6101 Assignment
6101 Assignment
6101 Assignment
encounter when learning spoken English and suggests solutions to get beyond these
obstacles. Despite the fact that English is becoming a more important language in the world,
many Bangladeshis still struggle to learn spoken English because of a variety of linguistic,
socioeconomic, and educational barriers. This project seeks to advance English language
competency in Bangladesh in accordance with international standards through analysing
these issues and offering acceptable solutions.
1. Lack of Exposure: Learners' capacity to practise and internalise spoken English skills
is hampered by their limited exposure to English-speaking contexts.
2. Inadequate Resources: Effective learning is hampered by a lack of access to high-
quality English language learning resources, such as textbooks, audiovisual aids, and internet
3. Pedagogical Approaches: Grammar is sometimes given priority over speaking
abilities in traditional teaching approaches, which leads to rote memorization rather than
useful communication skills.
4. Social and Economic Elements: Access to English language instruction is
hampered by socioeconomic differences, with wealthy urban areas having greater resources
than rural ones.
5. Cultural Barriers: Opportunities for real-world English practice may be restricted by
cultural norms that prohibit the use of the language outside of the classroom.
6. Absence of competent Teachers: The quality of education is compromised and
pupils' ability to acquire the language is hampered by the lack of competent English language
teachers, particularly in rural areas.
7. Language Anxiety: Learners who experience language anxiety lack confidence and
are reluctant to speak in English because they fear making mistakes or receiving negative
feedback from teachers and peers.
8. Fewer Speaking Opportunities: Reading and writing assignments take precedence
in classroom settings, which leaves little time for interactive speaking practice—a crucial
component of fluency development.
9. Regional Dialects and Pronunciation variances: Learning standardised English
pronunciation and comprehension can be difficult for students in Bangladesh due to the
country's complex linguistic environment, which includes a number of regional dialects and
pronunciation variances.
10. Technology Divide: Inequalities in socioeconomic status led to unequal access to
technology and internet connectivity, which restricts students' capacity to take advantage of
online resources.
the curriculum.
4. Resolve Socioeconomic Inequalities: Implement measures, such as community
outreach projects, financial aid, and scholarships, to ensure that all people have equal access
to English language instruction.
5. Encourage English Language Use: Using digital platforms, public campaigns, and
community events, cultivate an English language usage culture outside of the classroom.
6. Teacher Training Programmes: Create extensive programmes that give educators
the tools they need to help students become proficient in spoken English by emphasising
contemporary language teaching approaches, efficient classroom management strategies, and
cross-cultural communication abilities.
7. Peer Tutoring Networks: To provide a conducive learning environment outside of
the classroom, establish peer tutoring networks where fluent English speakers mentor and
assist learners in improving their spoken English skills.
8. Language Immersion Programmes: To improve students' language acquisition
through practical experiences, arrange immersive language immersion programmes where
students can spend considerable time in English-speaking environments, such as English-
speaking nations or English-medium institutions within Bangladesh.
Implementation Strategies:
2. Curriculum Reform: Examine and update the English language curriculum to make
oral communication skills a priority and to bring it into compliance with global competency
3. Public-Private Partnerships: Promote cooperation between governmental
organisations, academic institutions, and businesses to enhance the infrastructure and
resources for English language instruction.
4. ICT Integration: Use digital platforms for interactive learning by incorporating
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) technologies into English language
training to improve accessibility and engagement.
5. Monitoring and Evaluation: Set up systems to keep an eye on how well corrective
actions are working and carry out routine assessments to gauge development and pinpoint
areas in need of improvement.
Bangladesh may improve its English language education system to meet international
standards by putting the suggested fixes and methods described in this assignment into
practice. In addition to giving people the ability to communicate successfully in English, this
change will increase their chances of succeeding academically and professionally in a
globalised society.
Furthermore, Bangladesh may promote greater inclusion and social mobility by removing
obstacles to spoken English competence, guaranteeing that all facets of society have equal
access to the advantages of English language education. Thus, the nation's overall
socioeconomic development and competitiveness in the global market will benefit.
sector, civil society, and education. Bangladesh may achieve its aim of being a country where
English language proficiency is not only a privilege but a fundamental right, allowing its
citizens to flourish and excel on the international arena, by cooperating and persevering in
their efforts.