Biosafety Cabinet PPM Checklist

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Biosafety Cabinet Preventative Maintenance


NSF/ANSI 49 Annex E.9 states “The current lifespan of a BSC is approximately 15 years.” However, how a
Biosafety Cabinet (BSC) is used will impact its lifespan. Does the BSC run 24/7, daily or as needed? What type
of facility or laboratory environment is it used in? What procedures or protocols are used within the BSC?
What cleaning procedure and materials are used? All have an impact on BSC lifespan.

Because of the wide variance of answers to the questions above, Nuaire recommends periodic Preventative
Maintenance (PM) review of BSC mechanical, electrical and safety systems to assure maximum product
performance. Since BSC’s are certified at a minimum annually for critical performance per NSF/ANSI 49 Annex
F and EN12469 Annex J, PM review can be accomplished during or as a part of the certification process. Just
as the certification process monitors and reports HEPA filter loading/life, review of mechanical, electrical
and safety systems can reduce the probability of part degradation before any breakdown or failure occurs.

Preventative Maintenance Review

As with the certification process, the key to PM is to develop a record of critical parts and systems during
the certification/PM review process. The PM review can start with safety systems or the site installation
assessment tests as required per NSF/ANSI 49 Annex F.7. The site installation assessment tests require the
certifier to review and test the safety functions for sash, exhaust/interlock and airflow alarms. The record or
reporting function for the site installation assessment tests are a required part of the certification report.
The additional PM review record can be part of or an addition to the certification report.

To develop a record of the critical parts and systems, Nuaire recommends the first PM review to be
performed after 5 years of use, followed by 10 years of use and lastly 15 years of use and every year after
that. Being the stated lifespan of a BSC is approximately 15 years, an annual review of older BSC’s is
required to monitor part and system degradation to assure the critical nature of biological/chemical
containment performance is maintained.

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NuAire, Inc. | 2100 Fernbrook Lane | Plymouth, MN 55447 | U.S.A | ph: 763.553.1270 | fx: 763.553.0459 | tf: 800.328.3352 |
Component/System Review Criteria and Score Rating

Each component and/or system should be visually inspected looking for any degradation or ware in respect to
its function. Below is a list of observation/inspection criteria per category.

Electrical: Ware on electrical components is brought on by heat, age and usage. All electrical components can
be reviewed for adverse conditions starting with discoloration due to heat. Wires, connectors, terminal blocks,
switches becoming yellow/brown burnt looking. Power cord should be checked to be sure the ground pin is
present as well as the pins being clean with no corrosion or arc marks. If using an infrared thermometer, all
electrical components should not have a temperature higher than 167°F (75°C). If any of the above adverse
conditions are observed during the visual inspection, it be noted as to the level or severity and remain at a
minimum on a reoccurring inspection plan for future review and replacement.

Mechanical: Ware on mechanical components is typically brought on by usage and age. Sash balance review
should be a visual check when the sash is moving reviewing the cord, pulley, spring and housing. If any ware to
the cord or excessive housing movement is noted, the sash balances should be replaced. Base stands should
be checked for stability and fasteners are tight. Auto base stands have a separate PM review and check per
Nuaire Technical Bulletin PTB0351. The BSC work surface and grills should be reviewed for stability and
cleanliness for unimpaired airflow. The paper catch under the work surface and behind the rear divider panel
so also be checked and clear of obstructions (i.e. paper, wrappers). Service valves should be checked for
operation and leakage. Hardware and fasteners can be visually checked for presence and tightness.

Safety (alarms): Safety alarms should be checked as required part site installation assessment tests as per
NSF/ANSI 49 Annex F.7. Sash or window alarms, low exhaust alarms if a canopy is used, exhaust interlock
alarm for type B BSC’s and airflow alarms.

Score rating:

N/A - Component/system not present or applicable

1 – Good: This score indicates that the reviewed item meets minimum requirements and
replacement is not expected before the next review.

2 – Fair: This score indicates that the reviewed item meets the minimum requirements,
however, some degradation is noted and will need to be replaced in one to two years.

3 – Poor: This score indicates that the reviewed item doesn’t meet the minimum
requirements and needs immediate action to prevent component/system failure.

STB0377| Rev1 February/2020 Page 2 of 3

NuAire, Inc. | 2100 Fernbrook Lane | Plymouth, MN 55447 | U.S.A | ph: 763.553.1270 | fx: 763.553.0459 | tf: 800.328.3352 |
BSC Preventive Maintenance Inspection Report

Customer Information BSC Information

Customer: Manufacturer:
Address: Model:
Serial Number:
City, State, Zip: Manufacture Date:
Contact: BSC Age:
Phone: Location:
Email: BSC ID:

Inspection Criteria

Score Component/System Score Component/System

Control Panel Wiring Power Cord
Terminal Blocks Main Control Board
Connectors/Wire Nuts Fuses/Circuit Breakers
Blower Switch FL/LED Tombstones
UV Tombstones Outlet Switch
Sash Height Switches

Facility Line Voltage: AC Hz; Motor Type: AC DC
Speed Control Voltage: AC/DC; AC Motor Current:
BSC Total Amperage:

Inspection Criteria
Mechanical/Safety (alarms)

Score Component/System Score Component/System

Sash Balances Sash Balance connections
Base stand (fixed) Base Stand (auto)
Work Surface/Grills Paper Catch
Service valve Hardware/Fastener
Airflow Alarms Exhaust Interlock Alarm
Exhaust/Transition Alarm Sash Alarms

Score Rating
N/A – Component/System Not Applicable; 1 - Good; 2 - Fair; 3 - Poor


Performed by (Company/Technician): Date:

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NuAire, Inc. | 2100 Fernbrook Lane | Plymouth, MN 55447 | U.S.A | ph: 763.553.1270 | fx: 763.553.0459 | tf: 800.328.3352 |

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