Hexco Notes
Hexco Notes
Hexco Notes
Word processing is a process of creating, editing, saving and printing text documents
electronically. Is the use of computer application programs to create, store, and print a piece of
text, usually typed in form of a keyboard.
-To perform word processing - a computer, word processing software and a printer are
In Businesses
- Making legal copies
- Typing letters and letterheads
- Creating reference documents
- Typing memos
In Education
- Production of assignments
- Typing notes
- Typing examinations
- Creating templates- Templates are pre-created documents which can be used to
easily create documents.
In Homes
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- Writing short notes
- Letter writing
- Cards creation e.g. invitation cards
- CV creation
Advantages of Word processing Packages over the typewriter
Documents can be edited and formatted before printing, which reduces spelling and other
typing mistakes on printed documents.
Ability to move parts of text to other sections of the document.
Typed documents can be stored in the computer for future use.
Document layout can be viewed on the screen before printing and can be changed easily.
A word processed document can be printed more than once.
Other text and diagrams can be added without the need to retype the document.
Word processors can move some parts of text to another part of the document easily.
They have the ability to delete words, sentences and paragraphs.
They are less manual than typewriters.
They have spell check feature that helps in correcting words spellings
Tool bar
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The Office Button
The Office Button new to Office 2007 products, it provides many of the options previously
found under the File drop down menu in earlier versions of Microsoft office and in Microsoft
office 2016.
Office Button
Close – Closes the open document (not the Microsoft Word application)
Quick Access Toolbar offers an easy to click location for frequently used command buttons,
such as Save, Undo and Redo etc.
- The Undo and re-do commands are used if you have made a mistake so that you can
return backward or forward
Bold – you can bold ( to make darker) the selected text By clicking on B on the toolbar
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Uppercase and Lowercase – you can change the selected text from Lowercase(small
letters) to Uppercase(Capital letters) by clicking on Aa on the toolbar
Word Wrap – is a word processing feature that forces all text to be confined within
defined margins or Is a text editor or word process feature that breaks lines between
words to adjust them within specified margins.
Soft Return – The automatic movement of a curser to the next line without pressing an
enter button. The opposite is Hard return, refers to the process of moving a curser to the
next line by pressing an Enter button. Hard return is used to begin a new paragraph.
Scroll bars are used to reveal hidden parts of a document that is too large to fit entirely
within the display window. Scrolling means moving the document up, down, left
New: creates a new blank document.
Save: saves the open document
Save as: saves a document as a new by a different name without disturbing the contents
of the original document.
Open: open a document that is previously saved.
Print Preview: this feature lets you see on the screen exactly how your document will
look when printed.
Cut: this option removes the information from its original location and relocates it
somewhere when you use Paste.
Copy: leaves the information in its original location and makes another copy of the
information when you use Paste.
Character Formatting is a process of changing letters, digits or any other printable
symbols. This improves the readability of documents.
/text (size, colour, type)
erline, subscript, super script)
Paragraph Formatting commands:
Line spacing (1single spacing, 1½ spacing, (2) double spacing
Paragraph margins (indentation of the bottom, top, left and right margin)
Indentation refers to the space left from the margin of the page
Text alignment (centre, align left, align right, justify) refers the general arrangement or
positioning of text on the page. Text can be aligned to the centre, left, right or justified.
Clipboard is a portion of the computer‟s memory set aside for storing a portion of a
document temporarily.
Header is the text that appears at the top of each page.
Footer is the text that appears at the bottom of each page.
Footnotes and endnotes are used in printed documents to explain, comment on, or
provide references for text in a document. You might use footnotes for detailed
comments and endnotes for citation of sources. Footnotes and endnotes are numbered
Find and Replace: This feature helps you find occurrences of a word and replaces it
with another word.
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Spell check: This language feature helps to search and correct spelling mistakes. Right
click on the underlined word and choose the correct word on the given suggestions.
Grammar Checking (checks for what seem to be simple grammar errors
Thesaurus a reference book that gives you a list of alternative words (synonyms). Move
your curser to the word you want to check its synonyms and right click and select
Thesaurus or click on Review tab then select Thesaurus
Orientation: found on page layout, allows you to switch the page layout between
landscape and portrait.
Columns: allows you to split text into two or more columns.
Page borders: allows you to apply or change the borders around the page.
Editing: the process of correcting mistakes in a document, for example spelling mistakes.
Collaborative editing, which allows two people to work on one document, automatically
leaving each other notes to show where editing has taken place using Review and
Tracking options
Formatting: making a document look more attractive by bolding, underlining, inserting
borders, font styles, Font size, Italic, Coloured font etc
Watermark: This is the ghosted or faint text/picture that is inserted behind the content
on the page. This is often used to indicate that the document is to be treated specially.
A watermark can be seen when you hold the paper against light.
Sort: – Allows you to arrange selected text or numbers either in ascending or descending
Printing-printing feature is used to obtain a hardcopy of prepared document
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On the document area, place the flashing vertical bar called insertion point which represents
the location where text will appear as you type.
To change the location, move your mouse cursor on the document area and left click on the
new location
NB// Please note, saving procedures are the same in all Microsoft packages.
NB// Please note, printing procedures are the same in all Microsoft packages.
Deleting the process of permanently removing the text or file from the computer system
Superscript refer to numbers or text that is positioned slightly higher than the text on the
line e.g. 5th
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Subscript refer to numbers or text that is positioned slightly lower than the text on the line
e.g. 455
Select the text that you want to format as superscript/subscript or subscript.
o On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Subscript. Or press CTRL+=.
Insert a table
Insert a Picture
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Insert a Watermark
Insert an equation
A large dropped initial capital letter that can be used to begin a Document or a Chapter to add
interest to a newsletter or invitation
Page Colour
Move text
Page Borders
Mail merge is the batch mailing of letters using a letter template and a data file or address
Uses/ Advantages of mail merge
- Instead of a business or college creating multiple copies of the same letter to send out
in the post, one letter and one data file is created
- The letter and data file are merged together which means the names and address are
automatically added to each of the letters and envelopes from the database or data file
- Mail merge can automatically create a batch of labels for the data file and print the
labels to labels stickers or directly to envelopes depending on the capacity of a printer
1. Set up the main document. The main document contains the text and graphics that are the
same for each version of the merged document. For example, the return address or
salutation in a form letter.
2. Connect the document to a data source. A data source is a file that contains the
information to be merged into a document. For example, the names and addresses of the
recipients of a letter.
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3. Refine the list of recipients or items. Microsoft Office Word generates a copy of the main
document for each item, or record, in your data file. If your data file is a mailing list,
these items are probably recipients of your mailing. If you want to generate copies for
only certain items in your data file, you can choose which items (records) to include.
4. Add placeholders, called mail merge fields, to the document. When you perform the mail
merge, the mail merge fields are filled with information from your data file.
5. Preview and complete the merge. You can preview each copy of the document before
you print the whole set.
- Text manipulation usually refers to the ability to change words, sentences and
paragraphs which have been typed.
- The manipulation can involve the changing of the characters (letters and symbols),
adding line breaks, direction of the text and changing the case (CAPITAL letter or small
letter) of the characters.
- The text within a document can be formatted in terms of how the actual text appears.
Formatting improves the readability of documents.
- A useful function with Word is that of the Styles which allow text to be automatically
formatted allowing consistent formatting of text within body, titles, and subtitles of a
- The most common formatting which are applied in Word are Bold, Italic, Underline, font
styles , font size and colored font. So much so, that all of these formatting tools have their
own Buttons
- Pictures, images or graphics are a very useful way of brightening up a document and
making it more appealing and interesting for the end user.
- Graphics can be added to Word in a variety of ways, including inserting; Pictures, Clip
Art, Shapes and SmartArt.
- When images are added to a document it is important to consider the graphic formatting
options available, such as cropping, wrapping, styles, effects and position
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- It can be useful to present data in a table inside a word processing document because it is
displayed in an organized and easy to read format.
- Tables can be sorted, formatted, merged, aligned, shaded and colored
7. Explain the uses of word processing software in (i) Businesses (ii) Homes (iii) Education
8. Explain the following as they are used in word processing.(i) Thesaurus (ii) word wrap (iii)
Hard return (ii) Soft return
a) Foot Note
b) page orientation
c) Footer
d) Text alignment
e) line spacing
10. Define the term word processor and give an example [ 2 marks]
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Spreadsheet Package: Is an application program used to manage, analyse and calculate
statistical, numeric and financial data. Is a computer application program that stores and
processes numerical data in the form of a table.
Spreadsheet (worksheet) is made up of rows and columns that are labelled with
numbers (1,2,3,4...) and alphabetical letters (A, B, C, D....) respectively. A spreadsheet
is also called a worksheet.
- is a document that consists of cells on which you enter, store and work with data.
Tool Bar
Formula bar
Active Cell
Current Sheet
Scroll bar
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Cell Address is an alphanumeric value used to identify a specific cell in a spreadsheet; it is
named by its column letter and row number e.g D1, A5, B3 e.t.c
Cell reference: A cell reference identifies a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and tells
Microsoft Excel where to look for the values or data you want to use in formula
To refer to Use
The cell in column A and row 10 =A10
The range of cells in column A and rows 10 through 20 =A10:A20
The range of cells in row 15 and columns B through E =B15:E15
All cells in row 5 =5:5
All cells in rows 5 through 10 =5:10
All cells in column H through J =H:J
All cells in column H =H:H
In formulas, a reference to the address of another cell in relation to a cell that contains a
Used to indicate a relative position in a worksheet.
This allows you to copy and move formulas from one area to another of the same
dimensions. Excel, for example, automatically changes the column and row numbers to
reflect the new position. (in spreadsheet applications). •
Cell references in formulas that change when Excel copies them to another location.
A cell address in a formula that does not change when copied to another cell. An absolute
reference has the form $A$1.
The difference between Absolute and Relative Cells
Relative cell reference changes in relation to a cell that contains a formula while Absolute cell
reference does not change when copied to another cell
2. Lotus 1-2-3,
3. SuperCalc, etc.
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Spreadsheets are used for budgeting in businesses
Used for displaying summaries of accounts
Used for stock level analysis and forecast planning
Used for carrying out calculations in schools and colleges
Automatic updating of formula – Changing any of the values will automatically update all
the other numbers that depend on it.
The text can also be copied, deleted or edited easily
It has range of functions or formulas for almost every mathematical, statistical and logical
Data can be represented in different formats or data can be viewed in different formats that
are using charts and graphs.
Data can be saved for future use or references
many copies can be produced from one document
Features of a Spreadsheet
Qsn1: List any 10 facilities that Spreadsheet offer. [10 marks]
Qsn2: Briefly describe any 5 important features of a word processor. [5 marks] Same Qsn
you can adjust width and height of rows and columns (cells)
Formatting cells e.g the alignment of text, number of decimal points, currency type e.t.c
You can Copy cell contents to other locations or other cells
Insert new, move or delete rows and columns
You can use functions such as SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN in formulae to carry out
Sort the data either in ascending or descending order.
Write macros to automate common procedures.
Create templates i.e. spreadsheets with formats and formulae already entered, into which
new figures may be inserted.
Create multi-dimensional spreadsheets using several sheets, and copy data from one sheet to
Create many different types of charts and graphs
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Column Header: refers to the horizontal bar at the top of column. It shows the labels of
columns. Columns are labelled with letters like A, B, C, D..... Column headers are also used to
highlight or select columns. A single click highlights the entire column.
Row header: Vertical bar on the left of rows labelled with numbers 1,2,3,4...Row headers are
also used to select or highlight rows
Active cell: The selected cell in a worksheet. The active cell is surrounded by a heavy border
and is identified by the cell address which appears on the name box.
Argument: The information that a function uses to produce a new value or perform an action.
For example, a new value is displayed when the SUM function adds the argument (A6:A12). An
argument consists of numbers, references, text, operators, or error values. The whole part of a
formula used to find a solution is called an argument.
Ascending: A method of ordering a group of items from lowest to highest, such as from A to Z
or 1 to 1000...
Descending: A method of ordering a group of items from highest to lowest, such as from Z to A
or 1000 to 1
AutoFilter: Displays all records that meet the criteria as a subset of the database. A set of
criteria you can apply to records to show specific tasks, records, or resources. The tasks, records,
or resources that match your criteria are listed or highlighted so that you can focus on just the
information you want.
AutoFormat: A feature used to format a range of cells with a predefined set of attributes.
AVERAGE function: Sums the numbers in the specified range and then divides the sum by the
number of non-zero cells in the range.
Cell reference: An unique address given to a cell; the coordinates of the intersection of a
column and a row.
Chart: A graphic representation of worksheet data. Values from worksheet cells are displayed
as bars, lines, or other shapes. Common chart types are pie, bar, line, and area.
Column heading: The lettered gray area at the top of each column that identifies the letter of the
column, such as column B.
Comment: A note that explains, identifies, or comments on the information in a specific cell or
range of cells.
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Condition: Made up of two values and a relational operator, is true or false for each cell in the
Conditional formatting: Allows you to apply formatting that appears only when the value in a
cell meets conditions that you specify.
Criteria: The conditions that control which records to display in a query; the words or values
used to determine the data that appears in a data list.
Data table: Range of cells that shows the answers generated by formulas in which different
values have been substituted.
Data validation: Restricts the type of values/data that may be entered into a cell by the
worksheet user.
Descending: A method of ordering a group of items from highest to lowest, such as from Z to A.
Embedded chart: A chart that exists on a worksheet instead of on a separate chart sheet.
Exploded Pie chart: A Pie chart with one or more slices offset.
Formula: A sequence of values, cell references, names, functions, or operators that produces a
new value from existing values. A formula always begins with an equal sign (=).
Function: A built-in formula; a named and stored procedure that performs a specific operation
and returns a value.
IF function: A function that tests the content of the cell, performs a calculation, and displays a
value or text based on whether the test is true or false.
NOW function: Used to enter the system date in a cell in the worksheet.
PivotChart: An interactive chart that provides the user with ways to graphically analyze data by
varying the fields and categories to present different views.
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PivotTable: An interactive worksheet table that summarizes data using a selected format and
calculations. It is called a pivot table because you can rearrange the table structure around the
Range: Series of two or more adjacent cells in a column or row or a rectangular group of cells. .
Template: Special workbook or worksheet you can create and then use as a pattern to create
new, similar workbooks or worksheets.
Unprotected cells: Cells whose values you can change at any time.
Operators specify the type of calculation that you want to perform on the elements of a
Microsoft includes four different types of calculation operators:
(i) Arithmetic (ii) Comparison (iii) Text (iv) Reference
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Arithmetic Operators
- It means the numeric value entered into a cell is too wide to display within the cell
Possible Solution: The column width needs to be adjusted by either dragging the boundary
between the column headings or by changing the number format(eg decimal places) for the cell
- Occurs when the wrong type of argument or operand is used, or if the formula AutoCorrect
feature cannot correct the formula. E.g Entering text when the formula requires a number or a
logical value, such as TRUE or FALSE. Microsoft cannot translate the text into the correct data
Possible Solutions:
- Make sure the formula is correct for the required operand or argument and that the cells that are
referenced by the formula contain valid values. For example, if cell A5 contains a number and
cell A6 contains the text , the formula =A5+A6 will return the error #VALUE!
- Else, use the SUM worksheet function in the formula as follows to add the two values (the
SUM function ignores text) : =SUM(A5:A6)
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- Occurs when a formula divides by zero (0), this is caused by using cell reference to a blank cell
or to a cell that contains zero as a divisor. (If an operand is a cell that is blank, Microsoft
interprets the blank as zero.)
Possible solutions: Change the cell reference, or enter a value other than zero in the cell used as
a divisor. Make sure the divisor in the function or formula is not blank.
- Occurs when Microsoft Excel doesn‟t recognise text in a formula. This can be caused by
deleting a name used in the formula, or using a name that doesn‟t exist or misspelling the name
of a function or operand.
Possible Solutions
Make sure the name exists. On the insert menu, point to Name, and then click Define. If the
name is not listed, add the name by using the Define command or Correct the spelling
Possible Solution:
- Occurs when a cell reference is not valid. This can be caused by deleting cells referred to by
other formulas, or pasting moved cells over cells referred to by other formulas.
Possible Solution: Change the formulas, or restore the cells on the worksheet by clicking Undo
immediately after you delete or paste the cells.
- Occurs when a problem occurs with a number in a formula or function. This can be caused by
using an unacceptable argument in a function that requires numeric argument or by entering a
formula that produces a number that is too large or too small to be represented in Microsoft
Possible Solutions: Make sure the arguments used in the function are the correct type arguments
or Use different starting value for the worksheet function.
*Please note that saving procedures are the same as on Microsoft Word. Scroll up to see the
procedures on Microsoft word.
If a number of spreadsheets are open, their names will be displayed on the taskbar. Just click on
a filename to switch to that spreadsheet.
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Sorting the data in the column
A single Cell Left click on the cell, or use the arrow keys to move to the cell
A range of cells Click the first cell of the range, and then drag to the last cell.
All cells on a worksheet Click the Select All button. This is the unlabelled button at the top left corner of a
worksheet where the column and row headers meet.
Non-adjacent cells Left click the first cell and then hold down CTRL key as you and select other
cells by clicking on them
Adjacent cells Click on the first cell in the range and drag to select the rest.
An entire row Left click on row heading
An entire column Left click on column heading
Adjacent rows or Drag across the row or column headings. Or select the first row or column; then
columns hold down SHIFT and select the last row or column
Non-adjacent rows or Select the first row or column, and then hold down CTRL and select the other
columns rows or columns.
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Insert Column(s)
To insert a single column, click on column heading immediately to the right of where you
want to insert the new column. For example to insert a column to the left of column B,
click a cell in column B. To insert multiple columns, select columns the same number as
the columns you want insert.
After clicking on column header,
right click for options
move to insert, then on insert menu click columns
Insert Row(s)
To insert a single row, click on row heading immediately below where you want to insert
the new row. For example to insert a row on top of row 3, click a cell in row 3. To insert
multiple rows, select rows the same number as the rows you want insert.
After clicking on row header, right click for options and on insert menu, click rows
Delete row/Columns
When you delete cells, Microsoft Excel removes them from the worksheet and shifts the
surrounding cells to fill the space.
Select the cells, rows, or columns you want to delete by clicking on the row or column
Right click for options,
On the Edit menu, click Delete
Delete confirmation dialogue box appears, the click on Yes finish the process
This is done so that text clearly be visible inside cells. Sometimes text can be too wide for the
column width or too tall for the row height.
To resize ; Point to the row or column boundary to get a resize pointer then drag the row
or column to the required size OR
-move the cell pointer to the tallest entry( for row width) or widest entry( for column
-Click Format on menu bar
- Select column or Row
- Select Auto fit
- The cell height or width will take up the size of the selected cell.
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Duplicate/ Move contents
This involves centre, left and right aligning, top and bottom aligning cell contents in a
selected range
Use the alignment icons on the formatting toolbar.
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To apply Borders To Selected Cells, highlight the cells to apply borders first
Click the arrow next to the borders button on the toolbar
Select a border style
Highlight cells
Click Format on menu bar
Click the Border tab
The window is divided into sections. Choose either a preset i.e an outline border or all
border lines or selected lines from the border section.
Choose a line style and colour
Charts that can be created include Pie, Column, Bar, Line, cone, cone, Cylinder, Pyramid e.t.c.
Chart can be created as an embedded chart in which case it becomes part of an existing
worksheet or it can be chart on its own sheet.
Select the cells that contain the data to form a chart, Include column and row headings. Be
careful not to include totals in comparison charts
Click the chart wizard icon on the tool bar
Choose the chart type
Type in chart titles
Choose the chart location
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Printing procedures are the same as in Microsoft Word, the difference is on Print
What selection and Page Rage range on the Print Dialogue box. In Excel you can
choose either to print a graph, table, active cells or entire workbook (all sheets)
depending on your selection on Print What section.
Click here to
Click here to
edit number
of copies
1. Differentiate the following spreadsheet terms:
2. Define the term electronic spreadsheet and give an example of a spreadsheet package [3
4. A spreadsheet has been set up to compare the costs of types of fruit juice sold by a shop.
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1 Name of juice Price per bottle Volume of Cost per litre $
2 Apple 3.50 1.0 3.50
3 Orange 2.8 1.0 2.80
4 caju 2.00 2.0 1.0
5 Total Cost 7.3
6 Average 2.43
a) Give the formula inserted in cell D5 to give the total cost. [2 marks]
b) State the formula in D6 to give the average. [2 marks]
c) How was the cost per litre in D4 calculated [1 mark]
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Database Package: Refers to program used to create databases for storage and management of
collected data related to a particular subject,
- Microsoft Access
- Oracle - MS Works Database,.
Uses of Databases
Criminal records, used by the police to keep track of known criminals
Patients records are kept on databases in hospitals
Government uses it to keep tax details, records of its workers etc
Schools use it to keep students records, inventory, teachers records and pass rate records
Businesses use it to keep workers records, inventory, sales records and products details
Industries use it to store workers records, Products records, sales records, inventory etc
Banks use databases to keep track of all their customers account and log transactions.
Refers to use of exercise books to create, store and manipulate the database. e.g. Some
schools are using exercise books to store students records, inventory and teachers details.
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No tight security measures is provided since one can easily open the book without entering
the password
Sorting the records is very difficult
-These are databases that are created using computers
Advantages of electronic database over manual database(books)
Data security:-data can be secured by use of passwords whereas manual can be accessed
easily as there is no protection
Data can be easily backed-up, i.e copying or sending of a database to an external drive for
back up purpose is fast and easy whilst manual consumes a lot time to create a back up for
the database.
Easy and fast access to particular records through use a query to search the record or
navigation is fast as compared to manual
Updating of data is fast and smart i.e deleting and editing by just using delete and backspace
features unlike manual where one has to rub or strike through and re-write the details thereby
leaving the database in mess.
Records can be sorted in any order easily and fast
Refers to the use of networked computers to create, store, retrieve and do other operations
with the database.
Use of internet for creating, storing and manipulating the database.
Advantages of Online databases
Database can be accessed from anywhere in the world or from any networked computer.
records are easy and fast to update
Databases on the internet cannot be affected by system failure
It saves computer memory since no computer memory is going to be utilized
It saves money since there is no need to by extra storage devices for back up
1. Network Databases
- A logical data structure that allows many to many relationships among data records.
- It allows entry into a database at multiple points, because any data element or record can be
related to many other data elements
2. Hierarchical Database:
A logical data structure in which the relationships between records form a hierarchy or
tree structure.
The relationship among records is one to many, since each data element is related only to
one element above it.
These are databases in which files are subordinates to other files in a tree structure of
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Main Folder -Each father file has one or more
-Each sub-file has only one father
Sub Folder2 file.
Sub Folder1
-There are no cross linkages of file
3. Relational databases:
- These are databases that organise data in a table format, allowing users to link the files.
- There are three records for Tsigo, Ndlovu Lorraine, Dube Brandon and Ndlovu
Record is the collection of related fields
- There are four fields: Student Number, Surname, First Name and Date of Birth.
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Building Block of Computerised Databases
A primary key
From the above table, the student Number field is used as a Primary Key (Key field)
because it gives a unique (one) record.
A primary key is a field that is used to identify a unique record from a database. All
other fields from the above database are not appropriate for a key field because they can
identify more than one record. That is surnames can be similar for 2 or more people as
well as other fields. E.g there is Ndlovu Courage and Ndlovu Lorraine.
Setting primary key
- Open the table
- Switch to the design view, by clicking on view button
- Move the pointer to the row of a field you wish to set as a primary Key and left click on
field header to highlight it
- Right click for options
- Select on Primary from the list of options
Concatenated key:
the combination of two or more fields in a database in order to identify a unique record, e.g.
using the Surname, First Name and Date of Birth in search of one record.
Secondary Key:
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A field used to identify more than one record at a time, e.g. Using surname field you can
identify two records for Lorraine and Courage.
Numeric/Number: consists of digits 0-9 only (negative or positive) for example, 12,
900, -50, etc:
Text: Consists of letters of the alphabet (a-z, lowercase or uppercase) only, for example a
person„s name, like Vincent. Text can also be a combination of digits and letters of the
alphabet, e.g. Student Number, like A001, A003
String: Combination of digits, letters and punctuation marks usually enclosed in
quotation marks e.g “27134575-C-27”
Currency: Values that are in monetary value, e.g. $10.00
Date/time: shows date and time, e.g. 27/01/1997. Field name „Date of Birth‟ has this
data type.
AutoNumber: A unique and sequential number inserted automatically each time a new
record is added
Boolean: Is a data type that can store one of two values e.g either True or False ; Yes or
Hyperlink: Used for storing hyperlinks to provide access to Web pages or files using a
single click
Attachment: Pictures, Images, Binary files, Office files, storage size limited to 700kb
Lookup Wizard: Starts a lookup wizard to create a Combo box to look up values
Click here to
edit Filename
Click here to
create a new
1. Table
2. Report
3. Query
4. Form
Table is a database object which is made up of columns and rows
Columns are used to list the various attributes of data.
Rows are used to contain the individual records
It is the main container of the records of the database, and other objects can access data from
the table.
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Creating a Table
It will ask you to save the table first, then click on „Yes‟
Edit the table name
Press „Ok‟
Move the pointer and click on the cell you want to enter the details or move to the cell by
using arrow keys
a). Datasheet view- Allows you to enter, edit, view and delete the records on the table.
b). Design View – Allows you to design the database and format the data to be entered into the
database. E.g. you can change the date format, type of currency, set number of characters to be
entered into the field, set the validation rule (an expression to limit the type of data to be entered
into a particular field) etc.
To change from Datasheet View to Design View click on the View button
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Deleting Record from a Table
Left click on table row header to highlight the record you want to delete
Right click for options
Select on delete
Highlight the record
Click on delete on the Menu bar
Click Yes
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Display the table in Datasheet view Click the column header of unwanted column:
Right click for options
, then select Hide Columns.
The column will be hidden
Unhiding Field
A form is database object used to enter new records into the database or to design the
A form is an alternative way to enter data into a database
Data can be entered directly into a table, but you can also create a form to allow users to
input the information
Creating a Form
Click on create tab,
then click on more Forms
select Form Wizard
The Form Wizard window appears From the options „Tables/ Queries, select the table to
base your form on
Export the fields you want to appear on your form by clicking on double arrow to export
all at once or single arrow to export on by one
Click on next
Select the form layout you would like for your form either column, tabular, datasheet or
Select style you would like for your form
Edit form title
Select either if you want the form‟s design or open the form to view or enter information
Click on finish
a database object used for searching, finding or retrieving particular records from the
Is a question about the data stored in your tables, or a request to perform an action about
the data.
A query can also update or delete multiple records at the same time, and perform built-in
or custom calculations on your data.
Queries can be saved, and forms and reports can base on them
Creating a Query
To place fields you want to appear in the search results( in the query grid) either:
Adding Criteria
To specify the search criteria:
Click into the Criteria row of the field containing the value
Type in the value to be located in the query
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Click the Run icon on the Query Design toolbar
Hiding/Unhiding fields
Run the query again to check that the column does not show
You can unhide fields by clicking back in the Show checkbox so that it is checked
To save a query,
- Is a database object used for showing or displaying data from other database objects that is
from table, query or form.
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Creating a Report
Select the Create tab on the Menu bar
click on Report wizard, report wizard dialogue box appears
Select the query/ table/ form to base the report on from the drop-down list
To include only certain fields in a report, click a field to be included then Click single
arrow> or click double arrow >> to export all at once.
Do the same for the other fields to be included
Click Next, then another dialogue box appears
Select the fields you wish to sort by clicking on drop down arrow, else, click next
Click next, then select the form layout
1. Use the following table to answer the questions that follow
(i). Database
(ii). Primary key
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Presentation Packages: These are programs used for designing slides for a presentation
to an audience.
The basic application operations include creating slides using different layouts,
formatting the text, including graphics, tables, clipart and charts in the slides and using
various show effects
Presentation packages allow use of multimedia, thus includes text, pictures, videos,
sound, animation, graphics and tables.
Presentations are colourful and attractive.
Slides can be zoomed out to cater for those who are visually impaired
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To Close Microsoft PowerPoint
Click the close button ( The small cross at the top of the application window)
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Title slide
Title and Content
Section Header
Two content
Title Only
Content with Caption
Pure with Caption
Presentation Views
There are 7 different ways in which the slides can be Viewed
Each view also has operations which can be carried under it.
1. Normal View
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This is the only slide that allows adding of text, tables and art into a slide,
Allows editing of text, charts, diagrams and tables
2. Slide Show
Allows you to see the slides one after the other as they will appear to the audience.
Displays all slides one after the other. Allows you to apply designs, background
colours and animation to slides
Allows to re-arrange the slides
View the Notes page to edit the speaker notes as they will look when you print them
Allows you to enter additional notes associated with that particular slide.
Allows you to change the design and layout of the printed handouts
Designs such as slide orientation, set the number of slides per page, insert page
number, footer, header and page numbers, change theme and background styles.
7. Notes Master
Allows you to change Notes page orientation, colours, font type and apply effects on
every slide.
PowerPoint is able to represent data in a number of graphs i.e. bar, line, column, pie etc. And
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Click on the edges of a SmartArt and drag to inwards or outwards depending on how
you want the final size
Type in the required data
Type in the chart title
For adding boxes, it‟s important to know if the new box is for a subordinate, co-worker,
manager, and assistant
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How to animate
A transition is a special effect used to introduce a new slide during slide show. For example, you
can set the place ( slow, medium or High), and time, varying the speed of each slide.
Click on Animations
There is a combo box, written „No transition sound‟. Click on the drop down arrow
A list of options comes up and select
1. Give three advantages of using presentation software [3 marks]
2. State any three slide layouts [3 marks]
3. Name the three slide show views [3 marks]
4. Give one presentation package that you know [1 marks]
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- It is an extension of word processors that incorporates images and text for creation of attractive
and professional documents for publication purposes.
- Microsoft Publisher is a wonderful tool for creating flyers, brochures, newsletters, cards,
banners, certificates and much more. You can create a document from scratch if you wish, but
it‟s much easier to use the catalogue of templates that comes with the software.
Uses of DTP
Is used to create brochures, magazines, wedding cards, flyers, banners, calendars,
newsletters, Catalogues, business cards, Gift certificates, Advertisements etc.
Designing websites
(a) A Scanner: - for capturing images or hand drawings on paper, for example photographs
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(b) High Resolution Monitor with graphics capabilities: - For viewing publication during
design stage.
(c) Colour Printer: For printing high quality and colourful documents.
(d) Digital camera: - for taking and storage of photographs that will be incorporated into the
(f) Mouse: - For adjusting size of pictures and for drawing purposes.
Users have more control over text layout compared to word processors especially over
formatting and layout of text.
Lots of different files can be brought together on the same document.
Produces colourful and attractive documents for commercial purposes like brochures.
Publisher Windows
Publisher starts in the Getting Started with Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 window.
You can select a template from this gallery or start with a blank “canvas”. There is also
an option to create types of Word Documents
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The window displays more specific choices for publication type.
Publication Types
Brochure – a small magazine or book containing pictures and information about
something or advertising something
Magazine – a type of large thin book with a paper cover containing articles, photographs
etc often of a particular organization or on particular topic
Flyer – a small sheet of paper that advertises a product or an event and is given to a large
number of people.
Newsletter – a printed report containing news of the activities of a club or organisation
that is sent regularly to all its members.
Letterhead – the name and address of a person, company or an organisation printed at the
top of the printed paper
Catalogue – a complete list of items, for example of things that people can look at or buy.
Banner – a long piece of fabric with a message on it that is carried between two poles or
hung in a public place to show support for something.
Menu – piece of paper with a list of the food that is available at a restaurant or to be
served at a meal
wedding cards, calendars, business cards, Gift certificates, Advertisements, Envelops,
Greeting Cards, Labels, Business Forms , Postcards, Paper Folding projects,, e-mal,
website etc
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o Once the Publication is selected, the main Publisher window will be displayed as
shown below
objects toolbar
Menu bar standard tool bar
Formatting toolbar
o The menu bar and other toolbars have several of the same choices that use to be in
the other Office applications.
o an Objects toolbar has been added to the left side of the Publisher window.
click on file
select new
choose publication type
2. Position the crosshair mouse pointer where the text box will start.
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3. Press and hold the left mouse button.
4. Drag the crosshair to the ending point and release the mouse button.
Replacing text
Importing Text
A text box can be set up to allow text to auto fit into the box. As more information is typed into
a box the text auto fits to the box.
Leading - (pronounced ledding) – The amount of white space between lines of text.
Position the insertion point in the text where the first letter will change.
Select Format.
Choose Drop Cap.
Select a tab. • Click the Drop Cap tab to insert a preformatted drop or initial cap. • Click
the Custom Drop Cap tab to design your own style.
Choose the style you want to use.
Click OK to apply.
Inserting Pictures
Select Insert.
Hover over Picture.
Select From File.
Find and select the Picture.
Click Insert.
Reposition the picture object
Select Insert.
Hover over Picture.
Select Clip Art.
Find and select the Clip Art item.
Reposition the Clip Art object.
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Press and hold the left mouse button.
Drag the crosshair to the ending point and release the mouse button.
Word Art
Snap – To Grid
Align or Distribute – Align Left, Center, Right, Top, Middle, Bottom, Distribute Horizontally,
Vertically, Relative to Slide
Rotate or Flip – Free Rotate, Rotate Left, Rotate Right, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical
Saving a File
Save As is used to save a file for the first time or to save it with a different name or to a different
Click File.
Chose Save As.
In the File Name text box, type in the desired filename.
Press Enter or click Save.
Save is used to save a file using its current name and replace the existing file. This command is
used to update a file. 1. Click File. 2. Select Save. - or -
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1. Click on the Save icon on the Standard toolbar.
Click Tools.
Select Options.
Choose the Save tab.
Make sure the box next to Save Auto Recovery info every: is checked.
Set the number of minutes.
Click OK.
Closing a File
Click File.
Select Close.
If the file has been changed since the last time it was saved, a dialog box appears.
• To save the file click Yes.
• To close the file without saving click No.
• To return to the file without closing it click Cancel.
Click File.
Select Open.
Find and select the file.
Click Open..
1. Define the term desktop publishing [2 marks]
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Documents/ File Extensions
Microsoft word document - .doc
The keyboard shortcuts that are described in this topic refer to the U.S. keyboard layout. Keys on other layouts
Switch between the last four places that you have edited. ALT+CTRL+Z
Open a list of browse options. Press the arrow keys to select an option, and then press ENTER to browse ALT+CTRL+HOME
through a document by using the selected option.
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Move to the previous browse object (set in browse options). CTRL+PAGE UP
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