Expression India
Expression India
Expression India
It is truly exclaimed that Diversity is magic, it is the first manifestation, the first beginning of
differentiation of thing, the greater the diversity, the greater the perfection. All this quote
reminds is the vast diverse lands of India and is indeed justified by the exemplary
coordination between people of various cultural lands living together under one name
resonating in their hearts, Bharat. Such is the beauty of India and its magnificent art,
literature, music and painting that it unquestionably provides it a distinct place on the world
map, what is even greater is the integration among all the states of India and their alluring
blend which is an absolute bliss to experience. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari or Gujarat to
Arunachal Pradesh, traversing through this enormous expanse of the nation , it has never
failed to impress us with its overwhelming cultures and the sense of pride associated with
them. Even more astonishing is the blend between these cultures which is as fascinating as it
sounds. The integration between Delhi and Sikkim would be a complete new thing to witness ,
imaging the huge and fast metropolitan city of Delhi glowing with all its splendour and the
diverse tribes and communities of Sikkim with their unique set of cultures from dance forms
to festivals, from food to music and both of them living in harmony would be an amazing
sight. We as Delhiites being the foodies that we are, would be astounded by the food of Sikkim
which is a melange of India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet all one one plate, it would be no less
than a blast of fireworks on our palate and an amazing chill by the subtly cold weather of the
state would be the star of the show. People coming to explore Sikkim would never miss the
great opportunity to taste the very famous and delicious wantons which are surely intriguing
to everyone. The creme de la creme would be the humongous list of festivals which are
common to both of them, Delhi being the capital and epicentre of all of India provides a base
for all traditions across India. it Holi, Diwali, Id, Guru Purab, Buddha Purnima or Christmas,
you will find the same vigor and bliss among people from different communities. Delhi is
bounded by four states namely Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab that have a
strong influence on the lifestyle of Delhi. Delhi is a cosmopolitan city where people are open
to embracing new ideas and life style. People from all parts of the country live here. Delhi
being the fulcrum of entire nation has always been a centre of trade but also the largest
centre for small industries. The IT sector, handloom, fashion, textile and electronic industry
contribute a lot to Delhi's economy and on the contrary its art and culture of rest of India
which gives Delhi its prosperity. Sikkimese tribals are natural artists, the bulk of the people
of the state belong to rural areas and they have their old tradition of making several utility
objects. One of the most popular handicraft objects of Sikkim includes a choksee table,
woolen carpet, canvas wall hanging, thankas delineating painting on various aspects of the
state. The people of Sikkim are pro when it comes to craft making as they have very special
skills in the same. The womenfolk of the state are amazing weavers and they attract the
tourists by their excellent craft work. The handmade carpets and papers of the state are in
huge demand in and outside of Sikkim. It’ll be a perfect blend when Delhi and Sikkim gear up
together for career possibilities and would be a great rendezvous to witness. But still the zest
lies in the vivid hues of festivals in Sikkim, from Saga Dawa or Lhabab Dunchen , be it losar
festival or Phang Lhabsol, it would be an absolute ecstasy for Delhi to witness the dazzling
beauty of the North - East. Wrapping all of it, India is surely an epitome of diversity and we as
the millennial generation could make use of it and blend it into an amazing land which
showcases vast arrays of talent pan India, we must cherish and preserve such magnificent
beauties of India.