Kinght Sun Path v1.2-ENG
Kinght Sun Path v1.2-ENG
Kinght Sun Path v1.2-ENG
The sun is unforgiving in this lifeless vast sand. The sun never sets, the heat
Cards Shuffle the Major Arcana. Draw 2 cards face-down, this is a
The Knight,
The Sun,
never ceases, the sand never lets you die. Do you live? Chapter. Three Chapters is a Journey. Add/reduce chapters if you like.
Your armor protects you from harm. Or at least that’s what you believe. The meaning of the cards may/will differ from regular tarot readings.
It limits what you can do, but it’s an acceptable price. For how long? If the name of the Arcana differs from yours, stick to the number.
The Path
You search for a way out. What’s the real prison? Chapters The duration for each Journey is different: at Desert, each
Chapter takes 1 month; at Path, 1 day; Haven, 1 moment.
What This is a solo journaling game about overcoming, self-discovery
Also, for each Chapter, check the number of the left and right cards.
and leaving the pain behind. You play as a knight wandering in the
desert in search for a safe haven. • Both are Even The chapter involves another person or creature Diego Barreto
• Both are Odd The chapter involves an object or place
Safety The prompts may lead you to journal about serious topics. If • Other The chapter feels unreal or fantastical
the content of your journaling becomes uncomfortable, take a step back
and come back later or adjust. If you draw a card about a prompt that Journeys The game happens during 3 Journeys. Desert, Path and
you do not want to journal about, discard it and draw a different card. Haven. During a Journey, deal 6 cards face-down and do the following:
• Read the Journey Description.
Material To play you’ll need: • Reveal a Chapter
• The 22 Major Arcana of a Tarot deck OR a twenty-sided die (ignore • Read the prompts for the cards for that Journey
the 0 and XXI cards (Fool and World) an reroll repeats) • Create a story with that cards, write it on the Knight sheet
• The Knight Sheet OR any piece of paper (and ways to write on it) • Repeat for the next 2 Chapters
A Journey ends, reshuffle all cards, describe where you arrive to the next
Journey, repeat for the next 2 Journeys. Para mo
Check the value of the 2 cards Both Even Person or creature Both Odd Object or place Other Seems unreal or fantastical