Fpsyg 11 580820
Fpsyg 11 580820
Fpsyg 11 580820
We discuss the new challenges and directions facing the use of big data and
Edited by: artificial intelligence (AI) in education research, policy-making, and industry. In recent
Ronnel B. King, years, applications of big data and AI in education have made significant headways.
University of Macau, China
This highlights a novel trend in leading-edge educational research. The convenience
Reviewed by:
Hannele Niemi, and embeddedness of data collection within educational technologies, paired with
University of Helsinki, Finland computational techniques have made the analyses of big data a reality. We are moving
Ze Wang,
University of Missouri, United States
beyond proof-of-concept demonstrations and applications of techniques, and are
beginning to see substantial adoption in many areas of education. The key research
Chin-Chung Tsai trends in the domains of big data and AI are associated with assessment, individualized
[email protected] learning, and precision education. Model-driven data analytics approaches will grow
Specialty section:
quickly to guide the development, interpretation, and validation of the algorithms.
This article was submitted to However, conclusions from educational analytics should, of course, be applied with
Educational Psychology,
caution. At the education policy level, the government should be devoted to supporting
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology lifelong learning, offering teacher education programs, and protecting personal data.
Received: 07 July 2020 With regard to the education industry, reciprocal and mutually beneficial relationships
Accepted: 22 September 2020 should be developed in order to enhance academia-industry collaboration. Furthermore,
Published: 19 October 2020
it is important to make sure that technologies are guided by relevant theoretical
Luan H, Geczy P, Lai H, Gobert J,
frameworks and are empirically tested. Lastly, in this paper we advocate an in-depth
Yang SJH, Ogata H, Baltes J, dialog between supporters of “cold” technology and “warm” humanity so that it can
Guerra R, Li P and Tsai C-C (2020)
lead to greater understanding among teachers and students about how technology,
Challenges and Future Directions
of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence and specifically, the big data explosion and AI revolution can bring new opportunities
in Education. (and challenges) that can be best leveraged for pedagogical practices and learning.
Front. Psychol. 11:580820.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.580820 Keywords: big data, artificial intelligence, education, learning, teaching
analysis (Malik et al., 2019; Chen L. et al., 2020), and social AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO
network analysis (Goksel and Bozkurt, 2019). More details EDUCATIONAL ADOPTION OF BIG DATA
can be found in the previously mentioned reviews. In this
paper, we aim at presenting the current progress of the AND AI
application of big data and AI in education. By and large, the
In response to the new opportunities and challenges that the
research on the learner side is devoted to identifying students’
big data explosion and AI revolution are bringing, academics,
learning and affective behavior patterns and profiles, improving
educators, policy-makers, and professionals need to engage
methods of assessment and evaluation, predicting individual
in productive collaboration. They must work together to
students’ learning performance or dropouts, and providing
cultivate our learners’ necessary competencies and essential skills
adaptive systems for personalized support (Papamitsiou and
important for the 21st century work, driven by the knowledge
Economides, 2014; Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019). On the teacher
economy (Bereiter, 2002). Collaboration across diverse
side, numerous studies have attempted to enhance course
disciplines and sectors is a demanding task—particularly when
planning and curriculum development, evaluation of teaching,
individual sides lack a clear vision of their mutually beneficial
and teaching support (Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019; Quadir
interests and the necessary knowledge and skills to realize that
et al., 2020). Additionally, teacher dashboards, such as Inq-
vision. We highlight several overlapping spheres of interest
Blotter, driven by big data techniques are being used to inform
at the intersection of research, policy-making, and industry
teachers’ instruction in real time while students simultaneously
engagements. Researchers and the industry would benefit from
work in Inq-ITS (Gobert and Sao Pedro, 2017; Mislevy et al.,
targeted educational technology development and its efficient
2020). Big data technologies employing learning analytics and
transfer to commercial products. Businesses and governments
machine learning have demonstrated high predictive accuracy
would benefit from legislature that stimulates technology markets
of students’ academic performance (Huang et al., 2020). Only
while suitably protecting data and users’ privacy. Academics
a small number of studies have focused on the effectiveness
and policy makers would benefit from prioritizing educational
of learning analytics programs and AI applications. However,
reforms enabling greater adoption of technology-enhanced
recent findings have revealed encouraging results in terms of
curricula. The recent developments and evolving future trends at
improving students’ academic performance and retention, as well
intersections between researchers, policy-makers, and industry
as supporting teachers in learning design and teaching strategy
stakeholders arising from advancements and deployments of big
refinement (Viberg et al., 2018; Li et al., 2019; Sonderlund et al.,
data and AI technologies in education are illustrated in Figure 1.
2019; Mislevy et al., 2020).
The constructive domains among stakeholders progressively
Despite the growing number of reports and methods
evolve along with scientific and technological developments.
outlining implementations of big data and AI technologies
Therefore, it is important to reflect on longer-term projections
in educational environments, we see a notable gap between
and challenges. The following sections highlight the
contemporary technological capabilities and their utilization for
novel challenges and future directions of big data and
education. The fast-growing education industry has developed
AI technologies at the intersection of education research,
numerous data processing techniques and AI applications, which
policy-making, and industry.
may not be guided by current theoretical frameworks and
research findings from psychology of learning and teaching.
The rapid pace of technological progress and relatively slow BIG DATA AND AI IN EDUCATION:
educational adoption have contributed to the widening gap
between technology readiness and its application in education RESEARCH
(Macfadyen, 2017). There is a pressing need to reduce this
An understanding of individual differences is critical for
gap and stimulate technological adoption in education. This
developing pedagogical tools to target specific students and to
work presents varying viewpoints and their controversial issues,
tailor education to individual needs at different stages. Intelligent
contemporary research, and prospective future developments
educational systems employing big data and AI techniques are
in adoption of big data and AI in education. We advocate
capable of collecting accurate and rich personal data. Data
an interdisciplinary approach that encompasses educational,
analytics can reveal students’ learning patterns and identify their
technological, and governmental spheres of influence. In the
specific needs (Gobert and Sao Pedro, 2017; Mislevy et al.,
educational domain, there is a relative lack of knowledge and
2020). Hence, big data and AI have the potential to realize
skills in AI and big data applications. On the technological
individualized learning to achieve precision education (Lu et al.,
side, few data scientists and AI developers are familiar
2018). We see the following emerging trends, research gaps,
with the advancements in education psychology, though this
and controversies in integrating big data and AI into education
is changing with the advent of graduate programs at the
research so that there is a deep and rigorous understanding of
intersection of Learning Sciences and Computer Science. Finally,
individual differences that can be used to personalize learning in
in terms of government policies, the main challenges faced
real time and at scale.
are the regulatory and ethical dilemmas between support of
educational reforms and restrictions on adoptions of data- (1) Education is progressively moving from a one-size-fits-all
oriented technologies. approach to precision education or personalized learning
FIGURE 1 | Contemporary developments and future trends at the intersections between research, policy, and industry driven by big data and AI advances in
(Lu et al., 2018; Tsai et al., 2020). The one-size-fits-all focus that incorporates cognition in its design, such
approach was designed for average students, whereas as perception (VanRullen, 2017), emotion (Song et al.,
precision education takes into consideration the individual 2016), and cognitive thinking (Bramley et al., 2017).
differences of learners in their learning environments, Moreover, it is also shifting from a single domain (e.g.,
along with their learning strategies. The main idea of domain expertise, or expert systems) to a cross-disciplinary
precision education is analogous to “precision medicine,” approach through collaboration (Spikol et al., 2018;
where researchers harvest big data to identify patterns Krouska et al., 2019) and domain transfers (L’heureux et al.,
relevant to specific patients such that prevention and 2017). These controversial shifts are facilitating transitions
treatment can be customized. Based on the analysis from the knowing of the unknown (gaining insights
of student learning profiles and patterns, precision through reasoning) to the unknown of the unknown
education predicts students’ performance and provides (figuring out hidden values and unknown results through
timely interventions to optimize learning. The goal of algorithms) (Abed Ibrahim and Fekete, 2019; Cutumisu
precision education is to improve the diagnosis, prediction, and Guo, 2019). In other words, deterministic learning,
treatment, and prevention of learning outcomes (Lu et al., aimed at deductive/inductive reasoning and inference
2018). Contemporary research gaps related to adaptive engines, predominated in traditional expert systems and
tools and personalized educational experiences are old AI. Whereas, today, dynamic and stochastic learning,
impeding the transition to precision education. Adaptive the outcome of which involves some randomness and
educational tools and flexible learning systems are needed uncertainty, is gradually becoming the trend in modern
to accommodate individual learners’ interaction, pace, machine learning techniques.
and learning progress, and to fit the specific needs of (3) The format of machine-generated data and the purpose of
the individual learners, such as students with learning machine learning algorithms should be carefully designed.
disabilities (Xie et al., 2019; Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019). There is a notable gap between theoretical design and its
Hence, as personalized learning is customized for different applicability. A theoretical model is needed to guide the
people, researchers are able to focus on individualized development, interpretation, and validation of algorithms
learning that is adaptive to individual needs in real time (Gobert et al., 2013; Hew et al., 2019). The outcomes
(Gobert and Sao Pedro, 2017; Lu et al., 2018). of data analytics and algorithmically generated evidence
(2) The research focus on deploying AI in education is must be shared with educators and applied with caution.
gradually shifting from a computational focus that For instance, efforts to algorithmically detect mental
demonstrates use cases of new technology to cognitive states such as boredom, frustration, and confusion (Baker
et al., 2010) must be supported by the operational A huge amount of learning data is created accordingly.
definitions and constructs that have been prudently The extraction of meaningful patterns and the discovery
evaluated. Additionally, the affective data collected by AI of knowledge from these data is expected to be carried out
systems should take into account the cultural differences through learning analytics and AI techniques. Inevitably,
combined with contextual factors, teachers’ observations, the current learning cultures, learning experiences,
and students’ opinions (Yadegaridehkordi et al., 2019). and classroom dynamics are changing as “we live
Data need to be informatively and qualitatively balanced, algorithmic lives” (Bucher, 2018). Thus, there is a critical
in order to avoid implicit biases that may propagate into need to adopt proper learning theories of educational
algorithms trained on such data (Staats, 2016). psychology and to encourage our learners to be active
(4) There are ethical and algorithmic challenges when participants rather than passive recipients or merely
balancing human provided learning and machine assisted tracked objects (Loftus and Madden, 2020). For example,
learning. The significant influence of AI and contemporary under the constructionist framework (Tsai, 2000), the
technologies is a double-edged sword (Khechine and technology-enhanced or AI-powered education may
Lakhal, 2018). On the one hand, it facilitates better empower students to know their learning activities and
usability and drives progress. On the other, it might lead patterns, predict their possible learning outcomes, and
to the algorithmic bias and loss of certain essential skills strategically regulate their learning behavior (Koh et al.,
among students who are extensively relying on technology. 2014; Loftus and Madden, 2020). On the other hand,
For instance, in creativity- or experience-based learning, in the era of information explosion and AI revolution,
technology may even become an obstacle to learning, the disadvantaged students and developing countries
since it may hinder students from attaining first-hand are indeed facing a wider digital divide. To reduce the
experiences and participating in the learning activities inequalities and bring more opportunities, cultivating
(Cuthbertson et al., 2004). Appropriately balancing the young people’s competencies is seemed like one of the
technology adoption and human involvement in various most promising means (UNESCO, 2015). Meanwhile,
educational contexts will be a challenge in the foreseeable overseas support from international organizations
future. Nonetheless, the convergence of human and such as World Bank and UNESCO are imperative
machine learning has the potential for highly effective for developing countries in their communication
teaching and learning beyond the simple “sum of the parts infrastructure establishment (e.g., hardware, software,
of human and artificial intelligence” (Topol, 2019). connectivity, electricity). Naturally, technology will not
(5) Algorithmic bias is another controversial issue (Obermeyer replace or hinder human learning; rather, a smart use of
et al., 2019). Since modern AI algorithms extensively rely new technologies will facilitate transfer and acquisition of
on data, their performance is governed solely by data. knowledge (Azevedo et al., 2019).
Algorithms adapt to inherent qualitative and quantitative
characteristics of data. For example, if data is unbalanced An overarching theme from the above trends of research is
and contains disproportionately better information that we need theories of cognitive and educational psychology
on students from general population in comparison to guide our understanding of the individual learner (and
to minorities, the algorithms may produce systematic individual differences), in order to develop best tools, algorithms,
and repeatable errors disadvantaging minorities. These and practices for personalized learning. Take, for example, VR
controversial issues need to be addressed before its wide (virtual reality) or AR (augmented reality) as a fast-developing
implementation in education practice since every single technology for education. The industry has developed many
student is precious. More rigorous studies and validation different types of VR/AR applications (e.g., Google Expeditions
in real learning environments are required though work with over 100 virtual field trips), but these have typically
along these lines is being done (Sao Pedro et al., 2013). been developed in the views of the industry (see further
(6) The fast expansion of technology and inequalities of discussion below) and may not be informed by theories and
learning opportunities has aroused great controversies. data from educational psychology about how students actually
Due to the exponential nature of technological progress, learn. To make VR/AR effective learning tools, we must
particularly big data and AI revolution, a fresh paradigm separate the technological features from the human experiences
and new learning landscape are on the horizon. For and abilities (e.g., cognitive, linguistic, spatial abilities of the
instance, the elite smartphone 10 years ago, in 2010, was learner; see Li et al., 2020). For example, VR provides a high-
BlackBerry. Today, 10 years later, even in sub-Saharan fidelity 3D real-life virtual environment, and the technological
Africa, 75% of the population has mobile phones several tools are built on the assumption that 3D realism enables
generations more advanced (GSMA Intelligence, 2020). the learner to gain ‘perceptual grounding’ during learning
Hence, the entry barriers are shifting from the technical (e.g., having access to visual, auditory, tactile experiences as
requirements to the willingness of and/or need for in real world). Following the ‘embodied cognition’ theory
adoption. This has been clearly demonstrated during (Barsalou, 2008), we should expect VR learning to yield better
the COVID-19 pandemic. The need for social distancing learning outcomes compared with traditional classroom learning.
and continuing education has led to online/e-learning However, empirical data suggest that there are significant
deployments within months (United Nations, 2020). individual differences in that some students benefit more than
others from VR learning. It may be that the individuals with (Boyd and Crawford, 2012; Pardo and Siemens, 2014).
higher cognitive and perceptual abilities need no additional Education records and personal data are highly sensitive.
visuospatial information (provided in VR) to succeed in There are significant risks associated with students’
learning. In any case, we need to understand how embodied educational profiles, records, and other personal data.
experiences (provided by the technology) interact with different Appropriate security measures must be adopted by
learners’ inherent abilities (as well as their prior knowledge educational institutions. Commercial educational system
and background) for the best application of the relevant providers are actively exploiting both legislative gaps
technology in education. and concealed data acquisition channels. Increasing
numbers of industry players are implementing data-
oriented business models (Geczy, 2018). There is a vital
BIG DATA AND AI IN EDUCATION: role to play for legislative, regulatory, and enforcing bodies
at both the national and local levels. It is pertinent
that governments enact, implement, and enforce privacy
Following the revolution triggered by breakthroughs in big and personal data protection legislation and measures.
data and AI technology, policy-makers have attempted to In doing so, there is a need to strike a proper balance
formulate strategies and policies regarding how to incorporate between desirable use of personal data for educational
AI and emerging technologies into primary, secondary, and purposes and undesirable commercial monetization and
tertiary education (Pedró et al., 2019). Major challenges must abuse of personal data.
be overcome in order to suitably integrate big data and AI
into educational practice. The following three segments highlight
pertinent policy-oriented challenges, gaps, and evolving trends. BIG DATA AND AI IN EDUCATION:
(1) In digitally-driven knowledge economies, traditional INDUSTRY
formal education systems are undergoing drastic changes
As scientific and academic aspects of big data and AI in education
or even a paradigm shift (Peters, 2018). Lifelong learning
have their unique challenges, so does the commercialization of
is quickly being adopted and implemented through
educational tools and systems (Renz et al., 2020). Numerous
online or project-based learning schemes that incorporate
countries have attempted to stimulate innovation-based growth
multiple ways of teaching (Lenschow, 1998; Sharples,
through enhancing technology transfer and fostering academia-
2000; Field, 2001; Koper and Tattersall, 2004). This new
industry collaboration (Huggins and Thompson, 2015). In the
concept of continual education will require micro-credits
United States, this was initiated by the Bayh-Dole Act (Mowery
or micro-degrees to sustain learners’ efforts (Manuel
et al., 2001). Building a reciprocal and sustained partnership
Moreno-Marcos et al., 2019). The need to change the
is strongly encouraged. It facilitates technology transfers and
scope and role of education will become evident in the
strengthens the links between academia and the education
near future (Williams, 2019). For example, in the next
industry. There are several points to be considered when
few years, new instruction methods, engagement, and
approaching academia-industry collaboration. It is important
assessment will need to be developed in formal education
that collaboration is mutually beneficial. The following points
to support lifelong education. The system should be based
highlight the overlapping spheres of benefits for both educational
on micro-credits or micro-degrees.
commerce and academia. They also expose existing gaps and
(2) Solutions for integrating cutting-edge research findings,
future prospects.
innovative theory-driven curricula, and emerging
technologies into students’ learning are evidently (1) Commercializing intelligent educational tools and systems
beneficial, and perhaps even ready for adoption. However, that include the latest scientific and technological advances
there is an apparent divergence between a large number of can provide educators with tools for developing more
pre-service and in-service teachers and their willingness effective curricula, pedagogical frameworks, assessments,
to support and adopt these emerging technologies (Pedró and programs. Timely release of educational research
et al., 2019). Pre-service teachers have greater exposure advances onto commercial platforms is desirable by
to modern technologies and, in general, are more willing vendors from development, marketing, and revenue
to adopt them. In-service teachers have greater practical perspectives (Renz and Hilbig, 2020). Implementation of
experience and tend to more rely on it. To bridge the the latest research enables progressive development of
gap, effective teacher education programs and continuing commercial products and distinctive differentiation for
education programs have to be developed and offered to marketing purposes. This could also potentially solve
support the adoption of these new technologies so that the significant gap between what the industry knows
they can be implemented with fidelity (O’Donnell, 2008). and develops and what the academic research says with
This issue could become even more pressing to tackle in regard to student learning. Novel features may also be
light of the extended period of the COVID-19 pandemic. suitably monetized—hence, expanding revenue streams.
(3) A suitable legislative framework is needed to protect The gaps between availability of the latest research and
personal data from unscrupulous collection, unauthorized its practical adoption are slowing progress and negatively
disclosure, commercial exploitation, and other abuses impacting commercial vendors. A viable solution is a
closer alignment and/or direct collaboration between (3) Vocational and practical education provides numerous
academia and industry. opportunities for fruitful academia-industry collaboration.
(2) A greater spectrum of commercially and freely available With the changing nature of work and growing technology
tools helps maintain healthy market competition. It adoption, there is an increasing demand for radical
also helps to avoid monopolies and oligopolies that changes in vocational education—for both teachers
stifle innovation, limit choices, and damage markets for and students (World Development and Report, 2019).
educational tools. Some well-stablished or free-of-charge Domain knowledge provided by teachers is beneficially
platforms (e.g., Moodle, LMS) might show such potential supplemented by AI-assisted learning environments
of oligopolies during the COVID-19 pandemic. With more in academia. Practical skills are enhanced in industrial
tools available on the market, educators and academics environments with hands-on experience and feedback
may explore novel avenues for improving education and from both trainers and technology tools. Hence, students
research. New and more effective forms of education may benefit from acquiring domain knowledge and enhancing
be devised. For instance, multimodal virtual educational their skills via interactions with human teachers and
environments have high potential future prospects. These trainers. Equally, they benefit from gaining the practical
skills via interactions with simulated and real-world
are environments that would otherwise be impossible in
technological environments. Effective vocational training
conventional physical settings (see previous discussion of
demands teachers and trainers on the human-learning
VR/AR). Expanding educational markets and commerce
side, and AI environments and actual technology tools on
should inevitably lead to expanding resources for research
machine-learning side. Collaboration between academia
and development funding (Popenici and Kerr, 2017).
and industry, as well as balanced human and machine
Collaborative research projects sponsored by the industry
learning approaches are pertinent for vocational education.
should provide support and opportunities for academics
to advance educational research. Controversially, in
numerous geographies there is a decreasing trend in
collaborative research. To reverse the trend, it is desirable DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
that academic researchers and industry practitioners
increase their engagements via mutual presentations, Big data and AI have enormous potential to realize highly
educations, and even government initiatives. All three effective learning and teaching. They stimulate new research
stakeholders (i.e., academia, industry, and government) questions and designs, exploit innovative technologies and
should play more active roles. tools in data collection and analysis, and ultimately become
TABLE 1 | Major challenges and possible solutions for integrating big data and AI into education.
Research • The mode of education is progressively moving from a one-size-fits-all • Adaptive educational tools and flexible learning systems will be needed
approach to precision education and individualized learning. to accommodate individual learners’ needs.
• AI research in education is currently focused on intelligent computing • The research focus on deploying AI in education needs to incorporate
technologies in a single domain. theories of cognition and knowledge about individual differences in
• The format, purpose, and meaning of machine-generated data should student learning.
be carefully designed. • A theoretical model is needed to guide the development, interpretation,
• The significant influence of AI and big data technologies is a and validation of algorithms. The data analytics must be applied with
double-edged sword. caution.
• Future studies should be aimed at using educational technologies in the
appropriate context tailored to the characteristics of individual learners.
Policy-making • In digitally-driven knowledge economies, traditional formal education • New methods of instruction, engagement, and assessment will need to
systems are undergoing drastic changes or even a paradigm shift. be developed in formal education to support lifelong education systems
• A large number of pre-service and in-service teachers are not ready to based on micro-credits or micro-degrees.
support and adopt new technologies. • Effective teacher education and continuing education programs have to
• There is a pressing need for privacy and personal data protections be designed and offered to support the adoption of these new
against unauthorized disclosure, commercial exploitation, and other technologies.
abuses. • The government must seek an optimal balance between personal data
collection and personal data protection in policy-making,
implementation, and enforcement.
Industry • The commercialization of intelligent educational tools and systems • Building a reciprocal and sustained partnership between academia and
presents a set of difficult challenges. the education industry is strongly encouraged.
• Expanding spectrum of commercially and freely available tools is • Collaborative research projects sponsored by the industry should
necessary to maintain healthy market competition. provide support for academics to advance applied research and its
• Vocational and practical trainings need radical changes to remain commercialization.
relevant and prudent. • Closer academia-industry collaboration with balanced human-oriented
and machine-assisted learning.
a mainstream research paradigm (Daniel, 2019). Nonetheless, data. Such data-intensive and technology-driven analysis of
they are still fairly novel and unfamiliar to many researchers human behavior, in real-world and simulated environments, may
and educators. In this paper, we have described the general assist teachers in identifying students’ learning trajectories and
background, core concepts, and recent progress of this rapidly patterns, developing corresponding lesson plans, and adopting
growing domain. Along with the arising opportunities, we have effective teaching strategies (Klašnja-Milicevic et al., 2017; Gierl
highlighted the crucial challenges and emerging trends of big data and Lai, 2018). It may also support teachers in tackling students’
and AI in education, which are reflected in educational research, more complex problems and cultivating students’ higher-order
policy-making, and industry. Table 1 concisely summarizes the thinking skills by freeing the teachers from their monotonous
major challenges and possible solutions of big data and AI in and routine tasks (Li, 2007; Belpaeme et al., 2018). Hence, it is
education. In summary, future studies should be aimed at theory- now imperative for us to embrace AI and technology and prepare
based precision education, incorporating cross-disciplinary our teachers and students for the future of AI-enhanced and
application, and appropriately using educational technologies. technology-supported education.
The government should be devoted to supporting lifelong The adoption of big data and AI in learning and teaching
learning, offering teacher education programs, and protecting is still in its infancy and limited by technological and mindset
personal data. With regard to the education industry, reciprocal challenges for now; however, the convergence of developments
and mutually beneficial relationships should be developed in in psychology, data science, and computer science shows great
order to enhance academia-industry collaboration. promise in revolutionizing educational research, practice, and
Regarding the future development of big data and AI, we industry. We hope that the latest achievements and future
advocate an in-depth dialog between the supporters of “cold” directions presented in this paper will advance our shared goal
technology and “warm” humanity so that users of technology of helping learners and teachers pursue sustainable development.
can benefit from its capacity and not see it as a threat to their
livelihood. An equally important issue is that overreliance on
technology may lead to an underestimation of the role of humans AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
in education. Remember the fundamental role of schooling: the
school is a great equalizer as well as a central socialization agent. HLu wrote the initial draft of the manuscript. PG, HLa, JG,
We need to better understand the role of social and affective and PL revised the drafts and provided theoretical background.
processing (e.g., emotion, motivation) in addition to cognitive SY, HO, JB, and RG contributed content for the original
processing in student learning successes (or failures). After all, draft preparation of the manuscript. C-CT provided theoretical
human learning is a social behavior, and a number of key regions focus, design, draft feedback, and supervised throughout the
in our brains are wired to be socially engaged (see Li and Jeong, research. All authors contributed to the article and approved the
2020 for a discussion). submitted version.
It has been estimated that approximately half of the
current routine jobs might be automated in the near future
(Frey and Osborne, 2017; World Development and Report, FUNDING
2019). However, the teacher’s job could not be replaced.
The teacher-student relationship is indispensable in students’ This work was financially supported by the Institute for Research
learning, and inspirational in students’ personal growth (Roorda Excellence in Learning Sciences of National Taiwan Normal
et al., 2011; Cheng and Tsai, 2019). On the other hand, University (NTNU) from the Featured Areas Research Center
new developments in technologies will enable us to collect Program within the framework of the Higher Education Sprout
and analyze large-scale, multimodal, and continuous real-time Project by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan.
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