Icses 24 T3 1047
Icses 24 T3 1047
Icses 24 T3 1047
4th S. Giriprasad
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur
Chennai, India
[email protected]
Temporal Sequence Analysis Using LSTM (Long Anomaly Detection and Postprocessing:
Short-Term Memory):
With setting up the autoencoder by using the
While the CNN handles the spatial features in reconstruction error as a threshold, the system
individual frames, the LSTM network is used to calculates that a particular event belongs to an
capture the temporal dynamics (i.e., the progression anomaly. Like normally, this value of threshold is
of events over time). LSTMs are ideal for obtained by determining the 95th percentile from the
understanding sequences because they can reconstruction errors watched during training on
remember long-term dependencies between frames. normal behaviors. Whenever it exceeds the
The LSTM processes sequences of frames (typically threshold limit concerning reconstruction error of a
in batches of 32 frames). It learns the flow of events frame, it considers it to be an anomaly. After the
and detects if an anomaly disrupts the expected system has picked a potential anomaly, the filters are
sequence. For example, if a person suddenly runs in applied in the process of postprocessing to rule out
an area where people normally walk slowly, the false positives. Such minor variations as changes of
LSTM will flag this as an anomaly based on the lighting or camera shake lead to false positives;
deviation from the usual pattern. LSTM detects therefore, the system filters focus on major
anomalies not just by looking at single frames, but anomalies. When detected anomalies are needed for
by understanding how the frames transition over clear illustration in video shots, the system uses the
time. Sudden, unexpected changes in motion or bounding boxes around areas of interest, for
behavior (such as a car speeding into a parking lot) instance, where a person is detected crossing a
are detected by looking at the flow of frames. restricted area. This would allow security personnel
to determine any abnormality in real-time or when
reviewing the footage afterwards
We test the system on the UCSD dataset that
contains different normal and abnormal video events.
From our results, we see that it is highly effective to
use autoencoder-based methods for anomaly
detection. The system achieved a precision of 90% and
a recall of 88%. These metrics confirm that the system
detected most anomalies while keeping false positives
low. Fig. 6: Accuracy
Precision measures the number of actually detected
anomalies, out of all detected anomalies, whereas
recall is a measure of the number of true anomalies
found by the respective system. So, F1-score as the
harmonic mean of precision and recall was used here
for evaluation purposes.
Fig. 7: Precision
Fig. 8: Recall
Fig. 9: Specificity
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