Evs All Co's Assignment 2024
Evs All Co's Assignment 2024
Evs All Co's Assignment 2024
Assignment Covering all four CO’s for 8 Marks (UNIT 1,2, 3 & 4)
Q1 (a) Explain the multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies.
(b)What are the three types of Ecological pyramids. Also explain about the limitations of
Ecological pyramids.
Q2. (a) What is Thermal Pollution? Explain about the various sources of Thermal Pollution.
(b) How you will define Disaster Management? What measures should be taken to mitigate
Flood disaster. [5+5]
Q3. (a) What are Wastelands? Discuss three advantages that can be derived from Wasteland
(b) What is meant by Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)? Why is it necessary to have EIA
before the development of any project.
Q4. (a)What is AIDS? What are the basic modes of transmission of HIV infection.
(B) What are the problems effecting the Women and Child Welfare Program in India.