work for different users’ keychains.
Salting slows the attackers down since they will have to do a separate dictionary attack for each
user. To make this even more difficult, PBKDF2 is deliberately designed to be a slow function (it
should take about 0.5-1s per evaluation on your laptop) so as to rate limit an attacker trying to
brute force it.
3 SubtleCrypto
The SubtleCrypto API is exposed to you in password-manager.js via a variable called subtle.
For example, to hash a message with SHA-256, you could write in code:
Note that stringToBuffer is a type conversion function that we provide. More details are below.
We encourage you to check out the docs to find out how to use the algorithms required for this
project! You may generally use SHA-256 as a hash function when one is required.
When building a key using SubtleCrypto, you must specify the types of operations that the key
may be used for. When building a key, there will be a keyUsages parameter, which should be filled
with an array of strings specifying the different actions one might take with the key.
If the key will be used to generate other keys, it requires the "deriveKey" usage. For MACs, you
will need to give the key the "sign" and "verify" usages. For ciphers, you will use "encrypt" and
"decrypt". It is generally good practice to only enable keys to be used for the purposes relevant
to your use case!
In class, we consider keys to simply be arbitrary bitstrings. The SubtleCrypto library stores keys
as a slightly larger object which includes metadata such as the algorithm and specific operations for
which the key may be used. Thus, in order to use user-defined data as a key, it must be imported
via the importKey function.
Note that stringToBuffer is a convenience function provided by the starter code which will be
described in ??.
The above snippet creates a new CryptoKey (the object representing keys in SubtleCrypto) whose
contents are the raw unencrypted bytes of your specified password. In addition, this key may be
only used for the PBKDF2 algorithm in order to derive a new key. Note: This key is NOT
sufficiently secure to use as the main key of your password manager. You must use
PBKDF2 to produce a more cryptographically secure key.
As another example, you will create your secret AES-GCM key as follows:
let keyMaterial = ... // get a random key by evaluating HMAC at an arbitrary value
let aesKey = await subtle.importKey(
"raw", keyMaterial, "AES-GCM", true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);
Again, this produces a key from “raw” bytes, but these bytes are random because they are the
result of HMAC. This key may be used for the AES-GCM algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data.
See the API docs for more details.
4 API description
Here are descriptions of the functions you will need to implement. For each function, we also
prescribe the run-time your solution must achieve (as a function of the number of entries n in the
password database). We will assume that the input values (domain names and passwords) are of
length O(1), and regard each operation on an efficient dictionary/object/in-memory-key-value-store
as a single step.
• Run-time: O(1)
This static method should create a new KVS. This function is also responsible for generating the
necessary keys you need to provide for the various functionality of the password manager. Once
initialized, the returned password manager should be in ready to support the other functionality
described in the API.
4.2 static async load(password, representation, trustedDataCheck)
• trustedDataCheck: SHA-256 hash of the keychain; note that this is an optional parameter
that is used to check integrity of the password manager (string)
• Run-time: O(n)
This static method loads the keychain state from a serialized representation. You can assume that
repr is a valid serialization generated by a call to keychain.dump(). This function should verify
that the given password is valid for the keychain. If the parameter trustedDataCheck is provided,4
this function should also affirm the integrity of the KVS. If tampering is detected, this function
should throw an exception. If everything passes, the function should return the Keychain object
represented by repr. if password is invalid, the function should throw an exception.
4.3 constructor(...)
• No return value
• Run-time: O(1)
• We will never invoke your constructor directly. Rather, we expect that your implementations
of init and load will call it in some way.
• After the constructor has completed, we should be able to successfully call any other function
in this API.
• Returns: array consisting of two string’s, where the first is a JSON encoded serialization of
the keychain and the second is a SHA-256 hash of the contents of the keychain
• Run-time: O(n)
This method should create a JSON encoded serialization of the keychain, such that it may be loaded
back into memory via a subsequent call to keychain.load. It should return an array consisting
of this, and also of the SHA-256 hash of the keychain contents (which is to be stored in trusted
storage, and used to prevent rollback attacks).
In Javascript, if an argument to a function is not provided, its value will be the special sentinel value undefined.
You can test that a value is not undefined using the expression: x !== undefined.
4.5 async set(name, value)
• value: value associated with the given domain to store in the password manager (string)
• No return value
• Run-time: O(1)
This method should insert the domain and associated data into the KVS. If the domain is already
in the password manager, this method will update its value. Otherwise, it will create a new entry.
• Return: string (the value associated with the requested domain, null if not found)
• Run-time: O(1)
If the requested domain is in the KVS, then this method should return the the saved data associated
with the domain. If the requested domain is not in the KVS, then this method should return null.
• Return: boolean (true if record with the specified name is found, false otherwise)
• Run-time: O(1)
If the requested domain is in the KVS, then this method should remove the record from the KVS.
The method returns true in this case. Otherwise, if the specified domain is not present, return
You should run your code using Node.js. The setup is fairly straightforward: if you don’t have it
already, install Node on your system by downloading it from
If you already have Node installed, please make sure to update to the latest version
since there may be issues with the autograder with older Node versions. After installing
it, you should be able to run the node and npm commands in your command line. Then, extract
the starter code and cd into the directory proj1. We have provided a simple test suite, which you
can run using the command npm test from this directory.
The full set of tests we are running to grade your assignment are provided on Gradescope. You
can check your assignment against these tests by uploading your solution file. Recall that you will
have to explain why your code is secure in the short-answer section.
5.2 Datatypes
In the past, a lot of confusion has been generated by the use of different JavaScript types throughout
this application. The API that you will implement will take inputs (such as the master password,
domain names, and website passwords) as regular strings because this is the most natural type
for a client interacting with your library. The SubtleCrypto library uses buffer objects as inputs
and outputs for all of its functions because these can contain arbitrary binary data. This includes
auxiliary data such as salt, IV’s, and associated data for authenticated encryption. These buffers
can actually be a variety of different JavaScript types (Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Uint8Array) but
these are all interchangeable for this project. The problem with these buffer types is that they do
not work as keys in a JavaScript object and they do not serialize well using JSON.stringify. Thus
we need a third representation for binary data that can be used in the KVS and dumped and loaded
easily. We recommend using Base64 encoded strings, and we provide helper functions to convert
back and forth between buffers and Base64 strings.
The provided conversion functions are as follows:
• stringToBuffer(string)
Converts a plaintext string into a buffer that can be used with SubtleCrypto functions. Use
this to pass a domain name into subtle.sign, for example.
• bufferToString(buffer)
The inverse of stringToBuffer. Converts a buffer representing a plaintext (for example, the
result of decryption) back into a string.
• encodeBuffer(buffer)
Converts a buffer object containing arbitrary bytes into a Base64 encoded string. This string
will work as the key in a JavaScript object and will be serialized correctly. It is important to
use this function rather than trying to dump a buffer object directly.
Note that Base64 strings may be compared for equality, but you should not attempt to modify
the underlying binary data by manipulating a Base64 string.
• decodeBuffer(base64)
The inverse of encodeBuffer. Used to convert Base64 strings back to buffers for use in
SubtleCrypto functions.
The implementation of these functions can be found in the lib.js file of the starter code.
• All the code you will have to write will be in the file password-manager.js. Please do not
write any code in another file, since our auto-grader will be assuming that you haven’t.
• SubtleCrypto is an inherently asynchronous library! If you are running into errors about
values being undefined, check to make sure that each call to one of the functions in the
library (using the imported subtle variable) is either preceeded by an await or followed by
a .then(). For resources on asynchronous programming in Javascript, refer to Section 5.4.
• You can have a look at the tests being run in the file test/test-password-manager.js.
You are always welcome to write more tests to make sure your implementation satisfies the
requirements, but you are not required to, and we will not be grading your tests. The tests are
written using the MochaJS framework ( with Expect.js for assertions
(, and should be fairly readable.
• Serialization and deserialization of your password database (for the load and dump) func-
tions should be done using JSON, via the standard Javascript APIs: JSON.stringify and
JSON.parse. Further, the object that you serialize should have the key-value store that you
use for your domain names and passwords stored internally in a field called kvs on the object
(and you should use this field when you’re restoring your keychain – in particular, if this field
is modified, your object should have a modified set of domains and passwords). This is just
to facilitate autograding. The last test in our suite is there to help you make sure that you’re
including this field (although it does not make sure you’re using it when restoring).
• If your application detects tampering with any of its values at any point (like, say, a swap
attack), it should throw an exception. We will not test what exception is thrown; it is fine to
throw a string with an English description of the potential tampering.
• The only thing you should assume about SHA-256 is that it is collision resistant.
To summarize, you must implement a secure password manager that satisfies the following prop-
• The underlying in-memory data structure for the password manager should be a key-value
store (Javascript object), where the keys correspond to domain names and the values corre-
spond to the passwords for the given domain names.
• When you need to derive a key from a password, you should use PBKDF2.
• Your system should satisfy the security properties described in the threat model (Section 2.2).
In particular, you should defend against swap attacks and rollback attacks.
• You should implement all of the API functions (Section 4) with the parameters described
there. Notably, your defenses for swap attacks and rollback attacks should be independent—
your system must continue to be secure against swap attacks even if a hash value from trusted
storage is not provided.
• You also need to submit answers to the short-answer questions from Section 6.
Please submit only your password-manager.js file to the “Project 1 Code Submission”
Gradescope assignment when you are finished.
6 Short-answer Questions
In addition to your implementation, please include answers to the following questions regarding
your implementation. Your answers need not be long, but should include important details.
Please submit (preferably) typed or handwritten answers to the “Project #1 Short-
answer Questions” assignment on Gradescope (separate from programming compo-
1. Briefly describe your method for preventing the adversary from learning information about
the lengths of the passwords stored in your password manager.
2. Briefly describe your method for preventing swap attacks (Section 2.2). Provide an argument
for why the attack is prevented in your scheme.
3. In our proposed defense against the rollback attack (Section 2.2), we assume that we can store
the SHA-256 hash in a trusted location beyond the reach of an adversary. Is it necessary to
assume that such a trusted location exists, in order to defend against rollback attacks? Briefly
justify your answer.
4. Because HMAC is a deterministic MAC (that is, its output is the same if it is run multiple
times with the same input), we were able to look up domain names using their HMAC values.
There are also randomized MACs, which can output different tags on multiple runs with the
same input. Explain how you would do the look up if you had to use a randomized MAC
instead of HMAC. Is there a performance penalty involved, and if so, what?
5. In our specification, we leak the number of records in the password manager. Describe an
approach to reduce the information leaked about the number of records. Specifically, if there
are k records, your scheme should only leak ⌊log2 (k)⌋ (that is, if k1 and k2 are such that
⌊log2 (k1 )⌋ = ⌊log2 (k2 )⌋, the attacker should not be able to distinguish between a case where
the true number of records is k1 and another case where the true number of records is k2 ).
6. What is a way we can add multi-user support for specific sites to our password manager
system without compromising security for other sites that these users may wish to store
passwords of? That is, if Alice and Bob wish to access one stored password (say for nytimes)
that either of them can get and update, without allowing the other to access their passwords
for other websites.