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11 Prime Coat Rate

The prime coat shall be applied at the rate or rates directed by the Engineer following trial
runs. The rate will usually be in the range of 0.4 to 0.8 litres per square meter. A table shall
be prepared by the Contractor and amended from time to time as may be necessary to show
distributor road speeds and adjustments for the full ranges of rates of application. The table
shall be available on the work site at all times and shall enable the appropriate road speed to
be determined and the distributor adjusted for the rate of application required prior to the
commencement of any run of the distributor.

6.1.12 Width of Primed Surface

The width of primed surface shall be one hundred and fifty (150) millimeters wider on each
side than the sealed surface specified on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The
edges of the area primed shall not vary by more than + 75 millimeters from the lines
specified or directed by the Engineer.

6.1.13 Optimum Temperature

The optimum temperature of the cutback at the time of application will depend upon climatic
conditions and the equipment used but shall be in the range 3 5°C - 55°C. Heating quantities
in excess of requirements or prolonged heating at high temperatures are to be avoided. Any
material which, in the opinion of the Engineer, has been damaged by overheating shall be
rejected and shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense.

6.1.14 Application of Prime Coat

Prime coat shall be applied only when the weather is dry and when the road temperature is at
or above 18°C. Road temperature shall be measured as set out in Clause 6.1.4.

Any prescribed application shall be divided into two applications when necessary to prevent
bitumen flowing off the surface, and additional material shall be applied where surface
conditions indicate it to be necessary, if the Engineer so directs. No further courses shall be
applied until the prime coat has set and the solvent evaporated.

When so directed, the prime coat shall be applied in lanes of approximately one half of the
width of the completed surface. A lane of prime coat shall be applied, allowed to penetrate
not less than 4 hours, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, then covered with blotter
material if required, and opened to traffic before prime coat is applied to the adjacent lane.
When applying blotter material to the first treated lane, a strip at least 200 millimeters wide
shall be left uncovered where the two lanes join to permit a slight overlap of the prime

6.1.15 Adjacent Trees and Structures

The surfaces of structures and trees adjacent to the area being treated shall be protected in
such a manner as to prevent their being spattered or marred. No bituminous material shall be
discharged into a stone pitched or concrete lined side drain.
6.1.16 Traffic Restrictions

Traffic shall not be permitted on the primed surface until the bituminous material has
penetrated and dried and, in the opinion of the Engineer, will not be picked up by the traffic.
Where the Engineer deems it impractical to reroute traffic, the Contractor shall spread the
minimum quantity, as approved by the Engineer, of blotter material necessary to avoid
picking up, and traffic shall be allowed to use areas so treated. Any areas containing an
excess or deficiency of priming material shall be corrected by the addition of sand or prime
as directed by the Engineer. Should any break occur in the surface the area affected shall be
cut out and made good as directed by the Engineer. All repairs and corrections of faulty work
shall be carried out at the expense of the Contractor.

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