Edible Salt
Edible Salt
Edible Salt
Every batch that you receive will have been tested in either a
PACKAGING & STORAGE Certified 3rd Party Laboratory or within our own ISO approved
internal laboratory. This adds to our philosophy of full disclosure
Pack size: 5kg, 10kg, 25kg, 1 ton
and transparency and gives our customers an additional measure
Packaging material: Low Density Polyethylene of confirmation that each batch they receive, meets the required
(LDPE)/PP Woven standards.
Pallet configurations: Black plastic pallets GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) is a structured processing
100cm x 110cm x 14cm system that ensures products meet food safety, quality and legal
requirements. This is essential for a Food Manufacturer. HACCP
Shelf life (if stored as per instructions below): 10
(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) is integral to the GMP
years from production date
system and is a systematic program to assure food safety,
Storage: Store in a cool, dry area away from direct ensuring that hazards are prevented and eliminated and all
heat and light. Ideally store in conditions with an outcomes are documented. These two programs provide
ambient Temperature below 25ºC and Humidity evidence of a commitment to consumer safety and sustained
below 70% enjoyment of our products.
Transport conditions: Transport in clean, dry The Codex Alimentarius, or "Food Code" is a collection of
containers in temperatures between 0ºC - 25ºC standards, guidelines and codes of practice adopted by the
Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). The CAC, is the central
part of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme and was
established by FAO and WHO to protect human and animal
health and promote fair practices in food trade. We abide by
these codes of conduct in all areas of our manufacturing process.
Disclaimer: All information appearing herein on our products, is based upon data that are believed to be reliable. However, it is the user’s responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product before use. Since the actual use of the product is beyond our control, no guarantee, express or implied, is made by Salt World Pvt. Ltd. of the product,
nor does Salt World Pvt. Ltd. assume any liability arising out of use by others, of the product referred to herein. All data is the property of Salt World Pvt. Ltd. And may not be
reproduced without express written consent.