Skills and Subskills TKT

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TKT Module 1: Describing language skills and subskills

Worksheet 1

Teachers can help students read a text by reading it aloud while they follow in their

There are no major differences between how we read in our mother tongue and how we
read in a foreign language.

To understand a reading text, you have to read and understand every word in it.

When doing listening comprehension in class, I prefer to read the transcript to students
rather than use a recording. This way I can speak slowly and pronounce words carefully.

I always give the students a copy of the transcript going to read so they can follow it
while reading.

I never use passages for listening comprehension which have unknown words.

Writing is more or less the same as speaking.

to teach students.

I always give my students a model or example text to copy from when we are doing
writing in class.

Writing lessons are boring just sitting and watching students write is not interesting.

Doing a speaking lesson is easy. You even have to prepare!

Students can talk to

each other in breaks or at lunchtime.

prefer talking to the teacher.

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TKT Module 1: Describing language skills and subskills
Worksheet 2
Match the terms with the definitions of the subskills.

to listen to or read a text in order to understand most of what it says or particular


to guess the meaning of an unknown word by using the information in a situation

and/or around the word to help

3. to listen and write down ideas from the text in short form

4. to read a text quickly to get a general idea of what it is about

to read a text in order to check whether there are any mistakes in spelling, grammar,
punctuation etc.

6. to read or listen and to focus on how language is used in a text

to shorten or change or correct the words or content of some parts of a written text to
make it clearer or easier to understand

to understand the general meaning of a text or a recording, without paying attention

to specific details

to decide how a writer or speaker feels about something from the way that they
speak or write, rather than from what they openly say or the words they use

to use clues like headlines or pictures or general knowledge about the text or topic to
make it easier to understand what you read or hear

to read a text quickly to pick out specific information, e.g. finding a phone number in a
phone book

to use strategies when speaking to keep people involved and interested in what is
said or to keep communication going, e.g. eye contact, use of gestures

to take out the main points of a long text, and rewrite or retell them in a short, clear

14. to say or write something that has been read or heard using different words

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use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions
TKT Module 1: Describing language skills and subskills
Worksheet 3




intensive listening/reading

listening/reading for gist/global understanding

using interactive strategies

deducing meaning from context





listening/reading for detail

inferring attitude/feeling/mood


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TKT Module 1: Describing language skills and subskills
Worksheet 4

Which of the subskills are connected to each of the main skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing) in the
table below? Some of the subskills may be connected to more than one main skill.

Main skill Subskill





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use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions
TKT Module 1: Describing language skills and subskills Sample Task

For questions 1 5, look at the following terms for language skills and three possible descriptions of the terms.
Choose the correct option A, B or C
Mark the correct term (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.

1 Summarising is

A explaining a text in detail.

B writing the last sentence of a text.
C giving the main points of a text.

2 Interactive listening is

A listening, responding and giving feedback.

B listening for detail, mood and attitude.
C listening and identifying word stress and linking.

3 Oral fluency is

A speaking without making any mistakes.

B speaking naturally without hesitating too much.
C speaking without considering the listener.

4 Paraphrasing is

A using phrases to say something instead of using complete sentences.

B connecting sentences together in speech or writing by using conjunctions.
C finding another way to say something when you cannot think of the right language.

5 Scanning is

A reading a text quickly to get the general idea.

B reading a text quickly to find specific information.
C reading a text quickly to identify the attitude.

© UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions

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